HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-27, Page 4Roasts retain their nittural flavor—
bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a
1283da always come fresh and sweet
from its perfectly ventilated
oven. See the McClary dealer in your t9wn.
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
xe ler vora e,
Sander.: & Creeeh, Proprietors
le advance -$1.00 per year in Canada
$1.5t in Unitel, Stetes. If not Ag4
in advance 50c. extra per year may
be charged.
TflUltST)A.17, ..-1,1TGr. 27, '14
The tine weather of the past
days has allowed the farmers to gee
in the oat crops, and the harvest
about completed
The S S. Picnic to the lake' on
leridar was very largely attendectaase
bout 180 being present. The -.day,
wa.e en ideal one. Tlie lake Was. ido
rough for boating, but the river Vas
'0.1a A long 'list of sports was put
ooin the afternoon, baseball running.
races and jumping contests, and the
children had many rides on the Merry
Go Round .
Mrs Webb and daughter of London
'are visiting with airs. J. Colwill.. a •
Mr W. H. Brown, is improving egala
meta will les out in a few days:
Mrs McFall of London is visiting
witI her daughter Mrs. T. Willis.
R Graham of Guelph spent
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. a Sid.
ale W. Quinton returned onaMana
tiay after spending a couple weeks at
the Bend
leIrs McIntosh of London is sPancle
ing a few days with Mrs J.: .-Wife: •
Mr Robert Baker, our onion kiug.
has completed the pulling of his crop't
ana is busy cleaning and gelling theft
-.ready for the market.
1 I I -1+14+-1- -1-1+1-1-14-1-1-14+1
Makin the
Little Farm Pau +
1 Bg G. C. BOWSF1EID 4:
• ,
friday evening Capt. W. 5. Neaman
-received a telegram to sen.d to God-
esich on Saturday a corporal and four
:orivates for service in. guarding the,
armories in that town. Corporal T.H.
-Bissett and Privates G. 1-lurdon, F.
Mellott Tam Penhale and Enos Wind-
• sor entrained that night for duty at
the County- Town. Before departing
the boys were each presented with a
pie bea.ring the Canadian emblem by
Mr. N. D .alurdon. Quite a number
al people witnessed the march to the'
statior. under command of Capt, `saa
El -earner.. and Lieut. 5. G. Stanbury.
On their arrival at Clinton the boys
welie met by Col. Wilsate and- Major
Rance, who. informed them that :the
orders had been countermanded and
they returned •to Exeter the same`tv-
anine.,in an automobile. It is expect-
ed that the whole battalion. will be
called out in a short time. .'"
SEALED TENDERS addieased to.
FOR quick
money ink
mg, wit h
sine II investment
and els sy -work.
no brake h of
farm industry
surpasses po r k
raiskg.' Na
ture can fit bet
ter into a' little
farm program,
and no line of
production Is
safer and more
profitable on a
large plaoe.
Hogpens may
be of the most ineepensive kind, but
'they tuner be kept clean They need
to be proof a gu hist drafts/ and storms.
'Clean premises 40S0 are essential iu
a'imrdirie againet disease. Two or
three sweet: of rape and an acre of
i,rtiehilkes will provide practically all
the fodder required by twenty -eve pigs
fromeweaning till fattening time.
If 11 supply of skimatiik or whey is
esvalaee it will pay to use it, and a
tight ration of -corn 'or peas once a dere
Win be a help, The rape and art.
ehokes limy be depended on to bring
tbe animals on at a fair rate of grow0
-en summer. Liberal feeding of writ
len- three or four weeks before mar
lee leg will assist weight and quality
eesh. Any amateur can grow the
r,,ps mimed and manage a drove of
'I tiers is a distinct public demand for
rmmeat of lightweight hogs ranging
from 200 to 300 pounds. The most
profitable .pork is that grown in eiglit
an ant nxunths, or from April to De
eeriest -a, so tbat there is little wintee
aelling, and most of the growth iR
•.htained from field forage. •
Perhaps as good a plan as any is to
market twenty out of twenty -live bogs
'ate in the fall and carry over the re
maining five until they are sixteen to
aiaghteen months old. The bacon mar -
let calls for the larger animal, and
prices are apt to be higher in the late
wtnter months than in the fall.
the breeds of hogs have -their ag-
vocates. For general purposes nothing
is better than to use dams of Chester
White, Tamworth or Duroc type,
crossed with males of the Poland-
.Ciiina or Berkshire variety. This kind
ofelereeding will give large litters and
he undersigned, and end Ten good sized animals.
der for Extension of South West In this country the most popular
Breakwater at Goderich, Oat., aaaatill breed has been the Poland -China. This
be received at this office until 4.00 breed has many good characteristies
P.M, on Friday, September elle- 1914, It is a rapid grower, makes good use
for the construction of harbour „ime of food supplied and cap be kept read)
provements, being an extension taaahe,:trea. market at any time, either as a
South West Breakwater at Goderich sucker, porker or baconer. The litters
Huron County Ont. are rather small, however, and for this
Plans and forms of contract can he, reaeen.. as +well as to get a more mime
seen and specification and 'forms of
tended obtained at this DepartMeat •
•and •at the offices of the Distirect
'Engineers Windsor, Ont,; ConCederae.
;ker. Life Building,e`Toronto, Ont. -anti
application to the Postmaster' at
Goderich, Ont.
Persons tendering are notified .that.
tenders will not be considaeacruna
less made on the printed forms sup -
lied and signed with their aattal sig-
natures stating their occupations and
places of residence. In theethed •of
firms the actual signature- the .nat-
ude e1 occupation, and plac'eaeofaieic
dence of each member of the firm
must be given, .
Each tender must be acconipardie
lee ar accepted cheque on a chartered_
bank payable to the order of 'the
Honourable the Minister ef, Public
Works, equal to ten per cent.. (10 paaaa
of the amount of the tender, which
will be forfeited if the person
into tender_
ing .decline to enter a contract
ellen called upon, to do so, or fail to
complete the work contracted for. If
the tender be not accepted the cheque
wili he returned .
The Department does not bind it-
self to accept the lowest or any tender
NOTE—Blue paints can be obtained
at the Department of Public Works
by depositing an accepted bank che-
soda and sulphide of antimony, Pill
gee for the sum of e25,00, made .pay-
able to the order of the Honourable verize and mix thoroughly, Use, a
the Minister of Public Works, which tablespoonful daily for each pig from
wilt be returned if the intending bid- the time they are old enough to run in
dee submit a regular bid. the field. Add a tablespeonful of bone.
By order, mi fer each animal •and mix the
R, C. DESROC'HERS, Whole tot with enough moistened meet
• Secretery. -
penteeet or Public Works or bran to make a palateble mess.
.lee, ,
Ottawa, ugust ,
Clean water and shade ere essentials.
A 21 1914,
Titeeepaeces will not he paid ler thie Dipping also Is advisable, In cases of
vevertieement if they insert it with sickheas keep those affected away
one authority from the Department, from the Mind ones and take prompt
. • . itetion to prevent the spread Of disease,
, 4401411000mew.-
animatefar gerieral purposes. farmer.;
are disposed to cross the breeds.
The eelection of the male is of great
itaportance, as he directly influences
every pig one may have to fatten, and
it depends on his breeding very target.)
whether or not. the pigs can :mike
profitable use of' the food given them
As in the case of all sires, the malt
'5116111d be pure bred, of approved
strain, both with regard to capacity to
put on flesh rapidly and to intlisesee.
-the sow In the production of large lif
•The dam need not necessarily et
pure bred, provided she Is of a good
-type. She should be selected from o
prolific mother, as fecundity Is hered
nary. The teats should number at
least twelve, fully developed, set w4
apart, even in size, and the front ten a
well forward on the body. The num
ben of tents does not Indleate always
the number of pigs she is likely a.
have. Sometimes sows with ten el
eleven teats will have large litters.
Whether on range or in pen, hogs
hold have a medicinal ration made
up as follows: One pound each of
wood chareoal, sulpbur, salt, baking
.....roor.,....r..frok..4.44t .fooldfift, 06..efe&144040itoad.4400440Nilfellf
vfr aad Mee. Danes Iswichen of
Lon4on spent Sunday with friends
here Mr Tevichen ret 1 •
aionaay winie airs. Twichea ee-
111%iit, for mud time longer.
ng on
Mr Augustine af Chicago. is vis-
iting friends in the village.
Mr incl Mrs. Norman. Kellerman and
the Misses D144.4 and Rosie Xaereher
motcred to Berlin, on Saturday after-
noon They engaged Mr. Bert Statton
to act as driver.
Mr Henry Galilee and Miss Emma
visited friends in Zurich oa Tuesday
Mr Angus Moore, who is working
in St afarys, spent Sunday at his
home here.
Mrs Louis Preeter aad son Lorne
co' Stratford are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John, Eidt,
Mr and Mrs. Ross Johnston of
Blake spent Tuesday at the home of
Mr George Edighoffer.
Miss Malan Routledge, who. attend -
e 'the millinery openings at London,
bias returned home.
Farmers have been- very busy the
pas few clays getting in their oats.
Amon', the many .visitors who have
beeel here during the past .week we
note the following, Mrs, john.Ashton
of London with her sister Mrs. Dave
Johnston. alrs. David Parkinsois with
her brother Albert Gunning; Mrs.
Steele of London, and Mrs. Free mail
of Granton with their mother„ Mrs.
Mrs. Phillip Broak; Mrs. E. Iohnston
of Landon. with her • 'Mother, Mrs. Su-
therby ; Mrs. George. Finlaciner of
Detroit at alas. Hector IVIillaoin's;Mre
Frani Matson of Mameington, Virginia
at Mrs. George Millsati'ea-Miss Lucy
Gunning is friends id St.
Marys this NsFeek.lVilltdrh Hooper of
the 8th of Blanshard sa.eht Sunday
here With friends —Adelbert MorIey
spent Sunday with friends at Kirkton
—Ernest Hobbs of Devizes visited- on
Sunday with friends here.—Miss Vera
Hodgsaa spent Sunday with Gertie
Jaques.—Oscar Morley and family vis-
ited the. forrner's parents here Sun-
day.—Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Hern spent
Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Semi
Stevenson at Devizes. • e•
The Zion Methodist church people
Elimville circuit, are making prepara-
tions for their annual Labor Day
Feetival. On Sunday, Sept. nth ..ser-
vices at 10,30 and 7 o'clock with
choice music. On Monday, Labor Day
at 5.30 o'clock in the evening, the us-
ual sumptuous supper, consisting of
sliced ham roast beef, salada and -ev-
erything that is good -wiil: ber held.
After supper a choice program -of
entertainment will be furnished chief-
ly by the noted G. Stanley cl-ass of
Deafness Cannot be Cured
bylocal applications, as they cannot reachthe diseee-
ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition .of the
mucouslining 65 tireHustachian Tube. "iWI this
tube is inflamed you have a rumbling Sound or im-
perfect hearing, and when it is entirelyclosed; Deaf-
nessis the result,and unless theinflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi-
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nlhe cases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of themucoussurtaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case %f
Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be Cured
byHall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
F. J. CHET k CO., Toledo 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation
Sept. llth to 19th.
The Western. Fair of Landon, One
tario promises to eclipse all 'previous.
Exhibitians. The management have
spared 'neither labor nor money to
make this the best ever held in Lon -
doe An excellent program of attrac-
tuene has bee -n arranged to take place
twice daily. The program of Fire-
work:: will be changed every night.
There will be ,plenty of music as a
number of excellent bands have been
engaged ..The Exeter Bend areunder
ccontract for Tuesday Sept. 15th.
asic' will go in full strength for that
day In addition to this the two local
bands al London will be in attendance
%chicle will ensure music all the time
There will be two speed events dailv
for which large purses are offered
The Infeenational Fireworks Co. of
New York will give a change of pro -
gran e of fireworks every night...The
Exhibits will be of a very, high class
tl a year and the buildings will be Elie
ect. The Col. F. Kennedy shows will
occupy the midway and the Exhibit
ae a whole will certainly. be best ever
held in London: All information given
OIIi aPD1iCati00 to the Secretary, Gen-
eeral offices, London Ont.
Sir James Pliny Whitney, Prime Min
istes- of Ontario, will press the button.,
on August 31st, that sets in Illation
all the machinery on the grounds of
the .Canadian National Exhibition; and
formally throws the gates open. to the
visitors from every land and clime,
The selectiosi of this sturdiest of Ca-
nadianfor this important function
hsa rnet the most enthusiastic ap-
proval frorn citizens of al] shades of
politics as being particularly appro-
priate for Peace Year, Sir James has
devoted his lite to building up On-
tario, of which Toronto is the centre,
and his broad and statesmanlike pol-
icy has had no little effect in bring-
ing about the &met success, that has
attended the Fair. While essentially
a peace loving man, he is known as a
bonnie fighter, and his recent success
ful struggle with the Great Conquer...
or, Death... won him universal admire -
tints His appearance on August 31st
will no- doubt take oni the character
•)f a public ovation,
Premi r Borden issues Warning
to Boosters of Prices.
By ACtiOnot ParliamentGovernnaent
Now Possesses Wide Powers;
Says Statement Issued at Ottawa
and, Inquiry 'Will Be Held Into.
Charges of Unjust Imre/tees For
OTTAWA, Aug, 25.—The follow-
ing official statement was given out
by the Prime Minister yesterday af-
ternoon, as representing tbe views of
the Government:
"While the action of the majority
oa. dealers throughout the country
during the present crisis has been
cbaracterizee by a sense of fairness
and justice, nevertheless several com-
plaints have reacher: the Government
Oast arbitrary and burdensome in-
creases in the cost of certain neces-
saries of life have beets made in some
localities without any sufficient or
substantial cause or reason.
"Under these oircumstaneea it is
desirable to ha've it generally known
and understood that under the wide
powers which have been conferred
upon it by Parliament, the Govern-
ment has the right to investigate
and to deal promptly with any case
or cases of unjustifiable increase or
any oPpressive combination or ten:,
deny on the part of dealers, '
"Under the grave conditions which
confront us by reason of tae. outbreak
of war, any course which "Weinkd be op-
pressive or nrifair toward the, labor-
ing and a.rtirina classes and generally
those posseised of sheen incomes, is
most strongly to be condemned, and
will demand the ..etercise of the Gov-
•ernment of all the powers at its oom-
Germans Send Out Glowing Report
Of Hattie.
BERLIN, Aug. 25.—(By wireless
telegraph from Nruen, Germany, to
Sayville, Long island.)-0flicial an-
nouneement was made here yesterday
that the German array commanded by
Grand Duke Albre-ht of Wuertem-
berg has defeated a Feench army 'at
It captured many guns, flags and
prisoners, ancluding se-veral generals.
Geaman armies under Print* Rup-
precht of Bavaria, Crown Prince
Frederick Wilhelm and Grams Duke
Albrecht are vigorously pursuing the
Preach. •
The army trader .Ruppreeit cap-
tured on hundred and fifty. guns at
uraeville, Blamont and Cirea, in the
eUch Departments of Meurthe mad
The army commanded by the
Crown Prince pursued the Frehell be-
yond Longwy.
The Germans are west of the River
Meuse, and advancing against Mau-
beuge. They, have defeated a British
brigade of cavalry.
Another Version. '
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. — The
German Embassy yesterday received
the follewing messagt. from the For-
eign OM co in Berlin:—
"The army of the German Crown
Prinee has won a decisive victory
northviest of Bieaenhosen over five
French army eorps. The retreat of
the southern French winglen Verdun
has been cut off. The Preach troops
were repulsed across the River Meuse
in complete rout. The Crown Prince's
army,, giving chase, took many pris-
oners, and it is (1 ',nand the French
troops are no longer .ble to face the
terrific fire of the German infantry."
Belgium Alleges Atrocities.
LONDON, Aug. 25. — The Belgian
Legation issued a note last night pro-
testing against threats of reprisals on
the part of Germany an giving spe
cial details which, it says, have been
verified by the Department of Justice.
Among the alleged acts committed
by German soldiers was the burning
of the village of Linsneau on the
night of Aug. 10 and the beating
with the butts of guns of eleven wen,
all of whom died, The pretext given
was that civilians had killed a Ger-
man officer, but investigation by the
military authorities, according to the
statement established that this saan
had been killed' in battle by Belgian
soldiers. •
Germans Issue Drastic Order.
PARIS, Aug. correspendent
at Basle telegraphs that a netts' has
been issued by the German profeet of
Upper Alsace, warning the cilia/ens,
on the order of the commanding gen-
eral, that if the inhabitants tales part
in the fight against Germany they
will be shot, their local. burgomasters
also will be shot and the loealitiea
will be demolished,
The troops have orders to *hoot
anyone who hides Frenchmen. Aecess
to the battefields is strictly forbidden
except to persons bearing a permit
from the local burgomaster. Any one
pillaging bodies will also be shot.
More Food Advances.
MONTREAL, Ang. 25. — The fol-
lowing advances in prices went into
effect in Montreal yesterday, an addi-
tion to the one cent advance in bread,
previously announced:
Cocoa 10 per cent, coffee 5 cents
per pound,. biscuits. (sweetened, im-
ported) 25 per cent., jellies and }anis
(imported) 25 per cent., jellies and
jams (Canadian) 5c. per pound., Sug-
ar lc. per pound, coefectionery le.
per pound, cigars, cigarettes and to-
baccos (not yet decided), ten 104, per
pound, liquors $1 to $2 per ease.
Crown Prince Dead?
LONDON, Aug. 25-11eftgeetteoUt-
ing from. Germany etate, according to
The Evening Standard, that ts
persist that Crown Prince Froielt
Witliattt is dead.
This Is the latest of 0, series re-
ports representing that the heir' the
throne hatt been stabbed by a Social -
fat, had been. Wounded in battle and
other stories of a similar elzaraCter.
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0„ LL.D., President
ALEXANDER LAIRD. General Manager JOEIN AIRD, Aee't General Manages
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. - 525
.Incorporated 1855
_ •
Capital 4k. Reserve.
. .
. . . ,. . $8,800,000
. . ,
. • .., A
RANK:S77 atisINESS;TRAN5AFrlD, ...
. '
6IRCULAR LETTERS OF .gpiT ..:.. :...-.,.....;iei::-..,..,.', . ,, ' ,-:
• -- :: ...,..:;:4-47ik,:.,,t.. -,..-,
TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ...e! '' : ' . ----------. 1
latitleals :
. • sena
BANK, MONEY. ORDERS. :: • ... •7 .
at all Irtuadhee. In i5 &llowed at. highest current rate.
Agents at Exeterlot:tite Dominion Government,
ItUitDON Mall
'•;t: '
Mr Wesley Hennessy had a narrow
escape fa-orn death Friday • evening
when. his horse became frightened in
front of Mr; Geo, Lewis' general store
He was thrown out and his head cut
in several placee. Dr. Orme was: sum
monea and after an hour's hard
work he regained consciousness. He
is now recovering.
Lucan,—A quiet wedding took place
in Si Paul's Cathedral, London, Wed,
eveninir August 19th, when Miss
Blance Mayo of Lucan became the
beide of Mr. Joseph Murray of this
Place 'Following a honeymoon trip to
Toronto Mr and Mrs. Murray will re-
side in, Lucan.
Parkhill,—The death took place of
William Wallace, who has been', a rei
ident of Parkhill for many years. Mr,
Wallace first came -to Parkhill, in the„
early 70's. He was an expert brick
layer and plasterer and assisted in the
construction of many of the brick
buildings in Parkhill and the surround-
ing- country,
•, .....,.....r. .4?-•
Toronto ' Aug. 2.9 to Sept. 14'
London . Sept. 11-19
Exeter Sept. 21-22
Ailsa Craig Sept 17e18
Goderich Sept. 21-23
Kuktoe Sept 24-25
Parkhill Sept. 24-25
Seaforth Sept. 24-25
Zurich Sept 7.3-24
Spanking does not cure children or bed (
wetting. There is a constitutional cause
for this trouble, Mne. M. Summers, Box
Yv.140. wludsor, Ont., will send free tie
any mother her successful biome treat-
ment, with full instructions. Send no ;
rO011eY but writs hex to -day
children trouble ytou int this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it
can't help it. This treatment alsocures
adults and aged people troubled with
Intel( difficulties by day or night
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from Aagnst 1, 1914, to August -1, 1915
and guaranq ed against any reduction duringthat.
TOURING CAR . . . . $590
RUNABOUT : . . . . . . 540
TOWN CAR • • • • • • .840
In the Dorainion of Canada only
FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maxi-
mum efficiency in our factory production, and
minimum cost in our purchasing and sales depart
ments IF we can reach anputput of 30,000 care be
tween the above dates. abeam
AND should, we reach this production we agree
to pay, as the buyers share, from $40 to 860 per
car,(op ot about August 1, 1915) to every retail
buyer.who purchases a new Ford car between
Augastl, 1914 and -August 1, 1915.
ror blather particulars regarding these low pric-
es and profit sawing plan, see the nearest Ford
particulars from Wes. Snell, agent.
Ontario's Popular Exhibition
September 1 1 th to 19th, 1914
Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two 'Speed Events Daily. New
Vitewertles Every Night.
The Damittion Experimental Farm Sexbibit and Tbe della lian Royal D'reetlirtYlse'
The Clots, T.Itenneda Shows te,111 the Medway. Music
by the best available Hands.
Reduced Railwau Hates commencing Sept tint
Special Excuesiou Days, Sept. 15th, Ifith, 17th. All tickets good till Sept 21st Z.
W. J, REID, President • M. HUNT. Secretai