HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-7-9, Page 6e Wedclitig
Or, Ma
led to a Fairy.
1 Iteleea gide ebreete,
M X geeined on him, lie, heaving my
Damning feet eo asacce iaelsinci gavO
L cry of Milner, WO)* that (nit me IA) OA
heese, There withoet the seas.t .wamhing,
the (Little figure leeped eer ee the essrepet,
swayed emend, erre -would hers sprung
ever bete !the dimes. 'Waters, oa rate eireher
side lied I riot *aught hien in my teems
audeleagged bem thw
For au instaiet 40 truggled. violently;
then, 'with a little sobbing soend that wee
wholly feMerine end. rettlilte terry boy ill
/114OTI'S :a711b,41e. arlaiTailehau.b1414ted :their
A soft oep, m,y ensizes [too ierge, -was
oraraMed dawn on the plentiful short
ourls, and p,,arge weelen mutual- -was
swathed oloee up to hie dem Teere wee
no gee -lamp just at thee point, end the
jog Wee denee; beet dimly ne I could se
tare 1$13.1 ail white Dams and clew). eyes, un-
expected, incxecli1J10 it mishit, seem, 1
yet knew, in 0 Midden Iles,h. of mingled
horror end INionder, this this.; poor beret -
ed thieg, disguieed in Trough, bey's clothe
erg, whom I had eeved froni suicide, was
nOrie other than—my lost Lilittht
The .crowd was upon me by this time,
bat, seeing that, I was supporting the lit.
tie inanimate Agare their. victim, they
held baek, with the exception -.of a few
boys who -pushed forward offering to geit
me a, cab.
A/zoom, pov-nor? Want ter bike 'un
to the orspital?" ain't 'urb, is 'e?"
"Why WAG we la -chivying of 'am?
'e'd bin. and accused -us of stealing
purse, and then some one said it wee a
gel dreseed and. we chased for •a
"Cowaeds, are we, and you'll give
ns in charge? Not mush?",
' 'Ere's yer
nsom, sir! zot it fer Yarr "Snare
us a copper, air!"
kb Inet we were *leth
er of e, demon
horde. delving through °Wet, Streets, my
poor little &Alarmed bride end I. Before
respectable -looking hotel I stopped and
brought out, earns laren.dy, A few erops
of -which I conteived to pour dowu Lie
ith's throat.
She choked and sighed, then pushed the
glees away with bee hand, end opened
her blue eyes.
"Where em IP" she e.sked, in a terri-
fied'whisper, stewing about her. _
I got into the oab beside her, and !gip-
ehd my arm around her.
'You are safe in a cab, dear, witb. me,
Adrian Hervey."
She fixed her troubled gaze upon me.
"Why, I TAU aevah trom Bristol and
cae -up to London, .and dressed AG a boy,
just to ,avoid you," she said. "Then I lost
my way, and got my pocket picked, and
then those dreadful creatures chased me,
and I thought thywanted to murder Ine,
and I tried to eerie into the river. Oh!
It eves horrible, horrible!"
Teembling in every linab .at the mere
mecolleetion, she res.ted. her head again§t
my ehouldee and wept bitterly.
(To be continued.)
..., end to -night my feet had wiegs., gaelled
"he on the lee, leaving the ewowd eelleng be.
lend Me; he Meet, heves been neuetereble
oiUy,er (Weed With, feigeiNte X deelded,
keep by t,lee river ineteaet of &retitle
O reee the Toed. np one of the badly let
CHAPTER XX.---(Oontinued).
Weenshoev, -who 'wee euffielently wel
trained to express no eurpirese at, MY en-
expeeted return, had eweeedee Its to the
studio, where lie lit the lamps. Thea ie
ereeented me with teverite letters oat
One lueportantelooking legal envelope I
took up, for it weein tbe hanclueitine
of my late motater'IS ohcitr, and. 4 man
of business, my trustee and very good
friend, .Teenee Csanworth. 1 wee Minoru!
to And whet he had to eaY to me in this
official envelope. for we were stanch
friends, he being i great lover of Paint-
ing. Not -until I had begun to read the
lebter did X resan the feet that Oamworth
had also been the men of bueiness of the
late Admizal Blakieton.
"Just a little unofficial bini of some-
thing greatly to your advantage, my dear
Adrian," Oemworeli wrote. "Now that
tee news of your g.o.d-fether 'mid, groat'
imele, Admiral Bialtiston'e deetih-ewlitch
•eetiched is two days .age—is oillcialiy e011-
1.1-Tme4e 1 may tell yen thet immedietelY
before lea:vine England he made a fresh
• will, by which you are benefited to the
• tune of about two thousand. a 'seer, 'eh
assist you, ea your uncle puts et, eirt the
exeeution of anasterpieece of marine merit,-
inge If the adraieel didn't alter nia will
in the interval—he left Englen.d. three
/Mahe age—I Shall soon have to beerbily
oongratulate you on this nice little wind.
fall, for which I know yesu are totally un -
prep ared." .
Oarnwea•th spoke truly. I had deemed it
within the Tenants of possibility that 7xtY
elderly relative might leave me a few hum,
tired*, but such a sum as this exceeded
my wildest expectations. Truth to tell, 1
had not speculated much about the mat-
ter, and et this particuler moment of
my We this •addition to my modest in -
*omit appeared snob. a ;matey trifle when
weighed. against the alleenDoetahe ;heti
absorbing subject, of Lilitle and her deci-
sion, that Oamwortees rime Zeiled to Pro-
duce tete imprezeion he had inteneed.
"You look thoughtful," observed Wray,
%retelling me elosely over his pipe as I
put the letter down and paused to con-
sider its effeets. "Have you had bad
"I toseed him the letter, and he read it
through and returned it, with a mutter-
ed imprecation.
"What greet luck some fellows have!"
he exclaimed. "Now, I suppose, you'll
ohm* venting altogether?"
"What eould poesibly induce- you to
think so?" .
"Oh, I euppoee you'll settle down now,
marry, and grow fat. By the way, how did
youe wooing speed to -day? I suppose that
libtle girl jumped at you?"
"On the contrary, she refused me poirre
blank," ,
"Refused you?"
• Wray rose from his chair in evident, cn-
terest, and leaned with folded arms ever
• the table before which I was seated ecan
fling my face eleeely.
"Do I hear aright?" be eat:mired. "And
Is it, really passible that, you were refueed
by this little schoolgirl? Try ;her again,
now that you have two thousand a year
more, and see what her answer will be.
"My money is nothing to her," I was
beginning, when he cut me ehert -with a
harsh laugh.
"Money nothing- to her!" 'be cried.
"Show me the human being to whom
money ie nothing. Bxhibit her. for she
will be the greatest wonder of the age!
Money is better worth having than gene
ne, or beauty, or venue:tor love—than any-
thing. in e.hort, for money will buy every
one of them thieigel With money eou
ee• cant ,an „an eael, even
an R.A., and, of couree, eir eree'ishew
R.A..'s are geniuses --ergo, you can buy
genius. As to love, if I had money enough.
I would surround myself with a ha,rem
of the most perfectly beautiful creatures
in the world, ;end they would eat eweete,
and weeks eigarettets, and quarrel like
wildcate, and Ides and careee me, and
love me very rauch indeed. Any woman
will love a man who gives her plenty of
money and sllOWS Ile doesn't care for her.
"With your fortune and your marvelous
luck in picture -selling. I should chuck
London and foggy, dirty. narrow-minded
Eagle -net altogether, and -spend heel the
year in Venice and half in Beane or Paris.
No more =ries skies, no more caviling
remeeke, no more social laws, no more
work! Nothing but ease .and sunshine,
and the miles of comfortable, well-fed,
well -raid beauty! There, Hervey! There's
good counsel as to :how to enjoy yourself,
from a man eight yeate older than you,
and -who knows the world. You are wee
• eome to it, and it is quite worth thie to-
ha.c.co I"
Pte wee stretching his hong arras and
pointed white hands -above his head in
one of hie characteristically picturesque
attitudes, for the man ;was intensely vain,
and perpetually posing. .Mentally, he eas
•perpetually posing, ale°, and I knew him
too well to take bis mouteinge serionislY,
or to be ebeelme by their startlingly 14/3, -
•conventional nature.
"Your advice has fallen on stone'
ground." I (mid; laughing. "I have not
the elightest wish to poseees. a Inrern,
and if I can (rely induce the one woman
I love to marry me, I don't care if I i Ever
look at another:4
"What an extraordinary hallucination!"
• he muttered, as he marched up and doWn
the room. Then, ,suddenly stopping im-
mediately in front of me, he laeked, cure
auely; .
"Are you really so infatuated about th:Is
little Saxep Wel; Hervey? So hard hit, /
sneeze that you 'won't be hammy, till you
get here like the ehild in the a.dvertise.
"She le the one thought in ray mind," 1
aswered. "These is hardly anything I
would not sacrifice to win her.'
Ile looked me full iv the eyes for ee-
weal see:retie in silente. Then he laugh-
ed again.
"Ireaven bele you in that ease!" he said.
"And the •worst thing I can wish you is
to marry her. But you needn't fret your-
self. So soon as she hears of your extra
income, she'll take you like a bird. I
know women! Good night!'
After Wray had xeraoved his jarring
presence I -wrote to Leith, a long, pas-
sionate, foolish loveree letter. In it I
just mentioned the reported legaey, but
I did not dwell upon it, for I knew sb.e
oet no mere store by such thinge than I
A114.1 (it Saturday night by the last poet
oamo a little letter in that stiff and peen
handwriting of here, the sight of whieh
Sent my heart thumping like a steam. -
"Dear Mr. Hervey," Lilith 'wrote. "Since
Thureday I have been thinking over Your
Rind offer, slue although I feel my own
deffelences in the matter of education
• very strongly, I have (twitted to ask you
o overlook them, and to becotut your
wife, since you eo much wise et, and .sinee
you bees; always been so kiner to me. saa.
• lug to see you next Monday afternoon, I
zeinain, eineeeely yours,
ete '• eLiltte. Sexon,"
; Monday, the day upon. which I -was to
go. wn ,ta innase1 so aloe ary affianced
met% epee at Isere
Tate meaming light} istreggled through
• L'Iattl land fog, and apjost linr0aQnably 1
felt ageeleverl„ etereet, but emiesolee 13.17.
ftuntir 'taken 0 te,A_%,,,
lf by in III , aie ,0,4 pane -Ina 0
neYinoole Welled, 0 ip4 y N. 4tt intor
itIATO to be alb , Xt,
- Of oat:tree thief irle
or do to
o Irolio.
mv-itain itho tam hady-
have'111011painted, elti n X pnlig
TRO Pe tiefo
Ma/eh Patry, A Pang 1:a7
heart as I thought Of ;Age ta "of oen.
orcreity," and kinelneee, h veagljt fratiathr
and wise advice, Bete wae in 1me, so
Mach in love that I sang Italian operable
love -songs t tne top at my voice while
dreeSed, and X was in t.lte middle -of an
elaborate xsoulade upon "lc V AMA." when
I heard the double RIIVOX that heatalds
teleera.phia Meesage.
In an Metat I vete in e fever of enx-
iety. Was Pileth ill? Had anything hap-
pened to delay my jOlirnOYF
No exesSes would keen Ind from T3rist01
this time. I wee fully decided. 'anon that
Point, and was tormenting IntrEAU with
snrweea 111.3011 th,a possible eature of the
meseege, when, Weenshav brought it to
I tore it open 'with trembling lingerie.
It Wae from "Kathprine Morland, Mole
lend House, Olittou,' and Nen as fol-
"Is Lana 'with you? Silo left Brietol
secretly by the twelve -forty-five trails last
night. Absence just discovered. Very enx,
ices. Wire reply."
For a few eeconde I seemed. etunned by
the newe. Then I haetily scribbled ou the
"I have seen nothing of Lilith. Greatly
alarmed by your wire, Come UP ,a,t.calee."
Slipping this in nee pocket, I Billeted
my t.oilet in a few .seconds, and derted
from the- house to send off my answer.
Rather more than an hour After -wend, in
a. prodigious hurry, Nicholas Wray 'call-
ed, end menutee two eteps at 4 time to
the studio. -
Bursting open the door, he thrust a
telegram under my eyeei.•
"For Heaven's. sake set detectiyes to
find Lilith -Saeon, Give her •appearance
et offiees. She ,must. have arerved at
Paddington at four this morning.. Adrian
Hervey wires thate he has not seen her.
Soe him."
"What in the world does 'this mean?"
;mime. Wray. "The dee-vetch is from my
cousin, Kate Plerland. Hee she gone elf
her head, do you think? What. should. I
know of Lilith Saxon?" ,
"I have •already been to Pedeingbon
Station," I eaid. "A passenger, a lady,
huddled ins a shawl, which litcl her feat,
wee. arrived alone in a third-class com-
partment from Bristol by the twelve -forty-
five train, and on leaving the station
hailed. a passenger four -wheeler. 1 have
already called at Menaces detective
agency, and. have just hurried back here
in case else :should have called in my ab-
"But what can be the girl's motive for
running away?" asked Weer, with knit,
ted broee. "You were to go down to -day,
ware you not, to ask her to marry you?'
"She accepted me by letter last Sat-
urday, and spoke of looking forward to
seeln,g nee to -day."
"Iss. she quite right in her heed, do you
"Lilith is as sane as you or I. / oan't
bear tor have to tell you, Wray, but
I cane wholly tease your eousin oe get
rid of the idas that she is somehow at the
bottom of ..all. this. She has been from
the beRinneng very strongly against the
match. • .
"So -was I, you remember. But now
that I see you're GO set upon it, I hope sin-
eerely you'll pull it through. Depend up.
on it, -this is some girlish freak. I ee-
member now ehe 'followed you up to town
a. year ago in just the came hare -brained
manner. No doubt she wants to get, you
alone, inetead of seeing you under Kate's
surveillance. Kate was a tremendous flirt
in her young days, and I dare say that
makes her extra -etriet with her pupils.
Take MU word for it, Hervey, if you wait,
this little girl will find her ena,y- here.
teee en all-night journey she May have
takeeiheee4eme in .e hotel to rest hereelf,
or ehe may evetreeeethemPing. You never
know what a gerl like theteeeill, do."
Despite his reaceueing talk, Wray look-
ed pale and Ailltii0U,S, and I felt grate -fill
to ham for his unexpected sympathy. Be.
tween him and his usin, Katherine Mot: -
land, who presently arrived upon, the
scene, there appeared to exist some sort
of strained feeling, for she barely' no-
ticed him, a,md reeerved a.ll her eloquence
for tee.
„ She had been totally unprepared for this
extraordinary conduct on the part of Lil-
ith, she said The girl had retired to
rest at her usual time, a,nd nothing was
known of her Right until her non -appear-.
ance at the breakfast -table led to the ex-
amination of her ZOOM, which was found
• to be empty, while her bed had riot been
slept in.
"I can't tell you the trouble that girl
has given me from. first to lest," Mrs.
Morland eempleined. "She is oo erratic,
se irresponsible, and eo completely dead
to all notions of conventional behavior
and ordinary decorum that I am eeetein
the care of her has shortened nee life."
"But we eleall And her," I ventured to
prophesy -soothingly. "She will come here
te me; and when she is my wife she will
have so much ebange that she will forget
to be erratic." .
"Leith's disappearance would be a blee,s-
leg in disguise, deer Mr. Hervey," MTG.
?Harland aesurerl xne, "if you oould be in-
duced to give up all thoughts of marry-
ing her."
"I have remonstrated with Mn, Hervey
on that head, Kate," put in Nicholas
Wray. "But his mind ie made ep. What
we heve to de now is to And the girl."
Throughout the long house of that most
mieerably wet, end foggy autumn day we
three eought tom Lilith, patrolling th.e
streets in the neighborhood of Padding-
ton and that of Chelsea, calling at sta-
tions, hotels, cabetands, and detective of.
floes, but all to no puermee.
One of the three, we so arranged, re.
emitted always at my studio, to welcome
the wanderer ehould he And hes way
As the day paesed from evening into
night, my anxiety, grew more .a.nd, moee
intense. Ifilitb knew nothing of London,
and was unused to streetis and crossings;
might she not be knocked down end kill-
ed by some passing. vehicle?
At nine ohIock I was left alone at the
studio in my turn of the duty of watch-
ing and welting for the mitering girl. All
day 'I had been rushing from pillar to
P.00t, on foot or in cabs, and all day long
I had fa,sted, being too anxious .end mieer-
able to eat.
Footsore, and with heavy, rain -soaked.
elothes, I was in.seneibly merging iinto a
doze ef utter fatigue, before the comforb.
able blaze of the Bret fire of the eeason,
when I sat, up 'with aestert, fully awake,
and listeeine to si, voice whdelt seemed
to bid me rise and hurry down to the
Emb en kment.
"The river! Go to the river! She will
be there(seemenl to thunder in my care.
So loud, oo insistent, was the bieldieg
that / dared not disobey. As theure a
spitet led itie •forth, I passed down -tains
and out ef the home into the derknees
fund rain of the street. Through the fog
I made my way bY a squalid sheet 'out
toward Moyne Walk..
And there, close by the parapet, which
bordered the riven, the blurred rays ef .a
ga,a lever ehowe.d me .a., mob of men and
bolo shouting, struggling, laughing, and
sweereng, all engaged in ,hounding down
some ereature whom I ootild not ma.
Right in front al the rabble of men end
here stisuggiing end shouting in the fog
by the rivetaido, I *exile to a etandstili.
it Wee ea though ray feet were glued to
the ground land 1 eould net peer: on.
gagguly tl.le ereeture, -whatever it was
OY yerd ehasing, etrenree lo give them
‚tIIfr Olin ; I rive, whet looked like the slim
g re of 0 lite dart from among them
ape froui the, Thnbankrueut earwax,/
lx 4 0 out the roughs were on his
trac., PO Ta,,n, 'Wee ran In adlY, a/though
,t an w no 3r enetreng woe a thing
I head do, being light and wiry iii build,
Eddie Spring -in -the -Crowd Is a
Strange Character.
Wherever a North-West Mounted
Police has patrol work on an In-:
clian Reserve, he must have an in-
clia,n scout to assist him. This offi-
cer is employed by the Mounted
Police, lives at the barracks and
wears a, uniform provided for him
by the department. Re must be
able to understand and speak. Eng-
lish, for he is the medium between
the Red Man and the officer of the
Law in the Indian territory.
Usually the scout becomes a very
important personage among the In-
dians, and is not much loved by
Eddie Spring-in-thd-Crowd.
them. While they are not usually
averse to police eontrol, yet they
cannot overcome the old idea that
the Medicine Man and chief of the
tribe should be the only Indian au-
thority ander which they mast
bend. - ' ,
One of the most enlightened
shouts in the employ of the force is
Eddie Spring -in -the -Crowd, who,
for abort, is ealled plain 1'Eddie.''
What his, father SEM at the time of
his birth to suggest such an uncom-
mon name for his child is not
known, Eddie is orte of the few
Indians of the Blood Reserve who
gets mail 4,$ the local post-offieet
For seine years Eddie has been a
subscriber to a Canadian periodi-
Cal, and while the police affirm that
he-do.es not toad the literature, yet
they believe the pleasure of having
a, 'maga zirie c'eme addressedto him-
self snore than offsets the small
subseription he pays for it.
Eddie ha e no aversion to sitting
f "or hotoraphet The dee a p • One-
panyitie photograph shows him ats
tired in a new serge with bright
brass buttons, Eddie also in-
vested in 4 new ,pair of boot4.
Ontario Produces 40 Per Ceut. of
Field Products of Caligula.
$o mucill has been heard of Can-
ada's grain -growing prairies that it
is but natural the impression
should be held abroad that the
countrie's energies are devoted al-
most entirely to farming, and that
on the plains of the West. Ontario,
with one-sixth of the Province's
population of three million people,
yearly produees forty per cent. of
the total field products of Canada's
nine provinees. It live, stock and,
its dairy produets are fay in excess
of those of the prairie and Pacific
provinces. This Western country
has built up such cities as Winni-
peg, Calgary, Edmonton, Victoria
and Vancouver.
Ilhe farm wealth of ()anoxia is
great but the mines of Canada
stand high in the list of sources of
income. In Ontario are mines that,
during 1913, were responsible for a,
production of $85,000,000—over one-
third of Canada's mineral output.
The two sources of national
wealth, mining and agriculture,
which reach their greatest develop-
ment in the province contigueus
and contributory 'to Toronto, are
reinforced by a third—timber. Last
year's cut of timber in Ontario was
one-fourth of Canada's total of
$195,000,000. - •
Great as these sources of wealth
are, yet the, greatest instrument
for , moneymaking, the greatest
power toward national prosperity,
is the 'machinery in the factories
and mills of Canada. The table
that follows may dissipate a popu-
lar impression fostered by those
who have endeavored to bring only
the ,agricultural possibilities of
Canada into prominence.
Canada's Production, 1913.
Manufactured goods..$1,600,000,000
Farm products (grain,
Jive stock, dairy,
and all other farm
products) -
Forests . ... . ..
Mines ......
Fisheries . . . . .
' 853,000,000
$2,825, 000000
• These figures indicate that manu-
facturing has a greater capital in-
vested in it *than any other form
of national energy; that it must
employ many more people than
agriculture ; that industrialism is
the largest foree in the wellbeing
and prosperity .of the country.
The rwilways of Canada, in which
$2,500,000,000 has been invested,
propose no restriction to the ex-.
pansiert demanded by the growing
necessities of the country. •
It is interesting to observe', that
four billions of dollars have been
invested in the capital of companies
pataraetings , nrins nemanufa,cturing,
financial' an -Ci tra.nsportationsiatara
est of Canada, and that the aggre-
gate export and iniport trade for
the irear 1913 was $1,147,648,243.
The trade balance against Canada,
which. ha,s been freely commented
,upon, was materially reduced, the
exports being $474,413,664, is coin-
pa•red with $3'78,093,990 for the pre-
vious year, the imports' being $673,-
234,578, as, against $645,547,512 the
year before. To the year's, increase
in Canadian -exports manufactured
goods contributed a gain of 29 per
Will soon Be ,40,000 Merchant
Ships Afloat.
Never since the world beganhave
there' been so many merchant ships
on the seas as now. There has been -
in shipbuilding a tremendous boom,
which, thougfi declining, still con-
tinues. By the end of 1914 it is esti-
mated that the total muniben Of
merchant ships afloat 'upon the
oceans of the world will exceed 40,-
000, and that their total tonnage
will he more than 55,000,000. Three-
fourths of these are Steamers, and
the rest are sailing craft, The
tonnage. of the latter, however, is
only abeut One-seventh of the total.
In the number and tonnage of its
merchant -kips Great Britain is far
,whead of any other country. Nearly
half the vessels afloat are British.
According to the latest issue of
Lloyd's Register the United States
ranks text to Great :Britain with a
total gross tonnage of nearly 6,-
000,000, distributed among more
than 3,500 ships. Then comes Ger-
many within 500,009 of the United
States total. Norway outranks
France and almost equals Ger-
many in the number of her ships,
but her boats are small in Size.
Germany and France, however, are
building vessela faster than the
United States, With the opening
of the gates of Panama five new
ocean routes will be created, one
to the West Coast of South Amer-
Zealand, cSndto
ir third AustotthraliOPahainiitiNew
and Oceania, a fourth to the East
Indies and Southern Asia, and the
last of all to Ohina and Japan. Not
even the most aetute of the great
commercial Sea Lords who scan the
horizon of trade. froxn their watch
towers in London, New York, and
Harobtirg, eat' .do more than haz-
ard guesses as te the re-arrange-
does make the'
bread and batter
taste good !"
IT is when you spread
it out on bread or
• pancakes, fruit Or
porridge, that you notice most the sweetness and perfect
purity of REDPATH Extra Granulated Sugar. Buy it in the
2 and 5413. Sealed Cartons, or in the 10,20,50 or
Cloth Bags,and you'll get the genuine AggX, absolutely
clean, jut as it left the refinery. 83
4-' eee,-
Steamship Companies Have Intro-
duced Precautions' Formerly
Thought Unnecessary.
The sinking of the Titailie on
April 15, 1912, resnited in an inter-
national conference on safety of
jif,e at sea, meeting in London in
Decembe,r, 1913. '
• After drawing up a number of
articles for improving' the standard
regulations for safety of life at sea,
the conference -terminated on Jan.
20, 1914, after the protocol had been
signed by " the repr,esenta,tives 'of
fourteen of the great maritime na-
tions and sclied.uled to become law
in July, 1915.
These reCommendatiOnS, are now
pending before the United States
Senate in Washington, owing to the
fight made by the steamship com-
panies, both American and foreign,
on the ground that some of the new
rules contained in theprotocol sign-
ed by the members of the confer-
ence would be injurious to the ser-
vices and in ,some.cases impossible
to carry out.
Following the loss of the Titanic
there he.ve been two other great
maritime disastzrs in which there
has been serious loss of lifeasthe
burning of he Uranium Line steam-
er Volturno on Oct. 10, 1913, and
the sinking of the Empress of Ire-
land on Friday, May :29.
Without waiting for the new regu-
lations to come into force,the At-
lantic steamship companies , have
taken every precaution in their
power to insure the safety of the
lives of those who travel on their
steamers, and in these they have
been supported by the hearty co-
operation of the Governments of
the :United States and Great )3ri-
Te most important innovation so
far has been the ice patrol estab-
lisihed along the ratites taken by the
bergs when they float down frooa
the north toward the. steamship
lanes. Timely warnings are given
to captains of liners ,when they are
approaching a dangerous zone.
Two Ships Patrol.
The two -vessels employed on this
ice patrol, the Seneca and the
Miami, from March 1 to the end of
July, are equipped with wireless
apparatus and send reports daily to
the Ifyclrographic Bureau in New
York of ice conditions. These re-
ports are sent to the steamship
companies. In addition, individual
notices are sent to the different
ships at Bea.
_Another is.tep toward protectirtg
life at sea has been made by build-
nag new ships with double bottoms
divided into coinpartments by;
transverse and longitudinal bulk-
heads which carry right through to
the main deck, so that in case a
ship's hull is pierced by an iceberg
like the Titanic was, She_ woulcl, not
Wunder, at least for many hours,
by which time her passengers and
crew` eoul.c1 have been saved. in the
.Lewis N'ixon, who is an authority
on shinbnikling in America., when
asked if anything could be done in
the future to a,voisl such another
disaster as that of the Empress of
Ireland, replied that it was impos-
sible to build ships that could not
be sunk in a collision if they were
struck in a valnerable part. The
only way was to change the interna-
tional navigation laws to compel the
commanders of vessels, navigating
narrow waters, or on the open sea,
merits of trade and the shifting of
fleets that the opening and expan-
sion of eoutmerce and old markets
will bring about in the next five
years. On only one point do they
agree unanimously, that the world
is on the threshold of & tremendous
n01nth0l0lal boom, and that its stim-
ulating cause is the opening of the
great canal. The principal sufferer
Twin the impending changes will
probably be the Saes, Canal.
in the tra,ck of ships, to slow clowis
to steerage way, about three knot,
during a fog.
This precaution is observed by
most captains to a. certain clegre41
but there has been a. rbendeney
the part of the commanders of f
liners to keep a, certain headway oSi
the ship in a fog in order not to lose`
time in making port.
Next to the ice patrol in imposs
tame for safety at sea, is the regd.";
la,tion regarding Wireless apparatak4
made by the United StIttes Gover*
merit, which came into force a, year
All vessels trading to that couns
try, earrying fifty or more persona
on board, must he equipped with,
an apparatus ettpable of seridin$
messages at least 100 miles. 94
the larger passenger liners this d1 --
tame is increased to 200 miles, and
„each liner must carry ,two opera-
Wireless Precautions.
In order that there should be an
opportunity for the operators te
hear distress calls sent out without
any interruption by commereial
messages, the companies close down
their wireless apparatus on their
steamers for commercial purposes
every night from 10 to 12 o'clock.
A fire patrol with trained. fire-
men, who go around at night isa all
parts of the ship and make reports
at certain points, as is done in big
hotels, is a safeguard against the
danger of a disaster by fire at sea.
Inaddition, there are telephones to
all parts of the -vessel, including the
bridge, whore there are iiever less
than two officers on duty, and hose
leads along the corridors ready to
he turned on at a second's notice.
The raajority of the big liners now
tarry a staff commander whose duty
at is to look after the efficiency a,nd
discipline of the ship at sea,.
Two big liners hate been equip-
ped with large motor lifeboats with
wireless apparatus, which has a
range of 100 miles. The searchlight
soon will be adopted by all lines a,s
a. precautionary measure to ax,oid
running into ice, -which is a greater
danger than running into another
ship, because it often lies lOW and
has no lights.
Patent davits, too, have been in.
stalled recently on liners of the
Olympic Vaterland, and Aquitania,
scla,which will lower boats over
the side one after another without
capsizing, it is claimed, even when
the cleek of the ehip le listed over
to a considerable angle on either
German Invention Saki. to Abolish
From an investigation of the
Snsiorisator," now used in certain
German dairies, W. Freund has re-
ported that the harmful germs of
milk are completely destroyed,
without the disadvantages of pas-
teurization and other sterilization
The milk undergoes no chemical
or physical changes being still suit-
able for making cheese; it keeps
fresh much longer than untreated
or pasteurized milk, and there is no
loss from evaporation.
The value of the new treatment
seems to depend on rapidity of ac-
tion, the sterilization being effected
with very brief heating. The milk
is subjected to a pressure of 'four
atmospheres iu a suitable ohamber ;
is then discharged as a fine spray
into a large cylindrical vessel, being
at the same time heated to 167 de-
grees Fahrenheit, and is -finally led
through a c,00ler, lowering the tetra
perature quickly to about 50 de-
grees, and is received in a bottling
apparatus., The investigation and
Deport were made for wholesale
Milk dealers in Germany.
44 •
Most men also possess the sense.
of injustice.
And it is easier to see trirough
some people than it is to see-
through a glasS eye.
If a woman would cub out the
milliner's expensive creations and
pin a $10 bill in her hair she would
attraet more attention,