HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-9-10, Page 4You can cook to the. fuli capacity • of the top
and bake an oven full of•good things With a
zy at the..satne time. Many exclu-
sive featuresy .you should know .;.
'bout. Let the McClary dealer show you. 85
Sold by T. Ea,Wkins & Son
,:N._te %."01.10
fan ler.. & Creech, Proprietor -
• _? ;pretty wedding took place at the
1, advance Senn per vet- . •n .c anada. home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm: J. Dixon,
$1 51 in United States. If not Haid McGillnaeey, ode August 29, at 10 a.m.
in advance 50c, extra per year may whet bliss Annie Laura. Meadd, the
he charged " '' yoangest slaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Clark of Crediton, and Mr, Earl
Sheldon. Furtney were united in mar-
TIi rHr nAI:, ,5`,'[Y,,pjt• . ]•r>�, ? 14i,rifrge
f; Landon. and Stratliro played y p ) d a base
AND �'= vols genie here' on Labor„Day morning
..e. ,t,,. ` lithe �'ictary going to:' Strathroy. In
If a town 'like Exeter , �es;. net, t1 ''attcrnootn the locals played Strath
reach after the trade' it "`ill;,:;°ame rise '.the latter again, winning( 4 g urn ng( cwt, ,a1.,
as fast as it has, to. Rue tfi cttr;dater- 'thew.
Crediton had a lead of 4-0 on
chants gc' after the busingss,, P .: the their a' one stage of the game.
surrotincling country,aiivertts.ir{g to e�*- i Mr Frank and Chris. Finkbeiner
cry way_ possible, and maks ,.'good ,�"nzxnt Sunday at their home, here.
ever word of their advertising, grade =Miss Madeline Bertrand and. Miss
will come from aru . ever ;ttie x _ s:ng 'vim Hb' Sebtann have returned from a
radius the town will `gain a or do .Mail in Sebringville.
for being awake, and it will ekge fe , Mist Martha Weazel`has returrned
the £roxtt from Detroit,
•W1GIr . Gottfreicl Geiser left this week
If you should tiiides take .o -ter -write- '-RE Herb Eilber
a jet tee to a{i:,absent friend every a eek and family', tuccoare
tellingliiriZ .all, the news,pafapc by Mrs. d en. Beaver, are
Y , h t,�aul mpi'ti.g at. Grand Bend
ge• a faint idea of tiff; task set prelyar .J„ he Ladies Aid
of eu
ing a newspaper. Many el aur towns ev here served lunches nch es the two
hes and tea
people recognize this; ai:d take pleas= en tMorlockra
me in giving items o4 hews- • 4 4t. ` at1 Cge in behalfof the
helps us acnd is appreciated. ratsirorg about
out $Ftx$d5 and succeeeded fn
75,. while the children
-^+- :raises $23 in selling flags for the same
We try to print all the attitiea that r •
are news, or that will, encourage, help
or cheer any of ourcitizens along
life's ragged road. We all doiaitlese
would enjoy reading all the 3.ews. .Quite a numberm this 1
when• its about the other fellow; but orality
are attending Toronto Exhibition.
cu policy is to turn over to%tlie, go"s=. Mr and Mrs. Wood of London vis -
sips the spreading of scandels, that.. iters ,c er the holiday
only leave sorrows in their'traia , : sfil•Ylsai with the Misses
—o-- ;Mi Goddard of Lo
L. Ontario, when a hnusband_7' 'dies` few da with London spent Mitchell a
W=ithout making a will and leaves no Mry Mrs• son! l t Tues -
and Mrs, J. Wnlsoati left Tues -
children_ nor decendants of deceased' day to visit with their daughter at
children. when the wife • =receives .•Strathroy.
$1,000 oiat of the estate, the balance 141x. Thos ; 1Slitehell left -oni Tuesday
sea edtoIn e:natural.ase the est eheistate, Lh pay- spend a few weeks with his daugk-
: Y ter Mrs Webster at Udora
inn expenses does not exceed , 1000''. Mrs Warren Mitchell and children
tbt ividoav takes all.... If a ,single Tnatr i arrival+ home on Monday evening; af-
dies and has less than S400 En a leankeeter a five months' trip to. Yorkshire
hi, parents can secure the same. witI;.,E,g,. She was accompanied by her
out taking out letters of adislinitr✓a,-:, hrnther who will seek his fortune in
tioe by applying to the clerk. of the thir• .country.
band gate Court for an order on the Mr L. Heywood occupied the pulpit
of Sunday last in the absence of the
The editor of and Ontario pastor who is camping at Grand Bend.
paper Our baseball aggregation: went to
say : that he picked up a Winches- Karkten Monday, but were not suc-
ter rifle` recently and started up the cessful ia, bringing home first money,
street tc, deliver the weapon ,to its ; They tool third place.
owner The delinquent subscribers , Mr. Harold Duplan of Louden spent
got it into their heads that he was • the: holiday under the parental. roof.
or the warpath, and everYane, he met . -the
Percy Simpson spent a few days
insisted on paying all 1e owed. One. :visiting friends prior to his returning
ma.t wiped out a debt of ten years;''tts school at Detroit.
standing. On returning to the office
he fennel a load of hay, fifteen rush-;
el, of corn ten bushels of potatoes, . USBORNE COUNCIL
a Icteel of wood and a barrel of tur-
raps • Council' niet in Township Hall on
Sept 5th. All members present, The
minute. of last meeting Were approved,
As there were no appeals against
the, assessment for Scott drain, the
Court .of Revision was closed and• the
finally passed.
ThSEALED TENDERS adds see ,to following rates were levied for
e the current year; County 2.1 mills on
the undersigned, and endorsed ' Ten- tht. dollar Township: 1 mill, General -
der for Extension of South 1iWest echo 1 rate 1.12 mills. Bylaw No. 8
Breakwater at Goderich, Ont., will authorising the levying of the above
be xeceived at this office ra,ntil 4.00 hdve
P,3t, on Friday, September -.If, 1914,- "raisc Was _passed, signed and2 .4 49
for the construction 01 hart r.. Accounts amounting d in Pay were
- mx=:'Iasse t and orders tissued in, payment.
proven'tents, being' an extenstoir'rihe" Ccu,ncit adjourned to Oct. 3rd at
South West Breakwater at Godericli,-, . c o'clock
Huron County Ont, F. Merle
Plans and forms of contract -can be Y. Clerk
seer•aur. specification and feianie of
tender obtained, at this Departnieitt HENSALL
acyl at the offices of the 'Dist-'iet
Engineers Windser, Ont.; Confedera- St Paul's congregation are holding
tfail. Lifer Bufldiiigt; Toronto, Ont. nota their next
est Festival services cinSun-
o- application toa.'the Postmaster` at day next Sept. 13, when Rev, rR.e E.
Goderich, Ont, • Page M A., of Brussels *all "'Preach
Persons tenderingare' notified. that morning and evening, and at Grace.
tenders will not e considered tin`liu,rch •, Staffs, at 3 p.m.
less made on the printed forms —supe.'.-
plied and signed with their actual sig • ELIMVILLE
natures stating their occupatioikse anct
places of residence. In the -case.es of i` 'Tao Elimville Council C. 0. C. F.
firms the actual signature the oat will attend church in a body en 'Sun-.
urs of occupation, and place of resi +.lay morning, Sept 20, at 10 o'clock,
dence of each member of the firm ewiteit a sermon will be preached in
musl be given , I the interest of the order by the pas -
Each tender must be accompanied toe Rev Barnard Collection in aid of
be- at accepted cheque on a chartered the Sic? Children's Hospital
bank payable to the order of w a the
Honourable the Minister of Public
Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 P.0)
of the amount of the tender, which
wi' be farfei'todif thepars n tender The
council t met a
the Town
ins decline tc enter into
a contract one Sept 7th. All present., Neeb;-
when called txpon to do so, or fail to 'Yearly --That a by-law be passed fix -
complete the work contracted for. If ` Xuc thesalary of Dr Orme, the med.
the: tender be not accepted the cheque loaf oficer of health at 510.00 per.
will be returned . year and his usual fees; for attendint
The Department sloes not bind it- t his duties; and that Wm. Lewis,
sell to accept the lowest or any tender the sanitari• inspector, be paid; $3 fes
NOTE -Blue prints can be obtained disinfecting dwellings and $1 for put
at the Department of Public Works 'ting up cards. Finkbeiner-Yearley-.
by 'depositing an accepted bank chess The: a by-law be passed appointint
clue for' the sum of $,25,00, made pay- Ale= Hodgins tax collector' at Iii,
able' to theorder of the Ilottotuiahle termer salary. .After passing the fol
the Minister of Public Works,`'which IC; ulag accounts the council acljourn-
will'. be returned if the intending hid- ed to meet at the Town Hall Oct. 5 -
der submit a regular bicl. { Henr Yearle , re ,airit'tg Mud Creel,
By ceder,.Bridge 2,00. E. Wild, gravel 1.20; W
R. C..DESROCEIrRS, ` ichor r;epdirid bridge, 1,00; J. sou
Serres lz y� t.ia.r repairing. bridge 2 50n • EI. W'fl,
Department int Public Works ler, inspecting bridge, 13,00; E. Fah
Ottawa, August 21, 1.91.1 ler printing 66.75; Hy Clark, grave
Ne vsiiapers will not be paid for this ,: retract 30.00;. R. Davey, coni: 2,50
advertisement if they insert it w ith- Nelson. Baker, gravel contract,_ 73.80
out authority from the Department. `'1 Mills con, 7,00,
.-65626 II, Eilbcr,'clerl,
tion.. inn the M f thocl st Church coat were
helot oa: Sunday and Monday. Rev.
Jefftrsos' of Creditonpreached in-
tcrestin£ sermons morning and even -
;nn The Sunshine and: Woodham
choirs furnished excellent music re-
spectively in the, morning and even-
ing. On Monday evening a meat so -
pa! was served, and progranu follow-
ed given by George Stavley's Bible
Cla s of Lucaat. The Grogram
co:nsistec of readings, musical selec-
tion.: and the play 'Merchant of Ven• -
ice' making the 'best ettertaitunent
eve given in the church, Proceeds
amovntect' to over $100,
Mr Jas Hern, who has hacl . blood
nrisoning.• in his hand, . is recovering,
Mr and Mrs. Samuel Stevenson .of
Devizes spent the hgliclay at Me•. Phil-
lip .,Helms. -The threshing machine is
keepint' ns busy at. present. -.Henry
Herr lost a four -months old colt by
death last week.
Goy? ericly Tp, -A pleasing event
tools place at Spruceholm Farm, G;od-t
erica township, the home , el :.Mr, Laid
lt:ar Mrs A. L. Trick, on Thursday
when, their daughter Jeannie hi,, was
married to Mr. Wm. W. Wise.
There is more Catarrh in this seetion,,of the coun
try than all other diseases put tokether, and until'
the last few years was supposed to be incurable For
atreat many years dootora pronounced it a local dis
ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constant.
y filing to cure with local treatment, pronounced
t incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a
eihetitutionaldisease and therefore,rsquires oonst,i-
tutional treatment.all's Cata qure. manufac-
tured by •F. J. Cheney” Co., Toledo, Ohio,, ie the
only constitutional ours on the market. It ie taken
internally indoses fr9ui 14.drope, to a ',teaspoonful,
It arts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. They offeeode.hvndreli'dollars for any
case it fails to cure. Send for cfre share and testi-
Address: F. J. CIiENEY s CC., Toledo,' Ohio
Sold by Druggists, 75 cent..,
Take Hall'. family pills, for constipation.
GRAND, 8E v.1) •.
•----o--- -
_Nbr Melvin Dodds; who has been the
teacher at Grand Bend school the last
sir months left for Fort Erie where
he will teach as principal._Mt •D, '3y -
ler and sister Louise of the 14th, vis-
ite: at Ed. Gill's sr„ • Sunday, -Mrs
George Oliver is visiting her parents
at Greenway. -Miss E. Shafer whohas
beep visiting her sister ,Mrs. E. Gill,
left Wednesday to,' visit her • sister Mr's
P Decker before leaving, foreh,er home
in Detroit, -At the: manse, :on :Sept,
2nd., Miss. Jennie Disjardine. wae,mar-
rie 1 to Wilbert Pfaff of Dashwood,
They will reside in . Dashwood: Con-
gratulations. . _
The marriage of 1GIr. Chas. ' Glavin
and Miss Mary Ellen Sullivan, took
place in the R. C. church here Wed-
nesday at 10 a.m. Particulars eater•=
Miss Ellen Reardon is on the : sick
list this week, -Master Vincent Guinan.
left an Monday for Sandwich -College
after:• spending several weeks at his
home near here. -Mrs: P. Boland of
Parkhill is visiting her daughter Mrs
Jas McCarty for a few days. -Miss
ICathleen Murphy left: for her home in
Detroit after visiting friends here for
set eral weeks. -Wedding bells will
son.t ring here again. -The holy bonds
of marriage were announced here of
John Gooding of Shipka and Miss
Nettie McCarty of this place, ., the
marriage to take, place in, the R. C.
church here the latter part of Sep-
tember•• -The funeral of the late
Archibald Campbell took place : from
hi: late residence; at Parkhill to the
R C cemetery here on; Monday at
10 am Mr Campbell formerly lived
neat Shipka. He is survived by a
soarowing wife and family of .5 sons,
James ani Joseph of Alberta, Johan of
Detroit Jeremiah and Roy of this
neighborhood, four daughters, Misses
Nettie Sadie Florence of Detroit
ani Katie of Mt. Carmel.
Goselea Ulens and Irwin Belt are
attending Parkhill High School,-iYirs.
Gco Oliver and Ford are visiting at
Les. Thos Stewardsc,n's.-Mr. and
Mr • Roy Pollock• and son of Exeter
were guests of friends here Sunday.
-Schools opened Iast week with Miss
Wood, Miss Peck and Miss S,weitzer
in charge. -Miss Minnie Sherritthas
returned from Bayfield and resumed
her duties as teacher at'Shipka -The
anniversary services in Grace Church
oar Sunday and the Harvest Home on
Friday were a grand success in every
way The ,program consisting of mu.-
si • by the Parkhill Band, solos by
Mis. Robinson, were much appreciat-
ed Proceeds $105,00. -Mrs, A ' M,
Wilso,r• is visiting the Lucan, Wesley,
and Whalen W. M. S., this .week. -Be
aurrc you remember te anniversary
tad thankoffexing services to be held
ni theMethodist, church on Sept. 20
-Rev. J A. Aglneyv of Mt. Brrydges
rill preach at 2.30 and 7,30. Music
b tlr services will be re,n,derecl by
t ladies quartette from Crediton.
Harry Weber of Galt is visiting with
'riestcls far ,town. -.Miss Miranda Brown
ett to attend Normal school at Strat-
'r•.d„-Mfrs Rn,by Manson of Toron-
0. is visitingwith Mr, and Mrs. iJ,
/Inxtson,--Mr. I. Midler stustent at the
r o Seminary, is visiting'rt
at the
utheran parsonages --Messrs Jake Dei-
hert and Dr. Campbell were in, Tor-
e last • week on. business. --Rev, S,M.
laugh of Campden, Mich., will preach
l: the Evangelica church on Sunday
:vening Sept loth.The sad •sews was
eceivecl of the death of Mrs. Dan,
tiller of Sebewain,g, son of Mrs 5,
a. Miller. Mr. Edward Miller and
oscpl; 5araras, attended the funeral.
Everything Depends on Outcome
of Present Battle,
Army •Which Loses In Operations
East of Paris Will. Be In Oespere
ate 'Straits Says Strategists—
Allies and Germans Now In
About Equal Strength Kaiser
Believed To 13e In the Field.
LONDON, Sept. 8. --News received
here "from the theatre of war in.
France shows that moire than 4,00,0,;
000 •men are engaged' on both sides.
in that country. Of that number,
2,000,000 are. Germans and the rest
are with the allies. The number of
British, French. and Belgian troops
is said to equal that of the invaders..
According to unofficial advices,
aoth tltt;nks of the German army have
been 'turned. The French army une
der Gen. Joffre, and the forcescom-
manded by Sir John French, are re-
ported as having defeated the Ger--
mans. It is said, however, that both
the German and. French armies are
face to face with absolute disaster
because they are, in critical posi-
tions and. that a defeat for either
would be fatal. The battle line ex-
tends over :ailirregular line• of 120
miles from eastto west, and 50
miles from., north to south.; The re
ported defeat.. of the Germans. from'
Lille is declared to bedue to their!
fear or attack from. an• army.,;of Brit-
ish and Russian reinforcements be
lieved ,to `haye.,landed at a port on.
the English Channel.
Reports current in military quar-
ters say a portion, of the Britifili ex-
peditionary force is at Maubeuge, a
French fortress. of first-class in the
Department du Nord, assisting the
French ' garrison 'there in, a defence -
which is being . stoutly' .maintained..
Official German reports admit that
the fortress still resists.
Military experts agree ` with
French officers that Paris will not be
besieged as long as the French and
British armies 'remain active in the'
field. It said 'the possession of the
city itself would have 'a sentimental
value. The German general staff is
believed' to realize, that fact and: con-,
sequently, More depends on the bat-
tle now raging than .on any move
since the war began.
In the region' from Vitry-le=Fran-
cais to Verdun, the German strength
is declared to be enormous. Most of
the German forces withdrawn from
Alsace-Lorraine are supposed to be
attacking the allies round Verdun.
The armies 'of ` the .Crown P3ince.
Frederick Wilhelm, the Duke of AI
breant of . Wurteniberg and the
Crown Prince' of Bavaria are also
included In these positions.
The Kaiser himself, it is reported,
has been directing the new move-
ment. He is reported as having join-
ed the army that is directed by his
heir. The. Emperor's presence on the
battlefield there has not been con-
firmed, however.
The present move of the Germans
is supposed to bean attempt to crush
the allies, especially the French cen-
tre and right, which include 1.3 or' 14
army corps. Studente of military
science say the operations in the
east of France onvehicle the Ger-
mans are now engaged, is a critical
one, and that it may lay them open
to a most damaging offensive. The
Germans are apparently engaged in
a Brie of considerable magnitude.
The general situation favors the al-
lies beginning an offensive move-
ment. The French army on the al-
lies' left and the "British army mov-
ing forward to co-operate with the
French armies to the -right of the
British. The allies are expected to
take advantage of the situation and
to force a decisive struggle.
A cablegram from the French le-
gation at Antwerp confirms the pre-
vious announcement of the suecess.
of the .Anglo-French troops in driv-
ing the Germans back 15 .miles be-
yond St. Quentin, inflicting terrible
losses to the enemy.
Thenews contained in the French
official communication that the Ger-
mans had fallen back before the vig-
orous advance by the 'allied troops on
the line from. Nanteuil-le-Haudouin
to Verdun indicates that the Anglo-
French forces have got on the flank
of the German right wing, which
passed by Paris on the north and was.
marching eastward to join with the
crown prince's army coming south.
It has been suggested by military
experts that Gen. von Kiuck's move-
ment to the st,utheast was taken as a
matter -of precaution before the
movement by the allies from the
coast.'' It is 'possible it is this new
army which hap reached Nanteu.11-le-
Haudouin, thus getting on Gen. 'von
luck flails The s e
ngagement took:
place Sunday, and that evening the
Germans began their retirement.
The Marconi Wireless Telegraph
Co. yesterday, gave out the following.
German official -statement:
"The German army administration
reports that in the west, the allied
armies are in retreat between Paris
and. Verdun, and that the German.
troops s are pursubag th.n•
. Parks
empty, and the onlyscene of -
p y, anima
tion there Is around the railway sta-
tions, which are filled with thous-
ands of fugitives. The leading news-
papers do not consider that Paris
will defend itself to the utmost:"
Word received says that train ser-
vice betweetn Paris and Dieppe has
been suspended.
Warship Is Reported to .Have At-
' tacked British Cruiser.
WASHINGTON, Sept': :,8. ---„The;
stranding of the llritlsh cxntser War-
rior, reported to the German Em-
bossy yesterday iii a wireless fries-
sage from Berlin, remained a inyes
tery to -day.. The message read:
".British cruiser Warrior strand-
trandeel, probably as a result of fight with
cruiser Goebert while escaping from
the 13osphores.”
SIR EDMUND 'WALKER. C.V.O., L'L.D., D,C,L., President
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General •Tanager JOH1VAI12D. Asst Generui Managett N.
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 .RESERVE FUND, '$13,500,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian l3ank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business. Money may be deposited' or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 824
Incorporated 1855 -
Capital & Reserve
BANK MONEY ORDERS ; t " '... , . `
at all Branches. Interestallowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter, 'for the ,Dominion (overnment.
N." 'D.'HURDON Manager,
BIDDULPBStaxtley-Apretty. wedding', took
A pretty -wedding took place: at•place .at "The Lilacs" in StanleYr, the
St Martin's Church, South London horue• of Me. and Mrs; John. McKinley
Sept 2 when Miss Bardara Ellen` Mee.' en Thursday when: thei'r daughter,.
'sines. 'Mc affery, of Wilton Grove; I to ;Mir J. ` B. Laois, son Vi Mr. and
Caffery oily daughter of the mate Mabel Eva was joined in 7natrimonyr
became the bride of John. Joseph Ho -ales Geo Lavis of Clinton.
gala, -a well-known and successful
farmer of Biddulph Township. Rey.
Father Laurendeau performed the
ceremony The grooms gift to, the
bride we:: a. handsome gold watch
and fob • to the bridesmaid a beauti-
fuI gold ring set with pearls, and;
cuL links to the best man. kr. and
Mgrs. Hogan left for an extended visit
to Detroit Chicago and other points.
Oar their return Mr. and;' Mrs. Hogan
trill reside in, Biddulph Township.
Ailsa Craig
Sept. 11-19
Sept. 21-22
' Sept 1741.8
Sept. 21-23
Sept 24-25
Sept. 24-25
Sept. 24-25
Sept 73-24
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices
on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915
and guaranteed against auy reduction during that
TOURING CAR .... . $590
RUNABOUT" ....... 540
TOWN CAR . .... 840
In the Dominion of Canada only
FURTHER we will be able to obtain the, maxi-
mum efficiency in our factory production,` and
minimum cost in our purchasing and sales depart
ments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 cars be
tween-the above dates. •
AND should we reach this production we agree
to pay,as the buyers share, from $40 to $60 per
car (on or about August 1, 1915) to every retail
buyer who purchases a new Ford car between
August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915.
For further particulars regarding these low pric-
es and profit sharing plan, see the nearest- Ford
Branch or Dealer.
Get particulars from Wes. Snell, agent.
Huron County Day
astern Fair London
Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1914
DOG SHOW 'SEPT; 15' to
Wilco your entries early All railway tic
lrets good till Sent 1
W J REID, Pt•esiden,t .t, M, HTJNT ,Secd`etary