HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-13, Page 3(r.
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It is autumn that, to French Can
ada at le' brings the full
rrof the Canadian year, The wander-
Englishman sings ,of the joys of
an English spring, "Oh to be in.
England now that April's there !"
forgetting, under the touch of homee
sickness, that April may, be very
,tedious and chilly and dishearten-
ing, and that the joys may have
more poetry than reality about
them says •e writer in Chambers's
Journaal. But spring in eastern
Canada scarcely exists. One leaps
ata bound as it were, from win-
ter to full summer; and it is only
afterwardsone recollects that there
were days full of "the infinite ex-
pectation of the dawn," when one
watched the exquisite little waves
of warm, light green breaking o'er
the tree -tops, and welcomed the
robins :back to the garden, full of
the business of life and mating; to
see them later settling down to the
responsibility of the worm winner
of the brood, Summer in Quebec is
hot, and is given up to tourists
who take infinite pains to "do" a
number of things that no native
has ever heard of; but with the
beginning of September one looks
'forward to eight weeks or more of
fine, exhilarating Weather, and the
sport one loves best. Each day is
like a golden gift, accepted with
deeperintensity of gratitude be-
cause of the underlying, impoignant
sense of impermanence, • and the
knowledge that "the shaelow of the
winter's on the year," Mind and
body are in tune after the holiday,
and respond gloriously to the fine,
incisive quality of the half -summer
half -autumn air that makes all ex-
ercise a delight. The beauty of
the splendid autumn fires burns on
e • every hillside, ;and kindles every
bush and roadsideweed into scar-
let .and copper and gold. The prim-
itive . instinct to kill awakes, and
the hunter goes off to the hill,or,
taking his gun and his dog, 'spends
long days of -
Tramping the Swamp,
Thea swamp extends from Quebec
• to St. Joachim, a 'distance of 28
miles. It, lies all the way between
the. railwer ..track,from. which it
• - is .separated` by a natural hedge
of -small 'bushes—alder, .thorn, and
!young willow—and the river St.
• ' Lawrence: Near Quebec the 'ground
behind: the swamp is 'almost level,
but it gradually humps itself into
'steep: and irregular hills the nearer
one gets to St. Joachim. These hills
being wooded with birch and maple
to agreat extent, have often begun
to turn even by the last week of
lAugust, and to color finely in true
Canadian fashion. The prevailing'
r tone varies in accordance with the
;season; if there has been :a great
deal of rain the leaves are some-
times .almost wholly yellow, giving
the effect of hills in perpetual
-strong sunlight. An early frost
produces the brilliant and various
reds, broken here .and there by the
dark or vivid greens of the conifers
or deciduous trees that, for some
reasons or other, are uneffected by
the 'causes that have touched the
others. • In these hills there are
plenty of partridges, more properly
ruffed grouse—and not many miles
north of Chateau Richer and Ste
Anne. caribou and a few red deer
may be met with. .
The swamp itself is .a slightly
raised ridge, averaging about 180'
yards in width, but varying greatly.
It is crossed ,at intervals by little
streams which at high tide are filled
with . river water, when one has to
walk up to the railway bridge to
cross them. The swamp is only
completely covered at the high
tide once a month. It is thickly
overgrown with rank grass, sea -
hay, and a tangle of wild stuff ; and
as old seigniorial law giires the
resident right to the hay, the swamp
is eut by the farmers, who feed
their cattle with this eoarse'fodder,
The strips of .cut -grass just the
width of the land higher up owned
by the , fanner, alternating with
frequent pools and the generally
wet and soft ground, add to the
Difficulty 4741'�t111t ng.
This is particularly the ease to-
ward the end of the season,when
the west wind and rain have beaten
down the tall grass, making the
walking from east to west almost
impossible for any but an ardent
arid youthful sportsman. Below
the swamps are the Beauport Flats.
proper --wide, level stretches of
mutt, inlaid, as it were, with pools
which are full of curious reflections
of form. and color, and broken by
sudden, angular ridges of slaty rock
It is here the plover feed. Beyond
the flats are huge boulders on which.
numbers of great blue_ herons --very
picturesque in spite of their poker
stiff `necks and various mechanical
movements—and gulls of various.
species sit to feed at low tide. With
the herons it is a case of distance
lending enchantment, and it is per-
haps as well that they are difficult
to approach, for their ungainly legs
and neck, and their loose, dull gray
plumage infested with parasites, at
close quarters detract somewhat
from the effect gained by their re-
moteness. '
The natural beauty of the swamp
is very great. Behind, in the north,
are the hills ablaze . against the
clear blue sky with the transform-
ing fires of autumn; and parallel
with the swamp from Montmorency
to Ste Anne runs the Island of Or-
leans, separated from the mainland.
by a shallow channel three quar-
ters of a mile wide. In late Octo-
ber and the beginning of November
great convoys of thousands of ducks
of .many species gather in the chan-
nel; and though the Quebec game
laws distinctly state that no wild-
fowl of any sort may be shot from
amotor-boat, yet the duck are con-
stantly being Chalked by men in
gasolene -launches, and this in
broad daylight,, . under the eyes of
every sportsmanoneither the"Island
or the Ste Anne swamp I. The is-
land swamp` closely resembles' the
Ste Anne side, except that, on ac-
count of the sanall size. of the Is-
land, there. are n i streams. "
At . Ste Anne, Grande Riviere,
We Do
the Co
You avoid fussing over a
hot stove—
time and energy
Have a dish . that will
please the home folks!'
A package of
and some. cream or good
milk ---sometimes with ber-
ries or fruit
A breakfast, lunch.or
<_ upper
Fit for a King!
Toasties. are sweet, crisp
bits of Indian corn perfect-
ly cooked and toasted.
React_ to eat- from the
Sold by Grocers,
Canailan Posture Cereal Co:, Lttl.,
Windsor., one
which is of considerable. size com-
pared with the' numerous. little run-
nels that flow down. the hillsides,
and almost deserves its name, divi-
des the swamp by its •several than-
nels. At high tide the delta is full
of islands: frequented sometimes ,jy
small ``bunches" -to use •' the local
term --of golden eye or.x ergansers.
The general color of the swamp is
brownish -gray, yellowing in the dis-
tance, On a clear day, as one looks
down towards the endof,the Island,
the water is"of an intense ultra-
marine blue, and the bold promon-
tory .of Cap Tourment i:s backed
by almost summer-like, masses of
white cumulus cloud. Strange and
wonderfully beautiful mirage effects
are seen near St. Joachim, and
through the crisp air one. can hear
the church bells of Chateau Richer
and. Ste Anne for miles. The shin-
ing spires of the great 'church, to
which thousands of pilgrims make
their way every year, are clearly
visible lifting into the sky. The
original shrine was built by a few
French sailors, -who. had, been saved
from drowning, and expressed their
gratitude . and devotion in simple
and patriarchal fashion by erecting
an altar to their friend and patron.
"La bonne Ste Anne Sauvegarde
des Marius" ; but splendour has
long since swallowed up simplicity.
One leaves' the town about six
o'clock in the morning for a good
long day in thea marsh. It takes a
little less than ,an hour to get to
Ste Anne by electric tram;.but a
favorite device is to shoot for an:
hour or two in one place, and.then
take the tram which runs hourly,
for three or four miles, and try the
swamp again farther down. It is
a clear, almost. windless day in"
early September, :with a slight haze
hanging about marsh and river, that
veils` and softens all marsh outlines
without obscuring the view.
The Swamp is Full of Birds.,
but so early in the season snipe.
are few, and those found are small,
breeding birds, very generally dis-
tributed. . Later on in October,
when. the cluck are .arriving in large
flocks, the larger snipe come from
the north in:pairs or small groups'
or four or five. The migration of
the jacksnipe or pectoral' sandpiper
is just commencing, and the yellow-
legs, young turnstones, black -
breasted and ring-necked plover
are still to be.found. Sandpipers
and plovers are on the beaeh early
in the day, • but ,about eight o'clock
enipe seem. to drop in from nowhere.
They flush .zigzag and curving, ut-
tering a harsh "Escaped escape !"
as they do eo; but at this season
the snipe sheeting is nothing to
what it will be in 'late October,
when no tither shore -birds, except
perhaps tbe'•.jaeks and a few greater
yellow legs remain. Even now, the
commonest :,lore -birds, •the least
and semi-paltriated sandpiper, of
which at the very beginning of the
season one may see flocks of hun-
dreds swinging up the river, wheel-
ing alighting, feeding, and upon
being disturbed taking flight again,
always up, .are almost all gone, all
but a few stragglers, Sora rails
are sorry common, but Virginia raft,
tl�e lar er cousin of the sura, is drade and Butternut,
� . 14464,-;-14-1111131
®/A ! 1� Mai,•
Assisted when necessary by
Cuticura Ointment. They
keep the skin and scalp clean
and clear, sweet and healthy,
besides soothing irritations
which often prevent sleep
and if" neglected become
chronic disfigurements.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are 'Sold throughout
the world. A liberal sample or each, with 32 -»ago
booklet on the care and treatment of the akin and
scalp, sent post -tree. Address Potter Drug h Chem,
Corp., Dept. 3E, Boston, U. S. A.
rare; one seldom sees more than
two of three in a season.' Bittern
are . numerous, and put up with a
frightened squawk. Sometimes they
fly to the;hills, and,are: lost to. view
in the trees. The,. habitants make
them' into a not unsavory pie, and'
are very glad of .a present'of a
'couple, when .at. midday one finds
one's way up to a cottage to get
a cup of coffee, and a huge bowl of
real habitant soup—almost a (stew,
and extraordinary good. The
French-Canadian farmers in this
locality are extremely well -to -day
and live -very .comfortably. "On
mange comme il. faut chez .nous"
was the dignified reply of a farmer
wife to a: young and hungry hunter
who demanded rather magnifi-
What Ile Could Have to Eat.
tl Q nt Stil•' ince Years
Anyone would marvel at my recov-
ery, writes Mr. Leonard Latham, a
young lean well known about Chat-
ham, 1
h nl had inherited a a ten-
. I d a rheumatic rli
dency through my mother's faintly,
and in my early days suffered fright-
fully. About three years ago the pain
and stillness settled in my left knee
joint. I was lame and wanted with a
very distinct limp. Nerviline . was
brought to my notice and I rubbed it
into the stiff joint four or five times a
day. It dispelled every vestige of
pain, reduced the swelling, took out
the stiffness and gave me the full use
of MY limb again. 1 don't believe there
is a ,pain -relieving remedy, not a sin-
gle liniment that .can compare with
Nerviline. 1 hope every person with
pains, with sore back, with lameness,
with lumbago, with neuralgia—I do
hope they will try out Nerviline which
I am convinced will quickly and per-
manently cure them;."
If Nerviline wasn't a wonderful
painless remedy, if Nerviline didn't
quickly relieve, if Nerviline wasn't
known to be a grand cure for all then -
made conditions, it wouldn't have
been so largely used as a family rem-
edy for the past forty years. No bet-
ter, stronger, or more soothing Uui-
ment; made. Get the `large 50c. fam-
ily size bottle; small trial size 25c.;
sold by any dealer, anywhere.
The Canadian Minister of Justice
Is a Genial iVlan.
Hon. Chas. Joseph Doherty,
Minister of Justice and member of
the House of Commons for the St.
Ann's 'District of Montreal; is act-
ing as Premier while Sir Robert
Borden takes a rest: in Muskoka
from the worries and - labors of that
position. Froin. the worries par-
ticularly would Sir Robert be.de-
'Judge" Doherty is not a wor-
rier. He has the happy faculty of
working without worrying. His
nature is that of a genial, sunny-
dispositioned Irishman of ripened
philosophy.' He smokes a cigar
with extreme calm and enjoyment.
He can relax that's -the blessed.en-
dowment_ which distinguishes. him
from his leader, Sir Robert, who is
conscious of his responsibilities all
the time, day or night. " •
Nothing more learned, sounder,
or sounding, than Judge Doherty's
speeches in the House are ever
heard there •since his election in
1908. The Minister of Justice, de-
livers his utterances from, his seat
and after partaking of their good
fare' he felt inclined to agree heart-
ily in the vernacular "Beau darn
mage 1" which is equivalent to
"Rather !"
The least bittern, not inaptly des
oribed as resembling a bit of yellow
tape. is uncommon. Young black
duck in -the early season, and there
are plenty of other wild fowl in the
river—scaup, golden -eye, mergan-
sers,;.and "butterbali." Often small
flocks of butterball are flushed from
the crossing streams. They paddle
violently along the seater for. a few
yards to gain impetus, hurl them-
selves into the air, and fly like
small cannon balls far down the
river, till they join a flock of their
own species in mid -channel, or dis-
appear Completely.
The sun drops below the northern
hills comparatively early, and the
mist which has': hung ".about the
swamp and river all day becomes •a
translucent golden haze. The spires
of Ste Anne reflect acrimson glow,
and the little cottages on the Island`
seem' to be on fire. The luminous
color graduously becomes more opa-
que, and through the thickening
mist the' lights of Quebec begin to
appear one by one, till dusk falls
completely, and the city lies like a,
handful of'twinkling jewels on the
Twelve "hours is a. long day, and
one reaches the firm 'ground above
the 'marsh to: wait. for. a tram, well
content to be on one's homeward
way, and to have perhaps some
dozen or fourteen snipe, twice as
many glover, a couple of fat black
experimented on in a pie, after•the
excellent fashion of the habitant.
When a Woman Suffers
With Chronic Backache
There is Trouble Ahead.
Constantly on their feet, attending
to the wants of a large and exacting
family, women often break down
with nervous exhaustion.
In the stores, factories, and on a
farm are weak, ailing women, dragged
down with : torturing backache and
bearing down pains.
Such suffering isn't natural, but it's
dangerous, because due to diseased
The dizziness, insomnia, deranged
menses and other symptoms of kidney
complaint can't cure themselves, they
require the assistance of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills which go direct to the seat
of thekidneys to lend aid to the bladder trouble.
To give vitality and power to the sally acknowledged, verde the sett
and best .and best speechat the Press
Gallery dinner last session, . It
was spontaneous entirely, being
suggested by a joke in the menu
card upon his parenthentical, inde-
ter'm'inate sentences. As a gonial,
after-dinner speaker trust all
Irishman, and Judge Doherty is an
Irishman, inasmuch as his father
and mother both come from the
troubled is1d.
;lion.. C. J. Doherty.
`.theories cause us more worry
titan do facts,
Dead teen's ahoes seldom fit those
who wait for therm.
The charity that begins at home
Also Covers a lot of sins.
Boat rockers on the sea of matri-
mony deserve their fate,
' Some anon carry their cot}rage
around in a pocket flask,
Many a man learns something
every time a fed blunders,
A woman's strength lies in her.
knowledge of a man's, weakness.
Some men are honest because
they are too poor to be otherwise.
It sometimes happens that the:
chap who hesitates doesn't get lost.
A man is known as his mother's
son until he. becomes his wife's
A good woman may be talked
about, but she doesn't talk about
Be sure you are."right, but don't
be too blamed sure that everybody
else is wrong.
Don't think because a girl's . com
plexien'is a, dream that all dreams
are hand -painted.
Of course, ,a married man can
live on less than a b•aehelor—if his
wife takes in washing,:
At first sign of illness during the
hot weather give the little ones,
Baby's Own Tablets, or in a. few
hours he may be beyond aid..The
Tablets will prevent summer com-
plaint if given occasionally to the
well child and will promptly cure
these troubles if they cgrne' on
suddenly. Baby's Own ' Tablets
should be kept in every home
where there are young children.
There is no other medicine so good,
and the mother has the guarantee
of a government analyst that 'they
are absolutely- safe. Mrs- Edward
Covell,- Lombardy, Ont., says : ":D
mother who has once used Baby's.
Own Tablets for her children will
never fail to show her gratitude
for them. They- made a wonderful
change in the health of my little
ones. The Tablets are sold by.
medicine dealers or by mail at ee
cents a box from The Dr. Williams''
Medicine • Co,, Brockville, Ont.
—RY —
Sonme insurance- Items.
for St. Ann's, as he used to deliver
his judgments' from the bench of
the Superior Court .of Quebec,
which he adorned for five years
back in the nineties. His style is
entirely judicial, tempered, how-
ever, at times by a, smile, and a de-
licious underlying sense of humor.
When he is in true form is when
he is put up by the Government to
state the legal and constitutional
aspect of a subject in Parliamen-
tary controversy. Then he suc-
ceeds beautifully•in making the
question as clear as mud. Nobody
on the Opposition side can follow
him, while those on the Govern-
ment side sit back at ease, smiling.
They don't need to follow him.
Sentences Miles Long.
They know the judge can bewil-
der them. He goes at it by a sys-
tem of parenthesis. His sentences
are miles long, with dependent
clauses at every few yards. His
predicate verb is withheld until the
last. Nobody knows when it is
coining, not even the judge.
After he is satisfied that be has
completely involved his;hearers in
a hopeless tangle of "comparisons,
he, with marvellous surety and
lkili, picks his way out of his'par-
enthesis, closing them after him one
by one, like gates, and comes to
his final. assertion and his verb so
long awaited, By that time the
subject at the other end of the sen
tome is forgotten. it's a perfectly
good sentence, however—if his
hearers could only follow it, with
a logical argument in it, all excep-
tions, accidents, farewell cases,.
etc., eto, duly noted by the way,
Judge Doherty, as was univer-
yat we can in-
sureand the fact that
sure our own lives—a, fact, of. which
agents, 'canvaee,sers,' and, officers. do
not fail °to• remind us—few people
knew that quite legal -insurances
can -be taken out in many ways,
says London Answers. For instance;
every 'subject of -the King has an
in'sura'ble interest in :the King' e elle,
and may insure him. A creditor
can legally insure the life of a debt-
or for the amount of the debt, and,
even when the debt is paid, the ere -
alter may lawfully continue the in-
surance, An employer of labor eau
insure the lives of his workers, the
insurable interest, which alone
makes the policies legal, being that
he is liable for fatal injuries. receiv-
ed in the course of their work.
Mere relationship does not create
tan insurable interest. Husblands
and wives can insure each other,
and a child can insure its father;
but a brother cannot, .generally
speaking, insure his !brothers an
Life policies can be sold or
assigned, witlh notice. to the com-
pany and an acknowledgment, but
fire policies are not transferred
without• the company',s consent.
A Friend of the Policeman
Continually on their feet, the "Peelers"
are invariably troubled with corns and
bunions—but not for long, because they
know of a Quick cure, Putnam's Corn Ex-
tractor. it cures painlessly in 24 hours;
try "Putnam's," 25c. at all dealers.
No Bills to Pay.
liver, to free the 'blood of poisons,
probably there is no remedy so suc-
cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Dior
all womanly irregularities their merit
is well known.
Because of their mild, soothing, and
healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills art
safe, and are reeomnmended for •girls
and wolnell of all ages; 25 cents per
box at all dealers. Refuse any Mew
for Dr. Balnilton's Pills of 1Yien
Choose your variety and
ask your grocer for
W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
1 Fruit. Stock,. Grain or Dairy Fart%
write H. W, Dawson. Brampton, or 90.
Colborne St., Toronto,
U. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
York County. Stationery and Book
Business in connection. Price only
14,000. Terms liberal, Wilson Publish-
ing Company. 73 West Adelaide Street.
Foxes. Conresioondence solicited. Reid
Bros. Bothwell. Ont. •
t J internal and external. ,cured with-
out rain by our home treatment. Write
Us before too late. Dr. Bellman. Medical
Co.. Limited. Coltingwood. Ont.
Under the ogntrote,1 the Depart•.
ment of A'Srlcuiture of Ontario
Established 1852.
Affiliated with -the. University of
N.B.- Ca1le(se will re -open on
Thursday, the 1st of October, 1914,
in the . new. College Building, 110 .
"University Ave.,: Toronto, Canada.
E. A. A: GRANGE,i'.S.,H.S.
Perfectly Trustworthy.
see you e1.nploy,a number
work well."
"Don't watch the.. clock then
"Don't even watch the mill
"I of
"Yes, and they
"Do 1„
*Iinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Anybody Know?
"Carrots are good tieT the com-
. "How about the hair 7 Will they
make it carroty ?"
She (reproachfully)—You didn't
mind spending money on me before
we were [married.
He—No ; I had it .then to spend.
Via Chicago and North Western BY.
Special low rate round trip tiokete on eelle
from all points in Canada to Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, 'Vancou-
ver, Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Band,
Yellowstone Park, etc., during August and
September. Excellent train service. For
rates, illustrated folders,',time'tables and
furl :particulars, •address, 13. IL Bennett.
Generale Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto,.
Some profits are not without dis-
STitSxd'/ Liniment Cures Colds, Etc,
Try bfurine Bye Remedy for Red, weak, waters,
Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting—:
lust Eye Comfort. Write for Book of theEye -
bymen:Tree. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. :
Wife -I can read you like a. book,
Husband --Then I wish you'd do
more reading and. less questioning,
"I don't think your father feels
very kindly toward me," said Mr.
"You misjudge him. The morn-
ing .after you called en me he seem-
ed quite worried for fear 1 had not
treated you with proper 'courtesy,
"Indeed 1 What did he say 7"
"He asked me how I Coukd 'Ice
ee rade as to let you t;o away with-'
out your breakfast,"
When a avian appears to be listen-
ingattentively to ..:yowl talk he
may be thinking of something ,to
The world soon gets tired of a
ehronio kicker,
TAinarA.'a i.ininvuit Cured target in Cows,
Ai:inard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen; I have used MIl' i,D'S
LINMFNT on: my vessel and in my fam•
iIw for years, and for the every day lids
and accidents of life I consider it has no
I would not start on, a voyage without
it, if it cost a 'dollar a, bottle.
Behr. "Rorke." St. Andre, Naauouraska.
IVIr. Fogarty (ill proposing the
bride's health) --An' it's meself, i9
proud to say I 'ave knowed the
bride this 40 year. The Bride—It's
a thunderi.n' :liar you ;are, Fogarty,
me bein' only just turned thirty
wan an' a 'half,
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Why Knock?
Mrs. Ellsworth had a new colored
maid. One morning, as the maid
came downstairs, the mistress said:
"Emma did you knock at, Ivliss
Flora's door when I sent you up
with her breakfast?"
ned the maid
"No, ma'am," reel ,
with preternatural gravity. "What
was de use of a-lr,nocktin' at her do'
we an I knowed fo'cure she svgs u
Better a penny in the Band than
a nickel in the slot.
El) , 4