HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-5-7, Page 8EXETER-MARKO% CHANGED E.AOH WEDNESDAY Wheat. •, .. 100 100 Barley., .. 50 2 air tit) o_ t$, 4vRattk4 • ..•. 87 97 Q8t�8A AR foist oat, per bag ' la 00 1k 00 B'.laur, per owt„ family 80 F -1q Lr, aw grade per cw 1 U 1 00 Buh r.. *22' : 23 $ 50 25 'Kt• 94 t)ra Ege , ' Live tweseape cwt , thr',rr: pert,an Been • tr4+t ton ,.,,, • GARDENING, LAWNS, ETC. TC . - - Part'swishingto have their lawns, earde,as and Premises, kept 7n order for the season, or otherwise, can be ac- commodated by leaving an order at The Advocate Office Price reasonable BOARDERS WANTED,—Mrs. Lane Milian. Street, Exeter. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist will ,be at the Central Rotel Exeter; Saturday, May 16th, One day only. Remember the OIL STOVE DE- MONSTRATION at Heaman's Hard- ware, Friday, May 8th. Lunch will be served. ' FOR SALE A second-hand wood range with- out crack or flaw, cheap, Apply at this office. PROPERTY FOR SALE Twc storey brick house on '�Iaxz Street. Exeter; M. good state of re - Pair. Two lots of land. Good staoie Number' ref fruit trees. Choice .prop- erty Apply to Mrs. Wm. Cudmore •• an the premises. FOR SALE. I T H McCallum offers for sale his 1 house and three lots. A nice honie i at a reasonable price. For aiorma- tior apply to Mrs. G. Brooks, ;Text door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer 1 Have you paid for your Advocate for 1914? If not, why not? FOR SALE—In. Clandeboye, brick house, orchard, stables and 15 acres land Apply W. A, Jones, 206 Percy Street Ottawa. DRIVER FOR SALE. --Gana, luiet farmer's driver, coming six years old Apple to A. S. Deavitt, Exeter. Ansco Buster Brown Camera $2.00 No, 2 A. Buster Brown Camera $3.00 Folding Buster Brown $6,$8, & $10 ,A few 1913 models, used during the season at half police.—A5 good as new. Roll Films—that fit any camera. Try them. You can make better pictures with greater certainty, by using ANSCO Films. Far sale. by J. SENIOR FOR SALE House and Lot on Carling Street and vacant lot on Simcoe Street. 1.j4 storey brick house on Carling Street containing 8 rooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen and pantry, 3 bed- rooms up -stairs, 1below ; hard and soft water; frame barn,; a number of fruit trees, a very desirable property being nicely situated; very suitable for a retired farmer. For terms ap- ply to J. W. Taylor, or B. S. Phillips electioneer, Exeter, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. Nowitness re- quired and strictly confidental . ItOD and GUN for May,, is an inter- esting number to Sportsmen. Write to W, J. Tayiar, Limited, Publisher, of Woodstock, and subscribe. c�au�e nI slio Owing ing to a property deal my Harness Shop is now locat- ed on the corner of stain and James Streets opposite Cen- tral Hotel, BJ. LtJ tUOATJ,•T HU 1:1AYMAY: PIP 413"0"Vrifirlitt10"10010"Vollir LOCAL DOINfx , ' ' ..•,.+�k..,,R'Hca+lit.rr'1Kaii.�saklra�K..�!al�a+R. �t►a� Miss Ella Baer has taken a 1)9sitime with Messrs. Lawson & Trick as phone operltor. Rev. T. H. Few, BA, of Blyth, will preach missionary sermon$ in the Trivia Memorial Church on Sunday next. % .. Gleaazrnb yards, making gardens ;:nd plating flower .seeds have kept many of the citizens very btesy engaged this Week. Several auto loads of Oddfel,lows went to Lecan Sunday .to :join the brethren, of that and other villages in a church service. • Mr.George G z�,e Caw and of Usborne lost hi, stallion by death last week, ''le has since purea asecl another ;rom:lir, liossip of St. Marys; The Pain -King Man will canvas Stepheaa, Township this week, sand• he hopes the customerswill be , ready: to meet him end secure a supply of his valuable remedy,` . A heavy thunder; lightning and' rain storax; prevailed here Monday evenstg A few bricks were knock- ed off the grist ;;till smoke stack, but no other damage was reported, The 100 -acre farm of the'late George Reek ea the township of Us- bo,rne has been purchased by Mr. Al- fred Coates; while Mr. John Thomp- son has bought the 50 acres. south. Thr funeral of the late James Whyte took place to the Exeter cem- etery art Thursday and was largely attended .Hensall and Exeter Odd - Dr E. ' H. Campbell Of Toroato is is present asststing Dr. Raulston in his ; dental practice, The heal y rains of ' Monday ,nd Tuesday have delayed the :farmers in completin,s their seeding. !17s•. W, J. Beer has, moved into his new harness situp opposite the Cen- tral Hotel. It ere an ideal place and makes an excellent shop, WC regret to hear that Mr. John Colzvill suffered a second stroke of paralysis oat, Tuesday and is noweon- fitted te, .his bed, He wake some bat- ter on' Wednesday... In .'lnr:nghani . ,since the hotels lost: theyx licenses one has closed, two, it is statedeare about to close, and two, the Queens and Brunswick- will , t e- mnbt as temperance haiuses. At the regular greeting c . the South Huron Ministerial Association on i11on_. dav, the ., urgent need of reform in Canada's Tanking system was discuss- ed It was cleaned that the hanks were charging "too large and paying too. little 'interest. It would : appear that the -difference between seven eer cent And three per cent. makes the fact glaringly self-evident, "Home Rule would be a benefit to Irelend and the Br ,fish People" tailed to be proven: in thedebate at the James Street League on Tuesdayev- ening although the affirmative taken. by T Chittick and Chester Hervey put up a good argument in its Savor, The negative was taken by Leon Treble, and jos. Davis, Jr., who had gathered a .mass of evidence. against Home, Rule. The debate was her- oughly enjoyed by all psxesent. All ladies 4ho have not previously fellows took chance of the service at had* the opportunity to see a demon - the grave stration of cooking on the • New ?er- Don't larger the date of the Exeter fectioa Wick Blue Flame Oil Nook y should makeapoints Stove sh t 1 it to else District Convention W. M. S. to be esr. W. 3 Heamaxt's storat Exeter held at Rattan Wednesday, May 13. o, t' ltriday, May 8th, when a Exeter - There will be three sessions ommen- stratior w ill be casts at 9.45 a.m., 1.45 and 7.45 p.m. > ' given, and see . or themselves the many adtanta es ';thin Every body welcome, this has over the old way. Cooking, The adoturned vestry meeting of bilking and Toasting can be •Ione Tuivitt lefemorial Church will be held l quickly and perfectly the seine :is cn in the School Hall, Friday evening,' a gas range and the Perfection way May 8th when the auditor's report i neves. disappoints. No ashes, no bla:k wit, be received and other unfinished I Leading no smoke, no odor, and a cool eus'kiess transacted. f kitchen. to work in. Refreshments will .It is naw stated that in the -erns- b.° cooked in the New Perfection. tributiort for the Dominion House' Stove and served at the demonstration North Middlesex will disappear, they No lady should miss it. township of BidduIph going 'oto the --- East and the rest of the riding into PROF. DUXBURY, into. the West riding, The citizens of Exeter and vicinity Accounts overdue more than sixhay a rare e treat in store for than years are outlawed, unless a payurerit Tuesday evening, May 12th, n )amen has been made, ou- an acknowledge Street Methodist Church. On that meat of the indebtedness given with-• - Manchester • 5n the past six years. There has been no, recent change in the law as to the time wher_ an account becomes t ut- lawed. For Saturday"knext to re- duce our Stoek, •t '�' We will give a special. opportunity to secure a 25 per cent. discount, on on our entire stock cf Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases and Rugs. We thank you forpast patronage and announce that.we are in a better position than ever to supply all de- mands for harness, repairs, etc. W. J. Beer Fresli-Fisli All kinds of fresh and salt fish in season. Bacons, smoked rolls, cook- ed ham, sausage, bologna and German sausage, . Up to -date stock of fresh ,groceries. produce taken as cash G. R. Bedfords:. The Exeter Curling Club wound up the season on Thursday evening last by a business and . social evening at the home of the president, Thos. H. Newell ,..The financial report showed the club free from . indebtedness. Sev- eral impromptu addresses were made and a number of new members sn roiled. It has been .announced that ;he London' Methodist Conference win meet in. Sarnia on June 3rd. Rev. W., G. H. McAlister, who is now Presi- England' will use his marvellous pew- ers in the interpretation . of literature, sacreo and secular. Those who `lave heard him :declare he is unexcelled, The trustee board of James Street learning that Dustbin -sr was in New York or, a holiday and available . for an. evening immediately secured lam for the evening of the lath. To give all an opportunity to be present the adrnissio,' fee hasbeen set et Sc. children 15c. Rev. Collins is in Clinton this week' Mrs Egan visited in Landow lest week. alas Frank Raok is in St. Thomas dent will likely be succeeded by Rev. this week. George N. Hazen of Wellington Street Miss Hardy was up from London church London. The whole program over Sunday. , for the Conference has already been ' Ler Blatchford has, gone to Mt, mapped aur. The usual railway rates Forest to work. have been secured. Mr. Trick of Clinton visited Errs. Sister Dead.—The death took place Samweil last week. at Ailsa Craig on May 4th of Mrs. Mr. L. H..Di cksosi was in Detroit Josiah Pedler at the age of 75 years ot business last week. Deceased had been ill for several asfn-. and Mrs. Beebe and children vis months and her demise was not un- iter' . with Mrs. Prior. expected Her `husband predeceased Mr: P. Gardkaer of Blyth was in her several years. Three brothers tawa part of last week. survive,—Jahn, Gill of Exeter, .tnd Jos.I Mr Robert Leathorn, of London is and Edward Gill of . Grand :Serpi.' ae town for a few days. The funeral takes place at Ailsa Mr. 3' D. Atkinson was down from Craig or Thursday afternoon. I Chas n on Andrews Thursday last. Pontiac Mich: go to , troops will,n to Canadian Th P •• gGau d s. James, l came in khaki uniforms this year is visiting ,at Mr. J This masks the passing away of the Jeer and Mrs. P. Bowden and 'efrs,.F the annual training camps. ehe oast Dr. Cowanof London spent a day various uniforms which use to mark d B wde,n were En Lucan Sunday. it was here a red coat, there an arta- with ol•d friends here last week.. leryman in blue with red stripes, the L A Lacey of the Canada Life head cavalry in blue with white or yellow office was in town on Thursday.. stupes the engineerf in scarlet coats ha James Walters left last weak with flush trimmings, and so on, to spend a short time at the Soo. This is to be all hanged and the Mrs Albert Ford and daughter Miss corps will go into camp.. in the khaki Gladys visited in. Landon last week. uniforms only, Mrs. Raymond of Detroit was the: guest of Mrs, W. S. Howey last ,week: The proprietors of a newspaper in Messrs. W. 0. Sanders and C..• H. Siam have distributed the fallowing Sanders were in London Friday ;on notice: '"The news of English :re business. tell the latest, write on perfe a1y Rev. Redmond of Toronto visited style. and mast earlier. Do a mur r over Sunday with hiss sister, Mrs. Jam commit we hear of it and tell it. Dc D'gxian. mio Net other hair toilie or restore- tiye is as effec- tive or satisfactory as r It restores utaturral odlor to grey or faded hair. Pre• vents dandruff, stops falling. hair� , A . stealthy beautiful growtbfollows its use. I.. y1,00 boa, :50, at dxugBpInta 005 trial grzp the qn reeolpe of 250. and your drug �,°.'.e ngiel, I S ec Idea , Toronto, ant. 111111111111111111111111111 1'h l0 0Y D Ip (iQ p t? SO1:,D AND RECOMMENDED BY W, S. HOWEY, DRUGGIST EXETER, ONTARIO, When. a gram begins to. pay , ° as much attention to a dime as he ,'or - mealy . did to a, dollar its a sign he is getting ,rich. SMALL PEACH CROP.• -•Reports from various sections of the Niagua district are confirming- the fears ex- pressed several ' weeks ago that the peach crop this year, ori account of the mild December, followed by the ,unusually cold spell during January and February, : will be decidedly small. One Grantham grower maintains that the most of the peaches this year will be •grown at the tops of the trees. 1'. B CARLING Lite, Fire, Aceldr ut .tnd Plate. Glass usurartce, Collecting accounts, and con- ruoting-auct',00 sales. Exeter. Ont. Swifts Fertilizers are always in the lead. ,It pays* to use them.. E. L. Triebnter, Agent, at Exeter will give as a prizeat the Exeter Fall • Fair 500 lbs. of Swift's high grade Potato Special fertilizes for the, best bushel of potatoes grown on land on which this fertilizer has been used. Anyone wishing to enter this contest will secure the Potato Special, from E. L. Triebner or B. S. Phillips, • Exeter. -a naightr•i chief die, we publish rt, snd Mr Jas Sanders left Tuesday .for in borders of sombre: Staff gas . ach the Nest where he will remain for the one been college and 'write like the. summer. Rippling and the Dickens. We cin- Mrs Clareace Smith al Sault Ste. cle every town and extortionate not Marie is visitiass her parents, Mr. and for advertisements. Buy it." ivLrs John Snell. • —o— Mrs Vroomaa is the guest of her reading thedaily papers one When: mother Mrs. George Anderson. :+Ir. is struck by the number of old and Vroomaza and Mr. Anderson are en new lawn bowling clubsthat are be- air extended trap .through the United ling organized. It would appear that States , this wholesome pastime is destined ------ b to become more popular than.ever Collar of Revision in Canada this season. It seems to supply recreation with enough user.- ; cise, but is not too strenuous, to suit TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN a large proportion of both sexes. Ex. ,_,,,_ eter enjoyed a very successful . sea- NOTICE is hereby given that a son last year, and this year looks more Court of Revision of the Assessment promising than ever, There are many Roll of the Township of Stephen, will men in Easter, however, who do not hales its first meeting in the ',.own bowl. nor' do they take part in any Hall, . Oreditoaz, ort Tuesday the 760other sport, and who would be the day of Kay, . A, D., 1914, at one better for a few hours on. the green o'clock p m, every week. Several new players' have HENRY EILBER, already been. enrolled, but the club Township ::lerk has a large ground and is open to Crediton May 5th, 1914. receive many ,more members. About May 24th the ground will be ;in good shape and the game will, commence. MISS 3, 3, ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist .,will be at the CerttraI Hotel, Exeter, Saturday, May ' leth, One day only. HICKS' MAY FORECASTS, — A reactionary storm period is ce)ttral or: the JZth. 13th and 14th. 'It is einaost .necessary to have' a good barometer at this time to, indicate storm trondi-. tions A barometer always indicates a stores .,ti l,inie to 'avoid•it, - We will have cool weather for a few days— tars cool Lor e,ntire safety from frost in. rortherti parts. Tenders Wanted Cedar Posts for Sale We have this year the finest stock' of POSTS we have ever had, having nothing less than 6 inch at the small end. G. E. HICKS, Centralia. Exeter North Store - HAVING PURCHASED THE EXETER NORTH STORE (HAY P. 0. IIS CONNECTION) I wish to say that I carry a fine . stock of FRESH Sealed tenders will be received by; the undersignedup to 1. p, ne an , Tuesday, :May 266, 1914 for the son- struetian of four bridges, .10 to 18 feet. as length, built of concrete wings and floors, with steel stringers dztd railing. Plans and specifications ,.an can, he seen at my office sifter May 15th Tenders must be in block sun; for the whole of the work, The lowest oar any tender not necessarily accepted. a HENRY EILBER, Groceries and Dry Goods Ant'' EVERYTHING that cavi be had in a GENERAL STORE; Also 3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat, Sausage, Etc., Etc. Give me a call for your next order H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. Tea & Coffee Store Lange of Business Having purchased the Jewelry Business of Mr, A. Marchand we would ask a continuance of the patronage accorded Qur:pxedecessoi and 'if' favolod 'with'same your giants -will 'have our best attention. It will be our endeavor to keep our stock upto where it Will appeal to all classes of customers and our aim will be top. ive perfect satisfaction i11 all �' lines. A Call Solicited REPAIRING 'Special attention paid to repairing of all kinds Lawson & Trick Successors to A. Marchand Telephone Office, BUGGIES!! The Famous Brockville Canada Carriage 'Buggies We have received a Carload of these buggies. New styles, seat and tops, that will please you. This is a particularly fine lot of buggies and we are sure that you will be delighted with them: Call 'and look them over. For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce„ Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Eleetric light Plant NOTICE Wes. Snell Exeter, Ont All per4onw Navin r ecoonnts n it h rase prior to 1914 wit please call mid settle et nnre as they are past due. 13. ROC.UE Undertaker nr>d i.ieelimt' Embnl mer. Phone 5lOa Clerk TO. Steph,er,a, 'EXETER Ori rA1 1"G Oreclitons P. 0, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 The New Tub Goods THE WARM BALMY DAYS ARE HERE . AND YOU WILL WANT YOUR NEW -WASH DRESS WE HAVE A FINE SEL- •ECTION OF REAL NEW GOODS SUITABLE FOR ALL WEAR NEW CREPE In Pale Blue, Cadet ' Blue,' Navy, Pink, Cream, White, Mauve, Grey and Figured, . 15c., 25c., 35c., and 50c. yd. • LINENS AND BEDFORDS Real good for this season very serviceable—Blue, Tan, White, Cream, Pink, Fancy,— 15c., 20c,, 25c,, to 50c. a yd, NEW RATINE All the rage. Colors of Blue Tan Brawn, Plink .and Navy, Nice for dresses or suits —25c., 35c. 50c., •$.1,00 a yd. GINGHA.MS & CHAMBRAYS All. kinds Colors and Pat- terns, Good Washers for lad- ies or children's dresses.— Al- ways good to wear, Ladies' Coats Suits $.12 & $15 SUITS Have you seen our New $12 let S15 Suits, They are beauties - Different colors. HOUSE FURNISHINGS House-cleaning is the order of .the day. You will want something new for your home .—Nety ;Rugs, all kinds end sizes, New Cuatairis, Blinds, Curtain Muslin, Linoleums, & Oilcloths, • and $.10 & $12 COATS A nice showing of Spring Coats at $10 and $12,.: No two alike. `A11 sizes. MEN'S and BOYS SUITS All the New Spring Suits for Men and Boys are here. They are a real nifty bunch, The Newest Cloths in. the very best Patterns: Every suit tailored ' riight, up-to-date. Have a look at ''them., JONES . & MAY. Headquarters for the celebrated W. E.'Sant'ol d C1 tthiilg,