HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-7-30, Page 5ry
Dr. G. to. RQuL,S'r,O. T, L,l? S., Taxa.
/Member of tax 4.0..T3.0,., S rrC Ontgle and
Honor Qr lulate of„ Tciru to Ultiversit" ,,
Ctttcer-Oyer 171o14son : ? Ca lift's la} r
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons,
on. A, R. KIwN.SIiIAN, L,A.S•, P.P.Sr,
Honor ,Hraduate of 'Toronto University
Testa , extracted without pain, or any
bad effects. Office over Gladrrran &
Stanbury's Office, 1vlain Street, II/cotes'.
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Corn-
m,,.esioners, Solicibors' for elle Malsons
Bank. etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices -Main -St.,, Exeter
I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We nave a large amount "of private
funds ro loan on farm and village prop-
erties at tow sates of interest.
13arrtster's," Solicitors. Exeter,
Life, Vire.-Accldblit and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ducting auction sales. - Exeter, Ont.
THE sole head of a family, or tufty
male over 18 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available Domin-
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant must appear
in perso f• at the Dominion Lands Ag
effcy ea " Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. " Entry may be made at any
-Dominion Lands Agency (but nos
Suib-Agency),- on certain •conditions.
Duties-Sixmonths' residence upon
arid cultivation of the land in each of
tl ree years. A homesteader may_live
within nine miles of'hia homestead cn
a faar�m of at least 80 acres, an certain
conditions. A habitable -house is re-
attired in every 'case, except when I e-
sidence is performed in the vicinity.
lin certain districts a, homesteader in
good standingmay pre-empt a quarter
section, alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi-
dence in each of three years after
conanine homestead patent; also. 50
acres extra cultivations. Pre-emption
patent May be obtained as soon as
homestead patent, On certain condi-
settler who has exhausted his
homestead right may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price ;3 per acre. Duties -Must re=
side 6 ,Inanths in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate -50 acres, _and erect s a house
Wartb g,t00.
The area of cultivation' is subject
to reduction in cane of rough, scrub-
,.by or stony land. Live stack may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N.B.-Unaut,hiorized pu.plica•tion o1
this advertisement : will ittt be pard for.
gn1ating Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor
$10 sold at all Drug Stores. or mailed, to any
address on receipt of price. THs SCOBELL Daus
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey
matter";a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price, THE SCOBELL DRUG CO., St. Catharines.
The best Commercial School in the
province. Our courses are thorough
and practical while our instructors are
better than you will find elsewhere,
We do more for our studentsthan
other similar schools do. Our sates
are reasonable, Write for oni,r free
catalogue and see what we can do
for you
D. A, McLachlan, Principal
opens Sept, 1 in the Popular
Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto.
This school enjoys a great • reputa-
tion for superior training. " Write to-
day for catalogue.
is interested and should know -
about the wonderful
�aPYI'!i Whirling amity
Ask Tour druggist for
it. If he"canndtsupp/y
the MARVEL, accept no
other, but send stamp for Illus-
trated book -sealed. It gives full
particulars and directionsinvaluable
to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO. ,Windsor. Ont.
General Agents for Canada.
Double Track All lane Way
Westbound • Eastbound
L4• Montreal ll.p.in Lv Chicago :.45pm
Lv Toa•onto 8am ' Lv Detroit 11,05pin
At Lond4nli.06sin L v Lond'n 5.46pm
Ar Detrosl 1,45pm Lv 1,' or onto ')31»
At Chicago 8.40pm ArMontr'l 5.45p111
• Highest class of egui,pmellt
Full 'particulars and berth resarva-•
boats f.ron agents or write C. E. Hata
lag D P. A,, Toronto, Ont,
DORE, Exeter,
America's Greatest Livestock Show
Acres of Manufactures
Exhibits by the Provinces
Exhibits by Dominion Government
Exhibits by West Indies
Grenadier 'Guards Band
Dragoons Musical Ride
Auto -Polo Matches
Circus and Hippodrome
Dozen Shows in Single Hour
Boy Scouts' Review
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
, Greatest Oriental Spectacle
ever presented on Continent
Paintings from England, Scotland;
United States and Canada
Educational Exhibits
Goods in Process of Making
Athletic Sports
Aero -Hydroplane Flights
Grand Water Carnival
Creatore's Famous Band
Score of other Bands
Dozen Band Concerts Daily
Chesapeake and Shannon
Biggest Midway ever
Peace Year Fireworks
International Peace Tattoo
10 'Bands -400 Musicians
Atilt•2` 9191.4 Sept. 14—
• The Midway at . the Canadian Nat--
ional 'Exhibition this year promises to
be something to write 'home about,
When, Con. T. Kennedy, the, King of
the " Carnival Showmen, came to the
Exhibition last year he had little ^om-
'ceptioun: of the size of the Canadian
National Exhibition.: He learned a lot
during the two weeks.
No sooner was the Exhibition over
than. he started raking the. amusement
world for material to give us a Mid-
way worthy of the Fair, He writes
that he has got the goods to do it
That, means that we are to have the
greatest Midway ever,ptit on anywhere
It will be clean wholesome fun brit in
large quaantities, sa if you yearn for
the sweet song• of the• s,peiier, the
smell of the sawdust and the red
lemonade you know where to find it.
KIPPEN-Woad was received here
during- the week of the; death of Mr.
William Kyle in Alberta. Mr. Kyle
,at one time a resident of +his
village carrying on a woodworking
business- .After being here sometime
he moved with. his' wife, and family to
the west where he en;aaged in farm-
ing until his demise.
BIDDULPH.-Probate was granted
in the gestate of ,Thos. Guilfoyle of
Biddutph who died on June 18, ' 914,
by Judge Elliott, George Ryan of Bid
dulph being named as the executor
in the: will. A brother, Wm. Guilfoyle
is left cash and real estate to the
amount of $3,611.85.
If you are troubled with weak, tired
seelings, headache, backache, bearing
down,sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the
sides regularly or irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements, sense of
falling or misplacemen t of internal organs,
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
not 'hashes, dark rings under the eyes,
or a loss of interest in life, I invite you
to write and ask for my simple method of
hone treatment, with ten days' trial
entirely free and postpaid, also references
toy Canadian ladies who gladly tell how
they:have regainers health, strength, and
happiness by this method. Write to -day.
Address:. Mrs, M. Summers, Bos.. Sao
Windsor, Ont.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue.
free. ' Enter any time.
J, W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartai s4 Accountant
19 Vkealindpal
.., s
Zach,'Tutsday until October 127th, Inclusive.
'Winnipeg and Return - $35,00
Edmonton and Return 43.00
Trott Toronto; and Stationt West and
Northof Toronto. Proportloa2ato f'arela
from Stations East of Totonto.
Return Limit two months.
Particulars regarding RATI. or OCEAN tickets
from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write
C.P. ., Toronto,
� lvl. G. IVrUILPiI'Sr, D.I.A.,Ry
t taY Mier a :nd Saskatcliewaln
NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK at a baa1U3 a the G. T P, branch
Unlit eS ipoi.
ear ing the rear platform of the
r s the train. way leavin
gIm nt E tints Which Have s:R11Park, Cal., two masked
otiiied During
the "Week. ')stilts late Thursd y'night rpbped
ors '@ Happens s Cote-
-Kb Bed and Pat into
Attractive shape for.
the Iteeytia of Our Paper—A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
It sem -officially stated in will circles that there will
g" Ii this autumn and that e
ouiiW„ of meet till January.
A large ballon traveling idly
13;a southwes erly direction is re-
ed to have ee eel~ o sin the
O awa river near hee eapltai yester
Geo e $ �ai. in$. tr n eT-
epn,ce 4r l&in County jail to
the c�#i is j,on three months'
sent91 n charg`''ed of�ast await, escap-
ed from the jail at St. Thomas yes-
At a joint meeting of the'finance
committees of the Chatham City
Council a tel the Board of Education
held yesterday it was decided to
wend $80,000 in additions to the
Sir George Foster left Ottawa yes-
terday for Quebec, where be will pro-
ceed to Rimouski to meet the mem-
bers of the Dominion's Royal Com-
Wlssion, and accompany' them to
Fire totally destroyed the beauti-
ful summer,home of W. H. Nichol of
New York;,` on the nort,. side of Howe
Island, near Brgckviile. The loss, in-
cluding contents, which were also de-
stroyed, is placed at $100,000.
The license commissioners for
South Renfrew, in session at Arn-
prior yewterday, refused renewal of li-
censes to three hotels and two liquor'
shops. This reduces the hotels to two
and cuts off the .s'iops altogether.
Herman McCrea, brother of the
late Hon..W. McCrea, died: at the
home of his son-in-law, Dr. R. K.
Kllborn, Kingston, yesterday. He was
a native of Granville County, and
c'tme of United Empire Loyalist
A. J. McCullouch started cutting,
his seventy -acre field of barley,
southwest of Souris, Man., yesterday.
Thomas Horne was"knocked off
his motorcycle by a speeding police
ambulance at Vancouver yesterday.
He died in the hospital. •
Lawrence Robinson, who was on
trial in Boston, charged with the
murder of Police Inspector Thomas J.
Norton, committed suicide during
Tuesday night.
In a ccllision between an express
train from Bayonne, France, and a
local train .near Toulouse Tuesday
night seven French passengers on the
local were killed;,, -
Plans filed at the Marine Depart-
ment yesterday provide for increasing
the grain elevator capacity of Mont-
real Harbor Commission to six and a
half million bushas.
A summer carnival is being held
in connects n with "old h9m@ iyeek"
in North 13ay. Tl>xe streets are de-
corated, and there are aeroplane
flights, s• o 'ts and a Midway.
Luciai} Dagragore, 18 years. old,
an Italian girl, had her throat badly
slashed by Guiseppi Donatelli, her
former lover, yesterday morning. The
assailant then attemptec: to commit
Representatives of the big lumber
companies operating in the Upper
Ottawa region, state that operations
in the bush this fall will be unusual-
ly heavy, and that about 35,000 men
will be employed two months Bence.
Archbishop Spratt will leave King-
ston.: in September for Rome on his
first 'episcopal visit.
The army worm has not made its
appearance in Kingston district, but
as causing much havoc along the Bay
of Quince ssh re from Adolphustown
to Bath.
Old times were recalled when horse
rustlers got away with 100 fine ani-
mals from the P:K. ranch near
I:reeks, Alta., and crossed the line in-
to Montana.
Hen. W. S. Stewart, formerly a
member withdu portfolio of the Gov-
ernmeht of Prince Edward Island,
has been appointed a county judge
for Queel}'s, ''.E.I.
Miss Lily Irvine made a fight over
Lake Erie yesterday afternoon front
Cedar Point, Sandus}ry, to a point
east of Cleveland, in a flying boat.
She covered 74 miles in exactly one
Prof. Ribemont-Dessaigne, in an
address at the Academy of Medicine
in Paris yesterday said that the prob-
lem of painless childbirth has been
adolved by the discovery of his new
A Manitoba Cabinet Council has
decided to accept the offer of the
Grain taro"wers' Grain Co. to renew
the lease of the Manitoba Govern-
ment elevator system for an indefi-
nite period.
An "arson} squad" of suffragettes
set fire to and destroyed a large un-
occupied mansion near Birmingham
yesterday. A quantity of cotton wool
soaked with petrol had been distri-
bute '.about the place.
Mrs. Alfred Baker, an aged woman
residing ft. the Township•of Farraday,
North Hastings, toe's her life yester-
day by drinking a quantity of Paris
President Carbajal has ordered an
investigation of the $nancial methods
of ; the Huert:'i Governll3bnt in reply
to.::public ruinoars of iiossible wrong-
Hon. Dr. Roche, Minister of the
Interior, has left Ottawa for Roches-
ter," Minnesota, where he will enter
the; Mayo . Sanitarium to undergo a
Slight operation. ;
J,rrseph •Parrott had:: close call
tree), death at the imperial Oil Co.'s
Matters' hl Sarnia yesterday, .when
her Was evercoine by" gas fuses. Only
the prompt application of a »ulmotor
saved his ttfe.
Two trust deeds have been depos-
ited by the G. t. P. with the Secretary
of State in connection with the guar -
agienger•�q of a soot ound night,
Pa aIle train of more than $2,., QQ.
Deputy Minister of Laird aa F9r.
este, Mr. Autrey White, s led yes
£efdl;y that the; .forees�t $,rs,irqug?h-
out j�ior fill Q tarso have been en-
tireiy el gins ed, n, there ?,l. no
a er o
d any� i outbreaks.
A10ng aRma���a�e
Mrs.� ii r gf VD Iltepa, Out,,was
filled Sat r" .;p e C.'.R. tracks,
hnruixed. j• > la Station.
e wall, c tang into town to buy
The pulp
yy ca
ground at Portn0�gilt.
, n atte>apt was�a �of
n thetug Vitgi arda high
ide but it failed.
The Duke a,4d Duo est 4f Con-
n.ati ht, Princess Patricia nd suite,
arrF , in Ike ora Saturf 9.riaing
and Were t i ered a hearty reception
by the pla 6r and citizens.
'The first outbreak of the army
worm ineliat d coup has been
found is Humberstone Township on
the farms of Abbe M tt ie$� , Nicho-
las Young, Edwin Deterli�ng, and
James Neff.
• Wm. Ede , s,,gg d 84, a native of
England ati rest ent of Ca,bda for
65 years, passed. ' way at h home
in Berlin, Ont., after a brie cess..
For a number of -ears he o owed
the teaching krofessiop. -
The Michigan Suprenle Court on
Saturday found the National Cash
Register Co. of Dayton, Ohio, guilty
of `'unlawful geostra lt, of trade and
imposed a fin f $10,000. The com-
pany is rest &&Baled from do'Ing busi-
ness in Michigan until the fine is
Gen. Pasquel Orozco, jr., has'
abandoned his independent revolu-
tionary moveme_t a a late s short-
ly to leave Mexico for Cana a.
Hon. Samuel Price, K.C., airman
of the Workmen's Com fixation
Board, was in Toronto yest r ay and
had a conference regarding the or-
ganization work.
Lieut. Benjamin. Valensi, a French
naval 'aviator was killed yesterday at
Juvisey, France, by a fall frvin his
hydro -aeroplane which capsized at a
height of 500 i eet.
Joseph Mine ik, a Seryla ;Aiding
at Point Ann, wa fine 1Oand.
costs yesterday at Bellevi le, or 'hav-
ing,liquor upon its prem see in large
quantities without a license.
Raaymond Poincare, President ci
the ; French Republic, yesterday can-
celled his intended visit to Copen-
hagen, owing to the critical European
situation and proceeded direct to
After being heard in two sermons
Sunday Rev. H. Edgar Allen of Hes-
peler, Ont., was tendered a unani=
mous:' call •to the pastorate by the con
gregation of the First Baptist
Churdh,; Brockville.
Sir Joseph Pope, Under Secretary
of State for External Affairs, yester-
day moved to new quarters in the
eastern "block of the Parliament
Buildings at Ottawa, adjoining the
rooms of the Premier.
Orrin Dean, aied 24, employed at
Anglin's sawmill, Kingston, was
drowned while swimming in the Bay
of Quinte Sunday afternoon. He was
visiting his fiance at Bardolph, where
he was to have been married.
Nationalist Town Councils In Ireland
Condemn Authorities.
DUBLIN, July 28.—Rioting broke
oat again last night, but subsided
witheat serious results. The rumor
went about that the Scottish Border-
orderers would entrain at the Amiens
Street Station. A great crowd, for
the most part from the slums, sur-
rounded the station and amused
themselves by stoning the street cars.
Six hundred volunteers paraded
through the streets, a crowd of 4,000
following them, marching in step and
Feeling runs high throughout
Nationalist Ireland, Town councils
are adopting resolutions denounein
"the massacre." The soldiers of til
Limerick and Kilkenny garrisons are
confined to barracks, and concerts b
military bands in several towns hay
been cancelled.
The Lord Mayor of Dublin has cal -
ed a meeting of the magistrates
consider the action of the Castle a
thorities in calling out the police an
soldiers without consulting the alt
officials. The police threaten
strike unless those members of the
department who were dismissed for
disobedience of orders are reinstated.
It is announced here that Sir Solt
Ross, the police commissioner,
signedas a protest against the ant
pension of Deputy Commissioner
Harrell. " The Nationalists are 4i -
lighted, as Commissioner Ross wits
unpopular. .
Young Woman Loses Life at End of'
Long Journey.`
KINGSTON, July 28.—After cross-
ing the ocean and within ten miles
of Kingston, where sheNwas to pay a
visit to her sister, Mrs. 'Hughes, wife
of Sergt.-Major. Hughes, Miss Cath- "
erine Crowley,: aged 21, met death b
being run over by a train on the
Grand Trunk Railway, near Bailafl-
tyne, east of the city. The young
woman'sbody, badly mangled, was
found in a, ditch at the side of. the
track early yesterday. She was a
passenger on the midnight train from
Montreal and got off at Ballantyne Ili
mistake for Kingston. While walking
the track elle, was flit iy a fasttrain,
going east.
Record Cargo Discharged
PORT COLDORNE,, Ont, my 2$.•`,
—A new ;record was established at.
the Government elevator here rester-'
day when the steamers, J. T. Hutch-
inson and P. P. Miller with cargoes
of 200;000 bushels each were dis-
charged between the hours of 7' a.m.
and 6 p.m., exactly 10 hours.
Inside and Outside
It you void bo
healthy, st 14 d
happy, Baths li;ee e
.e an and' in ood condi i n. ,. uta.
a uthe
Q s'
W _t,. tgn a ;
, sou can no more air"ord :to negledt t
t. tb,an tile" -outside. ' It is just as import..
ant that the aysteta be cleansed of the poisonous
impurities caused by: weakness of the digestive organs
or by inactivity of pheshver.
Golden Medical;:• Discovery
(In Tablet ,or Liquid Form)
Cleanses the system -and more.' It puts the liver in such a condition of
health that it purifies the blood -,gas itF ahouid. It helps the =stomach.
digest food so that it makes good blood --rich, red blood to nourish and
strengthen ail the organs.
You may avail yourself of its tonic, revivifying influence by getting a
bottle or a box of tablets from your mediciug dealer= -or send 50c for a
trial box Address ess as below. l w.
FREE"Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical ,Adviser" -a French cloth bound boots ,of
1008 pages on receipt of 81 one -cent stamps to cover mailing charges. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence
Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America
at World's Fair, 1893
= !�h+rmmnnntmnsi
Relieve Your Mind
of the wor-
• ries i n c i -
denal to appointing an individual .as trustee of your estate, suca
Will he live to fulfil the trust? :Will he fall ill or be awe-:
when most 'wanted? Will he neglect histrust for his own affairs i'
Will he prove unfaithful? ,. • . •
These are all possibilities. But you may leave 'them out o.'
consideration in entrusting the administration of your estate t3
this strong, conservative company.
{,all or write for all information desired.
SIR GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President JOHN S. MOORE, Mann^:er
.. _
Z be Ford - the Lightest,
i Surest, Most Economical—
the very essence of
mobiling-and all Canadian.
f. t ID nau•
f. o. b. Ford'
,, O n a r i 0
Get particulars from Wes. Snell,
I If
--- ..
Burning Th:e `° Midnight Oil
H E thinkerknows that
hat -a
easily digested and assimilated food
is conducive to hard mental work.
His knowledge of what is good
for him leads straight to
Besure of the right signature. IOe per psckage
adGa rams.