HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-7-16, Page 5, DENTAL Dr, G. F. Ii.C4IJIAST,ON, L.D.$., DEN:TIST. a4ein'ber ot the. R,C,D,S. of Ontario acid Honor Graduato of Toronto. Cliiiveret,'yi O•t'fice--Oyer DlpXson Cerlini 'e la'at orrice. ("nosed Wednesday atter°nooria. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S,., plA. t donor Graduate of' 'Toronto. 'Clnlvers._Y D'1IN'1;IST Teeth extracted without pain, or airy, bad effects. Office over Giadinan $i Stantfury's. Orrice, Kaden Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRIS'�CERS, Soltdtors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Con. m'kesioners, Solicitors for the Molsone Bank. etc. Money to Lean at lowest rates or interest Offices -Main -St., Flxeter • I. R. Carling, B,A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO, LOAN 'We have a large amount of private "ruade to loan on Larne and village prop; ernes at low rates of interest, GLADBIAN & STANBU1tg Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter, T. B CARLING Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass. Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales, - Exeter,. Ont. 'SYNOPSIS OF CMt&DIAN NORTE WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head ora family, or any mals over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available t)omi�n, ion land in Manitoba,"" Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appt.ar i ti p`drso t at the Dominion Lands Ag- epcy for the District. Entry by proxy lis' be made at. the office of any Lo- c l Ag'e`nt of Dominion Lands (not s'ub-agent) on certain conditions, Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead cn. a. farm of at'least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable house is re nuked in every case, except when 1 e sndence is performed in the vicinity. In: certain. districts a homesteader in. good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre; Duties -Six months resi- dence ;i'n each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time P t_nt required to early homestead patent) A homesteader who. has exhausted his homestead right and catinat ob- tain b tain a pre-emption; may take a pur- chased homestead n) certain .districts. Price $3 pee acre, Duties -Must re- side, 6 ,months ist egeh of 3 years, cu- ltiyatc 50 acres, and erect a house woxth $300. The area of cultivation is subiect to reduction in, case of rough, scrub- by or stohy land. W. W. CORY Deputy oaf the Minister of the Interior N.B Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not .be pad for. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS Melt gelating Pill for Women. $5 a bob or three f or address llonreceipt of price, Tn Scon>.LL Dave} $10. Sod at all Drug. Stores,r flailed to•any • Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR M CR. Restores is Vim and Vitality; for Nerve and Brain;:inereases !'grey matter" • a Tonic-willbuild you up, $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by, mail on receipt' of price, Tax ScoaaLL natio Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 1st The best Commercial School in the province, Our Bourses are thorough and paactical while our instructors are better than you will ` find elsewhere. We do xnore for etas- students than other similar schools do. Oar . ates are reasonable. Write for aur :reel catalagule and ,see what we can do far you D. A. McLachlan, Principal LET US PREPARE YOU for a business career. Attehd, ELLIOTT ZURICH Wes Mettler moved his Howse -hold effects toi Stlatferd last creek, -Miss Varela FOSS is spending a few weeks with ,relatives kind` friends in Water - [Oa aallcl Beniel,--MIO Ada Koehler of Toronto .is spending the holidays •With her Parents a Mr, and Mrs, Peter ,K.oe- hies. -.Misses Alvacla and Selma. Wes 1ah of London are spending their hol- idays with their p,ai'ents.--:Vlis Lillian Harris of Montreal is visiting with re- latives and friends in town, -Mr. and and Mrs Wettiau,fer of Berlin. are 1, is -- Meg with Mr. and Mrs. John ltickbeil a fete weeks. -Mr. Henry Gallmau.. agent for 1:a Hess &; Son, invested in a Salloany run -about auto. -Mr. Casper Weber left far Buffalo for a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Beer. -Miss Elizabbth Ramie of Re- gina is"visiting' with her mother, alas. S. Rennie and other friends. -Misses Emma and Anna Heideman of Detroit are visiting their pareiits, Mr. anti Mrs Rudolph Heideman -Mr. and Mrs Ar- thuir. Stelck of Daup,hin, Nla,n. accom- panied by Mr, and Mrs. Whitney, are visiting, in town. -Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hamlet and family of Thaniesford vis- ited with relatives and friends' )n the vicinitu for a few weeks. Toronto Ont,, wihere you will ;et correct insti•uction-and assistance in abtainin�,, eniiploytnent when competent College open all summer. Enter any time Catalogue free., EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know about the wonderful terve' whirling Spray Douche Ask your druggist for it, If,he =Mot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for fIIus- ' trated book -sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. WINDSOUSUPPLY CO.,Windsor, Ont. General Agents for Canada. Double Track All ['he Way HENSALL - When. ;returning from a Sunday School Picnic at Grand. Bend last week the toa.gue of ,one, of the carry- ails broke and the heavy covered rig skewer to ont,e side andsan, :nto The ditch Where it 'upset. The occupants were thrown around and considerably scratched and bruised. but two of tbeni Miss Sadie Hasburn and Wilbur Dialing had each their left arm fract- ured at the rist. -Miss Verda Welsh of Toronto is the guest of He,nsall relatives, -Mr. D J .Ross and wife of Cleveland Ohio arc guests of his sister' Mrs. D. Mc Lean. -Dr. Sam Coulter is home to visit .his parents. He is' in post -grad -a uate work in surgery and may ear to Europe to icomplete,-James Johnston who with his family went West over three years ago, returned to Hensall with his wife and eight children -The contractors, H. Solder' and T. Welsh have commenced to excavate for the furnace basement and foundation of the ne'x. town hall, --Dr. D.D.S.'wife and little daughter, accompanied 1.y Mr. "Rae Wife and daughter, all of a e here. -Mrs. is •r � s't e s n 't'cz 1 ern h r i Ever! MiCh. t a A. Bell is spending a few weeks in Grimsby visiting her neice, formerly Miss' Jesie I:Iobkirk,-Hensall Orange- men accompanied by their" Exeter( brethcrn marched to the English Church on Sunday forenoon and list- ened to a seri-non by Rev. Rural Dean Dorthey In the evening the Hensall Lodge went to- Exeter and heard a fine discourse in the Trivltt Mem- orial church by Rev. Mr. Collins.- ) Fon thirty years James Bonthron has been the faithful pains -taking secrat airy of Zurich Lodge A,F. &AMI. teed during that whole period has never misses a regular meeting, Feeling ;he i,ntirmaties of age, he tendered his resignation prior ` to the. election; of officers and the members of ihe; Lod- ge inrecognition of his valuable ser= vices to the order, presented him with a handsome ebony, gold headed :.ane su,itabily engraved. The following have been successful in their musical examinations Marks required to pass 65; Honors 75; first- class honors •85, -Grade 3, piano, first class honors, E. Ivison, M. Habkirk ;j pass D. McDonell. Grade 2, piano, l'st cies.; honors, R. Broadfoot .I. Slavin; honors M Ryckman. Grade 1, piano 1st class .honors I. Brintnell, G,Broad- f oat.. TORONTO CHICAGO TORO N:ro - MON'I'REA1 IMPORTANT IMPROVED DAILY SERVICE NOW IN EFFECT W estbound Eastbound Lr Montreal 1.1.pan Lv Chicago ?,4$pm Lv Toronto Sam I.or Detroit 11.,05p111 Ar Loludon11,06arn Lv Lond'n 5,451)11i Ar Detroit 1.,45pan Lv t'oronto chin Al° Chicago 8,40pm Ai \fontr'l 5,45pm Highest class of ,egtuipinen,t Foil particulars and berth reserva- tions' Fran agents or write C, lw. Horn ing D P, A,, Toronto, Ont, N. J. DO I, Exeter. Mitchell. -W, Lamont, found guilty of stealing $100 from the son of J. J. Miller to whom he was employed was sentenced by a Stratford magi s - trate to spend ;six months in the Ont- ario reformatory. •He was traced to DubAn after the theft, and some mon- ey was found on his person. He plead ed no guilty, but the evidence was conC,ltt'siv'e. Clinton -Rev. Faank Harper :pastor of Chalmers church, London, has' ac- cepted the call of the Willis eon- gregation and will become their pastor His induction will take place an .Sept. 3rd though he will probably be in charge of the work a little in, :clvance of that Clinton -on •Sunday evening Clinton lost another of ,its oldest citizens in the person of James Walker, one of those sturdy pioneers who came dere when thir place was but a corner in the bush and remained continuously t.n til. lite carne to a close. N �(( D �1� lire's' Ontarle will be Harvey 0411, Of NEW TOPICS �Ol �Y OF WEEK, '""roto, l'ariiallaentarY represen,t4 titre of the order of Railway Conduces torte. important Events. Which Have Occurred During the Week tChti lKisy World's Happenings Care- ful]," Compiled and Put foto Sandy and Attractive Shape for the Readers '' of . Our Paper—A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY, The British steamer Croydon, from I'hilailelphia, ,larch 8, for Guayaquil, reported ashore at Barbuda, has been abandoned after the jettison of over 1,000 tons of cargo. J, Millidge and John Hines, two Brandon men who went adrift in a small boat on Lake Manitoba Sun- day, arrived, at Oak Point, Man., yes- terday morning safely. Frank Carley and Arthur Gray, who drive taxicabs in Brockville, re- ceived a bad scare when leaving the garage. Three revolver shots were filed'quite closely to them. The po- t;,e are investigating. The body of the woman wearing jewelry that was recovered from the Empress' wreck Saturday was identi- fied. yesterday as that of Mrs. Frances E. Boynton, of St. Thomas, Ont, Her husband identified her. The official count of returns for Cochrane establishes 'Malcolm Lang, Liberal, leading over R. A. Douglas, Conservative, by 17 votes. Further arrests in Porcupine for alleged of- fences have taken place. Emanuel Bernhardt, who was ser- iously mangled in the mill of the On- tario Paper Co. at Thorold Monday, died yesterday at the St. Catharines General and Marine Hospital without having regained consciousness. The death occurred in Brockville yeste-day of Mrs. John Steen, aged 89, .-t the home of her niece, Mrs. Steen after emigrat- ing Grahamrat- Mrs. g ing from Ireland settled in Guelph, where she lived u_til the death of her husband. A thief who climbed to : a porch at the home of . John Walker, of Kingston, to ge' ' into a window, was frightened off by two little children. They were sleeping outside, and '.a-; en the burglar reacbed the porch they screamedandthe man ran off. THURSDAY. At the Huth Lib -'a' -y sale in Lon- don yesterday $405 was pail for a collection of poetic exercises by r-ang names 1. Henry Willard, son of Herman Wil- lard, Amherst Isit std, was drowned in Buck Lake, -Alberta, when the boat in which he was fishing upset. Although John D. Rockefeller was 75 years old yesterday, no celebra- tion was held at his Pocantico Hills estate, where he is spending the summer. • Dr. W. E. Ogeiz, of the Ohio :.oard of Health, yesterday put in farce plans for a state-wide destruc tion of rats because ° of the bubonic :lague situation in New Orleans. Ian explosisn which the police be- lieve was caused by .. bomb hurled through a window by strikers wreck- ed two rooms in the residence of Richard S. Stout at Wakefield, Mass., sterday. Municipal Christmas celebrations were denounced as sectarian, and contrary to the spirit of America by the delegates attending the meeting of the Central Conference of Ameri- can rabbis at Detroit, The Dominion Cabinet has decid- ed to caramute to life imprisonment the death sentence of John Peter Ranson, to have . been executed at Prince Albert next week. Since be - in!: sentenced, the condemned man has become paralyzed. A joint cgnference of representa- tives of the 'miaow, unions of traps- pirt workers in Lgndon yesterday agreed to anialgarcate, under the title of the National Transport Workers' Federation. The new 1 ion will have a membership of 400,000. Another death firoxt the bubonic. plague in New Orleans was announe- ed yesterday by the public health ofd- cera,, making a total of Pour eases and three deaths since the outbreak of the disease on June. 27, W. J. Curie,, for many years super intendent of the B. & W. Railwayat Brockville, a branch line of the C,N.R., has been promoted to a simi- lar position on the Toronto -Port Arth- ur division of the C.N.R. An order for the release from cus- tody of the president and members Of the Servian Students' Club in Ber- lin, 0ermauy, who were arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of being en- gaged in a pan-Servian conspiracy, v -as issued yesterday: MONDAY. The French Parliament is sitting from 12 to 14 hours a day, including Sunday, in an endeavor to finish; all the business before it by to -day. Bernard Leslie Richardson, who has recently returned to England af- ter several years residence in Canada, is the future Liberal candidate for Hythe. Lady Hardinge, Vicereine' of India, died at a nursing home in London, after undergoing an. operation. She was 46 years old, and leaves two sons and a daughter. Thousands of citizene gathered on Saturday at Moncton, N.B., to pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of Hon. H. R. Emmerson, whose body v es interred. there. Dreaming that she was on her way to work at a local factory, Miss Nora Kauffman; clad only in a nightie, arose at three o'clock and walked a mile to the plant at Sunbury, Pa. A violent attack was made yester- day at Bristol on Augustine Barrell, Chief Secretary for Ireland; °by a male suffragist, who hurled a heavy bun- dle of papers in the statesman's face. In an effort to discourage drunk- enness in France; . the Chamber of Deputies Saturday voted the abolition of the license tax on saloonkeepers, except in regard to distilled liquors. Beer, is now cheaper and spirits are dearer. ' TUESDAY. A student of the university in. Mar- burg, Germany, bled to death after a duel with a fellow student, during n g which his jugular vein was severed. A militant suffragette bomb ex- ploded yesterday in the historic Ros- lyn Chapel, seven miles from Edin- burgh, but caused only trifling damage. Hon. G. L. Perley yesterday receiv- ed a cablegram from Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain expressing her thanks for Canada's sympathy in her be- reavement. The death of Mrs: Thomas Wil- liams, 73, widow of the founder of the Thomas Williams' Home for the aged and destitute in St. Thomas, oc- curred yesterday. The Earl of Ellesmere died yester- day"l ). London, at the age of 67. He succeeded his father in , the title in 1862, and his heir is his eldest son, Viscount Brackley, aged 42. During an electric storm lightning struck the barn of Wesley Love, near New Dublin, Ont. The building with its contents was entirely consumed. The insurance will not nearly cover the loss. Samuel Mainguy, 50, was instantly killed about nine. o'elock yesterday morning by a C. P. R. train passing a level crossing at the foot of Bell Hill, a suburb of Quebec. He was returning from a funeral Will t,m Batch, an Englishman, and Seuth African veteran, fell from a G. T. R. freight train coming into Brockville. When picked up it was seen the cars had run over his left leg, which was amputated later below the knee, FRIDAY. Odina Guay, the victim of Nor- aud's shooting exploit at Levis, Que., died yesterday. Confirmation of a victory by the Albanian• 1ngugents was received at Athens yesterday. The fighting last- ed three clays, after which the Alba- nian Gov rnm'ent's troops took to flight. While roofing a steeple on the Ro- man Catholic Church at Ste. Fulalie, Nicolet coiiiity, A. J. Cote, of Que- bec, fell to his death, some 125 feet below. He leaves a bride of eight months. David Green, an aged prisoner from Bedford Mills, charged with a serious offence by his daughter, pleaded not guilty before Magistrate Farrell at Kingston.' and was com- mitted for trial. A werld's altitude record , for an aeropiali, carrying only the aviator was mad yesterday by the German il airman nnekogel who at the aero- drome ]'ohannisthal, Germany, at- tained a Height of 21,664 feet. Men, .women and children sayed the west end of Kingston frons a ser- ious fire yesterday by forming a buc- ket brigade, when boys playing with matches set fire to an old ice house next to the Kingston Hosiery Mill. Criminal prosecution of Sir Thomas Lipton and his co -directors in Liptons, Limited, was suggested by Sir Arthur Markham, a Liberal member, in the British arouse in' connection with the "eanteen scan- dals." SATURDAY. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stephens, of Woodstock, celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary yesterday. Mrs, Isaac 3.. Mansell was attacked by dogs near her summer home near Brockville, acid before abet animals were driven off she was severely. bitten. The S'w,edish battleship Tapperbei- ten was refloated yesterday after be- teg aground for six months tiear Sandham, where she went ashore on Jan, 28: A special' despatch frim Cairo, Egypt,, says the Anglo-Egyptian mem- bers of the ulster volunteers have re- ceived cablegrams calling them back to Ulster. fats rumored that one of the four ne,r Senators, to ;la named sbortly, ORANGEMEN CELEBRATE. St. Thomas and Perth Are Scenes of L. 0., L. Demonstrations. TJIOMAS, Ont., July 14.—That "Abolis2h-- he bar" was not the issue in the recce t Ontario elections and that the Liberal party met defeat be- cause it was feared that if they were returned to power bilingualism would be introduced into the schools of the province, was the contention of May- or Hocken of Toronto in addressing a big Orange, demonstration here yes- terday. He also ascribed the inereas- ed Liberal vote in Manitoba to the be- lief on the part of the electors that if the Roblin Goverliment were re- turned separate schools would be forced uponthe province. Big Day at Perth. PERTH, July 14. — Fully ten thousand people came to Perth from eastern Ontario yesterday to cele- brate the. 224th anniversary of the crossing of the Boyne. It was the largest demonstration of OrangeisDi seen here in many years, and the procession was over a mile and a half long, , Farmer Dead In Bed. CHATHAM, July 13. — William Daveson, a well-known farmer and market gardener, was found dead at his home. Daveson had been in the habit of sleeping in the shed at the rear of his house. Yesterday morning when his relatives went out to waken him they found him dead. Heart fail- ure was the cause, Coroner Bray de- cided an inquest was unnecessary'. )w;ireman Injured. IC.INGSTON, July 14, Samuel Keyes, 22, fireman on the steamer Rosemount, ,whose home is in St. Catharines, was badly injured when he 'fell down the hatchway, a dis- tance of 25 feet, on the steamer, He had his left arm broken, his hip sprained, and his right arm seriously hurt.. Young' )tan Is Drowned. •BRACilIBRIiGE, July 14, ---While bathii'tg in the south branch of the Muskoka river, a short distance from his 110010, Basil Stewart, 22, got be- yo9d his depth and being linable to swim, was drowned; before.: assistance reached him,: The body was recovered two hours later,' PIMYLES &TES tAltillD1V4014ES 11 PAINS Are "Danger Si nals”--thehuuian system's method of:givin ty , w 'n thatthe blood has beceme, impoverished and cire;ulati44 p r, 1 L7 ; p, to resist r at . . te �e In this condition the human 4ody is almost ilo More serious illness. Don't delay. You need DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovep It gets to work immediately at the seat of your trouble-tbe t a1 It lends a helping hand. Helps to digest the food. Tones u'p th Soon brings Back normal conditions. Food is properly azeu turned into rich, red blood. Every organ is strengthened and eves " ---n revitalized. Made from roots taken from our great American forests. remedy now. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet norm-ord fi0e to Dr. Pierces Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N'. Y,; for trial box.. - You can Lave the complete "Medical Adviser" ot 1009 4► e bound--tree-by sending Dr. Pierce 81C for wrwPping 44111 Me•GILLIVRAY COUNCIL sing of ..a large ntunhea< of accounts, The main ,business of the Councllafter which adjournment was made to. at their regular meeting was the pas -August 3rd at one o'clock: BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors ., at the ffile/k/e -dee, Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 19 Vice-Princlpal i CANADIAN PAtitc/ r C. .IOMESEEKERk EXCURSIONS To, MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, Inclusive. Winnipeg and Return , $35.O0'' Edmonton and Return - 43.00, Protn 'Toronto; and Stations West aped,, front Stations Fast of Too. r ntoortlotlate .araeo' iteturn Limit two months, Particulars regarding; hA1L or OCEAN tteketd from Canaiaq Pacific Ticket .Agents or write M. G. t4t1 PRY, 1),I' A C.P. ley„ Toronto. Another death firoxt the bubonic. plague in New Orleans was announe- ed yesterday by the public health ofd- cera,, making a total of Pour eases and three deaths since the outbreak of the disease on June. 27, W. J. Curie,, for many years super intendent of the B. & W. Railwayat Brockville, a branch line of the C,N.R., has been promoted to a simi- lar position on the Toronto -Port Arth- ur division of the C.N.R. An order for the release from cus- tody of the president and members Of the Servian Students' Club in Ber- lin, 0ermauy, who were arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of being en- gaged in a pan-Servian conspiracy, v -as issued yesterday: MONDAY. The French Parliament is sitting from 12 to 14 hours a day, including Sunday, in an endeavor to finish; all the business before it by to -day. Bernard Leslie Richardson, who has recently returned to England af- ter several years residence in Canada, is the future Liberal candidate for Hythe. Lady Hardinge, Vicereine' of India, died at a nursing home in London, after undergoing an. operation. She was 46 years old, and leaves two sons and a daughter. Thousands of citizene gathered on Saturday at Moncton, N.B., to pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of Hon. H. R. Emmerson, whose body v es interred. there. Dreaming that she was on her way to work at a local factory, Miss Nora Kauffman; clad only in a nightie, arose at three o'clock and walked a mile to the plant at Sunbury, Pa. A violent attack was made yester- day at Bristol on Augustine Barrell, Chief Secretary for Ireland; °by a male suffragist, who hurled a heavy bun- dle of papers in the statesman's face. In an effort to discourage drunk- enness in France; . the Chamber of Deputies Saturday voted the abolition of the license tax on saloonkeepers, except in regard to distilled liquors. Beer, is now cheaper and spirits are dearer. ' TUESDAY. A student of the university in. Mar- burg, Germany, bled to death after a duel with a fellow student, during n g which his jugular vein was severed. A militant suffragette bomb ex- ploded yesterday in the historic Ros- lyn Chapel, seven miles from Edin- burgh, but caused only trifling damage. Hon. G. L. Perley yesterday receiv- ed a cablegram from Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain expressing her thanks for Canada's sympathy in her be- reavement. The death of Mrs: Thomas Wil- liams, 73, widow of the founder of the Thomas Williams' Home for the aged and destitute in St. Thomas, oc- curred yesterday. The Earl of Ellesmere died yester- day"l ). London, at the age of 67. He succeeded his father in , the title in 1862, and his heir is his eldest son, Viscount Brackley, aged 42. During an electric storm lightning struck the barn of Wesley Love, near New Dublin, Ont. The building with its contents was entirely consumed. The insurance will not nearly cover the loss. Samuel Mainguy, 50, was instantly killed about nine. o'elock yesterday morning by a C. P. R. train passing a level crossing at the foot of Bell Hill, a suburb of Quebec. He was returning from a funeral Will t,m Batch, an Englishman, and Seuth African veteran, fell from a G. T. R. freight train coming into Brockville. When picked up it was seen the cars had run over his left leg, which was amputated later below the knee, FRIDAY. Odina Guay, the victim of Nor- aud's shooting exploit at Levis, Que., died yesterday. Confirmation of a victory by the Albanian• 1ngugents was received at Athens yesterday. The fighting last- ed three clays, after which the Alba- nian Gov rnm'ent's troops took to flight. While roofing a steeple on the Ro- man Catholic Church at Ste. Fulalie, Nicolet coiiiity, A. J. Cote, of Que- bec, fell to his death, some 125 feet below. He leaves a bride of eight months. David Green, an aged prisoner from Bedford Mills, charged with a serious offence by his daughter, pleaded not guilty before Magistrate Farrell at Kingston.' and was com- mitted for trial. A werld's altitude record , for an aeropiali, carrying only the aviator was mad yesterday by the German il airman nnekogel who at the aero- drome ]'ohannisthal, Germany, at- tained a Height of 21,664 feet. Men, .women and children sayed the west end of Kingston frons a ser- ious fire yesterday by forming a buc- ket brigade, when boys playing with matches set fire to an old ice house next to the Kingston Hosiery Mill. Criminal prosecution of Sir Thomas Lipton and his co -directors in Liptons, Limited, was suggested by Sir Arthur Markham, a Liberal member, in the British arouse in' connection with the "eanteen scan- dals." SATURDAY. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stephens, of Woodstock, celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary yesterday. Mrs, Isaac 3.. Mansell was attacked by dogs near her summer home near Brockville, acid before abet animals were driven off she was severely. bitten. The S'w,edish battleship Tapperbei- ten was refloated yesterday after be- teg aground for six months tiear Sandham, where she went ashore on Jan, 28: A special' despatch frim Cairo, Egypt,, says the Anglo-Egyptian mem- bers of the ulster volunteers have re- ceived cablegrams calling them back to Ulster. fats rumored that one of the four ne,r Senators, to ;la named sbortly, ORANGEMEN CELEBRATE. St. Thomas and Perth Are Scenes of L. 0., L. Demonstrations. TJIOMAS, Ont., July 14.—That "Abolis2h-- he bar" was not the issue in the recce t Ontario elections and that the Liberal party met defeat be- cause it was feared that if they were returned to power bilingualism would be introduced into the schools of the province, was the contention of May- or Hocken of Toronto in addressing a big Orange, demonstration here yes- terday. He also ascribed the inereas- ed Liberal vote in Manitoba to the be- lief on the part of the electors that if the Roblin Goverliment were re- turned separate schools would be forced uponthe province. Big Day at Perth. PERTH, July 14. — Fully ten thousand people came to Perth from eastern Ontario yesterday to cele- brate the. 224th anniversary of the crossing of the Boyne. It was the largest demonstration of OrangeisDi seen here in many years, and the procession was over a mile and a half long, , Farmer Dead In Bed. CHATHAM, July 13. — William Daveson, a well-known farmer and market gardener, was found dead at his home. Daveson had been in the habit of sleeping in the shed at the rear of his house. Yesterday morning when his relatives went out to waken him they found him dead. Heart fail- ure was the cause, Coroner Bray de- cided an inquest was unnecessary'. )w;ireman Injured. IC.INGSTON, July 14, Samuel Keyes, 22, fireman on the steamer Rosemount, ,whose home is in St. Catharines, was badly injured when he 'fell down the hatchway, a dis- tance of 25 feet, on the steamer, He had his left arm broken, his hip sprained, and his right arm seriously hurt.. Young' )tan Is Drowned. •BRACilIBRIiGE, July 14, ---While bathii'tg in the south branch of the Muskoka river, a short distance from his 110010, Basil Stewart, 22, got be- yo9d his depth and being linable to swim, was drowned; before.: assistance reached him,: The body was recovered two hours later,' PIMYLES &TES tAltillD1V4014ES 11 PAINS Are "Danger Si nals”--thehuuian system's method of:givin ty , w 'n thatthe blood has beceme, impoverished and cire;ulati44 p r, 1 L7 ; p, to resist r at . . te �e In this condition the human 4ody is almost ilo More serious illness. Don't delay. You need DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovep It gets to work immediately at the seat of your trouble-tbe t a1 It lends a helping hand. Helps to digest the food. Tones u'p th Soon brings Back normal conditions. Food is properly azeu turned into rich, red blood. Every organ is strengthened and eves " ---n revitalized. Made from roots taken from our great American forests. remedy now. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet norm-ord fi0e to Dr. Pierces Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N'. Y,; for trial box.. - You can Lave the complete "Medical Adviser" ot 1009 4► e bound--tree-by sending Dr. Pierce 81C for wrwPping 44111 Me•GILLIVRAY COUNCIL sing of ..a large ntunhea< of accounts, The main ,business of the Councllafter which adjournment was made to. at their regular meeting was the pas -August 3rd at one o'clock: SISTER : READ MY FREE OFFER. I am a woman. I know a woman's trials. l know her need of sympathy and help. If you, my sister, are unhappy because of ill - health, and feel unfit for household duties. "tial pleasures, or daily etnplovmeut, write and tell me. lust how you suffer, and ask for my free ten da;•s, trial of a home treatment suited to your ices, with references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength, and happiness by its use. I want to tell you all about this successful method of home treat t fir yourself, my reader, for your daughter your i.1.4.47,or your mother. 1 want to tell you how t> cure yourselves at home at trifling cost, and without aid f rout anyone. Men cannot understand women's sufferings ; what we women know from experi ience, we know better than any doctor thousands have proved there is hope even for the hopeless in my method of home treatment, if you suffer front pain in the head, back, or b wets, feeling of weight and dragging down sensations, falling or displacement of internal organs, bladder irritation with frequent urination, obstinate constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion, with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not worth living, t invite you to send to -clay for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and Postpaid, to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered atyour own home, without the expense of Hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation., Women everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method' of home treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shall only ask yon to pass the good word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is forall,-young or old. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude iu youug women, and restores them to plumpness and health. Tell ate if yon are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you nothing to give my method of house treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if yon wish to continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work. Is health worth asking for? Then accept my generous offer, write for the freetreatmentsuited to your needs, and I will send it itt plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut oat this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the free treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address ; MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 840 : • - WINDSOR, ONTARIO. Mteat May Be Injurious and Is Expensive Some people may eat lots of meat without in- jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet=they eat it daily—these pay in both health an ana purse. Either class will benefit by eating less meat and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It gives much more nourishment than its cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest' --conse- quently better for you. Ask for rb It's the. original. 10 edits pelt package. 1.04 . �� M lull .......... ..... ,. - ., :6;91 -?6 1 CHI L'', IVI RSA. CAR The Ford — the Lightest, Surest, Most Economical— the very essence of auto- mobiling-and all Canadian. Runabout Model T $ 600 1. o. b. Ford Onari o C4et particulars from Wes. SneII, agent. „%=, isJ l� ------ . - — - . rte- . ears•( I n SISTER : READ MY FREE OFFER. I am a woman. I know a woman's trials. l know her need of sympathy and help. If you, my sister, are unhappy because of ill - health, and feel unfit for household duties. "tial pleasures, or daily etnplovmeut, write and tell me. lust how you suffer, and ask for my free ten da;•s, trial of a home treatment suited to your ices, with references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength, and happiness by its use. I want to tell you all about this successful method of home treat t fir yourself, my reader, for your daughter your i.1.4.47,or your mother. 1 want to tell you how t> cure yourselves at home at trifling cost, and without aid f rout anyone. Men cannot understand women's sufferings ; what we women know from experi ience, we know better than any doctor thousands have proved there is hope even for the hopeless in my method of home treatment, if you suffer front pain in the head, back, or b wets, feeling of weight and dragging down sensations, falling or displacement of internal organs, bladder irritation with frequent urination, obstinate constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion, with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not worth living, t invite you to send to -clay for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and Postpaid, to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered atyour own home, without the expense of Hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation., Women everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method' of home treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shall only ask yon to pass the good word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is forall,-young or old. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude iu youug women, and restores them to plumpness and health. Tell ate if yon are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you nothing to give my method of house treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if yon wish to continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work. Is health worth asking for? Then accept my generous offer, write for the freetreatmentsuited to your needs, and I will send it itt plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut oat this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the free treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address ; MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 840 : • - WINDSOR, ONTARIO. Mteat May Be Injurious and Is Expensive Some people may eat lots of meat without in- jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet=they eat it daily—these pay in both health an ana purse. Either class will benefit by eating less meat and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It gives much more nourishment than its cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest' --conse- quently better for you. Ask for rb It's the. original. 10 edits pelt package. 1.04