HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-7-2, Page 8EXE. "ER.. t. V. E A;TB, : TRR,l"TRS.J1AY
Whertt , 98 OS
Bailey.a 0 .52
"Buckwheat 50 00
Oats:, ., .,, 40 40
Peas. .. .,,,, 90 90
Potatoes, per bag . , . 7a 400
Sap,' erilou,., 1400 1400
Flour. per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per ow 1 00
Butter, .,,. 19
, 20
Li ye ho 'd, per ewe
Shorts per ton...,.,.,,•
Bram per ten
2 70
1 00
7 00
25• de
The Ladies of Caven Church it7ll
hold a Raspberry Festival on. Mr.
Christie's Le n. July Sth. Tea served
from 5 to 8 o'clock. Watch for fur-
ther :notice.
1 cies re to :announce that I have op-
enec. a Flour and FeedStore ,.t0 re in F.
Weed's Old Stand, , opposite Post
Office and will keep:'a full supply of
the best grades of flours and feeds,
I solicit your patronage.
Apply to J. ROUTLEDGE, V. S.
tice is hereby given that anypersen
found trespassing on the pea lands
of the undersigned will be prosecuted
FFICE—Owi nag to the .purchase of the ouild-
in-•g it ~which my office has been loc-
aifwt future have my
at the house opposite R, N. Rowes.
Furniture Stare —Dr. McGillicuddy.
DR. A. F. BROWN, Osteopathic
Physician of London, is opening a
branch office at Exeter and will beat
the Central Hotel on Fridays, from
10 a,m. to 4 p.m., commencing June 26
The following merchants and busi-,
/less mere. of the village of Exeter
have agreed to close their respective
places of business at 12.30 p.m. very
Thursday during the months of July
and August :—B. W. F. Beavers, T.
Grigg. Peter Frayne, S. Martin & Son
W. W. Taman, W. J. Beer, Exeter
Times Exeter Advocate, 5. A. Stew=
art, Jones & May, W. J. Hearnan, T.
Hawkins & Son, H. Spackman F. M.
PAY ACCOUNTS.—Having sold my
property and business all accounts are
due and payable by July lst, other-
wili be placed in other hands for col-
lection:—JOS. DAVIS.
HOUSE TO RENT.—A comfortable
frame house on Huron Street, with
stable on property, cheap. Apply at
Advocate Office.
pared to furnish flowers of all '.sande
for planting or for baskets . at rea-
sonable prices.—JOHN FORD, ceme-
tery caretaker, Exeter.
A second-hand wood range with-
out crack or flaw, cheap. Apply at
this office
T H McCallum offers for sale his
house and three lots. A nice home
at a reasonable price. For :nforma-
tior, apply to ors, G. Brooks, next
door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer
Known for Quality
For sale by
Photographer, Exeter.
Cedar Posts for
We have this year the fiaest stock
of POSTS we have ever had, having
nothing less than 6 inch at the small
end. G. E. HICKS,
Auction Sale
There, dill be sold by. Public Aue-
tiac' on Saturday, July 4th,, at 3 p.;
m an the premises, Lot 15, Con, 2
McGillivray, containing-' 100 acres;
marc oe Tess, On the premises is a
good brick house, two good frame
barns and drive house, good orchard;
well watered with wind mill. This is
one of the .best grain and stock farms
in the Township.
For particulars apply to
Mathias Doyle, or Jas Stanley,
Proprietor Auctioneer
London. Ont. Lucan, Ont,
---o -
Bein Lot 23, Con. 8, Stephen, eon-
tearing 100 acres, and part of Let, 23
Con 9 Stephen, containing 25 acres
On Lac 23 is a good Brick House,
containing 7 rooms, with cellar; two
bairns one 36x5$; with stabling under-
;peath. Water in stable pumped 15Y a
Windmill from never• failing apring;the
other barn an frame foundatiort 30x.
50 Farnx well fenced and drained. On
the 25 aches there are 5 acres of geed
hardwood bush.' Farm IS well situat-
ed bene 3 miles from Dashwood, 3
front Crediton, 5 from Exeter town and
station• gravel roads in -all directions
1 -gess .orchard, Satisfactory- reason
fOreeeiling Tennis reasonable.e'er lull
ellartictilars ere:p re of proprietor on
the premises Jtiisiah Kestle, or 13. S.
P%i"utlips .auctioneer, Exeter. Will be
sold itt Week or a•eparete to: sunt ptir-
+e�e:+s .a.�wSjexS. 4
School closed an Friday evening ci
last week
James iticitlr•illiums is quite well
atter his accident and on duty again,
We have triad some ''chilly days this
week, and someone Said it snowed on
Another example of the remarkable
growth this season was shown us Fri-
day by Mr, C. H, Hornet', it being a
stalk of timothy hay 4 feet o. inches
in, length,
ale Le Roy Coultas has resigned
his position as chief dispenser with
Carnhan Bros., with whom he had
been engaged the past year, to ec-
cept the management of the Owl Drug
Co., of Toronto,
-Iessrs. Stewart and Seldon, and'
Messrs, Clarke and Taman, each! won
two games and lost three in the
1 s
Dowb e at London last week
Several pairs of players go to Sea -
forth on July lst tot play in the tour-
nament - there,
Graricl Demonstration at River
View Park Friday evening, July 3rd.
Fireworks, bonfires and sham battle,
Exeter Band In attendance. Silver
collection, at the gate to defray ex
peases. Everybody came- and enjoy a
pleasant evening,
Last week we were kindly remein-
bored with a santiple of strawberries.
grown _n Mr. James Sweet's garden,
and •wo may say that they were as
fine a lot of berries asl we have ever•
seer. or tasted, being exceedingly
large and luscious. Such- kindly res
membranes are always appreciated.
Ed. Little L;indenfelt narrohvly es-.
caped with his life on Wednesday of
last week. He was returning home
from ,school ~~,hemi he was struck by
a large touring car. The wheel struck
him and threw him to the ground but
luckily •slid not pass over him. His
clothes were badly soiled and he was
badly frightened, but otherwise es-
caped injury.
—A change was made in the ;nun-'
cipal Act at the decent session of the
Legislature concerning the date on
which municipal elections may be.teld
Heretofore only cities of not less than
75,000 .population could hold its eomin
ations on the 23rd of December. The
changes make it passible far all
municipalities to adopt this course.
Should any municipality desire to hold
its election January 1, it is necessary
fox the Council to pass,•a by-law not
later than the ,15th of November,
providing it. ,shall be :held, on that day
The larger cities have found that New
Year's is a good day on IN'hich to ;cold
muuiic.ipai elections.
HOUS>~r -:CANVASSERS. wanted in
every town and city, by, •an old es-,
tablushed aiusiat,eee, to sell a hoiuse-
hoid ;necessity, Only fifteen 75c. sales
x;:11 net a 'clear profit of $4.50 per
day: A splendid opportunity for the
right acne/.. Far particulars apply with
references to Box A. Advocate Office
THE SCHOOL—At the la ` School
Board Meet;ng the P.S. Inspee. )Ts re-
po•ri, that of J. E. Tom, was : ead
and found to be the most favors olein
a number of years. The Public School
teachers' salaries were fixed as the
same as last yeas, except Miss Quack-
enbush and Miss Kinsman, who. are to
receive increases of $25 each. The H.
S. teachers engagements are to be
considered on Friday evening, July 3.
markably high temperature is due for
the first three days of July. During
the 4th to 7th, each, sectiorr in turn
may look for a wave of phenomenal
warmth rm breaking into vicious .,forms
of .rain, wind and thunder in most
parte of the country. By this lane
of the year the focus of solar -,/tens-
ity will reach its maximum strength
in more northerly parts of the contin-
ent causing thunder storms, with ,e-
vere gales and guests of rain and hail
in the grain regions. The indications
are that the 4th of, July will be ex=,
tremely warm followed by threatening
and stormy _weather the next three
days; cooler weather following..
Party given by tlae Ladies . Guild of
the Trivitt Memorial Church on tee
Rectory Lawn on Friday evening
was a success in, every way. but in
paint of attendance was not, quite so
large as previous years, owing to the
shower that full during the early part
of the evening and also threatening
weather that followed. The grounds
were supplied with chairs and were
well lighted with electric lights, Ice
cream home• made candy cake rnd
cool drinks were served and found
ready sale and the program. given by.
Mr. Ronan of London was well re--
ceived, . and his rendjtons were en-
joyed and most heartily encored on
all sides. The Citizen's Band furn-
ished excellent music. The proceeds
amounted to over $62.
COULTIS.—B A L D W I N.—A very
pretty event was solemnized on Sat-
urday June 20, when Miss Jessie,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
N. Deldware Wellesley street,, Toronto
was united in holy matrimony to W
C. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Co•ultrs of Toronto, formerly
of Exeter, The ceremony was per-
formed in St. Augustine's Church, To
mato, by the Rev. F. G. Plummer, ai!
2,30 p. m, High Church. Only the
immediate relatives and friends were
present. Mr, C. L. Coatitis, Phm, 13.,
Toronto„ brother of the groom of=
ficiated" as groomsman, 'and Miss, M.
A.MacDottald, Toronto, as bridesmaid
The bridal gown was of white voile
trimmed' with white silk and Panama
hat ••to snatch.' The bride's :travelling
dress was of light blue, broideaux, with
hat to. match, After partaking or a
cla.nty luncheonat the bride's hoarse
the happy couple left on, the 5.20
train for Boston, Rochester and Cam-
bridge via Buffalo, for a ten -days
trey and will ,return by Montreal and;
Ottawa.:vis,,ti;ng: principal points era -
route They will he at home' to their
fe,ende after October 1st, at ;74
WeInagten, street, Toronto,,
We are printing ,a, da earlier owin
to the holiday tl i sweeI
f Air Wrn, Hurtling took charge 'of
R. G Seidel% weigh scales at the
statj0u Judy 1st,
f l?e ' ,Burtanon of .Icaitrkton oecupied
Janie Street pall* Sunday morning,.
Rev. Westman Of the •4STest preached
the eyening and delivered one of
the best sermons heard un years. He
also addressed the Sunday School,
Rev. Powell p;reiteh,ed his fareivoll
sermon in Main Street church Sunday
Ievening to a. lame congregation; The
Cavan.cbureh closed for the.occasion,
i tyle. Powell and fammily are this .•week'
moving to Clinton to •Tesicie, and Rev,
Aluxworthy and family will arrive on
Those who peat money orders to
Europe which were lost oa the Em-
press of Ireland will not be out of
pocket „as duplicates of the inoney or
tiers ;held at Ottawa, will be copied
and dispatched to Landon, There
the pa,rties ;concerned will be notified
and paid the money at their near-
estpost office, It is estimated that
peer $140;000 tut money orders went
down in the St, Lawrence in the
mail bags
.A great °number of Exeter eitiz-
en»` take the trouble to keep their
lawns, beautifully expending much time
and labor upon them and thus adding
to the beauty of the! town in general
There are a few ,scattered here and
there who seem to take no pride in
having their• premises present a neat
and tidy appearance and these places'
prove eyesores to the tidy ones end
distract from the general effect. Lets
unite in making this tow. n• the neatest
and tidest ever.
The post office department has is
sued a circural letter to postmasters
throughout the Dominion notifing them
that rural mail carriers are prohibited.
from receiving and delivering parcels
under 71 pounds unless prepaid at
the regular rate of parcel postage
stamps at 6 cents to a- parcel, excep-
tio,n, is made to the rule,, inthe cases
of medicines from the; local doctors
and bread, Rural box .Holders' have
in, the past been in the, habit of place
ing money for stamps with the 'tetters
for the mail gatherer, when, lack of
stamps The department axe notifying
all box holdersnot to do so, nor leave
money :n the boxes for any purpose,
A publ::c • in,eet,ing of the \ eirtaa's
Institute was ,held at the home of
Mrs Amos on Monday afternoon, when
Dr. Edna Cowling of Torontct gave a
very interesting address on "Our
Country' Assets," in which she em-
phasized the n;ecessirty of training our
Canadian children that they might be
an example to the foreign children
coming among us; and also giving aur
girls proper educational training. Dr.
Cowling ;referrecl to the benefit of
medical inspection in our schools.
Severn. new members were lidded to
the Institute.. Lunch was served at
the close of the meeting and final
arrangements were made for the dem-
onstratid s nit River View Park on
Friday evening, July 3rd.
MAY—DAVISealn Trinity Church,
Mitchell .on. June; 24th, the marriage
Wa ? solemnized of Frederick .Austin
May formerly of Exeter, son of Mr.
an,d Mrs W. F. May, and Miss Ger
trude Davis youngest daughter' of Mr,
and .Mrs W. R. Davis. The priests
officiating were : Dean Davis, Lon -
den, the bride's uncle, and the Rev.
'T. J Charlton:, the rector. The ush-
ers efr Harald Davos and Mr. F. K.
Matthews followed and earning after
them three little nieces ;&f the bride.
A leen Davis, in palest blue, Helen
Davis or Beeton, in shell . pink, and
;tL*:an: • Davis, Tilsonhirrg, in pale
green; charmeu,sesatin, each little
n;aici frilled with shadow lace and
rvearineoa drooping hat. The bride,
given away by her father, wore ivory
duchess satin with shell pink ostrich
feather t ammSip pearls and lace,
the train faced with shell pink, and
caught with a truelovers knot, Mr,
William May of Exeter, the groom's
brother, was the best man. After
the ceremony there was areception
at "Poplar Hall" Mr. --and Mrs, May
leaver°. later for Montreal and Quebec
the bride travelling in navy blue serge.
Mr- Edgar Homey is visiting in
Stratford th;s week.
_\'less Bonthron of Toronto is visit-
ing friends in town :
Mr Francis Hill of Chatham is bol-
idaylag at his hoane here,
Mrs. H. Robertson of Stratford is
the guest of Mrs. N. J. Dore.
.Mss Cece_ a Ferguson of Londe -if
caller' on fasends 'here Monday.
ars 5. C. Inwood and daughter of
London are here for the holiday.
Mae. G. 1-[, Tom of: Montreal is the.
guest of herparenrts, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Yo,uiig and fam-
am-ily of London are guests; of Me and
Mrs. James Beer.
Mrs Dayman has returned to Kip -
pen after vesiting with her sister,Mrs
C. Williams here
Mr and Mrs, B. W..'F. Beavers at-
tended .the <wedd:.ng in Bayfield of
Miss : Pearl Aldworth last week,
Dr Partridge and daughter of.
London were guests of Mr. and Mrs,
B, W. F. Beavers during the week. .
Mr:: Peter Robertson of Stratford
visited in Exeter over Sunday. Stella
and Aljoe Sanders returned with her
for a short vacatioru.
From Room VL to Room V. -Pass
B, Acheson 71, L. Hartleib 70, H.
t an 70 l . Hedden 70, P. Sanders e7
F Vincent 65, W. Gillespie 65, E
Well.; 63, O. Bedford 62, J. 3awey
60' Recommended --M. Wood ,ri$, ; C.
Sr II. to Jr, III,—Honers—G, Pow-
ell 80 C Doyle 82, G. Redden 8.4
B B?own. 79, H. Cookson 77, F, Barr
75,. 14.f: Norry 75, V",w Vats 75;Pass-•
L, Harness 74 W. Ottwehi 74, G, Hat•
ter 73 R Taylor 72, G, Bedford 70
W Lawson 70, &, I)aviist 69, J. Bradt
64, M Elworthy 64, M., Webster 63,
R, Wi.twer 60 W, Webster 60. Rece
oniniended--H, Kuntz 57, J. ,Morley,
No an roll 37; average. 35.
H, M. Kinsman, teacher,
JIT „Y , iH14
Mrs. Jas, Metatosh o.E Lotxion vis..
iced with Mrs. Jas. Lawson during t?w
Mysses ;clary and Levine ;1Iarloek 'of -
Detroit are visiting their aunt, Miss
A Morloc1e.
ss Hatae aildo, )veal has been
spendingMi,Ha, tat millIdinefryxdseasono in Tor-
onto returned home on Friday.
Mrs Devid Roes has returned to
Winnipeg after spending the past
few months with her parents, Mr.
and Mas Rivers. --
Miss Eva Carling and Miss Winnie
Carling after holidaying at their
home here, xettraysed Monday to New
York and Brantford. respectively:
Mx. ,le, S. Hamilton of Turgoose, B.
C,, a former resident of Dashwood
and Grand Bend, Ole) has been visiting
friends zed relatives in the neighbour-
hood for a few, clays gave the Advo-
cate a pleasant call on Saturday Mr.,
Hamilton speaks in glowing terms of
3, C and the ;prospects of that
country notwithstanding the dull-
ull ness of things in general at the pres-
ent time.
Miss Ida Armstrong is visiting her
sister in Lueknow.
Miss winter Fisher of Hamilton is
visiting relatives in town.
Mrs. Peter Robertson of Stratford
visited here over Sunday with re-
Mr Roland Br•iotnell of Winnipeg
is here visiting with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Jas. Brintnell
Mrs. Morris who has been visiting
at the home of brother, Mr. L. B.
Dickson, returned Monday to her
home in Renfrew. Mrs; Dickson ac-
companied her. ' • •
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Crocker, Mes-
srs. Ed. Floody, Nelson Cubbledick
and T. T. Hodgson came up from
Toronto on Saturday on the Old Boys
Excursion and spent Sunday ireTown.
P �
The gentlemen made a tour of the
county by auto going through Sea -
forth, Wingham, Godeticb, Bayfield,
Grand Bend, Crediton,. Exeter, and
on to Clinton,
The Canning Factory started the
pea pack this week. •
Dorothy. the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Dinney, was rather
badly scalded 4111 Friday last. The
little tot was playing t eside a small
coal oil stove on which was standing
a kettle of water and in some manner
she pulled the stove and kettle over
on herself and the water spilled ower
her hands and feet scalding them rat-
ber severely.
cralll-on Coil
Burns to a white ash
All sizes. Prompt delivery
W. H. Levett
Exeter North
O: 'IN' CONNECTION) I wish to say
that I carry a fine stock of FRESH
Groceries and :
Dry Goods
And EVERYTHING that can be
had in a GENERAL STORE; Also
3' kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat,
Sausage, Etc., Etc. -
Give me a call for yourc,next order
H. Bierling
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant
First - Best
SWEEPER. Something that should
be in every home for ,cleaning your
ruga and carpets. No taking tip car-
pets no dust while sweeping, -all
and see
SUNNY POLISI-•for cleaning and
polishing your furniture—the best aet
-.Sold by
tltldertaker and'
1c nse
'bone '20a:
!pPUu 'i
The Watch
That Runs
On Time.
Sold By
Lawson & Trick, Exeter
The Famous Brockville
Canada Carriage Buggies
We have received a Carload of these buggies.
New styles, seat and tops, that will please you.
This is a particularly fine lot of buggies and we are
sure that you will be delighted with them: Call
and look them over.
Wes.. Snell
- Exeter, Ont
Mid -Summer Goods
We have the Goods
To keep you kool
Summer wash Goods Ladies Fancy Wear
Plain Crepe, Fancy Crepe, Rice Lace Collars & Cuffs, Embroid-
Cllotb,- Seer Suker, Racine, Bedford ery Collars, Beads, Tango Cords,
Cord, Linens, Ducks & Ginghame. Beetle Ties, Fancy Purses and
Hand Bags, Frills and Laces.
Ladies & Children Ready-to-wear
White Wear
White dresses, Waists, Skirts,
Underskirts, Corset Covers, night
Gowns, Drawers, Hose and:Gloves
A real nes lot of trimmed Bats
& Shapes to be sold cheap. Come
and buy your summer Hat atyour
own price.
House Furnishing
Rugs, , Carpet Linolenms, Cur-
tains,,Cnrtain nets and: blinds.
Colored Wear
Outing Dresses, House Dresses,
waists, Underskirts, Wrappers, a-
prons, Rain Coats, Suits,
Gents Fdirnishings
Straw Hats; Caps, Shirts Collars
Ties, Sox, Suspenders, Pyjamas
N. Gowns, Underwear, Soft Hats
and Stiff Hats.
Men's & Boys' Clothing
A nice lot of Summer Suits for
Men and Boys just
y the rhino for
the hot weather.
Headquarters for,
q the celebrated W. �. Sarlfond Clothing