HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-13, Page 1Over 100 000 Canadans or 0 • 0 to War. Armies lining up or Battle. No Naval fight yet. RENEW /OUR SUBSCRIPTION Now is the tithe to renew your subscription to The Advocate Help the editor by renewing early Help yourself by getting a live pa- per. Help the coranamity by giv- ing us all the News, TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, Ali -GUST 13 1914 Cl,.'UI3BING When. renewing your Aclateealtae remember that wve cub with az, the City Daily, Weekly, and tt Monthly papers and Perioclietalee. Get the benefit of these clubbit57 rrates, Ca11i,c ad semus." SANDERS & CREECiI ■ • The Canada has made a gift of one War Situation million bags of flour to. the lieople WEDNESDAY That the big battle in the afurop ean, Want is now but a few days off is the view expressed ix.. all the eat)* itals The foa-ts of Leige are still holding out against the Germans, while .the French British a,nd Belgians are . on centrating at Namur the next strong line of fortifications on the line of the German advance through Belgium toe ward 'France. This is within a short distance or the French frontier, where there is a strong line of fortifications protecting, Amiens and other large cities and standing in the way of ad- vane or Paris Russia is apparently content to hold the enemy incheck t W 'her vast army can be mobilized. It was announced last r fight that. -this would be,complete about August 21. As far as navies are conserned there s is a completeabsence of news.. It is generally understood that the British ,navy is near Heligoland, a strongly fortified island in the North Sea, not far from the Geier= Coast, and that the German North Sea fleet is there practically bottled up. The British fleet it is ,'tot . believed, will attempt TAMAN'S BCIRCC➢ Seaou Sa1c -OF- Ordered Clothing Thefollowing prices will prevail until August 20th. - $23 SUITS REDUCED TO $22.00 $25 SUITS REDUCED TO $20.00 $22 SUITS REDUCED TO $18.00 Ready-made Clothing $188 SUITS REDUCED TO $13.00 $15 SUITS REDUCED TO moo $12 SUITS •REDUCED TO $8.00 ODD PANTS 20 Per cent. Off. Furnishings SHIRTS TIES COLLARS, SUM- MER U'NDERW'EAR, HATS & CAPS ALL REDUCED 20 Per Cent, Everything must go to make room for Fall Goods, --TAMA 'SAILOR FII RNISHER. en attack while the Gentian ,:hips remain under this protection, it being regarded as bad tactics for warships to attack a 'fort where heavy guns are mo-utlted, Thus a naval battle is not looked far for some time. An expert says the mast • clec`tsive week ie. the most European war has just begun. If the French and Belgian Armies continue to be victorious dur- ing the next seven days and England's fleet is successful Germany's doom is sealed On the other hand german success would have the effect of prat- onging the' war, without having any decisive effect on the ultimate out- come From the records of the last two weeks it is clearly 'demonstrated, mar- ine authorities say that British mer- chantmen are at liberty to go as they please without interference from (er- man cruisers. Alberta's gift to the motherland will be 500,000 bushels of oats ro be delivered f.o.b. any port on the At- lantic coast, The Ontario, provincial police 'lave issued instructions to the watchmen and others who are , utardingt the Ci- evators telephone stations and water sueply and canals in Ontario t a "shoot to kill" in the event of the orders of the ,officers being disobeyed by suspected persons Food stuffs, particularly wheat and flour are going up as a result of the tearand the manipulation of some, unprincipled men. We understand that the G. T. R. has got the war scare in. proper shape. and are retrenching with a ven- geance. Out of four section men at thi'; point two have; been laid off and it is now definitely. reported that they have cancelled one of the daily freight trains on this branch. Looks like rather extreme measures for the second week of the war. The government plans to close pallia meat a£tea a' two weeks sitting. Only Wet Government bills will be present- ed- resented- one wi11 be a was: budget, estimat- ed atfrom seventy five million dollars to one hundred minions of dollars; the other will extend the authority of the Government to take military act- ion without consulting parliament. If parliament sits thirty days the 'mem- bers get the full indemnity of $2, 500 Less: than thirty days are, paid for at the rate of $20 a day. War Summary of Great Britain, and it has been grate fully acknowledged. Gerina,ny ani) Austria threaten (tale with the her that if she per- sists in her stand of neutrality, they will declare war against her. At Liege the Germans lost 5090 dead. Twenty-four guns were cap- tured and one general was macre a prisoner, The German farces num- bered 120,000 the Begian. defenders 40,000. The admiralty has announced that ane of the cruiser squadrons of the main fleet was attacked on Sunday by. Germain, submarines. None of the British ships was damaged. One Ger- man submarine was sunk. The French and Belgian Govern- me,nts have ordered that the resour- ces of the two countries are the common property of France and Bel-: ' glum, TUESDAY rGermany po is re rted to be mobiliz- I ing another million men 1 There will be ,no let -urn in the work of the Ptublic Works Department in Caaada An English navy expert says that the English navy, even without a battle, has already demonstrated leer command of the seas The Duke of Connaught, Canada's best trained soldier, is to be right on the ground at Quebec, during mobil- ization Canada has offered 20,000 men, who will be mobilized within a few days at Quebec. Newfoundland sends 500 men Canada has purchased two submar- ines frons Chili The North Sea has been, again clos- ed to fishing fleets which news is very significant. Serviettes and French in Canada and United States wish to joie the Can- adian. army, as they cannot get oack to their own country. France and Austria have declared war against each Other. EXETER COUNCIL Tho Council met in the Town: Mall Friday evening, 7th. Previous minutes ap-uroeed. A communication was read from the G.T.R. re repairing roads, Wellington • ,`Street to Victoria •St., and the new Under the headings of the days of the week we propose to give a sum- mary of the war news each week. tie- ing as accurate as passible., FRIDAY At a meeting of the officers of the 33rd Huran Regiment held in Clin- ton on Friday it was decided to offer the services of the regiment to the Government for active service or any duty that may be required, The British prime minister in the House of Commons askked for an ad- ditional appropriation of $500,000,000 and an army inccrease of 500,000 :nen beth of which ,requests were, granted. Russian cavalry, endeavoring to en- ter East Prussia, have been driven. back by the German frontier guards A Tien-Tsin dispatch says the Rus- sian crueler Askolcl and the German c,rusier Emder in an engagement off Wel:-Hal-Wel have both been. sunk. Thc British Crusier Amphian i.as been sunk by contact with a mine, with the loss of more than 100 'nen. Austria-Hungary has declared .war on, Russia and the Russian ambassador at Vienna has been 'given his pass- ports. SATURDAY. In view of the contingencies that might arise,., all militia camps are con- celled. The Germans yesterday asked for a 24-hour armistice to burry their dead,. but the goveznar of Liege, Gen- era Leman, has not acceded to ,this request, so far as is known, German dipiomats have been esing utmost efforts to win, Italy to the Ger- man side by negotiations and a dir- ect appeal to King Victor Emmanuel but without success. Winston Spen ger Churchill, first lard of the admiralty, denied that there had been any engagement be- tween the German and British fleets in. the North Sea. ' MONDAY Belgian official reports received by the war office record the important fact that a junction has been effect- ed by British, French and Belgians, across the line of the, German advan:.e through Belgium. The ocoupatian of Liege by the Gee mans is confirmed in a dispatch re- ceived e•ceeivecl here from Brussels early this morning Volunteers are rapidly being enroll- ed for the Canadian contingent, The Minster of War announces that the Germans suffered 30,000 casual- ties and the. Feelh 15,000 in the battle at Attlee -eh, which resulted in. the capture of the Alsatian village by the French troops. It was stated that Parliament which meets an August 18th will be asked to vote art amount said to be be $75,- 000,000 for expenses in aid of Great Britain lie douse which could be done when streets are scraped; The same was confirmed on motion of Hind ,and Beavers Beavers--Hind-That the clerk write the G.T.,.Rasking them to have their talc at the station repaired so ihatt there be not such a waste of water, Carried: Report of Fire, Light and Water Committee -Mr. Bissett, acting under wart- instructions has had water 'nein laid to i\fr. Dow's property. Mr. Dow signed a contract at $8 per annum for same as a1lr, Dow wanted water at once we ,proceeded with the work and now ask you to, pass above s-eport -The same was passed onenotion of. Beavers incl Hind. U. B, Carling, Clerk JUNIOR MATRICULATION Out' of twelve the followingExeter Stuclents were successful in passing: Junior Matriculation Examinatuion in. whole or in. part. -Group 1(whole tire) -ve subjects) M. F. Carling, A. M. Mor gaa, G , B. Quackenbush, 3. C. Strang R. b Walker. Group III (in eight : eight gib jects1 R. E. Southcott, L. Stewart W. G Stewart,. Others in Huron who passed were- Group 1,-R. A. Bradford, M. Cowan K. ` 5 Cowart G, Deadman, W. A. Dancey J. M. Garvey, C, M, Giik- lesan R C, Hays;, J. E. Hess, M. K. Johnston N. U. Jones, E. James, T. Kidd, M E. Kennedy, A. M. Lands- boourgh A. M. MacKerche,r, E. R. Manning. W. M. Nelson, E. Pollock, R. W. Ryan, J. Taylor, N, Trueinner. Grour II, -G. G. Ma.cEwan, Group III, -J. L. Allan, R. Bissett R. S. Carman. P. F. Doyle, L. R. Gar- vey M Gunn, S, G. Henry, E. F. Low - W M McNaughton, M. R. Ross, 3. H Smillie„ 5. Smillie W, H. Walker. Crediton Thc, sole topic of discussion these days is war. It is indeed infortunate that at this stage of the world's pro- gress nations should become locked in a bloody conflict over some . mini excuse, We can hardly realize we are living in the 20th century- an ; age of enlightenment and a period when giorrels and disputes are set- tled by arbitration, The Peace Con- ferences, onferences; we read• so much about, a,p- peas to.15e a sham. It leeasy for us whcx Are not at the :seat of war, to sit down and seed the papers, and discuss this and that, but to .live in sidewalk. Same was filed. The road the old land weth all its dread and is beim repaired, misgivings is- a different matter. Sure- is cammtanication was read from the ly the conflict will not last long. The Hydro Electric Power Commission re walla will receive a set -back of fifty the proposed Huron, County Railway, years as , it is. Dashwood Local Items Mr Fred Kehl left Tuesday ace Berlin to visit his sister, Mrs, Fred Ehlers who is very ill with slight hope of recovery The infant child of Mr. Wm. raie- ber died Sunday morning and was buried Monday morning. Mrs, Emanuel Rothaermel died on Sunday morning at the home of her daughter Mrs, Frank Case of Exeter The corpse was brought to her 'tome in this place and burial was inade on Tuesday afternoon in the Bron- son Line cemetery, Rev, 7. H. Gren- zebach of the Evangelical church officiating .The bereft friendswill have the sympathy of the, community in this their sad bereavement, Mr. and Mrs Percy Humble. Of Sar- nia who spent a few days here vis- iting friends left far their home on Tuesday moaning. Mr and Mrs. Simon Thom, and a daughter of Howard City, Mich,, are here attending the funeral of the rite Mrs Rothaermel. The Misses Dara and Elsie Austin visite: friends in the village Tuesday. Everyone is talking war ,and what xhc probable outcome will be. Mir and Mrs. John Eidt and Mr. and Mrs, Chris Stade motored over to Forest Sunday and spent the day with friends. Mr Geo Schroeder of E1 Paso` W. 19 at ,present visiting, friends in this community :, Mr. Narmaie Kellerman has exchan- ged his Ford car for a McLaughlin - Buick:, The Children's Day Service was. held in the Evangelical church on Sunday last. Mr. E. H. Grenzebach is visiting bis parents and sisters in this place, Mir Wilbur Pfaff was, laid off work 'foe several days during the week through illness. Thcc shower on, Monday will help the pastures as well aa the fruit and care. Everything was badly in need of the• rain, as follows, -"Replying to your favor We notice by the „press that the we wish to advise that we expect our Sts Royal Edward landed in Quebec preliminary surveys for your district a few .days ago. Percy Banes,who will be completed, before the 15th o€ accompanied the Victoria College Glee nest month and that we; hope to bo Club of Toronto to England some able to prepare a final report before weeks ago. returned on this steamer. the end of the swimmer, We have col- lected a great deal of traffic informa- tion. from the district to insert in the report and have also made decisions as to the system of electrification that should be used. We trust that you understand that legislation that has er, who have been visiting relatives been recently passed and the work here for. a few .wee ks returned to that has been done in connection with Detroit on Saturdray, the .Toronto N. E. District is applic- Mr and Mrs. Benke of Detroit are able to your lines,. and that the same visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. Wenzel. procedure will not be necessary from Mr. C. M. Holland of the Clinton ,now on In other words we are work Business' College was in the village i,n¢ out details for this Toronto V.E. as Monday soliciting students, District and expect to be able to save other lines." visiting Mr and llrs. Henry Kuhn, Messrs, I, R. Carling and R. G. Set- Miss Emma Orme of London is vis - don waited on the council re putting itintr her brother Dr. Orme. a hydrant on Wellington street west Otto Ewald has returned from Tar - of the railway, They stated that they were entitled to better fire protection as there were a lot of valuable build- ings at the station and scarcely any According to the news items, the vessel was pursued by German, cruis- ers far two days, but managed to escape Mr. said Mrs. Ed. Bertrand and dau- ghter Thelma and Miss Kate Schneid- considerable time when it comes to Mr. and Mrs. D. Braunaf Detroit are Kuhn. onto atter a short visit. Our flax men; Nicholson & Lawson are busy just now getting in the flax Thera is still a c•onsicierable quantity fire protection, and thought it WAS up of flax to pull. to the: couancil to do something, and I J Young Yng & Son have received the. Railway Co .was willing to pay a shipmemt of extension ladders. one third of the cost, the town to Every person should have a good Sad ear one half and the property owners der to protect his buildings in ease on P. sixth. ;Hind, -Beavers -That . a of fire hydrant be placed as desired an erms as stated. -Carried - The baseball game between Exeter Hartosl=Beavers-That the rate of and the home team scheduled for Mon taxation for the current year be 29 day night was postponed on account mills an the dollar, and that a by-law l of the 'rain` be prepared confirming same. -Car. The funeral of Mrs. Rothermal of Beaver -Hind -That the report of Dashwood, mother of Mrs. Geo. fled - the finance committee be adopted and def, of town, took places on Tuesday. that accounts as read be paid. --S. We extent' our sympathy to the :am - Handford 32.00; W. Westcott :4.88; 11y. R. Gillies 66.00; T. Flynn 23.80; W. Albert liforlock's ,new shop is a - Hatter 1,75; G. Orange 25,80; Sid, bout ready for business. The black - Sanders 21.20; Theo Wolper :8,00 R emitt shop „js n,ow being used and Davi: 33.60; T. Houlden 30.00; T. is a decided advantage over what was Creech 14.00; H. Rumohr 43.80; John used In he east. Bell 20.00 g, T. Cornish 22.80; Mrs. I Miss Olive Either has returned to Delve., three weeks board F. Wright Sarnia atter visiting her mother for a 21.00; Can. Consolidated Rubber Cot few days. rubber hose 204,85; Janes & May, acs. + Me. and Mrs. Francis Clark and Mr: 35c ° Bel". Telephone re cemetery 6.25 James Clark are visiting relatives in Wiarton. The rant on Monday was a welcome Co, 121.20.. for sidewalk � north, of ' he gate. The crops Fvere sadly in need bridge' W. H. Levett, gasoline, 45.34 of it, Canadian Express Ca., 135 T. B, Harrison Becker who has been in Carling, part salary, 33.33; W, r. Bis, Stratford for a few weeks " -returned sett 42.00 . J. Ford 37,50. hoine our Friday, James Jeckell 90c; Smart -Turner Ca„ 65c, • Exeter Mfg. Co., 56,31; Canadian Fairba,ak Morse Co 28c • Russ -Taylor Hind -Beavers -That the commiss- ioner be instructed to examine ,)rain and catch basin in front of 3. Grigg pror)erty as the water runs hack into his drain at every big rain. -Carried The public works committee beg to report or extension of sidewalks on east sicle of Albert Street to Heron as follows, -The committee looked ov- er this proposed extension and eon - clotted ,that it could be put dawn at some future date at a less expense than ,now as there 15 some filling to McGILLIVRAY COUNCIL Council met it Town Hall, McGil- livray. Aug 3rd, All members pres- ent. Mintvtes of last meetingwere read and confirmed, 'On motion of gasser and Glavin accounts amounting in all to, 51571„50 were ordered to be paid. Thc Caturicil then adjourned to meet in the Tawn Hall Monday, Sept. 7th at 1 o'clock. 3, D, Drummond, Clerk Centralia '' The' ram on MOhday wee enteelccene. guest. to las the dust and cool -.eft the air. A tew more such showers are needed as the farmers cannot plow yet Thc W el. S. are holding an lee Cream and Cake Social ort Thursday evening on the parsonage lawn. i3v- erybody come. Mr. Can O'Brien. was in Toronto a couple days with a carload of cattle Miss Mills a2 Woodham spent anew days the guest of ear. and Mrs. Hy. Mills. Miss Matz of Crediton spent a Clay or two with Mabel Heaman. Mi. T. Hicks and Andrew Hicks spent a couple days with relatives at Byron Miss Hazel Hicks is visiting with friend; it London ;and Dutton, '1 he , Sunday School are arranging for an. outing to the Grapd Bend on August 21st, Don't forget the date Patriotic ,sermons were in order one Sunday last. ' Dr. Ramsay and family nave return- ed to Hamilton, 'she Wei News is about the only topic of conversation. This is Brantford Old Home weaan a;ri_t a number of Exeterites ,are ire the eity Mr and Mrs, Thos. Nelson, ileus to= OKex, Sound last week to attend the beam. of the former's mother „who- died whodied there recently. Mr Nelson has returned to Exeter, Ma. T. H .Newell received word on Tuesday evening of the sudden death off hi: brother Richard Newell of Stratford at the ago of 3o years. Deceased leaves a wife and two child- ren This is the third brother Mr,New ell has lost inside of two years. He ;eft Wednesday evening to attend the funeral, • GREEN WAY Me. and Mrs Ray Pollock of Exeteir called on friends here on Sunday; - Mrs.: H. Wickert of Parkhill and Mr, , and Mrs. C. Laughton of Port Cb1- bornC visited in our burg on Friday. -Mss. loos. Kerr and Miss, Ethel. Kerr at Greenhurst, Leeds Co., spent. last week guests of Itlrs. A M. Wile- son.-Miss il son. --Miss Deadman of Brussels is the: guest ofMiss Minnie Sherritt. BIRTHS McQueen -In Usborne on Aug, 10 tcaa ,Mr anc1 Mrs. Stewart McQueen,, a _. daughter DEATHS Hayes -lin Detroit, Aug. 5, Lulu, Mriltse wife of John kiayes,: former ly of 'Clinton, aged 26 years. Rothaermel-Ian Exeter, Aug. 9, . Ptd ine Than, relict of the late''Eman- uel Rothaermel, aged X54 years. Rupp-ln, Zurich, Aug. 9, Henry Rupp aged 73 years. Cameral -le -In Exeter, Aug. 11, Gather - lee McCulloch, relict of the Tate, .Haugh Cameron, aged 86 years, Z • months 8 days, SWINGING A BUSINESS Judicious advertising Is the derrick that swings a business to succus. Classified Want lids, aroterse busi- ness ushnese bringer; that are 'suitable to any business. They help the small net become big, and the bra ones to become bigger. .71K01. ite STEWART'S PHONE 16 Where Reasonable Prices Prevail. All Summer Goods Must go LADIES LINEN DUSTER COATS, Just a few left, but they mus' be cleared. They are a regular $6.00 line, but for quick selling we mark thein 4,50 x•.98 buys anytri:rnme,d hat in our Millinery Show Rooms. Some of them sold at $5 and $6, Don't miss the opportunity. FANCY PARASOLS The season's newest with pretty beadles and plain and fancy tops. All goat reduced prices to surprise you, WHITE WAISTS Some lovely ones left, You get your choice of these at prices that will surprise you, CLUB BAGS Iut fibre and leather goods We have them at prices you are prepared to pay -9oc to $0 ODD SKIRTS In black and white checks These were samples and are tailored it very smart styles If we have your size you'll want one for the price. WHITE SKIRTS ins repps, bedford cords,. antcl =tines. 'These can be bought for what you would pay for goods alone. CREX RUGS If you want a Crex Rug for your verandah you can buy there away below reg ular-small & large ,sizes, TRUNKS In. many sizes, canvas or iron bound. A big assort- ment to choose from. DINNER SETS We have something new to show. you, They have just arrived from the Potteries. Three very pretty patterns in white and gold bond, floral and conventional design. The clips are Kermes shape and gold board handles. See them, 07 pieces for $16.50 J A. STEWA,RT. 1 •