HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-6, Page 8eee
1X1.; i', .R .A a': 7 la T ;TIWRW).AY • A•[ F t T Vii, fli14.
Wheat ,,.,... 90 955
50 oa
Barley . ,
13Ieckwheat.. 50 00
Oats, .. ... , , 4() 40
Peas,......,....,,.., 90 90
3'otatoes, per bag ... ... 75 , 100
Hay, er ton 14170 le 8000
Elour, leer cwt,, family
Flom, low grade per cw 1 iii 1
Butter— .....
19 2
al.... l..., , .......,,. 19 21 1
1Ave toe;s,percwt.,..,, 875
Short, near ton.,.....,-, 4 (l(+
Brim. nor ton .,,,..... ,,.
Dr eloore of Loltci.on and Dr. lHy.nd
mart operated on Mrs Rothaernial at
the home of fair. Fran Case Wednes-
day Little hope is entertained.
In. every city in Canada hundreds
of men are out of work and unable
to get enough to eat. In, the country
districts farmers and their familiee
are overworked because they eaatnot
get help No sympathy should be
wasted art these able-bodied men in
the cities who refuse to go into the
country to help ;gather the bountiful
Some years ago a. cranky sort of
man can into this office and stopped
the paper because something in it did
riot just sunt his fan cy, 1,At e have
frequently met him on the street since
that time an,d it is amusing to note
the look of surprise olt>! the old fel-
low's face that we are still in exist-
ence regardless of the fact that • ire
stopped his paper.
There wilt be no relaxation of the
liquor license laws as a result of the
overwhelming defeat of the Abolish
the Bar" policy. The license regula-
tions will be even more rigidly en-
foa'ced than. heretofore. To -nany of
the Conservative members the lesson
of th e• election: was that• the law :rust
be e,afarced, The .people are eatis
fled with the pseseat machinery. for
closing the shop and the bar and 'hey
want the machinery used if possible
with increased energy,
Won. Lost
5 3
5 3
5 4
2 7
was received here on Monday morn-
ing of the death ors Sunday in Tor-
onto of Albert J. Lang, son of Robert
S Lang;, formerly of Exeter, at the
age oe. 25 years, 6 months afrd 27
days. Deceased had been 'ill .of lung
trouble for some years. :and spent
several months iiz Denver in hopes of
itnproviifg his condition, but in . vain.
The young man was known to many
of the people of Exetea; •who will re-
gret to hear of -hi s early , demise.
The remaiins will 'be brought here for
interment, the funeral taking place
from the depot on Thursday morn-
ing at 9,45 o'clock.
Ailsa Craig
Monday was London and Toronto's
C, ivie Holiday.
Stratford, Seaforth and London are
holding Old. Boys' Horse Weeks,
1r. Eli Coatis of Usborne !las pur
chused the fine tresidence of 'Hiss
Case On Andrew street,
The army, worm devastating Europe
seems to have settled the, army worm
in the craps of Ontario,
Dr McGillicuddy has the material
on the ground for the, erection of an
office in. connection with his resi-
Mrs Ed, Christie had the, misfortune
to fall through the stoop. at the rear
c+,f the house last week and sustained
several braises. She is able to be eta'
again now.
Rev George Jacksoa of London is
occupying James Street pulpit in the
absence of Rev. McAlister, who, on
Sunday preached to London Old
I Boys in, Centennial church, W
Twenty-six hotels in Huron closed
c• i Friday night as far as license is
concerned. Most of them will con-
tinue as temperance houses,. and ;lave
increased their rates to $.2 per (lay,
In Exeter the closing hours were luiet
The Central closed .its bar at 6 o'clock
All opened next morning. as temper-
ances houses.
Once again the quarterly return of
convictions by magistrates as publish-
ed by the County Attorney, shows a
4 great falling off in business as compar
ed with `rthe good old times." fhe
schedule for the quarter ending. May
31s' shows butt seven cases' in an, 6
of which were a charge of trespass
made at Wi,ngham, and the other ':ase
of theft. The fines in all aggregate
in the neighborhood of $12, •
The following have been awarded
Miss Clara Clarkson, is visiting. in
l\ir J A, Stewart was in Toronto
this week
'airs. 11. efertouu visited in Goderich
on Nlonclny,
Mr. Wes. Snell returned to Winni-
peg oli, Monday,
Mr. Frank Oke was here from To-
ronto ever Sunday,
Mr, Harry Fuke of Parkhill is holi—
daying at home,
'Mr; 1. 11 Carling was; in London on
business this week
Stanley Fisher and his mother have
returned to London,
Mr. George Smallacombe of Strat-
ford visited here last week.
Frank Johns returned Monday to
Toronto after holidaying here.
TMs;: Hazel Preszcator, 'Stephens • is
visiting rn London . this week. -.
Mr and Mrs. Reg. Samuel of Alvin -
stow are visiting relatives here.
Mrs Carmichael of California is vis-
iting hes sister ,Mrs, Wm Bagshaw.
Mx and Mrs. J. R, Inksater anal••
daughter returned to Paris on Sunday.
Mrs . A • Marchand and family of
Waterloo, are guests of Mrs. A. Bbw-
ey. ' -
Mr and Mrs, A. J, McTavish and
child of Landon are visiting relatives
Mr, Joules of the Bank of Commerce
staff; London, was in town over. Sun-
Miss Ila Johnston left Moxiday for
a visit with relatives in Rochester;
Mr 13 Moore of London visited with
Mr. G. W. Davis a couple daps last
Mae and Mrs. Ed. Treble and Miss
Effie Treble are in London,for a :'ew.
Ain Edgar Homey has accepted a
position with Mr. B. W. Moore in
Mr 0 Graybeil of Toronto was a
the prizes iia order as' named in the pleasant caller at the Advocate on
Exeter Agricultural Oat Crop Coln- Monday.
petition by A. B. Rose, who. judged Misses Anniie and Velma Easter -
the crops last week. brook are visiting in Seaforth nd
Mrs A P, Malone of • Strathroy was
Ed Broderick, Hay
Andrews, Geo Andre s, Usborne
Jas Shapton, Stephen
W. R Elliott, Stephen
F. A. Ellett—log—ton, Usborne
E J Shapton, Stephen
John Rowe, Hay.
TORE.1 desire to announce that I have op -
met'. a Flour and Feed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post
Office and will keep, a full supply of
the best grades of flours and feeds.
I solicit your patronage.
Furst or Second Class Professions]
fur S S. No, 1, Stephen. Male and
experienced preferred. State salary
and qualifications. Duties start after
holidays Apply to Wm. White,
Trustee Centralia, Ont,
RUG LOST, A. colored rug, be-
tween. Exeter and the and Concession
Stephen. Fender will ;confer a favor
by leaving same at the Advocate of-
have .just completed arrangements at
much advanced cost for a special new
line of moving pictures, embracing ills
latest features which are most attrac-
tive and pleasing. In fact nothing
better can be found in the cities. The
[lest of these series will be put on
Saturday evening, Aug. 8th. Remem
bey` they will be far in advance of any-
thing heretofore put on i . Exeter end
are bound to please everybody; Ad-
mission 15 and 10 cents. —W. Leaven
pared to furnish flowers of all kinds
for planting or for baskets at r ea-
sonable prices.—JOHN FORD, ceme-
tery caretaker, Exeter.
A second-hand wood furnace with-
a Apply out crack or flaw, cheap. Pp y at
Exeter made a good showing in
the middle school examination for: en-
trance into Normal schools, 12. having
passed .out of 21. Considering the
several changes in the teaching staff
during the school year the result is from Forest where he has been en--
n-quite satisfactory. The following gaged for some weeks.
were successful:—M. A. Brown, Zur- Mrs . R. Rogers of Toronto, with
ich M. F. Carling, Exeter; F. Kalb- her familY is the guest, of her parents .
fleiscb, Zurich; A. W. Morgan, Us- Mr, and Mrs. E. Christie.
borne; Ni. E. 'Morgan, Usborne; O. Mrs, George Etheria`tgton and chit -
M': O'Brien, Zurich; G. B. Quacken- &e.n, of Usborne are" attending the
bush, Exeter;. R. E. Southcott, Exeter Old Boys' reunion at Stratford this
L. Stewart, Exeter; R. B. Walker ; week
Exeter; Ada V. Willis,. Stephen.; R. Mrs Elmer Campbell and three . hil-
H. Wood. Exeter. dren, Irma. Zenuas and Lloyd of Dan-
LITTLE DAUGH'T'ER DIES.—The villa, III, are visiting with Mr, r,nd,
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dearing i yrs, c' F. Hooper'
of th e North Boundary, Stephen, was ! Mr,. and Mrs. F. Rumba]1 and dough
saddened an Saturday the .leaer of London and Mrs, Dan Dyer
h of Ackron Mich., spent Friday even-
af. the little daughter, Irene W ismifrcd ,
at the tender age of 5 years, 5 inonths ing at Mr. A. G. Dyer s.
and seven days. The little one had Ark , and leIrs, Chas. Long of Winne -
been in failing health for two weeks pet: are visiting the farmer's mother
from abscess on, the brain, and forth Mrs, John Welsh, It is twelve years
last week had failed rapidly. Dr. since Mr Lang left here.
Thompson. specialist of London and Miss Annie Sanders of Waterloo ar-
1)r. Ile -adman held a consultation with rived home for her holidays Saturday
night. and is now visiting with her
mother Mrs Tleomlas, Snell in London
the guest of Miss Tillie Yager , or a
few days
Mr. Herb. Southcott ,of Toronto was
here attending the funeral of his runt
Mrs Dow
Mrs, Parker and Miss Ethel Piper
of Chicago ase visiting their mother
Mrs Piper,
iVfes, Wm. Burke ,oe Ingersoll; is vis-
iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
James Taylor.
Mrs. G Bedford and daughter, Dor-
othy visited in London a few days
during the week..
Mr James Bissett of London visit-
ed his mother and other relatives in
towns or, Monday.
Messrs. Roger and Ed. Crocker re-
turned to Toronto Monday after . a
week's visit here.
Miss O'Brien of Mt. Carmel and
Miss Doyle of Exeter are visiting in.
Stratford this week.
leers B. Cunningham and son' of 11-
derton spent a few days during the
week with Mrs. Yager,:
Mr John Norry has returned home
this office
a view to an operation, but Lound it
ha parents
"- ' not advisable. Thee'
a quantaty of excellent white clover
foe at
e in the con
price. -Mrs. H. Brown:, Winchelsea
L 0 5 T. — Between Creditcn. and
Exeter, in a leather wristlet, a lady's
silver watch, with monogram, D. J,
on back. Finder will be rewarded by
returning to Rev. Selby Jefferson,
Lot 7, Con. 1, Stephen, the ,?rop-
erty of the late Thomas Essery,
Brick House, bank barn and fraise
barn. 3 goad wells, windmill, good
orchard about 8 acres of good hard-
wood bush containing about 500 su-
gar maple trees. Soil clay loans, well
drained and fenced. Farm in good
state of cultivation, one-half mile
from Centralia station.
Possession.. can be given to . uit
For terms and particulars apply to
Barristers, Exeter
the sympathy of the community: The
funeral took place on Monday efter-
oo 1 to Exeter cemetery.
n a
—On Sunday last the death took place
at bee home on. Victoria street, Ex-
eter,of Hannah Keddy, relictt of the
late David Cobbledick, at the age of
67 years and 6 months. Mrs. Cobble -
dick had been ill for several months
and during the last few weeks ser-
iously so', although at times somewhat
better. The late Mrs. Cobbledick had
been a resident of Esseter for nine
years coming here from Ailsa Craig
with her husband, who died in June
of last year. She was a member of
Main street Methodist church, *where
the funeral service was held on Tues-
day paior to interment in Exeter cem-
etery Four daughters survive,—Mrs.
Carter of Clandeboye, Ms, Albert
Etherington. of Usborne, Mrs. • jlen
Oehrr, oe Shakespeare and Mrs. Hodg-
son, who has been waiting on leer
mother for some time. She is also
survived by two brothers, Walter and
Ralph Keddy of Usborne; all of
whom have the sympathy of the :Qin-
mun&te in their bereavement.
Fron' about the 9th to 12 --first in the
west ,then central., than east, by "is•-
ing barometer look for west winds
and much cooler. A reactionary per-
iod of storm is ceantrai, on the 1,2th
13th and 14th. " Low barometer and
storms of more or less intensity will
touch most parts of the country, as
the disturbances of this period pass
from west to east, on and . touching
the 12th , 13th, and .loth. Some cool
"tag wields from west with refreshing
ozone down out of the ether, will fol-
low these disturbances for chree to
four days, The opposition of. the
Executors Sale of
On the premises, on Saturday, Aug,
22nd 1914.at 2 o'clock p,m, thefol-
lowing, namely,• --Real estate consisting
of Lot No 371, an east side of Wil-
liam street in that part of the Vil-
lege of Exeter, formerly known as
F`ramcistawn containing one-fifth o1.
an acre more or Less, on, which there
IS a frame dwelling. house two apart-
ments t also the. household effects.
See posters. F`o' terms and ::articu-
lars apply to Thoe. Cameron, auction-
eer Parquhar,
Thos Cameron, C, Alexander, Ex- th, Abnormal heat an scarcity of score Of 3-0, Oray two flits were
deliv rs of the, estate of the late Tate rainyfall are amottg the things indi- made ail Harrington. A big crowd
Vfitchell " cated was present, Office 210A
Mrs. Chas. Birney left on, Thursday
for Winnipeg where she will visit her
daughter ,Mrs. Ferguson, and ner son
William. She will visit other harts in
the west before returning. •
J J O'Brien: of .Heasall is spending
a few weeks at Mt, Clemens 'aking
the" baths, this being his first visit
to the Michigan resort, He expects
to retura home within a few days.
Charles Salter, who has been, visit-
ing friends and relatives here, 1 e -
turned to his home in. London Tues-
day' accompanied by his contsin Amy
Shapton, who well visit for afew days
Mr. S Sianguear of Guelph is here
th is week visiting his sister, Mrs.
Wm Bagshaw. It its 45 years ;hive
Ma•. Singular lived in Exeter and he
is enjoying himself renewing old ac-
quaintances and noting the nany
changes in the town.
A good shower, of rain is needed,
Potatoes prbmise to be an abundant
crop this year,
He;nsall's Civic. Holiday was held
en Monday last. When does Exeter's
Harold Bissett is umpiring the "ease
ball games in Seaforth this week. The
teams are competing for a $100 prize
put ur, for Old, Boys' Week.
Miss Katie McFaul will preside at
the Janes Street churcb 'orgai for
a few weeks, during the absence 'of
Mr Phillips who is holidaying.
Many people complain of stiff decks
and a sort of rheumatism in the
shoulders. Changeable weather has
something to do with it, we guess.
Of. Sunday next there will be 110
service in Caven church in, the morn-
ing. although Sunday School will be
held as usual, Rev, C. Pletcher' will
Tht: horde boys defeated Craig on
Thursday in ane of the best games
ever seen in Exeter. Exeter got away
in the; 'first inning by, scoring three
rubes on three hits and an error, Af-
ter this neither team could score, al-
though Exeter missed a couple of
chances by poor judgment on the oas-
es R :aerington pitched his usual
strong game, striking out twelve.
The, top of Exeter's list batted well,
E. Windsor being the star; with '.liree
hits out of a our timers up. Both teams
fielded well. White Chapman pulled
off some fine stuff at second, accept-
ing eight chances without a slip,
The line-up and runs made
Ailsa Craig Exeter
Coursey. m 0 Ca a�st �u, 1st, 0 e
.1 C. McCa• 0 lyeeb, 2asd 1`
Hodgins rf, 0 Triebner, m 1
Leach. s.$ 0 Windsor, 3rd 1
tlindmarsh, p, 0 Hvrrisgton, p, 0
Matthews 1f, 0 Rivers, rf
Weir 3rd, o Bissett, as. 0
Chapman 2nd, 0 Boyle, c, . 0
Craven 1st 0 Windeor, if 0
Ailsa Craig 000000000-0 - 3 2
Exeter .30000000x-3 8 0
Summary—Errors, McCall and Crav-
en; First on errors Exeter 2; stolen
bases, Hodgins, Chapman, Windsor;.
Doable play. Matthews and Craven;
Weir and Chapman; Struck out, by
Harrington 12, by Hindmarsh 7; Base
on balls off Harrington 1; bit by
pitched ball, by. Harrington 1; left on
bases Exeter 5, Craig 4; Umpires, Dr
Gunn and A. Duplin.
AUGUST 10th lets us into rill¢ Sth
Anniversary, We have done. well in
the past an' we are determined to
beat all records.
W e hat tr changed the interior of
aur store and wird be able to serve
ear better
will be popular prices from now on.
Special bargains Fridays
and Saturdays
anniversary Sale Aug-
ust loth to 15th
Big Chocolate Reductions.
Big Reductions in Smallwares, Etc,
Come and see for yourself.
Powell's Bazaar
Big Variety' Store
To the Policy Holders le: the
borne & Hibbert Mutual ?'ire
suraace Comipany,—
Thc Bpard of Directors .1 the
sari company wish to draw the atten-
tion of ;its members to Professor
lay s Bulletin on "Lightning leads"
ei copy of which has been sent to
each member at the request of the
BoarcP as a protection to buildings
from egttlling, and would entreat them
fo carefully read the same, and would
ask those who have their buildings;
rodded to see that' they are kept in
good repair, and urge upon those who
have not them rodded to get them
rodded as soon as possible, as the
value of Rods as a protection( to
buildings against lightning is clearly
set forth in aforesaid Bulletin.
Robt. Gardiner, W. A. Turnbull
President Secretary.
Dated July 6th, 1914.
.In -
planet Jupiter on August 10t j, will occupy the pulpit its the evening,
an, important part in the, ctorn? Exeter shut out Ailsa Craig in the
and weather and earthquake role, duh- South" HuronLeague on Thursday
ring all the central parts of this mon- last cot the Exeter- diamond by the
Voters' Lists 1914—Mtraiicipality of;
The Village of Exeter
County -of Huron.
NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have trensmitted
or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8
and 9 of "The Voters'List Act" the copies required
by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered
of the Remade pursuant to said act, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the
said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said.
at Elections for members of the
tive Assembly
and at Municipal EIections, and that
said list was first posted up at my office at Main
street, Exeter, on the 10th day of July, 1914, and
remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
'List, and if any omission or other errors are found
therein, totake immediate proceedings to eve the
said errors corrected according to law,
Clerk of the said Municipality.
Dated this lith day of July, 1914.
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial.
as to quality ` will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light. Plant
Qn!ck: Sale
Groceries lid
We have been sorthig over our
ENTIRE STOCK, and we find, cer-
tain articles of value that must be, at
once turned into cash—so we ?lave
CUE the price away down.
H. Bierling
D. L. & W.
Scrauten Coal
Burns to a white ash
All sizes. Prompt delivery
W. 11. Levett
R. N. R�E
Undertaker &
Furniture Dealer
High Class Goods a! ways'
on Hand.
ileisideut•t _>()FR
PHONE 110. 32
Annst nuc Bargains
'e will make a
clear sweep of all
I summer goodsdur-
August. Every-
must go.:
All trimmed hats to go at $1
at 75c. $1.00 $1.50 $2,00
at 40c. 50c. 75c. $1
All to go at Reduced Pelee
Nice Colored Crepe for 10 &
15c. a yard,
All to clear at a price..
August Sale of
Don't miss it.
Yaw. choice for 50c. or $1
All colors for 25 and 35c,
To clearr. at 75 cents
I piece 4 ycl wide, $1.99 ayd.
Nice ones for only 50c. e5c.
and $1,00 a pair.
Some rare bargains for you;
Summer ; Goods,
headquarters for the celebrated W.E, Sanfoud Clothing