Exeter Advocate, 1914-6-25, Page 1RENEW e OUR SUBSCRIPTION
1'4t e' the time to renewyouz``''
suliscrif?tion to The Advocate
Help 'the' editor by r4,eewine early
Help yourself by getting alive ea-
pez`. ; He!fi the community by;giv-
Ting 'tts all the News, :
When renewing e our : tivocat
remember that we club :'with. ele
the ,City Daily, Weekly, and gig,
Monthly papers and periodicals`
Get the benefit of these elulnbir
rates: Call in and' see us,
Vote for f-Ienry Eilber
Whitney has given Ontario the Square Deal,
Vote for. Henry Eilber
In FEDORAS of all the different
shades. CHRISTIES of the newest
style. STRAWS in Sailors end
Shirts, Collarsf Ties
The ARROW Shirts and Collars
are Leaders: Our Line of Ties is
Right -up -to -the -Minute.
Spring Underwear
In :Two-piece and Combinations
the prime requisite for hot weather,
, Lt Silks Silk and Wool, Lige,
and Cotton. Colors of Tans, Blacks
aid-evhites, and other shades
ry NI JR4
............ ....
Did Rowell ors Zeller ever desert
dicer party on -principle,
Ma-, Butler who ,is Mr. Roseelta op -
poinent, entre ran as . a,:: temperance
candidate. and -Rows?• spoke against -
The Whitney Govee:nment deserves
the support of Ontario's people irres-
pective .of party for its Temperance
principles Aid to Agriculture, Educ-
ation. Improvement, Prison Reform
Farms Hydro Electric Power; Work-
men's', Compensation Act.
1f you had a horse and you knew
it was a good horse,,sownd and re-
liable wauld•'you trade, it for another
you had never seen, but about which
may promises were made,—especially
if yon. had got the, worst of it nom
the same sixty' before ? .
One of the interesting features of;,
the visit of Hon. W. r:'Hanna:to '+,a--
eter was ,his desire for' a .o reception,
no parade, Teta show. This deslrre to
avoid display was commented `on very
highly by those who knew his wishes.
Mir. Hanna needs no disiprlay,
Local Items
OWING to July 1st conning_ on Wed
nesday The Advocate desires to nave.
all.coxresp.oaidence in not later Shan.
Tuesday morning, as we will Issue
Hon, W, i, Hanna al Exeter
Hon. W. 3. Hanna, Mr, Henry Eilber
and. J j' Merner, M. P,, .were the
speakers at a monster:• Conservative.
rally in the rink 'Tuesday which was
filled to capacity, and the 'greatest
enthusiasts prevailed throughout.
efe Merrier- discussed the Farmers'
Bank bill, an which nra,ny of the peo-
ple ,present were interested. His :sts-
swrance to the depositors that� the
b�`11 would be re-iavtroduced and `.il-
tlinately passed was xece,ived with, rp
pre dation.
Hon, W. J. Hanna sg,oke, en the most
coma. rneintary manner of Mr. Felber,
to man wa'om these was, no ,represent-
ative more respected and admixed m
the Legislative Assembly and as chair-
men o� the municipal committee and a
c,h[a:irman, ctt the House 'in committee,'
Mr. ES:1ber's services were of so .high
an order as to have received from the
members on bath slides of the House
the highest commendation and from.
hoes leader Syr fames Whitley, his Liberal claim to,temperance u a most
personal thanks and appreciation, cone...nee-1g manner,
Mr..�e ler' nes: ` ed the wisdom
Mr. Hanna disenus�se,d in full lei-hnig- 1 q tion n
ualism, temperance and social reforms o1 an election at this time, thought
He drew' mach. applause from the.:nud- new assessment would atpply to New
Settee as die exposed the cant and Oaitarea thought the capital expend-
hypocr3ssoof the mean who' were now iture far the orison farm was too nigh
rirIiag the temperance horse ` but who was in .sympathy with hydro -electric,
for thirty years had refused to pass and shad he approved of the Rowell
temperance legislation in the- face ,os policy'
the enormous majority of the people M.r. Johnston discussed very :ably
-in fare'- of ;suich legislation. He stated the hunmmitarian work of the Ho- W.
that the (Government was prepared to T .Hanna with. regard to prisoners, the
go as far as public sentiment justified girls of. the Mercer Home, and the
Tuesday afternoon, am- weak - a.ad feeble minded. He also ties
Y be ed Into legis at o n that twwuld�leave cussed the record of the Liberal party,
Messrs, Stewart, Taman, Seldom and the uultimate effect of retarding the :L"n temperance contrasting it withthe
Clarke are to play doubles at the progress of temperance. The ones exceLe"at temperance legislataan of the
Londa'. Thistle Bowling Tournament tiaa, li,etween the parties was not of Coaise,i t*ative party.
this week: Quite a number will go temperance on the.one hand and in- j1Lr; ylcillllann c>xticized some ex -
to the Seaforth Double's on, July 1. temperance on the other, but was ane pend -tures and talked temperance
Me, W Warren Hunter, manager of of method ofsecuring a desired re- tion KS viewless/he.
the Union Bank, Newdale, Mair,, and suit and should never have ` been Mr. Eilber wound up in a most for -
son of Mr. John Hunted of town, was on Saturday, June 20th; married to throwwn into the political arena, c zftil and excellent manner, gaining the deer. Eilber in his address stated applause of his hearers in a very marls
lMM.ss Frances B. ,Robinson, daughter
that he would not leave been .a eandi, ed degree.
of 1Iu• and •Mrs; G. T Robinson. oft had not the unfounded and ma
Regina- .Sask., Warren's many `riends liciaats charge of a "breach .of faith":
.here will extend congratulations and with regard to the Scott Act been
best wishes, made against Mr. Hanna- According
to agreement Mr, Hanna had granted,
no license after the -first of May, ex-
cept as en• -the; cgs of Manitoulin Is-
land where the license coazmissioners
granted 'a three -months permit 'ever
which Mr, -Hanna has no veto,
Nix, L, H. Dickson . was the: :hair
matt. and the Citizen's Band •discours_
ed music. Cheers for Whitney, Han-
na and Felber wound up, the splendid
Eilber and Zeller Nominated
A large crowd attended the politic-
al meeting in Hensell"en. •Monday after
noon, after the nomination meeting,
when Henry Either and Edmund Zeller
were club nominated ta contest South
IR,turo,;i for the provincial 'legisiatare
On tneeion of the candidates' Mr.
John. Sherritt was made chairman. By
agreement eae,h speaker was given, 30
miio.Utes, Mr, Eilber to speak, lir'st,and
to have 15 minutes to reply.
Thn speaker on behalf of. Mr, Eil-
ber was Ex -Mayor. Johnston of Sar-
nia and ori behalf of, Mr, Zeller, rhos.
lac the brief time allowed Mr. Eilber
discusses the increased grants to
schools to agriculture for drainage
work beehard demonstrations, the :npe
po:;ntment of agricultural representat-
ives, the school faisrs, increased lic-
ense tees : ,railway ansi bank taxes,
the Hydra Electric and temperance
legislation, showing the falsity of the,
The Married .and Single baseball.
players met .in combat on Thursday
evening, the former winning 7-1.
Ouse boys pley.ed ,Pullarton „a return
tante lib- F+ullartbn ori 1"'riilay evening
winning out 4-2.
Credatoi: defeated Ailsa Craig in
the South Hueors League at the latter,•
;place or Monday night 3-1.
Exeter defeated Centralia in Cen-
tralia Monday . night in the- South
Hturar. League 7=0. The feature was
the magnificent pitching; of Herring-
The baseball team went to Plug-.
town_ on Thursday last and played a
genie with the team of that burg and
gar: ve them a pretty good drubbing;
the score being 11-5..
A very pretty and interesting event
took place last Wednesday whenFlor-
ence May•r;daughlter of Mi. Squire be-
came the bride of Joseph A. Dayman
of Tockersmith. Rev. Steadman per -
fanned the ceremony. They were un-
attenn.ded, About 170 sat down- to the
sumptuous supper. The Yount couple
will reside in. Tuckersmish,
Rev. Alvin E. IVIillsoti of Munro took
unto himself last Thursday a bride in
the.persoit of Edna MVlyrtle, Williams of
thesameplace. The, groom's uncle,
Rev, Walter Millson, performed the.
Among those. who attended the
funeral od' the late Mrs. Cameron were
Mr and Mrs. H. flunkies of Mitchell
and Mr and Mrs. Jas. Dennis of Tier
gessville,-Those from School No. 2
writing. ori Entrance Examinations are
Ethel McDonald,; Winnie Knight, sled
ys Duncan. Violet Stewart and Chas,
Turnbull.—The annual school picnic is
to be held on Saturday) Jane 27th in
Mr Jas.'- Cottle's bush. The usual
good time es expected also a. good
baseball game is being arranged for.
Death of Mrs. Cameron.—Death has
claimed another of the oldest and most
esteemed pioneer residents of this
community, in the person of Flora.
Camerae wife of the late John Cam-
eron Owing to Mrs. Cameron's kind-
ly sympathy and quiet Christian man-
ner there is much sorrow over he:,
demise among a large circle of friends
She was born in the Isle of Tyree
Scotland ,and at'tihe age of four years
came to Canada wvsi.th hex' parents, first
settlbisi in the Township of Dalhousie
County of .Lanark.-eShe married in
1847 and about 63 years ago she came
to. the Township of Usborne and set-
tled on the farm on which she died.
Mrs. Cameron. has been more orless
in delicate health for some time, but
an attack ,of paralysis on Monday of
last week snapped the vital cord, sli
was ;in her 78th • yea-; and is survived
by one son and .one daughter, —Thos..
Cameron: of Farquhar and Mrs. Agnes
Hill of Seattle, Wash.; also( one bro-.
the:r end one aster•—Donald ivlclnnis;
of Exeter end Mrs Wm. 'Monteith of
Ws,nnipeg Man. Deceased was one of,.
the f'iest members be the Thames Road
Paesbyterian church and by her faith
Cul peesevet:leg, self-sacrificing char.-
eceer she hes left be via.d her an ex-
ample, that would ,reflect credit to fol-
low Her life was rich in sacrifice for
hoer J:amily, her church and her many
Wends 'f'h,e funeral took place on ciency in the expenses for enforcing
$aiuir::ay to the ,Exeter ` cemetery. and ` the ,law will be made up, by the prov-
was largely attended, ince
Mr. Rowell here Wednesday
As we go to ptresst`at 2 o'clock on.
Wednesday afterpoon Mr; Rowell use
delivering an address to a large crowd
in the mink.
Some Improvements
Dickson to Mr. Powell
Exeter, June 20, 1914
Reit E G. Powell, Exeter.
Dear Sir -Replying to the . open ot-
ter wheels you addressed to me end
published in the Exeter, Times, you
make the following statement,—
.,',4,chairman of the Conservative
cane entio_n held in Hensall on June 2
you extended an invitation in some
such words as these, `If there is pres-
ent in this convention a lying, slap-
deeing sneak tbat has been going apt
and down t,hsi;s riding slandering "lir.
Eilber I invite him to come to this
platform" and you then accuse me of
the authorship, of an, unsigned' letter
appearing in the Advocate and Free
Press. which you characterize as li-
belous and slanderous. Now Mr. Pow -
let me recall to yoanr mind the invita-I
tion. I did !extend and remember that
the dnvitatio:n was heard by ftorn ?0C/
301' of the most reputable and rep-
resentative men in South Huron, and
)N THE • TEMPERANCE LAWS I think you will publicly acknowledge
UNDER WHITNEY that you have donee me a grave in-
justice My invitation was as nearly
as I can remember in the following
words,—"If there is any p'erson; pres-
ent who desires to address this •on-
vention lie will kindly take a seat on
the platform and he well be as wel-
come as the flowers in May'.
Agnes sir, you are in error in im-
puting to me the .authorship of the
letter you .complain of. I did not
write the letter though I endorse ev-
ery syllable ,contained in it. I would,
thea•efo:re ask you topublicly state
that you made this statement either
knowing it to be false or not knowing-
it to be true. ,
Agan. "sir, ,you are reported lathe
public .press to have stated at the
Methodist Conference Sarnia that
o en an
as chairman at the Conservative, sort
veetior aforesaid I refused to • blow
any Methodist ,minister or fanatic to
address the convention. I ani ,-raid
that yeas must have been suffering
from a recurrence of your Port Stan-
ley dream. Let nee recall to s ear
mend what T did say to you and F. r.
Sylvia Jefferson when you and he at-
tempted to create a disturbance, end
remember again that the same, 100 er-
300 respectable and reputable men
heard my statement. When. you r•s'sc
to ask some questions I insisted that
you should first answer three ques-
tions which 1 desired to put to you,
assuring, you that if your answers were
satisfactory to the Convention you
would be permitted. to ask your ques-
:io_tt. You refused to submit to the
terms and Mr, Jefferson ran forward
from the back of. the hall shouting
and waving his arms like- a wild :nan,
and I called him to order, informing
him and yo,w also that I would not
allow a bunch orf Grit preachers to dis-
turb tlaie harmony of the convention.
did not as stated bys you to the
conference make any reference :o the
ministers of any church. I hold the
Methodist church he the highest es -
teen; and veneration, but let me tell
your that many good membered of the
MVlethodist church deprecate rtes strong-
ly as I do the attempt of yourself end
other partizans to turn the chur.h
into a political machine, You eheuid
publicly !retract the statement • made.
by you at the Sandia Conference,
Now „sir, as to your; challenge to a
publ~ec discussion and to the ari`angee
meats for same; the issue or discus-
iscussion between you and myself must he
to settle the questiosn "WHO, ' IS TO
BE BELIEVED". -I would have been
quite willing and would have much
preferred to let that question test
with those. were present at the
conventaonl, but since, you are so runs-
iotas for phhliec ,notoriety and Lave,
boasted that I' would not accept yetis
Various useful amendments have
'been made to the Liqusor Law with a
view to m,akungits enforcement very
Inspectors are now under the con-
trol of the central authorities and:
have tocomply,wo,th the requirements
of the Department,
It is no longer possible for a second
and -theme e offence to be prosecuted
as a finest offence.
Convictions cannot :be upset - by
Penalties for infraction of the law
have been increased; in some cases
doubled -
License fees have been largely in-
creased one-half of the increase go-
ing to the municipalities.
All liquor containing 2/ per event
o,( proof spirits is held to he -intoxi-
A limit of six, ounces has been
placed upon the amount of Liquor.
which can be sold in - a drug t tore.
Children are ,not allowed to buy
inquor as they formerly were, on - a
written order from the parent or
Hotels have been. closed on . Christ-
mas day and Good Friday,
In cities and towns' any one selling
liquour must -have a:bar-tender's lic-
ense wwhech is forfeited' by any offence
against the law.
Keeping liquor for sale without - a
license es ,oracle as serious, an offence
as for selling 'without a,license; end
the maximum fine was raised from
$200, to $500.
Holders of tavern and shop licenses
are forbidden to cash pay cheques or
order:.issued in payment of wages,
The sale of liquor my the vicinity of
public works uncle, construction may.
be peohiliited by Proclamation.
Holders of taverna licenses are ie-
stricted to sales Torr consumption on
the premises, sa that no laqu,or bought
in a tavern canbe remo,veci, from the,
licensed premises.
The consumption of liquor in any
livery stable or : other building; hi
which the public are Int the Habit of
resorting lis prohibited
The hours of selling` are reduced
so thatliquor cannot be solei intsl
8 o'clock en the morning, instead of
All lines imposed it : local option
mu,nfcipalities are now made available
far the enforcement of local option
le the whole License District.
The aclnt;aiistr;tion of the law in
Scott Act counties ,is facilitated by
provicling that one-half' of any deli -
challenge e make you the follow,ng the Evangei,i,cai Sux.,tday Schools from
proposition; We will meet in she Zustc,h Crediton; and Dashwood wilt,
Mall in Hensel!, where the convention be held at Gre d• Bend Park, Agooc
was held, teed we will invite all per- ''time is anticipated.
ons wlza• were present an the Znd of
Ttwsc and as many more as you wish '
to have present and we will discuss
am Creditor'
the: following questions: -
1 Iso o state t -
invitation .extended by me as chairman
above referred to true?
2, Was your statement to the ';Teti)
od!st Conference that Irefu,sed to al-
low any Methoclst Minister or fanatic
to address the:conveeteon, true e
3. Is your statement that 1 was the
author of the letter above referred to,
true ?
4 Is your statement ,that •sou- sled
not telegraph the report of the pro-
ceedersgs of the: convention 10 the
Los -Klan Advertiser, true:?
5,—Was the report to the London
Advertiser sent frorn Hensall as it
purported to be or did you -^erid it
front Exeter and was that report
tree ?
Yoe will have an hour to make oocl
your statements a,nd 1 will eiily.• ask
omni calf that time, to, prove your sta-
tements untrue.
I air satisfied with the: chairmart,yc�i
name. .
Each one of us will de,poset with
the Cheeriness, ,$25:00. If you fall to
make good your statements your n0n
ey wit, be applied in paying 2tsr - the
hall ann other expenses, and :nine will
be;sreturiece If you make good your
statements, my money well be applied
in,. the same way and, yours returned.
Let me know when it will suit your
convenience to have the discussion.
Yours truly,
L., H. Dickscca
P. S, --Several of the delegates s in-
sisted that you had no;right to he
!present at our convention, where only
loral and true Conservatives duly ac-
credited,are supposed to be admitted
but the Executive Committee felt
that en worming yourself into the eon-
ventio>a, your design and intention was
that you might rush into: print with
thc;- statement, that you had- bee:n..xe-
fused admissice., you were therefore
allowed to remain, much • to your own
x any s a emus.. o t o
Several from here attended the
nomination meeting at Hensall Mon-
day - They treiiiort °ayrplarge- xtl,.,;,..•cn-
thusiastic gathering.—Mrs.. Dr. J. Rout-
ledge leaves Tuesday for a trip to
Regina to visit her son Archie and
others.—Miss Hall of Listowel ia vis -
Wats at ` the home of, Rev. J. H. Gren-
zebact, a tpresest.—Rev. P. Graupner
of the Lutheran church spent the past
week at For tWaysne, Ind.—Mrs. Philip
Fassold is visiting her sister . at Inger-
sell this week.—Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Otterbeiai who spent the past week
with friends at Berlin returned home
Monday evening.—Mae -Tobias Guenth
ex is on the sick .list at present. - We
hope he may soon ,recover.—Rev. H.A.
Kellen -main occupied the pulpit in the
Evangelical church last Sunday even -
tag, preaching+ t oa full house,his sub.
ject being foil consecration. He will
leave at the end of, this week to take
up hie work on his appointment. Sev-
eral from here attended the political
meetings at Exeter on Tuesday and
Wednesday.—Henry Eilber is billed to
speak at a psulblaie meeting in this vil-
lage Saturday 'night —A goodly num-
ber from here attended the ice cream
social on the 14th concession Tuesday
night. --On Friday a union picnic oto
Mr Joh-; Wean is ie Detroit rhes:
wwceL looking after his property in-
i The masons " have stertecl ,he hriele
work at Gottfried Ga,iser's ntsu stable
and, expect to :beats', • work' Ott Albeit
Morlock's'garage and blacksmith ,hop,
:,a wt few clays.
efr and Mrs. Dalin Wind ?Tawe re-
turned home from Detroit,after ani
tended visit with, their children.
Out Band es furnishing the music et
the. strawberry festival en Shipka to-
' night
• fhis week has been: a cry busy one
politicians. With tile nomination
ineettee m Hensall en Monday, the
Hanna -Elbe, meeting in Exeter wen,
Ttics3a3 .tax.c, the Rowell-Zelleramour
Jtt cr Wednesday a gireat wealth �of`
knowledge on the political issues' of"
the clay should, he obtained.
Mt, and Mrs Dan Sweitzer and Mrs
Wel" Lewis of Algonquin Park are
vsiting relatives in town:
1 The Methodist Sunday School held
tneee annual picnic at Grand Bend on
Tuesday,` The weather was hot- an.
' ideal one , for an : outing at the take:.
Dart Oestreicher has commenced tile.
Painting his residence 'and . otherwviee'
Jena F. Brown has been engaged by ,
assist him m
ineHis Majesty's
a7est }s
mail from
fere to
The Evangelical Sunday School wi1Z
go to the Bend on Friday: A good
time is expected. -
' Death has removed from our :emit
, a highly respected citizen in the Der -
son of Mn James Lamport who clie'j'.
Sunday after a short illness. The de -se
ceased was well Lke,d by all and .hd•
-will be greatly- missed. His -remains
wexe,unterred in the Exeter cemetery'
oa Wednesday. The bereaved family
have the sympathy of the entire coni
McCreath—Armstrong-At the home
or the bride's'parents, an .Tune 23e,
Harry. M.cCreatle of Lucknow to.
Miss Ethel, daughter of ;)1r, and Mrs.
I. Armstrong, of Exeter
Abba tePettee=At mat. ' Pada chinch
Hennsall on June 20th; at 7 a.m., be-
yRural Dean W. J. Doherty, Alyea
Lockwood Petty o£ Hensall to. Chair-
les Abbott of London, formerly ofi
Exeter and Centralia, -
Htunter-Robsnsan—At Regina, orf
June; - •20 Mr. W. Warren Hunter,,
manager of the Union Sank, New -
dale Man, to Miss Frances B. Rob--
5:nson claugbter of Mr. and; Mrs. G..
T. Robinson of Regina, Sask.
Hodgson.—In. Columbus, Ohio, on June
12th Robert Hodgson, in itis 81st
Fanson-In London, on'June 22, Sam-
uel Fanson, forrmerIy of Exeter Ikea
61 years, 7 months. -
Cameron, -At Farquhar, on June 18;:
Float Cameron:, widow of the lafe
Johr. Cameron, in her 78th` year..
Mitchell --In Exeter, an Julie 19, Jane
Mitchell , widow of the late - David
Mitchell, aged 76 years, 11 months!
and 23 days. -
Prancis—At Croswell, Mich., Tune 13'
Henry Francis, sr,, formerly of Us -
borne, aged 85 years.
Where Reasonable Prices Prevail,
Suitable Gifts for June Brides
Yaw will find a wide range; of beautiful things in this stotre
any of which will make a suitable gift and will be, much ap-
preciated by those receiving them,
We are showing a 97 -piece
Dinner set decorated with a
pretty rose and edged- with
gold. A winner at $11.00 -
An assortment of pretty
lamps ranging in price from
$4.50 to $11.50,
Twenty-five to choose
Brass Trays, Crumb Trays
We have a wide range of
from. Mee buy direct from
the Potteries. That is why
we can,: save you money,
Candle Sticks, Tea .stands,
They are not high priced.
itt many sizes and shapes Salts awed Peppers, bonbons
with or without handles:: A pickles, salads and hitchers
new shipment has arrived. We can save you money,
When you take your vara- Always gave satisfaction.
tion, be sure to ;have a box, They have double "finger
of ,holeproof in; your suit- tips Gaud come in different
case, They are guaranteed to lengths S0ce $1,00, $1,25
wear 3 monrths • without clarz,irtg
1 ailplaan and .sennet straws,
All the new shapes for Tien
and Bays. Panainas` tit $4, $5
In posnps, Oirford and in
buckskins They will be
much woira this season, Get
•a lair while we have- size.