HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-27, Page 5Meat May Be Injurious and Is Expensive ! Some people may eat lots of meat without in- jury to their health, but it's hard on their leets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet -they eat it daily—these pay in both health and purse. Either class will benefit by eating less meat and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It gives much more nourishment than its cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest--+%zse- quently better for you. Ask for 4 Rio?? CORN EINICES Ws the original. 10 cents per package. 10 • DENTAL Dr. Gi. l?'. RtlW- STAN, L.D,S,, ^D.b?.S. DRINTIST! &Weber of trio le.C.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto grilvereitY. Office -Over Dickson & Carling's 'law orrice. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dn. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.94, Honor .Graduate of ¶$ ronto UniversltY DENTIST Teeth. extracted 'without pain, or any; bars effects. Orrice over Gladnxan idtanbuxy's Office, Marin Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coma m:sstd'iere. Solicitors for the Molsons Bank etc. Stoney to Loan at lowest rates or interoit Offices -Main -St., Exeter I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a 1art•ge amount of private funds to loan on fawn and 'village prop- erties at low rates of interest.. GLA DMAN & SST ANBURY Barristers, Solicitors. Exeter. T: B''CARL1NG Lite, Fire, Aoeldt,titand Plate plash Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducttng auction sales. - Exeter. Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND RPEGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or 4,ny malt over 18 years old, may homestead.. a quarter -section of available Domin•• ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must -appear in peiso 1 at the Dominion Lands ,Ag- ency at Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry' nay be made at • •:.ny Dominion Lands Agency (but not, Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties. -Six, months' residence upon aad cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may. live. withia mine miles of his, homestead cn a Unto of at least 80 acres, an certain conditions, A abitable house is re= atire;d tit C.' case, except when re- sidence is 'ee:,rformed in the vicinity; In oestaie drelestetts a homesteader in good standiint may peeeempt a quarter section alongside Iiia homestead. Price $3 per aere. Duties -Six months resi- dence fur each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 aches extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions. A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead is certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Dirties-Mttst re- {, l sidh 6 ,>4nont•lis its each of 3 years, cu- ltivate S0 "acres, and erect a house worth $300. - Tiie altee, of cultivatiotn is subject fo reduction in, case of rough, scrufi- by or stoat' land. Live stock may be 6T „- substituted fox cultivation under cer- -` taiui conditions. • W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B 11Jnauthorized (publication of r" ?` this advertisement will net .be pard tor. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS b ea gulating Pill for Women. s5 a box or threefor $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or maned to any address on receipt of price. Tas ScoazLL DIMS Co''„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN• vii ane Vitality; for Nerve and .'Brain; increases "grey matter" ;a Tonic—willbuild you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at thug stores, or by mail on receipt of price, TIME SCOBELL Dano CO., St. Catharines. Ontario. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 1st CENTRAL STRATFORD.ONT. The best Commercial School in the province. Our courses are thorough and practical while our instructors are better than you will find elsewhere. We do moire for our students than other similar schools do. Our sates are reasonable. Write for our free catalogue and see what we can do for you D. A. McLachlan, Principal A NEW TERM' opens Sept. 1 in the Popular ELLIOTT yam, lerld(zzledd/ AIM Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto. This school enjoys a great reputa- tion for superior training. Write to- ddy for catalogue. EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know about the wonderful WlilrIHig S raY " Douche Ask sour druggist for it. If he cannot snooty the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book -sealed. It gives full particulars and directions ivaluable to ladies. WINDSORSUPPLY•-CO.,Windsor, Ont. General Agents for Canada. REDUCED FARES TO TORONTO Fou., CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION , FARE AND ONE-THIRD e1et 31st to Sept, 11th :aiclt Fra• mall stations in Can wall, Ottawa and West, SPECIAL ROUND TRI, FARES will be in, effect on certain dates, AL tickets valid for return entil Tuesday September 15th, 1914, Full particulars froeeNer tel Trunk Ticket Agents.. 4 N. . DORE, Exeter, Canadian National ^h .it n [ACEYE4RAmer �Greatet Liv oS o w Acre pManufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dotnizion Government Exhibits by't'e@= Indies • Grenadier Guards Ilapd Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circua and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Stow BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spe tacie ever presented on Conthent Paintings from England Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits ' Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival 'Crew orfi•'s Famous Band Score of of I• er Bands Pozen Band Concerts Daily i',hesapeake and Shannon 'Biggest M .'way ever Pence Year Fireworks • .`interna'ioaal Peace Tattoo to Bands 4OO Musicians { .& 1. xSept:- 29, 1914 Sept14'. jrfQ R 0 N T•O • Moray, -While Mr. Chris Noble was engaged taking a load of oats off his wagon he had the misforturiet to lose ears of one of his fingers. While man ipulating the sling ropes his hand caught in the pully with tee above mentioned result. The injured mem- bee is progressing favorably. Clinton -A dainty wedding took place in the St. Paul's church at high noo10 August 19 when the marriage of Winifred eldest daughter of 1iIr. and Mrs. Richard Walton of town, and Mr. Fredricck Fraser of Goderich, was solemnized. Brucefield The many friends oI A'Ir Robert Mc.Caxtney of the • Nils Roac are sorry he met with the acci- dent last week of falling off a load of grain. and striking the wagon ton- gue thereby breaking several ribs and getting a bad shaking up. . Blyth -Geo. Quinn of East Wawa - nosh was fatally injured when he fell from a hay mow last week. He :lied two hours later. Mr, Quinn taughi. school in this district for 'many year; berate commencing farming. A wife end grown-up family survive . Value of Rheuma From the Court judge Barhosst was Relieved of Rheumatism After Doctors Failed It you have tried many other reme- dies and doctors' treatments for Rheu matisn. and found they failed, do not be skeptical about trying RHEUMA. Rear the testimony of Judge John Bar horst of Fort Loramie, O. • "After treatment by three doctors without result, T have been cured of a very bad case of Rheumatism by using; two bottles of RHEUMA. It is now two years since I used the remedy and I am still as well as ever. Previously, I was a cripple, walking with crutches," Such testimony should be Convinc- ing • 50 cents of W. S. Cole, guaran- teed BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the kaki/SY/or/ Y. M. C. A. BLDG,. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J.W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal 19� Chartered NADIA ill ' A N Fa C HHO.11M.ESEEKERA:5' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA,- ALBERTA • SASKATCHEWAN' rt 16 Tuesday until. October 27th, Inclusive. Winnipeg and Return $33.00 Edmonton. and Return .- 43.00 Prom Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate faces', from Stations East of 'Toronto. Return Limit two months. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tlekcts from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or Write M. G. MU12PTIV, i),P,A,, C,P. Ry. Toren a NEWS TQPIQS: OF VIEK runt E eats Which Have bui'Ted;-During the Week. The ,y World's Happenings Care- ► " Compiled and Pot Into dy and Attractive Shape for t e I'cgaders of Our Paper--. � Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WIRDNESDAN. Eight hun ren French reservists liana from Montreal this morning, e,celerding to information given at the Hench eonsulate. News frolij the. British gold coast of Africa says the British forces of that Colony, whose capital is Accra, have taken some German prisoners and captured Iwo trains in Togoland. The steamship Victoria,. from A] Nolte, gaka, brought $200,QQ0 of gold bull en O Seattle yesterday from the pl a,ie es of Seward penin- sula. The gold output this year will be large. Francis Drake, an unmarried man whc hate resided in Belleville for many years, was yesterday morning found dead in his room. Apoplexy was the cause of death. He was 63 yea ,. Of age. Four British steamers, the Indiana, Carlton, Astraea and Welibury, clear- ed at Galveston, Texas, yesterday for London, Liverpool and Bordeaux with approximately 860,000 bushels of wheat on board. in a fit of despondency Mrs. Mar- garet McIntyre, of London, Ont., a widow, aged 78, threw herself from a second',utofe$' window of a rooming house at 338 'Maitland street yester- day afternoon and was'almost instant- ly killed. THURSDAY. The first grain of the new 1914 crop has arrived at the, waterfront in Fort William and has been stored In the Thunder Bay elevator. It con- sisted Of six carloads of wheat. The present embargo on foodstuffs. from England is having a serious.:ef- fect on the Canadian tea trade. Offi- cial representations are being made to the 'British Government seeking a remedy'. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year this far in 'New York City. The mercury inose to 95 officially at 4 p.m. A mae and a•child died from the effects of the heat and there were many proetrations. `Dr. J. I. Chabot, Conservative M.P. for 'Ottawa, returned Tuesday from the west and immediately volunteer- ed for duty at the front. Dr. Chabot is' Major -surgeon of the Princess Louise Dragoon Guards. Thomas King, a young man of Ot- tawa, was killed instantly at Pem- broke yesterday afternoon. He was employed by the Pembroke Electric Light Co., • and while working up a pole came in contact with a. live wire. An employe of the Bell Telephone Co. at Picton, E. S. Coulson, while at work en a telephone pole yesterday morning came in contact with an electric wire and fell to the ground, striking on his head, He was instant- ly killed. FRIDAY. A small German force crossed the frontier of German East Africa into British territory yesterday, raiding the natives' cattle. The water in the Rideau river has become so low that steamers plying between Kingston and Ottawa may soon have to be taken off the route. The French Minister at The Hague has been recalled and left for Paris Wednesday. He will be succeeded by edAllisy, formerly French Minister to Bavaria. .The Grand Duke Michael Alexan- droaitch, brother of the Emperor of Russia, with his suite of seventeen persons, arrived, at Christiania yester- day frbm.Newcastle, England, on his way to Rueaia. That certain German -American papers are rbaching Montreal in great numbers and that they contain articles to incite German citizens against Great. Britain, was informa- tion which Chief of Police Campeau received from the Ottawa authorities yesterday. SATURDAY. it is beiteved in Vannpuver that there is abs9QZ tely no found,�Eion i;or thil rumor that a German cruiser has called or Is about to call at Prince Rupert for coal. Lord Percy,, son of the Duke of Northumberland, has ciit short his hunting trip in tFe Arctic and is in Mame City on his way tEngland to join . the, British army. The Italian Ambassadors in Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria and Germany yesterday had a conference With Marquis Di San Giuliano, the Italian Foreign Minister. leering a severe electrical storm the bare} of Wm. Fountains was struck ley li htning. The bare, nearly all of the yea's crop, the implements and some hens were burned. • The Ghent correspondent of The London Chronicle telegraphs: "Brus- sels is .ee occupied by the enemy, having bent surrendered to the Ger- mons, wit but the firing of a single shot." The protest of Col. Morrison, di- rector of artillery, against the action of a number of married women in Canada preventing their husbands from volunteering for active seri* has had the effect of stopping the practice to a yery'large extent. ,MONDAY. A brigade of white-haired mothers will lead the women's peace par de which is planned ter Aug: 29 in ew Yek, tIt 'es announced that the Royal Military College at Kingston will be in ,sessions again this fall. A special army class is to be organized. The gats of loch six of the Wel- land Canal were carried away by the steamer Alba B. Ketchum, owned by the" Reid Wrecking Co., Sarnia, at 2.20' Sttudy morning. Mine. i�1lauic, who recently was aecprr•fl'ted oY'the murder of Calmette; the Paris editor, is at Matters, in. Normandy;, directing 'a public soup kitchen and organizing an ambulance eorjis. An official telegrams from lvioscow says tike Czar bpd',C,z, aria, ° went out Saturday accanipanied only by a few persons; pf their suite. The public Itself Wed as their pi^gte ti n and gland that good order would be pre- served. The woins,n's suffrage bill Was re- jeeted by theS'w,edi h Parliament on Saturday, thin bill bas beep.upport- ed by the Liberal and Socialist par- ties. The vote on it was favorable in the second chamber, but adverse in the first, TUESDAY. Winnipeg will not buy any more (' erman goods. This wan the empha- tic resolutionyesterday. of the Board of Con - A A German biplane captured at Cernay has been added to the 22 guns and other trophies to be placed at the foot of the Alsace monument. The embargo on the exportation of sugar from Jamaica, imposed recent- Iy by the local authorities, has been removed, except to countries hostile to Great Britain, The Paris Excelsior yesterday pub- lished a message from Nish, Servia, saying that an Austrian monitor struck a mine in the Adriatic and was destroyed, The crew perished, According •to a newspaper publish- ed in the Netherlands, a friend of Ro- land. Garros says that Garros is alive and well a d that he did not smash a Zeppelin airship, as had been report- ed. Election protests have been lodged by Liberals against Sir Redmond Roblin,tionsDr. McFadden and 7. J. Gar- land, successful provincial Conserva- tive candidates in Dufferin, Emerson and Lakeside, Man., on usual allega- .. The first,case of desertion in King- ston was, reported yesterday. A member of tike 14th Regiment doing duty at Fort Henry, tired of his job, and leaving his uniform on the rail- way tracks at the foot of Queen strdet, he left the city. ITALY UNDER PRESSURE. She Will Probably Take Up Arms Against. Triple. Alliance. , „ LONDON, Aug. 25. --There is good reason for believing Italy soon will be involved in the great conflagration, and that she will crme in, not on the side of Germany .and Austria; with whom she constitutes the triple al- liance, but with the allies. While it is impossible to obtain definite information,it is known tee mendous pressure is being brought to bear upon Italy by both sides. The allies are confident the representa- tions of Germany and Austria will be, if they have not already proved, definitely to be ineffective. The British press teems with lead- ers pointing outthe advantages accru- ing to Italy if she joins the allies, even to the extent of discussing the spoils of war which might fall to Italy in the way of provinces recover- ed 'a'nd additional territory secured fromeAustria. There are persistent rune in diploil atic circles here that the Malian Government already has decided .upon the fateful step. While. the allies de not doubt their ability to take care of Germany and Austria without any more •help, it is well re- cognized that Italy's assistance would make the victory more titre and cer- tainly much quicker. German Pressure Fails. ROME, Aug. 25—The German Am- bassador here has been actively try- ing to induce the Italian press to ad- vocate ItaIy's intervention., in behalf of Germany. The inducement which he has been holding out is Italy's coming into possession of 'Tunisia and Algeria. So far the Ambassador's efforts have failed completely. Not a single newspaper, not even those which were Austrophile before the war, has pub- lished a solitary article in favor of the German views. NAMUR IS CAPTURED. British Official Bureau Announces Fall of Stronghold. LONDON, Aug. 25. — The London Times in its news summary this morning says: "Namur has fallen. This is, in the words of the official communication, and necessitates the withdrawal of a portion of the allied troops from the line of Sambre to their original defensive position on the French frontier. "The official Press Bureau also an- nounced yesterday that the British forces were engaged all day on q0, - day and after dark with the enemy in the neighborhood of Mons, and held their ground. "Namur is a strongly fortified city at the junction of the Meuse acid Sambre. It was confidently expected to present a formidable obstacle to the German advance. There is as yet no explanation of its sudden fall. No doubt the Germans have attacked the allies in this part of Belgium with all their available forces. "The French Minister of War, in an official statement, reminded the nation that the huge extent of the front along which the armies are en- gaged, and the enormous number of troops upon that tront,.,make it im- possible to estimate the :importance o` momentary developments. "The battle now ragingsfrom Mans to Cirey will last several days, and it wil be necessary to await a definite result before a sound conclusion can be reached as to the full'eftect of this first great engagement." ALLIES BEFORE • q,'$INGTA_U. Japan, Britain and. Russia Blockade German Port. PEKIN, Aug, 25. •The..blockade:of Tsingtau, the fortified%;; seaport ` of lefao Chau;.has begun. • British,. French and Russian vex- sacs of -war are taking• part in 'the 'tip to the present time only British regiments have received orders to co- operate with t the Japanese irk the operations against liao Ohau on the laud side. The french, however, are expecting orders to assist the British.. There probably will not he more thati two or three regiments from each na- tion. Boils Biliousness Malaria AreYau Troubled? Co11stipation Dr. Pierce's Gilden Medical Discovery Perhaps this case maybe similar to your; for over forty years has beensueh lending its aid to ,just, J. Weak, Tillu of (Rox 073.) Selina 044. writes: have for me. At the age of fourteen I waii„treublcases as this. In cur' Gentlemen;-.""lt gives me much pleai)tr#'e to be able possession we have thou - to send you a testimonial, if by its Reaching some sands.Of testimonials of like e . e$. sufferer your medicines will spec much forhirttas thn withthe worst sort of large boils I was Verauaded by b t 't worth at least .a Dr. Pierce'; remedies, to try the Gilden Medical, trial in view of such strong ''Discovery. I took one bottle and the boils all dts, . testimony? Isn't it reason.- appeared, but I did not stop at one bottle,to suppose I took three able that if it and the malaria all Left me and I have had no more boils to this day, thanks to the Golden Medical Discovery' for my relief. a great deal with malaria and biliousness,aceompaiiied Perhaps you :are skeptical, ray parents, who have always been strong believers in ` tl ism it "Following an operation for appendicitis two years ago wan troubled verymuchwith constipation and I have been trying Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative. Peliete and they' have rid me of the troublesome gas and have aided me in conquer- ing the whole trouble; thanks again for the 'FalIeta' and for the advice r have obtained from The People's Common Sense ' Medical Adviser." Send only 81 cents for this 1008 page book. has done somuch for others it can do as much for you? Your druggist will supply you in liquid or tablet form, or you can send 59 one -rent stamps for a trial box. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, W. Y. feed business to 1Ir. Isaac Hudson, HENSALL wltc recently returned from the West, Lloyd Stacey of the 11Toison's staff, -Phe Jackson. clothing factory has closest dowzt owinFpt to inability to get shipments of material, This firm em- ployes aver twenty hands, -Mr. and Mrs Chas. Matthias. of Kansas arrived from Philadelphia and will remain a fen weeks. Mrs. Matthias is a sister of Messrs. John and Christian Hey, They left this township. for Kansas abou. 45 years ago, -4' Miss Melissa Smith of Detroit is visiting her sister leers Wm. O'Brien. -Mr, J. A. John- eton of Orillia is visitinge his nephew Thos Johnston. -Miss LiIy Faust of Napierville is home for 'a visit with her mother Mrs. Adam Faust. -Miss Kate Campbell is visiting her sister Mrs. Kampman at Berlin.- Herbert and Miss Olga Howald of Stratford are, visitors here. -Andrew Hess and Henry ,Gauman left la,st week on a trip through Western Canada.- Miss Eleanor Hartleib of Toronto is visit- ing, heir parents. -Mx. and Mrs, John R.ickbeil are visiting their son Fred kid daughter Mrs, Schwitzer in North Dakote.far some months: -Fred How- ald had his fingers badly squeezed in ZURICH a:priiating press and will be laid off 1 for :a few weeks. -4n. the recent storm Miss Peaa-1 Jennis:an'of Parkhill is a house in, Stanley was struck, by the visiting ,,Xyliss Olive.O'Brien ee lieneee lightning and destroyed. --Walter Ste - Diana and. Rorie Kaercher of .ilii ven's house near Blake was struck but are visitiin,g 1ldiss. Agnes `Kaerrcher:. - dioestat' burn. Samuel Walker of the Miss Bessie Bowman -of Berlin is:uis Parr Line had several horses killed,- i•iiw_ Mr. and Mrs. Siebert, -Messrs: Mester Lloyd Hey, son, of Mr and:Mrs. Tohn Douglas and 'John Gerber have Mrs John Hey Jr. had the misfortune iruichased Ford autos, -Rev. Miller' 'is .recently of falling off a load while in New Ontario oe a short visit. -Mr. hauling oats front the field. He was Peter Randall, son of Mr. and hies. driving the Team and in some way was H. Randal', Joined the London con- dragged foreward aid before • the hors tiugent. and goes to front, with the ea could be stopped the wagon. wheels first division.-il2essrs. Sparks &Don.- ran over him bruising hint badly. lie gias have disposed\of their floor, and is expected to recover. Alvmston is home for holidays. Mrs. Chas Chapman, of Berlin is the guest of - her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Scott. -Thomas Wood and little grand sen, of Stratford, are guests at A. Mc Pherson's.-Mrs, Marion and daughter of Edmonton are the guests of, the ,is ter of the farmers Mrs, CarlinseeMiss Sharp of Toronto has been 'visiting Miss Co,asett,-Goardon Manns, sof Brantford is here this. week owingto the illness of his iriother.-Mrs. Thrift sen, sari and daughter, who have been visiting, for the past month with •her father Robert Carlisle, left Monday foe Winnipeg where they will tne fut ure reside, -Miss Ellis and Miss Bee Urquhart are home frac t $t. Christ- opher,. Lake Scugeg, where they have spent five weeks.,iru connection with the McGregor,•Circle . Fresh. Air mission., -Simon Dow, Wife and'fainily left last week four Wingham where they will reside. They have lived her teen years. d • ' The individual The Logic- ap- pointed to creed ;ter an • b estate is forced -to give • • Administrator much time and attention to his trust. The anxiety is ceaseless, the danger of mistakes through inexperience is great. Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better performed by this Company?: The fees are no greater and the management much morecapable than can be expected of any pri- vate executor, however willing. - THE LONDON 81 WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED -is the logical administrator to appoint. Its sole business is the careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust :committed' to its care. Call in and consult us. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, K.C.; President 4 IOEN S. MOORE, Manager LABATT'S STOUT The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence - Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE—SOUND—WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT. LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 2 9 eeeetram