HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-4-30, Page 8la I UR AD ttlll ` " ; "rJk1:1.1I ia11AY APRIL 3Ol 1E:114 EXETER MARKETS. O' A'GED EACH WE ►NEBD:A,Y' Wheat, 9$ 98 Darlev t .. , ... 59 00 HuclRrt'beat,. ., , 59 00 fJ;e,'ts. ..... .... . 39 39 'sae....,...., 90 90 Potatoes, per bag ,76 90 ay�part on...,.....,. 1400 14 00 otatr, r cwt, family 2 SU ,pp Y f �' Moue. tow grade per ew 160 1 60 21 22 S 60 26 Ili) 24 00 b Ll6 2 .�` t Nl Egan w 31 Li vo, hags, per cwt..... Ste ,r•r per tort .,..,, 8r t, uNr ton ...... ... ESTRAY DOG. -There strty.ed to the premises of the undersigned on or about April 7th, a Scotch Collie, Otrra; ,:an have same by paying t:x- pensee,.-DANIEL HAUGH, ‘-lay P.O. PROPERTY FOR. SALE Ts c storey brick House: on :.fain Street Exeter; in good state of re - pal/ Two lots of land. Good staole Number of fruit trees, Choice prop- erty Apply to Mrs. Wm. Cudmore on the premises. FOR SALE. H McCallum offers for sale his house and three lots. A. mime home at a reasonable price. For 'nforma- tior apply to Mrs. G. Brooks, next door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer Miss Bertha McLeod, Graduate of Chicago University will speak on Scientific Temperance on Thursday, April 30th in Main Street Church, at 8 p.m .A good program has been provided Silver collection at rhe door. Have you paid for your Advocate for 1914? If not, why not ? FOR SALE -In Clandeboye, brick house, orchard, stables and 15 acres land. Apply W. A. Jones, 206 Percy Street Ottawa, FOR SALE 40 hens 2 years old; 40 Pullets, Barred Rock, Model Farm Strain; also Baby Chicks is quantities to suit purchaser in a few weeks time.. The prices are reasonable. Write me your eeaats,-W A, SAMBROOK, Crediton GIRL WANTED -Apply at the Commercial House, Exeter, DRIVER FOR SALE. -Good, quiet farmer's driver, coming six years old Apply to A. S. Deavitt, Exeter. Ansco Buster Brown Camera $2,00 No. 2 A, Buster Brown Camera $3.00 Folding Buster Brown. $6,$8, & $10 A few 1913 models, used during the season,at half prince. -As good, as new. Roll Films -that fit any "camera,. Try them. You can make better pictures with greater certainty, by using ANSCO Films. For sale, by J. SENIOR FOR SALE House and Lot on Carling- Street and vacant lot on Simcoe Street. 134 storey brick house on Carling Street containing 8 rooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen and pantry, 3 bed- rooms up -stairs, 1 below; hard and soft water; frame barn; a number of fruit trees, a very desirable property being nicely situated; very suitable for a retired farmer. For terms ap- ply to J. W. Taylor, or B. S. Phillips auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate. Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental REMEMBER THE DATES, April 23 and 24 of the CHI-NAMEL demon- stration at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. AILSA' CRAIG. -The death occur- red at this place on Sunday of Squire E. B Smith, after a very short illness He had, been magistrate for several years and was very highly respected. • NOTICE A Gold Watch Almost Free will be senc to the person sending in the cor- rect answer to the following ;guzzle, Place the letters, o e d 1 v o g s i into words which will make a well knowr Bible phrase. To the one sending in the first correct answer we will send a gold watch either lady's or gents'. With your answer write your name and address plainly and send 25c. for cost of mailing watch. Get busy and answer to -day, Address all answers plainly to Fax Z5, Dashwood. ThE prize winners' name and date answer was received will be published at close of contest. Fishing. For Dollars Are you satisfied. with the catch? Are \Tau using the best bait? OlasSifiied Want Ads, itt this paper bring regents: LOCAL DOINGS, Vi'iuM housecleaning do not forget the cellar - , Mrs G. J. Dow:. shiapped' a load of horses to Taranto this week. She is a wise fat waitress who •toes all her bathing stuntsin a bathtub. Here's a bet that youcannot name,, the' man who wt11 hear the first straw het: The _Ilea. lttusband exists chiefly in the minds of w•ornen who never tear- rigid, Before' a vSeisegirl attempts to mar -s- age a hus1 i d she first acquires the art of managing a kitchen. You can't always tell. Occasionally the toughest boy in. the neighborhood grows up and becomes a minister, Sir James. Whitney received as a gift front the Conservative members of the Legislature last week a check tar 82000. Mrs. Yager has this week moved in- to .thehouse owned by Mrs, Wm, Hawkshaw west of Main street Meth- odist Church, The Clinton New Era says that the temperance secretary, Rev. E. G. Pow- ell evil'. probably move to Clinton,, as that is a central point in Htn-on, Owing to illness Rev, Sharp was off duty Sunday and Mrs. Sharp's father who is visiting them, •occupied the' Presbyterian pulpit, Early,,ta bed and early to rise, mind roux own business and tell no lies; dant get drunk and deceive your wiv- es, pay your debts and advertise; buy from men of enterprise, is the best counsel under the skies. 1'Lss ,Grace Sanders, who .-ecently went to North Battleford, Sask., and who has since taken a course in the Nortl, .Battlieford. Business College, has taken a position in the Bank of Commerce of that place. "Dave Gillies has sold his .house and lot to 'Wm. Love, who intends to tear -down the stable and make it into a garage at his Koine. Vtr. Gillies mov- ed to' Exeter on Tuesday. Parkhill's loss' is Exeter's gain," -Parkhill raz- ette: Mass Fred Ellerlegtoa has purchased a fine imparted Clydesdale 'stallion, "Diamond Cup" ,sired by "Silver Cup' front‘the Ullyot Estate of St. Marys. Mx ,Ellerengtan : Will travel this fine horse in the place of the one he re- cenitlre ,lost '"Uncle John", The Masonic Temple at Goderich and the Masonic,,- Hall at Clinton will be dedicated on May 6th, the cere- mony to be .performed by Mr. W. D. atacpherson,-1,I. L. A., Toronto, Grand Master of..tii$e Grand Lodge of Can- ada, assisted„by his officers. The fire', alarm was sounded on t\fanday .aftetnoon, but before the brigade arrived on the scene it had been eetinguished. The alarm was due to a quantity of gasoline being spilled from a gasoline stove when 'Mee. Yager was moving into the house awned by Mrs. Hawkshaw on Victoria Street Neighbors quickly look the stove•out doors and put the blaze out with . a pail of water, Here you poor old nervous sort - here is a"remedy for you. The rem- edy is nothing more than celery seed. There is a medical man, at present in the state of New York, who is going about preach: ug the wonder of the seed These, he claims, for nervous people are, .little miracle workers; eat a few three or four times daily if you water . to quieten the nerves. Instead of..sleeping . powders,take a table- spoonful of celery seed and boil for four minutes in a pint of water, A halt sof, a curt is the dose. It is said ta act like a'charm on the nerves. WORTHY: OF PATRONAGE .-A eery interesting debate is being ar- ranged to take place in James Str et. Methodist Church under the auspic- es -oaf the. League on Tuesday even- ing May 5th .Resolved .that, "Horne Rule would be a benefit to Ireland and the British People." The affirma- tive will be taken, by J. Chittick and Chester Harvey and the negative by Leon Treble and Jos. Davis, Jr. ,3on't fail to attend asthis debate is bound to prove of great iditerest. Collection a aid of Forward Movement, HOUSE BURNED. -The dwelling owner: and occupied by Mr. A. Will- ard ..oui leis farm in Hay Township, one mile noeth of Exeter, was totally ,les trod by fire on Friday afternoon last between three and four o'clock in the afternoon. The fire originated from an overheated stove pipe in the upper- part of she house, and it bad ga•ned considerable headway before discovered The' building being frame was soor reduced to ashes, Together with part a£ the contents. A number a;, the neighbors were soon on she scene and succeeded in getting out a part of the household effects, but th,. greater ;hart was destroyed. Mr, Willard was away from home at the time.. being in Crediton after a load of tile and knew nothing whatever of the fire until he had nearly reached/ home Part of the loss was covered by insurance in the Hay Mutual. POPULATION OF HURON. -Mr, Wet. Lane, County Clerk, has very kindly furnished us with the follow- ing statement of the population of the several municipalities of the. County of Huron. as taken from the assessment rolls for' 1913, It will be seen from the figures given that the lass for the year amounted for 464. Of this number the rural nutnicipalities suf- Eerec, most severely, the decrease a- mounting to 427, while the urban nun- icipalities the lass was oniy 38. The following are the figures for each munee pality ; Ashfield 7,542; Colborne 1,433; Goderich Township 1,656; Grey 2,644; Hallett 2,288; Hay 2,/39; Howick 3,298; Morris 2,129; McKil- lop 2,081; Stanley 1,672; Stephen, 3,313 Tanabe/1y 1,607; Tuckersmith 1,937; Usbor{n.e 1,863; East Wawa,nosh; 1,497; West Wawaavash 1,654. Total 34,353; year before, e 34,780. Bayfield ; '180; Blyth 679; Brussels 954; Clinton'' 2,1.10 Exeter 1,537; Goderich 4,906; -Hens- all 708 e,Se-afoalli. 1,925.; Weiglianl 2,619; Wroxeter 319. Total, 16,237; ytat'> before 16,199, The Baseball Bays intend ordering new suets foz•.use this season, 'The j'ackson i a tes:A r1z1g Co. is closed down for a few days for stock taking, Iii'. Hussar of Atwood preached ed- ui.ational sermons in Main, Street church on Sunday. We leave had same excelle t show- ers this iv'eek, and the grass and grain show a rapid growth. We regret to hear that Mr. John. Cotwill is i11, having suffered a slight Stroke of :paralysis on. Monday, He is recovering nicely 'however,': Mr John Mob', who recently Fold hie farm in, Usbeene, has purchased 'Mr. 'Joan, Spaekman's house en Will - Lea, Street and will nave totown shortly Take notice that .Charles : Martin Bowman declares "that I am credit- ably informed" in these so-called charges against Hon. W. 1. ,Idanna. Jtust as though one could not Snake a charge against any man on the e"cred- itably informed" pian. To celebrate her 80th birthday the friends of Mrs. White, William St., !tendered her a miscellaneous shower of household articles: on Tuesday af- ternoon Although she has . reached this great age Mrs. White . is remark- ably smart and 'active. A very pleasant time was spent on Thursday evening last at .the Home of Mi, and Mrs, FredJ, Hill, 445 Del- aware ave., Toronto, formerly of Ex- eter when they entertained a number 01 friends in celebration of the tet -elf th anniversary of their wedding. The marriage took place at Pentic- tot. B C„ on April 16th of a former Exeter boy, Mr. Wilbur Handford, son of Mr and IIrs. Silas Handford, to Miss May Clark of that place. Friends here extend congratulations and ')est wish ;s to Wilbur and his bride. A numbers. of militia men werein town on Tuesday looking over the ground for the 'volunteer, manoeuvres next August; Two parties of ` the volunteers from London and Goderizh will meet between Exeter and Lucan for a sham battle. The date will be about the 25th of Au let. Mr Wm Mitchell, who recently moved here from the West, has leas- ed -the: 1bletrapolitan Hotel and Will conduct itas a temperance house, 'ek- ing possession on May 1st. Mr, Mor- ley will Iive privately and is moving intc, the house recently vacated by wars Marshall west of the Main Street Methodist Church. The London Free Press -,of ' ;yester- day (Wednesday) morning contained a three-calunnar picture of the delegates `oaf the Presbyterian Synod in session at St Thomas, among whom we ao- tice very prominently the much 'es- teemed pastor of Thames Road Pres- byterian, Church, Mr. C. Fletcher, .who is taken in the front row of the group. a • Rev, Sharpwas in Toronto this week, Miss Olive Gould spentthe week end in London, Edgar Torrance spent Friday night at his home in Clinton:: Mr .A1f Walters was in Toronto on business this week. ;lar. E. H. Spackman of Blenheim is the guest of relatives here. Mrs. Graham of Goderich is visiting her daughter Mrs. Lindenfeld. Miss Enema Cutrutingham of Tlderton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Yager. Miss Ethel Brickwaod went to Tor- onto• Monday to visit for a short time Mr. Alex Dow left Tuesday for -the: west awing to the illness of a sister, airs. Catlin of Vancouver, B. C., pis iter• with Miss Annie Case during the week. 1\21` John Norry went to Forest on Tuesday to assist in, installing 'he waterworks. Mise* Annie Newell a Stratford is seen ze with her brother at the Com•. mez.cia' Douse. Mr. W. D. Weekes returned Monday from Battle Creek, where he under- went a short .treatment. Mr A. Marchand -left Monday ev- ening for Waterloo, his family having preceeded him last week. Mr. Rich. Hawkins of Des Moines, Iowa, is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Martha Hawkins, Siencoe street. Mrs James Willis returned last, week front the west where she spent the winter with her son Frank. ears Wm. Cunningham and daughter, Miss E. J. Cunningham of Clandeboye spent part of the week with Mrs. Yager idrs. Thorrn.e, who has been in Cali- fornia this winter, returned Mon3xy mew' to the illness of her father „Mr Wm Drew. Messrs, Frank and Ralph _13andford of Manitoba, who are Visiting :heir parents at Centralia, spent alenday shaking hands with old friends - ;n town Mr and Mrs. Frank J. Delbridgc, who have been residing in Lethbr;Jge, Alta. for some years, returned here on Saturday and will spend some time with relatives in Exeter ::nd borne. AG: i 4Bia YOU , FROM OPPORTUNITY GOOD PL$.•CES GO TO YOUNG LOOTING MEN Its up to you to be one, Gray Hair is the biggest handica' -but its also the one you can . Most easily .escape, May's Hair Health restores gray hair to its natural color and vigor, It as not a dye, it is a tonic easy Ind safe to use, stimulating and nourishing the scalp :end hair roots, imparting new life and vigor and giving that healthy natural look which is so es- sential to a youthful appearance, It removes dandruff. Your money will be refunded if it fails after a fair trial. 81.00, 50c:; 25c. Get it at our store, SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY W. S. HOWEY, DRUGGIST EXETER, ONTARIO HICKS' MAY FORECASTS.- A reactionary storm period is central on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, May will tonne in with low barometer and cloudy murky conditions, and from the l.st to the 4th thick cloudiness will pre- vail over most parts of the country. Drizzling rain will be prevalent, with heavy downpours in many focalities. Very cool weather will attend and fol., tow these rains, with danger of Trost, at night '.A a-egular storm period covers the 5th to the 10th having its centre on the 7th. There will he danger of violent storms at this time followed by cool weather, Swifts Fertilizers are always in. the 'lead, It pays to use, them. E. L. Triebner, Agent, at Exeter will give as a prize at the Exeter Fall 'eFair 500 Ibs. of Swift's high grade Potato Special' fertilize/ forthe beast bushel of potatoes grower on, land on which this fertilizer has. been used.. Anyone wishing to enter this. contest will secure the Potato Special from E. 'L. Triebner or B. S. Phillips, Exeter. Cedar Posts Sale ;for We have this Year the finest stock of POSTS we have ever had, having nothing less than 6 inch at the small end. G. E. HICKS, Centralia Exeter North Store HAVING PURCHASED . THE EXETER NORTH STORE (HAY P. �. IN CONNECTION) I wish to say that I carry a fine stock of FRESH Groceries and Dry Goods Ane' EVERYTHING that can be had in a GENERAL STORE; Also 3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat, Sausage, Etc„ Etc. Give me a call for your next order. H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery. line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce Produce taken . in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant New Ta �+�r Shop. Having leased the premises owns: d by Mr Beaver on Main Street Z have decided' to open out a tailoring establish- ment here and am preparei to do all kinds of tailoring in the latest steles of the art both in 1 adies and Gentlemen's wear. 1 have had long experience in the busbies§ and guarantee to give satisfaction in all my work. We solicit your patronage and if o nee a customer al ways a customer, THOS. SNELL, Exeter cam.;:u�... _..•._ .:..�:��:. ,�,�.� � Busines:s Having purchased the Jewelry x3usiness of Mr,: A. Marchand we would ask a continuance of the patronage accorded our predecessor and if 'favored ored: with same your wants will have our best atteption. It will be our endeavorto keep our stock upto, P where it will appeal to�all classes of customers PP a rs and Four aim will be to give perfect satisfaction in all lines. A' Call Solicited REPAIRING Special attention paid to repail ing of . all kinds Lawson & Trick Successors to A. Marchand Telephone Office NOTICE All, persons having acoounts with me prior to 1914 wil please call and .settle.at once as they are past due. ROWE Undertaker and License Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER ONTARIO GET YOUR ROUTE CARDS PRINTED HERE We 'are are in a better position that: ever to print your . Stal- lion Route Cards. . Best of Cuts Type, Cards, on short- est notice and at right price. THE ADVOCATE T. B CABLING Lite, Fere, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and cT b- ducting auction sales. Exeter, Ent. ubscrib.e For Tile' Ad�ucafc JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 The New Tub Go�ds THE WARM BALMY. DAYS ARE, HERE AND YOU WILL WANT YOUR NEW WASE' DRESS WE HAVE A FINE SEL- ECTION' OF REAL NEW. GOODS SUITABLE FOR ALL WEAR NEW CREPE In Pale Blue, Cadet Blue, Navy, Pink, Cream, White, Mauve, Grey and Figured, 15e., 25c., 35c., and 50c. yd, LINENS,;AND BEDFORDS Real goocl for thisseason;.' very serviceable -Blue, Tali, White, Cream, . Pink, Fancy,- 15c., 20c., 25c., . to 50c. a yd, NEW RATINE' All the rage. Colors of Blue Tan. Brawn, Pink and Navy. Nice fos-`dresses or suits -25c., 35c. 50c., .$.1.00 .a yd. GINGHAMS & CHAMBRAYS All kinds Colors and Pat- terns. Good Washers for lad- ies or children's dresses,- Al- ways good to wear. Ladies Coats and Suits $12 & $15, SUITS • 1 -lave you seen our Nevt$12 ail $15 Suits, They • are beauties - Different colors. HOUSE FURNISHINGS House-cleaning is the order of the day. You will want sntnething new for yotsr home New Rugs, all kinds and sizes. New Curtains, Blinds, Curtain Muslin, Linoleums, & Oilcloths. $10 & $12 COATS A trace showing of Spring Coats at $10 and $12, No two alike. All sizes. MEN'S and BOYS SUITS All the. New Spring Suits fox Men and Boys are here, They are a real nifty bunch. The Newest Cloths in the very best Patterns. Every sunt tailored right up-to-date. Have a look at them. ,ACNES & AlAy-• Headquarters for the celebrated W, E, Sanford Clothing