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Now is the, :time to ,renew your
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Help the editor by renewing early
Help yourself • by gettinga live pa-
per. Help the community by,giv
le us all the Nuys,
When 'renewing your Advocate,
remember that we club, ;with ,ale
Mie ,City Daily, Weekee,;; and tie
\monthle papers and periocicelee
Pet the benefit of these eleblte
rates. Call In and see us,
The People have said that they put every faith in the Whitney Government, knowing they et "A Square Deal"
To the Electors of
South. Huron
`I Thank You"
H. Eilber
In FEDORAS of all the different
,,shades,CHRISTIES of the newest
style, STRAWS in Sailors end
Collars Ties
Shirts, f
The ARROW Shirts and Collars
are Leaders. Our Line of Ties is
Spring Underwear
P g
In Two-piece and Combinations
the prime requisite for hot weather:
In Silks Silk and Wool, Lisle,
and Cotton. Colors of Tans, Blacks
and Whites, and other shades
The Court of Reyvsuon wast held in
the Town HaJ.I oe Feiday evening,
Jung 19th ,.tq: correct any appeals
against the assessment roil. for 1914.
Members present, John. W. Taylor, 'B,
W le Beavers and. Jahn Hind.
Il;ind-Beavers-That Mr. Taylor Let
as chaeirnlan„
The appeal of Mrs, Boon, asking to
have her ,name else/tett in the' assess.-
me,nt in place of W. H. Levett's was
granted. The appeal of Miss Johns
asking to ha.'ve her taxes reduced Was
considered and ,reeked $100, Mr.
Jas Brintnell ,appealed to have his
business assessment struck off as he
was out of business, The samebias,
granted: elessrs, Davis, Raulston .eed
Beer appealeci to have their assess-
ment changed as they had disposed
of their respective properties for the
post office site. The same, to stanch
they to pay the taxes' up to the time
of transfer of property.
Beavers -Hind -That the business
of the court having ,been completed
than we adjourn. -Carried.
Thea Council met ,in the, Town :Tail
1Vdonday evening, June 22. Minutes of
previous meetiig were read nand ap-
proved Members were all ereseant,
Common cation's were read n e -ii e
df' gasoline.; Doyle -Beavers -that the
question of gasoline .be left with the
Fire and Light Com:, with power to
act. -Carried.
Communication f On M
x C. Teoebell
of Berlin. re. painting of water tank
and derrick was read, Hind-Harton-
that the Clerk send , Mr. Koebeildi-
mensions of tank and derrick, ;.sking
him to give us a price. -Carried.
The Fire Chien waited on the COun-
cal, asking to be furnished, with 200
feet of hose, repairs, etc. Doyle,
Hind -that the Clerk purchase 200
feet of hose at 1.00 per foot from the
Consolidated Rubber Co., also repairs.
Repute: of Finance Corntnittee.-We
tecammend that accounts reieired 'o
us at last -regular cotuicie meet?ng be
polo i eed-Beavers-that there -
pert at Finance Corn. ue eee ptecl.
amid that rrr'future all .cemeterytic-
eau its be foist passed by Cemetery
Board before beteg presented to the
Councin tor payment.-Carriee•
Doyle-eimd-That the request. of
L,e rmstrong to have water works exe
tended from the corner of .Marlboro,
street to G. T. R. property, be grant-
ed foc* his own., usek' only, he to pay
$.6.00 per annum. -Carried.
The following accounts were order-
ed to be paid 1-H. Rtii mohr, st, 'water-
ing, $40 • J. Gill, fence -viewers, $12;
G Wilson, cemetery, $23; Bell Tel-
ephone Ca. S2.05; T. Houlden st. -
wateeing $7.60;' Jones & May, $L50;
W H Levett $19.80; John Grigg,
6,75; Electric Liget Co., 108.66 Jas.
Jeckeli 1.20; Library Board, re land
purchase 300.00; A, G. Dyer, asses
sol 71.50; John Bell labor 6.00; Teo,
Orange 9.00 N. Heama,n 8.00; Thus.
Creech. 1.85; D. Russell 88c; S,Hand-
-ford 2.00-• Sid . Sanders 5.20; W.
espie 75c.
Gibbs Evaporator Co. asked for :he
privilege to store barrels in the, Zapper.
part of the pewee house bilding.
tlinci-Doyle-That same lie granted at
a rental of $5.00 per month. -Carried
Beavers -Doyle -.That Reeve Tay..
for Councillors Harton and the Street
Commissioner be a committee to in-
spect the leak at dein with power to
ec t, -Carried.
Beaver-Harton;-That the Street
Commissioner .have a new board side-
walk fourfeet wide laid ors the • west
side of Main Street from, 100 feet
north of the river bridge, to the nor-
thern extremity of the present board,
walk, -Carried.
Beavers -Doyle -That the Council
go down to see about; drainage from
Thos. Flynn's cellar arid street. -Car-
ried, y,
Hind-Harton-heat the report of
Public Works. Committee be A., Dea-
vitt's complaint re drain be accepted
a,ncl that the street coanmissioner be
instructed to proceed as per report,
T, B, Carling..
Even the Ottawa '"Free Press" the
most partisan of Liberal journals, is
pretty well satisfied with the new re
distribution, of seats, "There are not
manly objections to the new ridings
it says in. a headline, "redistribution
cast hardly .be called a jerryinander
this time."
There will be 234 members in the
next house the ,representation by prov
i,n:ces being as follows ;-
Quebec 65
Nova Scotia , 16
Ne -v Beiunswik 11
P. E, I, ,........... .,....3
Manitgba ' 5
Snskatckewa,n 16
Alberta • 2
13 C 13
Ywkoun..... .,.. „.,, ,,, 1
Total.. :34
Some difficult points bad to be
settled by the .committee in .charge of
the measure, but the chairmen Lion.
Robert Rogers, Minister of Public.
Works h�a�ttdled the whole subject from
beginning to encswith the utmost' man-
:Personally, we wouldrather be one
of those Farmers' Bank victims spend-
FURNIpr pT-�T Lr�`� p i,ng a salt old age in a house of ref -
SHER. U Lia 1�! I .L1 . tn;e, tlr•an: one of tltosei Senators who
voted to keep mini there,''
hutuey Got Huge ajority
Conservative Government Returned
Huron Remains Same - Eilber Majority Increased.
to 350.. Musgrove and Proudfoot Elected
for North and Centre Huron
The people of Ontario :by a majority Bruce WeetE, M. Bowman 700
of 57 over all declined to accept the Cochrane -Al. Lang 50
epportun.,ty to turn out the stainless Esset North -Dr. S. Ducharnne 125
and. most progressive government that Essex, South -L, P. Wigle 34
()ataxia ever had. Comunon ,ense ' Glengarry -Hugh Munroe acct
controlled the people. In spite of a fierce Centre --W, Proudfoot 316
feverish campaign by Mn Rowell, the Kent East -W. H. Ferguson 222
clamor and anis-representation of the Lzncale-Thos. Marshall 257
Liberal press, and the mws use of the `• Middlesex- North -Jahn Grieve 116,
pulpits, the people refused' to; be. Iiiddlesex . West J. C. Elliott 700
stampeded: • I Norfolk North -T. R. Atkinson 700
Oaic cabinet minister, Dr. Reaume !Northumberland, West -Sam Clark 155
was defeated um. a three-corneredcore Ottawa ..last -J, A. Pinard 493
test and Mr, Rowell narrowly escaped I Ottawa West -C, G. Hardman 118
inn a riding that used to give x.500 Oxford North -N. W. Rowell 120.
Liberal.his majority being reduced Oxford .South -T. R. Mayberry 30
from 560 to 125:' I Peterboro' West -G, A. Gillespie 93
The Liberals gained 12 seats ,.nd Paan c Edward -N. Parliament r
the Conservatives 6. The Liberal l Russell D, Racine 300 •
gales were in most cases. due toy the rSturgeon ails -Z. Mageau 175
French vote, shomeng that bi-lingual-1 Well'rvgte , East -U. Richardson 437
ism was the real „issue, ire, many places 1 WelhingtoreSouth-Sam Carter 90
while temperance was not an issue Windsor -Rev, J. C. Tolinie 401
anywhere. It can. be na issue while
the Government of Sir James Whitney
is doing such good work along the
tenipeeaace eine, and the people nave
sae'. that they know it.
Both parties of Exeter and district'
Hamilton .East -Allan Studholme 1,029
received the returns in the Skating Prescott -Gustave Ecaivturel 369
Rink where the telegrams were trans- THE GAINS AND LOSSES
ferred to glass and thrown on time
screen during the moving picture show Liberal Gale's
The people, appreciated the idea: and, Weer Petr-rboro"
came out an great numbers.. West Ottawa
And both parties had a few chances East Ottae.a
to cheer. Nortl. Middlesex
Addiaagten7eBeeek 18,00
Algoma -Grigg 400 :.-
Brockville -Donovan 300
'Bruce North-Vandusen 12
Bruce South Cargill 325
Carleton-McIlroy 1000.
fDuffer a -McKeown 550
Dundas -Sir James Whitney 750
Durham East -Preston 516
Durham. West -Devitt 227
Elgin. East -Brower 347
Elgin West-_McDiarmid 1253.
Fort William. --Jarvis 400
Frontenac-Rankin 400
Greeeille-Fergus.an 534
Grey Centre -Hon.: I. B. Lucas. 1000,
Grey North: -Cameroun 730
Grey South -Jamieson 1000
Haldimand-Jacques; 100
Halton -Nixon 465
Hanniton. West -Hon j, S. Hendrie1627
Hastings East -Grant 150
Hastings Nosrth-Cook 1000
Hasttings 'West -Johnston 1000.
•Huron North -Musgrove 152
Huron: South -Henry Eilber 350
Ken,ara-Mach n, a,ccl. .
Ken tWest-Sulanan 222
Kingston -Ross 1466
Lambton, East -Martin 13
Lambton West -Hon W. J. Hannal000'
Lanark North-Hon.R.F. Preston 300
Lanark South -Hall 550
Leeds-Der°gavel 450
Lennox-Garscallen 183
.London -Sar Adam Beck 14.96
Manitoulin -Gamey 300
'Middlesex East -McFarlane 398
Muskoka -Armstrong '- 900
Niagara Falls -Musgrove 613
Nipissing-Morel 75
Norfolk South -Pratt 200
Northumbermaad E -Nesbitt 600
Ontario North -Hoyle 200
Ontario South -Calder 200
Parry Sound -Edgar 450
Peel-Fallis 619
Perth North -Torrance 600
Pertl• Scuth-Bennewers 299
Peterboro East -Thompson 500
Port Arthur -Hogarth 600
Rainy River -Mathieu 200
Renfrew North -Dunlop 900
Re,nf,rew South -McGarry aecI:
St, Cattaranes-Jessop 1000
Sault Ste . ewe -Hon. Hearst 100 ,
Simcoe Centre -Thompson 300
Simcoe East -Hart 800
Simcoe South -Ferguson, 300
Simcoe West -Hon, J,; S. Duff 1000
Stormont --Shearer 100
Sudbury -McCrea 500
Te.mr_skami.ng- Regisexy 400
Northeast A -Hon Pyne 1655.
Northeast B ---Irish 1317
Northwest AHom. T. Crawford 2129
Nrrrthwest B -McPherson 2393.
Southeast A -Owens 2663
Southeast B -Hook 2875
Southwest A -Hon j.J: Foy 3127
Southwest B-Gooderham 3779
Perkdele-Price 656
Riverdale -Russell 1797
Victoria North -Mason 275
Victoria South -Cum 403
Waterloo, North -C, H. Mills 1,200
Waterloo' Soutth-Z, A. Hall 890
Welland -Major D. Sharpe 865
Wellington, W, --W, C. Chambers 153
W entwoa th, North -A, F. Rykert 4
Wentwthrth South. -el, T, H. Regan 500
York ,Trust --G. S, Henry 700
York North-T..HS Lennox 235
`i:"Ork, West -Dr. F, Godfrey .acc,
Brant, North -Scott Davidson 34
Brant; South.. -J, H. Hem 300
North Brant
North Essex
Sotttli E .:z
Prince Edward
Conservative Gains
South Ontario
North Wentworth
East. Lainbten.
South Bruce
North Bruce
South Huron increased Henry Eil
bee's majority to 350. The result by
posh.: is not yet complete, but the
majorities are-
Stephen, 107
Exeter 89
Usbarrte 59
Hensall . 17
Bayfield 75
Goderich 106
Stanley 30 -
573 223
elajority for; Eilber 350
Eilber Zeller
Na. 1 '58 30
2 53 14
3 57 34
76 5 49 469
6 65 417 39 30
8 51 18
9 45 54
493 296-
Maj. for Either 197
No. 1 84 27
2 64 58
3 62 54
4 36 18
246 157
mai. for Eilber 89
No; 1 93 44
3 .53 67
93 -46
4 49 67
288 229'
Maj for Either 259
"'Twos' a Famous Victory"
Who was it said Silber was afraid
to rune?
The Globo hes one. More chance to
explain it away.
Official retut;n,s for South Huron\
will be given nett week,.
- Centralia and Grand Berri are the
pleasure places` for July lst.
Fire of unknown origin 'destroyed
the residence of John 'Turner at Hills
green on Monday. None of the con-
tents was saved,
Cornish -Carr -At Knox church manse•
Goderich on June .23rd, Garnet Core
nidi of Minton to Alico, Carr of
Prime' Minister of Ontario
For what. Sir James Whitney is,
and for what his Government bas done
he is trusted and respected. He is
the last man to make any cringing ap-
peal for office. He has no paid re -
melees nor "war chest" nor any "ma
chine e'c servant, is a Stabil silvan , •ivho
will hold office only on terms hon-
orable to himself. Bluff, fearless, and
incoriuptable, he governs by solid a-
chievements and not by professions
tricks and artifices. Unlike many poi
eticiarss, he has kept in office all the
pledges he made when, he was in Op-
positior what he said he would do
he has ,dome what he said he would
not do he has not done and will not
do. There is not better chapter in
the Canadian historythan that which
has been written by the Whitney
The Ohristien Guardion said, -"We
are not of those who fail to Fee any-
thing good in what the present Gov-
ernment in Ontario has done touch-
ing the interests of ternper>;nce, We
arenot of those who believe i h:.t the
Government has sold out the hquor
- —o—
In finding the secret of permanence
the Whitney Goveennwent bas done
asupreme'service to prohibitionists, it
is offensive and foolish to suggest that
the issue of the election was between.
"the bar and the hay," any municip-
ality, or any county in Ontario, can
abolish the bar by existing legislation
Conservatives bitterly resent the
charge that they are allies of the
liquor interest because they adhere
to the Government that has made a-
bolition permanent and effective.
The safe and the sure way of temp-
erance reform is to go slowly and
surely, to educate the public opinion
to support it so that when you have
prohibitory laws they will have be-
hind them a great body of public opin-
ion. A body of people .who have or-
ganized themselves and worked for it
who have brought about abolition of
the bar and the shop by their own ef-
forts -that we venture to say, is a
way that does appeal to the reason
and common sense of the temperance
t The recent frequent rains have :Tome
a lot of good. -Gordon Bolton had 'te
bee art Tuesday raising his barn: -
Mrs Frei -Odin Horton gave a ziiscel--
laneau', shower at her commodious,
home, "Locus Grove" on. Saturday of
ternoou in honor of ,hiss Nan Hoe -
toe "` whose . marriage to J. T. .t4eu-
thrors C. P, R, conductor. of &asina-
bola Sask. took place art Triesdny
1300 The bride elect looked het
I best in a gawp of .light blue silk. The
gilts presented were pretty, :arid use-
ful showing the esteem. in., which rhes
is held by her friends; A. dainty end
palatable luncheon was served on
little tables it is not necessary to add,
that allenjoyed themselves as Mrs.
1 Hortor: is a good entertainer,-ln 144
week's budget we forgot to mention.
the name of Gladys Broadfoot alit&
try;Inv her musical examination. We
hope she may be successful -Our pit,
n : was spoiled with the rain_ -Mee
and Mrs. A. S. Deavett of Exeter
spent at Jack Glenn's, as also did r5[r
and Nies. Wim, Glenn, Sr,, of Bruce--
fielo.-Misses Emma Dickson and mar -
gent I -torten of Seaforth spent: the
week end with relatives here, -3131
and ` lirs Jas. Horton and Miss Rae
attendled the Bonthron-Horton nupi
tial. at. Tuesday at Harpurhey, Mrs,.
John Glenn spent a few days recent-
ly with her brother near Zurich.---
Miss Maude Horton of Exeter 'a the
guess of her aunt, Mrs, Broadfoot,,-
On Sunday, 21st ult., the Hensall Jdde
fellows held memorial service at Mc-,
Taggart s cemetery
here at the
of the departed brethren
Determined to leave no stone ,tarpi.
turned in their efforts to secure coin--
pensation for ,their losses, depeeitoxs
of the Fac -.vers Bank met in Toronto
last week. Sir Robert Borden and.3i
Goveraiment were commended forir=
traducing the bill and the Senate
likewise condemned for the defeat OI
the measure. .Plans were made fee•
carrying, on the fight and the premier
will be .asked to re -introduce the hill
Representatives were present er(nn
each of the places where the Farmers
tank had branches, and it was felt .hili
all present that strong and complete-
organization of the depositors should
be used to the utmn,st in pressing their
Claims before: the Government.
And the Governiinent will-, re'ixi-•
trott9, e tlit+: bs`j3.
Stange -At Maguire on June 22, t
Mr: and Mrs. John Strange, a coni.
Bonthron. -Horton,-In Seaforth cee
June 27. by Rev. Barker, joint IL.
Bo,nthron of Assinaboia, Sask., eels
of Mr. and Mrs, James! Bobtliron nl
Hensall to Miss Annie • E. (Nan'
second daughter of 14Ir. and Mee,: N
B Heston,
elay-Davis-InIVlwtehell, .June 24th,
Frederick Austin May, son orf ,.
and Mrs. W. F. May, formerly.
Exeter. to Miss Gertrude Davis, t ie•
youngest daughter of Mrs: W. • to
Bayne -Copeland -In SL l'raays, ap.
June 20th, Mildred E. Copeiande to
William Duncan Bayne of B1ainl'
Montague-Gelinas-At St. Peter'
Drysdale, on Juste 23rd, Ida;,ctait3t_
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos;, c elieree .
to John Montague of Walpole.
Where Reasonable Prices Prevail,
Are You Going Away
When you take your vacation you will need some of the articles:
that are mentioned below
White Skirts
Some very stylish Skirts in
the newest cloths. They are
not high priced.
Special value at $2.00
White Waists
Several very natty lines were
added to our stock during the
past week. We have a special
this week at 80c.
White Pomps
Are very popular this season
they are cool and comfortable
for the hot weather, $1.26 to
Fancy Parasols
With natural handles with
plain and fancy covers- A big
assortment to .chose from.
Holeproof hosiery
Are guaranteed to wear six
months withoutboles or new
ones are replaces FREE OF
CHARGE, We have them for
men, women 4L children,
Suit Cases
You will find a big range
ef. Suit eases, Trunks, and Club
.Bags at prices you are willing
to pay.
Crex Rugs
Are Made in many sizes. From the small door mat to large
ones for verandahs and living rooms. They are guaranteed fast
color and are not affected by the rain;
Straw Hats' New Ties
For men and boys all the new• New designs and Colorings in
est shapes in plain and sen. lovely quality silks made an the
net straws. ' ' , popular flowing end ties 550a,
wl. A. .STEWAf:T