HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-5-21, Page 5DENTAL Dr. G. F. ROULSTQN, L.D.S., D.D.S, D'FNTIST! blembeir of the R.C.l .S. of Ontario and I•Ionor Graduate of 'x'oro4to Uri#gerlty.1 Office—Over Dickson & Carling's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. A. R. KXl'IiigAll, L..D.S , D,I1ys , onor •Graduate...of ! ot;oritp Mitere" H" 11.0.1'114I S Teeth extracted vrn4.uft pain, or any bad effects. Office over G1adma & a a x R Stanbury'a Office, Malin Street, 'IDxeter, LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Sol}fetors, Notarise; Conveyancers, Com- missioners. Sollcibors for the Ivlolson9 Bank. etc. ' Money to Loan at lowest Sates of intertest Offices—Main-Sf., Exeter I. R. Carling, B.A. L. PI. Dickson We funds ernes MONEY TO LOAN have a large amount of Private to loan egi farm and village prop - at low rates or intereiii. - GLADMAN & Si'4NBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Lite Assurance Company, also 'Fire Insurance !n lead Ing Canadian and British. companies. Main -St., Exeter. T. B CARLING Life, Fire, Accidbnt and Plate Giese insurance, Collecting accounts. and con- ducting auotiof sales. — Exeter, Ont:' SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH VSE T LAND RErGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any mals oven 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of. available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan'or Alberta The applicant must appear in perso' l. at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Lo- cal Agent of Dominion Lands knot sub -agent) on certain conditions. Duties—Six moths' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead cn a farm of at least 80 acres, an certain conditions. A habitable _house is re- nuked -inn every case, except when r e- sideniee is Performed in the vicinity. In certain. districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -_-Six months resi- dence in each of'six years from date of homestead entry (including the tune required to earn, homestead patent)' A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- Itivatc 50 acres, and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case 'of rough, scrub- by or stony land. W. W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of the Interior nauther•ized ,publication of t•hie advertisement will not be ped for. CEPSTRAL rf% STRATFORD. ONT. Become a specialist In Business. It offersmore opportunities than any other calling. To reap the full meas- ure of successyou must have the best •possible training. This is Ont- aric's Best Business School. We give individual attention. You may anter our classes at any time. Three. De- partments, Commercial, Shorthand and. Telegraphy. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal LET US. PREPARE YOU for a business career: Attend. ELLIOTT Toronto Ont., where you will get correct instruction and assistance in obtaini,n,',. ernployment when competent College open all summer. Enter any time Catalogue free. EVERY WOMAN is interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel whirling s ►ay Douche Ask Your druggist for it. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus. Crated book—sealed. It gives full a,rrr, particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLYCO.,Windsor,Ont. General Agents for Canada, NANDIRON IC VATEV is Pllictoria Holiday Fares 'fBetween all stations in Canada east Of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron. Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock. Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge NX. SINGLE FARE :Good going and returning May 25. FARE AND ONE-THIRD HIRD Good going May 23-24-25, Return limit May 26th, Minimum Fare .•25 cents, Tickets now on sale at Trunk Ticket offices. Notice to Creditors R. S. O„ c,129, s.38 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES - tate of Alfred Allen, late of the Vi1- lage of Exeter, sin, the, County of Huron IGentleintn, deceased, Notice ,is hereby wen, that all per- sons having any claims or demands sg- ainst the late Alfred .Allen, who died on; or about the nee. day, of May A. D, 1914 at' the Village, of , Exeter, in the County of Huron are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for 'Simon Hunter and Allert J. Mc- Donell, Executors and Trustees under the Will of the said Alfred Allen their names and addresses and full partic- ulars in writing of their claims . and statements of their accounts duly verified and the nature of the sec- urities if any, held by them. And take notice that after the first day ,of June A. D. 1914 the said Simon Hunter and Allen T. McDonell wil 1 proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall 'then have had not- ice, and the said Simon, Hunter and Allen J. McDonell wd11 not be liable for the said assets or any, part there- of to any person or persons of whose clain, or claims they shall not have received notice. Dated at Exeter, Ontario the 13th day of May A. D. 1914. DICKSON & CABLING,. Solicitors for Executors Driyeu Nearly nsane BY THE TORTURES OF SCIATICA Such has been, the experience o£ many a pooh sufferer front ` this af- fliction The sciatic nerves, when in- flamed are capable of giving the ino,st excruciating torture possible to im- agine Thanks to discovery by Dr. Stohr, aft Austrian specialist, relief quickly follows a dose of Kephaldol, The fame of this prescription, has spread over all the civilized world and Kephaldol is Heartily endorsed by the medical profession because Sciatica Lumbago, Rheumatism or Neuralgia, yield to a few doses and no safer or more reliable prescription has been -found. If you find it dif- ficult to obtain, locally, the, ~manufac- turers will send you a large tube on receipt of 50c, Kephalclol Limited, 31 Latour St., Montreal. 20 LUCAN The death• took place of William O'Shea only soft of Mr. 'and Mrs. jas O'Shea of Lucaxl, at the early age of 19 years, The deceased had all but ten days, although not serious- ly so, tuntil two days before Ms death which occurred on Saturday night, "Billy' O'Shea, as he was familiarly known among his associates, was an exempliary,young man; and an accom- plished musician, and was exceedingly well thought of by all with whom he he came in contact. The burial took place on. Tuesday at 10 a. nr. at St, Patrick's Cemetery, Biddulph, and the CC G &wV'VL" ER ALE -- STOUT --- LAG PURE — PALATABLE ti NUTRITIOUS — - BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they req::ire for perso lal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT' ' LIMITED LONDON CANADA A/.lhkalnLNAh,At.Mat/Annnn/.V\n/.V.i/AO;t/1/AGV.VAIAM`� man." bottle. For Headaches ° Here's the Reason and the Cure Moat people at. some time or another suffer from headaches—disordered stomach, liver or bowels is the cause—any one can be cured—one woman says: Chamberlain's Tablets did more for ma than fever dared hope for—cured headaches—biliousness —and toned up my whole system—I feel like a new wo• No case too hard for these little red health restorers. 25c. a Druggists and Dealers, or by Mail. Charnberlain Medicine Company, Toronto b FARM 'FOR SALE --o-- Bein 7 Lot 23, Con. 8, Stephen, con- taining 100 acres; and part of Lot.;23 ;Coal 9. Stephen, containing 25 acres On bac 23 is a good Brick House, containing 7 rooms, with, cellar; two barns, one 36x58 with stabling 'under- neath. Water in stable pumped. by a ivmndmill from never failing spring ;the other bane ' on frame foundation 30x 50 Farm well fenced and drained. On the 25 acres there are 5 acres of good hardwood bush, Farm is well situat- ed being 3 miles from Dashwood, 3 from Crediton, 5 from Exeter town rind station ..gravel. roads in all directions 1 'acre orchard. Satisfactory reason for selling Terms reasonable. For full particulars enquire of proprietor on the premises, Josiah Kesfle,• or. 73. S. Philips. auctioneer, Exeter, Wi11 be sold in block or separate to suit pur- chaser CLANDEBOYE Mr. Glcebe, G. T. R. agent Mich„ is visiting Mr. Esti —Mr. Jahr. L, S,impsan has s 14 -acre farm and 115s is an excellent piece also has good buildings o 'uipson recently sold his farm on the second Gillivray to Mr. Louis Neal soh intends moving to Monthly meeting" of the W sluts will be held on home oaf R. Grundy, Mrs oa;; president, and Miss sec- retary requests all members resexlt,��>;i,ss Marlon Hodgson ser- iously 111.—Mr, Thos. e,1d was In town last Wee :Nisar visited his mother Last week, -Mass Greta Bic ck list. R. Porte h welling recently averhatute into, two C1epiL'1'tiYlentS, one �r rent,--14Irs, Thos. Trod or the past six weeks h,a aril; 81, is -note reported of Gains e Hodgins. s advertised hi dwelling for :ale. Tof soil and aln it. Mr. S,.50 -acre fconcession of i�ic , Mr.'Simp sthe' city.—The Oman's in- stitute Friday, at the h D. W ind- sGrundy, is to be p is ser- oRosser of Den- fi 1c,—Mr, Ben F•in Parkhill la e is an the s as had ';her' d d and made in side ,is •,low fo gins, who fs been sere io 1 to be on the mend: meeting held in London .this week.— Messrs, ,George and Alex. Stewart of Ailsa Craig called on friends here last Wednesday evening.—The "Hard - time' social held in Grace Church Hall wa,s .a grand success in every way —Sh,ipka and Greenway baseball teams have been having several goo:d' games, —Mrs. Edwards called on friends here Last week.—Word has been received here that Mr,..W. J. Willson has 11adf a successful operation in a Calgary hospital. -We are 'pleased to report that Mir 'Gallen, is recovering frd'm the wounds received in a runaway re- cently funeral eourtege was one of the larg- est that has passed through the vii- lage 1a some time, GRAND BEND Mr Ward of London was in our burg ,on Monday.—Mr, Walker, Wang - hale, was here Saturday,---EthelZapfe ot? Stanley arrived here Thursday to wail on' Mrs,. Green.—Mr. Geo,Olivei moved last weep tohis father's house —Mr Samuel Pedley and sister • Mrs, Phais of Ailsa Craig visited a. few day; around here,—Mr. and Mrs, H. Bossenberry of Dashwood visited al the hone of their son Bruce Sunday, ;!V1irs. Bert Holt is on the sick list —Mr, Jos Gill isalso sick.—Mrs.Bert Statten of Dashwood visited at J.W, E olt's for a few days last week. — Mr .Ed Gill had his barn moved Sat- uirday.—Mr and Mrs. Walter ng - land from , Greertway visited at E. Gill's, River Rd,, Thursday. -- Bert, Statten visited here Sunday,—Mr. and Mrs. A Hutson, of Corbett visited at Ga Lovie's Wedinesday.—Mr, William Buchanan who was around here for a few days a-eturned to, Detroit where he leas been since fall,—Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd an,d family from Thedford visited at Asaph Gravelle's,—The fish- ermen have quite a number of their diets in although fish are not very plentiful.—Mr, J, Ross has improved his house' by putting up a new ver- andah and new windows and given it a coat of paint.—Mrs, J. Wilson vis- ite? Mrs P, Baker last week. HENSALL Mrs Jackson • sof Rodgerville, ac- eampanded by her daughter Mrs. Alex ander Ingram, jr., of the Township of Hay left here last week to visit relatives in Alberta, where they in- tend to spend a few months.—Mr. IIiclis. of the Methodist Church conducted anniversary services in Sandwich on the 17th ,and where he was for .a time stationed. Rev. Redmond took Mr, Hich ' services here and at Chisel- hasrst.—Our onion king's are putting in mare onions than ever this year. 6fiss Aggie Shirray returned recently firont• Toronto and has been opening up the house and preparing for the return of her mother 'and siusters, who have been in Toronto during the winter and spring months. Hensall ratepayers Saturday car- ried with little opposition a by-law to erect a new town hall on a site purchased •on Main street. For the by-law 108 votes were cast, and a- gainst it only 18. Crediton Arbor Day was observed in our school last Friday. A flower bed wa,s Planted and the play yard thoroughly cleaned of all rubbish. Herry Beaver has commenced work on 'Francis Clark's new stable. "Mylar bey' from here:. attended the Temperance Cainrention in Hensall on Monday' Judging from the press re- ports an election is near at hand. Our baseball boys have been engag- ed to play ball in, Exeter on Victoria Day and in Dashwood on the King's birthday, The mauiagin.g committee of the base ball team have had the road scraper on the diamond of late. It is now one of the fastest in the district and wilt make the bays skin their eye to catch the fast grounders. H A .Eckert, V. S., has bought a Ford auto. His rapidly increasing business has made this necessary. Henry Steinacher is having his dwel- ling ,repaired. Daniel Oestreicher is doing. the work for him. Michael Beaver and the Flax -mill Company have had new fences •3re;:t- ed around their properties. Herb Young, Garnet Sweitzer and Herb Falmer were in Bayfield on Sun- day.. Judge Holt of Goderich was in town last week on business in connection with the Division, Court. The Misses Leah and Mary Young spent the week end in London. Little Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Dan McIsaac had the misfortune to fall off the sidewalk and sprain her elbow. Dr. Orme took her to Lon- don. on Monday and had the arm set. Miss Orme is visiting her brother Dr. T. D. Orme of Lucan. Our town fathers have had the street lights attended to, What a- bout ailing the streets ? Dust is be- ginning .to gather and the autoes are getting thicker. ' UTEIEN the food reaches the stomach it is aub3emoat tomoatiV Y churning movement by the muscular wally ofthe at,mach"—(See Dr, Pierce's Medical Adviser, page 45), In the liver, kidneys and skin, the blood is purit'ied;of its waste materials—these or'oons act si as human filters, leaving the blood ppure and clear --unless liver',: is a digestive tract and kidneys are clogged. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is a stomach, liver and kidney tonic—by assisting the stomach to assimilate the liver to filter, the kidneys to act -the poisons aro ; removed,the red blood corpuscles are increased and.one feels light, fresh and active instead of logy, dull and heavy« The "Discovery" stimu- lates the stomach, increases. action of heart 'and 'atter ies and is a most satisfactory alterative in •blood -taint of any character. The refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plants has been favorably known for over forty years. Everywhere some neighbor. can tell you of the good it has done. Sold by all medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form; or send50 one -cent stamps to Dr, Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.,and a trial box will be mailed you. BIDDULPH Wm, Halloran and family of Usborne have moved to their new home in this township ,lately purchased from Rich - are Culbert,—Anthony O'Dwire of London his moved onto his farm cn the first concession.—Jas, Toohey is working the farm of the late Thomas Thompson of McGillivray, and intends to sell it next fall, DR. DeWAN'S FRENCH PILLShierelRy' e- gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for $10. Sold at all. Drug Stores. or mailed to any address on receipt of price. Tire Sco'grix Dave Co',. St. Qatiiarines, Qatario, PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vz aua Vitality;for 'Nerve and Brain; Increases "grey matter" ; a Tonle will build you up. $S a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of pricetario., TIM SCOBELL Drum Co., St, Catharines. On • Next in Importance i$ making to Making a. provision being to ensure iproperly e carried out. The interest of this Company in .any estate which it is em- powered to administer is strictly impersonal, All things are done with the sole ann of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree of efficiency and faithfulness—in closest conformity with the expressed desires of the testator. Consult with us regarding the administration of your estate. All information cheerfully furnished free.... THE ..LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO, LIMITED 382 RICHMOND STREETT, -LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, K.C., President JOHN S. MOORE, Manager 2 TheOneDis That Agrees With The Aged CORN FLAKES Get the Original Use PURITY FLOUR and do justice to your baking ability Your bread, pies, cakes and pastry can prove to be the best flour you have ever be no better than the Tiour'you use. For the sake of your family's health and your reputation as a cook you should always use PURITY FLOUR. Tell your grocer that you want a sack of PURITY ,FLOUR. Give it a fair trial— an actual baking test —and if it does not used your money will be returned. What more evidence do you require of the superiorbak ingqualitiesof PURITY, FLOUR? Doesn't it stand to reason that PURITY must be the best and purest flour milled? Other. wise we could never • ford to guarantee it so liberally. 604 GREENWAY Miss Encina McPherson went to Buf- r� Grand al an Vlortday,—iMr, Selbourne 'Eng- More ore ' Bread and Better read lisp ,returned front• London last week, N, J. DORS, Exeter, • Sheerrrit are attending and _Mrs, r Wk ' � atteanding the Branch ; Sold by R. Sefdot, Exeter. '. and titter Pastry 00