HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-7-30, Page 8EXETER. IiARkETS.. r 1RANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 08. OS. Barley* , 2 Buckwheat..,.,,.,50 00 (ata. ... .. 40 ' 40 Pews.,,...'..,, 90 00. Potatoes, Per i,ag , , .. , , 751 100 Hay, erton..... 1400 14 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 '70 Flour, low grade per ow 1 60 1 600 Butter ... ... • ; 21 21 Egs .... Live hogs, per ewt '22 8 50 Shorts per ton,..,.,,.... 25 clic Bane per bon ... 24 (t ; TRESPASSING FORBIDDEN,—No- tice is hereby given that anypersan; foundd trespassing on the pea lands of the undersigned XTER CAbNNING.uted CO. NEW FLOUR S FEED STORE.— I des,see to announce that I have op- ened a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will keep a full supply of the best grades of flours and feeds. T solicit your patronage. SDNEY DAVIS TEACHER WANTED First or Second Class Professional for S S. No. 1, Stephen. Male and experienced. preferred, State salary and qualifications, Duties start after holidays Apply to Wm. White, Trustee Centralia, Ont. LOOK AT THE VOTERS' LIST. —The Exeter Voter's Lists were first posted on July 10th by the Clerk. It is 'uta to every; person to examine tee lists to see if their names re :thereon Da not blame another for your own. negl,iglence. Some of your friends are trying to look after it, but then may ,miss yolifr name. Lists may be seen, at the Town. Clerk's ' office; the post office or the Advocate .,Of- fice Do it now. _.--o- FARMS FOR SALE Norte, half of Lot 4, Con.. 5, and. Lot 4: Con. 6, Stephen; 150 acres; can be bought separate if desired; possession given this coming .fall if suitable arrangements are made with tenant So1 is first-class and.. is.w_ell drained, Brick house, bank barn, good well: 'X mile from school.; Rural Mail and telephone; 1X miles from village: Apply to J. A. Lamport, R. R. No. 1, Crediton CLOSE JULY AND AUGUST.— The fallowing merchants and busi- ness usiness mer., of the village of Exeter have agreed to close their respective Places of business�the 12.30 ps Qf every Juy Thusday duiinb. and August ;—B. W. F. Beavers, . J. Grigg, Pefee Frayne, S. Martin & rtin& Son W. W. Taman, W. J. Beer, Exeter Times. Exeter Advocate, J A. Stew- art, Jones Si May, W. J. Hearnan, T. Hawkins & Son, H. Spackman F. M. Boyle: oilvivrvnurawmaFArriirlerwrApr LOCAL DOINGS. Wheat canting is now in full swing. Luucar, intends holding a race ',Leet :,ng some time en September, The Ailsa Craig Banner is out of print far two weeks for holidays. See the baseball game between, Ail- sa Craig and Exeter on, Thursday af- ternoon, Mr. Owen Atkinson left . Monday moaning for London where he has accepted a position as tinsmith.: 'The Exeter bowlers who went to London last week did not get in the nloner, Their success was rather lighterthan usual, "f -s French left last week far We- Wetaskiwin Alta, inhere she will tak' charge of the household .of her sot. Victor, who recently lost his ri'ife "—Clinton News Record, 'Word was received here on Tues- day of the death at Pittsburg, Pa., of Mr. Frank Creech, 'nephew of lfesars. James send William Creech. The funeral tool, pl.Face . Wednesday at 'psilarnti Mich.' Dr and Mrs., J, H. Hamilton of Erin. aalnoua a the engagement of their daughter Nora Margaret, to Charles W Robb . mathematical master in the Clinton Collegiate Institute. I'he marriage takes ;place in August. The Anniversary and Harvest Thanksgiving Services of the Trivitt Memorial church will be held on the '6111 or:Sepfiemberi-, When the Rev. R. W. Norwood, M.A., of Cron,ya Mem- orial Church London will have charge of the services. Mr. Wes. Snell has .disposedof lis dwellinse, on the old Mansion House property Marin Street, to Miss Mary Ella Shapton of Stephen, who in- tends moving into it withc her mother about Sept, lst. Mr. W. W. Taman is they present occupant, I1 you should undertake to write a lettere to an. absent friend every week telleae him .all the news you would get a faint idea of the task in prepar- ing' a newspaper. .Many of our town people recognize this and take pleas- ure in, giving items of news. It helps us and is appreciated. Messrs. C. Heywood and P. Bawden, contractors for the Carnegie Library have. completed' the excavating and started the foundation on Tuesday. The plans, show that the Library wilt be a handsome building, and in the hands of these competent open there is no doubt about the work be- ing well done. A Rural Teachers' Conference Las been arranged for by. the Department of Education to be .held at the Ag- ricultural College, Guelph, during the iast week of the Teachers' Summer School August 3rd to 7th. These meetings are open, to the, public and anyone interested in rural education snit' be welcome. At the quarterly sessionof the FLOWERS FOR SALE.—I stn pie Official. Board of Jaynes St. Methodist pared to furnish flowers of all kinds church on Monday evening last the for planting or- for baskets. at zea- pastors salary was increased by one sortable places.—JOHN FORD, cense- hundred dollars. During Mr. Mc- tery caretaker, Exefer. Alister's vacation Rev. Geo. Jackson, a former popular pastor, will occupys .the pulpit. Mr. Jackson's old friends wiT;ebe much ,pleased to see and to to.' hear him again. Mr G. L. 'Waugh, who has 'leen manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Exeter.: for the past two years, received word last week the. he had been. transferred to the ta,Svn of Grimsby, where the )3ank is opening a branch. Mr. Waugh as a bank manager , has been appreciated in business circles during his iesi- dence here, while he and Mrs. Waugh socially will be much missed. They mbveci to their. new home Tuesday and the best washes of Exeter friends accompany them. Mr. Waugh's sm.- •c'essoa• here is Mr. H, J. White of Wilcox_Sask., who will not arrive for two or three weeks. In. the mean - tithe Mr. Harrington, who has return - e11 from his hoSisleys, will be in charge. The new accountant, who arrived last week is Mr. J. A. Mc- 17oad o• n l d Toronto. n�to r FOR SALE • A second-hand wood furnace with- out crack or flaw, cheap. Apply at this office WHITE CLOVER HONEY. -I have a quantity of excellent white clover Honey .in the comb for sale at mar- ket price,—Mrs. H. Brown, Winchelsea EYE SPECIALIST COMING.—Miss J. J Allan, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, Sat- urrday August lst. One Day; Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF .THE ES tate .of Jane Mitchell, late of Exeter in. the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, All persons having claims 'against the above named deceased, who died at Exeter on the 19th day of June, 1914' are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the in.der- for the exec executors s'pedsolicitorsu tg their names and addressed 'and u11; particulars in writing of their claimse And notice is hereby given . ur suint to the statute in such .ase made and provided that after the 16th day of .August, 1914, the execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of: which they shall then have had not- ice and.said executors will not be liable fa:the saidassets or any part there- of to any person or persons of whose clain, or claims they shall not have. received notice. • , Dated at Exeter this 16th day of July 1914. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors for Executors Auction Sale of BUSINESS PREMISES IN SXET.IR., There will be •offered ' for sale by nubile auction an SATURDAY, the' lst day of AUGUST, 1914 et the hour of 3 o'clock p,,m., on, the prem- ises. the following dealrable.;',and end premises .namely;—the north half of Lot number Five (5) on the East ' ide of Man Street, he the, Village of Ex- eter heing part of originalsLot 1uni- bear 17 en the 1st Concession of Us•� borate subdivided into vi11ae .lots `by,. McConnell's Survey. The property Is situated immediate- ly south of the Exeter Bowling greens and north of the Town- Hall., and is at present occupied by Pang Iwong as'a Laundry Upon the property there is brick stare, used for Laurie dry purposes also two frame buildings Terms of a1. T6..elrl rrrillase most -;-be et the : Central Hotel, Exeter, 'eat. ey to be paid ,cash clay ofr strife usda5i August 1st. Oise Day, Other terms made 1c, o ff' on' day d'; ; = Sale Yoe' particulars apply to . SPECIAL, Nottice ]VlW. Yeo, ., , t.. ; DICKSON &. CAI�I;,TI�t,G,> acl�ser�ts�,fnent On another' pale, of •h. Soliei.torrs• for- VendOesseleltect Tar Sale," cammene:,ng Frida The cellar far the foundation of morning July 24th. Slaughter •,al the +>'tew Library has been commenced, C B. of C. — •The, south wall of the Bank of Commerce building is be- ing -cemented ever the white brick wok r thisweek. The cementwork will be done in panel form. FALL TERM—The Elliott Busi- ness College which has been located foxmany years at Yonge and Al e han- der streets . has moved into its hand - Same new home, at Yonge and Charles. Streets Toronto. The Fall 'Perm in this well-known school. opens on Sept 1st, Catalogue free to all interested in a business or shorthand 'education. SOON TO. BE "DRY" --.On Friday evening at 10 o'clock South and Cen- tre Huran will join North Huron and go into the "dry" area, the three months extension expiring on that date Undoubtedly the experience ivill be new and navel to some people —distressing to- others—butvery pleas ing to the big majority. What Exe- ter is interested ' in particularly with regard to the matter is the question of accommodation for the travelling public, but we understand that we are to still have the three hotels fo a. time at least.' Mfrs. Gardiner left Saturday to vhi- tt Witt her son at Blyth, day �Ir, ail C.ParkLindhilenfeltlthis anentweek, a couple of Mis Lulu Martin is visiting in Warr o:v.eter• and Kincardine: Mr. and Mrs, Percy Verity of Brant ford visited here over Sunday, Mrs, W. S. Cole left Saturday to visit with her parents at Lucan. Mr. Stanley Fisher and mother of Lonclon visited here this week. Miss Tillie Balkwell of Hamilton is visitingxelatives hese for a few weeks. Mrs. C. Linclenfelt.and two children are visiting relatives in Goderich this, Mrs W. J. Smith and, W, M. Barn- ham spent a few days in Detroit last week. Miss Carrie Knight of Ilderton is visiting with her arnut, Mrs. W. H. Levett, Mr John Spackman of Toronto spent two or three days' ' with rela- tive? here. Mrs.. E. J. Christie and daughteu have returned from a visit in St. Catharines alfa J R. Inksater -and family of Paris are visiting at thee home of Mr, W. J. Bissett, Mr N W. Creech of Brantford was. a visitor with his parents far a i ew days last week. Mass Bo,nthron and Mrs. Wylie alter a. visit at J. A. Stewart's returned on Friday to . Toronto, Miss Mildred Marchand of Waterloo is visiting with her sisters, Misses Ida and Lily Marchand Miss Maxie Marlock has returned to Detroit accompanied by her 'cunt, Miss Addie Morlock. - M•r.. Victor Sweet after holidaying at his home here returned to Wind- sor on Monday. night. Mr. and Mrs: Roger Crocker. and Mr. Ed Crocker of Toronto• are vis- iting with' relatives here. M:x. and Mrs. Baker returned to thein h&ne in „Landon after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treble. Mrs John. Bawden and daughters, Hilda' and Frances, of Ridgetown, are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. los, Baw- den. Mrs G H. Tom returned to Mon- treal en Friday after a few weeks' vi- sit with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fitton Iwr. Wilson who has been in New Yore.: visiting his son, is again the 'guest of his daughter Mrs. Wallace D ,Clarke ' ;Mrs Clifford Spackman and .:hild of Guelph are visiting with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and • Mrs. E.Knight in Usborne, Mr, . and Mrs: • Russell Frayne and family of Brantford are visitingfor a few days with Mr.. Frayae's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frayne . Mr. P. -D. Hill of Vancouver, B.C., who is on a business trip to Tor- onto and Montreal, is spending a few clays with Mr. Geo. Mantles • Rev, 1). W. Collins and fariuily are taking, their four weeks' holidays at Grand Bend. Mr. C. Duplan will have charge of the services in the Trivitt Memorial Church during Mr. Collins' absence. 'Mr and Mrs. Harry Bishop, who have been. visiting with friends here, returned to their home in Detroit on Tuesday accompanied by Air. Joseph Davis and Miss Irno Sweet, who. evill ursi_ in that city., for acouple ,Weeks. ----o--- Exeter o— Exeter and Ailsa Craig played an••• other- game of baseball in the South Huron League on, July 23rd,. at Craig when the home boys defeated _ the visitors 5 to 1. I The Trivitt Memorial S. • School p;cnicked at. Grand Bend on Thurs- day last and had an enjoyable time althau.gh the weather was inclined to be wet in the' manning,. T The boys of the Tennis, Club - have finished playing their schedule games Mr. Harry Fuke is the,-champl,orf, 'play er with Burton Mitchell running him a close second.—Parkhill Gazette. A number of boys from Dash- wood were brought before Magistrate Sanders here on Monday afternoon on a charge of breaking windows in the store premises of Mr. Ehlers. • They admitted the offence and each war fined .$1.00 and costs. The marriage of Mr. Bert: H. -Main, ning son of M. and Mrs. L. Manning 's • Laura Adams t and 'Miss aur A m ofCrystalLl 1 5 daughter of Mr.and Mrs. John Adams tool: place in St Paul's Church Clear- water; cit Teusday,"July, 21st, 1914, al 10.30 ant.—Crystal' City Courier Eight years ago last Sunday. Rev. D. W. Calms became Rector of the, Trivitt Memorial Church and`luis min- istry in. Exeter'has been, crowned with success. The - best; of harmony has always existed between rector ' Wand congregation and the church has,.pros pered under h`.,s .guiding hand. May he continue the good work for years to come is the wish of all,. HICKS' AUGUST- FORECASTS. — A reactionary storm period is central on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, with the Mer- cury disturbance ;still in t'ull, force, r Thick and prolonged cloudiness, :`at- tended with drizzling rains over :nu•ch of the country, will be natural results at this time, The moon, being at its extreme declination south on the 'nd winds will blow from northerly dir- ections bringing a possible respite, for two or three days from very warm weather By the close of this mer - eery ..period refreshing. rains will have reached -wide ares a the country, - giving at least •a partialmice--s,uttimee m boost to aturting crops, especially in central to northwestern sections., extremes twill probably share host t abundantly in the peecipitation at this time, A regular storm period is et s its centre onthe 7th,, covering` the 1 5th `to the 10th. The full': trioon' on 5th will increase the tendency to falling barometer and general storm conditions at the beginning of this period From about the 7th tie the 10th—notably on the 8th and loot: for .marked barometric depress SPECIAL AT THE DOME—We have just completed arrangements at much advanced cost for a special new line of moving pictures, embracing the latest features which are most attrac tive and pleasing. In fact nothing better can be found in the cities, The Hes, of these series wilt be put on Saturday evening, Aug. 8th. Remein be: they will be far in advance of any' thine heretofore put on in Exetera.nd axe bollard to please everybody, Ad mission, 15 and 10 cents. —W, Leavet EYE SPECIALIST COMING—Mi,s J, J. Allain, Eye Sight Specialist, wil e 3uf 141.4 r. Jahn D. Atkinson, who was ce wav home from Ingersoll, 'where llrs. Atkinson, and little daughterare visiting, called on friends here T;rou'l- day :might, FARM FOR .SALT.. Lot 7, Cott, 1, Stephen, the ,)rop- erty of the late Thomas Essery Brick .House, bank barn and frame barn. 3 good wells, windmill, good orchard about 8 acres of . good hard- wood bush containing about 500 su- gar maple trees. Soil clay loam, well drained and fenced. Farm in : good state of cultivation, one-half mile from Centralia station. Possessiout can be given to tuft purchaser , • . Far terms and particulars apply . to GEO, G. ESSERY, Centralia; Or GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Exeter. Sig - Variety [Store SPECIAL JULY S A LE This week our Special Offeringswill be 5c Be sure and see our Offering at this. price. August' 10, will. be Aa,niversery Sale week, Monday till Saturday.—. Stick around that week es we want your presence. Powell's Bazaar Notice To the Policy Holders of the Us • borne S' Hibbert Mutual Fire :in- surance Company,— The Board of Directors of the sae, company wish, to dra,w the atten- tion of its members to P;ofessot L,ay s Bulletin on "Lightning: Rods" (a copy of which has been. rent to each member at the request of the Board) as a protection to buildings from'ligbteling, and would entreat thele to carefully read the same, and would ask those who have their buildings' rodded to' see that they are kept in good repair, and urge, upon those who have not them a -added to get them •rodded as.,soon.as possible, as the value of Rods as a protection( to buildings against lightning is clearly set foeth in. aforesaid . Bulletin.:.' Robt. Gardiner, W. A. Turnbull President Secretary. Dated July 6th, 1914. for two weeks. e sions threatening August elouds•,vith violen' thunder gusts, CLERK'S NOTICE, OF FIRST Po:T ING OF VOTERS' LISTS Voters' Lists 1914—Municipality of The Village • of Exeter County 'of Huron. NOTICE is herebygiven that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of"The Voters' List Act' the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the Iist made pursuant to said ;act, of all : persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the Said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legisla• tiire Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list was first posted up . at my office at Main. treet, Exeter, on the loth day of July, 1914, and remains there fol: inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omission or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to ave the said errors corrected according to law T. B. DARLING, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 11th day of July, 1914.1 New Telephone. Directory The Bell Telephone Company of Can-. oda ;e 80011 to print a new issue of rte OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the 'D:striet of Western Ontario, in- clud:nie EXETER Panw ties ho contemplate becoming Subscribers, o those who wish changes n their . present entry should place tliecr orders with the Local `Manager at n oce to ensure insertion :n this issue. CONNECTING COMPANIES' Should also report additions and changes in. , their list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager, or. direct to the Advertising. Directory Depart- ment Montreal. THB BELL TELEPHONE CO„ OF': CANADA. D. L. & W. cranton CoaI Burns to a white ash All sizes. Prompt delivery T. H. Levett N. ROWS Undertaker .&. Furniture . Dealer High Class Calltlds: a lay—, on Hand. PHONE Office 20A • Reoidlenu•, 2013 eimmoomesse �� i■ s. 8 yll�lillly mnu;i°„e The Watch That Runs On Time. Sold;By Lawson & Trick, Exeter Tea -& Coffee Store For . the choicest groceries,fruits, spices, teas, ..cofee and , every- thing in the grocery line. Cali and see us. A trial as. to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric Tight Plant Exeter North Store HAVING PURCHASED THE EXETER NORTH STORE (HAY P. O. IN CONNECTION) .I wish to say. that. T carry a fine stock of FRESH roc ri n G e es a c DryGoods s And EVERYTHING that can be hadin a GENERAL STORE; Also 3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat, Sausage, Etc., Etc. Give me a call for your .next order H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. I JONES & PHONE NO. 32 MAY August Tor Bargains e will clear -1.1 make a sweep of all goodsdur-. ugust Every- surnmer in g thrngmuit' MILLINERY All trimmed hats to go at $1 LADIES' DRESSES at 75c. $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 CHILDREN'S DRESSES at 40c. 50c, 75q. $1 WHITE WAISTS All to go at Reduced Price. CREPES • Nice Colored Crepe for 10 & 15c, a yard. - COLORED PARASOLS, All to clear at a price;y,. August Sale. of Don't miss it. go. MEN'S STRAWS Your choice for 50c. or $1 SILK SOX All colors. for 25 and 35c. WHITE TROUSERS To clear at 75 cents LINOLEUMS' 1 piece 4 yd ; wide, $1.99 a yd, LACE CURTAINS Nice ones for only 50c. 75c, aatd $1.00 a pair; DRESS E,MBROIDERIES So ii.e rare ' bargains for you., -.rammer Goods.. rES & MAY iiea,dguarters for the celebrated W. zianitoud (clothing