HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-7-9, Page 4R ABLEFire grates are three -sided; least three times as long. Shaped in the to grind up Clinkers Jffrri,acewhen "rocked". See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. .33 T. Hawkins & So a3 Local ;Agents, • Exeter 452e.ter Abliortitr, , •a. _ u _ r • S t",reech, Proprietor, I a lettere $L00 per year in Canada e$1..5i in United States. If°not paid in advance 50c. extra per year may be charged '.i# 3JR DA , JULY 9, '14 Centralia Ten annual strawberry festival un- der the auspices of the Methodist Church or, July 1st, was - attended with grttifeing success, notwithstand- ing the threatening weather andrains that fell from time to time through_ =out the day. Everything passed off without a hitch, and the large crowd 3x1, attendance were well pleased with. -the day's outing. There was an abun- dance of strawberries and cream and -other edibles provided by the ladies.. The pro -train of sports was watched with a great deal of interest and furnished much amusement tear both old and young. Following is the list of u acs Certs 8—T. ddre winners :—Boys' Mills, M. Coates A. ?ay' Girls' race under 8—K. Hicks, Hodgins, V. May; Boys' ,•ace un- der 12—A. Hicks, H. Cooper, H. Coates; Girls' race under 12—I. Es- sery E Abbott, E. Webber; Boys' race under 16—C. Cronyn, R. Abbott L. Glavin; Girls' race under 16-R. V. Hicks R. Essery; Wheelbarrow -race—Glavin and Cranyn, Harness end Brawn, Abbott and Hanlon; Candle race—W Austin, W. Huxtable, G, ee ells • Needle arid thread race—E. TJacabs, C Cronyn, L. Abbott; ditto. -race—E Abbott, R. Hedde;n,•N. I-lea- znan• Three-legged race—Essery and 'Morley: Cronyn and Glavin, 'Harness; and Fitton; Three legged race, eiris— Hssers- and Andrews, Redden and Ab- bott, Ladies' £race -R. Redden, E. ' b- bott_, M .141a\'sone; Boot- and; shoelace —« • Davis W. Austin, A. Hicks; 100 Toad dash—G. Morley, W. Essery, E. Neeb: 200 yard dash—Dr. Campbell, G. Morley W. Essery; Bicycle race —L, Abbott, G. Carroll, R. Thomp- oh. THE BALL GAMES Exeter won out in bode ball games 'by a good margin. The players and :scores follow,— Exeter Centralia Morning Game -Cann 1 B. 1Zitchell 1 Neeb 2 Jaci?son 0 :Bayle, C. 1 Dempsey, c. 0 Rii<ers 1 Hodgins 0 Hairangton, p. 0 I Eseeryi 0 Campbell 1 Elliott 0 Windsor 0 Robinson 0 Bissett 1 H. Mitchell 0 Triebner 0 D. Mitchell 0 7 1 'Exeter 01410100-7 Centralia 10000000-1 Cann, c. 1 Robinson p. 0 Neel, 1 H. Duipinn 1 Boyle 2 A. Duplin 0 Rivers 1 Dempsey, c. 0 Windsor 0 Hodgins 0 'Campbell 1 Essery 1 Windsor 2 Glavin 1 Bissett, p 4 Weir 0 Triebner 1 Elliott 0 13 Exeter 01140511-13 Centralda 11010000— 3 flies off one of hie horses when thel an_tnai kicked him full in the lace inflicting a painful wound in his nese and supper lipthat necessitated several stitches, From Mother Source. (Intended for last week,) ' Mrs Philip Fassold visited her sis- ter at Ingersoll last week Mrs Routledge left last week for a trip .to Regina to visit her ;on Ar- chie and others, Misses Lena and Marry Schroeder of Detroit are visiting at their home for a few weeks. Miss Elenore 0. Waiper, accompa;ni- ed by her niece, little Miss Julia E. Snider, returned to her home on the Bronson, after a seven months' visit with her sister and other relatives in Detroit Mr, Hubert Kloipa of Lakeside :sail- ed a* the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L Walper Friday, making the trip on his motor cycle. A wedding of much interest t.o Dash wood people took place in, Saskatoon on June 17th, when Miss Letta Witzel youngest daughter of Mrs. J. Witzel of Dashwood, became the bride of Me. J. M Walsh menager for 3. H. Spews and Co, of Sarskatoon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. W, McIntosh an the Knox Psesbyter- ia;It church The bride who was given away by hex brother Mr. J. M. Witzel was becomingly attired in a lrevelling suit .at navy blue with cream waist of brocaded silk and hat of black •shadow lace with French flowers. They will{ reside in Saskatoon. Crediton Dan Ferguson of the Bank of Com- merce staff is holidaying at his borne in, B elgrave, Council, meeting was held in the Town Hall last Monday. Owing to the absence of Reeve Ellpott on ac- count of illness, Deputy -Reeve. Year- ley presided over the meeting, We are glad to learn that Mr, Elliott is rapidly improving. Dan Wein of Detroit is, visiting his mother for a few days. Exeter ball team .played the local team last Fairday night, Score was— well against nus. Our feelings won't allow us to nention it: All we zan do now is to glory in the past history of the team - The boys say there 'is st it .hope. Le tit come soon,. Later.—Our boys pla9ed the return game with. Exeter Tuesday night and gat back into their old gait, winning by a scare of 2-0. Ling pitched splendid ball and had good support, The boys claim they should be entitl- ed to two mare runs which •a*as dis- allowed by the umpire, because the runners did not touch the bags. Our fans are beginning to sit up and rake notice noev. Harrison Becker, who has been teaching school in Renfrew County, is home Tar his holidays. H, Eilben M. P...2., is campir<i,g' at Grand Bend for a few weeks. Fred Kerr has been awarded the contract to furnish the necessary timber and lumber to repair the dock' at Grand Bend -weech was seriously damaged by the storm last November Mr. B. Brawn, Jr., met with the loss of two valuable horses last Sunday: When he gat to the barn in the morning he noticed tha this horses earl broken 6n ,the gang -way, A :lur- 3 reed search revealed two of them in the large cistern. While he was :.way procurrne help another horse followed the same ,course and fell in. When help arrrived the men found three in-, stead of the two. Only one was 9ul1- ed au alive. after a great deal of work The loss will be in the •eeigh- borhood of $500, and is ail the more serious now just at the commence- ment of ,harvest. Dashwood --o-- le a bail game here Monday night betweer,,Exeter Juniors and Dashwood the home team tt on 12-1. Mr Henry Willert had his barn rais- e tnesday. Mr C. F. Finkbeiner had a nurse injured Tuesday by having its leg :ut lit a fence It will be unable to work far a time, } Eldon Goetz is ,home for holidays Mess Ethel Kellermann and a lady. frient. of Toronto are visiting: here. -Mss Minnie Ehlers after spending three or four months in W.Virginia is hoe, Miss lefarthha Oestreicher of Napier- •v,-.IIc College, is home for vacation.Mr Henry College, es attending the races at Listowel Twe've students of the Northwest - are College Napierville, gave a good. :oneert to a large crowd Tuesday eve. 1 .nit 1,-ecked In the Pace. -Mr, Tes. :tic- ::wile who''; resides east and. north of 'here net with a painful accident on tiforaley last; Tie was, ; brushing the QUICK NAPTHA THE WOMAN'S SOAP, Mr, and Mrs, 'John G. Young and Jos. Dauncey. attended the funeral of r. W Mm Northcott, Exeter, On 'Tues- day. John 1V1clsaac of Mt, Pleasant, el•.ich spent a few days ,in town this past week el, F Either and EIi. Lawson coin- pleted a pluan•h,ing job for Bruce Bos- senberry at Grand Bend last week. Or; rtouts people ha e a ee nY get- ting ting in their winter's supply, of c:o�al of late Chris Fahner, Wrn. B. Geiser and. Ed .Fahner doing the most of rhe teaming 11r, and Mrs, D. W. Baker and daughter Marguerite and Me, ieob, Longmate of Detroit are theguests of Mr end Mfrs. E. Heist for a few days The Glee Club of the; North West- ern College Naperville, 111., Were in aur -town ,last Sunday and ;Monday, They are making a tour of '4lielegem and Canada. Crediton was their first an,o'ntment on British soil The rub co nlsts aitwelve singers. They ere e f .1e bunch of men, full of Iife .tad agar and each possesses a voice of beautiful tone and volume, On Sun- day morning the pulpits ' of the van- ge1 l .a and Methodist churches were ee upee:l by two of the, club, In the evening a sacred concert was riven t the former church, tt was a grkncl tr.tai tc til" lovers of music, 04t Moncl<ay -evening a delightful info_ 5 and was rendered ,in the Town Hall we mttst say et ,blies bee,', a long time seta ' e a x, agram of sucha high or- der u,as give:a; in this town as the one we heard on Monday. The club was at its best and showed itself equ- ally a tholne en, the sextette as well as the , ludicrraus side of life. Their college songs, "Johnny Smoker,"" "Mare loci a Little Lamb," "'Tont, Tom, the PSip�ea''s Sou." ''Mrs. Wins* slaw's soothing Syrup", were especial- ly well rendered and took down the house. "The Soldier's Chorus" by Gouiitod, "The Bedouin Love hong" sung by leraf. Attig and ''13end low, Oli Dart, .y Mine," even sung with; swee tone a•ncl beautiful,' harmony. The quartette selection, "What ,he chimney sang" brought out something in tont' long to be eelnemleered, Ma. Mr. Holzgref',s ,trombone solo, "The Olcl Oaken Bucket" was well rendered. He showed himself to be a master of the instrument, as did Mr. Back the pianist We must not forget 'vfr, Bergess' reading, "The little _log," Hes interpretation of the old man with his little dog was soy realistic that quite a number stretched their necks" to ,sea' the ldttle foam footed friend. He was encored twice and gave a viv- id exhibition. of a: Dutchman .rsing a telephone and a man reading in the garden when he was disturbed by a bee It is a long time since some of our people laughed so much, The program closed, with a group of songs and the college song and yell Needless to say the audience was well satisfied with the evening's program. The boys left for Dashwood Tuesday where they rendered a program that night The best wdlshes of a host of ereends follow them during their travel WHALEN. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Hem of Exeter spent Sunday the guest of the lat- ter's sister Mrs, Geo. Squire.—Captain Gearge Brooks of Toronto is epend in,g a few weeks with his uncle Philip and cousin Wm. Brooks here. -Mrs. Sutherby and daughter Gertie and Miss Verde. Morley leave this week to spend the month with relatives at Park Head .,near Wiarton.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Hazelwood spent Sundey with bis sis- ter Mrs. Frank Bragg, near St. Marys —Mr. and Mrs. Janes Hobbs and efr. and Mrs. Hector .Marllson visited Fri- day last with Mr, and, Mrs. J. V. Mill sou at Hen,sall•—Miss Bertha Batten spent a few days of last week eitlt her sister Mrs. Garnet Miners near Elimville. Mr. Earl Johnston and Wm Tooley visited • over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sam Stevenson in London Township Miss Olive Gunning • nd Verda Morley visited with their Aunt Mrs Jolter Foster near Granton on Sunday.—Joseph Kelley had a steer killed by lightning last Friday :nova- iung•—Haying Islet fell swing this week around here arnd the crop is very good Corn and roots, are looking splendid through this • section of country (Intepded for last w -eek.) ' Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Morley spelt Sun day with Mr. and M,rs,, Sarn,'e Steven- son at Devizes.—Mr. and. Mrs. Wni. Ogden visited an Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ferric at Prospect. -Mr. and Mrs, Albert Gunning spent Sunday with his brother Arthur at eirkton. —Mr eenc Mrs. Hector M llseee s'pen't Sunday with the latter's mother in Landon Township.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood spent Sunday with h s brother at eeirkton:—Mr. and 'efrs, Wm, Brooks spent Sunday with his.. sister Mrs Freeman at Granton. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar slteward for any cage of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Chaney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to Garry out any obligations made by hie firm- . WALDRi3, lilxsAN & MARVitt. Wholesale Druggists, Toied:o, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di redly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price ,So. per bot tie. Soid by all Druggists Make Hall's Family Pills for constipation. MOUNT CARMEL Misses iVM. and W. Kilgailin of Lon- don are visiting their cousin, Miss Clara Glaven.—Mr. Frank Guainan left last week for Chatham, where be will attend college. -Messrs. John \lcCar- thy and James Quarry attended the picnic at St. Joseph an July lst.—Mr. Murray of London is spending a' 1 ew clays visiting his sister, iVIrs. Frank Coughlin,—Miss K. Campbell is spend- ing a few days this week at Detroit. —Mrs. Pat Hall and daughter, Angel- ina of Detroit, formerly an old lesi-' dent of this place, calledon friends here last Swnclay Mr, Jos. Glavie, purchased a new auto last week.—Mr. John Hogan received the sad news of the death of Ms sister, ;Vias, Beynan of Edmonton, Alta, who died in that city car. June nth.—Messrs. Jos. Mahon- ey and Janies Breen spent Sunday af- ternoon at Grand Bend,—Mrs, James Doyle, Sr. is at present very i11 at her home. -Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman of Crediton East were v'isitor's at the home of Mr. Jos. Guinan on Sunday. --Dr. and Mrs. 'Tillman of Landon' called os' friends . here Sunday.—Mr. Peter Doyle and Miss Clara Glavin near Sunday afternoon at Grand Bend -Mrs. M'elecnaugha of Parkhill is. spendins a few days at the home of Mr and Vlrs, Jahn McDonald. HENSALL . A qtr et was celebrated at the res- idence of the bride's brother, ohn Wren B. ' A. at Toronto on rune 30 schen Miss Annie Wren of Hen - sail was united in marrriage toNerman' L. Bra,ndon, a well-known' merchant of St. Marys, The ceremony was pe-. ffo,rmecl. by Rev, David Wren, B. A. brother of the 'bride, Only immediate relatives were present, After she cer- emony Me. and Mrs, Brandon left on a trigdown the St. Lawerenc-e, SC110O1, REPORT of 5. S. Nice Bidclulpl -.•Sr• IV.—A, Washhurn rf, Dabs Jr, IV. --I, Isa'tc, E. !,ewis, L Smith, Jr. HL—W, McFalls, O. rsa,ac, 1-1. 11McFalis, Sr.' II. -0, Dobbs, 2,4, Davis II Carroll, el, McFalls, Jr, .114 —(3 Atken,scsn, M. Mitchell, A. Isaac, G Isaac." E. Lewis. Sr, L—J, ,Tante- sen, C. ?.lcFalls, T. Smith, J ' Smith,Sr. Printer—I. Davis, V. Davis. Tr, Primer, Rupia Baxter, Grace McFalls Ada Iviitcheil. -1V1, L Simpson, teacher. Thick end ih1pi. "1t'e a tunny thing," remarked tbl observing wan. ,"that parttctiilarly stout and particularly thin people .can discover lnslnuatious in regard to their size where absolutely none is meant. Now, tonight In the ear there 'Were two good examples of this within a few minutes of each other, One was a lit. tie thread of a woman who glatneed contemptuously at two well weaning Remus who moved apart and made a space between them which looked Wide enough, for her to seat herself with comparative comfort. "'Thank you, she snapped, ¶tit t prefer to stand rather then all where there Is scarcely room for a small child:' "We bad not proceeded tar when an extremely stout woman entered the oar. She was carrying ,two huge bun- dles and looked tired. Three men in a row sprang to their feet as she began to lurch about as the ear started, She administered a *savage glance at them end said, quite audibly:. 'Well, I never! I guess M 'Ira got to the point where l take up three . eeut.a.1 el better stand rip. avaitile!' — Ruffalo Express, Earned It. A stranger was bunting quail to the mountains of Georgia, where by rea- son of the wild peas they are very .nu- merous. One day his dog flushed a flock of wild turkeys to the rage of a native youth who had be ereep ng toward ttwiu. The • boy promptly brought his old fashioned shi foot rifle to his shoulder, and the bullet cut' up the dirt under the . dog's feet The neat Instant the boy disappeared in the brush. enter itt the day the bunt- er came across a mountain cabin and saw the sante box Inrtbe yard with a man whom he took to be his father. He palled the man and aartly gave an account or the morning's :Incident. "He wasn't forty yerds away whenhe shot at my dog, i think he should hare a good thrashing." he'oontinued "Misses a dawg :it forty yards''" the mountaineer asked in astonishment. '1'o needn't worr,s bout that lickin',• stranger; he sho will gtt one aM eight!" -Argonaut An Elixir of Life. "An annuity Is the best elfxtr of rife I know of, said the examining physi•' clan of an .insurance eouttnmy. "It sometimes seems as if nnnuitan nes.- er die. We have lots on sew hooks who top eighty, ninety and .,ra mine ty--live :years. 1 have passed many a sickly and decrepit old fellow aws good annuity risk—the' sii'klier they are you know, the better risk they make and the next year he has turned up to collect his annuity rejuvenate -d, .rosy, spry as a boy. The secret? The se cret Is that fnaucialworry, fear of the poorhouse, "ages, and kills off more peo- ple than all the deadly diseases COM - bitted. Release an old man by means of an annuity from all this worry, and he throws off his years and walks erect and happy and tearlessly young' Shakespeare's Birth. The exact date of Shakespeare's' birth is not known, and the accepted date of April 23 is based on circum- stantial evidence. There is record evi- dence that he was, baptized en April 26, 1564, but no record evidence of the date of his birth. He died tprll 23. 1616, and the inscription upon his mon- ument is evidence that be had already begun bis fifty-third year, but does not give any birth date. From theme data and other such information . as they could obtain, antiquaries in the eight- eenth century, 100 years after . his death, fixed the date of his birth as April 23, 1564, three days before his baptism. Though not proved 'beyond doubt, that date is universally swept- ed.—Philadelphia ooept-ed Philadelphia Press. Some Words. "Pante" is named after the ancient god Pan because of the sudden and unreasoning fear which the eight of this heathen divinity was supposed to Inspire. Other common words with a similar source in the old mythologies are "vulcanite;" from Villein, the blacksmith; "martial," for lira, the warrior; `jovial,"- from Jove; °satur- nine, from Saturn, and "mercurial," from'; Mercury, the nimble heeled. Strange Neglect. "There's one thing, though;" DM the" stranger, "that 1 really cannot soder- stand." "What's that?" asked the old set - tier. "Nobody around here bas ibured me that this Is the garden spot of the state:"- Chicago Record -Herald. Had His Say. Small Eimer (after the slipper bier. etse —Neil lad l ain't 1 1 I'm s a girl, any way. His Mother- Why are yoo glad? Small Elmer -'Cause I'd be ashamed to grow up into a big woman and parish innocent little boys like me.—eritkago Newit Chile's Walled Lake, In the Chilean' Andes there in a Take 10,000 feet hp in the mountains which is prevented only by a granite' wall a few feet thick from devastating the. valley below. No News to Him. Creditor—YOU couldn't go aroma In tour fine automobile if you paid your debts. Debtor-eThat's col glad sou look at it In the same.11 $ .that do,—Boston Trnnacript DI'econceeting, it is disconcerting when yogi, base ;mid out $500 for a violin and .iud fait' a, fif,w to find that you can't leaks a wliir,•n k on the blamed thing without a ten err n't ".pleee Of wain. THEOF COMMERCE CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $13, 500, 000" MONEY ORDERS Issued by The Canadian' Bank of Commerce, are -a safe, convenient and inexpensive method of remitting small sums of money. These Orders, payable without charge at any bank in Canada (except in the. Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States, are issued at the following rates : $5 and under Over 5 and not exceeding $10 ▪ ' 3 cents 6 " 10 " 30 10, " u 30 •e ii 50 • 15 '4 IMMITTANCES ABROA. u - P CI G D a e ea s ofour I F"1! should be made by m n S E AIr F'O,�tE N Sand ORDERS. Issued without delay at reasonable Cates. MOS2$ EXETER BRANCH—G.•L-. WAUGH, M. anager. Branch also at Crediton Tie iVioIsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital .& Reserve $8,800,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A OBN68AL BANKING BUSINBS$ TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT ..... . . . .. . . . .... TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ...... ,.•,,.•...• Issued BANK MONEY ORDERS . ... SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. - EXETER BRAN' Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. N. D. -HURDON Manager, Fist For Dollars Are'you'satisfjed. with the catch? Are youusingthe best bait 4. Classified Want Ada. in this paper bring results. CwsM..• Ina b V • yWyµ,O Frost .. ence if tY'1 L1 � ty�/rt;f��,. (�A_li'- R� f/IC�:�D��aza*_���'�J�,�yyay��,,, y��.,. �pq!s P 9t1ik7:1111:t7.,,,,7111141111111,,,,J lAmo f :i is�:(,yl,,,r «- n rr h d"pr.•^• P,.�i,6, mUra•¢'M , t tlY�:.pn+Andm• thEe (eau thy► can ee - edtned I so . Looks as Neat When Stretched= the'Posts as It Does iri the P!<c iirg. You. are Protected When, you buy "FROST FENCE" because it backs fou uu wltlxi aca viable reputation, You never see poor FROST FENCES' because there are none. Every rod wilts your .approval, The Frost Wore Fence Company are the only firm operating their ow drawing and galvanizing mills. That's why right material only; goes into Frost Fences. Let .me quote you on these fences that «have running, wires of even leng- th, stays straight ' aid evenly spaced, wire all full size aid t>;eavily gai�aq;- ized. The "FROST" lock is absolutely the surest woyea lock ori , TiY fence It does not slip' and does not weaken the lateral wire With' a kink, All styles, also GATES and 'FANCY FENCES, -nit Frost Special wo- ven wire : Lawn Fence is their "newest' .line. Get catalogue. S. ANDREW, Agent, Centralia Agency for Gunn's Fertilizer—nonebetter on th'e market.' WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA Ontario's Popular Exhibition September llth to 19thr 191 4 INCREASED PRIZE IAST Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two, Speed Events Daily', New Eizeworks Every Night„ COME AND SEE The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian ):royal Dragons The Con, T.7iennedy Shows will 1111.the'Medway. Music by the best available Bands. Reduced Railway► Rates commencing Sept. nth. Special Excursion Days, Sept. 15th, loth, 17th, All ticket good till 8ept 1st sp ALL INl,OR1A, 'ION FROM THE SECRETARY W. J, 1ZEID, President •A•, M. tl,DN'x, Secretary