HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-7-9, Page 88X..1 i"'ER 11 it 1O.(1.ATB
` REE WlIAY "LY B, m4.
Wlteac ,.. ., 0898
x1ey , ..,
50 52
Rtrels.wbeat, ...... , .. , 50 ' 00
Oats, • 40
1 otat oes, per bag , 75 i 100
Hay, eton. ..,.,,1400 14. 00
'Rlpur, per out., family 2 70
Flour, low grade per ew' 1 60 19 1 60
Butter...., 20 21
Live babe, per cwt.... 8 0020 00
Short, per ton.. • . •• 25 00
Brae par don .... .... ,
Thi. weather has been ideal for the
past week.
One of our bachelors . has been
bearst to remark, having in view the
Present mode of feminine dress, that
no mar ,need be deceived now -a -day
as he cart plainly see just exactly
what he s getting,
Now comes the season of the year
when the fancily with a comfortable
home leave it for some sandheap in-
festect with flies and mosquitoes. It
doesn't make any difference where or
what so long as it can be duly an
pounced that Mr, and Mrs, Blank have
gone to their summer home.
I desire to announce that I have op-
ener: a Flour and Feed pSosrte in:. Drat
Wood's Old Stand, ly .Post
Office and will keep a full supp
the best grades of flours and feeds.
I solicit your patrSIDNEY DAVIS
First or Second Class. Professional
for S S. Na; 1, Stephen. Male and
experienced preferred. State salary
and qualifications. Duties start aft er
holidays Apply, toWm. ,
Trustee Centtralaa, On
tice is hereby given that anypersan
found trespassing on the pea lands
of the undersigned will be prosecuted
North half of Stephen; e,Con.
5, and
Lot 4, Con. 6,
qaa be bought .separate if desired;
possession given this coming
fall if
tunable arrangSoil is first-class . and ents are cwith
is well
$zaii,n.ed, Brick house, bank barn, ,
well; '/n male from school:; Rural vIail
and telephone; 1% miles from village.
Apply to J. A. Lamport, R. R. No. 1,
DR. A. F. BROWN, Osteopathic
Physician of London, i
branch office at Exeter and will beat
the0Central Hateln., on appo,ir'-tment m
10 aim to 4p: , y
The following merchants and busi-
rhess mem of the village of Exeter
o close their respective
have agreed tespectm. every
places of business at mont30 hs of July
Thursday duringgthe
a,nd August: -B.. W. F. Beavers,.
Grigg.. Peter Frayne, S. Martin & So
Times: Exeter Advocate, J. A. Stew-
art, Jones & May, W. J. Heaman, T.
Hawkins & Son, H. Spackman, F. M.
Boyle. _____
HOUSE TO RENT. -A comfortable
fryne house on Huron reeett, with
stable on property,cheap.
pply at
Advocate Office, ----
pared to furnish for lwers of all
alllat k' edas
for planting or sonable prices. -JOHN FORD, ceme-
tery caretaker, Exeter.
A second-hand wood range with-
out crack or flaw, cheap. Apply at.
this office
T H McCallum offers for sale his
boast ano three lots. A Mice
at a reasonable price. For 'niorma-
tiot apply to Mrs. G. Brooks, next
door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer
Known for Quality
For sal J bSENIOR,
Photographer, Exeter.
Cedar Posts for
We have this year the finest ,tock
of POSTS we have ever had, having
nothing less than 6 inch at the small
end. G. E. HICKS,
Beim. Lot 23, Cam 8, Stephen, con-
taining 100. acres, and part of Lot 23
Con 9 Stephen, containing 25 acres
On. Lot 23 is a good Brick House,
containing 7 rooms, with cellar; two
barns one 36x58 with stabling under-
neath. Water in stable pumped by a
windmill from never failing spring ;the
other bartn, on frame foundation 30x
50 Farm well fenced and drairied, On
the 25 acres there are 5 acres of good
hotrawoad bush, Farm is well t.ituat-
ed being 3 miles from Dashwood, 3
flora Crediton, 5front Exeter 1own and
station. gravel roads in all directions
1 acre orchard, Satisfactory reason
for;se�g Terms reasonable. r�ortttll
pArtjc rs enquire of proprietor on.
the p 'emises, Josiah Nestle, or 13, S.
Phillips, auctioneer, Exeter. Will be
sold in bIOCk Or separate to suit pm'
claa5 r.
�c.7+dc ••�f...,►�,.:,�lc:,i1;, �� ,e>,..efr, �ly�'!c �,.t+�
Si-. Charles .Tupper- celebrated his
93rd bh'tllday on Thursday last,
Mr, Herbert Walters was ill a few
days last week, but has recovered,
The Exeter Bowling Tournament
will be held on July 29th, 30th and
Mrs Robert Elsie, who resides with
her daughter, Mrs, Geo: Anderson, is
confined to her bed and under the
doctor's care,
July lst was very quietly spent by
the people who remained in town for
the holiday, Many went to Elimville,
Centralia, and Grand Bend.
The first of the half holiday sea-
son ir .town commences to -day
(Thursday: l and will continue through-
out July and August.
The Rev. Rural Dean Taylor, of St.
Mays occupied the pulpit of the Priv
itt Memorial church on Sunday and
p.rene$.bed two excellent discourses.
Rev Collins filled the vacancy :n St,
Dr, Hyndman has purchased the
offices on the premises he ;recently.
purchased from Mr. Jos. Davis ort
Main street and intends retaining same
until such time as he• erects his new
brick building.
Under the auspices of the Woman's
institute the people of town. and coun-
try met at Riverside Park on. Friday
evening and enjoyed bon -fires, fire
works and the Citizens Band. A large
crowd turned out.
Messrs. Taman and Clark, Seldon
and Stewart Grieve and Gladman Ilea
maul and Creech, played in the Scotch
Double Bowling tournament tt - ea
forth last week, but did not wring
home the silverware.
A learned professor has figured
that it costs 4$,000 to bring a boy
to the age of eighteen years, Some
boys who cost more than that have
never paid any dividends. While
others who have cost . much less
have been worth many times over
that valae to the world.
Mis Susie Case underwent a r ret
;cal operation at the home of Mr. John a couple of days in town last week
Northcott Simcoe street, on Thurs- with friends,
Miss Clara. Balkw,ill is ham e iron
Mrs `.Conlan and soar, are visiting in
Mrs. Brown of Ailsa Craig is visiting
Mrs. Quance.
Miss Crewes of Toronto is visiting
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Treble were in
Loador July lst,
The ALisses Heideman of Berlin are
home for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs, Richard i)elbridgeare
visiting at the Sea.
Miss 011ie Ouamce is spending a £ew
weeks in Saskatoon,
Mr. Normaa Jarrott of Toronto was
here over the holiday,
Misr Annie Seldon of. Ingersoll is
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Salkeld od Goder,ic.h is in town
this week on a visit:
Mn. Walter Dearing af. London was
in towr over the holiday.
Miss Johnston of Toronto ` visited
Mrs McGillicuddy this week,
Mr. Thos. Sanders of Toronto is
holiclayine at his home here.
Mrs. T. E. Handford 'of Ingersoll
vi<sitea in town this week.
ivfrs John Hunter is visiting her par-
ents in Grundy Centre, Iowa;,
Mrs. Dr, Ramsay and child of Hant-
iltoa Fare visiting relatives here.
Mr, an Mrs. Wm. Verity of Brant-
ford were ,visitors here this week.
11frs, Wylie of Toronto is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Stewart.
Dr. Stan.bury of Toronto visited• his
brother J G. Stanbua•y this week.
vIr Lorne Scott of ,Toronto cal-
led on friends in town on Monday.
Afr and Mrs, J. C. Inwood 'and .;little
daughter of London spent the holiday
Miss Marjory nand Harry Seldon and
Miss Lillian Boyle are visiting 'n Jng-
14frs. Waugh .returned Monday _from
Hamilton where she was visiting her
Mr. anct Mrs. A. J. Brantnell of
Victoria Square are here spending the
.Mr John McIntyre of Hensall spent
day last far the removal of an inter4 Mr and Mrs, W. T. 'Goodison and
family of Sarnia visited over Sunday
at Mrs D. Johns'
nal tumor at the hands of Dr. •12oore
of London and Dr. Hyndman of Ex-
eter The operation teas a success
anal Miss Case is now an a fair way
to recovery.
A quiet wedding took place at the
manse, Thames Road when Mr. John
Elkott son of Mr. and, Mrs. Thomas
Elliott was married to Miss Marythe
daughter of Mr'. and Mrs. Thos. Houl-
den of Exeter. Rev. Fletcher per-
formed the ceremony. Best 'wishes are
extended the young couple, who will
reside in Exeter,
Rev. S. W. Muxworthy took' charge
of the Maisi Street Methodist Ciidreji
pulpit on Sunday- last, beginning his
pastgrat€ ttfth this congregation. His
stamons on Sunday` were delivered
to good congregations and were seat Mr aad Mrs, Fuller andrfamily, tar.
g Brown and Mr, Chas, Eacrett of Sar-
ly appreciated. They Have now be
come settled in the parsonage Indthe
good people of Exeter welcome !nem
to our town.
The members of Exeter L. O. L.
and visiting .brethren will attend di-
vine warship in the Trivitt Memor-
ial church on Sunday evening, 'July 12
whet" the rector, Rev. D. W. Collins
Tom. and Gladys Rogers of Toronto
are visiting their grandparents, ' Mr.
and Mrs. E, Christe,
Mir. T. H. McCallum and family of
London visited town last week, mak-
ing the trip in an, auto'.
Jack Mathews, after spending ' two
years with Gerald Fitton, has returned
Mr. Will Newcombe, after a month's
visit at his home here, left Tuesday
on his return to Spokane, Wash. •
to hia home in Chicago,
'Mrs H N. Boon, 'left on Saturday
last to visit at Hamilton, Toronto,
Kalamazoo, Mich., acid, Chicago, 111,
visited at Mr. Jahn Snell's Sunday,
Mir E..Christie Cl was wa;s. in Guelph last
week receiving judging instructions
preparatory to act as judge at Fall
Mr ,,and Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney of
the Goshen Line, Stephen, visited at
James Lawsoat.'s and W. H. Martin's
well preach a special sermon xppro- an Sunday;
priate to the occasion. During the Messrs. Kinsman, Stanbury and Ta-
service Miss Nora Walden, soprano main attended a meeting of the Sov-
solost of St. John the Evangelist ereigs' Fruit Co. in Landon on Fri-
London will sing a solo. day evening.
We have been kindly remembered ivlir, ass
d Mrs. Wm. Davis, of Hernia -
again by Mr. Chas. Berney with one of too are visiting the fornter's parents
the first fruits of his towato crop. in Exeter North. Miss Vina Fisher is
It is an excellent specimen, and it is also v siting relatives here.
doubtless the first ripe, local grown,
tomato in this locality, apaa-t from one. -Mrs Harris, who has been residing
Mr Blaney took from his patch July with her daughter, Mrs. S. Davis,
the lst Mr, Berney invariably leads left pia Thursday last' for a visit with
withearly tomatoes, and also in other her ,daughter, Mrs, N. Hooper at.
early garden ,products for that matter.. Tara,
Mr Chester Harvey, clerk far Mes-
srs Jones ,& May had rather an un-
pleasant experience on Wednesday of
last week, and as a result sustained
a broker. rib. He was driving one of
his father's horses an Huron street, Mrr atud Mrs. W. T, Acheson and
east and the animal being hitched too 11Lr, and tylia. W H., Levett left and
closelyometa the buggy kickcaused it to 1l- Tuesday for a motor trip to Toronto,
come frightened.timIt kicked viciously Niagara Falls, and Buffalo. Tuck Stew
several times and then tan away, art is in charge ofc the car.
n g
Mr.Harvey out ofthe rig•,_
thrass.tau� ry y o
against a :tree with the above result. Rev. Dr and Mrs. Ramsay of To:-
rronto visited relatives here this week.
the Clinton Commercial College, Mr, Ramsay occupied James Street
owned 'by.?4-. G. W. Spatton, has been pulpit very acceptably .Sunday even -
purchased by Miss B. F. Ward, rhe tug He takes part in the In
former principal. It will hearafter be Sclioo" at Gode,*cli' this week, as does
known as the Clinton School of Com- alsa'Rev, 112x. Sharp,
merce and is being thorotuglily renov-
ated .ani! equipped. Among ,other Mr. McDonald of Ch;cago srsit-
imbrovements ,is the installation of the ed with his wife at, the home of Mr.
31iss Practical Office, System of Book- and Mrs, John Snell, Andrew street,
keep.;tng. and up-to-date Filing System -ter. McDonald left Monday to visit
In addition to the usual Commercial h`!5 relatives in Woodstock, and he
and Shorthand Courses (both Gregg will be joined by Mrs. McDonald this
and Pitman Systems of Shorthand week after which they will return . to
will be taught) there are, being intro- their home, '
duced a Farmers' Course far the win.- -o--
ter months and a Civil Service Course Mr Geo. Atkinson is giving
to prepare for government positions,
Wheat the Clinton School of Com-
merce opens on Sept. 1st, 1914, with a
well trained and highly efficient, staff
it wili be the most, modern and oest
equipped school of its kind` in the
-A reactionary storm period is cen-
tral on the 10th, llth and 12th. Dur -
Lag and touching these days the bar-
ometer will again make a decided fall,
winds wul. blow warm and trong
from easterly and southerly directions,
all fculm6nating on and next to the
12th in black, menacing storm clouds,,
violent bluster rain and thunder, rise
moan is on the celestial equator on
the 12th calling for phenomenal warm-
th and wicked, .midsummer thunder,
lightning and bluster. The natural or-
der after all storms is a rising ' bar-
ometer ch,artge of wind to the, west
and cooler weather; but such •hariges
wall be less pronounced at this sea-
son of the year, causing prolonged
high temperatures and "heated terms."
Change to lower temperature, how-
ever, will v.:sit most parts from about
the 12th to the 14, bringing shortliv-
ed ,respac from ruly heat.
Mrs. Vanstone .and daughter
Brantford, Miss Emma Harrison. of
Buffalo and Mr. Wall Amos of Strat-
ford are guests at the home of Dr.
Exeter p.ut it all over Crediton in a
League game at ,Crediton; On Friday
11-1, Following is the score,-
Exeter AER H 0 A E
Cann. 1st, 4 2 1 5 2 0
i' eeb Zncl 5 3. 3 4 2 .0
Boyle c,, 5 2 216 2 0
W'inclsQr lf., 5 2 2 0 0 0
Harrington p., 5 0 4 0 1 4.
Myers erg • 4 0 0 1 0 0
Campbell, ss. 5 0 0 1 t 1
Bissett - 35d 5 1 1 0 1 0
Tr,iebnet'. gn,. 4., 1 2 0 0 0
B. Fahber-, 1st
J, Fanner, ss,
F. Kean, m.,
Sambrook rf.,
Matz c,
Holtzman. If.
W etiith 3rd
W. Fah,ner, Znd
K. Fa"hrier, if.
42 11. 15 27 10 2
4 0'3 9 0 2
2 0 0 1 3 03 0 0 0 0.
4 0 0 3 0
,4 0 0 9 2 10
3 0 0 0 0'1
3 00 1- 2 0
3. 1 0 3 2 0
3 0 0 0 1 0
29 '`1 3 26 10 2
Score by innings -
Exeter 340000226-11152.
Crediton 0110010000-1 32
Summary. -Two -base hit, Neeb; sac-
rifice hit Rivers; double ,play, Rivers
to Cann to Campbell; Base on balls,
off Harrington 2, off Fahiter 2, Left
an bases Exeter 6, Crediton 4; struck
out, by .Harrington 15, by Fawner 9;
Umpires, Boyle and Young.
In aLeague game on the local dia-
mond an Tuesday evening Crediton
administered a shut out to Exeter
ball team by timely hitting, the -core
being, 2-0, Harrington's pitching arm
was hit by a liner ,early inthe game
and affected his work samewhat, and
Kang Fanner for the visitors pitched
excellent ball: Both pitchers were
welt supported. The line-up was the
same as itu the previous game, Fol-
lowing is the score by innings, -
Crediton ' 001010-000-2 5 2
l xete,r ' 0000:00000-0 4 2
Harrington struck out 7, Feltner 8.
Ailsa Craig won front Centralia at
Centralia on July 3rd, 8-2.
Won; . Lost
3 1
2 2
2 2
2 4
Ailsa Craig'
The Maim. Street Sunday Schools
picnics at Grand Bend this Thursday.
The James Street. School ,.d,P. fli o•
wise next Tltursday•.a
Mir A, C Moir and wife, who have
been visiting with Mr. Mair's parents,
returned last week to their home in
Stavely Alta. Mr. Moir being station
ageat at that place.
Mr and Mrs. J. B. Gould, Mss
Mar}' and Master Howard, Mr. and
Mrs Harry Bishop and two children;
Mir. and Mrs. Brown and two chid
dre-n ,Mr. and Mrs. Carling Gould
and child of Detroit motored here
Saturday evening and spent Sunday
with Mr and Mrs. Samuel Sweet and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanders. They
returned Monday, leaving Mrs...Bish-
op Miss. Mary and Master Howard to
visit for a time.
71he Bell Telephone Company o1 Can-
ada is exon to print anew' Issue o'its
for the District of Western Ontario, in-
Parties who contemplate becoming
Subscribers, or those who wish changes
in their present entry' should place
thea• orders with the Local Manager at
once to ensure inaertton in this Issue.
Should also report additions and
changes in their list of subscribers,
either to the Local Manager, or direct
to the Advertising Directory Depart-
ment Montreal, •
D. L. & W.
Seranion Coal
Burns to a white ash
his All sizes. Prompt -delivery
house a Coat of paint;
Wg. Levett..
Mr Frank Sweet of Sarnia is here
undergoing medical treatment.
Thc Misses Cudmare have moved
to Mrs Birk's'house, Elizabeth Street
Harry C., the horse owned by Mr,
Chittick got first money • in the
Palmerston races.
at M' M. Doyle is suffering tram
a broken bone and a sprained wrist
sustained when lifting a part of ;he
engine of his auto. .I -Ie will have to
go easy for a while.
We should like to make our person-
al column: as complete as possible.
With the object in view we rvauld
be pleased to have aur citizens re-
port their movements and also let us
know when they have any visitors.
Call up The Advocate by phone, drop
in; and tell us, or let us know by pos-
tal card through the mail.
berry Social which was announced by
.the, Presbyterian church to take place
out Mr Cltristie's lawn July Atli, has
been postponed to Wednesday even-
ing „Tidy 15th, serving from 6 to 8.
Batnc; iso attendance, Admission 25c, EXETER ONTARIO
'Every welcome,
First -, Best
SWEEPER.. Something that should
be in every home for cleaning your
rugs and carpets, No taking tip car-
nets -no dust while sweeping. "a]1
and see it,
SUNNY POLISH -for cleaning and
polishing your furniture -the hest wet
-Sold by
Undertaker 'rlyd 1 icense
Embal to 'r
Phone 20a
Sold By
Lawson & Trick, Exeter
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries,- fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see . us. • A trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
Jas:. Gould'
Opposite Electric light Plant
Exeter North
O.- IN CONNECTION) I wish to say
that I carry a fine stock of FRESH
Groceries and
Dry Goods
Anc' EVERYTHING that can Jae
had in a GENERAL STORE; 410
3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat,
Sausage, Etc., Etc.
Give me a call for your next order
H. Bierling
MiiiSnoeoeer Sale
A Big Clearance of
Summer Goods
Same very special
Bargains offered
All $3 and $4 Trimmed
Hats -Your Choice .$1.50
All kinds and colors, Every
one reduced,
At SOc,. and 75c. and $1,00
Nicely made and trimmed at
75c. and $1,00 each.
For 10c, and 15c. a yard.
Some mice patteans,
One piece only to sell for
$1,90 per yard of 4 yd wide,
All to go at Half pmice.'-
Some nice ones,'
Only a few left to clear at $1
a pair,
A nice Clot of all sizes to
clear out at Bargains.
Frain 3 to 7 years for 5.0c.
Both wide and narrow at
Bargain Prices,
Now is your time to buy atug
or carpet at your own price.
t' a eaig rlarterts for the celebrated W.E. banfoid Clothing