HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-20, Page 1Fifty Million Dollars will be voted by Canadian 'arlia► l or mar against he Empire's • nexnie RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION'" ;'t'p�' Now iss the tints to renew your subscription to The Advocate Help the editor by renewing early J Help yourself by getting alive pa-,/ per. Help the community by giv- ing us all the News. TWENTY --SEVENTH YEAR EXETER! CLUBBING: When renewing your seeiese remember that we ciui esiele the City Dairy, Weekta Meal 'Wee Moarthly papers 'arid PeelOceresaleee. Get the benefit ,of these cluesbe p rates, Call IA and see us, ONTARIO, TH JRSDAY, AUGUST 20 1914 SANDERS .8t CREEfeelli The War Situation With the exception of a few, minor. ' nava' engagements between cruisers, the capture of a few inerchantment, some small battles between the Fresnel and Germans to obtain, desir- ee positions and a few like engage- ment. rt• between the Sexvians and Aus triene. the war situation remains much the same as last week, it being of curse understood that mobilization is (tow ,almost complete on both sides, earl . if not already conunenced,. the great battle :between, the allies and the Germans extending over a front of 266 miles from :Hallam, to Switzer- lan r cannot long be delayed. The al- lies seem to have, the advantage of farts,, ground, etc., and are on the defensive while the Germans being the attacking party will find them- selves more in the open and their Losse; in the great battle will be the heavier ees The English and French Navy seems 3n. haye the Kaiser's navy bottled up in: the Kiel canal, and the long expect- ed .expect-eI nava, battle has not yet taken. Taken altogether while Germany is capable of •giving, somehard knocks yet she seems to be in a very :un- comfortable position. THL IKITCHENER WAY A GOOD ONE. London, Aug, 17,—The censorship put into effect by the British auth- orities over the movements of the em- pire's armed farces afloat and ashore oma in Belgium is effective to a re- malleable clegree, Nat one word of news has come for several; days past, concerning British military or naval activities Censored dispatches from Brussels and Paris have frequently i e feared to the p!resence of British troops arrayed against the forces, of Germany, but not one 'tvordt has been allowed to come through from any source to indicate what thenumerical. strength of the British field • army may be. ,or where then unfits may .be located. Equal secrecy shrouds the movements of the British warships believed to be holding the Genian place. fleet in check in the North SeaI Russia ,is beginning to crowd Ger- Not one word. has comethrough many from the east and the laps of the position of any British or Ger- her from the Chin 'man battleship:, cruiser a- for ed I #hreates• to oustp, r p o ese Sea boat in these waters. So far as the general public is concerned navalac- tivities in European waters are a seal- TAMAN'S Beteen S easou Sale Ordered Clothing The following prices will prevail until August 20th.- $23 SUITS REDUCED TO $22:00 f.e5 SUITS REDUCED TO $20.00 $22 SUITS REDUCED, TO . $18.00 Ready-made Clothing . g $18 SUITS REDUCED TO $13,00 $15 SUITS REDUCED TO . $10.00 $12 SUITS REDUCED TO $8.00 ODD PANTS 20 Per cent. Off. Furnishings �s i hing s : SHIRTS_ TIES COLLARS, SUM- MER UNDERWEAR BATS & CAPS ALL REDUCED 20 !Per Cent. Everything must go to make room :tor Fell ,roods. .W, TA]IA TAILOR $ ' FURNISHER. iIrpolitical ca1 cnc les in England they y are already - spec:ulating as to the end of the war, but Secretary of War Kit- chener thinks only of building. up an invincible army. His calculations go ' beyond weeks and months into years and he contemplates training a great an" invincible army that must estab- lish peace in Europe: The politicians think it is impassible for the Kiser to break: through the battle' line from Halland to Switzerland; and with, the Russians invading Germany in the rear Germany must sue for peace. If they do Germany will be given peace ane the war will cease, but Kitchener in bis campaign of thoroughness is preparing • for a war of any length. When the end does come the poli- tica: map of Europe will undoubtedly be much altered. War Summary FRIDAY A dispatch from ;Rome says . that. according to, reliable information from St Petersburg, :Russia has mobilized 2,000,000, men an the German and Aus- t,riar, frontiers, half a million on the Turkish and Roumanian frontiers, while 3 Q00 000 menace held in reserve, It is announced that Field Marshall Sir Joha) French, • the commander-in- chiet of the English £ieldearmy, joined Genera) Joseph Jtii"•ire the, French coin s er-in-chief, at headquarters to- • P #dent Wonsan issued a neutrality turoelamatioe covering the war between. Great ; ,r'ieats% and Austria-Hungary, Confronted by serious resistance the Germans are disconcerted, and the un- versa) resistance of the Belgian people aiie peasants and shopkeepers, who organized a war behind innumerable ambushes surprised them. The Ger- mane- reply .by shooting after capture any civilian suspected of resistance, banning houses and whole villages frons which shots come. In Canada every married man volun- teering;for active servicers compelled to bring the written consent of his wife before, he can bd accepted, ac- cording to a .militia order made pub- lic to -clay . Thousands of these con- sents have been ,received by the rail• itary authorities, The Italian foreign office summoned home the rItaliatu ambassadors in Par- is St Petersburg, London and Ber- lin ar the government desires to con- sult with, them concerning the 'war situation There will be a bible in the knap- sacl of every Canadian who goes to war Landon Aug. 14• -The official Press Bureau announces that the Nyassaland government steamer Surprise disarmed the German " government steamer on Lake Nyassa and 1046 prisoners were taken,, SATURDAY Several 'fineprivate yachts have been placed at the disposal of the Neva -.Service Department of the Gov eminent The Duke of Connaught is •taking an active interest in all that the Can- adian Government is doing for the as- sistance of the "Empire in the war. The sudden. outbreakof hostilities is likely to result in prolonging the stay of his Royal Highness in Canada, President Wilson & Secretary Bryan are opposed to the floating of any loans in the United States ,for the benefit at any of the beligerent pow- ers it'r, Europe. Great Brittain, France, Germany, Aus tris and Russia have refused Presi- dent Wilson's offer of mediation, MONDAY Three trans-Atlantic steamers fly- ingthe British flag sailed from Thlla- dcphia: for English seaports carrying. +mare :than half a million bushels of wheat and other foodstuffs,o Twc thousand five hundred pass- engers the first to come through ,'roin England since the outbreak of war, arrive' at Quebec this efterrloon 'on the Virginian, Ttiniisian and Teutonic, Greece ha;, decided to demand ex. plaitations from Constantinople re- garding the concentration of Turkish troops op, the frontier. It' is offi cially announced& that Tap - an sent an ultimatum to Germany de- manding that Gerra.n warships intim Far East be withdrawn or dismantled and that the Garman leased colony of Kion -Chau be surrendered, The Minister of Finance announces that he has received from. John K. L, Ross ,of .Montreal, a contribution of five lundredthousand' dollars to be used for the general military and nav- al purposes of the government, includ- ing provision for pensions to invalided soldiers their widows and children, TUESDAY The following' statement was jssu- erl to -night by the British official press bureau; "Any action Japan takes against Germany will not extend be yoeic the China Seas, except insofar a; may be necessary to protect Jap. mese shipping lines," There is little doubt that a great battle, is now occurring in Belgium be twee the Germans .and the Belgian and French allies. "Our correspond- ent. in a cryptic dispatch from Ghent indicates that the Germans are ad- vancing on the historic battle ground of Waterloo and that events of the greatest improtance are in progress." Britain. has 72,000 infantrymen with the. French army. A dispatch free Sault Ste, Marie. to the Canadian Militia department states that an attack was made on the wireless station there early Mon- day morning, Four seatries . ued and pursued the attackers into the woods, The British Columbia Fruit Grow- ers Association, will give one hundred thousand pounds of apples for the British troops ia the field. A New York statistician estimates that the area of the countries now at war comprises more than, half the world's Iane surface. Russia has notified Turkey that if. 'she refuses permission, for the Blank Sea fleet to go through,, the Dardan- elles in accordance with Russia's re- quest it will go through without per- mission WEDNESDAY The Grown. Prince of Germany is. eepartee seriously wounded andis at Aix -La -Chapelle whither the -Kaiser has gone Prince Alexander of Teck, brother irr-law of Queen Mary, and 'the future governor-general of Canada, is going to the front. The British official news' bureau announces that desultory fighting oc- curred Tuesday between . the British patroling squadrons and flotillas in the North Sea and Germain cruisers which were reconnoitering. Two German cruisers have been Zi'5arb1ea aSid'Frouglit into Hong Kong a British port in, China. The deck work, the turrets and the barbettes of the two cruisers were demolished art a their masts and funnels had been shot away, Their sides were stained with blood. Kitchener to the soldiers,- Show yourself in France! and Belgium in the. tem character of a British soldier by being invariably courteous, considerate and kind, Never do anything likely to injure or destroy property and al- ways book upon rioting as a disgrace fur act. You are sure to meet with a welcome and be trusted. Your con duct must justify that welcome and trust, The Canadian Government tnet in special session an Tuesday. 'The ses- sion is expected to last only a week as there are but four bills to be( pass- ed onc an appropriation bill for the purpose of financing the Canadian ex- peditionary force and for carrying out home defence. a second currency bill tc legalize the steps already taken to relieve the banks, a third to confer upon the governor in council all nec- essary power for meeting such war situations as may arise during the war ant a fourth to deal with revenue. EXETER SCHOOL BOARD. --o-- Meeting of the Board in the Town Hal: on July 13th, ..Absent L Arm- strong The following business was approved e,Per F. Wood and A. E. Fuke—That F. W. •Gladman, and R.N. Creech be a deputation to visit Lon- cic n Hamilton and . Toronto to inves- tigate heating systems.. July 28th—The . Chairman, was auth- orized to, interview Miss H. Pridham of Goderich with power, Per A: E. Fuke and. I. Armstrong that $3500 be levied for School Purposes for the current year, Per. F. W. Gladman & I. Armstrongs that the opening of the K Sectio!n be advertised in the Hensall and local papers. August 12 -Unanimously that the proposed alteration owing to present conditions be defetred to the mid- summer of 1915, with H. ,P. Elliott of London retained ascons'alting en- gineer August 17—Absent 1 Arnestrong. The following business was approved. --Chairman, Previous minutes; Report a' Committees, Wood, Gillies contract completed; Building, operations de- ferred to the Midsummer of 1915, per Gladmaa and Creech That payinent be confirmed of account sundries to 3 A, Stewart, 3.78, Adjournment by 'F Wood Note In those days it shall come to ;lass that ten. anent shall take hold out o1' all languages of the nations of the skirt' of him that is a jew, saying 'We will go; with, you for we have heard that Gad is with youe "— An --•An ancient pa-onhesy. • One of the marvellous features of tilt present great interhational crisis is the fact that no stetter how many enemies she may have in times cif peace, no matter hoev many barnacles rime cling to her hull impeding her progress no matter how scarred her sides with the battles of a thousand years no matter how torn she may be with internal dissentions, in the hour of universal:peril, the whole of the civilized world looks to 'Britain for guidance and , protection. The training oaf the bays ancl;agirls in our Public Schools is to ,fit them to be- come the worthy men and women of our Empire. with its traditions, re- sponsibilities and glory. J. Grigg, Secretar• WHAT ABOUT THE FAIR? ,.___.— Oen af the annual. events in which every resident in this district should be interested is the exhibition' of the +'rete Agricultural Society. We are recognized' in this part of the " grov- r ince as a : purely agricultural people; and, this being soour fall , show should be the very best it is possible to make 'It is true the rewards of- feted are not "large`, but it musk be taker, into consideration that if the fair is simply to provide prize money then, a great deal of the pleasure o1 friendly contest ,.with neighbor and neighbor is taken away. When a lace' fair is Iooked upon( as a thing purely to provide money for some eagei prize ,seekers then its useful- , nes, is over, and it becomes a pro- fesssional contest in. which only a few participate, There is another side to nth • fall fair. It is that of 'taking pride in producing good horses, good cattle arroduc., or handiwork; of sew kind and it is hoped that this year will see a revival of this spirit.t Thi, exhibition ought to bet the best ill years as the Society; has arranged a fine program of attractions, as wel, as the regular' exhibits, Let ev- eryagriculturalist bring something to' the fair this year, and begin now to make the exhibition worthy of This) splendid agricultural community. Let "Christie's Fair" this year • be a i worthy event, BARN BURNED ._-0-- The fine bank barn of Mr. Wm. Sanders of the 3rd concession of Ste- phe n was struck by lightning during the heavy . electrical storm on Mon- day night last, and was totally des- troyed together with a large quant- ity, of hay and wheat ,stored in the barna 11 pigs, twa calves, a cream separator and other things. Building and :contents were insured in the Hai Mutual Fire Insurance Company for 51600 - but this will only cover about two-thirds of the loss, Mr Sanders has been very unfor- tunate of late and then :old adage that misfortunes never come singly has been. truly verified in his case. About a year ago. he lost his` eldest son by death. Three months ago he lost the frame dw,ellerig on the southeast comer of his farm. Last week he Inst a valuable driver; and now his bare. Mr. Sanders will have the sym- pathy of his friends in his series of losses. M C W. Christie of Stephen had a valuable cow struck and killed by lightning an Monday night. BIDDULPH BARN BURNED. Luca. Aug 17.—During the terrif- ic electrical storrf± which passed over thio district to -night lightning struck thr fine barn of James' Herbert on the second Concession of Biddulph. Ir was burned- with all the season's crops. All the cattle and horses were: gotten out safely. It was stated to -night that there was no insurance. BUSIN'1SEE, FOR A DRY TOWN TO the married man who' '-annot yet Ilona without his drinks, the follow- inE is being suggested as a means to freedom from bondage of the saloon Start a saloon in .your our house. Be the only customer. You will have •no license to pay. Go to your wile an i give her twee dollars to buy a gallon of whiskey and remember there arc: 99 drinks in a gallon. Btuy your drinks from no one but your wife, and by the time the first gallon is gone she will have $8 to put ur, the bank and ,52, to start business again. Should you live ten years and continue to buy booze from her and theta die with snakes in your 000ts> she wit, have money enough to bury you decently educate your children buy a house and lot, marry adecent met an' forget all about: you. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL FOR EXPERIMENTS IN 1914. At long as the supply, lasts, nater- ia.l will be distributed free of charge in the order in which the applications are received front Ontario farmers wishing toexperiment and to report the ,results of any one of the fol- lowing tests t-•-1, three varieties cif Winter Wheat; 2, ane variety of Wirt - tee Rye and ane of Winter Wheat; 3, spring applications of five fertilizers wit' Winter Wheat; 4, Autumn and Spring, applications of Nitrate of Soda an t Common Salt with winter Wheat. 5, Winter Emmet and Winter Barley; 6 Heiry Vetches :and Winter' Rye as .FodderCraps: The size of each plat is to be nate rod' wide' by two rods long, Fertilizers , will be , sent by ex- pines for Number 4 this auturria end for Number 3 next spring, All seed evil' he sent by mail except that for Nrntnber 4. which will accampan,y the. fertilizers C, A. ZAVITZ O. A C. Gttel�ph, Ont., Aug, 15 1914.. Local Items A number of Exeter bowlers will attend the Gade,rich Scotch. Double Tcutreament commencing cn Tuesday next Owing to the war in Europe a drug. famine Is feared. It would be rust is well to have famine in some of the liner al drugs. Rains are coming good ..nd plenty ju, now, Two heavy thunder storms � raged here an Monday-'rhght,' with vers• heavy rain} Miss Selby of Brooklyn, N. Y., (le - lighted the congregations of " Janes street Methodist church on Sunday las' ix the renciiticn of several beauti- ful solos. Mr A. Hastings has just completed acothee real estate deal whereby Mr. Nelson. Stanlake of Hay :Las become the possessor of the house owned by Mr Samuel Martin an James Streit. Rev Geo. Jackson, who has been conducting' the services in James St, Methodist Church during the absence of the pastor Rev. McAlister„ who ha; been holidaying left Monday for hj hon: ern Walkervilie. ' Mr. Jackson else lost home of oil -time eigce. as a preaches zed his discourses have be 'tlistened to with ♦great deal of interest daring his stay here, Big Yield—When we hear a Western man talking about big yields of wheat an l ,.sums it up ire figures of 25, 30. or 35 bushels to the acre we think is a big thing. But we have got the Westerner trimmed now. Mr,. Frank Wood had a two acre field threshed the other day which brought forth the magnificent yield of 95 bushels. Frank does not pretend to be a farm- er either Our Ladies Loyal—Last wee( a nurober of our ladies forma -teen: ! !salves into a committee to r ,.ee'vr subscriptions for the most worthy ca•u,se of equipping a hospital ship to assis the British Army in the war the' is now raging. Subscription lists were .passed around and a most liberal response was the result, $205,50 having been subscribed to the fund. The lacier are to be congratulated. We are indebted. to Mr: Phil Ryck- m:at of Rouleau, Sask., for a copy of I The Rouleau Enteprise, which con - ' tains an account of one of the most destructive and disasterous hail storms.that has ever visited that sec - ton, the loss to farmers being very heavy Among the unfortunates men- tioned! were,—Wood Brown, J. • H. Nichols, W. Botkin, W. H. Heywood, D A Kingsbury and R.. A. Clark. Speaking of the crops in, the West the Crystal City Courier says,—"Cool weather has brought more normal con- ditions in the ripening of the grain. Harvves t is • in full swings and with good weather ten days will see the bull: of the grain cut. Many reports are coming in of damage by . black must and if all these, axe true • the shortage in the wheat yield will be sufficient to warrant high prices with- out the war feature." STRUCK BY LIGHTNING -The home of Mr. Wm. Veal, Exeter North was struck by lightning during the heave electrical storm an Monday night last and was considerably dam- aged but did not take fire. The west gable was torn out and the roof and chimney was badly damaged. Exete • Fait Sent. 21st. ext a Mrs Clubine of Windsor is visitrP; witl, her parents, Mr, a d Mrs. V ,,,. Parsons Ailsa Craig Fairdates have been changed from Sept, 17 and 18 to tlii: 29t1 and 30Th, Misses Iiia and Lily Marchand fete yesterday morning to visit with their. father at Waterao. There is same talk of a.€fltnafsa Factory being started in Thedtord ato. independent Company Three rinks of Exeter Bowlers els- teo Hensall Club on Friday evening, winning one , game and losing two_ Mr. Austin Dwpla,ri of Centralia; c+n-= copied the pulpit of the TeivittMerza- oriat Church very acceptably an Sures day Mi•. L. Watson, who has• Oesseta clerking for Mr. W. S. Cole, bas e signe 1 his position and will take a: few holidays prior to leaving for rat-. anto, where he will attend the Dries aria College of Pharmacy. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has, for distribution. to the generete. ;netts- a map of the County of' Hume-. ou published by Rand McNally Company, which they will be please- tc hark(' to those calling for same; noir cut •request a copy will be mailed tze those desiring those useful pamphlet Ruby the two-year-old daughter • ' Ma: and Mrs. S. Hedderu of Creditbxz East who has been very ill at the home of her grandparents, Mr. arra. Mrs Jctathon Kydd Exeter North,. ,. for several weeks, was removed to heir home last week, and .is now; ozr.;a free way to recovery. Their: lite soar has also recovered from his illness; --o-- THOS.. COOI;. DROPS DEAD. T: n - Toronto Globe of Tuesday..rearsdais. the following dispatch from Si 'r!ioarr as dates; August 16th :—Thos, Cocage fcsmerly a carriage maker at Es;et' dropped dead on the verandah of Iiia home 9 Maple street, this afternoore, He had beea is good health. Mae Ceoi: was 83 years of age, rine' svrvivee by his wife and a grown -u e family BIRTHS Hodgins—At Centralia, on Aug /8, tc Mr anon Mrs. Wesley- Hodgins;;"m seg_ Luton --At "South Bend, "Indiana` nisi Aug 4. to Mr. and. Mrs. Percy levee -- toe tort a daughter. Taylor—At Kirktan, on August Stan., 1014 to Mr. and Mrs.' F. A,. Teel -m- a son Aloaley—In McGillivray, an Saturcf August 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley a daughter., _ MARRIAGES Fisher—Blewett—At George Stray Methodist Church, Peterboras. lith Wallace A. Fisher, soar of leen an,r Mrs. Wm. Fisher of Exeter, iere Miss Wilhel Delphine Bleteett, .fam ghter of 1Ir, and Mrs. Colette• Blewett of Peterbaro. Prior—McBean—In Moose Jaw. Ste; oe Wednesday. July 29th, Misr. e'• McBean to Mr, Herman. G. Eribi st az a- Mrs . T. Prior of i own:._ •DE TTA HS Williams-In`Usborrte, an August :e5,,, Eleazer Williams, aged 85 yearse 1fn months. and 28 days. STEWART'S PHONE 16 Where Reasonable Prices Prevail. Ladies Tailored Suits and Dresses for Fall Good clothes should be made to order. This season we can supply you with Tailor- made-to-order Garments. We guarantee the Fit, Style and Workmanship. We have a wide range of Fabrics that c run be madeup in the smart- Fall and Winter Styles. Ask t s see them. WHITE WAISTS WALKING SKIRTS All 'Waists are being sold In several very smart at i educed. price. Now is styles, Cloths are black and the time to get a pretty white checks. Offering these blouse at half regular price, away below regular price: LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS COTTON HOSE 1Made from fine lawn with Plain cotton hose in black• neat hem -stitched edge, This or tan, full fashioned with is a bargain -6 far 25c, no seams --Special 2 for 25c LADIES RA IN COATS In black, grey and brawn shades. This is a very neat coat, It is absolautely water proof and makes a splendid dust coat as well. Very special at $7,50_ HANGING LAMPS DINNER SETS You will find a big assort- Anyone wanting any of xnent ofnew Hanging Lamps our Stock Pattern. Austri•- in our Crockery Department. an China should order it at See the display in our south once. Yon will not be able window. 'to get it later JELLY GLASSES CUSHION -SOLE SHOES 25 dozen Jelly Glasses of Once yOnu wear a pair of good glass and close fitting tut' cluish1o;nied-Ogled shoes tire, tots. While they last 45c, you will never wear any- a dozen,other kind, Ladies $4.50; Meet's $5.50. A. tSTEWART w 1