Exeter Advocate, 1914-5-7, Page 1RENEW k OUR SUBSCRIPTION`
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CLUBl311 G
When xenewixtg your Advocate
remember that we club with all:
the City. Dail', Weekly, and the
Monthly papers and periodical
Get the benefit of these cltrbbing
rates. Call iii a.nd see us,
Read the Teachers' Association
MAY 719.4
Report and
note , the advice as to ` Agricultural . Representatives in Huron
Local items.
"A wLineu• never knocks;
A knocker never wins;
"A winner's too busy to knock,
A knocker's too busy to win."
The: member of the Canadian House
of Commons :from the ' Yukon tikes
nineteen days to reach the Parliament
Buildings, Ottawa, Should he journey
westward through Asia andEuroB e
crossing. Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
it would take him twenty-five days to
reach Ottawa. Canada is a big, big
c ountry;
CELEBRATION; -,Exeter cetizens
are preparing for a great day on May
25th, and the whole day will be ohe of
pleasure, In. the morning baseball
games and bowing'matcheswith sur••
,rounding towns and villages 'are being
'arranged: In the aeterineon there will
be horse races, autt6mobile :display and
an address by one Of Ontario's prom-
ment men. In' the evening a dramatic
entertainment of merit will be given.
Further announcements later,
Wonderful Values in
Men's Suitings and Over-
Tho Spring rush is
t is necessary
on & i >.
-that you order your suit
early to be ready for the
Opening. of Spring.
The Spring furnish-
urnishin g s are all here in Hats,
Caps, Shirts, , Gloves Ties
Collars, Sox, etc.
gr. Euclo, Saunders, chief officer of
the license department at Toronto,
speaking last week of the license
situation, in. South. Huron and Center
Huron, clears up 'the matter when he
said, --
"Commissioners .in South Huron
granted .three - months extension,
which they have the right to do, -
inclependent of anybody else, fn
the center division the board pas-
sed. 'resolutions .granting the tic-
enses for a year, which the minis-
ter will, of course, veto. But they
can .if they see fit, grant three
months' extension, Hotelmen in
Center Huron are not liable .'o
prosecution for selling after. April
30th. I presume they have paid
in their money and are justified
doine business, on the strength
of the commissioners' : •resolution
in the meantime."
The six sections added to the Gov
etntment's license legislation this ses-
sion tends to place furtherrestric-
tion,, upon the liquor traffic. The
first cltaruge is to include Good Fri- titian was° held in. Vii torr a Public
state a simpler and more definite
day along with Christmas as one of School ,Gocieritlt an Thursday end
course for the Art course to the pub -
School days ori which liquor `cannot be Frrta April 30th wad '1fa' }1st lac schen: and authorize suitable gooks
W. Huron Teachers Meet
Th,,: tlilty-sixth annual :convention
of the West Huron Teachers' Associ-
Do'neklion Government to prohibit 'the
manufacture, sale and importation cf
cigarettes or cigarette material, .,ncl
that a copy of this resolution be sent
to the members of the county.
3 That the Department sh:euld
sold. T!r� cha5r ryas occu-, ec1 by ?resid- co•ita.niii graded exercises for the
The second. clause deals with the ng Y drawtg`and brush work.
ent Feed `Ross of Dungannon tnd .le-
right of appeal from convictions for vot.00a.l exercises were conducted by 4 That the;,thanks of the Associa
the Mega'. sale .ofliquor.. Heretofore t.at be tendered to the'Goderich
Insnectar `Tom. The .minutes of the
a license only head the right of else Sc eo0 Board for the use o ',near
Las session M Exeter, in October were
peal from a convection, but the lair d• d beaus fu: hand convenient school in
was amended , to include •1rug-
g:istsas the clrruggists' association
thought that this provision was only
The anteandment• makes t clearthat
a druggist -has the right
Tat all other cases the
that the oily appeal lies
Court under a writ: of
One of the .imtportant
that giving a .Magistrate
ren. .cut. approve
inspecto Tom introduced the nub- whcl; to hold ons meeting, and to
ject Class Discipline and Reading with the socia. ich teachers for the delight-
Class 1-2e emphasiz. ed very stro gly !ha socia. entertainment of last even-
the 'pupas should sand properly 'na'A and for their kindness in procur-
i ra.
of appeal t;fe easel t;nexgy <titrin the recitation, teachers anti to a.11 others who t90
law ides Miss Lilian J. Clarke, Of St, Helens p`a''et al last evening's entertainment,
to the xligh rear, ar 'interesting paper an. History
Tli,3 elect oar of officers was then
certiorari. for Thrr;' Class re aced b vii se Proceeded with, with the following re
is t t p r y $ silt,=Psestclent; George . Masyson, Ex'
Gaels a e A. V. romance:
parver to r etes • Vice -President Miss M. A. Bai-
„ „ 1St l' Han B A Pr as ip 1 of
clurin the readin lesson an
exhibit aye accomrirodat}on for the , visiting
So that it will be seen that the put may person' on the Indian 1 • G Rt h
e c a ,
t n tan est the o .rr-c 'institute; ,le- Ley, Dungannon; Secretary -Treasurer,
veto power of Hon. W. J. Hanna sloe who set liquor,. to or procures it forW. H. Johnston, Kippen-
l_veee aa address on bird life.
not allow him to overrule the action 'any person already on the list, "Ex Thursday Afternoon.
e Councillors,--- George Spark, Exeter;of 1rcense commissioners when they per_eice has ,shown that many per
Thc• rn:F'nutes c the forenoon session Geo S Howard, Zurich; R, R. Red -
give the hotels.. three months. to sell „sons maw are, on the prohibited list re elle to d
�; 1.`
. , an adapted;
out, Any term longer than. that would ogre suph_ed liquor.by • friends, who.
Dr. Gal1ow, chairman of the eublic
School Board of Gorier ch, was pre.s-
eat and gave an interesting address.
welcome to the teachers.
Mr..- r_ red Ross delivered the ;'seas-
: eat s a rens, choosing as taus- eu -
ect The 'Teacher's Failures. Mr, toss
advec ted that teachers should teach
they pupils to control themselves. Xie
�it he -
sho , .�z them to citizenship, itn
should x n i t,P,
mond, L?elgrave; Mss L. J. Clarke, St.
Helets; Mess M. ,A. Ellis, Henson.
not be allowed, enjoy with them the convivial time,
North Huron, went "dry on May A shart term in jail; has not proved a
Miss• Ada Buaritt taught a 'splendid
Leese's, in Seelliri with Se
1st because the commissioners did o deterrent to this practice,and it is _ �,
e cond Class,
tt not t t tin h h Peas McCready spoke eloquently en
allow a. short tithe to sell out, gent- thought that if their own supply is t the need oaf teaching agriculture at the
ter Huron, although' given. a year, will endangered these p,eanle will ,not be t M, Fred t . schools and how•to. teach it. He
not have over three months. South so likely to offer their good services. d i b , plenec' for a naturalization of .11
Huron botelmen have three months In view of the growth of local option studies He would fill every awed
to get TO of there stock. In no part the law with respect to the fines be- w:t'r an attitude ld pride towards the
of Huron will a "li
cense"•+be nssued: tng kept separate lar each municipal-
occupation of farming. He mould have
Han. W. J, Hanna on Satutrday stat- fines are to be kept in one fund for
Press c i ti-e.n the necessity of Dune- ate home as pile instancdo e,oneual work
r tual-ty regularity, system of irompt- + y
ed_ with regard to the License of even- each. district, and the expense o„ en- tress enc';the,oughness,o respect the coulo manage the fowl at home, an -I
tie Huron, that "If the commissioners be pat the law in that district •cam aged .tai`:be ecoltomical, etc. other could' care for air: orchard, etc„
adhere to thein• position, of giving a be pair] out of it. This will do away one girl could bake something, another'
year to.sell out their stocks, the.lie- with the nuisance of keeping a nun Tc save himself from failure the g' `
me cann:1trg, etc,, and through
teacher therefore should be connected do so
ensect hotels in Centre Huron will be bei of small accounts where ene
ter ssr'ti thui ch activities and all nubile Chest, things he would create an ,nt.r-
closed the moment we can send 'of- would serve the purpose much better. ea this work.ark. He would. teach aa-
rtterests ear the elevation of the :cm -est
ity is to be changed. Hereafter these
freers there to close them. In South Another change will affect the aro-
,Huron the commissioners extended vision requiring a person found ;un- murt,.ty
„riculture by the ,Nature Study method;
the olti licenses for three months. The der the influence of liquor in a local raf tvI cC ready then sok e ri i:' He recommended especially ,lie use
option. or d st ct to tellor The Soil ley King The Elements'
from whom he
en Huron County's Rural
department ;has no power to interfere p : district P. o},t II
of Agriculture by Warren. To illus -
in such cases, the commissioners hay- secured the liquor under a penalty of tat_ol�e of,'thisScount had tdecreahe s cl trate the valve the value of tgracul-
tng the absolute, authority to snake $50 fine for_ returns. The charge .:will r t, y t tura:information he told that a ton
the three months extension without embrace all places where no tavern or abou 301000 it the last twenty-five r
reference to the department." aha licenses are issued and the per- Years anon 6 311 from 1901 t• 1911, a, alfalfa is worth $20; a ton, es much
soar who is found under the influent East Hai~:oci Chas tort 15 per rent of asbran and at the O. A. C. they Piave
At aneetuig of the ,Commissioners of liquor in these princes will be - sub thea Lorries in. these ten years end grown four tons to the acre.He
at Centre Huron an Goderucl>!. on lea to the same penalties, as r' was - ' the boys and
Monday district,.
t time � y girls to do special cork
h,t it 01(1 Ontario lost 97,124 in the.'same' wou1d organize .Progress Clubs among
on Monday they rectnded their re- a localoption. ist� c ,.
peval of licenses for a year, end el he last;section is designed to stren� Cou_it:.ng the people in the suburbs as gxatit _ng potatoes, etc., for ';oys,
y of the large cities, the natural ,ucrease cook;og or sewing, etc,,, for bids,
grante an extension far three mon- then the hands of the department in o` births over deaths and the :mmi- r
the to sell out: enforcing the law in counties or dist-
riots .where the Canada Temperance Wants tor;: Ontario bound fo- the rural
South H L' Act: s 's 'rn'operation.
port osis of the community, we ltd
Tile aw iron License Com-
rneeSonersat.-arne.eting' in the �Cosn- .. rte Hottse .willseeg�'•1'eciate," said than ottl
merclal House, Exeter, on Tuesday, Mr Hanna "we are tined `to. fairly
signed up the three . months' exten- naerorr> limits when it comes to that,
sioi of licenses for the riding, with and with respect to:these` limits, such
the' exception of. the Albion House at as they are, \tire have sought to'make
Bayfield which 'for <some .years has
bee.e having a summer, or. six mon-
ths' license only. As the six :non-
thr license of this hotel had expired
last fall it was not thought. proper
that it should be licensed for three
months as there was no stock to sell.
Inspector Torrance advised the Al-
bion proprietor of the coming action
last week. so that all. that was.needed
was the ratification of the .commis-
After a session. of ten weeks with
23 night sittings the Ontario Legisla-
ture prorogued on Friday . afternoon.
The Premier, Sir James Whitney was
in his seat in the• house for the last
hour apparently in the best of health
This session; ends the term of Lieu-
tenant Governor Gibson. His succes-
sor has not yet been stained.
An early election is spoken of by
the members and .newspaperssome of
which. have .,even named the date as
the 29th of June.
' Over� 140 pieces of legislation. were
put an the statute books, amongthem
were the workmen's Compensation Act
the provisions of which are well
known and, approved of by labor men
The liquor laws have been strength-
ened as shown at length in another
column. The succession duties act
has been strengthened. The tax . -on
corporations increased, and banks, ex-
press companies, railways and others
will contribute more generously to
provincial finances. Hydro Electric
matters have been advanced. In view
of an election the Election Act has
been made to subscribe more closely
to the demands of the electorate,and
political contributions were .forbidden
from public contractors, license 'smil-
ers and others whose business rela-
tions Might leave them open to sus-
The ` Field Secretary of the Tem-
perance Association of Huron, Rev.
Powell, has `drafted a ,number of .ob-
jects to be aimed at. In short they
1 To assist and see that the Gov-
ernment enforces the temperance laws.
2, ,To deliver lectures on temper-
ance questions.
3 To ,p,erfect the Temperance, or-
rgan ization.
4. To look after Voters' List Re-
visions. - :
'5; Organize no booze clubs.
6, Obtain .pledge „signers,
7. Publish literature.
8 Train mon to speak on, the Ten\
pe,rance question.
9 'tri to restrain cigarette habit,
10 Assist in, securing' hotel accom-
11 Seek to have Temperance men
appointed as 'constables, magistrates,
12 Keep Temperance infoirntafion
before • the •,pttublie
The cost of campaign, is expected
to be about $2500 0. year.
Ontario has lost over 400,00,i g
lir rel r ked oo cilat'o r:, '' e4 'Ot• Ap,ril, 25th an irtfarmal.,,mee nag -
p n i .z from 19111` to of thhe councl! was held at Mr• Sea-
The Problem of every country to -1 vers dro- Radial
store to consider a letter from
clay is to keep a standard people: in the Stratford as of the ciauncil to send
such changes , as will' strengthen the tire country. By a standard people is arepresentative on the 29th, ,when
hands of the. department in that par-'• meant one of average intelligence,, of it was moved and seconded' by Doyle
titular "
mora anti rel' glows worth. I and Beavers that the reeve attend
Prof McCready looks forward with same,
,eopefulr-ess to a time when he oral _ _
popwlati i will increase' rather than Council met in, the Town Hall Fri
decrease. To bring this about eve I days eveningthe 1st inst. • Previous
must .depend on the teachers of the y
Lana In order to succeed, the .ural minutes approved.
population must be converted, They A eommumticat on was read from J.
respecting custoans
mint come' to the point where they otffice les connect onn with the new post
rs:ili want Agriculture taugnt in then P office: Doyle—Hind—That same be
schools When. this is done 't will fated,—Carried.
Ir. counties the law is; to be enlarged
so tha- the Province . mayprovide out
of the consolidated revenue fund one-
half of the amount required to en-
force the law over and above what Is
available out of the fines received
from penalties imposed. Under the leg
islatior of Sur Oliver Mowat the Pro-
vince has been paying only one - third
of the deficieatcy.
In unorganizeel districts the aitire
cost of enforcing the Canada temper-
ance act is to be bonne by the Prov-
ince, and for this purpose $5,000 has
been put in the - estimates. This will
affect -the district of Manitoulin where
the Scott act will comeinto force en.
the first of next month.
Clinton May 1. -What threatened to
be a very seriatis fire started to -night
from an. oil -heater left in the barber
shop of M. Crich. , The blaze ' was
making great pa -ogress in the ''rame
building when it was noticed. The
flame, hoereverr were soon checked,
and the loss is fully covered by ite-
sna-aauc e
Lucknow, May 3,—Fire caused by
the tip of a match flying into a pile
of excellsior len 'the basement com-
pletely destroyed the stock of J. G.
Armstrong druggist, to -night. His
los:;• is about $4,000 with $3,000 tn-
surance The two-story brick ouil:cl-
nig mbe property of Mrs. Berry is
guttect but the walls are standing. Mr
Armstrong lives in the same building
ae--idhis children were in bed ,ehen
the fire was discovered,: Prompt
action in carrying them out :wired
their lives
Alleging ,that his -uncle the Istte
Rev, Archibald Stewart, was suffering
fa -oar, senile decay and in a state of
mental incapacity James McDonald, a
stationary engineer of London is :..eek-
Lag to break - the will. The late eer.
Stewart, a retired Presbyterian minis-
ter tried in London on Feb. 17 last,
The estate was valued at $7500, the
bequests being $3000 to a; nephew,
fames McEwen -of Cavalier, N.D. in
trust for the eldest child of ',reit
and Lizzie McEwen of London; ?v"irs.
Margaret' McDonald, London, $300
to be given to her son James ;on her
death • $600 to the Presbyterian
church and the residue of the .state
going to Mrs. Flora McQueen, Exeter.
Jobe,. McQueen of Usborne end
Donald McAlpine, executors of the
will; Mary and James McEwen, Caval-
ier, N.D„ Flora McDonald, Flora Mc-
Queen, Archibald McDonald, Langdon
N.D., John Somerville for the church,
and Mary Eliz abeth McQueen, a tnin-
otr of Vancouver, are named as de-
fendants in the action . for .the '10A--
testitti:' of the will,
A rare thing in this district is a
porcupine, but one has been Captured
lit Stanle3 township recently,
transform the rural school, rnakin,' it
the local beauty spot with neat 12i12-
ee wei' kept buildings, lawns ane
flower beds; a small local caeca -
menta'• farm; the social and education-
al centre of the -section; etc. The
address was listened to with a great
deo' of pleasure. He recommended
Rural Life in. Canada by McDougall
aa a book, every teacher should read.
• Inspector J. Elgin Tom took ip the
subject, Odds and Ends. With this
heading he was able to give good ad-
vice as to maaty, little things.
Prot elcCready took up the subject.
oe Schoo games and pleaded for more
attention to this- matter, especially in
Ruse! Schools.
There were 114 teachers present
the largestattendance or the first
day in the history of. the Association.
Evening Entertainment
Inspector ' fora occupced the chair
A very pleasant and profitable ses-
sion was held in the Assembly Room
of the beautiful Victoa•ia school,
Prof. McCready of the 0. A. C. tle-
liyered an excellent address on Pro-
gress in Agricultural Education at
Home and Abroad.
Ontario's hope lies in the teaching
of Agriculture in her -public schools,
the 'appointment by County Councils
of district representatives and the es-
tablishment of an agricultural lepart-
meant in our High. schools and Colleg-
iate Institutes;' The Ontario Govern -
meet is spending nearly a'million 'his
.year. 'et the interests of Agriculture.
4 x'^.:e County should have one or
more district district representatives,
because she is losing more than 'any
other county in the province. The
other provinces, especially Manitoba
a;ncl Alberta, are alive to the situation
ane. arc dowing a good work in the clis
dissemination of agricultural education.
Dr. Gallow gave 'a good address on
Schoo Sanitation.
The musical part of the program
was excellent,
Luncheon was thoughtfully provided
by the Goderich teachers and was en-
joyed by all,
P;riday Morning.
The session opened with the, pr -.is -
'n the chair,
Th, Auditor's report, showing a
balance an hand of $145.25, - was read
and adopted.
Thc report of the Resolution om-
mittee recommended the following res
olutions :
Resolved a
1, That ita the opinion of this As-
sociation. the Department ,of Educa-
tion be asked either to allow teachers
to use School and Home or to pre-
parea series of helps to be issued to
the teachers at least monthly,
2,—That this' Association, request tit e
A petition was received signed by
a number of business men requesting
the • council to oil a portion of the
Main Street and water a portion. Doy-
le—Beaverrs—That the petition be re-
ferred back to the petiition,ers on the
ground that it is insufficiently signed.
—Car rtied.
Oat the report of the Finance Com-
mittee the following accounts were
paid, -James Taylor, glazing Town
Hall 2.25; T. Webster, labor 7.00; J.
Norry`6.80; T Senders 5.77; T,Creech
5.60, S, Bradt 6.12; Sid Sanders 1.23;
Hendfard 2,00; T. Flynn 1.60; S.
West 1,60; W, Harding 75c.; W. Gil-
lesp'c draying 75e ; Electric Light
Co 120.00; W. Davis, caretaker N.B.
Fire Hall 10.50; W, Wolper, cemetery,
5.25; T.13 Carling, pt, salary 33.33;
.W. J Bissett, salary 40.00; John, Ford
37,50 • J. W Taylor; :expenses Strat-,,
ford 3.50
Those asking to have water ';nstall-
eel are Wes Smell,: S. Martin, J.Grieve
Rev: Collins, T. Snell; "r, Harvey. Re -
feared to Fire and Light Com. with
power. to act.
Doyle—Beavers that council pur-
chase 5000 gals, of oil :for streets,
provided the petition be sufficiently
Robt Siile:-y waited on. the Council
asking for an outlet to. drain on the
Thames and London Road: Doyle --
Hind—That we ,meet Mr.. Sillery on
the evening of May 8 at 7 o'clock.
dr Waloer who waited on council
re license for Bowling Alley, was
granted same at $10.00 a year.
Thc council will meet following re
dram on Huron Street on the 22nd
rtt 7 o'clock, W. Huggins,: J. Fisher;
II Elwvoetby C. Harvey, C. Pei tins,
Mrs. Frances Bissett, A. Sanders.
Harton—Hnd—That the purchase of
road scraper from Exeter Maatfg Co.
be left to Public Works com. with
power to act.—Carried"
Doyle—Hind—That Jos. Davis be
given permission to move his France
. g
dand ee building toso th
FlourFeed. bu 1 u of
Jackson. Factory on condition same
be veneered.—Carried.
Harton—Beavers— That permission
be granted W. J. Beer to erect, an
outbuilding at the back of his prop-
ertu on condition.that same be ven-
eeree with brick or covered with iron
R N Rowe was given, a similar
right on same conditions.
T. B. Carling, hClerle
Everyone must have felt that -a
cheerful friend is like a sunny day,
which sheds its brightness on all a-
round; and most of us can as we
choose make this world .:a palace dr
a prison
Wolper—On Goshea Line, Hay, April
28 to Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Wolper, e
Mallett—.,t Exeter, on May 4, 4o Mr.
am' Mrs W. J. Mallett, a son.
Ster1ne.—In Tuxford, Sask., et Ap-
r_; 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Sterl:aig, nee Miss Estella G. Wil-
son formerly of Hensall, a son.
Pedley. -1n Ailsa Craig, on May 4,
Mrs Josiah Pedler, aged 75 years,
erases.—At Nairn, an April 28, Colin
S. Fraser, in his 55th year.
Cooper.—Int: London, on May 2, Sarah:
Shute widow of the late Robert
Cooper, aged 69 years, 1 month.
O: Ma -s. Thomas Hatter, who died ote
May 3rd 1913.
Weep not for me, my family dear,
I am not dead, but sleeping tete;
As I air now, some day yop'll oe,,
So be prepared to follow me;
Short was my life, Icing is my rest, -
To call me home. God, thoughtitbest
-From. Loving Husband & Family
Where Reasonable Prices Prevail.
Boys Clothing for Spring and
Natty' Norfolk Suits in hair line stripes, tweeds and woes-
tecls, . The kind of suits that will steno the hard usage and
wear is what your want. We have them at popular- prices.
Bloomer Pants with double seats.—Pmice $1.00 to $1.50
White Waists—Very ;dainty
neatly trimmed and prettily
designed at 89c.
Night Gowns—In the popu-
tar crepe cloth—Spec et 1.25.
In Such a variety of pat-
terns. Wool tapestry, Brussels
Velvet and Wiltons. to •izes
2, ycl x 3 yd, to 4 yd x 43 yd,
Our prices are right ;gnaitty
Do you need new ,urtalns
this spring? If so we ask you
to call and see .our assort-
ment and compare prices, We
are showing a wide range of
Nets M. ,neat patterns et per
yard 20c, to 300.
Petticoats—Made from crepe
cloth neatly trimmed. Special
at $1.00
Drawers—Fine ribbed cotton
and crepe. -Spec. at 25c.,50c
You will be surprised, de-
lighted and tempted to buy
our papers when you nee the
fine range we are :•showing,
A few dollars spent greatly
improves the home,
Nairn's Quality in 2, 3,
acid 4 yd, widths. Neves
have we shown such an as-
sortment of pretty patterns
We deliver and lay it, with-
out any additional t charge
This week' we are paying 22c