HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-6-25, Page 5ll fMcGILLIVRAYM,r. Dryas ed - pr, O. Tl`. RGIULaTQFI, Xr,i7.5., T.D.S. DENTIST Kemher of the R.C.D,5, oL Onto 4o and Honor Graduate ot o nto� a tvx sit Office -Over Mk Son &a Carling's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. A', It. KINSItiAN, L.D.S., Flgnor: Graduate• of Toronto Univeratity DBNT,IST , Teeth extracted without, paid, or , any, bad effects, Ot'fttce over Gladman & 9tanbury'e Office, ivladin Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & CARtaING, BARRISTERS, Sollcttors, Notaries., Conveyancers, Corel: nessironere, Solicitors .for the 'Melrose Bank. etc. , Money to Loan at lowest rates_ or inter'It offices -Mai n-St„'Exeter I, •R. Carling, B.A. . L. I. Disrkson MONEY To LOAN • have a' large amount of private "n e loan on farm and village prop- funds to erties at tow rakes of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY1. `Barristers, ,Solicitors. Exeter, 3. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fsre Insurance in lead- ing ,Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. T. B CARLING Life, vire, Accident and' Plate Glass insurance; Collecting accounts, and 'con- ducting auction Bales. - Exeter, Ont. SYNOPSIS 'Ok' CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or say mal oyer 18. years old, may homestead a quarter -section' of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in, perso,i. at the Dominion Lands h.g- eiicy for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of a.nyLo- ot.). Agent of .Doiniinion Lands (not sub -agent) On certrain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation., of the land in each of three years; ' A homesteader may live within. nine miles of his, homestead cn a farm of at least 80,' acres, o!n.- certain conditions. A habitable ..house is re - aired in every case, except, whena e- si:dence, is performed in, the vicinity. Incertain districts a homesteader in good standing' tray pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 p'er acre. Duties -Six • month's resi- dence in deli~ sof six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) i A homesteader who has exhausted 1 his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a ,pre-emption may take a pur- cliased homestead in certain districts, Price $3" per acre. Duties -Must re - gide 6 ,months in each of 3 -years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house Worth $300. 'The area of cultivation is subject to reduction. in case bf rough, scrub- by dr stony land. - „.W. W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.R.-Unauashor1zed publication of ado advertisement will not .1 a pad for. CEaa NTRAL4/'STRATFORD. ONT. Become a specialist in Business. It offers more opportunities than. 2 n other calling. g. To reap the full Meas- ure of success you must have the : best possible training. This is int- sric s Best Business School. We give i ;ndividual attention. You may enter; our classes at any time, Three De- - oartments, Commercial, Shorthand and l telegraphy. Write at once for our - 'ree 'catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal i -. LET' US PREPARE YOU ' 'or a business career. Attend, ELLIOTT $ roronto Ont., tsdnere you will get t :oarect instruction and assistance ,in o ibtai,n.in's,. emplojnent when:competent college open all summer, Enter any ime • Catalogue free. \ EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know \�\ about the wonderful N. Marvelwhirrngsp.ray `. . �fDliChll Ask your druggist for //� t, If he cannot. supply the MARVEL, accept no Aber, but send stamp for Illus- ;ti/l " Crated book -sealed, it gives full particulars•and directions invaluable to ladies, WINDSOR -SUPPLY CO. .Windsor, Ont, General Agents for Canada.; r RANO TRUNK s DOMINION DAY' FARES 13etwce,ii all stations .i,n Canada" cast or Port :,Arthur and to Detroit 'and Pc -It Huron \.rich., Burialo, Bleck ' Rock,' Niagara Falls and Susp.:nsion Orid , N. Y. • „r SIyLE 'ARF -,Good go,tlg ,,nil to tur.nine' July lst, PARE -& ,ONE -THIRD ---Good Juno 30'July 1,st. Return limit, ,fuly HOMESEE1 ERS' EcC'f71i�SIO& Round-trip tickets to: po'ints;in. 'v"'ost-:: ern Canada via Chicago, St Patti, f)u• luth Or `arll.C.l ittid Northern :Naviga-' tion Company/ on side ::each' Tuesday: until October .27, inclusive, at; voty ;ltOW tales "' Tickets' fund intornuitior at nll'Orai d'' Trunk Ticket. Offices, 1�. J. DORE, Exeter, L,. wards ort Saturday underwent in opzr atioz.oil Saturday for ab'sces ill the Haigh and is in a very, low condition. Check hecChronic. Rheumaijsn Now RHEUMA' THOROUGHLY DRIVES OUT DEEP-SEATED 'URIC ACID POISON,. There isonly one way. to be' free ~,ram ,Rheumatism -the accumulated impurities caused by- an excess of Ur- ic Acid poison must be expelled from the body, That is what RHEUMA will do and do it thoroughly. If you suffer from any form of rheumatism slatica. Inflammatory, Arthritis, calar Lumbago or, Gout -get a battre'of .RHEUMA from W. S, Cole for 50 cents -it is guaranteed• a For years I suffered with Rheum- atism iii my arms and shoulders. '!rfy kidneys and bladder were affected, and I rapidly lost flesh. After five weeks' use of RHEUMA I was a well man." -William Fry, Fort Erie, Ont, Sold by W. S,. Cole at 50 cts a bottle. • No !Vlore Headaches For Me This can be your 'experience tf ou use • Chaniber- laitt's .Tablets-- they,,,cuxe head- aches by remov- ing the cause - not by smothering the symp- toms-wor;'an's surest cure . for woman's most common ailments. Try them. 25c, a bottle. Druggists and Dealers, or by mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 2 -�i BE BES i TABLETS 44? /ER CANADIAN HOMESEEKERS'Pikcaralc EXCU.14SIONS 'ro MANITOBA,. ALBBA:TA SASKATCHE'WA t Each ,Tuesday until October 27th; 141115ive,,: -�• v+lar: Winnipeg and Return - Sos.00 Edmonton and Return 40000 From Toronto; and Stations West said North of Toronto. Proportionate faref- from Stations East of Toronto. Relurn,Limit two months. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. MURPHY, D.E.A., C.P. Ry., Toronto. ILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If your suffer from Bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and will tell you how to cure,your- self at home by the absorption treatment-; and will also 'send - some of 'this liome treatment Free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- luested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to -clay to Mrs: 1. Slimmers, Box 840 Windsor,. int: DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS b reelRine- gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or tlreefor 10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. Tits swam/. Dana o„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vl aur vitals .. t f or and Brain; 5 Nerve Br n increases sex "grey matter" ,a Tonic -win build you tip. $3 a box, or tis o for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt f price, Tan Scosxw. DRUG Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. The Advantages to the Estate of .'having . a Trust Company administer its affairs are many, yet the charges are :no• higher than those ' allowed a private, individual' acting bathe same capacity. This strong, conservative Oornpany', unlike an individual executor, will not fall ill, go abroad at a ,critical time, be- come 'a .defaixlter or pass out of existence, neither will it neglect your affairs for its,, own; 'because its 'very life de- pends upon its fidelity to your affairs and those of others. Consult us regarding your will and the administration -of your estate. The -London & Western Trusts Cow` limited A82 nfeempnd St„ t,ondont• ;(int.' Sift Geo. Gibaoiis,S.C. •Prosfclent• ' • John S. Moore,. XVla,aager 1 Wine list a1 Liberal Club +' ; boiish.the 5a'r " Party Has 1 "a iii; i�cent Stock a g ac of .tlead4uarters . !. RUM �GA .. N DRANDIE, � Oaltar. a 'Ljberal Club, bronto, Loastp a Well -stocked Wine Qellar • Tlie Ontario Club is. the 'Yteadquar- ters in Tor( .o of the Ontario Liberals. Mr., Charles. M. :Bowman, • 'chief Liberal organizer, and Mr. Rowell's right-hand supporter, is a devoted officer. Mr. Rowellhimself has given din. vers at the ' Ontario Club. ' At•' most hours of the day, groups of his "ar- dent" followers : and his -chief plat- form speakers may be seen within 1 e precincts. These men are the cus todians of the Roiyell policies . aa. resent any insinuations that' thea' preaching and their practice are nal one and the same; thing. But facts .are facts. One fact that the Ontario Club' is the head quarters of Rowell's party. Ancthel fact is the Ontario Club's wine list Every member is presented with a copy and may order the various de leetablo drinks at his pleasure by da; or night. On that list are over ei;;h.y kinds of spirituous liquors. This is the way a small secton of it. reads: Mtitartu (glut( tau 3rrht. PP CHAMPAGNES . Quarts Pints Pol Roger. 1898 Vintage...$.... $3.00 Pol Roger. 1900 Vintage... 4.00 2.25 Pol Roger. 1904 Vintage... 3.00 1.60 Pol Roger. Magnums (1a06) 5.00 Pommery & Greno. Extra Sec - 3.00 1.60 Veuve Cliquot. Extra Dry3.50 1.75 Mumms. Extra dry (Sec)5.00 2.50 Hydeaick & Co. Dry Mono- pole .... - 3.75 BRANDIES Liquer, Hennessey (3 Star) `. • ... Glass Pony .40' .25 .20 .10 Martell's (3 star) Nines & Co., 1863 Vintage Girard. 50 Year Old • RUM Fine Old Jamaica, (Pingi & Co. .30 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .10 .05 GINS Bottle Glass Dry. Gordon & Co......... $1.00 $ .10 Dry. Sir Robert Burnett.. 1.00 .10 Dry. Vickers L 1.00 .10 Holland. De Kuyper & Co, 1.25 ,15 Holland. Wymand & Fockink 1.50 .15 Old Tom. Booth & Co1.00 ,10 Plymouth. Coates & Co1.00 .10 Sloe 1:00 .10 Wolffe.& Schnapps AAAA.... ... RYE WHISKIES Goaderham & Worts' special 1.00 .10 Gooderham P Worts' special 2.00 .20. Seagram's, '83 - . 1.00 :.10 Walker's Imperial 1.10 .10 Walker's Club 1.10 .10 HON , ADAM EBfi K the'genius of the I-Iydto ,1e4, jc s o tem which the :Whitney doveearnelii. °Carrried to' magnitloent siicce3g, There are now over 70,000 custo triers. A ;vote for Rowell's osrndir date It a vote to depoye Beolc : OUNCI UE:. 6DIVINL WORTH -A POUND Wtlitney's service for Temperance reforrtt• has covered nine years of pro. uresitlye ACTIQNA Under Whitney's rule, 190444, liquor licenses were reduced from 2,014 to 1,600... llecrea#e 1,214. Whitney found an unworkable Lo- cal Option law and made it workable. Local Option has made four-fifths of Ontario' dry. And it Is safety and 5lueiy taking care of tate other fifth. Whitney gave Temperance a vat u, able Weapon in the Canada Temper ante Act which he made applicabl,. fo Ontario's needs. :Whitney doubter *the tax burdens on the liquor trail. In nine years, -$620,123, to $1,240,94; In 1906, '95 mlanicipattties •-enjoy tral Option, f ' j913 no less tha were under' ,Local ° Option " Ike progrciss was r'n'ade possible1 enc xc'elent 1 enforcement of thelig:. meat• " l :. license laws. "The Pioneer" (organ of Domin Alliance) said In 1910: "The; liq. .laws are carried out in a Luanner':tt reflects credit on the Government' general," Mr., Jos. Gibson, Pres. Ontario trance: "You did your duty. You ti at the start that you would 'make t license holders keep hotel and y did,"' General Booth, on Onta is management of the liquor traffic: this respect Ontario leads the wort. WHITNEY'S HOLD IS UNBREAKAB.t Temperance Conservatives Decline Rowell's Cull Hing Invitation PARTY LINES ARE SOLID Canvasses by Liberals. Demolish Row - ell's. Anticipations -Hopes ofa "Landslide" Vanished • Every indication that can be con veyed to Conservative headquarters in Toronto by letter, wire or personal visit, proves conclusively that Tem- perance Conservatives are standing solidly for Whitney at the approaching election. Defections have been so remarkably few that the Toronto "Star" which kept account of all Conservatives turning to Rowell, could only- muster half a column in two weeks and then were forced to withdraw several owing, to telegraphic protests from the parties mentioned. Canvasses made by Liberal workers appealing to the Temperance con- victions of Conservative voters have met with such dismal failure that the first calculations of the Rowell party have been entirely upset. Report; made to Liberal headquarters in, in: various ridings and at Toronto sho-.v that Rowell's political device to stam- pede Conservative temperance work- ers to his fold -have caused only, in dignant repudiation and sent scorer of supporters into the open field to campaign for the Whitney cause. Whitney's Great 'Temperance Work Sir James SVhitney has been it. office nine years. During that time he has kept lace absolutely with tht. wishes of the majority of the people in curbing ' the evils of the liquc: traffic. So exemplary has been ti enforcement of existing laws, so ins partial and exacting has been the col. trol of Iicense -holders as to Iva General Booth's compliment: "In thi. respect Ontario leads the world." Whitney fought the discreditable regime of the Ross Government, a r.: gime for which N. W. Rowell batty: - with all :his might, Whitney fru .c a broken-down Local Option Law. In changed it, improved it, and set it - to work. That law has cut the liquor licenses down from 2,814. when Roy'; ell's party Was forced from the Goverr.- ment benches, to 1,600, a re,ductio:I of 1,214. Whitney added a powerful Temper.- ante weapon when .he made the Can- ada, Temperance Aet, a Dominion measure, applicable, to Ontario and which carries on a majority vote, with- out the three-fifths requirement. Only recently that Act banished the bar from Huron and Peel counties, Whitney took the Ross Govern- Inent'S reebrd of ,$620,123 of tax bier dens on the liquor trade and he in creased it by 100 per cent. He select. ed sterling officers . to enforce the liquor lave and spent $$0,000 a year to bind the laws on all holders of licenses, for such a purpose Roweli':3 friends neat $4,188 in fifteen years, Pour -fifths of Ontario Dry lei 1906, 80 municipalities enjoyed 1 1 • 1 ■ ■ ■ 1111 M rr i t , rs rr es S . rr Ell WS , ^ FACE ee omen ok 1(1 . � w xhe effect cf unnatural su ase--oo headaches, ,�•. iness, Boit tisehee, pa rte in 14We", tinitts; ptan s indicate that Nature needs help Ovefrworlc, wroppg�ire Mgr sck 'o ,s.xei clse, 44. A other c uaee bays been tort much for nature -sit nitt.dtr std at t be.called upon tQ seers hessian and strength,. . rce's Favorite Prescri Vegetahle Remedy for Women that:. relieves nervous, exhaustion tb1n$ and removes other disireasing symptoms due to 1" lis ur s+ x iitigp,- tI „ov-er torte years~ 1t has been wield With mere than satisfaction by be o ta -a ed an the elderly-by:es i d wives, mothers and h , . Yo `ll fib4 itt`of great benefik. Soid by Mediine Dealers in liquid or tablet f fart, o i$ Dr, Y. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. X.,.60 one -cent Stamps for trial box by e DD, •.. - a CE'St 111'1' le x LETS Believe eonesttna•. tl oo. to the liver. and Bowen', Ewitp to take as condi. • • r' 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 _. .. . . ■ ■' R ■ ■ ■ R 1• R R ■ R M. • R • R' R ■ ■ The new Distribution Bill ;will, as expected, divide the County . of Hur Pin into two ridings, to be called re- spectively. the North and the South ridings of Huron. The North riding shall consist of th townships of East Wawanosh, West Wawanosh, Colborne, Ashfield Turnberry, Morris, Howick and Grey, of Hensel' Exeter and Bayfield, towns of Godelrich and Wi,ngham, and the villages oaf Blyth, Brussels and Wroxeter. The South riding shall consist of the townships of Hay, McKillop, 'Stan- Iey. Stephen, Tuckersmith, Usborne, Hullett and. Goderich, the towns of Clinton and Seaforth, and the villages The Ford the Lightest, Surest, Most Economical - the very essence of auto- mobiling-and all Canadian. Model T $ 600 Runabout f. o. b. Ford O n a r 1 o Get particulars from Wes. Snell, agent. Has Special Qualities MILDLY STIMULATING, NOURISHING, SUSTAINING A Perfect Tonic THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR IT IS NEEDED If not sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON ,` CANADA• Many Doctors Eat TOASTED CORN FLAKES �``dr 'MAS CORN nARC 40, LONDON CANADA.74, Ma CC -14 it "I4 107 1 N FLAKE$ very °ming