HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-7-16, Page 4". E AN—No dust or flying. ashes. Ash chutes guide all ashes into convenient pan. McCiar Sunsi. No ash shovelling Funecessary. See the M—cClary dealer or write for booklet. 33 Sold by T. Hawkins & Son The Logical The individual ap- pointed to administer an estate is forced 'to give much time and attention Administrator to his trust: The anxiety is ceaseless, the danger of mistakes through inexperience is great. Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better performed by this Company? The fees are no greater and 'the management much snore capable than can be expected of any pri- vate executor, however willing. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED is the logical administrator, to appoint. Its sole business is: ,the careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust committed to its care. Call in and consult us. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT Slit GEO. GIBBONS, enC,. President 4 JOHN S. MOORE, Manner .et er Abttol ate, Sander. & Creeah, Proprietors In advance $1.00 per year in Canada. $1.5C in United State's. If not paid in advance 50c. extra per year may be charged THURSDAY ,J ILY 16, '14 Dashwood —0 -- Miss Addie Brown of Thediord spent a few dans at her home in this place leaving again on Monday inornt l'sg for Thedford. \lis: Paterson is spending her hol- idays with her friend Miss, E. M. Eel ..legman The Crediton Lady Baseball team played the Lady team of this place on the local diamond on Friday light the snore being 25 tee 17 in favour of the home team. Word has been received :root. in- speetor Tom that the eleven Candi- dates who wrote on the, entrance ex - ,ma fro= Dashwood School were all successful which speaks very highly of the teacher in charge had .in im- parting to them the necessary know- ledge It is hoped Mr_ Henry may be induced to remain for some time. Three out of the four pupls from the Dashwood School who wrote for Vigil school Entrance hare passed with high inarks. Mester Raymond Calfas had the misfortune on Monday to fall from his bicycle and break his arm. It will lay hint up for a time. Several' from here took in the races at Seaeorth this Creek. Miss Lillian Hartleib attended the" funeral of the late Mande Besterd at London on Saturday. Miss Besterd fn., merly lived of the Goshen Line. Crediton The heal Orange Lodge went to Goderih on Monday to attend the celebration. A number from here ac- companied them on the train, while others rode in automobiles. Ask any of those who went by train how they enjovee themselves, The G. T. R. cam, la for a great deal of uncompli- mentarv,remarks and it was. fortunate the anneals who had the excursicn took th,c morning tram* for London They will reside on 'the farm at Sharon,. We. extend to the happy couple our congratulations: Mn and Mrs. Geo. Redfern have re- turned to Toronto after a short visit here with the latter's mother, ' Mrs. August Ewald. W. A. Sambrook is selling a large number of bones oftame raspberries. The crop is quite plentiftiil: A number of Bell Telephone inen have bee,a in town repairing the line, Miss Esso Becker left for Port Eight,. Wednesday to visit friends for a fen- weeks: Remember the Special Children's Day Festival to be given in the Evan; gelical Chureb next Sunday. An ex- cellent program has been. prepared for the evening service at which each Hass will sender something special. Michael I-li umpp had the misfortune to fall out of a wagon afew days ago and badly sprained his shoulder. Mathew F,inl beiaea- visited his daugh ter. Mrs. John Humble at Sarnia. Mrs. Edwards with her family of Indiana is visiting her parents, Mr.and Mrs John Lawson. ' Mlrs Zwicker and little Gerald have returned home from New Hamburg & London after a short visit with rela- tives. - Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins visited Misa Mary Polley of Goderich Mlon day and Tuesday. Frank Taylor had a thrilling exper- ience the other day. He was taking a load of hay over a small bridge at the ,river when the waggon went through and team, load and all went into the water. Frank got the team out none the worse of the accident, but is wondering how he, will get his hay. Roy Shenk fell off a load of hay last Thursday, when helping'dward Fanner and broke his arm. He is snaking rapid progress. )fiss Clara Holtzxnann and aIrsi Chris Haist are visiting in Colborne Township The: home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson was the scene of .an important end enjoyable event Wednesday after noon, the 8th, when about 90 guests were in attendance to celebrate their Golden Wedding Day. Theorchard made an ideal spot for the occasion. Rev. Jefferson read following address after which the happy couple, were :landed purses containing ninety dole fats in gold by Thos: Chambers and Final- G . Clarke in behalf of the guests After the presentation ail did justice to the splendid supper un- tie char ,e were absent otherwise. there i der the trees. In the evening the noun* have been something doing, Brass Band was in attendance and ren The ;lee of landing the people in • dered several selections. Mr. and Go€ieneh three hours after the :,cited- rof: s Lawson are still in good health nes time and making them wait cn ata- and the extend to them our hearty tion a_atformswithout a seat or a Heal congratulations and trust they will be is be -t: -ring altogether too common. surged to enjoy ninny more.. years of The tree:- thM't brought in the excur- the dual life. In addition to this the r+o+iist: front Kincardine was Docked mother was given a Bilk dress and the. dowi fron Goderich to Ilderton and family presented them with a beauti- then used up the line. Coining home ful phenograith hasn't much better, Near Clinton a To Mr and Mrs. John : Lawson, man fell off the train and everethiets Crediton, Ont. was tied :up until he was found two On the Occasion of Their Golden hours, later. It was really a pleasant , Wedding. day otherwise. A big crowd and a . %. e your friends and neighbors, beautiful town. to visit. Our people gathered together' on such an auspic- havrmade asolemn resolution to boy- tains occasion, desire heartily to con- c:ott the an:away in future celebrations `:gratulate you on this the attainment unless better service is given. I£ any of your Fiftieth Marriage Anniversary other railroad were passing through —your Golden Wedding, here everything, would be up-to-date We give thanks to God, on your Edna I Miss Finkbeiner of oigeon, behalf that He, bringing you together Micli, es visiting her uarents for a .ew !through the massy changing experien- weeks 1 des of the last half hundred years, Mrs Grismore of ,\tempt us, 'Tenn.; , sets you.. in comparative health and and Mrs. Miller of Pandora, Ohio, ria- , strength: to -day, among so ,nany itetl Mr and Mrs. Edward. Morlock tr eeds and well-wishers, last week 1 We want you to ,know, too, that The Misses Mable and Martha Wen- your own " neighborliness, your quiet rel at Detroit are spending their hol-and consistent calk with God, is foot days at the home of their parents, l annnoted of us. As the fragrance of The masons have completed . the some flowers is felt at their Fullest brick work of Albert \forlock's ,nen 1 baossom:atg, so the influence of your shop Harry Beaver Is now putting on :;ver lives of in your old age: th .. roofing, In token of our .appreciation of you The results of the recent ;Entrance saki ir. keeping with this Golden An examinations were received a few days 'i versary, we would like youeach to ago,' Our school did not make an ex aeeeit a small golden gift ire each ttf Ira good showing. Miss Linklater of these purses, along with our many end l f)un)o, "zea been engaged to teach the' great golden wishes for your utmost :.:iH se School department atter the : good t summer ho?Jin,, i Then as we began by giving. thanks A quiet We ding was celeoratt 1 ae I to God oI, your behalf for the mer- e.he home of Mr. and, Mrs. ,las C'fasl<!t:e f'i the past, we close by ,taking .tas.t Saturday morning when their Hms in His abounding goodness, tei laughter Miss Ethel was united in watch over you through what of lays. marriage to Mr. Albert pestle, 'elle or ,'ears may yet retna+•o, and to. gads - Rev 5 Jefferson tied the knot in ,.he e:• you at fast he peace • to your lath• a e a -lee of the immediate nl lube. "es'. and so graciously to seek those of tee family. Mr. and Mrs, titrstie ' of out well -beloved, but widely scat - 6 hexed cafes that, when earth's life .is ended, yo.. and they and we may meet HU TROUBLE IN ULSTER +I� the land where love lives on I of aye Signed on behalf of many en. Tleoina,s Chambers Frank a G. Cl rl.e, Parkhill—Miss Annie Williard a mid- dle aged lady, was found dead in her room this. morning by her sister, Death was caused by heart failure glue front other ailments. She is :turvivad by tlixee sisters Mrs, Mitchell 'Ind Mrs, Wm, Mdsmes of London and • Miss Willard, at home, also, by one brother Jolut who dives on the old .?tome - stead Bayfield, -The death took place of one of our oldest resident in the oer- son. of Margaret Bates., relict of the late David Richards who passed , way on Monday evening at . the advanced age of 95 years. The deceased Was born in Ireland on May lst 18.19 After coming to this Country she was Married at Goderich in 1835 by Rev, Mr, Campbell to the late David Rich- ards who predeceased her by about twenty-five years, With the except- or a fee years she has always lived in Bay field. The Natural Way. -The :food fad- dist .and the average man IN,ere dis- cussing diets. The former was telling how he had lived on a strictly vegetarian diet and gained in weight and health. "Yes " said the average man, "and "ano I had a rather interesting cxpei ience too along' that. line,.". "What did you do?" `PI lived on auilk only for a whole year and gained every clay in weigai and. strength:" "Remarkable, how dad you manage to de that?" "Oh just about the sante as other babie ' did." HOW' This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cane o../Catrarrhthat cannot be cured by lull's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J: Cheney for the iast1.5 years, and believe him perfectly honorabl,• in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALorNa,I INNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is 'takeninternally, aoting di reefly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent. free. Price :75o. erbot- tie.' Soldby all Druggists �3 /y e%ReHali'sFamily Pills for constipation. WESTERN FAIR SEPT'lltli to 19th The Western Fair of London Ont- ario promises to be of more' than us ual interest this year. Already about all the available space ha's"ijeen taken up for exhibits; and entries. „are coining in to the general offices very rapidly For the poultry department twenty valuable silver cups will, he given, in addition ;to the regular prizes. These cups must, be won three times before becoming the property of the= miff- tth s Tear he prize li�thas been increased y by $1500. 00, Buttermake Ing Competition will be carried on Daily in. the Dairy Hall. A mag- Mf nabnif scent exhibit will be placed in the Agricultural Hall from the Damnation Expert mental Farm, Ottawa, The *few Art Building will, be filled with, oaint- ings of the highest order %ncluding that famous S30,000.00 painting `PThe Haymakers" from the Albright Art Gallery Buffalo. USBORNE COUNCIL The Usborne Municipal Council :net at the Township Hall July 4th. All the members were present. The min' utes of the last meeting were reed anti approved: As there were no appeals against assessments imposed for Gardiner Dr 'alp Repairs and Improvements the Court of Revision was closed, and as- sessments adopted. A largely signed petition tier drain- age work. The Brock Creek Drainend branches was considered and spprov ed, The clerk was instructed to for- ward a copy to Mn. J. Roger, engineer with instructions to examine theurea and report , Aa the tenders far Gardiner Drain Repairs were not satisfactory the contract was not let. The clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders to be opened at the next meeting of the Council an August 1st, Accounts amounting to $622.90- and drainage accounts of $94;00 were pas- sed and orders issued in payment. Adjournment to August 1st F. Morley, Clerk. N. HURON OFFICIAL MI aJO RITY Anderson Musgrove Ashfield Blyth . ,. Howick Turnb erry ... Morris .... .. ......... ... 3 E. Wawanosh .,.. ., 46 W, Wawanosh ... 15 Wingham 111 Wroxeter .... 20 154 284 Total majority for Musgrove 130 70 20 134 ,9 C. HURON 'OFFICIAL elAJO1UTY Mechlin Proudfooi 32 }46 57 Brussels Grey Mckillop Seaiorth Mullett Colborne Clinton, Goderich 7 1.44 27 21 14 69 379 Total majority for Proudfoot ':10 QUICK NAPTHA `K THE WOMAN'S SOAP, "Tw.ifth'" Passes Without Any Friction in Belfast or Derry, Celebration of Anniversary of Battle of the Boyne Is. Marked By Vigor- ous Speeches at Driunbeg and Sir Bdward Carson Pledges His EoI-. lowers to Resist Rorie Rule Bill , . at Any Cost. LONDON; July 14. The recogni- tion of the danger inherent in the existence of two armed volunteer bodies seems to have imbued Irish- men with a sense of added responsi- bility, and the battle of the Boyne was commemorated yesterday in Ire- land with tremendous enthusiasm. Ilut there was a more. noticeable ab- sence of disorder than on past odea c ns 'of this kind. Foll-wing the custom a great pro- cession marched from. Belfast to Drunibeg, where Sir Edward Carson, the Ulster Unionist leader, made his naw familiar speech defying the Government either totally to exclude Ulster from Home Rule or Done" out and fight. Lord Londonderry at Enniskillen and Walter Hume Long, Unionist member of Parliament. for Strand, at Garvagh, made'speeches in a similar vein to other bi demonstrations of Ulstermen, but no disorder was re- ported al any point up to a late hour last night. Rival Nationalist and Orange pro- cessions at Glendermoat reaehed the stage of jeering at each other, and for a few moments I' looked like trouble, but the police succeeded in keeping them ,apart until the danger was passed. One feature of the situation seems to be that while Sir Edward. Carson. and other leaders are using unre- strained language, both Ulstermen and -Nationalists are showing admir- able self-control. Another feature, is. the more defiant the Ulster leaders speechesbecome the More pronounc- ed becomes the feeling among the members of Parliament on both aides that a satisfactory compromise will be reached. ' Premier Asquith announced' in the House of Commons yesterday that the .•present session of Parliament Would come to an end about the close of August, and 'that the new session would begin in early winter, which is thought to mean December_ Be- fore the present session ends, the Government' will introduce its pro- posals for the reform of the House of Lords. • Carson Pledged ' Covenanters. DRUMBEG, Ireland, July 14.— The Orangemen's demonstration here yesterday culminated in a scene of immense enthusiasm aroundthe tiny platform where Sir Edward Carson, Bible in hand, pie "ged; the covenan- ters never to surrender to coercion, to remain loyal to the throne, and never to waver in their support of their leaders in the fight against Home Rule. Sir. Edward Carson, in a speech which evoked tremendous " enthus iasm, served notice on the British Government that unless it 'was pre- pared to leave Ulster alone it would very shortly find the Ulstermen re- cogniziriz no government except the Pro -visional Government of Ulster. He said he had been given authority to act, and if necessary that meant he was to exercise his powers without regard to consequences to himself. The Ulstermen; he added, were not going to give -way and were bound to win, because God would defend the right, Sir Edward Carson offered the Gov ernment the alternatives et giving Ulster a clean cut out of Home Rule, or of coming• to fight the Ulstermen. These, he said, Wert the only possible alternatives. Ulster, he concluded, was claiming only justice, and if it did not get it from the Government, would take it for itself. Opened With Cannonade. LONDONDERRY, Ireland, Jut?. 14. —The Orangemen here began the celebration of the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne with a cannon- ade, during which they projected their explosives so that they burst over residences in the Roman Catho- lie section of the city. The Nation- alists, believing the cannonade to be the prelude to aggressive action on the part of the Orangemen organized for defence, but no collision between the two parties took place. • Many German Soldiers Sunstrnck. BERLIN, July 14. Two German soldiers died and over 100 others are 111 to -day from sunstroke by which they were affected Sunday during military manoeuvres at Frankfort -on - the -Oder, according to The Tageblatt. The men belonged to - the Second Prince Charles of Prussia's Branden- burg Infantry Regiment, commanded by Col. Von Reuter, who was trans- ferred from Zabern, Alsace, after the recent conflict between soldiers and civilians there. The weather was the hottest experienced in Germany this year. Mersey Dock Workers Strike. LIVERPOOL, July 14, -- A strike was started yesterday among the Mer- sey dock employes with the object of c 'iforcing recognition of the work- men's unions and bringing about the establishment' of a joint board Of workmen and employers to deal with disputes, While the strike was not general, many of the power stations were ren- dered idle and several liners were im- prisoned in the doeks owing to the impossibility' 'of . opening the gates, St John Police Officer Desel. ST, JOHN, Net., 'July 14,--Speeial Policeman Frank E. O'Leary, who was shot Sunday night by John Bra - Mau, 17 years old, while he 'was at. resting him as a burglary sweet, died in the hospital early yesterday morning. He had been gaining ap- parently, but a change tor the worse mine late on. Saturday. Braman will flow face a murder charge, �1 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE EDMUND 'WAL.KER. C.V,O„L. L.. D., D.C.L.., President , ALEXANDER LAIRD General Manager JOHN AIRD, Asst General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUNDI $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on -all deposits of $1 and. upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed, Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of to or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one 'of them or by the survivor. 521 EXETER BRANCH—G. L. WP UGH, Manager, Branch also at Crediton The Molsons Bank. Incorporated 1855 Capital & Reserve r $8,800,000. .85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BiISINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT . , , ..... , .. TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ,....,.... Issued BANK MONEY ORDERS .,...: `' SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate, - EXETER BRANCH ,Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Govern/neut.' N. D. HURDON' Manager, PURE= PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for perso.lal or family use. Write to ,? JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA .lnnnnAAAnAdlinnnne',�nnn"nnnnnnnnnnnlannnnnnnr !rOst renc-e frral The fence Tait can oe • •4ygenao„Igo* , .,1.k t,H,.14•0l to MII/•rli4d l,i,(„11„n I11„.M,l.n-, ,..,,M hr• •.lri< .,.y� Looks as Neat When Stretched oi>t •tt is as It Does iii the Picture : You are Protected e teed When yon buy "FROST FENCE” because it backsyou up, with an en- viable reputation. You never see poor FROST FENCES” because there are none. Every rod wins your approval: The Frost Wire Fence Company are the only firm operating their own drawing and galvanizing mills. That's why right material . only goes into Frost Fences. Let me quote you on.these fences that have running, Wires of even leng- th, stays straight and evenly spaced, wire all full size aad heavily galvan- ized. The "FROST" lock is absolutely the surest WOVLen, lock oil any fence It does not slip and does not weaken; the lateral -wire With a kink. All styles, also GATES and FANCY FENCES, The Frost Special wo- ven wire Lawn Fence 'is their "newest' line.. Get a catalogue, S. ANDREW, Agent, Centralia Agency for Guam 's Fertilizer—none better on the market, WESTERN FAIR LONDON, OA.NADA Ontario's Popular Exhibition September 11 thto 19th, 1914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magnificent Programme of Attractions, Two Speed Bean Daily. New Fireworks Every Night, COME AND SEE The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragons The Con, T. Kennedy Shows will till the Medway. Music bythe best available Bands, Reduced Railwa Rates !l commencing Sept. lith, Special Excursion Days, Sept. 15th, 16th 17th, 1 2 s » Al tickets good till Sept els0 ALL INFOR,MATfON FROM THE SECRETARY W. J. REID, President A, iii, HUNT, Secretary