Exeter Advocate, 1914-5-28, Page 5ar,000°T.2
"You'll find it's so."
Lab att's
Now Perfected--
erfected—j Best Bupable 1
Dr. G. F
Member of thea Ii C.A,S. ,of Ontario and
Honor Graduate of '1'oroilte University,
Office -Over Dickson & CArling'slaw
oftlee.. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Honer 'Graduate of Toronto alniverarty
Teeth extracted wilthout pain; or anY
bad effects, Office over Gladnan &
Stanbury's Office, Mahn Street, Iilseter,
Soltcltore, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-
missioners. Solicitors for the Mon ons
Flank. etc.
t.ioney to Loan at lowest rates of interf,rt
Offices—Madn-St., Exeter
I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount of private
funds ro loan on farm and viillage prop-
erties at low rates of interest.
Barristers. Solicitors, Exeter,
AgentConfederation Lite Assurance
Cotnpany., also Fre Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter,
Lite, Fire, Accid&i,t and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting:accounts. and con-
ducting auction sales. Exeter. Ont
THE sole head of a family, or u:ny
male o'vex'18 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available Domin-
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant must appear
in perso't at the Dominion Lands Ag-
e•Itcy for the District. Entry by proxy
play be made at the office of any Lo-
cal Agent of `Dominion Lands (not
sub -agent) on certain conditions.
Duties -Six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each of
three years. A homesteader may live
within nine miles of his homestead cn
a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain
condition_ A habitable -house is re -
attired in every case, except when ±e-
sidentce is performed in the vicinity.
Incertain districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi-
deuce in each of six, years from date
of homestead entry (including the time
required to earn homestead patent)'
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead sight andcannot ob-
tain a ,pre-emption may take a pur-
chased homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re-
side 6 months an each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house
worth $300.
The area of cultivation" is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub-
by or stony land.
Deputy of the Minister of Che Interior
N.B—Unauthorized +publication of
this advertisement will not be paid for.
STRAT,=ORD. ONT. �•--"
Become a specialist in Business. It
offers more opportunities than 'Any
other calling. To reap. the full meas -
use of success you must have the,
hes; possible training. This is Ont-
aric's Best Business School. We give
individual attention. You may anter
our classes at any time.. Three De-
partments, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Write at once for our
free* catalogue.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
for a business career. Attend.
Toronto Ont, where you will get
correct instruction and assistance in
obtain i- :eni;ployment when corifAet.ent
College open all summer. Enter any
time Catalogue free.
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray
Ask your druggist for •
it. If he cannot snpPtY
the MARVEL, accept no •
other. but send stamp for Illus-
trated book -sealed. It gives full
part -millers and directions invaluable
to ladies. WINDSORSUPPLY CO.,WindBor,Ont.
General Agents for Canada.
Upper Lakes Navigation
Sailings from Sarnia Wharf Mon-
clays. Wednesdays and Saturdays for
Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Ft,
William,' commencing June 8th:
';; Effective June 8, Westbouud
'Wil' leave Toronto 11.15 a,m, on
sailing dates making connection at
S;tiltn,ia Wharf .for Sault Ste Marie,' Pt.
Arthur Fort Wwllnain, Winnipeg and
points in Western Canada.
Parlor -Cafe, .Parlor Cars and first-
class coaches to Sarnia Wharf. -°
A special train will rut the reverse
way leaving Sarnia Wharf 7.45, a.m.
arriving Toronto 1;1.0 p,m, dontlnencing
June 9th and each Tuesday, Friday
and Sunday thereafter,
-a Fallarticulars at Grand Trunk
ket Offices, or write C. E. Horning,
D,P,A„ Toronto, Ont.
N. 1. DORE, Exeter.
Notice to Creditors
R, S. O,, 0,29, s38 ,
tate of Alfred Allen, late of the Vil
nage of Exeter, da the County of
Huron gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all ;ger-
sons having any claims or demands
ainst the late Alfred Allen, who died
on ar about the ninth. day of May
D, 1914 at the Village of Exete-,
in the County .of Huron are reciuired
to send 'by post prepaid or to deliver
to the undersigned solicitors herein
for Simon Hunter and Allen J. Mc-
Done11, Executors and Trustees under
the Will of the said Alfred Allen thein
names and addresses and full partic-
ulars in writing of their claims and
statements of their accounts duly
verified and the nature of the sec-
urities if any, held by them,
And take notice that after the
first day ,of June A. D. 1914 the said
Simon Hunter and Allen J. McDonell
wil I proceed to distribute the
assets of the said deceased
among fhe parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claiins of
which they shall then have had not-
ice, and the said Simon Hunter and
A11ext J, IlicDouoll will not bailable for
the said assets or any part there-
of to any person or persons of whose
claint or claims they shall not have
received notice.
Dated at Exeter, Ontario the 13th.
day of May A. D. 1914.
Solicitors for Executors
Ralph Spier, a 12 -year-old lad from
Cromarty was injured in an automobile
accident on the London Road South
on Sunday, when a car skidded and
twinned completely over, No one else
was injured and the car but little
Beira; Lot 23, Con. 8, Stephen, con-
taining 1.00 acres, and part of Lot 23
Con 9' Stephen, containing 25 acres
On Lac 23 is a good Brick House,
containing 7 rooms, with cellar; two
.barns, one 36x58 with stabling ander-
neath. Water in stable pumped liy a
windmill from never failing spring.;.the
other barn on frame foundation 30x
50 Farm well fenced .and drained. On
the 25 acres there are 5 acres of good
hafrcnvood bush, Farm is well situat-
ed • being 3 miles from Dashwood, 3
front Crediton, 5 from Exeter town rrnd
station- gravel roads in all directions
1 acre orchard. Satisfactory reason
for selling Terms reasonable. For inn
particulars enquire of proprietor On
the premises, Josiah Kestle, or 13. S,
Phillips. auctioneer, Exeter. Will be
sold in block ar separate to suit pur-
DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS b1A ree Re+els•,
gulating Pill for Women, $5 a box or threelor
$10. Sold at all Drug Stores, Or mailed to any.
address on receipt of price. Tyra SCOBELT: Datta
St. Catbarinea, Ontario.
Vim a'
Vitality ;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey.
matter" ;a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a'bot, or
two for $5, atdrug stores,' or by mail on receipt
of price, Tag SC037sLL Dano Co., St. Catharines.
Each Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive.'
Winnipeg and Return - $35.00
Edmonton and Return -. 43.00
From Toronto; and Stations West and
North of Toronto. Proportionate fares
from Stations East of Toronto.
Return Limit two months.
Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets
Irons Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or Write
M, G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P. Ry., Toronto,4
A Friend
Constipation is the bade of old
age—harsh cathartics ag'graa.
nate, avoid them and Use 'Cham-
berlains Tablets, the mildest and
gentlest of laxatives—beet tot' the
younk, the middle aged and the old.
23c. bottle --Druggists and Dealers.
or by mail. • d
diasiiossiela Medisise Ce. roma.,•
Important Events Which Have
Occurred Owing the: Week.
The Busy World's Happenings. Care.
fully Compiled end Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our. Paper --A
Solid 'Hour's Enjoyment,
L. J. Cameron, of Manitoba and
now of King's. College, London, has
secured a fellowship in the Royal Col-
lege of Surgeons in London,
Fire in the Jacob Haisch agricul-
tural implement plant at;Dekalb,
yeeterday caused a :loss of about
$300,0'00. There was no insurance.'
Sydney Drew, printer and publish-
er of The Suffragette, the newspaper
representing the militants of London,
was committed for trial for inciting.
to malicious injury.
Harris Deschamps, aged 17, the
runawayson of a respectable mer-
chant of Belisle, is charged. at Mont-
real with snatching a purse and
shooting his pursuer.
A group of 121 Peruvian Senators
and Deputies who have 'declared
themselves a national congress and
proclaimed Roberto E. Leguia as
President of the Republic.
The Canadian Government has had
no advice of a Canadianbeing held
'as a prisoner on a British -owned
plantation on the Paraguay -Brazil
border, as reported yesterday.
A lobster fisherman found, near
'Blooming Point, P.E.I., the body of a
man frozen fast in a floating ice
cave. The fisherman went for help
and the body was carried out to sea
Roy Brown of Vancouver was
smoking in bed and went to sleep.
The bedclothes caught fire and Mr.
Brown had to jump from a third-
storey window to save his life. He
was badly hurt.
The Catholic Union of Missouri
adopted a motion last night directing
the resolutions committee to embody
to its report a vigorous protest
against the passage of nation-wide
prohibitionin the U. S.
Earl Grey and party arrived in
Winnipeg yesterday morning from
the coast, and` left last night fqr the
Mary, the eight-year-old daughter
of Robert Butler of Campbellford,is,
dead from burns. Her clothing caught
fire from a chip fire in thoard.
Chicago sympathizers with Ulster's
fight against Irish Home Rule yes-
terday sent` a draft for $1,250 to
Unionists' headquarters in Belfast,
Five persons were killed near Ash-
ville, 25 miles south of Columbus, 0.,
yesterday when a Scioto Valley trac-
tion car, struck an automobile at a
Cy Warman, the "Poet of the Roc-
kies," was worth but $489.05, when
he died,` according to his will which
was filed for probate in London, Ont.,
Pierre. Paul Guieysse, who was
Minister . of the Colonies in the
French Cabinet headed by Leon Bour-
geois ni 1895-96, died yesterday. He
was born in 1841.
The name of Percy Hagel, serving
a term in prison for assisting his
client,, Krafchenko, to escape from
custody, has been struck from the
rolls of the Manitoba Law Society.
Henry Siegel, who is under indict-
ment on allegations arising out of the
failure of his private bank and de-
partment stores, sailed from England
yesterday for New York on board the
Olympic. - "^
The captain and 26 other survivors
of the crew of the British steamship
Columbian, which was burned off Sa-
ble Island on May 3, arrived in Ant-
werp on board the Kroonland and
the Manhattan.
A bomb exploded in the middle of
the night in the offices of El Comercio
at Callao, Peru, and caused great
damage, besides injuring one of the
The sale of cigarettes has been pro-
hibited until further orders in Shaw-
vtile, Que., as a consequence of the
bush fires which are raging in the
W. A. Hollingrake, of Brantford,
acting for J. W. Ma.;.hewson, is Pa-
ine the -Hamilton & Brantford Radial
Railway Co. for $5,000 for forcible
ejection fro' -t a ca-.
Eugene. Howling, station agent for
the West Shore Ralway, at Tappan,
was shot and killed early yes-
terday by two men who tried to rob
the safe in his office.
K,._cra's experiment with daylight
saving through moving the clocks for -
w trd has not been a success and the
retail merchants recommend a return
to the Id system on Jura. lst.
Dr. A. P. Le hrop, assistant pro-
fessor of Psysiological Chemistry in
Columbia University, New York, has
been. appointed professor of Physiolo-
gical Cheinistry in Queen's Univer-
Henry Cavin, 17 years of age, who
was shot in the head when Mrs. Ju-
anita Griffith tried to knock a potato
from his head with :, rifle in the thea-
tre on Tuesday, diet:, yesterday in
i.gnn, Masi.
The Cobalt Grand Trunk express,
wbich left Toronto at 8.30 Wednes-
day night, was derailed near Trout
Creek, at four o'clock yesterday
i..rning. The passengers were shak-
.. ti', but no one was injured.
The 57 suffragettes arrested on
Thursday In London created So much
disorder in court yesterday that the
bearing was adjourned.
Tha bye-electionin the County of
Jacques Cartier, the seat vacated by
the late Hon.`P. D.,• Monk,. will likely
take `place this sun.iner.
While Joseph Bateman of Rawdon
Township was rolling a field his
horses ran away, he was thrown off
the roller, and had several 'ribs
An, unusual drop of over three feet
in the normal depth of the St. Law-
ranee has alarmed 01110pl14 authors
ttea at Montreal, The depth is Row
32 feet 11 inches,
News was received yesterday of the
accidental drowning in the 1?'raser
river, B,C,, of Vincent Cullaton, aged
30, of Galt, who was in the employ
of the Dominion Bridge Co,
Three brothers named Crohulik,
404'17; 15 and 11., living an a farm
near Ord, Nebraska, were killed :by
lightning while they were standing
in the doorway of the barn,
Levis. Glrgosetti, an employe of
Johnston. Bros,, contractors for the
Lake Erie and Northern Railway,
wap instantly killed yesterday, being
lrttrl: over by an engine near Brant-
Edmund Gerson, one of the pio-
neer theatrical men of America, is
dead, aged 66. He wag the manager
in the early eighties of the original
"Black Crook" Company produced by
After a prolonged illness, Dora,
wife of Rt. Rev. P. T. Rowe, D;D.,
Anglican Bishop of Alaska, passed
away at the See House in Seattle,
Wash, Mrs. Rowe, like her husband,
was a Canadian.
The steamer Royal Edward, of the
C.N.R. line, struck an iceberg, while
in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Saturday,
but did herself no harm.
A picture of King' George V., by
John Lavery, in the Royal Scottish
Academy at Edinburgh, was hacked
by a suffragette Saturday.
A great explosion occurred Sunday
night in the gun cotton factory of the
German Explosives Co. Six men were
killed and two are missing.
Wm. Warner, an aeronaut, fell
1,000 feet into Lake Erie, Sunday at
Cleveland, and was ` drowned. His
bride witnessed the tragedy.
C`T eckage of the steamer W. H.
Gilbert, which went down after being
struck by the steamer Calvere last
Friday, is menacing vessel _traffic in
Lake Huron.
Davis Orr, Chatham, was drowned
in a ditch near Chatham Sunday
night, when his auto upset in the
ditch and he was pinned beneath it
in two feet of water.
Conductor Arthur Duckworth,
aged 45 years, 299 Perth avenue, fell
from the running board of a west-
bound Dundas street car in Toronto
on Sunday and died fifteen minutes
The death occurred yesterday in
London of Sir Francis Belsey, who
was a prominent politician outside of
Parliament and who was the presi-
dent of the World's First Sunday
School Convention in London in
Angry Suffragettes Hold Post-mortem
on Thwarted Crusade.
LONDON, May 26. Shouts of
"Shoot the King" filled the hall in
which a meeting of the Women's So-
cial and Political Union, the militant
suffragette organization, was held
last evening. Everymention of King,
George's- name was greeted with an-
gry derision and prolonged hissing.
Mr. Mildred Ella Mansel, who
served a term of imprisonment for
breaking windows at the War Office,
presided at the suffragette gathering.
She alluded to the scenes at Buck-
ingbam Palace on Thursday, when 57
suffragettes, including Mrs. Emme-
line Pankhurst, were arrested at the
park gate, and declared that both the
royal name and the royal office had
been disgraced.
The speaker announced that quite
a number of contributions had been
received following the recent activi-
ties of the militants. One Glasgow
woman. sent $5,000.
"Some day an exasperated crowd
will break into a procession of mili-
tants. What will then happen to you
women nobody knows at present. You
have to thank the police for being
alive. You owe them a debt of grati-
Magistrate Hopkins of the Bow
street police court thus addressed a
suffragette who had applied for a
summons against an unknown man,
who, she declared, had struck her on
the face when the crowd rushed the
suffragette meeting in Hyde Park on
Sunday afternoon, and the police
came to the women's rescue.
Apparently all the:: is. needed, in.
the opinion of some observers, for the
suppression of the militants, is the
withdrawal from them of police pro-
Steady Search Kept Up For Airman
Who Disappeared.
LONDON, May 26.—Hope for the
safety of Gustave Hamel, the daring
British aviator, has almost been
abandoned, and it is feared he was
drowned in crossing the channel.
Hamel left Le Cretoye, France, for
Hendon, shortly .after eight o'clock
Saturday Horning, and no word of
h' , has since been received from any
quarter. His course lay across the
English Channel, and the distance of
the flight was about 100 miles.
Torpedo boats and hydroplanes
r" ent .all day Sunday searching the
channel for signs of Hamel's aero-
plane, but failed to locate it or ally
sign of the aviator. During the search
two naval'' hydroplanes were wrecked
at Dover by the rough sea, but a res-
cue was effected by pilots.
Made Attempt To Wreck Train.
FORT `'WILLIAM, Ont,, May 26.—
Wreckers are suspected to have loos-
ened the rails on the C.P.R. track 19
miles west of here yrstetday morn-
ing, causing a via eck which for hours
blockaded the tracks. Robbery is sup-
posed to have been tht motive of the
wreck, An official inquitee. is Under
way, .
lEInerta Is Satisfied.
MEXICO CITY, May 26, --After a
conference' with 'Presiden. Huerta,
the Minister of the Interior, Ignacio
Alcocer, said;
"The President is highly satisfied
with the 'latest new troth Niagara
F`alis, It seems that we are near a
satisfactory arrangement with the
'United States:"
Nature Never Intender st d a
.. �-� enaoy ,parfec>t health aiid
lt lir
strength --to be dust. es
•iir 11431, 4,s — iwommi Sic atz'onS aAd healthy as limn
the lac t11a i e perhaps mare so --in view u
t t t ush who brings xiato the world theor�nn�
Eve.. woman can be strong and healthy. Do11 t resign
you sel to a delicate lite.
Xf you srageer from headaches, bat kaebes," nervousnegnsit
low spirits, lack of ,ambition, ox biave lout all hope of bein
well. a in --its more'than an even eh
.� encs that you. will
speedily regain your health if you will try
r.Pierce sFv
FirSeri tIoI
(In Tablet or Liquid Form) '
This famous remedy is the result of years of patient
research by a physician who has made women's ailments
a life study.
Sino its introduction -more than forty years ago—thou-
sands of women. in every part of the globe have testified
to its wonderful merits.,,,You, too, will find it beneficial -
Try it now. Your dealer' in metl{cines will supply you or
you can send 60 one -cent stamps for a trial box. Address
Dr, Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N,Y.
1Dr. Plerce's Pleasant Pellets regulate atomaeb, liver, howeis.
bbcCauley,: the birdman, who -was to chime to rise high enough and 'Hitting
have lawn'a tMitchell on,
n, M
onday met Ithe fence he sustained a
fractured leg
the misfortune of not gettinghis zna- and several broken ribs.
Trusteeships Often Y
have every conoftfidencea
Last Through
in the friend whom; you
appointas'the original
Many Lifetimes nrusr, Piyou in the selec-
tion of his 'successors,
This strong Trust Company is permanent and fulfils its duties
far more effectively- than is possible in the case of a private execu-
tor. It is ever on the watch in the interests of its clients and
through its Officers and Management it feels the pulse of the finan-
cial world as no private individual can.
Cali or write for full information.
SIR GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President JOHN S. MOORE, Manager
Yes! Caught with
the goods—a box
of Kellogg's - Corn k\
Flakes. But it
would be a shame
to scold them
when they like it {
so well, and it's so
good for them.
Reduce the cost of living
by eating more bread
Stop worrying about the high cost of living.
'the " Staff of Lif e " is cheap. Good, plain,
wholesome Bread -Bread made with PURITY
i.OUR is more nutritious than meat.
read w bURITY FLOUR—and buns,
lls, bis it " s, and pies. Give the
Fr plenty of Bread. It's the best food
giU. vtvi�
ng boys and girls. And better than
1444”r qts s,,fir all of us. And --cheaper far.
Order a sack of PURITY! Test it by actual
baking. ryou'll find it snakes the tastiest,
most appetizing Bread you've ever baked
Pp g yo ,.
and the ins; 'rolls, cakes and •pies you'll
make with PURITY will delight the whole
RL' ult
"MORE READ and ' pyrrEit BREAD"
Sold by R.
8 Ado ►, Voter: