HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-5-7, Page 4CLE A N --No dust or flying ashes. Ash
chutes guide all ashes into convenient pan.
No ash shovelling
.Furnacenecessary. See the
cCiary dealer or write for booklet. 33
T. Hawkins & Son, Local Agents, Exeter
he Ford — the Lightest,
Surest, Most Economical—
the very essence of auto-
mobiling-and all Cana.disn.
MI del T$
f.,.. b. Ford
O n a r i o
Get particulars froru Wes. Snell, agent.
Mr. an Mrs. Jas. Hobbs of Devizes
spent Sunday here with 'their dauah-
tows, for a can of paint. Wouldn't it
be a good idea if we would adopt'
a "Brightening -up Day" in town in
ter Mrs IL 3llilsoar —Master Wilmer the near future? Get rid of the ac-
suffering from the effects of .un- other ub of old cans, bores end
ting a rusty nail into his foot this ober rubbish, and make our ?fomes
week. -air, Marshall .and sistereof eon -arca" remises beautual and a credit to
don Township visited at the home of III ti burg -
lir Jen Morley this week—At :he Genrge Either Ie€t for New Ontario
pinna' meeting of the Nor. tr. S. t r on. Friday where he has accepted a
April at the church here Mrs. Aloe:t posituO' as Fire Ranger on the T. &
Gunning was elected President If inc C> Railroad at Gillies Depot.
society and hiss Lottie Squire nd Elmore Truemn,er, who is attending
Miss Edna. Gunning were chosen' to Dental College at Toronto, visited Mr.
attend the Branch meeting in London an't f Hurry Beaver on _lionday.
Rev. C
this mcnth.—On Thursday eveneagthe Chas. F.nkheiner, visited Mr:
annual meeting of the Sunday School n1 Mrs. Levi Stahl on Monday prior
was held. when the general aweless La h::. departure to his home in Han -
was gone over and reports for the na• Alta.
year were given. The school ,las vols Dr and Mrs. Orme, Miss Orme and
ed +16 for missions, $4 to Sick Chil- M:s:. Ca:np Yell motored to London on
dren's Hospital and expended $40 ;or Saturday.
helps as well as retaining about $50 Air arid Mrs. John Preeter of Zur-
tir} the treasury. The attendance at =ch spent Sunday. in town, the guests
the school on Sunday numbered 70.--
'0.—The officers elected for this veer are
as follows :—Superintendent, 'John Han
lecvood Secretary, John Wright;
of Mr and Mrs. Sam. Brown:
Mr. k:enz?e and family are now
comfortably- settled in their new 'fame.
We extend to them a hearty welcome
Treasurer, John. Hodgson Organist, and are glad to conseder them as our
Clara Morley; President of organized Cozens
class, Wm. Tookey; Secretary of Or Norm Holtzman has been replan
ganized class Verde Morley; ; Teacher an.- samee broken slate on the Elan -
of adult Bible class David geLta' Church and has also had the
Johnston, large tie towers repaired which had
Sr.; Teacher of organized Junior Bi- been damaged by the wind storm
ble class „David Johnston, an; Tea- Considerable excitement reigned in
chers of small classes, iMac Brooks, to:rrL or, Thursda -
Mrs Frani. Gunning, y night when the
London .Advertiser came out with a
Toronto despatch that Huron County
wattle go dry that night. This. has
however proven incorrect. The note]
It is surprising to see the immense keepers are given their .three-nonths
strides .trade by the grass . and other extension but on the 1st of August
vegetation this week since the :yawn the county will dry from ane end to
rains have came. Most of our people the other
have their gardening and spring seed- The Illustrated Lecture given, intha
ing done Methoctst Church on Monday 'ven-
Wesley.J ampotrt's house was struck !mg be Mr. Jones was very interesting.
by lightning on Monday night and the The lecturer gave a splendid account
chimney demolished. The bolt pass- o` the conditions in China and the
ed dawn through the house read great need of mission work in. that
knocked out a vrndoR Fortunately vast country: All enjoyed the even -
no one was hurt. ; - ;mg program very much.
Herb Fahner has Bennett an `Indian" The house and lot owned by Conrad
motor cycle from Young & Son. He Voelker teas sold by Public :auction
will use it ie contl,ettion with his busi- to Fred Wuerth for ,$640. Mr. Voel-
ness ker has moved his personal effects
Ira S. Brown of Edmonton, .Alta,, to Otreteldale, Mich., where he will t .-
spent the week end in town with his , side with his mother.
parents, Mr: ;and Mrs. Sam Brown! Work on the brick and tile yards
Ira's many :friends were pleased -to commenced on Friday last, Just now
see him looking so well. He is at the men are cleaninee up the yards
present in Montreal on basiness, but and getting ready for the summer
will spend a few days here with his ;sou.
people before ,returning West. He Mrs Chas. Brown, who has been
apt,eaes to be making good in :hat t.siting her father, .Mr. Chas. TCienzle,
great country. fora few weeks, retunn,ed to Detroit
H Eilber, M, P. P„ has returned on, Tuesday.
home from Toronto, where he has Mrs. Valentine Ratz and son Ed. of
been attending the Ontario Legislature Nett Hamburg motored hare on, Sun-
Council meeting was held in the clay and spent the day with Mr, and'
Town Hall on Monday. Considerable leers. Chas. Zwicke-,
business was done. The Misses• 14foderwell, Brown and
Tho Crediton Star which has been Miller attended the West Huron Tisa
published in town the past titre* chess' Convention in Goderich last
years .has been discontinued. The : lob Thursday and Friday.
work wilt be done by Herb Fahner: } Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wein have .•nov.
Our flax men have had a busy week ed to the farm north of Wm, Elliott's
sawing flax, They are using some west of Centralia, Mr. Wein has been
imported seed this year and hope to en,agelt o work the farm for Mr. El -
have good results. Batt. - _
House -clearing time is at hand, rv- Wti11 Brow
n motored here from Zur
erytvhere you can see the old man e on Sendey on his new motor ycic
beat ee carpets, Or making a clash up It 13 a very powerful machine with
ad the latest attachments.
l jolt,/ Lawson had a narrow escape
from hat•:ig hie house destroyed by
Parc cite clay last week. An over -heat
el stone pipe ignited the wooden reil-
`s; ani with great difficulty the fire
t> cst..n t..shcd before tnuc'h damage
gas clone
! ' : ueser of the Bell ` 'Telephone
Corrtnany e men were in town lest
t eek estal':114 phones in the homes
o: Jos Woodall, Harry Beaver, Henryft Eilb c:,a'1 the office of E. A..
1.,.•.r.ke 1 V. 5,
The heavy r4.413 of the past week
have caused vegetation, to come •llonb
very rapidly„ bttt it le delaying the
an,.shin' , up of the seeding,
,:\Mr, and Mrs, H, Mills ,,pent Sunday
with relat,ves at Woodham.
The Musses Wilson: spent a fete :lays
with their r4ister Mrs, J. Kent of Mc
Gillivray who . has been seriously ill
of paeumortie.
Messrs. Robert c1n,d Jiuoes. Mitchell
are able to be ardiu,ld again after
their : spell of ;sickness, •
?Messrs, Colwa11 were called to Exe
eter Tuesday afternoon as their rath••
er bad taken a second stroke of Pala
During the thunder store Tuesday
afternoon the barn of W: T, Colwiil
was struck artd the root was some-
what damaged by . escaped faking ''ire
Mr Ike Handford left Wednesday
foe his home in Snowflake after a .-is-
it of two tveel s with' his parents. His
Cather 1Ir. R. Handford as we are
sorry to say not improving very fast.
The Misses Bayle of Exeter spent
Saturday- withtheir grandmother, Mrs
The baseball boys Have had their
ground fixed 'up and are getting into
ahipc for the summer. A league has
been formed consisting of Ailsa Craig
Crediton Centralia and Exeter, anii
we ria,,+ look forward to having soma
good games here this season.
The post-mortem on the late Chas.
Witmer showed that death was due
to the burstng of a blood vessel in
the heart. The other' organs -veto. m
fair shape, considering that he v
of advanced age, being over 60 Seals
old. The late :NIT. Witmer came to
this at:citiy from Swit: zerland when
a yourug man and was well known as
a painter and paper hanger. He was
married twice, his widow being Mrs.
Price Who is living in. Hensall. 'The
funeral took place from the home of
Frank Kochens on Thursday.
Miss Annie Hanover of Goderich,is
at the home of her parents near here
for a few weeks visit.
\Ir .Chrast$an Stade left Tuesday
morning to attend the General Con-
ference of the Lutheran Church in
Chicago. He will be' absent about
two weeks.
This week the Police Trustees are
having .the wires put on the poles
for the electric lights. The work is
being done by lir John Nadiger of
Clinton If the switch °board., comes
to hand the plant may be ready tor
operation by the end of the weak.
The horsemen of the voltage to
a strias of twelve horses and t olta
now in training and .the little ':Alloys
are "coning to the harfess and bridle
an. good style.
The boys are .beginning to line up
for the big calsthirrnpian• parade in the
morning ,of the third of Jtine. This
year pramases to outclass anything we
have ever put on. " j A teachers t. _ i;n.5 class has been
_a n
organized in connection with the
Evangelical Sunday School.
Last Sunday afternoon the funeral
service of the late Alpf;.ne Rinker
wax.' held in, the Lutheran church. It
wet' be remembered that she died of
diphtheria about a month ago, and at
that time the family were under quer-
antine:,and because of this the ser-
vice was postponed until last, Sunday
Mrs Godfreid,. Oestr eicher left on
Tuesdav morning' for a visit with
friends in Michigan.
1 Herbert Rinker has taken a position
with Messrs Tieman & Edighoffer as
I clerk.
It would seem as though the Farm
;ere Bank victims were not going to
get relief even though the Govern-
, rent is willing to pay a sum equal to
103 ceets an the dollar. Yet it is
thought the Senate will not pass the..
We hope this is not the case
Sand that shortlythose who have Jost
their hard earned money by the fail
ure will receive their money back ,or
at least a good percentage of it.
Death of Mrs. Cooper.—It will be
sad news to many in this community
to learn of the death of Sarah Shute
widow of the late Robert Cooper, a
former well-known and highly re-
spected eesdent of this township; and.
also of Biddulph, who died in London
on Saturday, May 2nd, at the age of
69 years and one month. Mrs. Coop-
er was a native of England, being'lorn
is Hurisl_ Parish, Newbridge, in 1854,
and came to Canada with her parents
when three months old, settling in
London After about seven years
residence in that city the family tnov-
et? to Usbonne township. In rhe year
1.888 Mrs. Cooper moved into Biddul=
p i township, where she was . `..iereft
of her husband, ahortly after ;;which
she returned to London, where she
has since Lived. She is survived by
two sons and six daughters :Jonathan,
of Hardisty Alta.; Hamlin. at come;
Mrs George Knox, Toronto; Mrs.
�V'llias, Pincombe, Usborne;'ars. \►rr
elcFalls Biddulph; Mrs. H. S. North-
cotr and 1VI'rs. P. Chadwick, .London;
Mss Dorothy, public school teacner.
Chatham One son, George, died five
year:.ago. Mr. J. Evans, Mrs. W
mays and Mrs. T. Oke, London, ere
sisters .and Thomas Shute of race-
me Wash,. Harry Of Kansas City, Mo.John of Kirkton, and James of Win-
n:peg are brothers, The funeral took
niece on Tuesdaymorning from her
home to the Grand Trunk station, and
the reina'ns brought to Exeter, the
funera taking place from the station
on arrisu.1 of the 9.44 morning train
to Exeter cemetery.' The floral of-
4erngs were many and beautiful and
went to show the high esteem inwhich
tfrs Cooper was held.. '
:Rev Fr Tierney and Emery at-
tendee the Eucharistic Congress in
Lon -lo t on Wednesday and Thursday
'\Tr Joseph Skinner of Parkhill eall-
ee .Gil Mr. Theobold Dedertch Sutic1ay
a:le:noon- \zr, Mack :McDonald is Lr
lowly f.11 with pneumonia. His ..nany
fr en4, wish for him a speedy re, coy
ery.—Miss Kate Madden spent are v
day!: last Creek visiting her sister,:v,Xrs
Moir of London, -Miss: Anderson; our
poltllarat Gode�rich last acheb t<eek, Mrr. d theConyand
Mrs Dionis Mahoney spent Sunday
with friends near I hiva.;--The farm-
ers in this neighborhood have about
completed their seeding.
Mr, and Mrs. David Hazlewood, an=.
pounce the engagement of their
daughter a era M.' C., to Howard N,
Baltotar , Phm, B. of Mount Jenl�is,
Ont, ,the marriage to take place in
Frank J, Cheney takes oath that he is senior
partner of the firth of F. J. Cheney Co., doingbusi-
ness in the City of Toledo, County rid State afore-
said, and that said firm will pay rho sum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aid every ease of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Ball's
Catarrh Cure, FRANK J. CHENEY
Sworn to before me and-subsortbed in my pres
epee, this 6th day of December, AD. ISSa.
(Ssat,.)' A. w. Q4. AEON,
M0'rARY PUsfto
Hall's Catarrh Cureis taken internally, and acts
directly on the blond and mucous rturfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials
F. J. CEIFNEY aeO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all I)rnggtsts, 760,
Take ball's nuttily Pitts for co! potion.
Seeding is naw well under way and
the last few days the growth has
been. good. -=Mr.' W. Charlesworth and
two children. of Egmondville, Miss.
Beatrice Stewart and the *Misses Pesti-
more and Love motored here: on Sun-
day and spent part of tate day at Mr.
John •Bolton's,—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Dickson of Seaforth •were visitors here
wa Sunday. -Mr. • and Mrs.. Jas. Hor-
ton spent the past •week with relatives
and friends near Forest, -Mr. end J•Irs.
John. Glenn, Sr., spent. Sunday with
the latter's relatives in Seaforth.—Mr.
Wm. Graig of Moose Jaw, Sask., was.
here this week calling on old neige -
bars anct friends. It is twenty years
since he left here and like tots of
others has ,made good. He purposes
visiting the old land .in June.—A
from this locality attended ;be Odd-
fellows service in Hensel' church an.
Sunday evening. :*Mr. Jas. Broadfoat
ba, had his nticedo nicely ' painted.-,
The Dairy Farm has a nuw manager
from New Ontario.—Mr. Fred Cole is
busy at the cement wort -as is also
Mr. Percy. Passmore, who has several
silos to build this season.
is Follows
Crippled . Nerves
Painful Effects of Chrialic Rheumat-
ism Quickly Routed by Rheuma.
If your nerves are all °crippled from
attack: of Rheumatism, Neuritis can
easily get a strong hold .on the nerves
This most painful disease is one of
the hardest known to expel, but
RHEUIIA can reach it if given a
chance This testimony is .,_positive
"Last March I was so crippled with
'neuritis in left limb I could walk
scarcely at all. Tried all remedies I
heard of and had two physicians. NOth
hag did me any good until I used
RHEUM_A $2.00 worth of your med-
icines surely cured me. -airs. C. E.
Hayes, Russell, Ky.
Sold by W. S.. Cole at 50 cts a
SIR EDMUND, WALKER,c'.v.O..LL«D., D.C.L„ President
ALEXANDER General lklanager JOHN AIRD, Ass't General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $i and{,
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may beopened and operatedby mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. 821
EIXIOTEIR BRANC —G. L. WAUGH, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
The lVf�lsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve'
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
. Agents at Exeter for the: Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON Manager,
rOs t : encre
.1 81111110/NMEMMIIII!
,.il tillt11111.100111MMOilt1
lri V III01 Mi` -moi
%61111101110111111.11414 01011111.61
The tenet that Can be
depended upon.
Looks as Neat When Stretched on
the Posts as It Does in the Picture
You u are Protected
When you buy "FROST FENCE" because it backs you up, with an en-
viable reputation. You never see poor FROST FENCES" because there are
none. Every rod wins your approval.
The Frost Wire Fence Company are the only firm operating their off.
drawing and galvanizing mills. That's whr right material only goes into
Frost Fences.
Let me , quote you on these fences that have running wires of even leng-
th, staysstraight and evenly spaced, wire all full size and heavily galvan-
ized. The "FROST" lock is absolutely the surest woven, lock on any
fence It does not slip and does not, weaken the lateral wire with a kink.
All styles, also GATES and FANCY FENCES. The. Frost Special wo-
ven wire Lawn Fence is their "newest' line. Get a catalogue.
S. ANDREW, Agent, Centralia
Agency for Gunn's -Fertilizer—none better on the •market.
Don't use an ordinary varnish on your floprs —
just remember that there is a special Sherwin-
Williams Varnish for this purpose, which, is
tough and elastic and waterproof,
This varnish is
It is made specially to be walk-
ed on—it is very tough and long
wearing, and does not show heel
marks readily. It is absolutely
waterproof and will not turn
white—it dries over night with a
hard wear resisting gloss. It is
the best varnish for the best
floors, but does not cost so much
that you cannot afford to use it,
on ordinary floors.
We sell and recommend S -W
Mar -not, as we know of no better
varnish for the purpose". It is . a
handy varnish to, have round the
house for odd jobs as well as the
best varnish for finishing floors.