HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-5-28, Page 8EXETER MARWITSR GED I ACB WEDNESDAY, La(")GA.L P(? I \ ( ► *Ale ee ate, a ate, „ate Nee eft..+! etkc 44,410.4 June: 29th ;is now spoken of as el- ection day, Home Rule has passed—and now— what. conies nlext ? We experienced, but hardly enjoy-. ed some midsummer weather luring the week Hors. W J Hanna speaks to -day in Seafoirth at the Centre Huron Conser_ w attve Convention. The Exeter. Dhustrict Meeting of the Methodist church was held iii Parkhill on Tuesday and Wednesday. Barley, . Euw:lewheat Oats, ,Baas......,,....... ,. retat OBS, per bag Ray, sexton.,,...-, .. ;Floss!, per cwt„ family Flour, law grade per c Butter,:, Live tepee, per Ste lyre per ton tie ten per tre n 08 08 50 52 50 09 137 37 9) 90 75 90 14 Ot) 14 00 2 70 s $0• l 60 20 21 21 22 g 00 ei , 24 (el R M POR I" ' OF MILK INVESTIGA TION, MAY 20, 1914 E;n'i. Hewitt—Preinises clean out- fit clean cooled, hydrometer test 1.031 temperature test 63 deg., butter fat 4.() p.c dirt in 20 c.c. a tri C .e, bacteria in c.c 5,000. , A, Willard—Property clean, outfit clean cooled, hydrometer •est 1.033 temperature test 61 deg.; butter fat 3,4;; dirt in 20 c.c. a trace; bacteria in ec:.54100. Lotus- Day—Property clean, Outfit clean not cooled, hydrometer test 1;029 temperature 80 "deg., butter fat 4.0 p.c.; dirt in 20 c,c,, a trace; bac- teria in C.C. 120,000. The people of the Village, of Exeter may congratulate themselves on the quality of the milk with which they are supplied. It is all that we e,ould expect. Pure milk must give a hydro- meter test from 1,029 to 1.033. In butte tat 4,p.c. is a good showing. Bacteria can only be kept in check by cleanliness. and by cooling in the hot weather dawn to 50 or 55 degrees af- ter straining, and kept that way till after et is delivered. The consumer should at once place it upon ice, Dr. A. Quackenbush, The Liberal Conservatives will hold thee: convention at Hensall on June ZM. J. G. Anderson, M. P.P. of South Bruce has bee41 notninated to contest North Huron in the Liberal interest. The present member Mr. Musgrove, will be the Conservative choice. La Ontario ahout 19 p.c. of the tall wheat h.as been winter killed, or e32- 000 acres and in Alberta 15 p. C. or 36,000 acres. Last year it was tor Ontario 18 p.c. and Alberta 45 p.c, NOTICE • To the Shareholders of the Exeter Salt W orks— Gentlep en,—Please take notice that ;aih'eetiiig of the shareholders will be meld in the Town Hall, Friday, June '12th' at 2 o'clock p.m. T, B. CARLING, Sec'y-Treas RETURN SEED CORN. Those having sowed their corn end having seed over will kindly return same to the Ca Ein,g Fatctoey at oaoe EXETER CANNING CO. HOUSE TO RENT.—A co•mfartable frame house on Huron Street, with stable on. property, cheap. Apply at .Advocate Office. FLOWERS FOR SALE.—I am pre- pared to furnish flowers of all kinds far planting or for baskets at . r ea- see able prices.—JOHN FORD, ceme- tery caretaker, Exeter. FOR SALE A second -band wood range with- out crack or flaw, cheap. Apply at this office. FOR SALE. T H McCallum offers for sale his house and ' three lots. A !Lice' home • at a reasonable price. For informa- tion apply to Mrs. G. Brooks, next door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer Have you paid for your Advocate for 1914?.If not, why not? FOR SALE—In Clandeboye, brick house, orchard, stables and 15 acres land Apply W. A. Jones, 206 Percy Street Ottawa. Known for Quality ANSCO PHOTO GOODS ANSCO CAMERAS CYPO PAPERS AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS. SUPPLIES For sale by J. SENIOR, Photographer, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the tow of God - elicit. on Tuesday the 2nd day of June next, at the hour of 3 o'clock. W. LANE, Clerk Dated at Goderich May 13, 1914. Court of Revision OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER. Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter will hold the first meeting for the present year in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday, J'itnnc lath. 1914, at 7 o'clock p.m. T. B, .. Carlin;, Clerk, Exeter May 22 1914, Cedar Posts Sale- for. We have this year the finest .tick of POST$ we have ever had, having nothing less than 6 inchat the small eed. G. E. HICKS, R ,Centralia -c EXE .' . ADVOCATE CATS. D. Roulstoti 6s at present' taking vacatio,, for a few weeks. During his absence hes dental office is in charge of Dr. CamptiClt, Mr. Thos. Nelson, expert with Mr, Wes Snell .,has moved his family here from Owen Sound and are occupying :t:Gr D Mack's house opposite Main-st, church Visitors to Exeter and townspeople as weld were delighted with the music rendered by the Citlze,ns Band on Victoria Day. The band will give an open, air concert of Main Street this Friday evening. Boys and girls of Ontario may thank their stars that they live here instead o fin Chicago, In that city an up- to-date spanking machine is to be in- stallec in, the schoolh, warranted to to beat the old shingle or mother's slipper a mile. It is guarranted to work noiselessly and to ruin on either heglor row gear between the hours of 9,15 a. m. up to 3.59 p.m. la this day aad age it is conceded that- a practical education, is the best dowry parents can bequeath ` to their sons and claughters, and it .is that which leads up to the greatest suc- cess in life. He who, shares' in pro- viding advantages for this educational' t•rainine is doing more for the world and humanity than if he left to his heritage a palatial abode and vast fields of the richest sail on 'earth Tec Masonic craft of Canada will take a prominent part in. the celebra- tion of the one hundred years of peace between the British people and the people of the United States to be ,held this year. At a meeting of the board of general purposes of. the Grand Lodge of Canada, it was de- cided to appropriate a sufficient amount of money for the entertain- ment of the grand masters from all the grand lodges in the United States England Ireland and Scotland. 1Lrs Yager. was hurriedly called to Clandeboye on Wednesday of last week, owing to the serious condition of her mother, Mrs. W. Cunningham, who met with the misfortune of fall- ing down a .flight of steps at her home in that place. Mrs. Cunningham hap- pened to be alone .at the time, her daughter Miss .E. J. Cunningham hav- trg beer out of the house- at the. time .and .an.'her return shediscover- ed her mother at the foot of the. stars in. an unconscious condition. A physician was immediately summoned but it Was same time, before she could be restored to consciousness, and on examination it was found that she had sustained injury to her spine, received numerous cuts about the head and face and was otherwise badly shaken up. As a result she is naw confined to her bed, and it is feared she will not recover from the accident. BOWLERS TO OPEN GREENS. The bowling green is now open for play The formal opening will be held Monday evening by a president and vice-president snatch. All who desire to bowl should give their names to the secretary at once so as to get in this draw •CONSERVATIVE MELTI-VG.—A meeting of the Conservative Associa- tion. will be held in the Town 'elan., Exeter. .ort Friday, May 29, commenc- ing at 8 o'clock sharp, fore ti he nur- pose of electing delegates to attend the Convention to be held at Hensall ori Tuesday, June Znd, and to elect officers for the ensuing year. T. .B CARLING, C. H. SANDERS, President Secretary SOUTH HURON SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION Thursday, May 28, 1914, in James Street Methodist Church, Exeter. Ont, Two sessions, afternoon and evening. Speakers Rev. A. Lucas, Internation- al. Field Secretary West Indies and. Central America; Rev. J. • G. Miller, St Marys„ Rev. C. W. Baker, Wood- ham. Live topics will be discussed. Special music Pastors please announce HAD LEG BROKEN. -Word has been ,receivedhere by relatives that last week Mr Tom Carling, Brighton, had met with the unfortunate accid- ent of having his leg; broken. It ap-- nears he was working around one .of the horses In the stable when the an- imal kicked him with terrible force, breaking his leg badly between the knee and ankle. As a result of the accident Mr. Carling is now confined to his bed where he, will have to re- limn for several weeks. FORMER WINCHELSEA GIRL MARRIED.—A quiet wedding' took niece at the home of • Mr, and Mrs, Wan Bayley, 187 Tecumseh Ave,, Lon don on Thursday afternoon, when Miss Lelia F, Heywood, daughter of Mrs Maude Heywood, Winchelsea, be- came the bride of Mr. Millard'Patrick son of Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick, St. Thomas .The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev, W H. Harvey, Askin St, Methbdist church, iru the presence of. only •immedia.te relatives. .The 'ride, who was given away by her brother- in-law Jar. W, W. Bayley, wore a gawat of white Marquisette trimmed: with shadow lace and carried a bou- quet of bridal roses and maiden hair fern After the dainty wedding lun- cheon vLr, and Mrs, Patrick left for an extended trip to points east, after which 'they will be at litxnt"e to ,their friends at 1.69'I'ecuanseh Ave. Airs. Patrick is travelling in ra suit of blue serge with blouse and,hat to match. elatives' and ' friends ere ' • extend ongratulatons and best wishes. TUJ3EMDA T MAN 28 1 Wilbur Lttker vas up from London Stanley Fis'her of Guelph holidayed here. Miss 'Winnie Horton was home from Hasniiton., Mr. Geo Case was up from. Toronto tht < week Mr Frank Sheere spent the holiday in. Toronto, Regi, Bissett was home from Chat- ham this week. Miss Mack was home 2ronw Toronto for the holiday. :Mrs. Bert.V'ebb of Arvavisited her sister Mrs. Webb', Mr Reg, ;Elliott of Norwich, spent the holidays here,, :. Mee. I. R. Carlalg was in Toronto on business this week. Miss Ruth Hooper of London spant the holiday at home, Miss pearl Goodwin of Ingersoll was a visitor here Monday, Miss Shaw of London was the guest of Miss Gladys Bissett... Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan were up u from a L ca,n this .week. Miss Mabel 'Waiters was home from London for the holiday. Frank 'Walters of Detroit visited his home here this week, Mrs. Thornton of Dorchester visit- ed friends here this week. James McDonald of Stratford spent the holiday with relatives. Mn Sidney Clark of London spent the holiday here with friends, Mr Herb, Mitchell of London spent the holidays with relatives here, Mrs Keys of Parkhill visited :vlrs. W. If Martin during the week, Mr. J, W. Antos of Stratford spent the holiday with his parents here. Mx. Jas. Dean of London spent the week end with' Mr, Chas. Sanders, Gordot•..Taylor of Toronto visited at his home here during the week. Mr. Oscar Anderson of St. Marys spent Victoria Day with his parents, Mr, Geo. Vosper of Toronto visited relatives and friends over the holiday Mr ,and Mrs, J. C. Inwood and daughter spent the week end in town Miss May Arnistrontg, of: Lucknow spent the holiday at her home 'sere, Mr. • Coleman Moncur of Peterboro spent a day or two with his parents. Mr and Mrs. G. L. Waughspent a few days in Taranto during, the week, Mr. and Mrs. Inksater , andfam- ily of Paris were here fax the •,week end. Miss Lila Jahns went to •:Sarnia on Tuesday with her sister Mrs. soodi- s 011 iLrs. Goodison and children of Sar. We. spent the week erid at Mrs. D. Johns. Misses Grace and Rose Cudrnore have returned from: an extended visit to the West. Lloyd Rivers of Highgate and Mr. Lough of Lucknow'were guests at Mr Wm, Rivers. Mr T. E. 'Handford and daughter., Miss La. Belle, spent Monday with friends here. Misses Ida and Lily Marchand vis- ited in. Waterloo! for a few days dur- ing the week. Mr, Earl Brickwoohd and friend of Niagara Falls, spent the holidayat The former's home.. Mr. George W. Holman and daugh- ter of Egmontrdville were holiday Vis- itors here this week. Mr ,and Mrs, Huston of London and .hlr. and Mrs. Wm. Burke of Ingersoll. v'sited at Mi, Jas. Taylor's. elr Will Heideman has returned to h situation in Toronto after conval- escing from his recent illness. \Ir and Mrs. Cihas. Birney attend- ed the funeral, of the late Alex. Mc- Lelland at Belgrave on Monday.' 12. T W. Hawkshaw of London- fofinerly of Exeter, has taken ;sp his summer residence at Grand Bend, Mr and '.Mrs. John Newcombe of Stratford visited here. Mrs. New- combe is remaining .for a few days. Ali. Clarence Smith of Sault •Ste Marie is visiting with Mrs. Smith at. the home of Mr. and, Mrs. John Snell. Mx. and Mrs. Dodd and Miss Math- ew.; of Toronto were guests of Mr. and .Mrs S. Fitton over the holiday, Dr. McTaggart of Blyth was .lows on Monday. As were also -Mr. S. A. Poplest rse and family, and Mr. and, Mrs. Crittenden,. Mr Ed Harwood, wife and daugh- ter of Toronto were here over '3un- day visiting Mr, Harwqod's ;pother, Mrs James Pickard. Mrs. Esli Heywood and Mrs, H. Par- sons left on Saturday morning for a week's visit with friends in -Windsor, Detroit a.od Walkerville. • Mr. Will Newcombe of Spokane) Washington, after seven years absence in the west, returned here Saturday to spend a few weeks with relatives, Mrs. George Petty, who has been visiting ;ler parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Cookson. .for several, months, r ettirn- ed to her home in Windsor on Satur- day. M•r. Frank Handford of Vancouver, 8, C, is visiting with his father, Mx, Richard Handford at Centralia, . who is quite ill, Mr. Handford: gave the Advoc'te a pleasant call. Monday., Mrs .Carrick and daughter of God- erich spent ,a few days during ,,he week at the hone of Mr. and ,Mfrs. [, Armstrong, Mrs. Carrick is prob- ably the oldest resident of Goderich, beetle en her ninety-fifth year: She retains all her faculties, is bright in intellect and gets =around with, the agility of a .person. much her junior. Mrs Carrick is a native °of Seotlan,cl, but immigrated to Canada many years ago; The following officers were dleoted oh. Tiuesday evening in the. Odclfellows Lodge t --N, G., Wilbur Martin; V. G,, Win. Brad; Rec,eSec'y, R, N, Creech Fin._Sec'y Johns; Tsens,,, E, .M. Dignan, Rep. to -G�tend 'Ledge; W,' Johne and Ed. Howaid; Delegates ,t District neet ttaY' Dr. RaulstonJWje Statham ,It ; was decided to ;pees during June, • July and °August at 8,;45 p, sp Remarkable Performanc e BY ONE TIME CRIPPLE James Bailey of Ilford, Essex, was almost crippled with Rheumatism for three years ,but the other day he 'uc- ceeded in running a anile in just ander six minutes. Heattibutes his present goodhealth to Keplialdol, . This prescription was discovered by Pr. Stohr of, Vienna and. used by him with great success for ail- ments affecting, the, nerves. One great advantage about Keph'aldol is the fact that it is absolutely harmless, having no bad effects, ,even though the heart be weak For the relief and cure of rheumatic pains it has no equal, If you funs; difficulty in obtainingthis Prescription, write direct: to the man- ufacturers enclosing 50c. for a large tube, Kephaldol Limited, 31 ' Latour St. Montreal. 21 50 Cents Will pay t to i1for e Advocatenewv .Zi subscribers in Canada from now un- til the end of the year. If you are already a subscriber, accept the chance to send The tdvocate for the balance of the year to your distant sou daughter or friend, who -will ap precate reading the home news. D. L. & W. Sorailion Coal Burns to a white[ash All sizes. Prompt delivery W. H. Levett Fresli Fist/ A l 1 kinds of flesh and salt fish in season. Bacons, smoked rolls, cook- ed ham; sausage, bologna and Germanfsausage. Up to -date stock of fresh groceries. Produce taken as cash G. R. -Bedford Exeter North Store HAVING PURCHASED THE EXETER -NORTH STORE (HAY P. 0. IN CONNECTION) I wish to say that I carry a fine stock of FRESH Groceries and Dry Goods Anc' EVERYTHING -•that can be had. in a GENERAL STORE; also 3 kinds of FLOUR -and Cured Meat, Sausage, Etc., Etc. Give me a call for your •neat order. H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. Tea 8 Coffee Store For the choicest groceries; fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould uld Opposite Electric light Plant Domestic First Best THE' PERFECT COMBINATION SWEEPER. Something' that should he in every home for cleaning your rugs and • Carpets, No taking up car- pets --no •dist while sweeping, ;;all and- sea, it, -SUNNYSotsby, POLISH—for' cleaning and. polishing yourfu-rnit>tre-the best j et ROE Ylndertalt'r ttnd License Embalru(r bozo 20tr EXETER -�--w ONrrA Rio 14 The Watch eelerileelee That Runs On Time. Sold By Lawson & Trick, Exeter BUG}(3IES! The Famous Brockville Canada Carriage Buggies We. have 'received a Carload of these buggies. New styles, seat and tops, that will please you. This is a particularly fine lot of buggies and we are sure that you will be delighted with them: Call and look them over. Wes. Snell Exeter, Ont JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Some Snap This. Ladies' Suits and Coats to Clear LADIES SUITS Only a few left to clear,-. Each Man tailored and exclu- sive- $15 Suits for $8,50 520 Suits for $12.50. $25 Suits fox $15.50 Don't miss this opportunity. LADIES COATS Just a few choice ones —all diffeu-ent and yery stylish— $10 Coats for $7,00 $15 Coats for 59.50 $18 Coats for 513.00 Fine for day or ovening wear. Men's and Boys'. Suits cheap. MEN'S SUITS 200 brand new ,Men's Suits right off the reel. Some en- tirely new cloths and ;tyles. They are first-class suits and real cheap prices. All colors and patterns to choose from BOYS' SUITS 150'New Boys, Suits just here They are bang up-to-date - in cloths and styles. Short Knic- kers or Bloomer styles. Evary bov cant get a good stylish ;;pit here for little titoney. House Cleaning Time ..:.: ; We are ino,st awfully busy +iii this line, The reason is our big stack of well assorted goods at right p , rices — Rugs Carpets Matts Matting Linoleu;us Oilcloths; ''i_apestrie, B1i nils Lace Curtains Tapestry Curtains Bungalow Curtain Curtain Nets ' .JONES 84 IVIAY' Hewitt tiarters fbr the celebrated W. E' �+ �a>tzfotad� �1oth1°rt •