HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-8-6, Page 5DENTAL Dr. G. Ir". ItclUi,ST,Oi`T, L.P.S., 'D.i),S. DRIN'TI ST Member of fbe R.0,1),5 of Ontario arid: Honor GraduatA of Toronto University gifyco:-Otrer Dfckaon & Carlini 's law oftlee.'•Ciased :Wednesday afternoons. Dll A. It, KIN,SMAri, Honor -Graduate of Toronto Universilty DEN'.4!I ST Teeth est>racted 'without pain,, or , any bad effects. Office over Gladinan & Stanb try's Office, Malin Street, I Izeter, LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, ]3ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers., Corer. mnissi,oners. Solicitors for the Molsonti Bank. etc. bfoney to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices -Main -St., .Exeter I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village prop- erties at lowrates of interest. GLADMAN & ST4N'BURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter. T. B CAItLING Life, Fire, Accldeut and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts', and con- ducting auction Bales. - Exeter, Ont. S: SYNOPSIS OF, CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domino ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan ox Alberta The applicant must appear nn perso i at th Dominion. Lands A; eltcy 6t Sub- Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry ay be made at i.ny Dominion Leinde Agency (but not Stub -Agency) on certain conditions.. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultiv tin of the land in each' of. three yetfi A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead cn a fmm of at leett 80 acres, on certain coisditioii . A habitable -house is re- atgred ia, every •tas'e, except when te- st e_st enk a to Performed in the vicinity. Indetain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section a,Ioptgside ; his" homestead, ?Tice $3 per acre. "Duties -Six months resi- dence On each of three years after 02inn:: homestead patent; also 50 aces extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon 'as homestead patent, on certain condi- tiofns. A settles who has exhausted his homestead eight may take a mochas - ed homestead in certain districts. Price $S per acre. Diities--Must re- side 6 xnonthe in each of 3 years, cu ltivatc 50 acres, and erect - a, house wdrtli $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- ! -' iy or stony land.. Live stock rnay be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions W . W. CORY, C.M.G. • Deputy of the MiriLstor of the Interior N.B.=Una.wthe'rized ,pup)icationo'_*' this advertisement will not .be paid for, DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS A relia- ble Re- gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor $1o. sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed .to any address on receipt of price. THE SCOBELr, Daus Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Res and Vitality ;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey !natter" ; a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price, THE SCOSELL Daus Co.,. St. Catharines. Ontario. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 1st CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The best Commercial School in the province, Our courses are thorough and practical while our instructors are better than you will find elsewhere. We do more for our students than other similar schools do. Our ates are reasonable. Write fox our :ree catalogute and see what we can do ,for you D. A. McLachlan, Principal A • NEW TERM" opens Sept. 1 in 'the Popular ELLIOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto. Thie school enjoys a great reputa- tion for superior training. Write to- day for catalogue. EVERYWOMAN e interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel whirling spray Douche Ask sour druggist for it, 1f he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- ' trated book -sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable' to ladies.• WINDSOR SUPPLY CO. ,Windsor, Ont. General Agents for Canada. " HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS AUGUST 11 and 18 Via CHICAGO J Fa:nat> all stations inq ntario, Ding- ston:Renfrew and west, ) $12 to WINlVNd PJ'u half ceilt,t per miles bcyolxl, First excursian ,a,pplies to all ' points in Manitoba, Second excursioitto cer- tain points in Saskatchewan and berta aulicl all points in Manitoba, RETURNING -Half cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18 from Winnipeg to destination in Eastern Canada: The Grand Trunk1k Pacific Railway is this shortest and quickest route be - "ween Winnipeg-§askatoon- E,dmon- Pulf particulars a,nci berth res.iva- tions iron agents ents t g or write C . .r, Horn Jig 1.) P, A. Toronto, Ont, J. DORE, teeter. D DULUTH Canadian National.. Exhibition PEACE YEA.R America's Crea test Livestock Show Acres 'of Manufactures Exhibits by` the Provinces Exfaits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies ` Grenadier Guards Band • Dragoons'. Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in. Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest. Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports AeroeHydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Band Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Pence Year Fireworks International Peace Tattoo , 10 Bands 400 Musicians A� g. '291914 Sept. 14. TORONTO HENSALL Mr G C, Petty has purchased from Mr. Robert Bell of Seaforth the brickblock that was destroyed by fire a year ago, with the exception of one store occupied by, Mr. George Scott, ,Workmen are now engaged making preparations to rebuild the block, -Mr Simon, Dow, has Sold his dc welling on the London Road to Mr. Fee of the, Township. of Hay, and Mr. Peter Stewart also sold to Mr. Fee his lots adjoining Mr Dow's. -Mr. Al- exander,Tomeson of Toronto has sold his brick dwelling on Tichmond St..' to Mir_ .Charles A McDonell.-Mrs. T. Peart has gone on a, trip to the West and ewes accompanied from London by her ,daughter Mrs., McHarg.-The Ingrate Block ,accupiec by A! .Scruton and Colin Hudson has been sold. -The Messes ,Carlin have rented John Mc- Farlane's property and moved out of the King George Hotel. From present indications there will be a good average crop of apples. The Quality is excellent ,and for this date the apples are a fair size. Check Chronic Rheumatism Now RHEUMA THOROUGHLY DRIVES OUT DEEP-SEATED URIC ACID POISON. There is only ogre way • to be free from Rheumatism -the accumulated impurities caused by an excess of Ur- ic Acid poison must be expelled from the body, That is what RHEUMA will do and do it thoroughly. If you suffer from any form of rheumatism -Sciatica. Inflammatory, Arthritis, Muscular Lumbago or Gout -get a bottle of RHEUMA from W. S. Cole for 50 cents -it is, guaranteed. "For years I suffered with Rheum- atism in my arms and shoulders. My kidneys and bladder were affected, and I rapidly lost flesh. After rive weeks' use of RHEUMA I was a well man." -William Fry, Fort Erie, Ont. Sold by W. S.. Cole at 50 cts a bottle. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Zkitpelfafed' Y. M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal !Bartered Accountant 10 Vice-Pricdpal CANADIAN ., PACIFIC HOMVIESEEKERS": EXCURSIONS TO. MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive, Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 . Edmonton and Return - 43.00 vron1. 'T'or'onto; and Stations West alit North of Toronto. Proportionate tartep' from Stations East of Termite. Return Limit two months, Particulars regarding RAIL et OCEAN s N tick t from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or'write M. G. MURPHY, D P.A., C.P. Ry., Toronto, NEWS TOPICS ICS o1 WEEK i 1111.6171:12)11(1111/.54:p(4 161:g al with Bank of Nova Scotia, imgq taut Events Which Have Occurred During the Week, lithoy orld's Happenipgs Care, 11 Compiled and Put Into Handy tin Attraetiye Shape for the Readers of Our Paper—A Solid H'our's Enjoyment. WEDNF,SDAyy fireman was killed and two ,o hero,,,ipjured during a fire at the state peleen at Concord, N.H. Giovaifiiti Marcello Caviggia, an aviator! and hie passenger, Caiailetti, were killed yesterday at Nocara, Italy, by a fall of $00 feet with their aeroplane. Lee McGiashen's river road resi- dence, near Niagars Falls, was en- teye y 'burglard, who stole upwards of 0Q Worth of silverware while the fatally was absent in the country. Simon N. Putnam, of Patersonville, N.Y,, was shot and killed, while on his farm yesterday and his wife was seriously injured, by another bullet. C. B. Henry, their son-in-law, was arre.ted. The military court of inquiry in tbe case of Major Leonard of Lon- don, dismissed because of the discov- ery of beer in the line,. of the London Field Battery at Petewawa, began yesterday. A new railway line will be com- menced within thirty ,days between . Bethany Junction and Belleville.. This will complete the C.P.R.'s pro- posed low grade grain route from Port McNicol to Montreal. Maria, three-year-old daughter of Edward Saari, near Fort William, was burned to death on Sunday, when, upon climbing to the top of a pile of sawdust', it suddenly gave way, letting her fall into a furnace of flame in the; middle of -the pile below. THI'Ii$I)AY. The Roman Catholic Church at Centerville, near Kingston, wassav- ed from being. destroyed by, ;'fire' yes- terday by the vigorous work of the people of the village. Twelve Polish miners were blown to pieces by the explosion of eighty pounds of dynamite while they were sinking a shaft in the Krajaii mine near Cassel, Germany. Hon, Geo. H. Perley gave a -lunch- eon yesterday in London in honor of Prince and Princess Alexander of Teelen It was attended also by sev- eral prominent Canadians. Lightning struck the home of J. W. Bain at Murillo, near Port Arthur, burning him seriously. His wife was also burned. The terrified family spent the night in tha rain. In a battle with natives near Ta- zekra last Sunday, the French forces lost 56 men killed, among., them three officers, and 90 men wounded. The tribesmen had 150 men killed, Gen. Carranza before his departure: yesterday . for Monterey emphatically stated no .molestation of persons or property would follow the march of the Constitutionalists into Mexico City. Harry Pringle, aged 56, died yes- terday morning after an extended ill- ness. He was twice the Liberal can- didate for the Legislature in West Hastings. A wife and one daughter survive. Guy Rogers, son of Lieut. -Col. Rogers, former postmaster of Peter- boro, has been appointed to a pro- fessorship in the Royal Military Col- lege at Kingston. He is at present in England. FRIDAY. Ex -Provisional President Huerta, who .arrived in Kingston, Jamaica, July 24, completed arrangements yes- terday to sail for Spain. Toronto was chosen as the next place of meeting of the Life Under- writers' Association of -Canada at the session of the convention in 'Halifax yesterday morning. State railroad employes armed with carbines and ball cartridges were placed on duty yesterday at all the railroad bridges and cuIverts throughout Germany. Clothes and other articles valued at over $120 were stolen from the Ital- ian workmen's living car near the G. T. R. tracks Wednesday At 'Mimi- c. in Broad daylight. TJ. S. Secretary of State 4ryan who made two more Glia tan?i a speeches yesterday, is gets: n .t. e first $250 at each meeting and ha f of everything after that. Martial law was proclaimed yester- day over Boldera, Russia, and the mouth of the river and its vicinity. Steamers have to obtain special per- mission to pass in and out. The Town Council of • Breslau, Germany, yesterday voted an appro- priation of $5,000,000 for the pro- visioning - of the civil population in case of Vie mobilization of the Ger- man army. Crying, revenge against the. "tyran- ny and oppression" of Russia, about 2,000 Poles and Ukranians, members of the.revolenienary parties of these former principalities, held a mass meeting hi Ottawa. SATURDAY. Joe, a white bulldog, seven years old, starved itself to death from grief at the loss of his mistress, Mrs. W. H. Payne, of Corning, N.Y. Burglars broke into the Carlstadt station of the New Jersey & New York Railway station Thursday night and disappeared with a 200 -pound safe. Wm; J. Q. Delaney, Toronto, will. apply to Parliament for a divorce Prom his wife,,Loulsa Delaney, .Toron- to, on the statuary charge and de- sertion. Fire destroyed the Grand Trunk Pacific pier and damaged the Colman dock in the heart of the Seattle wat- er front, causing a loss estimated at $500,000, That no orders to fire were given to the Ding's Own Scottish Border- , ere at the time of the riot in Dube lin, was: stated yesterday by Major `Haig, who commanded the detach- merit at the time, Notice is given in The Canada Ga- zette of a special general meeting of the Metropolitan Bank shareholders The President Grant of the. Ham- bnrSeAtnerican Line which sailed frolll NOV' . York Thursday has been recalled by wireless. The sailings of the 1,'rineess Luise and the Amerika, the latter now in Boston, have also been cancelled, AY.. Special prayersMQND, for'peace in Europe were given in, the verioti5 churches in Montreal. yesterday, Protestant and Catholic. D. D. Davidson, a prominent con- tractor of Newbern, lost his life in an accident thele. He was working on ii scaffold, when he fell. Word was received in Hamilton on Saturday that David Tope, the well- known ex -football player and con- tractor, had been killed in en auto- fiiobile accident nen 13ewtonyille. Militant suffragettes yesterday dis- abeyed the truce ordered by the Wo- men's Social and Political Union, and made an attempt to destroy the an- cient cathedral at Lisburn, Ireland, This weeks' Ontario Gazette con- tains a,• proclamation of the with- drawal of the town of Ingersoll from the jurisdiction of the County Council. it will henceforth have a council, of its own, Prince Oscar, fifth son of Emperor William of Germany, was married on Friday night to Countess Ina Besse - waltz, daughter o1' Count Bassewaitz Levtzow. The official celebration of the marriage has been set for Sep- tember. Seized with cramps when he was bathing off Fisherman's Island, To- ronto, Saturday night. Daniel Craw- ford, aged 23, an employe of Eeroil Bros. Construction Co., sank before help could reach him and was drowned. The Antarctic ship Assurance, which is to carry the expedition head- ed by Sir Ernest Shackleton to Wen - ,dell, S.A., from which point the ex- plorers :will attempt tq crops the South Polar continent. left the Thames raver Saturday. TUESDAY. The British cruiser Berwick left Havana at midnight Monday with all her lights extinguished. It was currently reported in Lon- don yesterday that Lord Kitchener, would be made Minister of War. The directors of the Liverpool Cot- ton. Association, at a meeting yester- day morning, resolved that the cot- ton exchange be closed endeinitely. The New York clearing house at a meeting yesterday decided to issue clearing house certilleatee to meet the currency situation brought about by the European war crisis. It is reported that the Constitu- tionalists are slowly closing in on the capital of Mexico from three points. General Carranza moved southward from Tepeji Del Rio Sunday. A severe earthquake shock was felt in Kingston, Jamaica, at 6.32 o'clock yesterday morning and caus- ed •consi'derable alarm among the inhabitants. • Little damage, how- ever, wan •reported. The electors of Belleville yester- day voted upon a bylaw to confirm an agreement between the city and the Trenton Electric and Water. Co., for the lighting of the city. The result was a victory for the bylaw. AN APPEAL FOR HELP. BeIgium's Ruler Calls On Britain For Protection. LONDON, Aug. 4.—The most im- portant feature of the diplomatic sit- uation in Europe yesterday was the appeal of King Albert of Belgium to Britain to preserve the integrity of his kingdom. The : aessage to Bri- tain followed an offer from Germany to Belgium to recognize the latter's neutrality if she would permit the transportation of German troops across her territory. This was firmly refused, and King Albert sent the fol- lowing telegram to Britain: "Remembering the numerous. proofs of Your Majesty's friendship and that of your predecessor, of the friendly attitude of England in 1870, and the proof of the friendship which she has just given us again, I make a supreme appeal to the diplo- matic intervention of Your Majesty's Government to safeguard to integrity of Belgium." MOBILIZING IN BERLIN. City Is Active But Little Excitement Prevails. BERLIN, Aue. 4. — The mobiliza- tion of th r German army proceeded. yesterday with absolute calm. There were few signs in Berlin that any- thing extraordinary was happening, with the exception of great crowds at the railway stations and the lack of taxi cabs, half of which had been re- quisitioned by the army authorities. An open air religious service, attend- ed by malty soldiers in marching kit, was held yesterday around the Bis- marck monument, outside the Imper- ial Parliament House. All joined in the Lord's Prayer. A notice was issued by the police stating that the Emperor's strength and time were absorbed by the wort imposed on him in this serious hour and that it was not proper for him to be disturbed by popular demon- strations. In accordance with the imperial constitution the •Kings of Bavaria, Saxony and Wuertemberg have plac- ed their armies under the command of Emperor William. Would' Send Money to Americans. NEW YORK, Aug. 4.— 'Use of a Milted States 'warship to earry to Europe $3,500,000 in gold for the relief of stranded American tourists was proposed by New York bankers. yesterday, and Benjamin Strong, jr., president, -of the Bankers'. Trust Co,, lest for Washington to make .tbe suggestion to President Wilson. Dirigibles tvad e i g I x e I3 lgrun . BRUSSELS, Aug, 24. ---The l'retteh Minister has informed the 13elgian Government that three German dirig- ibles were observd last night flying toards Brussels, have Invaded e• gian territory. ----ThisR is orYou! 1`f 'ou_Suffer Frorxt ! Qtashor dizss hi fug spells, es hysteria,zineheadacahe,i nervousness---all are symptoms and are not beyond relief. e r Pierce's Favorite Prescription is directed to the real cause and promptly removes the disc e suppresses the pains and nervous symptoms and, thereby brings comfort ip the place of prolonged misery. ]ft has been sold by druggists for over 40 years, in fluid form, at $1.00perttle, giving gener}ti satisfaction. It can now be had in sugar coated tablet form, as modified by R. V. Pierce, M. D. Sold by all medicine dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of 50c in stamps. Every licit woman, may consult us by letter, absolutely without charge. Write without fear as without fee. to Faculty of the rnvali> ' Hotel, Dr. R, V. PIERCE. President. 663 Main Street, Buffalo;` New York PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS REGULATE TRE LIVER DH. ZURICH Side ii the M. C. Cameron property on, the bank, Mr. D. going to his farm ;tile. WiaS.t $,iiortly anct 4vi11 likely remove there with his family .text spriing. Marr, Fred Davis and family will re - 1 J J. Merner, M. P,, has purchased a new sevev passenger Studebaker car. -Mrs McWaters- of Detroit is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs, H, Well, -Mr. and Mrs L. G. Beeman of Detroit are visiting at the latter's patents: Mr. and Mrs, R. Heideman. -Mr. Wer- ner of Buffalo is visiting with Mr. and Mrs John Weldo for a few nays. A, Tiruemner of Toronto is spending his holidays with his parents, Mr.:end Mrs Heutry Truemner.-Messrs. Ru- dolph Stade and Tatman Wurm spent last week with relatives and friends in Detroit. -Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hess and son, George, Band Mr. G. Howard spent a few days at Niagara Falls 'est week. Mr. and Mrs, Finkbeiner and daughter, Hazel, of Mdlverton were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Writ. Hoff- man. -Mr Art, Well of Detroit is upending his holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Well -Mr; and Mrs: Arthur Stelck, Mrs. Carry Heyrock and Mrs, Lydia Geiger left Tuesday far Niagara Falls and other cities, M,rs : J B. Dennis of Galt is visiting her father Mr, G. Holtzmann.-Theo_ Rader has invested in a new -Ford car -M1•. and Mrs. Albert Heideman; and son of Detroit are spending a tow days with Mir. Rudolph Heidemrn. - Henry Heideman of Detroit is spend ing his vacation with his parents. - 'Mr. Wilfred Brown of Toronto .s vis- iting his parents, Rev,. and Mrs.Br >'vn -Mr and Mrs. August Weseloh of Berlin are visiting at the home ,>'f Mr. and Mrs Henry Weseloh.-Mr. Wil - feu! Weido is seriously ill at )resen+ GODERICH,-It is announced that Mr, John, Bedford will assume; the :San agement of the Bedford Hotel to- day, 1st and will coondUct it as a 'irst class -house without license, and Mr. E.R. Sweets will again assume the management of the British Exchange The Private Executor seldom gives the 'best of his time to an estate in his care, therefore it frequently suffers. Estates have been dissipated through inefficiency, neglect and sometimes actual dishon- esty on the part of private in- dividuals acting as executors. • This strong, soundly man- aged Trust Company is always available, never ill, never away. Its officers are expert in the management of estates. The faithful execution of trusts is their one concern. Consult us regarding the. handling of your estate. All information cheerfully furn- ished. The London 86 Western Trusts Co, Limited 382 Richmond St., London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbons S.C., President 5 John S. Moore, Manager LABATT'S STOUT Has Special Qualities - MILDLY STIMULATING, NOURISHING, SUSTAINING A Perfect Tonic THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR IT IS NEEDED If not sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON CANADA 1- 51 .,, �uQ Many Doctors Eat iy,, TOASTED COW". FLAKES Nre, Jwv.,MLY Zl 107 SRN FLAKES Every