HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-5-21, Page 4,.r
CONVE IE T.,., -H Burns coal, coke, or
wood. Large feed doors make firing easy.
lar s
Water pan is filled.
urns c Without removing.
See the McClary dealer or write for booklet.
T. : Eawkins &; Son, Local Agents, Exeter ,o
Ax eti r i..o cater
Nan ler.. 4 Creee:t, Proprietors
'1 I advance $1.00 per year in Canada
$1.5t in United States. If not paid
in advance 50c. extra per year may
be charged
TI 1Tli`„ 14MA.Y 2.1,-.4914
'Lr Wm Pollen this week, received
his new Goodison threshing outfit.
Itis of the latest type and will place
hint in the first rani; far work after
the harvest. -Mr. Hanson Smaie has
raiseci his house and is putting a
foundation under it.
STATE 02 OHIO CLT; OTi TOLeao, 7391
Lucas Coo=
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior
partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney- k• Co., doing busi-
ness In the City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said. and that said firm will pay the sum "of ONE
HUNDK&D DOLLA8Sfor each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HalI's
Catarrh Cure. FS.A:'QS J. CHENEY
Sw fru to before me and subscribed in my pres
ence, this 6th day of December, A.D. 1E86..
(S5 L) . w.GUEASOib,'
2VoTA.ar Puatww
Hall's Catarrh Cureis taken internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHEPi EY k CO., Toledo, 0,
Sold by all Druggists, 750,
Take Hail's Family Pills for constipation.
lir T Handford of Ingersoll spent
Sundae here visiting his brother,who
is still confined to the house through
W T. Coiwill returned : last
week, after spending about six weeks
in the West.
and Mrs. J. Wfson spent a
couple days -visiting relatives in Lon-
Mr. Chas, Duplen is this week now -
ed into the house owned by Mr. Jas.
Mr. and Jfrs. T. Sceli of Lucar.
spent Sunday last the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. S. Andrew,
A medicine trate") has hit the vi1-
loge 'and are giving a vauderville ,hoes
Bch night, as well as disposing of
their different preparations. They are
quite a clever lot and good enter-
tainers - but don't buy too ;ouch.
Rheumy Will
Rheumatic Complications Checked
and the "Human Sewers" Restored.
The Kidneys, Bowels, and •,Skin ate
the "human sewers" which carry off
the impurities of the blood. When
these are clogged Uric Acid sediment
lodges in the muscles and joints and
Rheumatism follows. RHEUMA, the
great remedy for all forms of the ter-
rible disease, checks the deposit of
Uric Acid.
"For many years I suffered with
Rheumatism. I am 71 years old, ' but
am proud to say that after :using one
bottle of RHEUMA the Rheumatic
pains are entirely gone. I daily recom
mend RHEUMA to my friends." ---
Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont.
W S. Cole will return your money
if .it fails • 50 cents a .battle.
Mr and Mrs. R. Hunter of Exeter
visited their son, W. H. °Hunter, on
Sunday, -Mrs. Wright of Whalen
spent the week end with her aunt
,firs Roweliffe,-A ;number of rhe
ladies attended the W. M. S. convert
zentior._last week at Kirkton, This
convention will be held at Elimville
next .year. --The Ladies' Aid of the
tlsethodist Church will celebrate their
25th anniversary an the .evening of
June 3rd by giving a grand supper
with ice cream, followed by an excel-
lent program -choruses' by the .M.lini-
vilIe chair solos by Mr, Herold Pym;
Mr. Will Mills; instrumental %unbars
and readings will also be given. Mr.
Joshua Johns will act as chairman. -
Arrangements are under way to cel-
ebrate the 1st of July here, An at -
'tractive list of sports, races, t tc.
will be ,given. -Miss Laura Gadbolt of
Hensel; visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Godbolt on Saturday. -Rev. and .Urs.
Flicks visited at the Persottege on
Thursday. -Mr. W. G. Medd is driv-
La'ne a beautiful new Russell car.
QUICK 1!li�l
C. FIartleib has purchased a Stude-
baker automobile of the touring car
type. -Mr. B. G. Sheriff, formerly of
the Bank here underwent an apperat
ion for appendicitis, and is now in
the St .Joseph. Hospital, London.
Mr. Otto Single of Detroit .and
Miss Ruby Peddie of Toronto were
married recently and have taken up
housekeeping at Shady Lane, Detroit.
11:rs E]iiabeth""Walper died on, Thurs-
dae" evening; after a short illness in
ler SOth year. The deceased,was ane
of the early settlers of this Town-
ship and was well known in this sect-
ion. She leaves two sons Charles at
home and William of Exeter North.
E. Zeller has maved back to the dwell
b g formerly occupied by him at the
South end Mr. 0, Douglas has noved
iliis house while Mr. George Sparks
;ill occupy the dwelling vacated by
Mr. Douglas.
Important Events Which Have
Occurred Durin•I the Week.
'the Busy World's Happenings Care
tally Compiled and Put Into
Hardy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper—A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment,
Mary Ansell, the militant suffra-
gette who on May 12 in the Royal
Academy slashed with a hatchet the
portrait of the Duke of Wellington,
was sent to prison for si: months
"Le Temps," an Ottawa French
daily, has been purchased by. A. E.
Rea, of the A. E. Rea' company, and
will be conducted as a Government
organ. It has hitherto been Liberal
in politics.
An earthquake of brief duration
occurred at. Ogden, Utah, at 10.14
yesterday morning, causing consider-
' le
onsider-':ie excitement in tall buildings and
reeking large windows in the busi-
ness district. -
Fru D AY.
Word has just reached Vancouver
of the destruction by fire of the chief
t!etel and several stares at Stewart,
Fire in Saskatoon '1G ednesda e to-
tclly destroyed the Aud'torium rink
and two residences adjoining. Total
loss is $44,700, with $23,000 insur-
For t'ie first timeen history water-
borne traffic is new rassing through
the:Panama Canal, according to the
eelorts that have been received from
Charles Elliott, an engineer attach-
ed to a survey party, eras drowned in
"ie Downie river, East Revelstoke,.
C., on Sunday. He came from East-
=re Canada.
aio,e than 1,000 hogsheads of to-
bacco were burned in Louisville, Ky..
Wednesday night in a fire . that de-
stroyeda large warehouse. The loss
is $250,000.
Earthquake shocks continued
throughout the night aur. early yes-
terday in Sicily, while Mount rum
was still active, but only insignificant
damage was reported.
Grand Masters of the Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons from all parts
of the United States, Canada and
Mexico met in. St. Louis yesterday for
their annual conference.
The bill toenab the Nova Scotia
Pc 'sr Co. to acquire the Halifax
tramways, z hick has aroused bitter
opposition in Halifax, was passed•'by
a committee of the whole Legislature
of Nova Scotia yesterday.
C. F. G. Masternaab, the • British
Czbinet Minister who lost his seat re-
'natty la the bye -election for Bethnal
: reen, bas beets otlicially recom-
*.ended as Liberal• candidate ;in fps-
r: ich, vacant through the death of
3 rester Horne.
Noah Whitnlarsb, 59, reeve of
-estport, died at hit; home in that
tillage after a short illness of pneu-
The Nova Scotia Powe, Bill passed
t4 third reading in the House ^" As-
i nh1y and was transferred to the
etteslaUve Council.
Among those present at the morn-
'1+1 session of the Hecker trial In
;Pw. 'stork yesterday, was 1-lon, J. J.
a'oy, Attorney -General of Ontario.
Waiter Wells, 9'7, I iespeler, a Galt
cwt eruploye engaged In the electric
'fight service, scaletl' a pole, which
"rake under his weight, and he tell a
ii!•ance of thirty feet, being killed
Icing F'faakon and Queen Maude of
;en -way yesterday opened with irnpos
ceremonial an exhibition at Cifris-
;etnia,e;ontrneniaratiae of the Centel).
'ry •f Norwegian independence fropt
Rosa Saletni, aged 40, of Palermo,
Italy,' who already is the taigther of
e iarge family, gave birth to two
boys end three girls Thursday. 'Pbe
.nuthet' ;incl, her five stow -bores ate.
:ming well,
Necording to , London Standard
now a, single member of the Liberal
party was present at Ear( Curzon's
recent ball for his daughter, the rea-
aon being the word went round to
boycott the function.
Just a week and a ball after tie had
Left home to learn steamboat engl-
veering on the steamer. Durston,
Clark Knowlton, 16 years old, son of
sx-Alderman G, A, Knowlton, o2 Fort
William, was drowned at Toledo, 0.
President Wilson was presented on.
Saturday with a Canadian flag and a
fez by a party of Mystic Shriners
from Al Azhar Temple, Alberta.
King Christian X. and Queen
Alexandrine of Denmark arrived in.
Paris yesterday to pay a two days'
official visit of courtesy to: France.
The body of Riehard Cornell, 50,
a resident of Thurlow Township, was
found in a barn at Shannonville.,
had apparently taken a dose of
The grandstand and other s.truce
tures at the Bromwich. Racecourse
were burned yesterday by suffragetea.
The . damage amounts to about
Oliver Madox Hueffer, correspon-
dent of The London Daily Express,
leas been expelled from Mexico City
although he was the bearer' of a
British passport.
Winston Churchill spent the week-
end flying at Sheerness. Yesterday,
accompanied by Gustav Hamel,, he
negotiated a flight over the harbor,
looping the loop sir times.
Within a week Harr'; K. Thaw will
leave the hotel apartments in Con-
cord, Na, where he has lived for
eight months. Accompanied by Sher
iff Drew and a policeman, he will
spend some time on Lake Massase-
Spanish Ambassador Riano a•1
Washington received.a despatch from
Mexico City, stating that a vigorou°
investigation of the disappearance cel
Orderly 'Samuel Parks immediately
would be made by the Huer a•huth
1;1 iftil).11,.'
Senators Sutherland (Utah) ant
--'illiams Jelissie-;poi) opposing I,
repeal of the ?anima •Canal"toll;
exemption, favored arbitration of thi
Lieut. Kolbe, aviator, injured yes-
terday morning at Frankfort, Ger-
many, when a companion, was killed,
died from internal injuries later in
the day.
Rev. Wm. R. Wood, Presbyteriar
clergyman of Franklin, Man, has
been selected as LiberaI candidate tc
contest Beautiful Plains riding for
the the Provincial House.
Mayor Martin has received .a num-
ber of letters .containing threats
against his life. Most of the letters
complain that Mayor Martin is try-
in to play the role of a boss.
Plucky work on the part of his 14 -
year -old son and family pet dog saved
the life of Samuel Stinson, aged 40,
farmer; of Tichburne Station; when
the latter was attacked by a bull.
Wm- Balfour, about 55• ;Yeas of
age, was found dead in a room in the
Queen's Hotel, Brampton, yesterday
morning. He had been talking with
the porter, until the latter fell asleep.
Baron Erland Von . Nordenskjold,
the leader of the Norwegian South
American exploring expedition, who
was 'reported to have been killed by
Indians March 14 last, is safe at Trin-
idad, Bolivia.
Hon. W. W. 'Wells, former judge
of Westmoreland County' Court, is the
third member of the royal commis-
sion to inquire into the Dugal
charges against Premier Flemming of
New Brunswick. -
Sir Charles Was a Native of Bothe -
say, 1N ew Brunswick. -
LONDON, May 19.—The death oc-
curred -yesterday of Admiral Sir
Charles Carter Drury, aged 68.
Deceased was born in Rothesay,
N.B., his father being colonel of the
30th Regiment. He entered the navy
in 1859,- and -rose. to the rank of :ad-
miral in 1908. He was A. D. C. to
Queen Victoria, 1897-9; naval advis-
or to the inspector -general of forti-
fications, 1885-8; member of the ord-
nance committee, 1893-4; command-
er-in-chief in the East Indies, 1902-3;:.
in Mediterranean 1907-8; and in the
Nore, 1908-11, when: he retired. From
1903-8 he was second naval lord of
the Admiralty, and he represented
the navy at the De:i i durbar. In
1896 he was given the thanks of the
Foreign Office for his services in
Crete. •
He held many British and foreign
decorations. ,
Former Associate of Becker's 'Gives.
Damaging Evidence.
NEW YORK, May 19.—Two' con-
victs from Auburn prison, who were
in the Tombs while Charles Becker
and the four gunmen who shot Ros-
enthal were prisoners there; will be
among the chief witnesses still to be.
called by District Attorney Whitman
agains Becker. The two convicts were
In New York yesterday under guard.
These witnesses wil: testify, to eon-
•versations they overheard between
Becker and the gunmen.
Charles Plitt, jr., former Intimate
and press agent for Becker, testified
that at his last meeting with Becker
in the lavatory of the train on the
journey to Sing. Sing, Becker said to
him: "I want you to kill that squeal-
ing Jack Rose." Manton tried des-
perately to keep the Plitt testimony
from record, but his efforts were un-
availing. .
Hon. F. D. ltionk Buried.
MONTS2il:A:L, May 19.—The fen -
Oral of the late Ilan. F. D. Monk, for-
mer Miriister'. of Public eVoiette,to•ok
place yesterday morning, 'Mace was
celebrated in St. James' Church, in-
terment takieg place in Dote Des
lelges Cemetery.
The Dominlon Government was re-
presented by ,Eton. Robert Rogers,
Hon, Mr. Doherty, Hon, Louis Co-
tlerre, 'Elora, UT. NanteT, Hen, Mr. Has -
ell, Hon. 1.,. P. Pelletier, , and the
Opposittee at Ottawa, by, Minn. Tao-
dolp11s LerreleuX and Roberi Slicker-
dike, M.P.
KING O'GOWRIE, 14207, 7620; an
tnported Clydesdale -Monday leaves
home Crediton, to Wm, Hadgin's ;
Tuesday to Albert King's and !unite;
Wednesday to: Sam, Tory's for night;
Thursday to Wm„I ernick's to Paul
Coates'; Friday to Jonas Sims, and
•tome. ,Eli King, Prop. and Mgr,
1-IESOPE 76585, imported Percher -
on;. Monday leves borne, Con. 1, Us -
'aerie to Hy; Hodgins', to Geo. Jlas-
'rett's ; Tuesday to Gus. Ferguson's, to
3-ranton hotel;:Wednesday to Minor
Dabbs, to Wm. Hodgins'; Thursday
to Eli Bice's to Wm, Colbert's; Fri-
day to Wes, Mather's; to home, -R,,
Colbert Prop, and 'Mgr.'
HIJMIDE, 75739, 67970, 1480, Per-
cheraa Monday afternoon leaves home
Lot 12, . Co.n. 13, Stephen, to Thos,
Amy's. Tuesday to W. H, Dearin,gs,
to Johr Kleinfeld's Wednesday to B..
Williams, to S. Pynr's; Thutrsday, to
D, McCurdy='s, to. Centralia; Friday to
Wm Fly= 's to Crediton; Saturday
home. -Regan Bros and Witzeel & Son
Prop." W, Witzel, Manager ,
LORD HOWATSON, 11406, 10703,
Imported Clydesdale, Monday 'after-
noon leaves home, R.R. No. 2, Ailsa
Craig, to Eli Bice's; Tuesday to M,
Simpson's. to Ben. Dobbs; Wednesday
to J Millson's to Hugh ,Carroll's ;
Thursday to FretrEord's"to. W. J.
Stanlake's, Friday to Hy. Wilson's ,to
home, -T, W_-HODGSON, Prop. and
imported Clydesdale, Monday leaves
home ,Khiva, to Fred Gaiser's, ro Hy,
Wilson's; Tuesday to D. Stephan's, to
Grand. Bend; Wednesday to rienry
Schade's, to Wm.- Baker's; Thursday
to ---,to, John Smith's; Friday to
Ezra Lamport'e, to John Schroeder's
Saturday to his own stable.-Witzel
& San, Prop., David Pfaff, Mgr.
CHARMING PRINCE; 15597, 11477
imported Clydesdale. Monday leaves
home S. T. R, to John Ratcliffe's, to
A Hoopers; Tuesday to Commercial
Hotel Exeter, to Alvin. Essery's; Wed
nesday to Moses Simpson's to S.
Hicks; Thursday to A. Penwarden's
to Geo Williams'. Friday to E,Stone's
to home: Saturday to D. Rogers, and
flame, .W. H. KAY & H. HUNKIN
Proaprietors and Manager.
VOLTAIRE, 32682, a Percheron,.
Monday ,leaves home, Con. 11, Hibbert
to W. Bucilanan's, Kippen, to Bruce-
field- Tuesday to A. Mitchell's, to
Bayfield ...Wednesday to. H. Stechler's
to B. ?file's, Hay; Thursday to T.
Keyes to Crediton; Friday" to las.
Shapton.'s, to 'R. Sillery's.; Saturday
to San: Cadmore's, to home. -JOAN
CHAMBERS, Peop. and Man.
THE MILLER II. 27851 Imp. `hire
will stand at ,his own stable. Dashwood
this season.-WILLIS & GUENTHER
COLLEGE CHUM 15553 Imported
Shire, on Monday leaves home at
Dashwood to Dave Lippert's, to nome
Tuesday. to Ed. Lam,port's to Wed-
nesday noon, when he goes to Grand
Bend for night; Thursday home intil
Proliitetors, Dashwood.
SIR , V.U., ,
, President
ALEXANDER LAIRD, n rall4anager JOHN AI. D, Ass'1 General Maaailer
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUNd, $13,500,000
Accountss may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business, Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. S24
EXETER BRANCH -G. L. WAUGEI, M;anaeer. Branch also at Crediton
The Molsons Bank
incorporated 1855
C apital & Reserve r $8;700,000
TRAVELLERS CHEQUES .. , . , . , . Issued
BANK MONEY" ORDERS .. ... , ... , , . ,
at al Branches. " Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter .f na the Dominion Government.
DIoxsoN &. CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON Mal ager,
i, `✓ 1i K ` _
4 a.
.•.,.,n.,,.•✓t ft, ..,....,,,,m.pal,a.:�,r.+r+. ,,,,.r ,t v w,+•.;:4.nnu ?oid,t,nrt , e.;,..,xn..,,....."r,..
The knee Thatcan be
depended upon: Looks as Neat When Stretched
.. ..
the Posts as It Does in the Picture
You are Protected
When you buy "FROST FENCE" because it backs you up; with au ep-
viable reputation. You never see poor FROST FENCES" because there are
none. Every rod wins your. approval.
The Frost Wire Feace Company are the only firm operatingtheir own i
drawing and galvanizing mills. That's why right material only goes into a,,•
Frost Fences.
Let me. quote you onthese fences that have matting wires of even leng-
th, stays straight and evenly' spaced, wire all full size and heavily galvan-
ized,. The "FROST" -lock is absolutely the surest woven lock on any
feace It does not slip and does not weaken the lateral wire With a kink.
All styles, also GATES and FANCY FENCES. The Frost Special wo-
ven wire Lawn Fence is their "newest' line. Get a catalogue.
S. ANDREW, Agent, Centralia
Agency for Gunn's Fertilizer -none better an the market.
What clothing is to man, paint is to property.
Unprotected houses and barns, wagons and machinery
cannot resist exposure to sun, wind, frost and rain. Rust
and decay cost more than paint and varnish that's why
the use of Good Paint is wise economy.
Around the Farm
Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared)
SWJ for the farmhouse,, Covers most,
looks best, wears longest. Ask for a
color card -48 attractive shades.
S -W Barn Red -a rich durable red
that spreads easily and covers well
over rough lumber.
S -W Wagon and Implement Paint -
protects the Woodandmetal of wagons
farm machinery and implements and
tools, from rust and decay. For Bug-
gies use S -W Buggy Paint.
S -W Metalastic for windmills, metal
roofs, and all metal surfaces. Prevents
costly rust.
S -W Buggy Paint -Nine beautiful
colors, for porch furniture, boats,
flower -pots, swings, garden imple
montS, ole.
Inside the Home
S -W Brighten -Up Finishes 'include
a paint, varnish, stain or enamel for
every household use.
S -W Floorlac stains and varnishes
woodwork, furniture and floors in one
operation. Imitates expensive hard-
S -W Family Paint, 25 "attractive
For cupboards, tables, chairs,
S -W Inside Floor Paint quick -drying
and durable. 10 colors. • .
S -W Flat -tone -a durable oil paint
for the artistic and sanitary decora-
tion of interior walls and ceilings:,. It
is made in 24 beautiful shades that dry
witha soft velvety effect. Can be
washed without injury.