Exeter Advocate, 1914-5-28, Page 24I1IIl uIft
Sing -a -song -a -Sixpence, a. Pocket full of Rye,
Four and. Twenty Black Birds Baked in a Pie.
When the Pie was opened the Ki*ig began to sing:
"That's the way I wart my chef to sweeten
rand Corn 5
So many kinds of delicacies can bernadewithCrownBrandCorn
Syrup—Delicious Candies that are simple to make! Good to
eat, too, becaue Crown Brand Syrup is absolutely pure. Think ,
of the fun of making these, and how little the cost. Q Kiddies
love Crown Brand Syrup on bread. It is an excellent sweetener
and lends a delicious flavor to cakes, puddings and pastry.
drr Our Free Recipe Book tells how to use it in
a host of dainty dishes. Send for it. Address
Montreal Office:
The Canada Starch Co. Limited
Manufacturers of The Edwardsburg Brands 6
The We
ding Eve ;
Or, Married to a Fairy.
CHAPTER Z1V',--•(•Continued).
"Very, very nacre,' Site answered
etcgerly. "Everything 1 want, in fact.
Ilut 1 ur-e. perfect little demon for spoil-
ing my dresses. I never can keep any-
thing decent more than a week or two.
But I will try and take more care of
thinge it you buy then for me.;'
.;•lm accnmpanie(d this speech with an-
other of those ,upward looks of •hers,
:tarry blue eyes in liquid hlutah white,
such a Iook, half -audacious. half-inno-
gent: that only I.ilith could give; and,
needless tri :lay, she had her own way
about the hat and the umbrella„ and in-
sisterd upon sporting both, and having
leer old hat put into a bag for ere to
curry. together with the shoes.
I,u kily, it was September, and there
was hardly arty one ataout. 1 do not
car+e a straw for faehions as a rule, but
I did not particularly relish being seen
parading the fest lend laden with: such
awkward -sized and shaped parcels as a
wide. shady itat, a pair of new slipper`s•
r, pair of old boots, and a large bag oC
Lilith as a t'ainpa111011 was i11 herself
sufficiently conspicuous. Her delight at
iter new patent leather shoes with steel
1 twkles, and her big black hat crowned
with marguerites, knew no bounds. She
tripped along, wreathed in smiles, stop-
ping' at every shop-whelaw, flourishing
her new silver -handled umbrella, and
every now and hien standing in the
middle of the pavement to lift the edge
,1fher skirt and gaze admiringly at her
'-t eouiri sarearn for joy:". she contlde.d
to me. "New. when I have the gloves
11,1 the handkerchiefs, and the watch
ate th • purse. end the 1•0se0. I steal he.
Perfectly happy, acrd ,hall want to dance
it:ste d of 'w11k.
1'I rly a. decorous deuortiilent v,h11+1
;:hopping in the West :End of. London
1,1111, 11 1)1.'ug 111 the West Eitrl had
1•t•,e,• nue of the items negite:la i 11, the.
'1111.i,.rg' curriculum at :Woriand
'•lt yeti re311y won't have your 90.110ler
eteetdteest to Bristol. you 'meet at least
let me , h;;rter a. baptist for them."
I :41 la. ate, forthwith hailed a. cab,
-tier Hely.' she objected you nee
go,nv I , g 1 rue 1(0111hing to eat? •
Wase Day
i ori tt ,;15'
Maines the C£otlies 0.5
Whitt AO Snow
Try, It X
Manetartiued 1Y
'i he• Jottesee-lt!chsrdlbti t:a
L4,ntted, Montreal, Cgs.
1 Pound of Lean Boiled Beef.
1 Cup of Crown Brand Syrup.
1 Pound of Tart Apples.
One Half -pound Chopped Suet.
One Half -pound cleaned Currants.
1 Pound of Seeded Raisins.
One-quarter Pound of Citron, cut up
One-half Pound of Brow&1 Sugar.
One-half Pint of Cider.
1 Teaspoon' each of Salt, Pepper, Mace,
Allspice, doves and Nutmeg.
1 Tablespoon Cinnanton.
1 Cup of Brandy and one of Wine.
Mix all thoroughly, and warm on
stove until heated through. Remove from
fire, and when nearly cool, add brandy and
wine. Put in a crock, cover it tightly.
Keep perfectly cool. but do not let it freeze.
Will keep good all winter.
:(9...""" rir--"r'` � 111i111111111111111111111111111111r v. •i���6
"I thought of that," 7 said. "We' will
drive to Paddington, and I will get you
some tea in the station—"
"But tga in the station isn't good
enough for me—not nearly good enough! is called the best «oclety, the good girls
I want to have some dinner, Just when •of which are usually dull anal narrow -
Yon have yours, 1 am sure you would minded; and the more amusing ones - too
let me if you knew how hungry 1 ars," often scandalmongering and vicious in
"But, my dear child, your traine--- thought, if not something worse. Too
"Oh there are plenty of trains!" soon I should. be ` MI the shelf," so far
tat nine---" even as an innocent sliopnitrg stroll with
„The lat goes to Bristol stet a lovely :little .Bohemian was 'cont 8rned.
"But there is a later 'cue at ten." and I determined to make the most. cif
"It is not in the time -tables:"
any girl of seventeen 1 had ever net,
except—ah! fatal exception which 1
hated to remember!—the little models
and grlsettes of the Latin quarter in
Yet Lilith was perfectly modest in
her manner, and 1 had clearly seen how
angry, undesirable attentions from
strangers could snake her. But there
was a})out her tone, her looks, a.nd her
gestures, a spontaneity, a sans -gene,
which smacked CVtheworld of Bohemia,,,
but which never for one moment sug-
gested the cultured and decorous influ-
ence of Morland house.
Truth to tell, 1 loved her • better for
that hint of untrameled vagabondage
about her,for her tinging laugh and as
ready tears, her- naive greediness and
love of finery, and: her harmless delight
in her own prettiness. 1. was :equally
sick of the shams and the slang of what
"It i:; only on Thursday during the
summer. Besides, what does it matter
it I don't gu bark to Morland House to-
night? Mrs. Worland doesn't expect lee,
and my friends at Weston -super -Mare
think L have gone to Bristol. Why
shouldn't T have e. lovely treat, and stay
ih London, and have some ddnrler with
you, aud go to a theatre---"
"cabildl What are you 'thinking of?"
":>nd upend the night with liars. ;lack -
"You must certainly go back to Bris-
tol to -night" 1 :said, h a firm, Judicial
tone; "but if you are a good girl You
shall go by thelast train. First of all,
we will drive to Paddington, leave these
parcels of yours in the cloak -room.
where'T suppose you left your tither>lug-
No; it's to be sent on from Weston -
au per -Mare."
1 did that evening "Well, In any case, we will .drop all
son, raise eae Battersea, as.fifteen tion alga aye." these impediments there, andfind out
1 <
I -looked at her in dismay, Was It if that trait, you speak of really does
possible that fifteen months of the care- go—"
ful and expensive repressive training "13ut1 know it does—every Thursday.
of 1Torland House, and the example of no you suppose that, living . there, 1
that most 'well-bred and exemplary Iran- shouldn't know?"
tiered person, Mrs, i l fl1 oPe Worland, Then, I said,ignoring the fnterrup-
r .tp• Mrs..
had so utterly failed to r adleate the r1a- tion ` "we will send. a telegram
tine I;ohelnianism and unconventionality Morland, announcing the time of your.
of :any little tn.u'sh - agrant? return—you 1'i11 be fearfully late, by
She was quite In earnest'. l-Ier blue and bye—aa a:s frankly tip into trine as . "Oh. the telegram Is already sent,
thous g were nothing of u start- Just before 1 met you 1 telegraphed. to
ling' 31 there 1m. g
Brig' nature in her irroli0sitiotr, r1gaittst tell alis.'Worland not to expect me be-
my will the thought flashed into : my fore one o'clock' or a little after."
mind—What vi e
tild be the 1utttte of such. "Then she knows you are in.:town?
is ,•ii•1--•Young. coctuett.ifih,-extravagant, "she'll ,:now by this time. Iiut she
te girl
-IOvi10', and atthe scin0 time , will think I am with my 'friends, so i't'.
wrholly' ilmocent, confiding ..t r1 :(tfectiml- all right. So that; you see, Mr. Hervey,
ate,sbould she fall Ir,to the hands of to rve needn't go to Paddington Station,
villain. •which is a nasty, ugly place; but I can
l of thele were certain "Darty d01dne(1 just have my'dinner now directly. Here
"meets of d1.'fo ere. between tale 10 1' t': is a shop 111111 1o.1ely reel tomatoes and
tuteenventirun.l maidet, of 10 -day nee dear little live lobsters and sma11 bot-
the, c'rll1 of ayear 1110 whose hag 1:1t. ties of ohantpaglle In the window. I've
ideal had' been to live and die my ser- E ha.dnptllillg to ('at .since nine o'clock•in
vent. 1 the ,m0t'ning, and lis seven. After ditr-
This girl knew the power of her (11.vn ser you inert tape 1l ie to a theatre, Just
'beauty, a.nd her as dn1:ei•, 1101.511 friend- tie see a little bit of it -1'd rather go
!( coquettes'', sonteehe,'0 where there's (lancing, like
Iy, utaltogel. art( est them ,
Karl altogether , lest, the r"art i :i: atSfac° ti 'burlesque or a, ,ntusio-hall. And ,you
tIott which had moved .1ft: etre ee e(13111l'- can keep your ryes en your watell ail
ly delt,;lrtfuland embarrassing. Mer the time tat 113 to 01110lc me oft like a
,yea were as bright find clear. her 5n111e Cinderella when the elurk ,strikes -ha•ll-
1.21.1 i as sunny and alta•eet- RS.ri1 3(tte.' but . poet nine, Thee 1 shall havehad a 1110
111 both was n1121glt:d a shade more. 1(100,13• beautiful day, term ill go back as g
in, almost as if an echo of the 2111111,s,,ea gold 10 the blackboards 'and the
iii1 1111(1 aIr00(3' reached 1 1• ear. 1:'1411(01' 01 , at 'STnt•la,nd Rotise 101' a:ni
a nt
1f 'one word better than another wa outer ;1• • ni0nli,s; until f aria sterni"
eolute incliffet•onee_ ,loth Nic'hoias
VVi c,Y tarot "tars•. Ittorlatld hail prophesied
that such would De the corse, and at had
been My own wish let now, as we sett
side by lido in the (cab. with J,ilitlt's arm
Mose against my otvn, .anct her breath
on any aleck while she cltattere(1 into
MY ear above'; the 1101se of the cab-
whorle, t beealne suddenly iroesesaed Jay
insane desire to oohs nor in ley
ares 'and•kias my heart: Met on her raft,
red lips tlatil she had promised to love
me again as she used to do.
a'Iore than .once indeed, t bad: to Turn
my lead sharpy from her that I nitrate
not be tempted, beyond tnyeel'r by the
iaitl000nt provotratien of her flowerlike
beritety' and the cat elese affection nonose
02 her manner,
Zaneeially 'Syhed' she laughed, as she
dict e0astantly,,ant thoso two even Lowe
of small peariv teeth peeped out froti
the fresh rodlte1•$ nl',iter mouth, .1 laird
to set nay face'hard, and remind myself'
doggedly of toy e agttfienlent to Lady
Madge, of .Edith's dependent po'ttion,
aud of Et hundred other things, to keen
myself avant kissing liar parte( lips•
And the worst of it was that 1 knevv
She would not' have tntirded it the least
bit.. My kisses; if they were trot too
passionate, would bave meant lust no-
thingto her, but very 1nu011 to tee. For
1 loved het' with every heart' beat of my
1 lots ed her tea, ti n sGm011 tore snow lin and
early womanhood; loved her with a
y>ea;rning • tenderness tb ruiner tic adora-
tion, and a longing that was • fierce in
its intensity, with every element indeed
•that goes to make up the one passion of
a mans life for a woman.
S1ie did not know, she: did not under-
stand, he never suspeeted'it for a mo-
anent, She was by no means a good
actress, and she could :not have preserv-
ed her unruffled friendliness and chatter-
ing Joyousness had she guessed the 1eel-
Jugs whic:lr Welre warring in my heart,.
Had she -shown she eared for the even a
little, 1^must infallibly have broken
clown 1.n nay role of kindly allrl indulgent
guardian, and taken en the' Very differ-
ifferent one ofaardent lover. Rut had I been
the vainest of mens 1 could not possibly
have coustreed Liltth's light-hearted
manner into encouragement for love-
making;, and so honor•prevailed'and that
kiss was never given.
At .the variety theatre, which she her -
sett chose as the Place of amusement
she most ardently wished to visit, it
was all I could (10 to prevent her fl:oni ins all laws of aravity..Jai, Baohe
olapl?ping her hands and 'stamping her *e 'is stent is mane U's bleb t1L0
new umbrella on the ground in token. of 1' h s3 p y
accomplish their purpose
with maximum. efficiency
and minimum discomfort.
tnereasing roses are not
25e. a box at your
Druggist's. 174
Nattonai"aping aid Che mbod
CO. ei £,atoms. Lldriltt4.
Choose whish Grain.
you like best for your white '
Sugar and buy St. Lawrence
Pure. Cane Granulated white, in '
original hags- Fine grain,
medium or coarse. Each the
choicest sugar.
Ask your Grocer.
MONTREAL. 26 -tar} '
her Peen enjayinenY. ,Personally, I hast discovery that the effect of a ma,g.
no taste for such shows; the "song -and -
thence artistes" tired -stet,. the sight o1'
fenitrline high -kicking and mushroom
ballet -dresses I considered inartistie and
more or lea's repulsive; the "comic"
singers failed to amuse me, aud the
mechanical evolutions of the ballet in-
terested me no more than so much 111a-
.chinery set in motion.
But Lilith, whose sense of humor was
far from ,teen, laughed ecstatically when
a man with a reddened nose said a brok-
en hat sang about going
"On the booze from morn till night.
From dewy eve till clear daylight,"
held -her breath at ,sight of a very or-
dinary trapeze perfcirlllance and thought
the Sisters Firefly; two plump and be-
ringletted Jewish ladies, who delivered
a nasal duet with the refrain, "Get away,
boys!" followed by an • emplaatie clog -
dance, "swee6a pretty and ' clever.".
(Th continued.)
4?ondeeful System Deulouslrated to
British Railway Men.
A new and wonderful system
which, it is claimed, willrevolution-
ize high-speed traction throughout
the world wars demonstrated in Lan-
don recently before mechanicalex-
perts of several of the most impor-
tant British railways. This new
system, which is the invention and
discovery. of :a French scientist,
self took it very calmly, as matter of Entitle Bach eket, has at once e1 ici'ted
course, to which she was. quite aeons-
1011,8(, but 1 could see that she Was fully an offer :of.:a. great: railway chief to—
le of the effect she was making -
a special fire -mile circuit
"It's a pity you d id l• t let me go on -the y
stage and dance," she whispered to me track in order that the enormous
confidentially across the dinner -table. s eea claimed .for it (300 miles an
"Lou have no idea how the men would a
go to Took at me." hoer) play- be testaci.
"Don't talk like that, for Heaven's The systeni <ts clezn 'ii&trated by a
sake," I exclaimed, in a low voice, bend- >
ing my head over the menu and pretend- model of the largest 01Ze, dzd al:l
ing to study it. "If you knew how 1 that was claimed to'r1t.. A Speed Of
think of you h a little wild flower, set
apart on a High bank away from the de SO'J miles . an hour was attained.
retic coil on certain metals is to
repel instead of attract. One of
these metals Is aluminum, and the
effect of magnetic electricity on
aluminum is a great factor in work-
ing the air train. As soon as the
electric influence is set in motion
the coils, instead of attracting, oan
push it away, ' -with the resultthat
it is immediately raised and held
suspended in the air clear of the
track, the only connection between
the car and the track being the
brushes used for contact purposes.
Fame and Otherwise.
"Every ,time 1 see grandfather's
sword I want to go to wars"
"But', every time I notice grand-
.father's- wooden leg, 1 cool down."
The 'Disaentlller.
Gibbs—I'd really 'like•, to know
the secret of social success.
Dibbs My boy,, there. are many
secrets of social success, but One 01
the. most important is to be able to
pretend you are having a . good
time when you're not.
secretion . of the popular tare the vol- The automatic p?'o 7u15ioi1- and stop -
gar criticism of the Jostling crowd, you
would rate yourself more highly!' ping of the car were demonstrated,
She gazed at me in silence for a min- the position of the car at any, point
ute or two, westing her chin on her durin t e chine ..was indicated b
hands, and her elbows on the table. g ) y by
"•:f think 1 like the vulgar crowd," she an electrical signal', and an:almost
said presently. "And wild flowers are
madeabsolute a•bs0enee of vibration was
"And east•. away to die by the .road- obtained.
side when the plucker wearies of. them,", through space
S hardly know why . I spoke the bitter The train trati els t , g p
words,' but their effect •on Lilith was without visible means of: support,
startling. All. the ,color faded out of either' above Or below. Ef t a wit-
her oheel16 and Iips as suddenly as it
had done when she first recognized the at art tAlich it 1S away like a flash, Oxford. Circus and a piteous expresstotr
came into her eyes, such ns one sees -in
those of s, dumb. animal unjustly treat-
"What is the matter child? Are you
Ill?" T inquired anxiously, seeing that
tears were gathering in her eyes.
"It's' nothing—lm tired—something
you said. Do give me. a glass of Cham-
pagne;,it will pull me together."
1 carted to a waiter,' who at once serv-
ed her, and in a few seconds: she was
laughing. at me over the edge of her
foaming glass, and toasting our next
merry meeting.
"You will send .me down` some cham-
pagne when you are married to Lady
Margaret Lorimer, won't you?" she said.
"So that I can drink to your future hap-
piness, For 1 suppose 1 am' not grand
enough to be allowed to come up and
see the wedding?"
It. Jarred upon me intolerably to hear
her allude to my wedding, arid I ant
ashamed to say that her matter-of-fact
mention of It and the total absence of
feeling she displayed on the subject,
hurt me .more than 1 can say.
"1 del -lope, she said, later 0n, a little
timidly "that you will think better of
your determination. not to allow me to
go on the stage. After all how am 1 go -
"You to live: after I. leave school,"
"'You will marry," I said a little bit-
The answer came 01.11 wit11 unexpected
force and dil'eetness; and, looking across
at..her, 1 sale tbat her sensitive face had-
grown pate again.
"'frau will .certainly marry," I reiter-
ated. "13ut,'my child, 1 d0n'1 want' you
to feel forced into 'a loveless marriage
,,Joe mere memo's sake. 80 I bave.-ter-
ranged with my lewyers to settle a lit-
tle income upon 3^ou--c.nty a hundred:.
and flfly" pounds a year'- '-that whetever
]sore you want"S'nee yin say 300 arc•.
so very exttavagaut-;'you shall haye .I f
Yeti come to me. 1. -don't want 3100 over
to icna1v What poverty n1031110 any snore.
Tier' lovely eyes sought mine with an
Tough Luck.
"Boo, hoo l All the:kids has a
holiday from school 'cep'n she.
"My ! My: How's that?"
"I'm too young to go to school
yet ! $oo, hoo !"
Row Sweet of .)Ater.
`"It is Carlyle, I believe, who sap;
it is not well' to tell all one knows.
"Oil, never mind Carlyle! You
don't wahib to sit around and never
say anything,, do you ?"
There's nothingso gloriously un-
certain; as a sure thing.
It's :he they
Its easy 'to tell utters Tion tl y
t �in dus�tance at -the( terrific 'might have slICitieade' l after they
devouring S'
speed of 'five miles a minute, defy- :fail..
p ,
11•a.ritod•ta dcscrilie the 1n111.1.831012 grlten to s urn, 1111. tt t 11lCeIY roaste expressioal in tltertt, half. -puzzled; Ball'
1�; 11211110 233 110er, it was. ' 1 0111111 ,.J,t She was in huhblirrg good. homer eyes tearful, which 1 could fact understand.
ttf a:n in its elci se:nsn. 1.3 Da ilia and tills laughing, and Iittle dimples vu aln ng
"V a
doing all this for me she
mur.n7ureri; "although you dont even..
V•a,nt me For yvur'eelf. I cant under-
stand It!"
t 73 PT.IIR XV, \
'that evenitrg's experience was partial
rlelil','htfui, and partly a painful one t0
to ole
1±11th'' freed; efijoyment., her ex.quis-
Ito betill.y-•-that `eatifieseent beauty
11300h fires the blood and "clouds the un-
derstanding—the irresponsible child
like gaiety that seemed to radiate from.
her, all these things charmed and be-
witched 'tee, Willie her apparent resigna-
tion to the idea or' y nta.rr}age,.atrd her
wary or talking• as th0t1gli :our -Future
lives must necessarily lie apart, filled'
me with a sharp regret,
Of r.onl'se iN was ,notonly r•igli1. and
at her
lrfainolion. f01 11,3 should have
buvori(0 s0•s;0eedily 12anal'ornre1 into ab -
:,.n(1 Hanel
its 1,111.01 11111 signification,. : the 1' ptll5 in a.11tt out of ser (;11,301.8. 3' tools
1v,,tlthy: noise irte51171ritg of 101711er 0 the resines 11 which had ca.p-
1ting singing. itis 1,, hail In•,!ngstork- dye tad her i'a11ty, 1sy, no means the
11r'ka,'s 10(1 flier, 11nd 'ad iltlre, 101 tate place I 311ou1(100.1,1 "hus(n Well
nd-1 '
ha-llluutit, 1c nl>1 i rl It (1133', half.- with a lady, although it woewell. known
tears, 1123f smiles e lr+ie'tet of sit trg for the e'at ellen0e of its 'c uleine, It would
.Iit1R pacts, •pa.fti1El s and acriri't,rtnet . 0. t e •taut)y be tine last time that "I arid my
life that 1 had known clsest in rl y I1 r3e ward would dine out together, a:pd
Paris tur111111 clays, was 141ltt+ght hater' elle alight as well have 1rer own way.in
too 1rres3sti111 yby title lotei;.•, Iti.alduiy eery'thing, .
dressed 11,2111, with the 1101.11 111'i0e1 the <weedless to 1133 1 .irnritedi3 t.eiy ea1-
t,att•i,ed ,loves; 8111 the thin, sv cotcountered, ,list the very person 1 did not
voice. Pulri, :4110 12901(0 gre nlua iec lty Want TO dee--11Srber•t ;1111x011,the little
on this wi!ole, 6rr4 'without either (13th- black -and -white ti'tlst With Whom T had.
ti, . o pi'oviitelel -*Pewit her aspirates parted to Regent :Street, about an 11001•
•i3-0 tit duly tiered, and cite expressed her' age,
:•+elf ,n rrt 1.211 the satne 20'rn11 111 . wouh11. 1_sa'w him r'ei,se his eyebrows, at. the
ilace'been elaPi"ynd h•v the ladles 211
of• 2117 sight-, of my lovely, talkative 0olnlratlion,
r artnuail,t01100. atria Vet there ,vas a I,very man In the 1,1.aae, 'in!ieert, tnt•ncd
loathed•' -•^'ail tl11rr13takable llef'rlel' be- round. to leek at he.I.' 714 she OM/ 1 DOSS-
tweets them and her. eel u11 the room together., and the watt -
Vo ono th'n1 she 1F•as Infinitely raar< el i flew ti tion( 110(0 he, .1. 11111(3:11'
pelf terieeeeed Kith to yotsng nidlr anew 1 whether. "r Was pleased air annoyed
" She her
whir;lt'tea Q cent pa,wati1a at,ranFl1, thana.t ihe M;t;ir her beauty created, c.
Whenever you feel a headache coming on tale
NAADRU-CO Headache Wafers
They stop headaches promptly and surely. Do not contain
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Why take chances
by asking', for "A
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and you'll be sure
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