HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-9-3, Page 4The range with pure white enamelled1 steel reservoir stamped from one piece. The rs *Apiprie reservoir is seamless and clean enough to use in cooking,. and preserving. See the McClary dealer. s :Bold by T. EEawkins & Bon ;ismer; 't Creech, Proprietor. Lc a•ivance $L00 per year in Canada $L5( in United States. If net paid in advance 50c, extra per year may be charged TIHURS D Y, SEPT' :x, .' 14 FARQUS:AR 1 he Methodist Sunday School held tbeir picnic to Grand Bend on %Ten - da} turd an enjoyable time was 'ent. -The church anniversary was , 1e- brated an Sunday, when the pastor, Rev Muxworthy, occupied the pulpit aftevarnoo,n and evening. A free-will offering. of $100 was received; -Mrs.' Fred Stewart and daughter went to Toronto Fair on Tuesday—VioIet Stewart who will now attend Exeter -High School, holds a record for at- tendance having missed but two days it six years, and those two were It the first year, SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Ten- der for Extension of South.• West Breakwater at Goderich, Ont.," will be' received at this office' until 4.00 P.M. on Friday, September 11, 1914, for the construction of harbour im- provements, being an extension to the South West Breakwater at Goderich Huron. County Ont. Pleas and forms of contract can he seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department and ar the offices of the' Dis1fiict Engineers 'Windsor, Ont,; Confedera- t1oa. Life Building, Toronto, Ont. and o=+ • application to the Postmaster at Goderich, Ont, Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered un- less made on the printed forms sup- plied ,and signed with their actual sig- rietures stating their occupations and places of residence. In the case of firms the actual signature- the nat- ure of occupation, and place of resi- dence of each member of the fine mull be given . Each tender must be accompanied be ar accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, which wilt be forfeited if the person tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upontt to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned , The Department does not bind it- self to accept the lowest or arse -tender NOTE -Blue prints can be obtained at the Department of Palle Works by depositing an accepted bank che- que for the suns of $25.00, spade pay- able to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works,' which wilt be returned if the intending bid- der submit a regular bid. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department or Public Works , Ottawa, August 21, 1914. Nell papers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it with- out authority from the Department. -65526 The Private Executor best of his seldom givesthe e b time to an estate in his care, therefore it frequently suffers. Estates have been dissipated through inefficiency, neglect and sometimes actual dishon- esty on the part of private in- dividuals acting as executors. This strong, soundly man- aged Trust Company is always available, never ill, never away. Its -officers are expert in the management of estates. The faithful execution of trusts is their one eoncern, Consult us regarding the handling of your estate. All information cheerfully furn- ished. The London 8 Western Trusts Co, Limited 383 Richmond St., London, Ont Sir nee. Gieeeta tee., President Jahn S. Moaee, Maeiager • Crediton Mr and 11frs.'Edward Winer of Pert McNichol visited friends in town the past week. School started on Tuesday with fat attendance, The heavy rain of the day affected the nun'bea•1 present Our people are greatly interested in the European war. This is a great dao for the newsp,ay er men. Every- body that can, afford it takes a daily paper to keep himself posted on the i Current events. Mr J W. Ortwein of; ffensall oc- cu,iec thepulpit in the Evangelical Church last Sunday. I H. A Ec,khert V.S„ has, had Harry `Stanley _working for him this week in- stalline some office fixtures and shel- Mrs, Chas. Zwicleer and semi Gerald have returned home after a short vis- it with parents in New Hamburg. The Misses Madeline Bertrand, Pearl Hoist Clare and Vera Holtzman are attending the Y.P.A. Convention in Sebringville this week. August Kuhn is wearingg a very broad smile this week. A baby boy areiveai at his home thin week. Coai- gratuiations. Mr and IVfrs. Ben Bertrand and son Leads returned tee Detroit last Sate urday after spending two weeks. Miss Loreen Sainbrook and her broth et Nether have returned home from Woodham after a short visit there with. their uncle, Miss Mable Wenzel and Miss Ella Link have returned home from Tor- onto where they attended the fall millinery openings. Miss Wenzel will have charge of the millinery dept. at Fais: Bros„ and Miss Link will resume. he.:duties at Mr. C. Zwicker's. The Baseball match betweenExeter ane our team took place on Monday evening, The visiting team got a big leaf •in the beginning and won out by a scare of 6'e-4. There Was every - Jane in favour of our team. Har- rington Exeter's star pitcher Was . ab- sent and all looked well) for an easy victory but some unfortunate errors on the part of our boys lost the game se baseball tournament is advertised here far Lador Day. The teams from Ails's Craig. Strathroy and the local one will play three games. For more particulars see bills. This should be e d -letter day for all baseball fans. Mr and Mrs, Ben Eilber and family arc Miss Gertrude Eilber returned home in their car to UbIy, Mich., on Wednesday, Dashwood Miss Eleanore O. Wolper and niece Miss Julian E. Schnyder left Saturday fa• Detroit after a two months' visit with the farmer's parents. -Mr. G. P, Smart, government inspector of Ott- awa visited. telt.. Thomas Walferd at the home of C. L., Walper.-Mr. and Sirs Frederick Willert and two daugh ter: and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar R1opp aid'famiIy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs C L. Walper at Cedar Grove Farm fr john. Bender was in Berlin dor- ia, the week to receive treatment for the removal of a growth. LUMLE'Y •--:..- 0-• - iir McArthur of the police force 0, Vancouver. B. C., and wife. spent Saturday at Stewart McQueen's,-The :Inners of this vicinity donated 96 te the Hospital Ship fund collected ?,u the Rebekah Capema Lodge of efcnsafl-.Master Kenner Bell of Lon- . don who -holidayed for the past rax.tl: with his uncle, Thos. Veneer, ha:: returned home; -Master Willie Horner has gone to Seaforth . to attend C. nile;iate. We wish him success. - `1s Hillies of Detroit has returned r a z visit s Miss al t _th�• Maude Ig' e Glenn. Master Cecil Stewart of Farquhar seen:- •wart •of his vacation with his F a. -wit: W L. Kerslake. -Gordon Bol- , tee has his straw shed enciosed. It will be a great convenience to him.- ',San .Horton has returned from Galt, where he was taking treatment Ice his lip and is much, improved: -Mrs, Pawner of Fillmore Saskand Miss - eeTeLea . of Kippen were theguests 'a' eirs W. L. Kerslake the past -;week -Miss McLean. of Regina, Sask., ,pant the week end with Miss Mee Horton l "1ass Dennison of London returned I hams• Saturday after a week's ; visit with Mist Edna ',Williams. -Matthew 1'Vilet is improving the interior ofhis stables by remodelling and cement tl ors. -Mrs. Stewart McQueen. end ' tti, daughter spent the first of the • eel at her former home in Hay Township Brussels -A shocking accident oc- aree here Saturday when a scaffold 3 F tee: idea, at the new Presbyterian' !lurch. gave way and as a result•Rc- ., Herknees; laborer, lies a,t the a. e. le:tth, and .co.itractor 11'rown Creme:ay is letdiy cut and bruised. Sener•rth-- ;latches on the hands of. a small boy were responsible' for a fire i destroyed the frame stable of Ysyo 'Adient. Centralia Mfr Sand Mrs, . Csklwill 'returned to their home in Exeter after spending' a couple weeks hese with' -their sorts, Rev Blatcheeed and family are ',app isaa 1t Grand `Bend for a couple weeks ears A. Brooks .end family, axe vise Wale a.t Belgrave for a few days. The public school re -opened on Tuesday with Miss Heston still at the helm Sevens of our ball boys went over to Creditoin on Monday evening' to see the game end w:;atc1 Etieter de- feat Crediton Boys. Mr Toni Lawson, the butcher made hi= calls again after a. Month's' ab- sence The Centralia people were all pleased to see him again( ge the meat was getting scarce, • • W R Elliott sold half -a -dozen, fine horses last week for the army, Mr Lea. Foster, aur thresher, has been. oft duty a few days with blood poisoning in his hand. MOUNT CARMEL The holy bonds of marriage Were announced on Sunday of Mr, Charles Glavir and efiss Mary Sullivan, the marriage to take place on Wednesday Sept 9th. -Mrs, Neville : of: Detroit with her claughtet- Irene is visiting at the hone of Jas. Carey. -Misses Tes lie and Mamie Glavin of Stratford left ol, Monday for their hone after spend lug a few days at her home near here, -.Miss K. CaIBPbell is spending a few days at Detroit this week. -Miss Mary O'Hara of -Detroit is a visitor at the home of Mr: Richard Patton, Master Hubert Moir and sisters left on Saturday for their home at London after• spending severalweeks at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs: J Madden. -School re -opened on Tuesday with Miss Anderson of; Seas- forth eaforth in charge; -Mrs. James O'Rourk of London is visiting her mother Mrs. Ellen Barry near Khiva•-Mr. and Mr; T 3 Hall spent Sunday with relatives at Centralia. -Miss Ella Reardon of Detroit is spending a few days at her home near here. -Mr, and Mrs. Theo- bold Dederich and family spent Sun- day afternoon at Grand' Bend. - Mr. "ohm Gooding and sister of Shipka were the guests of Miss Nettie Carthy on Sunday. SENSALL New York. -Ern. Steacy of •Orillia is Joliet- D. Buchanan left last week for home for a week's vacation. Miss Hattie McQueen has returned from a visit in Waterloo. -Charles Redmond of Marlette Mich., visited Mrs. Con - sit, -Miss Mabel Cudincre, nurse of Stratford Hospital is visiting her par- eaits.-Mes, Charles Chapman of Berlin here beer. visiting her parents, Mr, and leers Scott: Mrs. Harder,' who • has beer, visiting with her sister, Mrs. G Dick has returned to her home in Chicago, -Sol. Williams ran the prong. of a pitchfork into his hand, snaking a nasty wound. -Mrs: Miller of Mich- igan. is visiting sears. John Scott -The marriage took place at the reasisg:liere on. Tuesday of last week of Miss'''elaay Riley of Tuckersreith to Alex. Mos sear of Hay. After a short trip, to Londor they have settled down on the groom's farm in Hay; ZURICH Henry Clausius, north of the village had the first finger of' his leti hand badly crushed between, the _cogwheels of a threshing machine on Friday morning. The bone was splintered and the end, of the finger taken off.- The rural mail driver of No, 1 had just returned from delivering on his route Saturday, when, his horse broke'. loose froir the hitching post and start eel to run at a furious" rate, striking a wago' and then a tree, demolishing the mail wagon, and harness, -While strolling on the beach south of St. Joseph one evening last week : Mr. R. T. Dunlop . discovered a suit • case whicl; ac doubt was a relic of the great storm of last fall. There is more Catarrh in this section of the coon try than alt -other diseases put, together, and until the last fen rears was supposed to he incurable For as;reat many yeir,.in^tar, pc , ma -ed it a local die' ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constant - 1y failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable, Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease a.rd therefore requires consti- tutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac- tured by F. J. Cheney C Co., Tnledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. lc is taken internally in doses from ilk group to n teaspoonful. It acts directly on th. blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oder one hundred dollars for any Case it fails to cure.' Send for r.irrnlars and testi- monials.. Address: F. J. CisENEY St Cu., Toledo, Ohio Sold by Drng-;ists, 75 cents, Take Balla 'family pills for constipation. SAINTSB URY An ice cream social in connection with St Patrick's Church was held in ties Racey.• Memorial Hall otn. Wednes- day night of last week. The, object of the event was to raise funds for the Hospital Ship, consequently it war, ., welt patronized." After the. sQc- .at- a short program was. • rendered lvhicl, was much enjoyed. The pro- ceed!: amounted to S20. Miss Vera Davi; is visiting with her aunt at Bryanston. -Mr. and Mrs. 3. I, Shoe- batton of Bally -mote visited at Rich, Hoagies on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs, Wm Shoebottoxn of Blansharcl visit- ed here on Sunday. -Mr. Freeman Dobbs who, -underwent a critical op- eratics. pera. -.r a fear s vee k ago, is able to {, b up an` around agaiand gives promise of a complete recovery.- Maste • Ivan Washburn, ,after a six weeks' visit returned to his home in Guelph Monday.. --The stork delivered a fine baby boy at the home of Mr. atasi Mrs Percy Armitage on August 24 There was also a daughter arriv- etc as the home o•f Mr. and Mrs, Phin. Dickins cn August 27. •,_u',KiPTA Ttie WO!L .,. SOAP, Ait WILL RAISE tilialE MEN Four Battalions to Be Aci-lied to Canadian FO roe. Col. Rughes at Valeartier Addressing Officers Says Strength Will Be Raised to Sixteen Battalions In, stead of Twelve --•Only 22,000 of Their Will Be Sent to Europe Just Now. VALCARTIER CAMP, Que., Sept, 1, — From his charger, Col. Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia,address- ed about 1,000 officers of the mobili- zation camp yesterday afternoon. The officers formed three sides of a hol- low square northwest of the head- quarters, and from an elevated posi- tion the Minister told them of some of the plans of the Government in connection with the first contingent and othercontingents that may be formed. He said that therewere now over 29,000 soldiers encamped, and only about 22,000 would comprise the first division. If they could not go at once they must not be altogether disappointed. There would be use. for them, and they would all have their chance some time: He stated that a part of the Cana- dialr force would be used to garrison Bermuda and other places, and other regiments would be used in Canada as. line of communication or to act as protective force: here: Col. Williams, camp commandant, had been author- ized to raise sixteen- battalions in- stead of twelve, because of the great number of volunteers. He said that the present -23,000 men in camp were the best ever gathered in Can- ada. They had to get down to ser- ious business and learn to shoot straight. "I can excuse a man for almost anything if he can pick his man," said the colonel. "Incompetent officers are worse than baggage, because they must be fed," he concluded. The arrivals in camp yesterday were as follows: 6th Regt., Yaneon- ver, 352; 6th Field Company Engi- neers, Vancouver, 124; 19th Com- pany, C. A. S. C. 105; 103rd Regt., Calgary, 512,• other Calgary man, 10. Five hundred Edmonton noon ar- rived late last night and remained in the cars until the morning. An official statement was given out by Col: Williams, camp comman- dant, last night, that the entire Damp was being organized into four bri- gades, instead of three. Up to the present there have been twelve bat- talions; but, as. Col. Hughes announc- ed in his speech to the officers in the afternoon, four additional battalions are to be formed. • This means the appointment of four battalion com- manders and another brigadier, the present brigadier .commanders being Col. Turner, V.C., D.S.O., and Lt, -Col. Mercer and 'Lt. -Co]. Rattan. ` Two men entered camp last even- ing without permits. They turned out to be whisky runners and were promptly placed under arrest and will be dealt with by the authorities to- day. Militia Will Be Mobilized. OTTAWA, Sept. 1. — Probably all of the Canadian .militia, but certainly the greater portion of it will shortly be mobilized. This was the statement made at the Militia Department yes- terday. The object of the Department is twofold -to drill the militia and to increase the efficiency of the fusee in case -it is required, also to stironlate recruiting. There are many more cameo at Valcartier than are required, but it is probable thatmany of. the yrs will go as privates. Many .atoms did so when the Canadian cont fogent went to South Africa. CHECKED .HUGE FOBS& Britons Numbering 70,000 . Men Fought 200,000 Germane. WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. — Seventy thousand British troops for is last three days held in check. 99{1,000 German troops, until relieved by French reinforcements, aecordtag to information here to -day through neu- tral diplomats. The advices did not give the place of the battle. Although the German forces broke through the British lines in many places, the English held their own until French reinforcements arrived, and then retired in good order. Mili- tary experts of the allied forces 'were reported to have been greatly en- couraged by the manner in whlcai the British forces withstood the eaperior forces of the enemy. ' The informa- tion came from Paris through diplo- matic sources. Dead Soldier's Comrade Arrested. ST. CATHARINES, Sept. lowing the accidental fatal shooting of Pte, William Sergeant, 19th 7tegi- ment, on guard duty on Welland Canal Saturday night, an arrest has been made of the soldier in whose hand the revolver rested why dis- charged. The prisoner is Pte. Shaw, Elm street, St. Catharines, Sergeant elks - est friend, according to their tent comrades. The two young soldiers bad been fooling with two revolvers left Hilt the tent and that held by Shaw is w,1cl to have been the one in which tliowep,pty chamber was found. Shaw IS I1t*rt broken; the Mother of theis seriously ill in the General oand a - rine Hospital. • To Extend Gibson's Tani, OTTAWA, Sept. 1, -- Al r it is just a yearnow since the .r of Sir John Gibson, Lieutenan 'r . •or nor of Ontario, vas extend e4 `µ• a twelve-month, and the mak , of a new appointment is due, it is . Fee` ed that the Government will . ruee Sir John Gibson to retain G Ijosi- 1, tion for the present at least, oil ac- • count of the war and undestsgtaility of melding any more changes just now than are necessary. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SYR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., L L D., D.Ci,., President ALEXANDER LAIRD. General Manager JOHN AIRD, Ass't Genera Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $15,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits- of $1 and upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail, Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. 521 EXETER BRANCH -H, T. WHITE Maga, CREDITON-A, E. KUHN, Man. THE MOLSQNSBANK Incorporated 1855 Capital at Reserve r 91 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BiTSINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT ........ . . ....... , TRAVELLERS CHEQUES 14 • • . , Issued BANK MONEY ORDERS • • • -... . $8,800,000 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. N. D. HURDON Manager, called on friends, here last week en route to Thedford.-metas Nellie Mur- ray visited friends. in 'Medford last week. -Everyone is planning to attend the anniversary services, in Grace Ch, Friday and Sunday. -Miss Ida Webb is with Mrs Murray, for afew weeks. GREENWAY memb• Misses Lancaster and Miss Steward - son of Forest are guests of Misses L. and C Stewardson. Mrs. A. McIntosh stag Miss Olive of Port Huron are spending the holidays with relatives here. -Mrs, C. H. ,Wilson and Hugh have r`eftirried from a visit with their friends in Grand Bend and Stanley. - Miss Olive Wilson of Port Huron is visiting Miss Zillah, English. -Mr. Geo, Hartle and Miss Margaret have moved to his far on tliei 19th of McGilliv- ray, -.Ir the _absence of Rev. J. E. Ccokwho is away on his holidays Mt Geo, Sherritt conclucted the ser- vice ervic i itt the Methodist church Sunday in a very, acceptable manner. -Rev. D D. Thomson and son Harold and Roy Toronto London Exeter Ailsa Craig Goderich Kuktoe. Parkhill Seafortli Zurich FALL FAIRS. Aug. 29 to Sept. 14, Sept. 11-19 Sept. 21-22 Sept 17.8 Sept. 21-23 Sept 24-25 Sept, 24-25 Sept. 24-25 r Sept 73-24 Huron County Day AT WesternFair London T'uesda: t Ya Sept. . 15th a 1J1�4 CITIZENS OF EXETER AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY GO WITH Exeter Brass Band AND ENJOY A DAY AT THE EXHIBITION SPECIAL RAILWAY RATES FiiLI. DATES OF T.HE EXHIBITION ARE SEPTEMBER 1,1th t°6''19th THE GREAT LIVE STOCK. ;SHOW OF ONTARIO, FULL PROGRAI•i OF ATTRACTIONS TWICE DAILY FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT. 11 OL, T, KENNEDY'S 20 SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY IJ':JG SHOW SEPT, 15' to 18 SLIE THE $300000 PAINTING "THE HAYMAICERS" and THE DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL RIMLT,TAI.. FARM EXHIBIT WATCH THIS l'•EAR's EXHIBIT ECLIPSE THEM ALL,.. Make your entries early All railway tickets good till Sept_21. J REH1, Preside/It A% lei,, HUNT ,Secretary 1 .<j 11W; �! fish N. --<.7/. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Buyers to Share • in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1, 1914,' to August 1, 1915 and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. TOURING CAR . ... $590 RUNABOUT 540 TOWN CAR 840 In the Dominion of Canada only FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maxi- mum efficiency in our factory production, and minimum cost in our purchasing and sales depart ments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 cars be tweed the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyers share, from S40 to $60 per oar (on or about August 1, 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low pric- es and profit sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Get particulars from Wes. Snell. agent. Huron County Day AT WesternFair London T'uesda: t Ya Sept. . 15th a 1J1�4 CITIZENS OF EXETER AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY GO WITH Exeter Brass Band AND ENJOY A DAY AT THE EXHIBITION SPECIAL RAILWAY RATES FiiLI. DATES OF T.HE EXHIBITION ARE SEPTEMBER 1,1th t°6''19th THE GREAT LIVE STOCK. ;SHOW OF ONTARIO, FULL PROGRAI•i OF ATTRACTIONS TWICE DAILY FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT. 11 OL, T, KENNEDY'S 20 SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY IJ':JG SHOW SEPT, 15' to 18 SLIE THE $300000 PAINTING "THE HAYMAICERS" and THE DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL RIMLT,TAI.. FARM EXHIBIT WATCH THIS l'•EAR's EXHIBIT ECLIPSE THEM ALL,.. Make your entries early All railway tickets good till Sept_21. J REH1, Preside/It A% lei,, HUNT ,Secretary