Exeter Advocate, 1914-9-10, Page 54.0
D'f PPTAit,
Dr. G. • 8'. ROItJDST,ON, L,D,S„
Member of 'the zi C.D,S. of Ontario and
HonorGraduate of Toronto riniverediri
Office -Over Dickson & Carling's' lawl
Attlee. Closed :Wednesday afternoons.
DR. A. R.' KINSMAN, L,D 0:, p.D,,S;,
Honor 'Graduate or Toronto Un'vel•a32y'
Teeth extracted without pati,aor. an7•
'had effects, OWde over Gled}Pant
'Stanbury's OPf;ce, Maden Street, xeter.
sSoi>eltors, Notaries', Conveyancers, Cera-
m wormers. Solicitors 'for t .e Moleonn
Bank. etc.
'Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices -Main -St., Exeter
t. R. Carltng,B.A. L. H, Dickson
we have a'1arge amount of private
'funds: to loan on farm and vintage prop-
.erUes at low rates of interest.,
Sari, ;ster s Solteitors, ''Exeter,:
Life, l'i're, Accldt,ut and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
'•durttng:auotion, Bales. - . Exeter, Ont.
THE sole head of a family, or a,n
wale over 18,years'old, may hmestead
a quarter -section of available•''Domin-
ion land in Manitoba, • Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant 'nest appear
lit persaa at the Dominion ?.ands
ency of Sub -Agency' ,fthe„; Dis-
trict. Entry may be made at any
Dominion Lands . Agency (but • not.
Sub -Agency)'` on certain conditions.
uitiee .Six monthe' residence upon
an Cultivation of the land in each of
three years. A homesteader may live -
within sine miles of his, homestead cn
a f&nof at least 80 acres, on certain
colitions. A habitable House is re-
aired ist every case, except when i e-
sidence iii pagessned in the vicinity.
oertaiaa dfaliWts a homesteader in
good anon may pre-empt a quarter
sdctton alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi-
dence in each of three.•years after
earning: homestead patent; also 50
acres extra etrltivation. Pre-emption
patent may be Obtained as soon as
homestead patent, on certain condi-
A settler who has exhausted his
homestead afght maytake a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must re-
side 6 months_ in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50 acres, attd- erect a house
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in ca a of rough, scrub-
by or stony. land. Live stock may be
- ` substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Miintster of the Interior
N.B: 1i nauah rized Quint ea of
this advertisement will, not .be paid for.
gu`1atEing Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for
$10. Sold at ail Drug Stores, of ingled to any
addressonreceipt of price. Tits ScOBELL DRVe
0o,;St. Catharines, Ontario.
Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey
matter";a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price, ' Tis SCOBELL. DBVC+ Co., St. Catharines.
is a school with a continental repu-
tation for high grade work and for the
success of its graduates, a school
with superior courses and instructors
We give individual attention in Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
Departments. Why attend elsewhere
wher there is room here?. Youmay
enter at any time. Write for our
large free catalogue
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
EFFICIENCY first, last and all the
time is the chief feature of the cour-
ses of instruction in the
ouag , and Charles Sts.,' Toronto -
Yes, our graduates succeed. They
have the habit. Write for catalogue.
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marvel whDouc ieirling s ray
Ask your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL, 'kept no
• other, but send stamp for Illus-.
Crated book—sealed. It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Windsor, Ont.
General Agents for Canada.
Account "Western Farr
Prom Kingston, Renfrew and stat -
Iona west thereof in Canada; also
D&Olt and Port Huron, Mich,.
t Fare and One -Third Sept 11-12
Spec Excursion Days Sept” 15-16.17
Special train for London will leave.
Exeter 8.02 a,m: Sept 15-16-17,
Return limit September 21, 1914.
Round trip tickets to points in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta,
via, Chicago, St, Paul or Duluth, cin
sale each Tuesday until October 27,"
r inclusive at low fares.
Return limit two months,
particulars from Grand "Trunk Ticket
Y.. J, DOTE, L'teter,
,. Auction Sale ' NEWttopits
There will be sold by public auc-
tion on LOT 4, CON, 6, STEPHEN,
cwt FRIDAY, SEPT, 18, 1914, at
1 o'clock the following, -
Horses -1 gelding, 6 years old; 1
filly 6 years ; gelding 3 years 1 geld-
inw 2 years ; filly 3 years; filly 2 -year
and filly 1 year,
Cattle -6 tnilch cows 4 supposed
to be in calf; 2 steers, two year old,;
3 steers one year old; 3 heifers one
year old., 6 calves ,
Pigs and Fowl. -8 young pigs, about
80 lbs; 1 sow; 100 hens..
Implements -Binder, new drill, dise
harrow hay loader, side delivery; hay
rake 2 furrow plow; walking plow;
Ianroller. harro' g. wagon, buggy,
wagon box, ,pig rack,hay rack, cut -
tint: box new; grindstone, fanning -
mill, sleighs. windmill, water trough
new single and double harness, cul-
tivator. and numerous other articles,
There will also be offered for sale
the above named lot consisting of
10; acres of first-class land. There
is oali the premises a brick house with
fa arne kitchen, good bank barn, pig
pen -driving shed, good fences, about
six acres of hard wood bush; weli
watered; the land is well drained and
in a good state of . cultivation, This
farm is well located being situate 11,4
mile.; south of Crediton, and 'in .a most
desirable property.
Terms -Chattels, sums of $5 and
undea cash; over that amount 12 mos,.
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
ptoved joint notes.. 5 per cent. off
for cash 'on credit amounts,
Terms - of. Real estate trade known
oat day of sale,.
Auction Sale
'-There will. be sold by public .auc-
Lot 14, N•,orth Boundary Stephen,
3 Miles East of Dashwood, on
-"WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16, .1914
at one o'clock sharp, the following
1orses-Brood mare supposed to 'be
in' foal to Southport; team grey Per-
cheror mares, rising 3 arid '4; gelding
prising 3, sired by Southport; filly Per-
'cheron rising 3;. gelding rising 2; driv
er 7 years old, quiet and reliable; fil-
ly foal sired by ' Southport4
• Cattle -4 caws ,supposed to be in
calf :'4 two-year-old steers; 4 year-
lings :..4 spring calves:
Hogs -2 brood sows with litter at
foot .
AbouO. 60 hens and flock turkeys,_
Implements -McCormick binder and
mower, Cockshutt disc drill, new; Ol-
ive: bean and corn cultivator; new;
Manr cultivator, cutting box, root
pulper, 2 No. 13 plows; 2 -furrow plow
sec reversjbleharrows, stuffier, truck
wagaa, light' wagon, top buggy, cut-
ter. bobsleighs; two sets double( har-
ness 2 sets single harness, pea; 'harv-
ester sulky rake', National Cream Sep-
arator. fence ' weaving machine, wire
stretcher extension ladder, wheelbar-
row wagon and gravel box, hay rack,
fanning mill 2000 lb. scales, grain bags
forks, chains,whiffletrees, neckyokes
and other articles too numerous to
mention; also a quantity of hay and..
seed oats if not sold before sale; 7
acres beans in field; a quantity • of
split wocid • number of cedar posts;
numerous household effects.
Terms -All sums of $10 and under
cash; aver that amount 12 months'
credit on approved joint notes. • A
discount. of 4 .per cent, off for cash
on credit amounts. Hay, grain and
beasts ' cash, All , the above will be
sold as'the proprietor has, sold his
W. E. SANDERS, Prop.
'The few cents that can be saved by
buying goods away from home; is in-
juring your community to the extent
o.E many dollars by retarding progress
anlc'' the increased valuation of all
kind.. of property, including your
own Stand together, and altogether
all Will prosper. ' Divide and nrosper-
ity'will flee: You know what the Bi-
ble says that "a house divided a=
gainst itself cannot stand.'
Neuritis Follows
Crippled Nerves
Painful Effects of Chrinic Rheumat-
ism Quickly Routed by Rheuma.
. IL• your nerves are all crippled from
attack,. of Rheumatism, Neuritis can
easily ' get a strong hold on the nerves
This most painful disease is one of
tht, hardest known to expel, nut
RHEUMA can reach it if given a
chance. This testimony is positive
proof, -
"Last March I was so crippled with
Neuritis in left limb I could walk
scarcely at all. Tried all remedies 'I
heard of and had two physicians. Noth
ing did me any good : until I •:tsed
RHEUMA--$2.00 worth of your med-
icines surely cured me. -Mrs. C. E.
Hayes, Russell, Ky..
W S. Cole will return your : money;
if it fails • 50 cents a bottle.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
2,404re_ _.
Y, is 0. A. i3LAG,. .
Students assisted to positions. College
in session front Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any' time.
J.W. Westervelt J. %Westervelt, Jr.
Principal lilChancre
v ee Pri Accountant
IMpertant Events Which have
Occurred Oaring the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings. Care."
Compiled and Put Into
Handy' and Attractive Shape for
the pleaders of Oar Paper—A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
The palace of tho Bishop of L'lan-
daft, just outside Cardiff, Wales,•
has been destroyed by fire,
Emperdecoraor tion Williamof the Ihas ron conferCrossred.
first class, upon Gen. Von Linden -
burg. •
It is denied emphatically in Lon-
don by members of the Turkish em-
bassy that Turkey intends to" enter
the general European' war,
The Japanese have occupied two
other islands within, the • German'
sphere at Kiaochau. They are Talic-
kao and Tekungtao. These islands
had not been occ'tpied by the Ger-
Offlcial•announcement was made in
Paris yesterday to the effect that the
Minister of War has decided to cal)
out immediately all reservists in the,
country who have not been previously
summoned to the ,.dors.
Announcement lb 'made that the
Japanese Governme"nt will ask' ;the
Dist for an appropriation of 56,000,-
000 yen (bout ,$28,000,000) for a
war /and and' 10,000,000 ($5;000,-
000), with which to build destroyers
The. -4:611 -known sportsman; Capt
Fulke' ` Walwih 'is ' amongst '••. the
wounded who••farr'iire'd -in 'London.
Capt. Walwin, who belonged to the
Royal Irish Fusiliers, received his
D.S.O. after ' the relief 01 Tienstin`
during the Boxer troubles in China.
B. B. Kelliher, of Montreal,. chief
engineer of the. G.T.R.,; bas resigned.
The prince of Wales; relief.; fan&
passed the $10,000,000 mark yester-..
Vice -President . Marshall, of the,
U. S.; authorized a published state-
ment yesterday that. President Wilson
would be a candidate for re-election.
Floods resulting from recent ty-
phoons have inundated two-thirds of
Manila, P.I.; causing. enormous losses.
Conditions are alarming. Thousands
have been driven from their homes.
As Morris Thurston, 'of Dunsford,
near Lindsay, was taking his loaded
gun out of his boat atter duck shoot-
ing it went off. He was shot in the
arm and chest and died several hours
Clad only in night attire, scores of
summer boarders "at the Colonial
Arins• Hotel, at Deep Brook, N.S.,
narrowly escaped death early yester-
day when the hotel was destroyed
with a loss of $40;0.00.
Word has just been received of
the death in action of Lieut. Bertram
Denison of the-'i'{ing's Own Yorkshire
Light Infantry. He was a son of Ad-
miral. John Denison,'a brother of Col.
Geo. T. Denison; of Toronto.
Montreal's treasury is empty and
city employes got no salary when it
fell due yesterday.
Prince 'William of Wied quit his
new" Kingdom of Albania yesterday,
t..king`passage for Venice on the Ital-
ian steamer Misurala. •
A mysterious explosion, the cause
of which is unknown, partly wreck-
ed the first floor of a three storey
brick building at 801 Gerrard street,
Toronto, at 6.45 last evening.
Wounded French officers who arrfv-
ed in Paris yesterday from the front
declared that thousands of Germans
had been trapped in marshes in the
forest of Compiegne and cut to
The famous painting by Rubens,
"The Adoration of the Magi," has
reached Antwerp in safety, having
been removed from St. John's Church
in Malines before the Germans ap-
The Chinese Foreign Office' yester-
day made formal protest to the Jap-
anese and British legations against
the violation. of China's neutrality in-
volved in the landing of a Japanese
force at Lung -Kew.
The death of James Amell, stn old
resident• of the south branch, occur
red in Cornwall yesterday. Born in
Three Rivers, Que., most of his life
was spent in the Township and Tori'.
of Cornwall. He was within two
months of 100 years old.
The exodus from Paris to Switzer-
land has begun. Switzerland is per-
feztly quiet. The crops are good and
there is plenty of food.
A movement is on foot in military
circles .0 have the Government of
raakatchewan organiz and equip for
active service a cavalry regiment.
The detective department of the
Montreal police announced yesterday
'that four wireless .stations had been
dismantled. Two wore conducted by
Within an hour after the opening
yesterday of the recruiting office for
Ulster Volunteers, 700 men of the
North Belfast Regi -rent had enrolled
for foreign service.
During the fast trip made by the
C. N. R. steamer Royal Edward, 310
American passe gers subscribed and
paid over $1,200 as a contribution to
Candian•Patriotie Fund.
Passe gerli on a C. N. R. train had
a miraculouai escape from death when
the train jumped the track at Enter-
tain, near .Kingston. Two coaches
toppled oi*er, bilt the passengers es-
caped with a severe slaking up.
Hon. W, r. Hanna, who returned
yesterday from a flying trip to the
"stew asylumbuildings at Whitby, re,,
ports that the construction work is
progressing splendidly, and that the
cottage colony ultimately planend, is
already being shown in outline.
A despatch, to the Havas Agency
from Rinne says that the Pope re-
ceived the members of the 'diploma-
tic corps yesterday,
Ilenryk Sienkiewicx, the Polish
author, has issued an appeal to the
Austrian Poles to fight with Russia.
[rue Vadis wicz is the author Of
despatch to. the Raves .Agency
Min Petrograd says the political
prisoners in Lemberg, Galicia, were
set at liberty by the Russians soon
after they entered the city,
'The most daring and sensational
robbery ever pulled off in North Bay
took Place early Saturday morning
when the safe of J. H, Taylor, baker,
was rifled and robbed to the extent
Of $625.
Five persons narrowly escaped
death when the Voyar, a private
pleasure motor boat Cruising on the
St, Lawrence river, with the owner
and four other persona aboard, took
fire from a defer:•ve gasoline piping,
and was destroyed.
It is declared in Paris that when
a German airman flew over Beifort
last Thursday and .dropped bombs
Inside the fortifications, one fell on
the Red Crosshospital and badly
damaged it, further injuringthree
wounded soldiers.
"A new violation of the laws of
war has been committed by the Ger-
mans. The military governor of
Brussel has forced the civil guards,
although disarmed, to help on the
Work of the fortifications of the city,
especially trench -digging."
Sir Adam Beck at Listowel Satur-
day concluded his horse -purchasing
trip for the Canadian contingent. Sir
Adam, in conjunction with Major
Schofield, of London, Eng., will now
devote his attention to the' purchase
of remounts for the Imperial army.
British Cruiser Ia' victim of Mine
And, -About 210 Men Drown:
LONDON, Sept. 8. --It is learned.
on reliable authority that the captain
and fifty of the `crew '^of.the British
cruiser Pathfinder, : which was sunk
by a mine in the North Sea, have
been saved.
It was 'officially '•given out last
night, that four mon were killed and.,
tbirtee:‘ wounded, andr='that•242;=men••
are ' missing; of the missing'' about
fifty have been picked; up.
The destruction of ; the Pathfinder
occurred about . four' o,'clook Satur
day afternoon at a point ten miles
northeast of St. Abb's Head. Scot-
While she was patrolling the coast
the cruiser struck a mine which ex-
ploded near her magazine. Trawlers
10 miles distant felt the shock. From
Eyemouth, 14 miles from' the scene
of the explosion, a huge cloud of
smoke was visible on the horizon.
A : torpedo-boat, destroyer was the
first to the rescue. She was followed
by the St. Abb's motor lifeboat.
The Pathfinder was literally
blown to pieces, and the sea was
strewn with the wreckage.
The devastating effect of the ex-
plosion on the Pathfinder is empha-
sized in the report of Coxswain Nis-
bet.of the St. Abb's motor lifeboat,
whish first arrived to .give assist-
ance. 'He says that for a mile and a
half the water was strewn with
wreckage of every - conceivable de-
A message received in London
states that in addition to the motor
lifeboat several steam drifters hur-
ried to the spot where the Pathfind-
er sank, and adds that it is learned
on reliable authority that the cap-
tain of the Pathfinder and some 50
or 60 of his crew were saved.
About ninety of the crew of the
Pathfinder, dead and wounded, were
picked up by torpedo boats and tak-
en to a hospital at the naval base.
Capt. Leake and several other offi-
cers were saved. According to an
official announcement the casualties'
among the officers were one killed,
nine missing, one seriously wounded
and one slightly wounded.
The Pathfinder was built for
scouting purposes and was very' fast.
She re-entered the service last Octo-
ber and was reported a short time
ago as having engaged a German
Doctor Charged. With Murder of
Blanche Yorke Now In Custody.
TORONTO, Sept. 8.—Dr. Clifford
K. Robinson, charged with the mur-
der of Miss Happy Yorke, of Tam-
worth, surrendered himself to Pro-
vincial 'Detective Greer yesterday
morning .at 10 o'clock. The officer
and the much -wanted doctor met by
appointment on the steps of the city
hall. During the time between his
disappearance on or about July 18
Dr. Robinson has been In Ontario.
Until seven or eight days ago he was
at Kingston; then he came to To-
ronto and stayed at his brother's
home. Detective ' Greer was put in
charge of the Tamworth 'ease- when
the body was found in the doctor's
house, Within a few days':,agohe
suspected Dr. Robinson was' with re-
latives in and near Kingston and
through friends of the doctor be-
gan negotiations for his surrender
voluntary yesterday.
In giving himself ii Dr. Robinson
said he wanted to be„ ,relieved of the
nerve -straining suspense 'to come
forward voluntary was ;a relief. In
a signed statement he, ay"owed ,his in-
nocence. In part heN•stated:
"If Blanche Yorke could speak she
would tell the world that.I waaInno-
cent of wrong -doings put. upon. an-
other man should 'rest a; v'ery'heavy
burden. I have not "desire: to. Conceal
the truth,n
and whe„.the '`tittle: comes
for me in court to give eVidence in
pay behalf, I am certain that I will.
be able to satisfy the court of my
T. C. Robinette, IK.C,, has been
retained to defend . Dr. Robinson,
whose, trial will likely be set for the
fait assizes°,att Natianee, Sept. 22. , A
remand whir, robably be .Marie until
the spring sittibg. The`•:, li'i ovineial
authorities have ";their`. case ready
now. "We have a; good case against
him," said Detective Greer.
Since the time of the crime Dr.
Robinson has undergone a change.
E1e is frailer and pale -looking. His
three brothers, John W. William;
and George accompanied him yes-
.The Se ret of Health
is Elimination of Waste
7 EverY business gran knows ligOili_tldgpl it is'to keep the pigeon holes and drawers.
of his deskfr a froth the accumuiatiou o ueeless papers. Every housewife knows
how dlmcult it is tat keep her dtglue free from the accumulation of all m er
of useless things. So it la with the. body. It is difficult to keep it free.from
accumulation of waste natter,. 'Unless the waste is promptly: eliminated the machin-
ery of the body soon becomes clogged.. This is the beginning of most hussars ilia.
R. MRCS' -
On Tel►144ar
Assists the stomach in the proper digestion of.food, which .is turned into health -
sustaining blood and all poisonous waste matte r is speedily disposed of through
Nature's channels. It makes men and women clear-headed and able -bodied -restores.
to them the health and strength-bf yquth.. Now is the time for your rejuvenation.
Send 50 cents for a trial box of this medicine.
Send 31 one•cept stains for: Dr. Pieree'ii Common Sense Medical
Adviser -10O8 pages-.wo th $2. Always handy incase of family Wneas.
Mrs Walter Hobkirk has • eturned.
fr ern the West, where she 'las Tient
th pas few weeks, -Miss Dorothy
N :1 Doneli left for Parkhill to attend
High School. -Mrs. Moir from Maasi-
tob°t has joined her husband, Dr. Alex.
Moir. who has been visiting relatives
hers, for the past moltth,-Miss. Flor-
ence Reynolds, who has been slrend-
ing the, past couple months, with hLr•.
parents' Mr. and Mrs, W.H. Reynolds
left cin Friday morning last for .Cal-
gauy;-Mrs. C. Nicholls and daughter
returned to London, after spending: a
few days with, tier aunt, Mrs..; Suth-
erland.-Miss. Beatrice Reynolds is
holidaying in St, George. -The pres-
byterial and. presbytery meeting held
here Tuesday, Sept. 8, and at,: the
evening meeting Mr. Ben Smillie; was
ordained and Miss Smillie dedicated
to foreign mission twrk in alis,:
Mrs. Johns who hasbeen visiting .ler
mother Mrs.. Harry Cook, returned on
Monday to her home in Guelph, -,Mr,
G C Petty returned hoiile from the
Vies' last week. -Mrs, Milne Rennie
has resumed her duties as: organist in
Carmel Presbyterian Church, -Mrs,
Jornes Moore is home after a month's
visit in Ne* York.
If you are troubled with weak, tired
>eelings, headache, backache, bearing
down: sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the
sides regularly or irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements, sense of
fallingormisplacement of internal, organs,
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot flashes, dark rings wadi: the eyes,
or a loss of interest in life.; I invite you
to write and ask for my simple method of
home: treatment, with ten days' trial
entirely free and postpaid, also references
to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how
theyhave regained health, strength, and :
happiness by this method. Write to -day.
itddress : Mrs. M. Sumfners, Box.. 840
Windsor, Ont.
e leveY r
u Mind of the woz-
dental to appointing an andivsdual"as -trustee of your estarieste,2nci- such
Wil'1 .he live to fulfil the trust? Will he fall ill or be away
'when Most wanted? Will he neglect his trust for his own affairs?
Will he prove Unfaithful?
These are all possibilities. But,you may leave 'them out of
eonsidgration in entrusting the administration of your estate to
this strong, conservative Company.
Call er write for all-infornaation desired..
SIR GEO. GIBBONS, B.C., President JOHN S. MOORE, Manazer
LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts:
can legally order from this brewery whatever they
require for personal or family use. Write to
/AA,nAA/AA .tannnnnnnnn .. Pant nnnnnnnmnnnlieRl
2► iilNEAIMll litit
Burning The Midnight Oil
11 E thinker knows that a light,
digested and assimilated food
is conducive to hard mental work.
His knowledge of what is good
for him leads straight to
Be sure of the right signature, 10c per p eltae;