HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-20, Page 8EXE; i'ER ABUOC.lTE, "T HU U 11.A.Y . ALTITEMT
Harley .• -•« 50 tfi School. re -opens on Sept, lst,
Buckwheat"... .• ... , ... 60
40 4a.
90 X90
75 9100
14 00 14 00
i aq
k'Qtai oe,s, per bag
Hay, eiet in.:.,
'. Flour, per cwt, family
B'loate m w grade per cw
-L a hi lee, per °vet
.Short- eels tort.. , • ^ . . , .
Brae ,,M,. note , . ..
1 20
Rev McAlister will occupy his owe
Ideas on Sunday neat,
Miss jacksan, nurse, has. returned to
London • accompanied' by Dorothy
e 21 Rev E G,'Pewell preached in the
• 23 Mail., Street Church on Sunday to
0 00 Large ` congregations,
21 001(
GOAT FOR SALE, -The • under -
sleeted will sell cheap a pure white
goat. -J. B Baigent, Crediton East,
CARID OF .TH A NK:S.- Mr. and firs.
Frank Casedesire to express their
Menke tc the Dashwood and E ;titer
friend for their kindnesses during
the time of the illness' and death of
the late Mrs. Rothaermel.
Mer. Wanted in this and adjoining
territory by large Canadian Mail Or-
der House to show samples to their
friends and neighbors. Position will
be permanent and pay $15 weekly f or
fete haute work. Outfit furnished
free .No experience required. The
Consumers Association, Windsor, On-
Won Lost
6& 3,
5 4
Ailsa Craig
I desire to announce that I have op-
ened; a Flour and Feed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post
Office and will keep, a full supply of
the best grades of flours and feeds,
I solicit your patronage.
First or Second Class Professional
far S S. No. 1, Stephen. Male and
experienced preferred. State salary
end qualifications. Duties start after
Holidays Apply to Wm. White,
Trustee Centralia, Ont.
PURSE FOUND -Containing a :,um
of money Owner may have same by
proving property and paying expellees
W. J Bissett or this office.
pared to furnish flowers of all kinds
for planting or for baskets at rea-
eatable prices. -JOHN FORD, ceme-
tery caretaker, Exeter.
.A second-hand wood furnace with-
out crack or . flaw, cheap. Apply at
this office
a quantity of excellent white clover.
Honey in the comb for sale at mar-
ket price. -Mrs. H. Brawn, Winchelsea
L 0 S T. Between Crediton and
Exeter, in a leather wristlet, a lady's
silver watch, with monogram, D: J.
on, back. Finder will be rewarded by
returning to Rev. Selby Jefferson,
Lot 7, Con. 1, Stephen, the ,arop-
erty of the late Thomas Essery.
Brick House, bank barn and frame
barn. 3 good wells, windmill, good
orchard about 8 acres of good hard-
wood bush containing about 500 su-
gar maple trees. Soil clay loam, well
drained and fenced. Farm in good
state of cultivation, one-half mile
from Centralia station.
Possession can be given to tuft
For terms and particulars apply to
Barristers, Exeter
Executors Sale of
On the premises, on Saturday, Aug.
22nd 1914. at 2 o'clock p.m. the fol-
lowing, namely, -Real estate consisting
of Lot No . 371, on east sidle of Wil-
liam street in, that part of the Vil-
lag:ry of Exeter, formerly known as
Francistawn: containing one-fifth of
an. acre more or less, on which there
is a frame dwelling house, two apart-
ments • also the household effects.
See posters. For terms and particu-
lars apply to Thos. Cameron, auction-
eer Farquhar.
Thos Cameron, C. Alexander, Ex
ecutors of the estate of the ?ate Tante
Talking to the Point
per.OlaetIQed Want Ads. get
right down tb the paint at Issue*
tf y u Want something say so In
w Well Chetan words. The
hent reader likes that kind
ght=from -thy • shoulder-
houlder-th t 1e Ons reedier- why
need Want Ads, era to oro,
0 of the best kind of
W1.,►ther buying or te11a
try *in help you.,
Milton Pfaff of ¶Dashwood has taken
a position ,with Mr, W. S, Cole to
learn the drug business,
\Ir. Wm. Sanders Con, 3, Stephen
lost his valuable driven: the latter part
of last week. It was a gond beast and
the lass is an unfortunate one for Mr.
The south wall of the Bank of Com-
merce . has been completed, having
bee„ t done in panelled cement It be-
-n> a very crude looking wall it was
difficult at first to see how it could
be done to make a presentable job,
hu` it has been done. and presents a
mechanical appearance.
The new Canadian postcards that
have been sent to the offices,
Ontario no longer bear the direct
longi. in French that . were put on by.
-to_1 L P. Pelletier, tie Postmaster-
Ge:neral. The innovation caused con-
siderable criticism, and the directions
ixt Freuch have been quietly dropped.
The Depart meet of Justice at Torg
ontois "senzli 1grcout notices to the
constables throughout the province
that •,n° one under the age of eigh-
teen -years is permitted to drive or
cnerate an automobile, and only those
to whom the markers are issued. Also
hat all autos must head in, on the
right side of the street, with one
re.r light and one outside light show-
ing when standing.
'The Exeter Agricultural Society has
just issued their 1914 prize rist. The
list ci prizes this year is a good one
making it attractive,:especially for live
stocl breeders and exhibitors. A
striking,. feature to the list this year
is the large number of special con-
tribution:, by the citizens of Exeter
arta ethers With the excellent Board
of Directors in charge ',n:clading the
ala painstaking and efficient 1'.resident
E Christie and A. G. Dyer, Secretary
the Exeter Fair this year should e-
clipse alt previous exhibitions Bell
hese •
The High School Section (Grade A
Government Standard) of the Exeter
Public School will re -open Tuesday,
Sept. 1st, with the fallowing staff,-
taffGeo. Sparks, B.A., •principal;- Miss A.
Hamilton Languages and History; rind
Miss C, Pridham, Commercial Special -
ist. The worlf of the school stands
high the play granavds and school
park are unrivalled, the Board has
been careful in making the necessary
changes in the staff and1 the ensuing
terms are looked forward to with
high -hopes for the best year in its
history Town pupils should register
on or before the 15th inst., attest
which desks will be allotted, in order
of application.
S. efartin, 3. Grigg,
Chairman Secretary
BE SHORT, -Toys a,nd nick • -tacks
are largely of German manufacture
and there will in all probability, oe a
Mrs W. elertin visited in ,London
last weer,:
Miss May Woods visited in London
last .wend
Miss Mary Baikwiii'is visiting in
Post Huron,
errs. Salter of Toronto is visiting
friends in 'town,
The Misses Spackmen have return-
ed to Blenheim
Miss Mabel Walters • .returned to
London Saturday,
Mrs Billings is visiting her sister
to Fort' Wayne, fid,
ells: Lula Hastings is visiting in
Waterloo and Berlin.
Mr and. Mrs, Alvin Brintnell were
itt Landon last week,
\1e and Mrs. Wm, Greenlet' were
in Landoll over eSunday
Miss Passmore returned to Toronto
Moanday after a visit here.
leers Roger Crocker returned to
twine en Toronto .Saturday.
Mi and Mrs. Wm. Dignan were
herr from Lucaal, 'this week.
A4.r. Ed Hunt and daughter of Sea -
forth visited at I. Armstrong's.
Rev James Snell and family of Park
hill are visiting with relatives here.
VLrs Fred Hawkshaw and little soil
Harry are visiting with relatives here
Mr Frank Rook, who has( been vis
iting here left Saturday for London,
Mr and Mrs. J. A. Stewart and fam-
ilv arc on a motor trip to .Toronto.
Mr . and Mrs. W. D. Clarke and
son Gale aro holidaying' in Southamp-
Mr and Mrs. The Sweet .' and son
el Hamilton are visiting relatives in
Miss Black who - has been visiting
Rhea L, Martin, has returned -to Wrox
Mr. and Mrs. Elder Elliott 'eft last
week for Wales, N,D., to spend some
Miss Jean Walker is spending a few
week. s with her parents in Exeter
Mr and Mrs. R. N. Creech wind son
EIugl., returned Monday from a visit -
in Brantford.
Mrs J Northwood is spending a few
weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Feel Witwer. .
Mr Ben Grigg ante daughter and
son of Waterloo are visiting here and
at Grand Bend.
Mr Harry Shelton of Dett at,form-
erly 01. Exeter, visited for . ieveral days
hese last week.
Misses, Hilda and Olive: Prescator of
Stephen returned Tuesday from a visit
b St Catharines.
Mr. G. W. Holman of Egmondville
visite with friends in town a few
dave during the week.
Miss Frances Davis of Winghani is
here visiting with her parents, Mr,
arts Mrs. Daniel Davis.
Misses Mame and Phoebe Easter-
brooke . are eisiting in Seaforth, and
Mrs. Easterbrooke in Hamilton.
Miss Ethel Sweet and Miss May
Armstrong are attending the millinery
openings at Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Fisher left
Saturday for P,,eterboro' to attend the
wedding of their soot Wallace.
Miss Amy and Verna. Trevethick of
Brinsley are visiting with their aunt
arty -uncle Ma. and Mrs. M. Ary.
Hiss 011ie Johnston returned 'Fri-
day from a •pleasant holiday with her
scarcity of cheap toys for this Christ-
aunt . Mrs Baker, in Rochester, N. Y.
mas Dyes of some kinds are made Mr C T. McLeod returned Friday
exclusivev in Germany and unless some nigh from a visit at Berlina and Lin
other country manufactures them if wood where his wife is still visiting.
the war is of any length, it :nay be k Mrs Hoose. who has been visiting
that we will wear hamesp*sits. The her sister Mrs. A. Cottle, returned to
ultimate outcome, ac cording to bus- `her home in. New York State on Sat-.
ieiess men who have studied the re- ' urday
sults will be a wonderful growth in I jeer Jos. Davis, Miss Annie Maud
Canadian manufacture. They base Davie • and Miss Imo Sweet returned
the deductions without taking into Friday from a visit with Detroit
account any antipathy to German friends
goods that might result,. but simply
oe. the " demand for goods whichit will Masten Ronald Witwer is spending
be impassible to secure from Germany his holidays in. Zurich with his Lister,
and wit have to be manufactured Wks Dan Koehler and other relatives
elsewhere ' and friends'.
by .one the old-time pioneers are
fast crossing the River. This week
we record the death of Mr. Eleazer
Williams, who died on, Thursday lass
ir. he 86th year, at the residence of
his sor George N., Lot 18, Conces-
sion 7. in the Townships of Usborne,
on`th s farm onwhich he had lived
for thirty-five years. Previous to
coming to Usborne Mr. Williams had
live i thirteen years in the Township
of Logan, about four and a half miles
north off Mitchell, and a. short time
in the Township of McKillop. Mr.
Williams came of U. E. L. stock, his
grandfather having 'come from Pensyl-
vnnia at the close of, the war of the
American Revolution and settled in
the Bay of Quinte district. When
but a boy of 12 years of age his
father was killed by a fall from his
horse and the ycuthful lad was eons -
Mrs C H. Homey is visiting her
sort Mr 'Wm. Harney and Mrs. John.
Dayman Mr. C. H. Homey visited
there over Sunday.
Ms, and Mrs. John Melnick who have
been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Hy.
Reynolds left Monday ` for their
home in Edmonton, Alta.
Mr and Mrs. Wm. J. Smith and little
daughter Hazel left Saturday evening
on an extended visit to Toronto,
Niagara Falls Buffalo and Detroit.
Miss Lily Huastoo. left Tuesday for
the Toronto Millinery openings. Miss
Olive O'Brien who had been visiting
he- accompanied her to Hamilton,
MR. Bert Teskey of Detroit, visited
rritl friends here during the week.
Sonny -ears ago Mr. Teskey was en-
gageo here as barber with Mr. Fish
Mr E. W Smith of North Bay, Mrs,
pelted by force of circumstances to T h' Smith of Buffalo, N. Y., Miss.
SelStav of
go out into the world and do bat-
at 8rooklyet, N. Y„ and Mr.tle foe himself. .How well he suc-
ceeded through industry, perseverance
rat' thrift may be judged from the Mrs Larson and. daughter, Miss
fact that at the time of his ,death Devotee Pearce of Killarney,. Man„are
he had 300 acres of the finest land hers. visiting with relatives and friends
Usborne Township, besides raising the •guests of the foemer's sisters,
a family of 12 'children -three' sons Mrs C Wilson and Mrs. J. N. How -
ane nine daughters -ten oe whom sur- ard. .
viva. him to mount the loss of a kind
,and loving father. Mr. Williams has
has fon' fifty years been 'a consistent
member of the Methodist Church and
in politics was a Liberal, but was
no, a strong partisan, but was eves
ready and willing to, sacrifice party
principles for the time being in •c•rder
to support measures of moral anti
sacira; reform for the uplifting,. of his
fellowmen_ The deceased was an
excellent neighbor and a true friend
ready at all times to lend a helping
hand to all who in any way needed
help His neighbors.all speak very
highly of him, and no higher testi-
monial could'. be given than that of
these- emcee whesn be had lived and
labored for so Iong a time, Though
absent he will -not be forgotten, but
his influence for good in the com-
munity in which he, lived, will leve on
ens' the nletnory-of, a kind xnd Yindui-
gee father will ever remain 'heel) and
Will Amos of Stratford spent the
ween: enc with Dr. and Mrs. Amc.s.
M; Frank Bawden returned from
Windsor on Monday, where he bad in
view the purchase. of a drug business.
Ms' Bewdei slid not purchase but will
likely do so`shortly' in. some Canadian
to wet
Miss Linda Wolper returned home
last week from Washington and De-
troit where she has been, spending a
couple oe months. She was accom-t
panned by her cousin, who will visit
friends here'
Mr Robert Howey and. Mr. A, Mc-
Alpine and his daughter Miss Rhoda
motored up from London Sunday end
spen'' the day with Mr, and Mrs, C.
W Christie, as did also Mr, and Mrs
Eli Coultis of Elifriville•
Miss Lillian Ha elford of Renfrew,
who has been visiting with nee grand -
patents Mr, and Mrs. Silas Handford,'
ref+ Monday with her aunt, Miss Allie
g-eewi in the hearts and lives of those Handford to visit 'with Mr. and. Mrs,
near and dear to him!: Thos Handford at Dousrean, Wi•s,
Opporte hitting on the tsart of
Crediton and the failure tot bit salely
at the right time for Exeter was reg
sponsible fax the Crediton win on the
local 'diamond in a league game cn
Monday evening, by the score of 3-1.
A good crowd was present and the
game was thoroughly enjoyed. Har-
rington and Boyle performed for Ex-
etcr. and Feltner and Matz for the
visitors, Dr. Gunn of Ailsa Craig
umpired very satisfactorily, Errors
were about evenly divided, The game
went the full nine innings, Cann far
Exeter starred at.the bat, pulling off
ter, hits for three times ulp.
Mee M .E, Harrington, accountant at
The Commerce, left Tuesday marn-
ung for St Thomas. While here Mr,
Elarrington has been the successful
curve artist for the Exeter Baseball
Club., and the boys are, very sorry to
Lose hien, In recognition of his ser
vices the baseball club on Monday
evening after the game presented him
with handsome club bag, rhe pres-
entation being made by Hon, .Pres,,
W J 1-eama,n: Mr. Harrington was
greatly surprised but thanked the boys
for their kindly remembrance. In oth-
er ways as well Mr. Harrington had
become a favorite and his departure
is regretted
FISHER-BLEWETT-An interest -
in ^ event took place in, George St.
Methodist Church, Peterboro; on Aug,
17th, at 7 a.m. when. a former Exeter!
young, man Mr Wallace A. Fisher,son
o Mr and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, took len-
t(' himself a bride in the person of
Misr- Wilhel Deiphine Blewett,.daugh-
ter o Mr. and' Mrs. Coleman Blewett
of Peterboro. The ceremony was per -
foamed by Rev. R. G. Peever. The
bride, who Carried a white bible, was
give, away by her father. Miss Bea-
tris- 3 Blewett of Toronto was the
bridesmaid and Mr. Campbell of Pet-
erborea the groomsman. Miss Ada Rich
ardsan.of Barrie sang "Love's Coron-
ation' and Mr. John Crane, manager
o. the Dominion Bank, played, Med-
delssohn's Wedding March. The
groom's gift to the bride was a tri-
ple diamond ring; to the bridesmaid.
a necklace of pressed roses; to the
bes- main a pearl tie pin. Out of
tolyl guests were` Mr and. Mrs. Wm.
le Fisher of Exeter, Mrs., Coleman
Blewett sr., of Lakefield Miss :Mar-
garet Sackville of San Antonio, Tex-
as Immediately after the ceremony
the wedding party left for Toronto,
London, Detroit and Exeter. On their
arrival here on Friday evening a re-
ceptior, will be tendered-; them. at the
home of the groom's parents. The
Advocate joins the many friends in
congratulations and best wishes.
ease -
Notice is hereby gives that I have
transmitted or deliveree to the per-
sons mentioned in Section 9
of "The Voters' List Act” the cop-
ies required by the said sections to
besc transmitted ordelivered of the
list made pursuant to siie act, of all
persons appearing by tee last revis-
ed Assessment Roll o° the said Mun-
icipality to be entitle i to vote in rhe
said Municipality at Elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly
and at Municipal Elections, and that
said list was first posted up at my
office at Crediton, on the Tenth Day
of August, _.914, and remains there
for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law.
Dated -Crediton, Aug. 10, 1914.
Clerk of Stephen Township.
Voters' Lists 1914 -Municipality oft
TOwruship of McGillivray
County of. Middlesex
NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted
or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8
and 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the copies required
by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered
of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Assessmentnoll of the'.
said Municipality tobeentitled to vote in the said
Municipality atEleetionsfor members of thetegisla-
tive Assembly and at Municipal Elections. and that
aid list was ffrstposted up at my office. McGill -
rayon the 10th day of Avg., 1914, and re-
mains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
List, and if any omission or other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to ave the.
said errors' corrected according to law.
J. D. 1 itPMMOND
Clerk of the said Municipality.
Dated this 11th day of Aug u't,1914.
D. L. & W.
cruloil Coal
Burns to a white ash
All sizes. Prompt delivery
W. H. Levett
Undertaker &
Furniture Dealer
High. Class Goods always
an Hand.
Office 20A Residence^ 2013
Te'a & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing.in the grocery line.
Call and see us, A trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric Iightr Plant
Qnie Sale
Groceries and
- We have been sorting over 'our
ENTIRE STOCK, and we find :Jere
tain articles of value that must be at.
once turned into cash -so we have
cue the price away dawn.
H. Bierling
Beautiful New Coats
We try and show our. New Coats just as soon as
the City Stores and can give you as nice a lot to choose
from in the very newest styles.
New Coats -
In- all the New and Fancy
cloths made up in the swell
fashions Every coat we show.
is something New and Ex-
clusive. They are the best
we have ever shown Re-
member we sell no two alike
$7.50 up to $30.00
Fall Dross Goods
We are now showing our
New Fall Dress Goods. They
are'"right up to date in every
Way. Every Kind and Color
that is New is here.
New Plaids. & Checks
Are very new for this Season
We have a real nifty lot to
show you in the' new shades.
Novelty Dress Goods
Here you will find all the
new cloths. Patterns and col -
Ors. A big range to show you
at all prices,
All Summer Goods
.To be cleared out at a price,. We want nothing
left, you can get a lot of good odds at very low
Headclllarters for the. celebrated W.E. Sanfoi dd Clothing