HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-5-21, Page 8x Ei. i.'. •R A BJ: tax i.1i:AT. ?lr .:111 1 i ' 1I "L MAY EXETER IAH ET s CHANGED EM1U WEDNESDAY WbeM, .•“..",1,1.11.,.. A 06 . •. e$ Barle:v., ... 50 552 Buckwheat. '` . 6000 babe. 87 1 i 00 Peas,,....... ..—.. ,. 7,0 0 Potatoes, per bag .. I4 05 lh 00 ay; .z erbon 2 70 oar, per cwt., ftew.. lrp . Fleur. lave grade per ow 1U 1 00 2,1 l utter Live hugs, per cwt. 7 80 2,5 00 Shores penton ..... 2,4 00B,,:. r, tier ton . Mr. W. R, Elliott, reeve or Stephen last week purchased the Dan Cough- lin 100 -acre farm on the Town • line of `Ie Gillivvray. Mr. Elliott will use it as a grass farm this summer, A WOMAN'S MESSAGE 10 WOMEN. If you are troubled with weak, tired feelings, headache, backache, bearing Gown sensations, bladder weakness, cans- tipation, catarrhal eonditions,pain zn the eides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, sense of Falling or misplacement of internal organs, nervoustaess, desire to cry, palpitation, hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes, or a loss of interest in life, 1 invite you to write and ask for wy simple method of home treatment, with ten days' trial entirely free and postpaid, also references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell haw they have regained health, strength, and happiness by this method. Write to -day.. Address : Mrs. M, Summers, Bos. , s.so Windsor, Ont. HOUSE TO RENT.-Acotnfortable frame house on Huron Street, with stable on. property, cheap. Apply at Advocate Office. GARDENING, LAWNS, ETC. Parties wishing wishia>g to have their lawns, Gardens and premises kept in order for the seasons, Orotherwise, can be ac- camniodated by leaving an order at ive of the Berlin, Sugar Beet Co y. The Advocate Office Price reasonable He was 75 years of age. Heart -allure was. the Cause .after • three weeks ea- ness. Until ten years ago he ':armed in Stanley tawnshap. His second wife who was a Miss Higgins• of Bxucefield survives, besides three sons and two daughters. for planting or for baskets at lea- At the quarterly official board meet- 1 LOCAL '()IN(, Woodstock is to have a Local Op tion votein January. Don't fail to hear the Hen. Adam Beck ort, the subject of Radial Rail- ways and Hydra Electric on May 25, at 'Exeter's Celebration, At the annual meeting of Huron Rural Deanery and Sunday School Aseociatiott, held in St. Thomas chers:h ata Seaforth, on May .14, Rev. W, 5, Doherty of Hensan was re-elected Rural Dean of Huron, The new motor bill reads "No - motor vehicles while travelling upon a highway shall have attached to it and exposed to view any, flag, strream er. or similar decoration made of bunt• ing oa- similar material, What is the use of being IN busi- ness if you don't DO business? The only ta.ay to do nearly all the bus --. nes , that is possible is to advertise,. The m0,aey thus spent will return to you in increased measure.. Asked about the whereabouts of the old-fashioned mother's knee amnion which children were accustom- ed to gather and listen to' bed time stories a Chicago Bishop states that it may be found under the card ,able. The dates of howling tournaments are .now being announced. The West- ern Ontario tourney at London will commence on July 20. The Landon Thistle Club's Scotch Doubles start June 24th and Seaforth Doubles and. Singles take place_ on. July 1st and 2nd Mr, John, Ransford of ,Clinton has recently lost two brothers by leath. On April 21st,. Robert Bolton Rans- ford, rector of St. Paul's Upper Nor- wood London England, died. He was born. in Goderich Township, Huron County On May lith. William 'Henry Ransford died in Nev.York, City. He was born. to London, England. The death took place in, Clinton on May 13th of Mr. Wm. Graham, well- known in Exeter as the representat- BOARDERS WANTED.—Mrs. Lane William Street, Exeter. FLOWERS FOR SALE. -I em pre-. Pared to furnish floreers o€ all kinds M'sr. Cecelia rergU,son of ,London l� visitin' Isere. Mr. T.. E. Handford of Ingersoll vas itt. town Sunday, Mr M. M. Doyle )\^;tis ,in Buftato on business this week, Mr, John Williams of Seaforth ;gas M toga; on Tuesday.. Miss Effie Treble is visiting Mrs. S W. Rowe tin Clinton, Mr. Geo. Powell of T.hedford spent Tuesday with friends in tout. tllxs Braithwaite and children of Londonare visiting Mrs.. Piper. \ors. Hunter and children of Port Stanley have moved to Exeter to se-• Side. Mrs Jas . Ogdem, is visiting in Lon- don W, Parkinson and sister visited them an. Sunday, Miss Olive Wood who has heel -tin Simcoe as stenographer ,for some time hasreturned to her home here, 1vfr. George Anderson and Mr, Vroo- matt, returned home last week froth an extended trip through, the States. Mr, W. T. Colwli returned from the West last week, He has been ht tawf,. for a few days ' with his father, Mr ,John Colwill, who, we are glad to, report is improving. sortable prices.—JOIN FORD, cernee ing of Main Street Methodist Church tery caretaker, Exeter. FOR SALE A second-hand wood range with- out crack or flaw, cheap. Apply at this (sfftcd, FOR SALE. T H McCallum offers -for sale his house and three lots. A nice hone at -a ,reasonable -price. For znforrna- ' tiers apply to Mrs: G. Brooks, neat • door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer th,e finances of all departments were showr. to ' be in a flois risking Gond}- tioat., A resolution of appreciation wan tendered the Rev. E. G.. Powell, who closes his pastoral term, and I wit!, it a check of $100. Mr. Powell is leaving the pastorate for a term to oversee the temperance work of Hur- on County. A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian manse, Thames Road, on May llth. when Miss Janet Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Ford of Usborrne, became the bride of Mr. Samuel Stanialce, son of Mr. and avlrs, Csedic, .Stanlalre of Stephen. The ceremony ^was performed by Rev. C. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Stardake will reside with the former's parents for a few weeks, after which they will live on the Janrott farm, recently pur- chased by 11?r. Stanlake. Best wishes are extended to the young couple. Have you paid for your Advocate for 1914? If not, why :not ? FOR SALE—In Clandeboye, brick house, orchard, stables and 15 acres land Apply W. A. Jones, 206 Percy Street Ottawa, Known for Quality ANSCO PHOTO GOODS ANSCO CAMERAS CYPO PAPERS AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS SUPPLI S E For sale by J. SENIOR, Photographer, Exeter, 50 Cents Will pay for the Advocate. to new subscribers in Canada from row itn- til the end of the year. If you are already a subscriber,accept the 't voce e for The Ad send Th . chance to: balance . of the year to. your distant Mrend Mrs. G. H. Allen, who. have beei: visiting with Mrs, and Miss Hawkins, left Thursday last an their return trip' to Ireland. During Mr, Allen's stay here he was a tnost. worth member of the Trivitt Mem- orial Church choir, end. possessing a voice of great raaige and splendid volume will be very 'much. missed, Mrs W. J. Mallett is steadily im- provsng We havebeen favored with the En - est of summer weather for a few days. The Liberal Conservatives will hold their convention at Hensen` on June t.nd. Mrs .John Hackney is .in a very low state of health at her home, Devote, with little or no hope of recovery. The baseball boys have commenced practice. The new suits have arrived. They are a cream color trimmed with. blue, A fairly •good.. crowd attended the public meeting in the Town Hall on Frictae night last, when town affairs were discussed. . Miss Strang is confined to her moan owing to illness which suddenly de- veloped aeweek ago when she ,vas mowing her lawn. ' The ladies organized their 'bowling club oat. Monday when Mrs. Dickson was elected president and Mrs: Ta- man secretary. A large membership is expected. Rev, Ryatt, rector at Kirkton and Saintsbuiry •,'w-ffl exchange pulpits with Rev, Collins ons Sunday morning next 'Rev. Collins resuming his pielpit here in the evening. • 21 ` 1 ii4. Steal a March on Father Time DON'T LET GRAY HAIR. MAKE YOU LOOK PREMATURELY OLD Nothing will so quickly and surely rob a woman of her charm as gray and faded hair, and nothing, is so Basi- 1y preventable, A few applications of Hay's Hair Health will restore gray hair to its brat ural colour and luxuriance. It is not a dye, "It is a tonic that stimulates and invigorates the scalp and hair roots to the proper performance of their functions thereby bringing back the original; color of the hair. It cures dandruff, Your moaey will be refunded if it fails to do this. ` $1.00,.50c,, 25c, Get,i,t at our :;tore. SOLI) AND RECOMMENDED BY. W S. HOWEY, DRUGGIST EXETER, ONTARIO.,. Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received by, the undersigned up to 1 p. m. on Tuesday, May 26th, 1914 for the :ori- struction of, four bridges, 10 to 18 feet in length, built of concrete wings and floors, with steel stringers and rating Plans and specifications can can be seen at niy office after May 15th Teniders must he in block sum for the whole of the work. The lowest or any tender not ,necessarily accepted. HENRY EILBER„ Clerk Tp. Stephen, Crediton, P. 0. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE is heseby given. that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen, will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall. Crediton, . on Tuesday the 76th day oI May, -A. D., 1914, at one o'clock p m. HENRY . EILBER, Township Clerk Creditor May 5th, 1914, Cedar Posts for Mr - W. J. Beer on Monday pur- chased .seven lot's - on Station street,' frorr, Miss Bessie Hartnell. The lots are just west of Connor Bros. n'achine shop Mr. Beer will build two houses on the property. . Wird has been received here . by friends and relatives of the death of George Avery, a former resident of Kincardine and . London, who dropped dead in Vancouvejr,. B.C., last week, The Woman's leBseionaary Society .t�Lz, Avery also arias relatives living in held the most successful convention Stephen in. the history of the - Exeter district on Wednesday, in the Kiakton Meth- Durno the past few weeks ,he (rack odest Church. Dinner was served in on the Agricultural grounds has ' been the basement of the church r.nd 400 undergoeag a thorough renovation and sat clown to dine. About the same it is note in a first-class condition for number took supper. All the,, sessions the races oat .Monday next. This is were interesting and the addresses . one at the fastest half -mile tracks in were}above the average Mrs. George t Ontario and we may expect to see Stewart "O;a, Christian Stewardship" some good races Monday. and Mrs . McAlister's address on "The i --o-- White Slave Traffic," deserve espec-1 Students of the Bible have frequent- byial mention. The only address given , ly been ,puzzled by the statement a mbar was the evening address by that Nebuchadnezzar, King of _Babylon Rev'E. G. Powell of Exeter. ' "did eat .grass as the oxen." for sev- For several summer seasons many eral years. A learned medicine roan citizens around town have complained in Germany, now says it was alfalfa of the damage and wanton destruction the Kitty had been eating, and that after the seven years` diet, he return- ed home :much strengthened in hind, and body free from arrogantand iy rannicai tendencies and greatly iris- pa-oved. in character. It would not be a bad idea for some of urs to rent about 25 acres of alfalfa for a couple of seasons. ESaIe We have this year the finest stock of POSTS we have ever had, having nothing less than .6 inch at the small end. G. E. HICKS, wrought 'by blackbirds o,n gaxd,ens. predate reading the ,home- news. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued • at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental, MEETING OF . COUNHURON IL COUNTY The council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council, chamber, in the to.dx of ;God- *rich, -on Tuesday the 2nd day of June next, at the hour of 3 o'clock. W. .ZANE, Clerk Dated at Goderich May 13, " 1914, Dn L. & W. Sr;ra»tll COaI Burns to a white ash All sizes, Prompt delivery W. i/ H. Le�re Preli Fls This year these birds appear eta be more 'numerous, and in their piracy on other birds they are. working a havoc that calls fore their own extermination. If the lair protects these black las- cals it should be amended, for artless there is a stop pint to their .larder they will %eriously reduce the num- ber of our song birds. We certainly think a crusade for the extermination of the blackbird is in ceder. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUN CED— Miss Georgie, daughter of the late George A. Mace and Mrs. Mace, Elm - ave. Rosedale, to Patrick Kerwin, bar- rister, of Guelph. The marriage take place early in June.—Miss Ger- trude Davis, younger daughter of Mr. Williasr, Richard Davis, of `Poplar Hall," Mitchell, Ontario, and Mr, Frederick Austin May. ' Marriage rune 24th. All kinds of fresh ,and salt SO in season. Bacons, smoked rolls, cook- ed ham, sausage, bologna and and three children escapert injury, It erbpall sausage.. is believed a wheel came etc exec). the: HICKS' MAY FORECASTS,— A reactionary storm period has 'its centre an the 24th, 25th and 26th. The new Moott being on the 24th, change to very Warm with falling barometer, end ing in rain and thunder storms, with some wild dashes end gusts of wind may be figured on—moving eastward across the country --on and touching Sunday. Monday and. Tuesday, the 24th. 25th and 26th, Mon in extreme north will cause atmospheric tides:. to swi,ni northward, and bringing into hsgli latitudes some very warm equa- torial weather, -Stich condition' will excite ve,rY u's.enae electrical storms, Centralia Exeter THE "PAIN -KI have the pleasure residents of Hay To with his reliable ret for him G"' MAN will calling upon . the reship next week edy, Look out North Store HAVING PURCHASED THE EXETER NORTH STORE (HAY P. 0. IN CONNECTION) I wish to say that I carry a fine . stock- of FRESH Groceries and The Watch That Runs On Time. Sold By . Lawson & Trick, Exeter LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN- A small black Cocker Spaniel, very playful and a great pet. Answers to the name of Queenre. The finder will be suitably rewarded. -T. B. CAR - LING ,Exeter. SOUTH HURON SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION Thursday, May 28, 1914, in James Street Methodist Church, Exeter. Ont, Two sessions, afternoon and 'evening. Speakers rev, A. Lucas, Internation- al Field Secretary West Indies and Central America; Rev. J. G. Miller, St Marys,; Rev: C. W, Baker, Wood- ham, Live topics will be discussed. Special music pastors please announce RESERVE YOUR SEATS. --Have you reserved your seat for . `'What .First l to ro ri " nnot af- G S • ! Dry Goods sou dauelater or friend, who will ap t The Famous Brockville Canada Carria�na e buggies • We have received a Carload of .these buggies., New styles, seat and tops, that will please you. This' is a particularly fine lot of buggies and weare sure that you will be delighted with them: Call and look them over. And EVERYTHING that can be II had in a GENERAL STORE; Also 3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured i\feat, Sausage, Etc., Etc. Give me a call for your next order H. Bierling MERCHANT, ' HAY P.O. es. Snell Exeter, Oat Tea 8 CofCoffeeStore For - the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call an ce. d see us. A trial as toconvin- ce. , 1 f quality will convin Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Domestic happettees ? You e fold to miss this treat bf thef seeS00., The cast 91 characters (sec bills) have i gat*en freely of thenar time and effort for make this one of the best tntataur 1 FORMER EXETER WOMAN KIL- productions ever "produced 'gcalli . LED.. --Mrs. Johns R. Gaynes of Cal- The Opee a House stiotil1, be i ell f li ity formerlyof Exeter, was :willed ed at this Entertaai}pteilt on Ibil ay lint au 'pu,tornOile accident north, of ttight .Price 50c., 3. , and .5c. Plan o a t o on Friday morning. Mr. Gay- of Halt at Howey'e J)trug Store, Taranto es ceived a fractured leg and sev-1 "�S It Ihe.death oral brakaaati rlbs while their son -in- - I DIED IN ROC.a> . TF law, Johii, Van Wart of Richmond.' 1 took place its. Rochester, N. 't:•, cn was Similarly injured Mrs, Vast Wart May 14 of tt former Exeter man, John carr turned turtle, irs, Gaines •`; 4iied +� e the after o shortly t to t rho ,� An ,., .t al, .o,r h y k f f T 0 U tar, p bt U' ZTp to -4 -late,. ��lx ; .. n dirt."s prodtide taken, a3 cash i•niuries are considered serious • They 'ooeriesg. acctde.nt the was 54 years of age. tMw G�ayttes is 60 ion's old, n z 1 is of E'reter. about 25 H May at the age Of 69 years, Decease() when a resident of Exeter was engaged in the cabinet making and will be remembered by many of the older residents, He is survived by has wife, Fanny H. Rooke, one son, Peres A Baker of Atlanta, Ga., and two daughters, Mrs, Thos, Riley and' were residents d B. -tr't e Baker of Rochester Ln� four near'. ago, when, Mr. Gaynes work' Beatrice ' i' E% ()IATA 1I1 G. R. Bedford for the late Jarnes Pickard: They tis-• children He had resided in `t.oches- a; ;ted hea'e'la$C sunY}tner. Best THE; PERFECT COMBINATION SWEEPER, �(-oos thing that ...hauld be in every home for c;�:.nng your rags and carpets. No taking ftp t.4; t,ets—no dust R While sweepittig, Ca11 and see it, SUNNI/ 11dti§ii1or hteaning and po.lisha,o,g yon>r 'fttrr;tttlre =the b et y et Sold by ROLLIE 'Undertaker ,And License !'mbai mf r Phone 20a ter for 2 years. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 '►ome Snap This Ladies' :Suits and Coats . to Clear LADIES SUITS Only a few left to clear, . Each' Man tailored and exclu- sive— $15 Suits for $8.50 $20 Suits - for $12.50 $25 Suits for, $15,50 Don't miss this opportunity. LADIES COATS Just a few choice ones --au., different and very stylish— $1.0 Coats for $7.00 $15 Coats for '$9,50 $18 Coats for $13.00 Fine for day or ovening wear. Men's and Boys' Suits cheap MEN'S SUITS 200 brand new Men's Suits right off the reel„ Sante en- trelynew cloths and .:tyles. They erre first-class suits—end real cheap prices. All colors„` and patterns to chooser from BOYS' SUITS 150 New, Boys= Suits dust here They are bang up-to-date in cloths and styles. Short. Knits - kers or Bloomer styles. Every bov can get a good stylish suit here for little money. House Cleaning Time We are most awfully busy in this line, The reason is Ouf big stockuf well assorted good' at right prices,-� Llnolea�ms Lace Curtain e Oilcloths Tapestry CurtaLnee "mfap,estries Bungalow Curt ar Blinds 1 Ctlrtabt Nets �ugs, 611 -pets lvLatts Matting JONES & MAY fi �eatl(�uarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing