HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-5-28, Page 1RENEW e OUR SUBSCRIPTION
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Help yourself by getting alive pa-
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ing tis all the News.,
When renewing ;your Advocate
remember that we club with all
the City Daily, Weekly, and the
Monthly papers and periodicals,
Get the benefit of these clubbing.
rakes; Ca11 in and see us.
The Ikon. Ada Beck sees no reason why Exeter and District should not have Hydro within ay ear..
Local Items
Militia orders issued announce the
Goderich camp • dates as August 17
to 2.1", This will be for all arms ex-
cept artillery.
Naw' that ; the streets have, been.
cleaned let everybody help to keep
them presentable. How ? By failing
to dror envelopes, paper wrappers,
candy bas, banana skins and oxenge
peels on, the street .: or pave it,ent.
Mane. are thoughtless in, ,this regard
and as a 'esu ,t the streets are litter-
ed Don't be a guilty one in Thie re-
spect Let's all be tidy1
About twoweeks ago Iv1r, T. B,
Carling's little Cocker spaniel &leap-
geared very mysteriously. -All search
proved futile untie Thursday last when
the missing canine was discovered at
the , bottom of a •Cold air duct lead-
ing tc the furnace en Dr. Browning's
drug store, she having falling ,nee it
while in the stare. For six days the
boor little thing remained in these un-
comfortable quarters without food or
water er Re tedl the little t
p y
bemoaning its unfortunate dillema
gave utterance to cries and barks, and
at different times search was ,made,
but her whearatioutswas not discov-
ered till Thursday, and her jay :an be
better imagined than described an be -
Leg released.
In FEDORAS of all the different
shades. CHRISTIES of the newest
style. STRAWS in Sailors utd
Shirts, Collars, Ties
The ARROW Shirts and Collars
are Leaders. Otur Lune of Ties is
Right -up -to -the -Minute. ,.
SPring rin Underwear
In Two-piece and Combinations —
the prime requisite for hot weather.
HO1e y
In Silks Silk and Wool, Lisle,
and Cotton, Colors of Tans, blacks
and; Whites,, and other shades ,
e meeting of the London
Branch of the Women's Missicnary
Society in, London last week, Mrs,
(Revel McAlister s;pgXe, at length on
the white slave traffic. She painted
out that the problene was a national
one as evidenced by the fact that a
a recent. conference in London, Eng.,
Z4 nations had been .represented. At-
tention was drawn to the many means
being adopted to combat' the evil,
and the statement made that during
one month recently no 'less than 87--
arrests of wage stayers had been made
in 60 ae which cases the girls con-
cerned were between the ages of 13
and 17. She quoted Dr. Shearer try,
the effect that &been Halifax 'to the
Rockies Canada .is now free from re-
cognized vice, but at the same time
pointed out that under this condition
of affairs much work yet remained to
be done against the traffic. In con-
clusior. ears. McAlister related a con
venation. which had been overheard
recentt on a train passing through
Western Ontario, whidh proved con-
clusively that there is a great :leaf
of vigilance ,needed an the part' of
those who would stamp out this great
evil Mrs. d r . 1'IcAliste was
s elect-
ed recording secretary, and Mrs. Wil-
son of Greenway organizer for.Exeter
LAKE.—There passed away in. • Exe-
ter on Sunday morning.last another
oJ. i` he oldest residents of Stephen
Township in the person of •'Samuel
Liberal -Conservative
t The Liberal -Conservative Associa-
tion of South Huron will hold a Con-
ye/Jaen en the Public Hall, Hensali,
oil Tuesday, June 2nd, 1914,. ,morn-.
mencin1 at 1.30 &clock for the p.ur-.
nose at selecting a candidate ro':on
test South Huron for the Legislature
—for the election of officers --and th
transaction of general business. - B
Order of the Executive.
ae at
Stanlake, the 1 age of 73 years, 3
months and, 14 days. He survived his'
twit brother,' the late Silas Stanlake
scarcely twa years, the later having
died in June of 1912. 'Mr. Stanlake
had enjoyed his usual good 'zealth
until a little over a year , ago, when he
was taken ill of kidney trouble and
had beeat since in failing, health. Three
weeks ago he became confined to his
bed and the end came rapidly. Boen
on. the 2nd concession of. Stephen in
1841, when. that Township was a
wilderness, be was a twin son of the
late James ,Stanlake, He experienced
all the hardships orf the early resid-
ents and did anuch to convert the
township into. the fine farms now be-
ing enjoyed by latex generations. With
his brother he engaged in farming,
framing and saw -milling and became
one of the best knoiyn, men' of the tlis-
trict 'Kited` hearted, honest and strict-
ly upright so alI his dealings; he was
loved and respected by all. About
five years ago he retired from .active
work at Sodom and came to Exeter
to resid,e�. In the sixties' he marriedElizabeth Kingdon Ford, who together
with two sores, Silas and Albert, and
one daughter, Elizabeth Ann, survives
hint besides two brothers, John and
Creak od Stephens and Mrs. Green-
wood of North Dakota. In religion
deceased was a Methodist and in pol-
itics a Conservative. The funeral
took place to the Exeter cemetery
on, Tuesday and was largely attended
Tire demand for labor in cities has
not yet caught up with the r•upply
event though the summer season is on-
ly :a few days ahead of us. Every
opening for workhas many applicants.
Yet these idle men, remain in the city
and thein• number us, added' to every
week by newcomers from across the
water and elsewhere. There ; is a
constant drift towards the cities of
the men out of a job. The other lay
the writerwatched a mob of a hun-
dred or more able-bodied men wait-
ing for tire first edition of an even-
ing paper on the lookout for work.
Some even went so: far as to grab
a e s "
p r from the.r
punsuspecting news-
boy and run foe at. Onptha,s Anse day
we were toad of a farmer who was
willing to pay $40 a month for com-
petent farm help, and his offer went
abegging. The situation is . not a.
healthy one. If these men remain
without work the greater part ' of the
summer bow are they going to pull
through .next winter ? And yet, to
sugges work on a farm to one of
then, would only bring forth abuse,
He is a hard-hearted individual who
does not empathize with men out of,
a job. But do these men deserve
sympathv? They remain in town in
a hal` starved condition when there
is plenty of healthy Work on farms to
he had for the asking if they will
only go after it,
Mr. :and Mrs. Johnston of Strathroy
were here Monday and Tuesday set-
tine their cottage in -order. --Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Southcott arrived here,also
Mr. and Mrs, Gea, Southcott anwill
remain; for the summer. -Mr. and Mrs.
Clerk . of Hamilton arrived for the
tnmer. Mr. Wm, Ilse moved here
last week from Dashwood.,—Quite a
/lumber took in the sports at Green-
way Monday, -Mrs. Green and .:on
Ivan visited in Stanley Saturday and
Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs, P. Baker were
las Thedeoa'd Tuesday,—Mr, Huston of
Exeter was here Thursday.—Mr, and
Mrs Millman of Thedford visited at
Asaph Gravelle's• Sunday Miss Ethel
Zapfc'•atter a week with Mrs: Cyrus.
Greets, left for her home in Stanley
`Saturclay,-The ladies aid held .'.heir
airhutai meeting ,Thursday, Thie fol-'
comm goffice,rs ,were elected,--• Pres,
Mt's Ecl.. Gen, Jr. ; vice -preside0,t, 01,
ive Deair%ng;. Secy, Ales, Ed. Girl, yr,;
Treas. is Jo�s:.O1iver, 141', Josepb
Gill tiwho us sick, is not improving as
Cast as his many friends would wish
him tai -Quite a number frora.. eround
here went to the circus in Thedfcrd
On Tuesday next, June 2, the Cone
servatives of South Huron convene in
Hensali to nominate a candidate. The
present member, Mr. H. Eliber, with-
out a doubt, can, have the nomination
unanimously, if ,he wishes to accept.
He is very popular in the riding, andhas represented South Huron at l or -
onto fox over 15 years, and: the Con-
servatives are hoping he may be pre-
. e
va11 d u+pan to •coin •nue `
to -continue nnm arlL'a e
ary harness, But if he should decline
to again be a candidate it will be
solely because he has not been en-
joying ,good health for some }rears
He. has privately expressed himself as
being desirouis of giving place to
another for this reason. In case he
doer there are many good men to
take his place, mention of whom will
came quite soon enough when their'
namesha ve • b ee
n placed in nomination
In. the meantime Mr. Eilber's sup-
porters of all kinds are hoping that
he may still continue as their candid-
Council met Tuesday, May 19. Drew
bus meetings were read and approved
A cammurnicataonwas received from
the Beat Telephone Co. re. erecteag
poles on, William and "James streets,
Toler street between William street
and Canting street, William street be-
tween Sanders, and John streets
Beaver-Hind—That the Clerk ;vette
the local Plant Chief of the Bell Tele-
phone Co,, London, referring them to
ossr former letter of March, 28, in ens -
area to their request of May 6th, ask-
ing Permission to Place poles on the
above streets,—Carried..
A communication was received to
fire alarm service. The same was
Mrs , Dow and Mrs. Hastings waited
on the council, asking to have the
street frons Andrew, leading to River-
side Park graded.
Hind—Beaver-That the Commission
er have saute done,—Carried.
Beavers—Doyle—That Mr. Josepb
Bawden be granted tile to connect
from- his pro+petty to the drain in
front of Mr. M. M. Doyle's proper-
ty ar cl $4.00 additional, as this drain
will be a benefit to the street.—Car-
Report of Finance Com.—We ' re-
ommend that the accounts referred
a us at the last regular council meet -
ng be paid as read:—T. Flynn, labor,
7.20 ; F. East $1.60; W. Hatter $1.60
Handford $14; F. Mellott $1,40; G.
Sanders 8 8.; W. Westcott 90c.; T,
Houlden, al 31.75;. W. Steel 48c.; Exeter
�ectric Light & Power Co,, $115.86
Beavers—Harton,-That the Court of
evision of the Assessment Roll and
he hearing oe appeals will be heard
n June 19111, at '7 o'clock p.m.—Car-
Re Mr, Bedford . asking to- 'have
fish pedlars pay license. On -notion
of Hat +
r ore and Doyle that no action
e taken;—Carried.
Doyle—Beavers— That street com-
i t be instructed toclean lean and
water streets and have them in a pre-
entable shape for Victoria Day.—
Beavers—Harton-That the town
urpply Mr. 'Sellery with" sufficient tile
a connect his dram coming out cn
he Loruclon Road to L. McTaggart's
drain or.' the west side of the road
and Mr. Sill+ery be notified to that
o; -
Beaver—Doyle—That the matter of
cling street be laid over till next
gular meeting, that we may ,in the
meantime procure more information on
,0 natter; and the street commission
be instructed to keep the street
watered untiil further orders; and the.
Clerk write the following place;, sk-
g whether they think oiling or wait-
ening is the more economical: God-
erich St Marys, :Cli:nton, .Parkhill, and P
Stratford.—Carrded, P
Beavers—Doyle—That water bee sup -V
plied to the Exeter Salt Works Co,
for use of .engine for the sum of $6
per annum, the company to be at• the
expense of doing alt piping and c on-
Harton—Doyle—That we adjourn to
meet Monday, June 1st, -Carried.
1'. B. Carling, Clerk
Successful Day
Exeter's celebration of Victoria 1)ay
on :Monday : Was an eminent success
when one takes .into consideration the
dow,npo sr of rain which fell all Sun-
day eventing and Monday mornin
until about, seven o'clock, The su
came out warm directly after, how-
ever and a breeze springing up the
su:•face dampness was soon dispelled
The bawling toturnani,ent wasi,eces
sexily called off ,as the grouted was
too wet for the early season. The
moa tn
ig baseball game was also call-
ed off.
Alter dinner ,the crowd began to
came mall kinds of conveyances and
%thee the Hon, Adam. Beck arrived
from' Logsdon a hearty welcome was
givers hint in front of the Courier-
cial House, and immediately a proces-
wa.s formecl headed by the Ex-
L, Haffmaan 3rd
el Fahner, 2nd
Roy Fath t er p
G. R Fa'hxue.r ss
A,. Haitznaarun,
S. Wuerth if
G. Swettzer, cf
1 0
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
4 2Score be . innings -.1 0 010 0 00 J-2
Left an bases 5
"What Happened to ones a • y
of three ants; presented by the Ex-
eter Bowling Club in the;, Opera Hous
, brouht to a close a very successful
day's program. The hall was tilled
with a very appreciative audience
which seemed to thoroughly enjoy the
entertainment, ` The opinion treely ex-
pressed was that the various persons
tool, their parts very successfully,
and this combined with - the fact
eter Band and marched to the Agr
cultural grounds to witness the race
and hear the address of the Hon. Ad
an: Beck'
j, A Stewart and M
the e n�ners of the fir
;i ize In the automobile
1-1 that the play as a particularly fine one
s made the show oase of the best. we
- i have had here for years. Many :leo-
pie who, were unalxle to attend on
e Monday evening desired a second .:ter-
d formance which as being put on ibis
Wednesday .evening, The various
were takeas asfollows,—
o o —
I J travels
for a Hymn -Book
2. House by M. E. Remington; Ebenez-
er . Goodly. .a professor of anatomy, by
R. -N. Creech; Anthony Goodly, D.D.
n Bishop of Ballarat, by W. J. Ilea-
c' man: Richard Heatherly.:, who is. en-
s gaged -to Ma�rjor,ie, by E. J. Christie;
- Thos Holder, a Policemans by r2, G.
e Seldon; William Bigbee, an inmate of
Sassato .0
u�r byA. Stewart; � HenryJ n
` Fuller Super: attendant of Sanatorium,
by T. H. Bissett; liens, Goodly, Eben-
ezer's wife, by Mrs. M. Fowell; Cissy,
e Ebenezer's Ward, by Mrs. W. J. Hea-
- mein Marjorie, Ebenezer's Daughter
M. Doyle •ver
first and recon
Mr -Beck was introduced by 'Rev
T. W. Taylor.
After explaining the absence a
htrs Beck the honorable gentlema
da cu :-Ted at some length the elydr
electric and Hydra radial movement
n hies he said were magnificent tri
butes to at .progressive people. H
d;ecur,ed the cost of the scheme u
to the present time . and spoke elo
quentle of the future of the move
men which was by the people and
for the people of this province. "W
have two schemes for Exeter," con
eluded !sir, Beck, "One is for a lane
from St. Marys and tate other one
through Lucien,. The commission zre
endeavoring to work out a self-sup-
porting, scheme and, as in the working
of the hydro scheme, first-class stan
dards will prevail. The day ie not far
distant when not only Exeter, but rhe
Whole surrounding district will have
hydro at their doors. It is our busi-
ness to tell the truth, and .ifthe peo-
ple uphold us .in that, radials will be
realized within.' two years.
Before Mr. Beck left h;: was - pre-
sented -with a huge bouquet of roses
by little Misses Johns and Murphy,
slaughters of Mr. and Mrs. 'Well
Taha&candeM.r.;and Mrs,, Richard
Some of those in attendance to heel -
Mr Beek were: H. Eilber; M. P. P.,
of Crediton; Warden Cantelon and
Councillou• Sheppard of Clinton;
Reeve Elliott of Goderlch; Reeve
Routley of Usborne; Reeve Elliott of
Stephen; James Doyle, ex -M. P. P.,
for North Middlesex; Col, Wilson of
Seaforth 'City Clerk Lang, W. J.
Mooney John, Whyte and J. McDon-
ald of Stratford, and Mayor Butcher
and Commissioner Richardson of St.
Thc races in the afternoon consist-
ed of two events, a 2.25 trot or lace
and a green^trot, both • of which were
keenly contested and watched with
nmonzentary interest ety the large
ca�owd. The track was rather heavy,
but was en fair condition considering
the drenching it received the night
previous by the incessant downpour
of lain The Line-up of horses ' in
both races was of no mean order
and they were :all drive,n out to, win.
The program was opened by a !talf-
mile heat in the green, race, which was
wool by ,Harry C., the Chitick horse
from Teesewater; with Harry Bars,
owed as t
n b.Y_J n s Harr lelb of Dashwood
a close second. In this race the Chit -
ick horse wool first money, but lost
the second oat d d
oat third heats, .which
were woe by Harry Bars. The '.nest
time .in this race .was "1.144
Thc twenty-five class had only
three contestants, but the first and
second horses plot up a race that
did credit to the day's events. Peach.
Bars led off by winning out in. the
first heatbut dost the second and/
third heats to Sid Hodgins' Patchin
Wilkes, which showed a level head
and the results of good training. The
best time in this race was 2.24.
Following is the summary :—
Gteeas Trat—Half Mile
Harry C, A. W. Chitick 1 2 2 1 1
Harry Bars, J Hartleib 2 1 1 2 2
Capt. Greens H. Bossenberry 3 4 3 3'
Ton, Burr 'Jr. W. .Yearley, 4 3 4 4
Time -1.15;. 1.14/; 116; 1.17; 1,171e,
2,25 Trot or Pace—Mile.
atchen 'Wilkes, Sid Hodgins 2 1 1
ea.:i Bars H, Bossenberry 1 2
ickie B. Bassenberry & Klump 3 3 3
Tutne 2.28A; 2,25; 2, 24.
Exeter got the better of Crediton
on Monday afternoon by a good mer-
ge', in the opening bait game for the
year The fourth was a very bad in-
ings for the visitors, when Exeter
piled up six runs. A good crowd taw
the game' Exeter's n,ew pitcher, Har-
rington .showecl up in excellent form
and looks like the teal 'goods: EXETER
H, R.
Fred Cahn, ,c. 1 0
Reg Bissett, 3rd 1 1
F. Boyle 2nd 1 1
E. Windsor, 1f 0 2
B. Rivers , rf 2 0
Campbell ss 1 0
F, Triebiner, last 3 2
J, Cltiticic, c f 2 1
et E. Harrington, p 2 2
13 0`
Score by 'innings 0006001.2;-9
Left raiz bases 12
13, Metz c
G. M. Fanner, let
A', expected Mr. le, Zeller of Zur-
ich was nominated by the Liberals
last week as their candidate foe South
Hutton. Others who were, nominated
but withdrew were: J, G. Stanbury.
Exeter; Robt. Gardner, Usborne; john
Preeter, Zuriich; John Scott, Exeter,
and Jacob Kellerman,Dashwood.
Besides addresses; by the nominees
G Anderson, M. P. P., of South
Bruce, spoke.
Rei- Powell and John Scott 'ares-
ented to the candidate the questions
which the tdmperat ce convention de-
cided;,to submit to the candidates and
Mr • Zell ev •expressed himself as pre-`
pared to stnpport the Rowell policy.
1. 0
1 1
Alvin,t Staa•lsght, Mrs. Goodly's sister
by Mrs N, J. Dore; Helena, Swedish
1 servant girl, by Miss L. Martin.
Thc Evilest= baseball team will
play a game with the Exeter team
here Friday night, May 29, commenc-
ing. at 6 o'clock. This promises to
be a. fast game.
Stairlake,—In Stepihen on 1fa • 21st,to
Mr and;Mrs. Silas Stanlake,
Balkwill-In Exeter,on \'I a son.
n May 21st, to
Net and Mrs. W A Balkwill, a
Caldwell—In 'ruckersmith, May 18, to
Mr, and `Mrs. John Caldwell, a laugh
Earl—In Whalen, on May 10, to Mr,
area Mrs. James. Earl, a sort.
Thiel—In Zurich, an. May 17, to• Mr,
and kers. Elmore Thiel, a son.
Cornish—In Exeter, on May 22, to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornish, a daugh
Thompson -In McGillivray, Con, 16th
oat May 20, to Mr. and Mrs.. Ter
rt Thompson, a daughter.
Tuffin—Shute—At the home of the
bride's parents, on Mray 23 Mr,
Charles T leve, of Hibbert to Miss
Evelyn Gertrude, daughter of Mx,
and Mrs Jolter R. Shute of 1(irkton.
Patrick—Heywood, —In London, May
21, Miss Lylla F. Heywood, daughter
of arra .. Maude Heywood of Win-
chelsea, to Mr. William Patrick, of
Stanlake—In Exeter, on May 24, Sam-
uel Stanlake, aged 73 years, 3 month's
anis 14 days.
by Mri-s. W. S. Howey; Minerva, Eb- Sproat.—In Luecan, on May 25, Catli'
enezefs Daughter, by •Miss D. Dickson arine Sproat, aged 81 years:.
Where Reasonable Prices Prevail,
Childress &Misses Dresses for Hot Weather
You will fiend a big assort neat of dresses - suetable for
hot summer days. Why make tnem when you can buy chic
little dresses at reasonable prices.
The season's newest inters- In these popular cloths
pes voiles and fine lawns, You you'll find many colors ,and
will find a big assortment to weaves an our counters at
choose front, They arc not per yard 15c,, 20c., and 25c
KAYSER GLOVES In calors of blue, grey,
In short, medium and ong brown and 'black. They not
lengths. All have double fin- only keep out the nein but
ger tips. When you buy this make a splendid dust Neat to
lhse you are getting the best be used droving. Spec, 7.50
that .can be procured, •
We have placed in stock six sizes of this celeb rate
r e Inci
For verandahs,le
porches and outdoor use they are unbeatable:
They are made of wire grass and will wear for years. Let
us show yon this line.
You cannot go wrong. in buy Cambsnatien underwear for
Log Holeproof, 12 you wear men has become very eopue
holes in them inside of six
moatths they are replaced with
new hose free of chargee,
This is a new "Tooke" col -
ler and will .be greatly worn
by young 'nen rites summer,
Each 20c, on- 5 for 50e,
We an'e
leer for summerwear. We
have three wea,ghs, ;its short
or long sleeves, ankle or
kaee length,1.00,1.50, 2.25,
In newest cloths with soft
collars and ,cu+ffs, with tie
to atch
for suritnierAwearen$150. •line
paying 22 vents for eggs thus 'week.
- %,),Cird
The Pord -- the Lightest,
--Surest, Most' Economical—
the very essence of auto-
mobiling-and all Canadian.
Model T
Runabout 600
f, o. b. Ford
Gnarl 0
Get particulars from Wes. Snell, agent.
ter: x.
t any'
te/ ', --' 1. "— -
Where Reasonable Prices Prevail,
Childress &Misses Dresses for Hot Weather
You will fiend a big assort neat of dresses - suetable for
hot summer days. Why make tnem when you can buy chic
little dresses at reasonable prices.
The season's newest inters- In these popular cloths
pes voiles and fine lawns, You you'll find many colors ,and
will find a big assortment to weaves an our counters at
choose front, They arc not per yard 15c,, 20c., and 25c
KAYSER GLOVES In calors of blue, grey,
In short, medium and ong brown and 'black. They not
lengths. All have double fin- only keep out the nein but
ger tips. When you buy this make a splendid dust Neat to
lhse you are getting the best be used droving. Spec, 7.50
that .can be procured, •
We have placed in stock six sizes of this celeb rate
r e Inci
For verandahs,le
porches and outdoor use they are unbeatable:
They are made of wire grass and will wear for years. Let
us show yon this line.
You cannot go wrong. in buy Cambsnatien underwear for
Log Holeproof, 12 you wear men has become very eopue
holes in them inside of six
moatths they are replaced with
new hose free of chargee,
This is a new "Tooke" col -
ler and will .be greatly worn
by young 'nen rites summer,
Each 20c, on- 5 for 50e,
We an'e
leer for summerwear. We
have three wea,ghs, ;its short
or long sleeves, ankle or
kaee length,1.00,1.50, 2.25,
In newest cloths with soft
collars and ,cu+ffs, with tie
to atch
for suritnierAwearen$150. •line
paying 22 vents for eggs thus 'week.