HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-6-4, Page 5DENTAL Or. G. F'. RO'CLSTON, x..D,S , D.D.S. DENTIST I. Member of the R.C.T.t.S. o! otl,tario and ' Honor Graduate o! Toronto University: Ciffica—Ores Dickeen & Carling's lav:, office. Closed 'Wednesday afternoons. DR. A, R,. KINSMAN, X..D.S„ D.D 13y Honor 'Graduate of Toronto tTniveretty DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad 0/recta, 'Office over Madman & Stanbury'a office, Matto Street, Exeter. • LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Soiic'ltors, Notaries; Conveyancers, Com- tressior era. Sol`ieitlora for the Molsone Bank, etc. Stoney to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices—Main-St., Exeter 1. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We nave a large amount of private funds to toan on farm and village prop- erLiee at tow rates of interest. GLADMAN & STAN$URY Barristers, Solicitors. 131reter. J. SENIOR Agent • Confederation Lite Assurance Company'.: also Fire Insurance to lead= lnb Canadian and British Companies. ids n -St.;, Exeter., T. B CARLING - Life, Fire, Accldbut and Plate .Glass insurance, Cotlecting accounts, and con- ductingauction sales. — Exeter, 'Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or a,ny male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in penal, at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Lo- cal Agent, of Dominion Lands knot` sub igen) ont Certain conditions. c r In Duties—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three, years. A homesteader may live with'i'n aline miles of his homestead cn. a faint of at least 80 acres, an certain conditions.. A habitable :.house is. re- ous"ed •in every case, except"when, ie- . sideace is performed in the vicinity. Ip. certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a. quarter section alongside his homestead: Price $3 per acre: Duties -Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn luomesteadpatent)' A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead ,right and cannot ob Main a ,pre-emption may take a pur- :Rased homestead in, certain. districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re- side 6 ,months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect. a ' house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. W. W. CORY Deputy oP, the Minteter of •the 'Interior N.8—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not .be paid Tor, STRA T FORD. ("".° T. Become a specialist in Business. It offers more opportunities than any other calling. To reapthe full meas- ure of success "you must have the bes:'possible training. This is. Ont- aries Best Business School, We give individual" attention. You may enter our classes at any time. Three De- partments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. • Write at : ince for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal LET US. PREPARE YOU... for a business career. Attend. ---ELLIOTT Ids Toronto Ont., where you will get. • correct instrtiction and assistance in obtainin",, employment when competent College ;open all summer. Enter . any time 'Catalogue free. EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know' about the wonderful Marvol whirling ie 3�ray Douc Ask sour druggist for it. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book—sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies, WINDSORSUPPLYCO.,Windsor,Ont. General Agents for Canada. Upper Lakis. Nivigation Sailings ,from 'Sarnia Wharf Mon- days, Wednesdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Ft, William, commencing June 81h. S'r'EAMSHIP SPECIAL Effective Juue 8, Westbound Wil..' leave Toronto 11:,15a.m. on sailing elates making connection at Sarnia Wharf for Sault, Ste 1siarie; Pt. Arthur Fort William, Winnipeg and points in Western Canada, Parlor -Cafe, Parlor , Cars and .1""irst.- class coaches to Sar, a Wharf. A special train will. ritn the reverse. wily --leaving Sarnia Wharf. 7A5 ann. arriving Toronto 110 plan. coinmericing <)une 9th and each Tuesday, Friday and Sunday thereafter, hall particulars at Grand Trunk ric- ket Offices, or write C, E, Horning, D,P„.A... Toronto, Ont, 3`, DOItE, Exeter, BIDDULPH A quiet but pretty wedding , was solemnized' in St, Patrick's church, Bid dulpli out Wednesday, May 20 when Loretto ,Mary Mellhargey, daughter of Zachariah & cIailhargey, was united in. marriage to James Edward Dew:tti of Loudon; Rev. Father Hogan, as- sistec' by his brother, Father Hogan celebrated high mass. The bride, ca , tea ed the church on, the arm of her father, looked ,charming in a gown of white Dutchess satin, with black pict.1 ire hatand carried the customary bridal roses. Her sister Miss Sadie. Mclihargey, assisted her,! and was beautifully gowned in King's blue silk with hat t�oc. .match, and carried piink,carnatlons.9''William Dewan broth er of the groom, acted as best man.. Alter congratulations, Mr, and 'Mrs., Deti<<axt left on the 4;15. train for T on- dosi tlye bride travelling in clack silk and after a short honeymoon will beat home to their many friends, Value of Rh.euma From the Court Judge Barhorst was Relieved . of Rheumatism After Doctors Failed I1 you have tried many other :erne - dies and doctors' treatments for 32heu matisn: and •found they failed, do . not be skeptical about trying RHEUMA. Read the testimony of, Judge John Bar horst of Fort Loramie, O, "After treatment by three doctors without result, I have been cured of a very bad case of Rheumatism by using two bottles of RHEUMA. It now two years since I used the remedy and I am still as well as ever. Preciously, I was a cripple, walking with crutches,” Such testimony should be convinc- :ng 5(,', cents of W. S. Cole, guaran- teed JOHN SMOLLETT, 44459, a stand- ard bred trotting stallion will stand. at Wm; Schroeder's barn, Exeter. Ar- rangements may also be made with Hallie Brawn, Prop, Thames Road. LORD OF THE MANOR, 23216 the magnificently bred trotting stal- Poin, will stand at hisown stable • on Thames Road. Arrangements may- be made with Wm. Schroeder, Exeter.— Hallle Brown Prop, arid Manager. 'FARM FOR SALE --o-- Bein Lot 23, Con. 8, Stephen, con- taining 100 acres, and part of Lot 23 Con 9. Stephen, containing 25 acres On Doc 23 is a good Brick House, containing 7 rooms, with cellar; two barns, one 36x58 with stabling under- neath. Water in stable pumped by a windmill from never failing spring ;the other bane on frame foundation 30x 51' Farm well fenced and drained. On the 25 acres these are 5 acres of good hardwood bush. Farm is well situat- ed beine, 3 miles from Dashwood, 3 from Crediton, 5from Exeter town and station • gravel roads in all directions 1 acre orchard. Satisfactory reason for selling Terms reasonable, For Lull particulars enquire of proprietor on the premises, Josiah Kestle, or 13. S. Phillips, auctioneer, Exeter. Will be sold in block or separate to suit pur- chaser, CANADIAN " CACI:F1 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO -MANITOBA, ALBERTA . . SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return 05,00 Edmonton and Return - 43,00 From Toronto, and Stations West and , North of Toronto. ;Proportionate fare& from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months, Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAI' tickets. from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write ( M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P. Ry., Toronto.,< DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS Arena. Ole Rei gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for $10. Sold at all Drug stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. The Scoseze Dktre Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Reltores vim nrid Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter" • a Tonle—twill build you up. $C a bolt, or two for ;$5 at drugstores, or by mail on receipt `o1Ontarioprice;. hexa Swami, Ditto Co„ St. Catharines. M Have You Bilious Atta-cks? Chamberlain Tablets keep the liver right up to nor mal all the time—and that's why, they are so effective • in cure of. Stomach Disorders, Fermentation, Indigestlore ,and all ailments which are the fore- runners of biliousness., 'try theta. 2$e. a bottle Druggists atld Dealers or by 1VIai1. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Irlrportant Events Which Have Ocourred During the Week, Om Busy World's Happenings Care, filly Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -^A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. Lord Brooke, who commanded tlie cavalry brigade at Petawawa last year, has been made an honorary colonel in the Canadian militia. T, F. Calder, aged 34, manager of. the Standard Trust Co., of Sasha, toon, was struck by lightning end killed while on a holiday automobile trip. The engagement of Prince Oskar, fifth son of the German Emperor and Empress, to Countess von Bessewitz, maid of honor to the empress, was announced in Potsdam, Germany, yesterday, 13 sh fires,indestroying d stroying poles of the Charlton -Swastika, Kirkland transmission line, did not materially alter the date of turning on the pow- er, Everything is in readiness for bower next week. Frank V. Conlon, 26, photograph- er, hotographer, was killed at Moncton, N,B., yes- terday. He was thrown in boarding a moving automobile. He was at- tending the Knights of Columbus, de- gree exemplification. Advices from Paris bring informa- tion that the'late Sir John Murray- Soott's art collection,' consisting of the part that remained in Paris, has been sold by the owner, Lady Sack- viJle-West, to an art dealer, for $1,- 400,000. 1,400,000. An unknown schooner sank in the Northumberland Straits, ' off Prince Edward Island, Monday night. The vessel was apparently of about 40 tons. A body was washed ashore yesterday morning. It was of a man of about 65 years of age. 'THURSDAY. There is no truth in the report that the Duke of Connaught will become Lord Lieutenant of 'Ireland on leaf- ing Canada. Yesterday was the hottest May 27 to the history of the New York Wea- ther Bureau.' The mercury reached 91, and two deaths and many pros- trations were reported. • Lieut. Charles Becker, his counsel says, will confess to , nothing, and there will be no activities in •1'-' be, half other than the preparation and I'nrtberance -of his appeaI.. 1'7m. Rockefeller insists that he is 1 +' physically able to -testify .before t » U. S. Interstate Commerce Com- mission; that his voice will not per- mit him to go on the stand. With ancient rhe the coffin con- taining the body of the late Empress Dowager Haruko of Japan was plac- ed yesterday in, a g*ave .at the -Imper- ial mausoleum of Monoyama. Olaf Singinson and Wilde Larson, Swedes, were killed by an explosion: of dynamite at Cedar Rapids, Que. A spark from a steam shovel set fire to a newly -opened box of dynamite. A severe cold wave spread over Southwestern Europe yesterday. Sev- eral inches of snow fell in some places in southeastern France, while heavy rainsgionwere reported from other re- s. The reports received by the Post - office Department, indicate that the parcel post service. is being very gen- erally patronized, especially in the large centres, and the results are ful- ly up to anticipations. The system is proving profitable. FRIDAY. Word 'has reached Montreal from Ludwig Roever, Toronto, who is in Mateo City, and about whose safety alar r was felt. TL.: steamer Nicaragua, which ran ashore near Point Vivian, was releas- ed 1, steamer. Cornwall and taken to Kingston for repairs yesterday. Alexander MacDonald was sentenc- ed to an hour in jail and fined 00 for attempting to impersonate a negro at the recent Montreal civic elections. A scaffold with five men fell 18 feet at Berlin yesterday. M. J. Hal- ler, Preston, was the most seilously hurt, sustaining a compound fracture of the leg. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the British Admiralty, yesterday ae,- complished the first series of tesfis required in order to obtain an ilk pilot's certificate. The sojourn of Harry K. ThawIn Concord, N.H., ended yesterday wen he left for Gorham, in the White Mountains, where he will spend the summer at a hotel. The parish chureli at St. Sylvestge de Lctbiniere, Que., was completely burned Wednesday. All the furnls,,i- Ings in the church were saved. The loss is estimated at $50,000. The transatlantic steamship com- panies yesterday decided, owing to the -mount of ice in the. North At- lantic, temporarily to modify the track of their steamers to a more southerly route. While engaged in a wrestling bout with a friend Wednesday night Albert Houle, aged 19, of 59 Burnet Lane, became overheated and unconscious and died on the way to the Montreal General Hospital. SATtJ1;DAY. Extra police sent to northern cen- tres in Ireland have now returned to London. There Will b.. important poli- tical discussions in Ireland next week. ,An operation for appendicitis re- stored the reason of Harry Christian, 32, farmer, tried on a charge of lar- cony and now in an asylum at San- dusky, 0. H. R. II, the Governor-General tor - ally opened the Connaught Home for Nurses in connection 'with- the King Edward Sanitarium, near Wes- ton, yesterday.. hive years le Kingston with hard labor was the sentence pronounced upon pr. Roy Riddell yesterday after- noon in Woodstock for performing an illegal Operation on his wife. Alex, Bowie, a pensioner of the 78th Highlanders' 'Regiment, Scot- land, and a veteran of the Indian and Boer wars, has just walked from kvfontreal to Brockville, via Ottawa, oovering the 'distance of ISG miles In the remarkably good time of six. days. MONDAY. The White Star liner ;Saltie col- rllgli lidod fh withcoasta .coasting vessel off the Scores of watching and waiting wo- men besieged the C.P.R. ofdoes in. Liverpool for news of "husbands, sons a- d lovers. Robert Fairman died in Cornwall Saturday. The deceased was born in Cornwall 72 years ago and was a son - f the late John Pairman.. -. Wm. E. Fitch of New York proposes a plan to mitigate poisoning t r Ugh bichloride of mercury by 60 _ ,o!Hing it with a' strong emetic. T fourth fire of apparently in- cendiary origin within a few weeks at Listowel damaged J. C. Hay Son's tile plant to the extent of $5,600. Sir Herbert Tree at His Majesty's Theatre in London paid a high tri- bute to the late Laurence Irving, the noted English actor, lost on the Em- press of Ireland. Fire, Saturday evening destroyed a stable at 11 Kenwood aye.. Toronto,. Damage wil amount Dunt to $'a.,?S u U, cov- ered by insurance to the extent of $1,300. One horse was destroyed, Capt. Bartlett, who was in .com- mand of the Karluk, Stefansson's ship, has reached St, Michael's, and sent an account of the los, of the vessel and the escape.of the party on board 1) Wrangel Island. CU ESDAY. An ` "arson squad" of militant suf- fragettes yesterday destroyed by fire the historic parish ' church of St. Mary's, Wargrave, three' miles from Henley on the Thames; Some time during ` Sunday night Foxton's sawmill, located on the Perth road, was blown up by dyna- mite. No reason can be given for the outrage. The mill is almost a total wreck. Run down by a G. T. R. west- bound ' train at the Cherrystreet crossing yesterday, Peter John,- a Macedonian laborer, living at 40 Berkeley street, Toronto, was prob- ably fatally injured. A militant suffragette, evading the Watchful officials in St, Paul's Cathe- dral, mounted the steps of the lectern at the services Sunday, and haran- gued the astonished worshippers up- on "the wrongs of women." Because he had been refused some- thing to eat at the .ome of David Bauder near Kingston, John Simp- son, a tramp, a big husky chap, drew a knife and attempted to stab Bauder. Si •tpson was arrested and given 30 days in jail. No one in the. House of Commons could e found yesterday who was wiling to be eponser for Senator Da- vis' Anti -tipping., Bill. When intro- duced the Speaker' name '• Hon. Frank Oliver and Mr. F. B. Carvell as mover and.aeconder.. Mr. Carvell refused to act in that capacity. TRIED TO SAVE SHIP. Engineers Worked Until Their En- gines Failed Them. 'TORONTO, Jane 2—Following the collision of the Empress of Ireland and the collier, there was desperate effort in the engine room to save the ship, and the engineers and assistants left the engines only when human power' was of . no avail because the steam had failed and the gigantic en- gines were rendered useless. The story told by Chief Engineer W. Sampson to his son of that last fight. in the engine room to obey the cap- t_in's•orders and save the ship and the 1,400 souls aboard, was told here yesterday by the engineer's son, Mr. J. E. Sampson of this city, as heard from his father in Montreal on Sun- day. Held up by two men, Engineer Sampson worked with the starting apparatus, which, because of the list of the boat, was over his head in- stead of at his side. ,.In this posi- tion, really lying on his back in the hands of his assistants, the engineer worked the machinery until the steam failed and the big engines fail- ed to respond. The telegraphic com- munication with the bridge and the captain continued its signals. The or- der came to beach her, and Sampson put on all steam, but in a moment all steam was no steam and the en- gines kicked once or twice and quit. Obeying the great code of marine m@n, the rules of the Board of Trade, the enginee~"wired back to the cap- tain:, , ' No steam, the engines are gone." Back came the message from the bridge, the usual signal, but car- ried a message of death `Finished with the engines." Then the lights ' rent out and Chief Engineer Sampson gave. his last or- der in the engine -room of the Em- press, when he told his men to get out. "We climbed the ladder on the side which was really, the ceiling now," said 'Engineer Sampson,, "like the flies on a wall." TRIED TO SAVE, WIFE. Fragment of Cloth In Irving's Hand Tells , Mute Story. QUEBEC, June 2.—The ,corpse of Laurence Irving, the actor, was pick- ed up on the west shore of the St. Lawrence, below Rimouski, Sunday night, and the information was given to the C.P.R. officials here yesterday morning. His face wasbadly bruised and hardly recognizable, but on his finger was a signet ring with the ini- tials "L.I." He had a piece of a wo- man's nightdress in his dead grip, and it was evidently Mrs, Irving's, be- cause when last seen alive, the dis- tinguished' actor was making a des- perate effort 10 save her life, It was thought that • in. hisbrave efforts . to save her life-he•lost his own, felf bodies: have: been taken straight frons Rimouski to Montreal. The body of Leonard Palmer, the English' journalist, was identified yes- terday, ,. '• Won Big Pool, RING. s'rc „ ,lune 2—W. 5, Towns- end, who won iv $30,000 pool on the English rierby, i;ti a second year set - vice student of t ueen'Sa 'University, VITAL5,FORC Disease germs are on very hand, They.are in the very` at we breathe. A system "run down"is a prey for then. Q vital must e withstandl have force to them, Vital force ,..�s , y a t'o cede el°l; on digestion—on Whether or not food' nourishes—on the quality of blood coursing through• the body, he DR. TIERCE'S ,.. d God, e�ri Medical Discovery Strengthens the weak stomach. Gives: geind general _ digestive, Enlivens the sluggish liver.Feeds the starved nerues. Againloll health and strength return. A u buildau enables t ,ilart to pimp likc a engine running in oil. The vital force is once moe established to full power - Year in and year out for over fortjr years.this great health -restoring remedy has been spreading throughout the entire world—because of its ability to make the sick well and the weak strong. Don't despair of. "beteg your old self again." Give this vegetable remedy a trial—Today ,loft. You will soon feel "like newagain.., Sold in liquid or tablet form by Druggistsortrial box for 50cbymail. Write Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo,N.Y. Dr. Pierce's great loos page "Medical Adviser." Cloth -bound, sent tor 31 one -,cent stamps, t • The 'individual ap- The Logical pointed to administer ati estate is forced to give Adm• • much time and attention inistrator to his trust. The anxiety is ceaseless, the clanger of mistakes through inexperience is great. Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better performed by this Company? The fees are no greater and the management 'much more capable than can be expected of any pri- vate executor, however willing. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED is the logical administrator to appoint: Its sole business is the careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust :committed' to its care. Call in and consult us. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, 8',C.. President 4 JON S. MOORS, _Manager LABATT'S. STOUT - The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE—SOUND—WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA =i • 29 s, Meat May Be Injurious and Is Expensive ! Some people may eat lots of meat without in- jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet they''. eat it daily—these pay in both health and purse. Either class will benefit by eating less (neat and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It gives much more nourishment thanits cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest—conse- quently better for you. Ask for 0 It's the original. 1Q cents per package„ ‘).04, e7, /I�f i�►i�d' fid. ,' THE UNIVERSAL. CAR The- Ford — the Lightest, Surest, Most Economical-- the very essence of auto— mobiling-and all Canadian. Model T $ Runabout 600 f, a b. Ford • Onarii o I Get particulars from Wes. Snell. agent. 0. ► .. mann ‘11,A. f • The 'individual ap- The Logical pointed to administer ati estate is forced to give Adm• • much time and attention inistrator to his trust. The anxiety is ceaseless, the clanger of mistakes through inexperience is great. Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better performed by this Company? The fees are no greater and the management 'much more capable than can be expected of any pri- vate executor, however willing. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED is the logical administrator to appoint: Its sole business is the careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust :committed' to its care. Call in and consult us. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, 8',C.. President 4 JON S. MOORS, _Manager LABATT'S. STOUT - The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE—SOUND—WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA =i • 29 s, 1: Meat May Be Injurious and Is Expensive ! Some people may eat lots of meat without in- jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet they''. eat it daily—these pay in both health and purse. Either class will benefit by eating less (neat and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It gives much more nourishment thanits cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest—conse- quently better for you. Ask for 0 It's the original. 1Q cents per package„ ‘).04, 1: