Exeter Advocate, 1914-7-2, Page 5"e Vex
Dr. G. Ia. EQUI.STPN, L.D.S.,
• D'2i.N,T I S T
limber of the R,C,'D.S, or Ontario and
Honor, Graduate of Toronto: 17niversft101
Mice --Over Dickson & Cariingg's lava
otrice. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
D1 .. A. It, KINSMAN, L.D.S.,
Hanoi—Graduate oC Toronto University
Teeth extracted without pain, or any'
bad effects. Office oyes' Gladnvan &
Stanbury's Office, Malin Street, Eseteir:
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coni,
missioners. Solictt,ors for the Molpons
Bank, etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices—aladn-•St, Exeter
I- R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We, have a large amount of private
Cunds to loan on maim and village prdp-
ertiee at low rates of inte,rest.
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter.
Agent Confederation Ldfe Assurance
Company, also Fire Insurance in lead -
Mg Canadian and British Complinles.
Main -St., Exeter.
Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and eon -
ducting auction. sales. — Exeter. Ont.
THE sole head of a family, or any
male oyer 18 years 'old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available Domin-
ion laird in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta. The applicant must appear
in ,perso'r, at the Dominion Lands Ag-
e ecy for the District. Entry by proxy
may be made at the; office of any Lo -
41 Agent of Dominion Lands (not
Alb -agent) •ohs certain conditions.
Duties -Six months' residence upon
age/ 'ctiltivatiosz of the land ineach of
three years. A 'homesteader may live
Within. done miles of his, homestead en
a farm of at Least 80, acres, on certain
conditions. A habitable .house is re-
olwred in every case, except when
sidenceis performed 'n the vicinity.
Incertain. districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt aquarter
section,.,alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties' -Six months resi-
dence in, eeele of six years from date
of homestead entry (including the time
required to earn homestead patent)
A homesteader who has exhausted
hers hoMestead right and cannot ob-
tain a ,pre-emption may take a pure
chased homestead in certain. districts.
t Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re-
side 6 ,months in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house
worth $300.
The area 'of cultivation, is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub-
by ar stony Land.
Deputy of the Minister of' the Interior
N.B.-Unauthorized publication of
tht® advertisement will not be paid tor.
Become a specialist in, Business. It
offers more opportunities than any
other calling. To reap; the full .neas-
ure of success you must have the
bees possible ; training,; This is Ont -
arid s Best Business School. We give
individual attention. You may enter
our classes at any time. Three De-
partments, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Write at once for out
free catalogue.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
for a business 'career, Attend.
Toronto Ont., where you will get
correct instruction and assistance in
obtainjri ,employment when competent
College open all summer. Enter any
time Catalogue free.
u interested and should now
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling S ray"
.Asir your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
.the MARVEL, accept no •
other, but send stamp for Illus-
trated book -soared. It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO..Windsor, Ont
General Agents for Canada.
Between all stations in Canada rant
,a: Pout Arthur and ,.to Detroit aicl
Part Huron. Minh., Buffalo, Black
Rock. Niagara. Falls and .Sitspensi;on
Bridge, N. Y. -
SINGLE FARE—Good going end t e
tu,rnSnp Ttll,y 1st.; • ,
FARE; & ONE-THIRD—Good go„ner
Juno 30 July lee Retititn._limit ,faly
Round-trip tickets to points in West
eta Canada. via Chicago, St Paull, Du)u -
lutli or Sarnia artcl Northern. Naviga-
tion Company, on sale each Tuesday
tutltil October 2/, inclusive, at very
low fares
Ticketsand information at all Grand
Trunk Ticket O ti,ces,
14.. J. DO1:,E, Exeter,
The school picnic held last week was.
a success,notwithstanding the cool
day, although the crowd was not so
large as on former occasions. The
School Obildren's races were Well car-
ried out and each one received a small
sum they no doubt always looked
for. The Thames Road girls played
a game of Baseball with the Plug -
town girls, and it sure was an exciting
game. the score, •after 6 innings, stood
22-9 in favour of the home team
The game between Cromarty and
Thames Road men was stopped by the
rain and will come off later on,
Rh:emua Will Stop
Uric acid Disposit
Rheumatic Complications Checked
and the "Human Sewers" Restored.
The Kidneys, Bowels, and. Skin are
the "human sewers" which carry off
the impurities of the blood. When
these are clogged Uric Acid sediment
lodges in the muscles and joints and
Rheumatism follotivs. RHEUMA, the
great remedy for all, forms of the ter-
rible disease, checks the, deposit of
Uric Acid.
"For many years I suffered with
Rheumatism. I am 71 years old, but
amproud to say that after using one.
bottle of RHEUMA the Rheumatic
pains are entirely one. I daily recom
mend RHEUMA to my friends." —
Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont.
Mrs, Scott, of Beechyille is the
guest of her sister Mrs. Sutherland.—
Mrs. A. H. King of Toronto, is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Neeland.—,
John and Will Marshall are home
from Belleville for the summer vacat-
ion.—Rev. Mr. Steadman of Ellimviile
preecbed in the Methodist Church
Sunday morning and evening, and
Rev, Mr. Hicks took his work. -Miss
Nina Whiteside left on Monday to re-
side in Detroit.—A1, Fairbairn, wife
and family left for the West, where
he will resume farming.
The marriage was solemnized on
Wednesday, June 24 in the Mount
Brvdges Methodist Church, of Miss P.
Short, daughter of Jabez Short, third
concession of Caradoc, to Earl Paton
son -"of A. E. Paton, Olandeboye.
Rev A. E. Millson, cousin of the
brideperformed the ceremony, assist-
ed by Rev J. Agnew, pastor of the
The bridal chorus from 'Lohengrin'
was played by Miss Carrie Paton, sis-
-terof the groom, The bride was as-
sisted by her sister Miss Violet.
Little Miss Eva Lewis neice of the
bride, was flower girl. The groom
was supported by Clayton Carpenter
of Cleveland, Ohio.
After a visit among friends in var-
ous parts of Ontarioleaving for their
future home in Cleveland. Guests
were present from Cleveland. London
Mitchell, Exeter, Olandeboye and
White Oak.
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting. .. There is a contetitutional cause
for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box
W. 840. Windsor, Ocat., will send free to
any mother ' her successful 9ome treat-
ment, with full instructions. Send no
money but write ';her to -day if your
children trouble you int this way. Don't
blame the child, ttie chances are it
can't help it. This treatment also cures
adults and aged people troubled with
urin< difficulties ' by day or night
263 -265 YONGE ST.
gulating Pin for Women. $5 a box or threefor.
$ot.d at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price. Tae ScosEnr. Dano
Co., St. Catharines, Ontarlo.
Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey
matter" ; a Tonic—will build you up, $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price; Tai Scoltiri , linea Oo., St: Catharines.
•Pdclt tuesday until October 27th, inclusive.
Winnipeg and Return - $3500:
Eclmontoii-and Return -. •
;: l for Totoritd; and Statiorfs'tVest and
fromrSt of Toronto, 'Proca,'
tlonsEast of Torontoionato fates
Return Limit two months.
Particulars regarding ItAIIsor ObTM tickets'
irate CRtnd,au Pacific Ticket Agents or write'
M. G. IviI712i'II Y, I7,1''.A„ C.P. Ry., 'Toronto,.
Important Tilts Which Have
join ng the a Week.
The Busy World's Happens s Care.
ttty Compiled and int Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper -4
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Halifax yesterday celebrated the
165th anniversary of the founding of
the city,
Sir Robert Borden will leave for
Halifax soon, and will remain there
about a fortnight.
E.W. Cha
m axs, for years one of
the best known stock men in the Pro-
vince, is dead at his home• on Park
Row, Woodstock.
Albert Thompson, charged in the.
Tsronto police court yesterday with
shopbreaking and shooting with in-
tent to kill, was sent to Kingston
Penitentiary for two years,"
Mrs. John Noble of London, Ont.,
who was severely burned when an
oil lamp she was carrying exploded
on her 'being seized with an epileptic
fit, died in Victoria Hospital.
There is a strike on at the Gov-•
ernment elevator at Port Colborne.
The men want more pay for working
overtime. This will tie up the grain
trade until a settlement is reached.
To save the life of one -year-old
Vera Jones, of Youngstown, Ohio, the
child was taken to Pittsburg for an
operation to remove a piece of egg-
shell from her windpipe. The child
was choking to death.
Finding the name of M. McLaugh-
lin, 27 Wilton avenue, Toronto, in a
book in his vest pocket the police are
communicating with the Toronto au-
thorities to identify a stranger found
dead in a brick yard in Hamilton yes-
Joseph Gurney, aged 12, died at
Fort William from injuries received
when he ;was run ove- by •a C. N. R.
train. • It was his twelfth birthday.
The long-standing claim of the
title of the Indians of British Colum-
bia to extensive areas of lands in that
province is to be submitted to the
Exchequer Court -at Ottawa.
The harbormaster of Goderich
went to Twelve Fathom Shoal, yester-
day, but could find no trace of the
wreck of the Wexford or Regina, re-
ported to have been. seen there.
"Add a million a year td the Sun-
day school rolls," is the slogan of
the 4,400 delegates to the Interna-
tional Sunday School Association
convention in Chicago yesterday.
An unexploded bomb was found
yesterday in the porchway of the
.Church' of St. Mary the Virgin, at
Reading, Eng., and is supposed to
have been placed there by suffrag-
Charles Wright, only son of Col.
Wright,. of Tillington, Staffordshire,
Eng., who recently returnedfrom
Canada, was found shot through the
head, with a gun by his side, in Lon-
don yesterday.
Lawrence Marples, of Goderich,
aged 22, will attempt to • cross.. the
Atlantic in a 30 -foot motor boat, ac-
companied by three friends, in an en-
deavor to win a $25,000 prize ,offer-
ed by The London Mali
That over 22,000 horsepower of
electric energy is available in the
Bruce peninsula is the report . Sir
Adam Beck has received from his en-
gineers. The approximate cost of de-
velopment is $2,000,000.
The Greek Government yesterday
ordered five classes of the reserves to
return to Greece by Saturday.
Archillo, the four-year-old son of
Peter Scigliano is dead as a result of
being run over by a wagon. Three
months a five-year-old daughter was
fatally burned.
Fighting continues in Albania, and
the Mussulhan;:insurgents, according
to late advices, have captured Beret,
30 miles northeast of Avlona, and
one other small town.
Lieut. Kolbe was killed yesterday
at Schwerin, Germany, by the over-
turning of the aeroplane he was pilot-
ing during a too abrupt landing. Cap-
tain Ruff, his passenger, sustained a
brol*en leg.
An attempt by fifteen Hindus to
force their way to the Koinagata
Maru and gain communication with
their countrymen confined there, Wab
frustrated by the police and immi-
gration. officers.
To jump from the name of Devil's
Den to that of Eden Park is too
much for the people of Weston, Con-
necticut, and they are vigorously op-
p.osing a change of name for "that
historic locality.
It is declared that Hamilton's four
controllers were irregularly elected
last January following the failure of
the municipal act to provide for
Boards of Control in cities of over
a hundred thousand.
Tile Brighton, Eng., Liberal exe-
cutive has decided not to contest the
seat at the bye -election, rendered
necessary by the retirement through
ill -health of S. J. Gordon. Brighton
is one of the Unionist strongholds.
Col. Theodore Roosevelt announces
his return to the political field as
leader of the Progressive party.
The funeral of- the late Hon. S. H.
Mak) was held yesterday from his
home, 44 Maple avenue, Toronto, to
St. Paul's Church and from there to
St. James' Cemetery.
Vice -Pres; Geo. Dury of the C.P.R.,
who has :last returned from a trip
through the western provinces, de-
clares that he never saw the westetn
crops in such promising condition,
Westley' Pally, an • oiler on the.
steel steamer Roumania, became sud-
denly insane yesterday in :the St
Clair river and attaeketl,the captain
with an axc. ,'Re died latera In 'a fit.
The body of Mr. Dell,' of Meaford,
was recovered.froin the harbor at Col-
lingwood yesterday 'by :Adting Chief
of Police Plant, The body had .evi-
dently been in the' water :Cor ten days
or more,
The Archbishops of Westerat Cane
ada Band in London, Eng,, received
$25,000 less last year than in the
rear, previous; $90,.000 was sent
direct to Canada, $15,000 being pass-
ed to other chu,rob societies,
Rev, Dr, Wenyon, a leading Metho-
dist minister, .has just served two
days in prison as passive resister
against the Education Acta He had
always resisted the act of 1902, but
previous]:' only his goods were seized.
The C. P, R. has contributed $20,
000 to' the fund fox the relief of the
minors killed in the Mil -
An "arson squad" of suffragettes
caused damage to the Episcopal
Clellggrchaand, atyesteBallylesaenrday. , near' Belfast,
Seven persons were killed and more
than a score injured by a dynamite
on 'the
U. v
S o �exnm t
Osage fleet at Smitheonia, Ala, on
the Tennessee river.
Many were killed or injured yes-
terday in a violent earthquake which
caused widespread damage in south-
ern Sumatra. The offices of the
Dutch resident and many other
buildings collapsed.
pureed aimest to a cinder, the
body of J, Pacaud, •a lineman in the
employ of the Public Service Cor-
poration of Montreal, was found yes-
terday lying In a ditch at Cartierville
alon §ide auelectric ole
Several telegrams from all parts
of the Dominion, conveying good
wishes, were received yesterday by
Sir Robert Borden, the occasion being
his 60th birthday. The Premier was
B1854orn. . in Grand Pre, N.S., June 26,
A farmer stricken suddenly with
homicidal mania was shot yesterday
at St. Maximin, France, by gend-
armes. After killing a doctor who
was making a professional call at his.
home, the farmer ran rmuck and hurt
Evelyn Hurst, two years old, at
Chatham, choked to death in a spasm.
of whooping cough.
Ex -President Taft and Mrs. Taft
and party are summering at Murray
Bay, Que., for the sixteenth time.
Jos. Arlien, " of St. Thomas, went
in bathing at fort Stanley yesterday
and was drowned. He is supposed to
have taken cramps.
Hydro -electric power was officially
turned on in St. Catharines Saturday
night for the first time by Mayor Pe-
trie in the presence of the Hydro
Commissioners, aldermen, city offi-
cials and citikens.
The wash from the propeller.of the.
steamer Jacques of Montreal' caused.
the lower portion o1 the head gates
of lock 8, Welland Canal, to unship
Saturday night,, totally tying up nava
gation until yesterday afternoon.
James Weller, 66 Manning avenue,
Toronto, while addressing the gath-
ering in the Salvation Army Citadel,
Tecumseh street, yesterday was
stricken with heart failure and died
before assistance could be procured.
The charge, of perjury ;against
Thomas ` Grimshaw, a Conservative
worker in Guelph, for affidavit that
Alex. May was a resident, was dis-
missed on Saturday. Liberal work-
ers say they will not let it drop, how-
New Heir To Throne of Austria Is
Better Liked.
LONDON, Juni 29. — News of the
assassination. of Franz Ferdinand and
his wife reached London early yester-
day, Special editions of the Sunday
papers were published, creating a
painful sensation. The archduke was
personally known here, having visited
London several times in the past few
years. The last occasion was in the
spring, when he was entertained, with
his wife, by the Duchess of Portland,
who gave a magnificent ball in their
TI e Duchess Hohenburg by her
beauty and gracious manner made
herself• popular wherever seen, but
Franz, with his sullen, heavy aspect,
created an unfavorable impression.
He, was : devoid of animation or
charm,his leading characteristics be-
ing inense; pride and a highly jingo-
istic conbe'lition of Austria's mission
to Europe.
- The aged emperor is the special ob-
ject of sympathy, who has thus had
the uniquely horrible experience of
his wife and both heirs apparent dy-
ing tragic, untimely deaths.
It wasalways understood that he
never care overmuch for Franz Fer-
dinand and of late years their es-
trangement watt notorious.
In Austria-Hungarye the critical
time will be when the Emperor dies.
The new heir to the throne, Ara).-
rch-duke Karl. Franz, enjoys groat popu-
larity both in Austria and Hungary
and his accession is considered les
likely to produce a disrupting eftec
on the dual monarchy than that 6
Franz Ferdinand.
Unionists Would Have to Pass Bill
Says Birrell.
LONDON, June 2 9.— (C, A. P. Ca-
ble:) •— "Home Rule it inevitable,"
declared'- Irish Secretary Birrell,
speaking in. Yorkshire Saturday.
If the present -Government disap-
peared to -morrow the first thing the
Unionist Government` would have to
do : would be to promote the Home
Rule bill. Whatever they might be
pleased to Call it and what it was call-
ed, Ulster knew the present bill was
secure. He deeply deplores; that any
portion of Ireland should be separat-
ed, from another Lor six years, and
did not believe any party in Ireland
want .'l it,
Any Other proposals would be
carefully considered by the present
Boats Collide. -
KINGSTON, Ont., June 29, - . The
passenger steamer Alexandria, on her
way from 'l(ingston. to Charlotte, col-
lided off the lake about two o'clock
Saturday' morning, with the steamer
Querida loaded With pulpwood, `
Neither' boat suffered touch dam-
age, as bath were able to proceed on
their way.,' The tuerida was oil' her
way-froiit Anticosti 'Island to Tborotd.
Sooner or later you will be wrong in every oran of your
body, It is a Well known feet that over 95% of all sicknesses
are caused by ailments of the digestive organs. If you have
the slighest suspieion that your etornach requires treatment,
don't delay a moment. Little ills soon grow into serious ills.
col. en Medical Discovery
soon rights the wrong. It helps the stomach digest the food and Mann
facture nourishing blood, .„.It has a tonic effect and soon enables the
stomach and heart to perform: their functions in a natural, healthy
manner, without any outside aid.
As Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor
narcotics t cs there is no reaction, For over,forty years it has stood the test of both.
use and abuse and is today the greatest remedy of its kind in the world, Begin
,no . Take it t hom
et day.,
Sold byMedicine Dealersin liquid ortablet form,
send 50c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y., for atrial
For 31c you can get the Common Sense Medical Adviser,
1008 pages cloth bound ,-- to pay cost of mailing.
Write Dr. R. Y.Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
(Intended far last week.)
Afr. Geo Shank is building a naw
kitchen, and Messrs, Robt, Hayter and
Wm. Hayter are putting new :,-tables
u,ncler their barns.—Mr. Ready of St,
.Marys spent the last week with his
sister Miss Ready,—Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Hickey were in London last week.
Mr. Hickey was delegate to the Synod
of Huron.—The frost on Friday night
did some damage to the gardens.—
The Lawn Social at the Methodist
cluttrall on Friday evening was arand
success On. account of the cola ev
mina refreshments were served in
the basement. The program was ex-
cellent consisting of readings by
ALiss Dawson, solos by Mr. H. Pym
of St Marys and vialirf selections by
Mr, Craven: Mr. Carraere gave an
interesting address and the pastor,
Rev. D D. Tbamson was in the chair,
Proceeds $71.00.
Next in Importance is Waking
to Making a Will provision to ensure
The interest ;of this Company in any estate -which rt is em-
powered to administer is strictly impersonal. All things are done
with alae sole aim of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree of
efficiency arid faithfulness -in closest conformity with -the expressed
desires of the testator.
,Consult with us regarding the administration of your estate.
All information cheerfully furnished free.
SIR GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President; JOHN S. MOOR, Manager
TheOne Disi
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THF. t 'fl\'ERSAL CAR ,
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Runa b. F u t600
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O n a r i a
Get particulars from Wes. Snell, agent.
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Next in Importance is Waking
to Making a Will provision to ensure
The interest ;of this Company in any estate -which rt is em-
powered to administer is strictly impersonal. All things are done
with alae sole aim of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree of
efficiency arid faithfulness -in closest conformity with -the expressed
desires of the testator.
,Consult with us regarding the administration of your estate.
All information cheerfully furnished free.
SIR GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President; JOHN S. MOOR, Manager
TheOne Disi
That Agrees With
e Aged