HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-13, Page 5• DE!MAL. Dr. tL F. RQ'ULSTQN, i..ra,a., `1?.D,S, Member of tate R.C.D.S. of Ontario and • Honor Qrad't.ate. of Toronto '41nlvereitY., affi coo -,•Oyer Dickson & Carllug'e law ottice. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, I,.D.S., D,D,,j., Honor Graduate or Toronto UniversftY DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or ti.nY bait effects. Office over Gladnus.n s& Stan'bury's Office, Marin Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, OM- ne1esianers. Solicitors for the Maisons Bank, etc. Money- to Loan at lowest sates of interest Offices—Main-St., Exeter I. R. Carping, B.A. L. H. Dickson We funds ercee MONEY TO LOAN have a lae'ge amount of private to loan on farm and village prop- at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors. Exeter. T. B CARLING Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction' sales. Exeter. Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any snh over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available .Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must sppear to perse 1 at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency 6f Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry, may be made . at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Stub -Agency) on certain conditions. Datljes.-Six months' residence upon and cultivation ofthe land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within aiaa. miles of hie..homestead" on a faa' m of at least 80 acres, an certain cotillions. A habitable .house is 're- auired its .every case, except when s e- sidence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six Months resi- dence in each of three, years ' after ca=nine homestead patent; also 50. acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent' may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions. ondi tions., A': settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed . homestead ii certain districts. Price $3 Per acre. Duties—Must re side 6 ,months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough,scru8- by or stoiny land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation, under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the IVIhnlster of the Interior N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS A relia- ble Re- gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor $10. Sold at all Drug Stores. or mailed to any address on receipt of price. THE Scoslsm, Dave Co., St, Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vim nna Vitality ;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter";a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price, TELE SCOBELL patio co., et. Catharines. Ontario. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. lst CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. The best Commercial School in the province: Our courses are thorough and practical while, our instructors are better than .you will find elsewhere. We do more for our students than other similar schools do. Ou'r iates are reasonable. Write for our • free cata11)0e and see what we can do for you D. A. McLachlan, Principal A NEW TERM' opens Sept. 1 in the Popular Aop EL L,IO, TdT eii Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto, Thi< school .enjoys a great reputa- tion. for. superior training. Write to- day for "catalogue. EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know about the wonderful NlarvM l Whrites$pray Douche Ask your druggist: for it, If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no • other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book—seated. It gives full Particulars and,direetions invaluable tO ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Windsar, Ont. General Agents for Canada. RANO, TRUNK SYSEM Driest Hole Excursion $12 TO WINNIPEG Via Chicago and Duluth AUGUST 18 From all Stations in Ontario, ting- stout, ,Renfrew Grid west, to certain, points in . Saskatchewan and Alberta and all points in Manitoba. Harvest Help sPCCial train will leave Toronto 2;30 p. in. on .above :latcl via CGttelplt, stratford and Sarnia, Full partzcttlars and berth resat va-. frog agents 0 " t write. E. Horn ti0itlA t1 vYi C. leg D P.A., Toronto, Ont. N'. J. DORE, Exetsr. iri anadian . National OnR Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Lilts by Dominion Government ata by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Band Score of other Banda Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks ' International Peace Tattoo 1O Bands 400 Musicians Aug. 29 1914 Sept. 14 4 TORONTO GRAND BEND Mr. and. Mrs.. J. Gill of Berlin vis- ited at E Gill's, sr;, Wednesday. Mrs. Thoma,s and daughter who have been visiting Mr. and .Mrs, Page, re turned to Detroit last week'. =- Mr. and Mrs . Maturice Brenner are visit; ing jVl:r and Mrs. Jos, Brenner. =-Miss E. Shafer of Detroit is: visiting Mrs,. E, Gill sr,,—Miss Fern Gill is visiting' in Exeter for a week. Seaforth,—Joe :Robinson had quite a serious experience last . Monday morning during tike storm that passed over the town at 4 o'clock.; Mr. Rob- inso.n was sleeping out in a tent with . S . Colmar, and when the latter went to arouse him after a particul arly sharp flash of lightning he found to be perfectly rigid and un- conscious. • It took some time to being hide to, and as he, ha,d• been well upon retiring it was thought he had been stunned by the lightning. RhemurWill Stop. Uric °4cid Disposit Rheumatic Complications Checked and the "Human Sewers" Restored. The Kidneys, Bowels, and Skin are the "human sewers" which carry off the. impurities of the blood. When these are clogged Uric Acid sediment lodges in the muscles and joints and Rheumatism follows. RHEUMA, the great remedy for all forms of the ter- rible disease,ease checks the deposit t of Uric Acid. "For many years I suffered with Rheumatism, I am 71 years old, but ani proud to- say that after using one bottle of RHEUMA the Rheumatic pains are entirely One. I daily recom mend RHEUMA to my friends." — Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont. Sold by W. S.. Cole at 50 cts • a bottle. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors atthe • 'Y.14. 0. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. /College: in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 19 Vice-Frinelal H '-t ESEFKERS'' E X'TR SI O N S 'I' TO MANITMA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, inciitsivd. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Prot, Toronto; and Stations West and North of'Monte', 'Ptopostlorkitte fares from Stations list of Torento. Return Limit two months. 'particulars regarding RAIL Or OCEAN tickets from, Canadian ?avian Ticket Meats or write M. G. MURPHY, t 5' A., C.5' Ry., Toronto. Ihsaus i,,.,„.ni,Mssiirlrrn.r asioas eisiiiirwiaM 'NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events. Which Have ( ecurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- ftill5r Compiled and Put Into. Illandy and. Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper --A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. President Wilson yesterday issued a proclamation of neutrality. Francisco Villa has jiroelaim- ed. his independence from tb.e Carran- za Government, and bas begun re- organizing his army. John Sharpe, Kingston, son of Major Sharpe, who mysteriously 415 appeared. from Rochester as the re- sult of a sunstroke, has returned home. The U. S. armored cruisers Ten- nessee and North Carolina will be used in sending gold to Europe for. Ur) use of American tourists strand- ed there. George S. Bale, modern master of the Kingston Collegiate Institute, has been appointed principal of the Collegiate Institute at Niagara -on - the -Lake. A bill to• exclude from readmission into th. United States all aliens who leave to engage In a fdreigre war was introduced yesterday in Congress by Representative Harrison of Mississip- pi Ismaal BQyrret, who is charged with the murder of Constable Boor - (Ian on t e Cote des Neiges road last March, one with three other sus- pects, op 9f w' ore; Foucault, is still. at large as confessed. A poli cal club with three hun- dred mem era has been organized by. the Slays of Welland, Ont.,. Russians, Poles and Croatians^'who are subjects of. Austria-Hungary, and every mem- ber has agreed not to answer Aus- tria's call to arms. THURSDAY. One million 'six''hundred thousand dollars gold was engaged for ship- ment to 'Canada in New York -yester- day afternoon. Fire destroyed a barn, shop and shed at Port Carling,: Ont:, yesterday afternoon, belonging .to the Wm. Da- vies Co. of Toronto: Of the bodies of 12 men found in the Empress of Ireland wreck Tues- day almost all: were :those of mem, bars of the crew, and were all found at their posts. Ata meeting of the council of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Associa- tion, held at Ottawa last evening, it was decided to abandon the prize meeting for 1914. Geo. B. McLeod, aged 17, of King- ston, ingston, a Wireless operator, and son of P. C. McLeod, is on some unknown Germans steamer and his parents are worrying: over his safety. When he drove his car at a fast clip against the sides of a street car Tuesday night, Jean Gagnon, of Que- bec, chatiffeltr for Dr. Robert Larue, sent three 2ldeupants of the vehicle to their deatli. There is every likelihood the Dom- inions Royal Commission will cancel entirely its engagements in Canada until the present condition of Euro- pean affairs, in which Great Britain is involved, are cleared. FRIDAY. The opening of the Dominion Par- liament on Aug, • 18 is not to be a so- cial event as usual. No special invi- tations are likely to be issued. Alexandre Millerand, former french Minister of War, volunteered yesterday to serve as lieutenant, the rank he formerly held in the French army. The Qanadian Postoffice Depart- ment has received notice that the noise; order Service with Germany, ustria, Iungary, Belgium and Egypt, has been entirely suspended. Qji 04 ermany's big Zeppelin airships was gestroyed by, Belgian g' inti.ers as it was flying over the for- tificatfot$ on the Herve plateauyes- terday and its crew of 26 men killed. President Wilson yesterday direct ha all officers of theS. act t, t ffl h U. army and navy, whether active or retired, refraip. from discussing publicly eith- er the military or the political situa- tion in urope. Mrs. Dan Leitch, of Stony Creek, and her s`bn were instantly killed, and Mrs; Webster, her mother, Iie- verely injured; three. miles Pram Stony Creek, yesterday morning, *hen the fast Buffalo express, west- bound, ran them down. A young foreigner, name unknown, was discovered by the police early esterday morning in Scott's jewelry store in Montreal. When the police brake in the youth stabbed himself id t4e breast with an oyster knife. He is in a serious condition.. SATURDAY. The British rifle tee.m's Australian trip has been abandoned. The death occurred yesterday in London►, Eng.'*of Dello Greene Ashe, Wife of Frederick Webber Ashe, London manager of the Union Bank of Canada. At the C.P.R. construction camp near Woodstock yesterday Peter 1vc- Intyre, aged 31, fell under the wheels of a donkey engine and was almost instantly killed. As a result of the war the matches,af the Ontario Rifle Associa- tion, which were to have been held at the Long Branch ranges on Atig. 17, have fieen. Cancelled., Foreign merchant ships converted tor war purposes, or carrying for- eign reservists in organized manner, will not be permitted to clear from ports of the United States.. While crossing Irwin avenue, two- year-old Freddie Kali, 22 Inkerman avenue, Toronto, was killed yesterday afternoon by being run over 144 a horse and wagon driven by Charles Gillespie, 114ONDAY'. A gay automobile outing near Alorristo'wti, N.Y., ended in a tragedy whet a car plunged into a ditch and S. Rogers was instantly killed, 3, R. Xueltuk, a Germatl, commit - Led suicide in New Orieatis, as the result of the, war early Saturday, af- ter writing ar letter to his mother in ,I eeniggburg, Gern}aay, that he could not return. Coi i,missiouer Lee o,t the T...& N.O. 1ailway, announced last night that from Latchford to Dana, a distance of Seventy miles, the country is be- ing swept by one of the fiercest bush fires ever experienced. More than 1Q0 figltta haveoccurred In different parte of New Oreans Sur- ins' the past week, as the restilt of the war, mei. of 411 nations being mixed up. While notne was seriously hurt, a number are in. the hospital. Mrs. i 11. A. lamer. of Lyn ia p pa- tient t 11• a Brockville local hospital, Coffering from serious injuries as the result of a runaway accident, The horse she was driving took fright at a passing automobile occupied by four militia officers of the Militia De- partment. TUESDAY. The funeral took place yesterday of Mrs. Wilson, wife of the President of the United States. An I. C. R. man guarding a rail- way bridge at Quebec yesterday shot and killed a trespasser below. A son was born yesterday to Prince and Princess Arthur of Connaught, who was formerly Duchess of Fife. The former Empress Eugenie of France yesterday sent to Queen Mother Alexandra a subscription of $1,000 for Red Cross work. The British steamer Epsom, from Sydney, N,S., June 25, and St. Lucia, July 6, for Victoria, B.C., has gone ashore at Carrera Point, Chile. The vessel is badly damaged. Frosts were recorded in various points in Saskatchewan Sunday night, Kamsack records four degrees, Hum- boldt three degrees, Moosejaw two, Rego- a one and Moosemin three. Thomas Cornell, of Belleville, y terday afternoon had his thrb sashed with a razor in the hands Q, Patrick Gihooey. The affray " arose out of an argument over the war. Richard Coulson, grain shoveller, was struck with a steam shovel while while unloading grain from the steamer Stormount at Kingston, and is in the hospital in a serious con- dition. On moving the adjournment of the House of Commons for a fortnight Premier Asquith last evening intimat= ed he was hepeful'that in the inter- val he might be able to make pfo- posais regarding Irish Home Rule. WANTS 100,000 MORE MEN. British War Office Issues Call— Report of Battle Near Canaries. -LONDON, Aug. 11. — Great Bri- tain will raise a new volunteer army of 100,000 men for the war. This announcement came yesterday iernoon from Premier Asquith, in tin House of Commons, and is inter- preted as signifying that the entire akable British army is under or- ders for continental service, and that a considerable portion of it is already on the ground. It is reported that a great army, composed of British and French sol- diery, is being mobilized to help the Belgians retain Namur. The previous published announce- ment that the British battleship fleet had sunk the German submarine U15, definitely locates the fleet, which must be somewhere off the German naval base at Heligoland, since the U15 was designed for coast defensive work exclusively, and therefore has a limited steaming area. As the Germans apparently are utilizing their coast defence sub- marines, it is taken to mean that the British fleet must have closed up on them and has them bottled. It: is also probable that the British fleet is now subject to continuous attacks by submarines, destroyers and torpedo boats. Reports from Madrid insist that a naval engagement has occurred near the Canary Islands, in which a Ger- man battleship was sunk and anoth- er captured. A message from Corfu repots heavy firing in the vicinity, •whkh, if true, would indicate an en- gagendent between the two elusive German erulsers and some British or French c men -of -ware • While - it is known. that many Brit- ish troops are on the continent, the closest secrecy is being maintained here regarding the soldiers' Move- ments. LID ON HALIFAX. No Ships May Leave Until Further Notice Says Order. HALIFAX, N.S., Aug. 11. — 'I' e port of Halifax has been temporarily closed. Naval officials announced 11 ships now in port will be allowed 9 sail, until this order is counterman - ed. Any British ships arriving. b. the harbor will be convoyed in aft@r the regular examination, but once in port they will not be allowed to take their departure. Customs house o-3- class have bean ordered not to clear any more vessels. One vessel which had been given her clearance yester- day morning was hastily recalled. Coastwise ships now in port will to seriously affected by this order. Fis - ing vessels and others from ports along eastern acid western shores are not allowed to sail. The tog signal at Meagher's beach will be discontinued on and • after Tuesday morning according to orders given. No reason is given for the order. GIVES IIALF MILLION. Montreal Man Will Pay For Machine Guns For Canada. OTTAWA, Aug, IA. --An offer of $600,000, to be applied for defence purposes in any way that the Gov- eminent deems fit, was received yes- terday by the 'Minister of Militia Atom a prominent Montreal -million- aire, ; whose same is not yet divulg- ed. The offer has been accepted, and it is probable that this splendid donation will be devoted to the pur- abase of some quick -firing guns, this beingo si e e thechief 'deed of Cls Sids ei g the Canadian fortes at the present juncture. YOUR BLOOD is till canal of life but it becomes a sewer if clogged upAll life consists of building up and tearing +down and just in tie same manner that the blood carries to the various parts of the body the food that the cells need for building up, so itis compelled to carry away the waste material that's torn down. These waste materials are poisonous and destroy us unless the liver and kidneys are stimulated into refreshed and vigorous life. PLERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery is the balancing. power—a vitalizing power. It acts on the stomach and organs of digestion and nt?Itritioi s --on t'he purifying Altera' which clean he blood. Thus fresh vitalized blood feeds the nerves, heart —and brain. This well knownalterativee relieves catarrh of the stomach and headaches accompanying same, and has been successful for more than a gen- eration as a tonic and body-builder. It builds up the rundown system. You need it—if you are always "catching cold"—or have catarrh of the nose and throat. The active medicinal principles o! American -Native -roots are . extracted without alcohol and you can obtain this j( tonic in liquid or tablet form at any drug store "or — send 50 cents in 1 -cent stamps for trial box of tablets. . end lone cent *tamps to pa coat of mailing and wrapping for free copy of The Common Sense Medical Adviser, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, cloth bound, 1000 Carel. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,, Buffalo, N. 1. A. ►E ''ER Clinton—After an illness extending over a month, ,Mrs. Alexander Osbal- deston passed away at her home at the age of .72 years. Deceased has resided in totsrt for the past eight years after the death of her husband la Goderich Township • Two sons Alex of Goderich, and Herbert on the homestead, and Nellie, survive. Cliatgn—Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wiltse of the London Road receiveda telae gram from Detroit stating that their daughter Mrs. John Hayes, was very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Wiltse took the first train. Another wire ' came next morning and Mr. Wiltse ;eft at once and 'arrived at his daughter's bedside but a very short while before *lie passed pito ui cotiscious'ness, death ensuing Wednesday Morning. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you suffer from 'bleeding; itching,blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and 1 will tell you how to cure your- self ourself at home by the absorption; treatment ; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from, your own' locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured, Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs.; M. Summers, Box 840 Windsors Ont. Next in Importance to Making ai11 provi37eing properly ission tomaking ensure its carried out. The interest of this Company in any estate which it is powered to administer is strictly impersonal. AlI things are done with the sole aim of fulfilling its _trust with the highest degree of efficiency and faithfulness : in'closest conformity with the expressed desires of the fes£atot. Consult with us regarding the administration of your estate. All information cheerfully furnished free, THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. L I MITEO 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President; JOHN 5. MOO12L; .1 nzgar 2 ALE --- STOUT -- LAGER 1 PURE — PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they req'. ire for perso sal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA iat/1GVAhA/A,,1/,!"hfi!rvailMnJAM nnnnnnnnnnnogA r The One Dish That Agrees With he Aged RN FLAKES t the Ori