HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-4-30, Page 5DENTAL
Dr« q, N', ROULS ON, L.P.S , A.D,S.
14em$aer of the R.G.fj,S, of Qntario and
Honor Clradhate of Toronto I•>`dlf5:eraity.
Olfict)-Over Dickson & Gariiray'a
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
DR, . A. R. Kil'i441.411,
honor t:,raduate .or Toronto tititrexS y'
D E lay, I ST
Teeth extracted without pain, or any;
bad effects, Office over Giadman &
Stanbury's Office, Karin Street, Exeter.
So1u1tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-
missioners. Solicitors for the tflolerone
Sank. etc.
51oney to Loan at lowest rates of interest
offices—nradn-st, Exeter
1, R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount of private
fundsto loan on farm and village prop-
"ert"iee . at low rates of interest..
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter.
Agent Confederation Life Assuranc-,
Company. also Fre Insurance {n lead-
ing 'Canadian and BritishCompanies..
main -St., Exeter.
Thousands ota•nbitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own home 4 to
occupy lucrative posLti�n3 as sten'graphera,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in
fact every sphere of Business Aottvittes
You may finish at u,liege if you so wish
Positions guaranteed. E iter . college any
day, Indnidual instruction Expert toa-
oners. Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seven colleges, Spec.
ia1 ohne for beaches
Affiliated with Gurtiinerritii•.
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Summer Sehoo1 at famous
Spotton Business College, Lon
President 4Prinaipal,
--.,.- THE sole head of a family, or any.
mak over 18 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available l)omiat-
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
ij , Alberta . The applicant must appear
in perso t at the Dominion Lands Ag-
ency for the District. Entry by proxy
may be made at the office of anyLo-
cal Agent of Dominion Lands (not
sub -agent) on certain conditions.
Duties—Six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each of
three years: A ,homesteader may live
within nine miles of his homestead cn
a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain
conditiorns. A habitable _house is re-
ouired in every case, except when i e_
sideruce is performed in the vicinity.
In certaia1 districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre=empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi
deice in each of six ,years from :late
of homestead entry (including the tine
required to earn, homestead patent).
A homesteader who ' has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-eanption may take a prir---
chased homestead in, certain districts.
Price $3 per -acre. Duties—Must ie
side 6 ,months in each. of 3 years, cu-
ltivatc 50 acres, and erect a house
worth $300.
The area of cultivation, is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub-
by or stony land.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N.B.—Unauthorized publicationof
this advertisement will not be paid for.
t ,. t
"- ...isaaroana. C!ta.r.
Become a specialist it Business. .It
offers more opportunities than any
other calling. To reap the full:,neas•-
ure of success you must have the
bes possible training. This is Ont-
aric s Best Business"School. We give
individual attention. You may •inter.
our classes at any time, Three .:,.)e-
partments, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Write at once for our
free catalogue.
D. A; McLachlan, Principal
d'improperly prepared" young men
and women in their offices. Attend
Aonto,' Ont., —a school that has a
great.i•eptitatMn for superior moms and
for placiing many in choice positions.
Write for catalogue, •
le interested and should know
about the wonderful ingS fyya
1, Ask your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other, but send stamp for illus-
trated books 'sealed. A gives full
particulars and directtonsinvalu>tble
to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Wnidser,Ontr
General .,gents for Canada.
First of all it may be well .to men-
do a that "`Kephaldol" is the prescrip-
tiot,, of one of the world's greatest
,nerve specialists -,the famous Herr
Doctor,Stobr of Vienna,, Austria,
He has used "ICephaldal" in his
private practice and hospital clinics,
t i thousands- of cases of Headaches,Neuralgia Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neu-
ritis I.tGrippe and other forms of
Nerve Exhaustion.
The mere fact that Dr, Stohr ori-
ginated "Kephaldoi" is the only rec-
omniendation needed by most physic-
ismsandand surgeons to cornnlencl the
female to their attention.
"IKephaldol" is tate only pain reliev-
ins; remedy used by Dr. Stohr, be-
ause - it is the only one that does
no, affect the heart or other organs
and may be taken with perfect safety
unci a complete cure results.
`Tteph"aldo1" Tablets may be obtain-
ed ar mast drug stores in 50c tubes
or they will be sent on' receipt' of
price by Kephalclol Limited, .• 31 La-
tour St. Montreal -
A quiet wedding took place on Ap-
ril 18th, .at the .residence,. of 'kr, and
Mrs Johr, McEwen of McGillivray,
when their only slaughter Minnie was
married to Mr..Paris Anderson of
Aalsa Craig, . The groom's gift to the
brick. was a beautiful gold watch and
fob, The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. W. H. Geddes of Ailsa Craig
in the presence of only a few of the
'most intimate friends of the family.
VIr and Mrs, Anderson will reside at
The death took •place in, the Lon -
cion, 1-Iospital for the insane on Mon-
day .30th o.f John. J. Godkin, son of
Mrs Godknn, of the '7th Con, ofMc-
Gillivray. Deceased was only ill a
week He was a most industrious' and
well respected neighbor. He became
mentally deranged several years ;ago.
r sauce which time he has been in
London He .is ,survived by an aged
mother and two., sisters. His remains
were brought to .Parkhill for inter-
After a short illness Mrs. john
Reeded passed away at the home of
her son Frank on, the 16th concession
Deceased was born, in ,England over
65 years ago,. With hhr parents Mr
and \t's Isaac Johnson she came to
Canada 55 years ago and settled on
the 18th concession of McGillivray.
She is survivecl by herhusband and
one son Frank. ...
SEAFORTH,—A very quiet but
pretty wedding took place at 'fnger-
soll on Tuesday afternoon, April 21,
when Miss Ada Marshall of Ingersoll
became the bride, of Mr. Arthur Wii-
oughbv of the Seaforth 'News staff.
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer from bleeding,
itching, blind i,r protruding
Piles, send me your address, and
1 will tell you horn to cure your
self at hone by the absorption
treatment ; and will also send
some of . this home treatment
free for • trial, with references
from your own locality if re-
quested. Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured. Send
no money, but tell others: of
this offer. Write to -day to Mrs.,
M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor,;
No 1VIore
For lie
This can be your
experience if you
use Chamber-
lain's Tablets—
they cure head-
aches by remov-
ing the cause--
ause-not by smothering the symp-
toms—woman's surest cure for
Woman's most common ailments.
.Try them •25c. a bottle. u.
Druggists and Dealers, or by-rnaii.
Chamberlain Medicine Co:
Toronto 2
DR. DeVAN'SFRENCH' PILLS brAte. elia:,
gulating .,'ill for Women. $5 a box or three tor
510. Sold at all Drug Stores. or mailed to any
address onrceeiptof price. Ting Stearn. Daus
Co,, St, Catharines; Ontario.
Vitality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "gre)*.
matter"; a Tonic—Will build you up, 53 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
ofprice• Tris Scosgr,x Duro Co., St. Catharines.'
Homeseekers Excursions
Round Tickets to points in Manitoba'
Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chic -
ego St, Paul or Duluth, on sale each
Tuesday until October 27, inclusive,
at lois rates. Through Pullman, Tour-
ist Sleepers to • Winnipeg on :tholes
dates leavin a Toronto; 11. p, m. No,
change of cars,'
The Grand Trunk 'Pacific Railway
is the, , shortest and gui,p]test rorate
betweel. Wiritdpeg, Saskatoon z nd 1~cl
mon,ton with excellent through ser-
vice to Regina. Trams now running'
into Calgary.
Full particulars at Grand Trunk tie...
ket Offices, or write C, E, 1 -forming,
D.P,A., Toronto, Ont.
N, L. DC)RE, Exeter.
'NEWS TOPICS OF 'WEEK way ,Commission.
Ones under the contrQi of the l�ai1-
A St. Catharine's man who refused
mportant Events Which Have
Occurred During theWeek,
L"he Bpsy World's Rappenings Care•
fully Compiled and Pat into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper --A
Solid Hour's CLnJoytnent..
A co-operative society has been
started an Welland an a store is to
The proposed Imperial navy de-
fence Conference has been indefinite-
ly postponed,
J. W, Evans; C. E., ,has been ap-
pointed, City Engineer for Belleville
at $150 per month,
The Conservation Commission and
City Planning Association will hold a
big convention in Toronto.
April 29, has been selected for a
meeting of the Hydro -Radial Union
of the Stratford district, The gather-
ing will be held in Stratford in the
Messrs. L. M. Hayes, K of
Peterboro, and Anson Spotton of Har-.
riston, were sworn in at Guelph as
Senior and Junior. Judges of Welling-
ton County,
A. Gundry, M. A., principal of
Strathroy Collegiate Institute, has
been appointedto fill the principal-
ship of Galt Collegiate Institute, va-
cant by the resignation of. Thomar
Ingersoll Boy Scouts gave a 'tine
display at their fourth annual con-
cert, which' was attended by Lieuten
ant -Governor Sir John M, Gibson,
Provincial Secretary H. G. Hammond
Provincial • :Commissioner' W. K,
George, and others.
Mr. Andrew Creig is kilted' and.
William Davidson is critical, injured
as a result of an accident near ` r
ton last night: Thy were, driving a
blind horse, took the wrong turn et
the top of the hill and drove baca.
over the rock, falling ab.-»ut 15 fee'.
F, 13. Bligh has for a third aerie
been elected Mayor of Halifax by
acclamation. His nomination weal
signed by nearly all the aldermen.
One of the Montreal •gunnxen was
Identified from photograph five mi'es
west from Coe Hill, Ont., Tuesday
and moving in direction of Clydes
Daniel McDonald, a former .un der-
keeper: , at the Halifax, N,S., city
prison, committed suicide by shoot-
ing himself. McDonald was involved
in an investigation.
Within sight of his .:_four sous,
Joseph Eddy, seetionman on the
C.P.R., was killed; in the railway
yarns at Mile End, Montreal. Ha
was struck by an engine.
The Senate divorce committee yes-
terday reported in favor of the peti-
tion of Mrs. Florence Merritt of To-
ronto for a divorce from ber hus-
band, Robert Norris Merritt.
Commander Evans, of the Scott.
Antarctic expedition, has received
word .from Buckingham -Palace; that
the King of Norway has conferred
upon him the order of St. Olaf.
Towns located along the banks of
the St. Francis River have been
flooded by a rapid rise of the water
consequent on the thaw. Mail is
being delivered by boat in some parts
of <Sherbrooke, Que.
"The unveiling yesterday of a
memorial to the engineers of the Ti-
tanic was witnessed by 10,000'peo-
ple at Southampton; Eng. The cere
mbuy was performed by : Sir ' Archi-
bald Denny,cthe Scottish shipbuilder.
Employes of J. P. Morgan "; Co.
yesterday received the pecuniary re-
membrance for faithful service order-
ed by the late J. Pi Morgan in his
will; the remembrance ,took the form
of one year's salary to -each employe.
• A Montreal woman 'was sentenced
to prison in New, York City, ,after
having pleaded guilty to a charge: of
petty larceny. • '
The workmen's compensation bill
in the Legislature yesterday passed
through committee and :'stands for
third reading.
Countess de la Warr obtained a
divorce yesterday in London from
the earl on the ground of desertion
and , misconduct.
Hormisdas Leaford of ` Belle Ri-
viera", Que., a lifelong. Presbyterian,
;was buried yesterday in the Roman
Catholic Cemetery. `
The Banking Committee of the
Commons yesterday, by a vote of 28
to 17, killed the bill of the Prudential
Life Insurance Co. of Canada, which
sought a Dominion charter.
°facers of the Queen's, Own Rifles
of Toronto held a unique dinner -last
night and flashed fraternal greetings
by cable to "The Buffs," who dined
at the same time in Ireland.
Wm. Smith and 3 -is 14 -year-old son
of Port • Ryerson narrowly escaped
with their lives when their team of
horses were killed and their wagon
smashed by a train at Sitncoe,
k'rank Robbins, aged 35, whose
home is in Mind River, was killed at
Hayne's stave mill at. Brigden yes-
terday when a stave flew, from a buzz-
saw ant[ struck him in the temple,
It is reported that 'several of the
cement plants in the Owen sound dis-
triet may not open for work 'this
Jesse Woods, a respected farmer
of Keppel Township, near Owen
Sound, hanged 'himself In his barn
while in a fit of despondency.
Miss May Davis has been awarded
$7,000 damages in the Davis-Wott-
Laufer breach of promise case in To-
ronto. Wettlaufer will appeal.
The. Temperance Federation , of
Hamilton, Ont„ will fight for license
reduction. They want 10 betel Pc
senses and stat shop licenses cut off,
A )npirnorial to the late Prof. Bell
of telephone fame, will be unveiled
in Brantford in the summer of 1015,
The total receipts frons all sources
tea the memorial have been $61,51.3.
The St. Catharines' Board of
Trade, at the instance of the lartilt
xrewers' Assoelatiott, has decided, to
raver the move to plant flavlgation
to let his name be published, found
$150 In bills, which had been drop-
ped by a lady, and stayed on the spot
where he found the money till the
lady,came back to claim It,
.[`$e McClelland hill, which would
have permitted Christian Science and
other practitioners who 'do not use
drugs to practice without submitting
to a .medical .examination, was vetoed
yesterday by Governor Glynn of New
York State,
For fidelity to the Premier in his
illness and his successful handling of
the Education Department, Hon, Dr,
Fyne was made the recipient of a
silver tea service and au address by
his associates on the Government
side of the Legislature yesterday.
A pet:tion is in circulation is Win-
nipeg asking clemency for Irafchen-
ko. It is believed that the petition
Will have 50,000 signatt-res.
The postofdee at Kingston has: held
up a batch of. "cps nish Prisorer" let-
tere and sent them back to the post -
office from which they came,
A . fire early Saturday •;naming
cleared out a number: of framebuild-
ing$ between East and Newgate
streets, Goderich. Tisa loss is $7,500.
One hundred and fifty Greek sol-
diers now in Montreal, :. hr served in
the war with Turk v have offer
their services to the 'United States
"Philippe Marty, a well-known avia-
tor, fell during a flight yesterday in
Englan,i at the Hendon aerodrome
and" died later as a result of the in-
juries sustained,
Thomas J. a• arratt, chairman of
A, & F. Pears, Ltd.) soap manufactur-
ers, died in Margate, ,ng. He was a
pioneer in extensive `-vertising: He
was 73 years old. -
Robt. H. Hc.rrisen, a sawyer of
Orangeville, was instantly kine
body being whirled around the shaft-
-ing of his mill and frightfully 'man-
gled, owing
angled,.owing to his clothing catching
in the belt.
Two men of Edmonton, James Law
and Morley Jackson, . were hired to
deliver Municipal Gazettes., They
burned many copies in a iuinace
the C.N.R. roundhouse, and were ar-
rested and fined $40 each.
While playing, on the 'overhead
tracks at the Lansdowne avefuessub-
way in Toronto yesterday afternoon,
four-year-old Roy Dilpbck, 32 Shirley.
street fell through the ties to the
pavement ' and died tater from his
Bishop Farthing of Montreal yes-
terday opened Woodstock's new
Nurses' Home in the presence of a
large and well -pleased audience.
Wabash passenger train No. 2, and.
a Grand Trunk freight, met in head-
oncollision at Newbury, Ont., yes-
terday morning. Nobody was hurt.
Ina; fit of despondency, Mrs, Mary
Gardiner, agefl 31, 212: `First avenue,
Toronto, drank carbolic acid. She
had been in ill -health for the past
four months.
Early, yesterday morning a' large
residence in Regent street, Welland,
occupied by Daniel Hobden as a
dwelling and boarding-house, was
swept .by fire.
A man broke into the Waterloo
Golf and Country Club at two o'clock
yesterday morning, but was overpow-
ered by the steward before he could
secure any booty.
The death occurred suddenly in
London, Eng., of Sir George Doughty,
M.P., a famous. Grimsby fish trader
who had many interests in Canada
and especially in British Columbia.
A cold wave struck the Western
Provinces Sunday night, Humboldt,
Sask., recording 17 degrees of frost,
and at most points in the three pro-
vinces the temperature went below
the freezing point.-
oint.,..Frank Dale, a Galt. workman, had
a narrow . escape yesterday when a
rifle bullet fired by somebody un-
known shattered a pane and imbed-
ded itself in the wall within a few
inches of where he stood.
"Black Knight," Temperance Orator,
Passes Away In York, Pa.
TORONTO, April 28.—News of the
death of Rev. J. H. Hector, universal-.
ly known as the Biaek Knight, at his
home, Yolk, Pa., has reached the On-
tario Branch of the Dominion Alli
ante. He was very well known in
Toronto, as in many other cities, as
an influential temperance speaker,
He was the son of negro slaves,
and although he had little education,
was a gifted. speaker. After fighting
as a volunteer in the Civil War in
the U. S., and being employed as a
railway .engineer, he became a min-
ister of the African Methodist Epis-
copal Zion Churdh.
Death , From Heart Failure.
GUELPH, April 28. --Death due to
heart failure was the verdict of the
coroner's jury at the death of Miss
Minnie Chrysler of Petrolea, the Mac-
donald Institutestudent, whose body
was found in a boarding-house on
Saturday afternoon.
Emperor's Condition Unchanged.
VIENNA, April 28. -- The official
bulletin on Emperor Francis Joseph's
condition issued last night says that
there has been no amelioration in the
catarrhal condition, but that in other
respects progress has been satisfac-
lasaC,P.R.:Oflicial Dead.
Ah,NPRtOR, April 28.—The 'death
has occurred here, after a brief ill-
ness, of O. F, Sinn, for many years
chief traveling auditor of the C.P.R.;
G. Maxwell Sinn, a member of the
Quebec moving picture board of cen-
sors, Itentreul, is a son of deceased.
Senatorship For Marconi.
ROME, April 28. ---Ding Victor
Emmanuel intends to nominate Wil-
liam Marconi a Senator at an early
date. Marconi has now reached the
age of 40 years, which makes• hilt.
eligible for that ;position. '
111` change may be critical and cause untold,•
sullterirag in after -life. The modern young
womah is often a "bundle of nerves" L-;~',highstrung,�
--fainting spells—emotional a-frequentlybine and
dassatifled with life. Such ,girls should be helped
pYer.,tis distressing stage In .life—by a woman's
e ''and nervines -that has proven -successful for
er.4Q' years;'
Pr.. Pierce
is a keen enemy to the•physja1
regular graduated physioiap at u Ps
aaorite Prescr
Carefully adapted"to work iris i artnnay
' It is now obts i#Iabl'.' liquid o
n Asses of woman, A' medicine prepared by
xperiencein t>)•eatingwoman sdiseases--
the most delicate feminine constitution.
sr -coated tablet. form at the
s for a trial box, to -Buffalo.
'drug store -or send a`one-cent st..
Evert woman may write fully and coniidenttally to
lir. Pierce and, his staff .of physicians and Specialists
at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, I3uffalo,
fur conacrentious, confie sure dentat ial consideration, considse eration, anill r1 that
experienced medical advice will be given to her free.
and invigorate stomach, /liver and bowelr.'
iSagar soared, tiny granules easy to take as Tandy.,
Miss Clara Eleischauer caa -Stratford
spenr`a teen' days with relatives :and
friends here,—Rev, G. F. Brown will
recta n is town for another term: -
Daniel Gascha has moved back into
F` Hess dwelliing next the bowling
green.—Mrs, Wm. Rothernlai of Dash-
wood is visiting her pase}its all.. and
Mrs. C. Keller,—Fred Hess el i,oru-
don, was in town. last week,—Miss Myr
tie Hiles of Atwood has been engag-
ed to teach in S, S. No. 11 an the
Bronson • Line, the next school year.
Taste the Difference
FLOUR for one baking
and every ,> ..ember of the family
y. m
will taste 'the difference. Your
Bread will be richer and finer flavored
and your buns, rolls, cakes and pies will
be pronounced delicious. The Grocer is
authorized to refund your money if
PURITY does not give you absolute
Sold by R. G. Seldon, Exeter.
Not a Useless ' lrrtoxicant, but a
with dietetical and medicinal uses
if not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write
Nobody Here!
Guess 1'Il help Isiys
.,..,,.r a, ..,