Exeter Advocate, 1914-9-3, Page 5DENTAL
Pr. G'. p, RQULSTON, L.D,S„ 'D.D.S.
Member of the R.C.D.S. od Ontarioo ai to
Honor Graduate, of Toronto Ijnivere4tYl
Office—Over Plokeon & Ca'rli'ng's law
office. Closed Wednesday alternpone..
Honor 'Graduate lot Toronto Univers t7i
Teeth extracted without pain, or aria;
bad effects. Office over Gladman 111
Stanbuzy's Office, Mann Street, Exeter.
Solicltora, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com -
n stoners. Solicitors for the Molsono
Bark, etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest
• Offices—Main-St., Exeter
I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
have a large amount of private
to loan on farm and village prop -
at tow rates of interest. •
Barristers,- Soma' tors. Exeter.
Lite, Fire, Accidbnt and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ducting auction sales. — Exeter. Ont.
THE sole head of a family, or any
mala over 18 years old, may homestead.
a quarter -section of available Domin-
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant must appear
in perso i.at the Dominion Lands Ag-
eiicy of Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry may be made at any
Dominion. Lae,n:x. Agency (but not
Sub -Agency) on certain conditions.
$ties --Six months' residence upon
and etiitivation of the land in each of
three years. A holnestead er may live
within nine Miles of his homestead cn
a faa'pi of at least 80 acres, on certain
conditions. A habitable ,houseis re-
aured in every case, except when re-
sidence is pe,pleed in the vicinity.
Iit certain: olleillicts a homesteader in
gdod stand],ag may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Dttties—Six months resi-
dence in each of three years after
earning homestead patent; also 50
a,cires extra cultivation. Pre-emption
patent may be obtained as soon as
h'oonestead patent, on certain condi-
A -settler wlio has exhausted his
homestead night may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per acre. Ditties—Must re-
side; 6 .months iii epclz of 3 years, cu-
1tiVate 50aores, and erect a house
TIM area of cultivation is subject
to reduction iJl ca?e of rough, scrub-
by or stony land. Live stock may be
substituted far cultivation, under cer-
tain conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N•B:-17nautihorized publlca•tion es
this advertisement will ikIt .be paid for.
• gelating Pill for women. $5 whoa or tereveeforfor
$1O. Sold at all Drug Storea of mailed to any
address on rceeiptof price. TITO $coaELL Dame
Co,; St. Catharines, Ontario.
'fin and
vitality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey
Matter"; a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a lox, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price, THE SCOEELL Dunn Co., St. Catharines.
is a school with a continental repu-
tation. for high grade work and for the
success of its graduates, a school
with superior courses and instructors
We give individual attention in Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
T)epartmeets. Why attend elsewhere
whey there is room here? You may
enter at any time. Write far our
large free catalogue
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
EFFICIENCY first, last and all the
time, is the chief feature of the cour-
ses of instruction in the
EL _10 "T .
'Young and Charles Sts., Toronto
Yes, our graduates succeed. They
haverthc• habit, Write for catalogue,
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marerei whirling Spray
Ask your druggist for
it. if he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
ether, but send stamp for illus-
trated book—sealed. It gives full
Particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies. WINDSORSUPPLYCO.,Windsor,Ont.
General Agents for Canada. --.
August 31st tri Sept: lith :ticltlsive
Frc. mall statiyias in Canada, Corn-
wall, Ottawa ai4.d West.
wilt be in; effect ;an certain dates,
Al. tickets valid"' for, return." .inti;
Tuesday Septenibr 15th, 1914. Full
particulars 'from Gland Trunk, Ticket
N, )ORE, Exeter.
Auction Stale.
There will be sold by public auc-
tion on LOT 4, CON. 6, STEPHEN,
ail. FRIDAY, SEPT, 18, •1914, at
1 o'clock the following,—
Horses-1 geldiing, 6 years old 1
filly .6 years; gelding 3 years 1 geld -
in! 2 years; filly 3 years; filly 2 -year
Said filly .1 year,
Cattle -6 filch cows 4 supposed
to be in calf; 2 ,steers, two year old;
3 steers one. Year old; 3 heifers one
year old., 6 calves
Pigs and'Fowl.,-8 young pigs, about
80 ills; 1 sow; 100 hens.
Irn —
plemedits Btnder, new drill, disc
harrow hay loader, side delivery; flay
rake 2 furrow plow; walking plow;
Ian! Taller. harrows. wagon, buggy,
wagon box, pig rack, hay rack, cut-
ting~ box new; grindstone, fanning -
mill, sleighs, windmill, water trough
new single and double harness, cul-
tivator and numerous other articles.
There will also be offered for sale
the .above named lot consisting of
10: acres of first-class land. There
is cul the premises a brick house with
ante kitchen, good bank barn, pig
pen driving shed, good fences, about
six acres of hard wood, bush; well
tvatered; the Ia,nd is well drained and
in a good state of cultivation. This
farm is well located being situate 1%
mile,. south of Crediton, and in a most
desirable property.
Terms=Chattels, sums of $5 and
under cash; over that amount 12 rhos,
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes. 5 per cent. off
fa- cash on credit amounts..
Terms of Real estate made known
out dal of sale,.
Auction Sale
There will be sold by public auc-
an Lot 14, North Boundary Stephen,
3 Miles East of Dashwood, on
at one o'clock sharp, the following
property Viz,—
Horses—Brood mare supposed to be
in. foal to Southport; team; grey Per-
cherar mares, rising 3 and 4; geldingrising 3, sired by Southport; filly Per-
cheron rising 3; gelding rising 2; driv
er 7 years old, quiet and, reliable; fil-
ly foal sired by Southport'
Cattle -4 caws supposed to be in
calf : 4 two-year-old steers; 4 year-
lings :• 4 spring calves..
Hogs -2 brood sows with litter at
About 60 hens and .flock turkeys.,
Implements—McCormick binder and
mower, Cockshutt disc drill, new; Ol-
ive,; bear' and corn cultivator, new;
:Manz' cultivator, cutting box, root
pulper, 2 No. 13 plows; 2 -furrow plow
set reversible harrows, scuffler, truck.
wagon, light wagon, top buggy, cut -
tel; bobsleighs; two sets double'har-
ness ;2 sets single harness, pea; harv-
ester sulky rake, National Cream Sep-
arator. fence weaving machine, wire
stretcher extension ladder, wheelbar-
row wagon. and gravel box, hay rack,
fanning mill 2000 lb. scales, grain bags
forks, chains, whiffletrees, neckyokes
and other articles too numerous to
mention; also a quantity of hay and
seer oats if not sold before sale; 7
acres beans in field; a quantity of
split wood • number of cedar posts;
numerous household effects.
Terms—All suans of $10 and under
cash; over that amount 12 months'
credit on approved joint notes, A
discount of 4 .per cent. off for cash
on.' credit • amounts. Hay, grain and
beans cash. All the above will be
sold as the proprietor has; sold his
• W. E. SANDERS, Prop.
lir. Wellington Hodgins received
word one day last week that his bro-
ther-in-law Mr. John Neil, was drown-
ed ,near Brandon. Particulars haven't
been; received, except that the body
had beer,, recovered and was being
shipped to.,his home in, 'Toronto. The
late Mr Neil was well known here, he
having been in the -butchering busi-
ness as a partner with Mr. Hodgins.
Protect the Heart
From Rheumatism
Weakening of the blood tissues by
continued attacks of Rheumatism af-
fects the heart and produces core/all-
cations which result fatally. RHEUMA
puts the blood in' condition to ward
off other diseases and eradicates the
Rheumatic conditions from the whole
system Recommended for all forms
of Rheumatism. 50 cents at W S.
Cole's, This Ietter will convince you
of its great value,
"For nine weeks I was unable to
work owing to my feet being badly
swollen from Rheumatism. I also suf-
fered severe pains in the back. After
using two bottles of RHEUMA the
Rheumatism has entirely left ine,"—
P H. Morris, Fort Erie, Ont,.
Such testimony should •be convinc-
ing 50 cents of W. S. Cole, guar•an
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
'1t. M. C, A, ;3LDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st, Catalogue
free. Enter any tune.
J. W. WesterveR 3`. W. Westervelt, 4r.
r Principal Chartered Accountant
10 Vics.Principal
Important Events . Which Have
Occurred During the Week
Rhe Busy World's Happenings Care -
rutty bompiied and Put Into
Randy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper --.A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment,,
President Wilson yesterday issued
Sproclamation declaring the United
tates neutral in the war between
Germany and Japan.
The battleship Kilkie has arrived
in Grecian waters, . This vessel was
purchased from the United States
and was formerly the Mississippi.
The Commercial Cable Co. an-
nounced yesterday at. New York that
the Shanghai, Tsingtau and Chefoo
cables are interrupted. It is believed
the Japanese may fiave cut them.
A corps of American volunteers,
200 strong, marched through Paris
yesterday to the St. Lazarre railroad
station, to take a train for Rouen,
where they will be drilled under
French officers.
Rev. Mr. Norman, pastor of the
First Baptist Church at Saskatoon,
was drowrfed Monday, according to a
message received from La Pas yes-
terday. He left Saskatoon some time
ago on a long canoe trip.
King George and Queen Mary at-
tended the christening of the .little.
son of Prince Arthur and the Prin-
cess of Connaught last evening. The
ceremony was privates owing to the
departure of the prince for active.
service at the from.
The Minister of Justice has inhibit-
ed the export of barley. This is not
effective in the matter of sales made
prior to Aug. 22.
There are now seventeen Germans
in custody at Fort Henry at Kingston.
Eight more will -probably be transfer-
red there from Montreal.
A German aeroplane fell to the
ground inside the British, lines in the
Quesnoy region Tuesday, and the two
German officers on board were killed.
The first all -water voyage from San
Francisco to New•York by way of the
Panama Canal was completed yester-
day upon the arrival of the Pleiades
at New York.
The capture by a British cruiser
of the German steamship Serak of
th : Kosmoa line, from Hamburg to
Callao, by way of Swansea, ''Vales,
was reported yesterday.
Among those who have volunteered
in Germany are many Socialist lead-
ers, while the Vorwarts and other
German Socialist papers, still publish
articles of a ver• patriotic nature.
Fearing that their property will be
damaged by a gang of tramps roam-
ing Frontenac County, many farmers
have asked 'the justice of the peace,
George Hunter, for permission to car-
ry firearms; and' their' request has
been granted.
The inquest into the death of Pri-
vate Fred. Kelis of the 19th Regi-
ment, who was drowned while doing
sentry duty on the Welland Canal,
failed to establish facts as to whe-
ther the soldier came to his death
accidentaly or from other causes.
The directors of the Canadian Pa-
cific. Railway yesterday voted $100,-
000 to the Canadian National Patrio-
tic Fund.
Hon. G. H. Perley has placed at
the disposal of the Red Cross Asso-
ciation his handsome residence on
Metcalfe street, Ottawa.
Prince Ernest of Saxe-Meiningen,
an officer in the German army, has
been wounded and placed in a hos-
pital at Gubeitge, Belgium.
Information from southern Dalma-
tia, says The . London Post's Paris
Correspondent, is to the effect that in
ieveral towns the Slav troops have
revolted against their Austrian offi-
The Legislature of Barbados hav-
ing voted $100,000 as a contribution
to the Mother Country, the Colonial
Office has suggested that the gift
would be most acceptable in the form
of sugar. .
Home Secretary McKenna stated
yesterday afternoon that no spies had
been shot in England. There has
been rumors that many persons in the
secret service of Germany .has been.
The Bank of England says that
arrangements regarding the gold
from Ottawa is working extremely
well. About one million and three-
quarter pounds sterling, had been re-
mitted from Ottawa up to Tuesday.
The Merchants' Bank of Canada
has given $25,000 to the Canadian
Patriotic Fund and $5,000 to the
Canadian Red Cross Society.
A despatch from Amsterdam says
that The Telegraff declares that the
German Exchequer has taken steps
to seize all Japanese balances in Ger-
man banks.
During the absence of Col. Morri-
son, D.S.O., at the front, his position
as director of artillery will be attend-
ed to by Col. T. Henson, Master Gen-
eral of Ordnance.
The Reichsanzeiger, the official pa-
per of Berlin, publishes an imperial
decree dated Aug. 17, calling on all
Germans in 'foreign military service
to return to Germany.
Emperor Nicholas of Russia yes-
terday acknowledged President Wil-
son's offer of mediation. His answer
was non -committal. All the warring
Rations have now replied.
The Manchester Guardian states
that negotiations over Home Anle
proceed now Only between Premier
Asquith and.ti nor Law, as Carson is
now outsitte the conversations,
A message received in Berlin from
Erling Bjorpson, son of the Nor-
wegian drai,•pg.tist, asserts that Ger-
jean refugee* from East Prussia re-
port many tots of brutality on the
part of the 1,i ssians.
Aoeording to a despatch trona
Rohe all the Balkan states are pre-
paring to enter the European "battle
Peter D. McKellar, who for the
past fifty -tete • years has been the re-
gistrar of Kent County, Ont., died at
his home in Chatham Saturday,
A parade marched down Fifth ave.
nue, New York, from Fifty-ninth
protstreetest toagainUnionst the Squarwaer SlantuEurope,.rday as a
The official in4raian bureau of
the British Government anneunees
that Nanilir, Belgium, was complete-
ly evacuated by the Belgians at 5
P.M. on Aug. 23.
The first German prisoners. reach-
ed St. Petersbilrg ye terday. They
are the members of {e crew of the
�""erm; n cruiser l ngdsl?tlr;a, sunk by
the Russiplls in lite $antic.
apt. ,Ta nes Penderg t, Coxnwali,
We l knoWi on the t. frawrence
r, to which he
4 , had le r
t4 many
years, was found dead as a ;lush north
of the town on Saturday evening.
T ere are 56 recruits registered at
the Royal MilitaryCollege at King-
ston. fel' the fall trm.
Protests have been filed against
five of the Liberal candidates rettru-
ed, in the recent provincial election in
It is rumored at Ottawa that the
Canadian overseas contingent will tie
given a month's training at A1der'shot
before going tothe front, if the sit-
uation will permit of the deny.
Fire destroyed the mar le works
Of A. E. McLean & Co., at Athens,
near Brockville, entailing a heavy
loss. The blaze is supposed to have
been the work of an incendiary.
Eight hundred men of the Royal
Canadian Regiment, who will replace
British regulars at Bermuda, were re-
viewed yesterday at Halifax by His
Royal Highness the Duke of Con-
Information has been received at
Peking that Ta -Chien, a small island
outside of Kaiochau Bay, has been oc-
cupied by the Japanese. The German
fortifications of Tsingtaufront on
Three Edmonton young women, An-
na Olson, Annie Clark and Amelia
Nehan, were drowned Sunday at
Cooking Lake, a• summer resort, 20
miles from the city, through the up-
setting of a launch..
An order -in -council authorizes the
establishment of an Irish infantry
regiment in Montreal. It is under-
stood that 300 men are ready to en-
list, and that W. B. O'Brien of Mont-
real will be the commanding officer.
Turkey Disclaims Any Intention of
Entering the Arena.
LONDON, Sept. 1. — European
statesmen are awaiting with the keen-
est anxiety the possible Turkish ac-
tion. There are renewed indications
that the Porte is preparing for action
and taking sides with Germany. Fore-
most amongst the evidence cited is
the report of great numbers of Ger-
mon officers and men passing to Tur-
key, If Turkey becomes engaged in
theetwar it is wholly probable that
Greece, too, will participate, as there
is no doubt that Turkey's warlike
operations will quickly turn against
Greece, particularly in an effort to re-
cover again the islands formerly
Turkish but now Greek. At the Otto-
man Embassy yesterday it was de-
clared that Turkey has no intention
whatever of going to war. The Em-
bassy has already denied the reports
that German officers are entering Tur-
key, as well as making the general
statement that the Porte had no in-
tention of participating, assurances of
which, it is stated, have been given
to Great Britain.
Waiting For Turkey.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. — It be-
came known here last night that Italy
is holding back her assistance against
Austria and Germany awaiting only
the action of Turkey. As soon as the
Ottoman Empire is precipitated into
the trouble, not only Italy, but.
Greece will seize this opportunity to
attack their ancient enemy as well as
the remaining two of the triple alli-
ance. aa- : , , •
British Cruiser First Gave Germans
Time to Get To Safety.
LONDON, Sept. 1.—In confirma-
tion of the story that mines have been
laid in the North Sea by vessels dis-
guised as neutral fishing boats, a wo-
man who arrived at London from
Bergen tells of the sinking of such a
mine -layer by a British cruiser.
The ship upon which she was trav-
eling found itself one morning close
to a number of British cruisers, one
of which had caught a German trawl-
er flying the Norwegian flag and en-
gaged in laying mines.
According to this woman the Brit-
ish commander gave the crew of the
trawler three minutes in which to
leave their vessel, and they came
tumbling over the side of the pas-
senger ship. Then first backing up a
bit the cruiser rammed the offend-
ing trawler, and at the second at-
tempt cut her in two and she went
to the bottom.
Louvain's Ruin Confirmed.
LONDON, Sept, 1. -Arno Dosch, a
magazine writer, arrived • here yester-
day and confirmed stories that Lou-
vain, Belgium, set en fire by the Ger-
mans is now in a mass of ruins,
"Louvain is a pitiful ruin," he
said, "I came through that city on
my way out from Belgium and saw
the molting ruins. Only the big
cathedral was visible above the
smoke, and that may have gone later.
The loss of the city is universally
mourned in` Belgium,
"I have no personal knowledge of
the horrible atrocities reported from
Belgium, and I am inclined to `dis-
credit most of the stories,"
Storekeeper Drowned.
CFIAT.HAM, Sept. 1. -- Samuel
I3rown, 25, a storekeeper of Mitch-
ell's Bay, wan drowned in Lalce St,
Clair while returning tome from the
Log. Cabin Inn. A heavy sea was
running and Brown was engaged in
bailing out the launch. He lost his
balance and fell into the water;
To the Wotan W ►
Rees She liceds lielp
You are nervou. You have "cryinv spells." You are
dejected,.You don't sleep well, You have backache, Y. tat
have lostambition for your work. You are
beginning to
feel old and look old
These symptoms, more than likely, are produced by some weak,
notes or derangement.
Dr. Piece Favorite Prescription
(In Tablet or Liquid Form)
will ai
aid you in regaining youthful health and strength -just as it has been
doing for over forty years for women who have been in the same condition of
health you now find yourself. It soothes and invigorates. It upbuilds and uplifts.
Your medicine dealer will supply you in tablet or liquid form, or send 50
one -cent stamps for trial box. Addres Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr, Pier'ce's Pleasant Pellets regulate Stomach„ Liver and Bowels. Easy to take.
Sept. llth to 19th.
The Western Fair of London, On -1
Maio, promises to eclipse all previous
Exhibitions, The management have
spared neither labor nor money to
make this the best ever held in Lon-
don. An excellent program of attrac-
tions has been arranged to take place
twice daily, The program of ;Fire-
works will be changed every night,
There will be plenty of music as a
number of excellent bands hovel been
engaged . The Exeter Band are ander
ccontract far Tuesday Sept. .15th,
and will go in fell;± strength for tial
day In addition to this the two local
bands of London will lie in attendance
which will ensure music all the time
There will be two speed events daily
for which large purses are offered
The International Fireworks, Co, of •
New York will give a change of pro-
grame of fireworks every night: The
Exhibite will be of a very high class
tl,'s year and the buildings will be Illi•
ed. The Col.. F. Kennedy shows will,
Occupy the midway and the Exhibit
as a whole will certainly be best_ ever
held in London. All information given
on application to the Secretary, Gen-
eeral offices, London Ont.
I am a woman.
I know a woman's trials.
I know her need of sympathy and help.
If you, my sister, are unhappy because of ill -
health, and feel unfit for household duties, social
pleasures, or daily employment, write and tell me -
just how you suffer, and ask for my free ten days'
trial of a home treatment suited to your needs •
with references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell
how they have regained health, strength, and
happiness by its use. I want to tell you .t 1 about
this successful method of home treat ...::rt for
yourself, my reader, for your daughter, your sister,
or your mother. I want to tell you how t0 cure
yourselves at home at trifling cost, and without
aid from anyone. Men cannot understandwonien's
sufferings ; what we women know from exper-
ience, we know better than any doctor ; and
thousands have proved there is hope even for the
hopeless in my method of home treatment. If you
suffer from pain in the head, back, or b weis,
feeling of weight and dragging down sensations,
falling or displacement of internal organs, bladder
irritation . with frequent urination, obstinate
constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly
or Irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme
nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion,
with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is net
Worth living, 1 invite you to send today for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and
postpaid,to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your own
home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation, women
everywhere are escaping. the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method, of house
treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shall duly ask you to pass the good word along
to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for all, young or old. To Mothers of Daughters,
I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness
(chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them to
plumpness and health. Tell me if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs yen
nothing to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you Irish to
continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work.
Is health worth asking for ? Then accept my generous offer, write for the free treatment suited
to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut out
this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. .Write and ask for the tree
treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address :
Not a Useless Intoxicant, but a
with dietetical and medicinal uses
If not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write
10ioNooK a%ottA.