HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-4-30, Page 4•
17 C R A 13 L .-Fire rates are three -sided;
last three times as long, Shaped in the
to grind up clinkers
arnacv when "rocked'. See
theMcClary Mc ary deale r or
write for booklet. sz
T. Hawkins & Son, Local Agents
he Ford := the Lightest,
Surest, 3/lost Economical-
the very essence of auto-
mDbiling-and all r°Canal n•
lea.:t h o ti
T 600
f, ++. h. Fara
Onat•t o •.
Get particulat's from Vee. Seen, agent.
titer otic sates
Sander:: & Creech, Proprietors
Lt advance $1.00 per year in Canada
a1,5t in' United States. If not paid
in advance 50c. extra per year may
be charged
T f1JRS„ APRTL 30, 1914.
The conclusion of the budget de-
bate -was a fiasco, This was the :great
debate which was to exhibit to the
people of Canada the Liberal oarty in
the geese of free-traders. All through
the: weeks of talk we had heard the
duties upon foodstuffs described as
the Teas cause of the high cost of 1 v-
ing Remove the duties on food and
the People will be able to live cheap-
er was the argument. It was the great
new policy of SriWilfred Laurier.
Heralded first in Hamilton, end later
at Montreal, and announced ever and
over again on the floor of the House,
the country had come to believe that
Sir Wilfred Laurier was in earnest
A11 that remained to be done to -ap
the climax was to, have the :sriaiciple
embodied in the amendment. But he
did not do -so. The great free food
policy war snowed under. To the a-
mazement of the government, %diose
representative .the Minister of Fin-
ance had challenged him to 'ring it
along Laurier made no reference to
The meaning of the omission is
clear The Liberal party is io't a .in -
it on any policy, and in particular is
at logger -heads regarding the tariff,
There are in the Liberal party many
protectionists, just as wholesouled ..s
any prateceionists in the Conserva-
tive party and they will break no
interference with the tariff. They de
cline to allow Sir Wilfred to move his
"free food" amendment, and 'he was
compelled to' give away,
Official trade figures for the • 12
months of the fiscal year ending
lerarcb 31. last were issued by the cus-
toms department, and show a grand
tatsfar the year of $1,112,562,107, a
record ea Canadian history.
The total trade of the precedav
year which was up to then the high
water mark .was $1,068,660,225.
The feature of the year recently
closed is the enormous increase "n ex -
parte; of Canadian produce, the total
being $431.589.658 an increase of $80
00G,000 over the precedmg year. The
imports of the other hand, which a-
nlotunted to $618,328,774, showed a des
crease from the prel ous year: of a
tittle over .$50,000,1100:
The biggest increase in exports was
in agricultural products, which rose
$,48,000,000 over the prev:oue •leer.
Maeuiacturcrs jumped $14,000;000 end
ti'sherie.s showed ,an increase of 34,-
Heise e-odus from the Liberal ;car-
ts beeps up much longer Hon, Frank
Oliver will be left alone in his 'seat
just like when they sang the National
„Tbra Grits are 'accusing the BardenGovernment of degrading the Trans-
continental:Railway, whereas the Grits.
did al' -they could to degrade the pub-
lic life of Canada.
Sine- -fa ° Liberals want free imple-
ments aid the Conservatives have cut
the duty at avould seem that Sir Ly -
mart Jones is without a party, Plow -
ng a lonely furrow; as it were.
die are h,. receipt of an invitation
to. the citizens of North Battleforcl
to attend an At Home given in con-
nection with the opening of the new
Connaught school of which Mr, Jos.
Bawden an Exeter Old Boy, and one
of the proprietors of the North Bat-
tleforcl News, is a member of the
Board of Trustees and the honored
chairman. of that board. It is a pleas-
ure for us to note the advancement
of our young men to honored posi-
tron: throughout the world, and they
are=:nat a few.
British. Fleet May Be Increased In
Mexican Waters.
LONDON, April 28.,—The British
Government has had under eonsider
ation athe possible necessity of
strengthening the British Beet in
M:exican waters, in order to insure the
protection of British subjects 'and
property. Nothing has been yet defi-
nitely decided and inview of the lat-
est news from Mexico it is hoped by
officials that it will be unnecessary to
send more war vessels there.
According -to information received
by the Government the danger which
threatened British subjects in Mexico
has Largely passed, but any recur-
rence of that danger will probably be
met by the despatch of a sufficient na-
val force to protect British subjects
and their property,
U. S. Population Is 98,000,000.
WASHINGTON, April 28. -- Con-
tinental United States now has a
population of more than 98,000,000
while the country with its posses-
sions is peopled with more than 109,-
000,000 persons; the census bureau
announced yesterday. Census ex-
perts have ealculated than the popu-
lation of • •continental united States
on Suly 1, 19 14, will be 98,781,324,
against 91,972,266 on April 15,
1910, when the last census was tak-
an.. ll'or . the 'United Statesand its
possessidns they estimate that popu-
:ation this July will be 109,021,992,
olnpared with 101,748,269 in` 1910..
yDloo_lt of Mother's ieeetii lfills Ntua't,
LONISON, Ont" April 28, Sto%it
eonsequont upon ",ho death of ter'
Loslee at Ortllia, catrple.ci; with -l'11 ,
lr ltltl , ' at.t.:nJ the death:feared heart
iieersee of °113,e.r l frftrdlnc, far many
�Eaylr.c+"nueeted wt',h ths' Sisters o4
enaaessefeareef this city, The body
was lirxlt , s l t nEyre e t hr. funs
tl �t*ei,.N'.hetd stet the eases hour
Mrs H. highs spent a few da °e last
week visiting with herr sister n1rs
Spencer at St, Thomas,
A � Lsse, t -t ea
Ira ry spent , few 1 y s
visiting relatives and friends in Lem -
41r, Richard Handford n the
mend and able to ,be outbed for
a few hours each day, le on
Thursday last was" a. successand
good prices were .realize nearly
everything. The propertynot
sold and we learn that n. Col -
will has leased it for a,t
i1'1rs Hr Fry has been' r the
doctor's care with a severeattack of
quinsy, but is getting be.
LR r, and Mrs, D. O'Brien a few
days visiting relatives in don and
Mr .John Broajn is on ick list
is o
His sr
d 'for
Mr, Jo'n
ri splen
and confined to the house for a few
The Colwill brothers were called to.
Exeter on Monday evening, their
Lather, Mr. John Colwill having taken
a slight stroke of paralysis.
Everyone seems to be looking far -
ward to the annual celebmation in this
peaso aa, the 3rd of June, and this
year prenares to be even better than
anything we have ever had, The day
will be opened with a monster eel-
ithumpian: parade and already the boys
are getting their plans arranged, This
year the Dutchmen will put on a new
variety and it will be fun and amuse -
for the onlooker such as was lever
seen here before. The horse rac,ng
and ball game well be fully up to the
stani bed and }iteral prizes will be a-
warded.—The energetic trustees of
this place have decided to install an
electr e. fight Malt and have already
got the poles. :i. position, and will in
a few days have everyth_n* in readi-
ness when, .:t it proves sat.tsf:actory,
tbe 'place well be well lighted up,
Mr Henry Bossenberry has hired a
good mart to ass;st him with his
string of racers.
Found Dead: Mr.: Chas. Widmer of
Zurich was found dead at the home
oa 1Lr John. K. Ehlers .on Turesday
morrning. He had been engaged to do
some papering there on lelonday and
in the evening he went outside, and
Mr. Ehlers thinking he hacl ;one to
the village to remain over night as
was his usual custom, retired only to
find his lifeless body at the entd of
the woodshed in the morning: The
coroner impanelled a jugyy who deem-
ed is necessary to leave a post ' mor-
tem examination before bringing in a
verdict. Undertaker Hoffman .of Zur-
ich removed the body to his under-
taking rooms at Zurich,where the
post mortem will be held.,
Mr .and Mrs, Oke of Exeter : and
Mr and: Mrs. Garnet Miners of, Elim-
vile spent Sunday hese the guests of
ti -Li• and Mrs. Thos: -Morley.—Mr. and
Mrs, Hector Millsosn and Mr, end Mrs,
J; Wright spent Saturday and Sun-
day ren London,—Miss Adelaide .Park-
inson spent a fewdays here with
relatives.—Horse buyers • have been.
around Isere and picked up all ' the
old "plugs'• available and intend, ship-
ping them out to the West—Several
of our stung men were in St. Marys
an Tuesday and brought home 'their
new buggies, We would judge'' from
the fine drivers the boys all have and
the dandy new buggies that our :young
}'ladies are:' going to be treated to some
1 fine outings this summer, -New spring
1 heart gear and coats were quite in
ev-idence last Sunday. -Miss Olive:
Gunning visited friends in London
Friday of last week.—The fall wheat
through thls section. of the ,country
like many other places is looking rath-
er poor ; and finless the weather be -
carries warm it mall not amount to
% much Seetlene is well under way end
some odd farmers are about done. -4
it is not hard to know that tnotber
and ."sis" are house-cleaning. :, There
is the pa;acted flootr, the papered wall
and pocq- Charles has to content him-
self out ea the back kitchen and wait
for his evening meal..
. AILSA CRAIG,—The explosion. of
i a lamp et ^thee home of David Torrance I
Apra, 22 at 1,30 resulted in a fire
that completely destroyed the build-
ing and contents. Mr. Torrance, who
lived alone ;clad occasion to leave the
house and turned, the lamp down,
Shortly after a loud explosion, was
heave and flames burst through 'the
windows ,The' loss is estimated at
$500. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glenn, Sr;, are
at Brucefield v.'sitia; their son Geo.
—Mr. Stewart McQueen,recently i,ur-
ceases from Mr. Miller of Stoufville
a very fine Short -horn bull, which, no
doubt will improve the stock in this
vicinity Stewart is to be congratul-
ated on his purchase.—Mr. Aldiington
had a plowing bee recently on his new
fare which he purchased from Mrs.
Miller.—Miss Myrtle Ryckman, has
made application as organist of the
Methodist Church at Chiselhurst. We
hope she may be successful in, getting
it,.—House clew ang is the .eider of i he
day wall the geaitlerr sex; and the
men are on the land as the seeding'
is late.—Mrs. F. G. Hemery Mitchell
spent the latter part Ul last Week with
her parents here, Mr. 'and Mrs, Jahn
McQueen. -Mr. Fred Ellerington has
purchased 'a fine' stock horse cram a
man in St. Marys, to re -place the
oae that died,—Mer, and Mrs, 'Thos.
Dickson Seafcrth, visited at les.
Broadfoot's oat Sunday.—Mr. 13ordon
Bottom had, a gravel bee last seek.
He is prepareaes to build an addition
to See barn. this summer and is' start-
ing in good time.—Mr. Jahn McQueen.
was :,e the Forest City on Friday
last visiting his ,daughteir, Mary.—Miss
Ray Horton. has returned from .eea-
fortis and will reaul n for some time.
&RAND RE' le
11;, Ed. Gill, jr., lost a valniable
cow ane ..day last week, site: having.
choked eating, chop. --1113% Jos:i3ren-
ne.;.hacl his verandah fixed last. week.
I)emus Stihbins, is an the sick
list—ear, P. Baker and George Down
were in Idensall last week. h1r.
Abe i)isjardine is pleased over the
arr''ral ce, a son on April .26th,—Mr..
"I, 1 tlabeiner of Shipka was in our
btsres c s, it onclray.---Messrs. Jos. • l3rce-
ner and son Ez ra. were in Hensel'
last Wcrinestiay, -- Mr. Ira Stihbins
is with appendicitis,—Mamie Craw-
fae3 ,tt on the sick list.---Mvlr, Ross is
intpersveet; his property by putting a
new verandah to^his house.
$loo , Reward $10O.
rhe readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease the science'
has been able to u.ure' in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. . troll's Qatarrh Cure is the only positive
cute now known to the medteal fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease requires a copstitti"
tional treatment. Ball's Catarrh curers talon ha
ternally, acting directly upon the i,loocl and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby deetroyiug the
toundatt ou 01 she gisease, and giving the patient
strength by bnilding'tip the constitution and assist-
ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so lunch faith in its curative powers that they, offer
One hundred boilers for any case ,that it tails to
Cure. Send tor list of testimonials
Addre9s P. J. Uta E N EX Ss 00., Toledo, 0.
sew by all Druggists, 75 cents,
Take Hall's Family fells for constipation.
Miss Ella Ortwein, who was ?aid up
for a few clays, has recovered.—Miss
Agnes Slaxray has returned lroan To-
ronto where, she has spent several
months.—Cow owners are retaking
preparation for tuning their animals
on the streets in Mays—Mr..Porterfield
and family intend moving to Harriston
at, the end of the month, -A. McPher-
son who was somewhat under the
weather last , ireek,_ is recovering.—
John E McDonell was in town :ast
weer: int connection with the late Geo
McEwen estate;—Mr. and Mrs, 'McAl-
lister will move shortly unto the farm
recently ,purchased from Mr. Porter
fseld.-Joba Caldwell has sold his e0
acre,#arm stn Tuckersmith to John .tele -
Lean and intends moving West.—Rev;
Mr. Miller Lutheran minister at Zur-
ich wile preach the Preparatory ,ermon
in Carmel church on Friday, May 15.
SCHOOL REPORT of $. S. No, 5,
Usborne —Sr. IV.—T. Ford 592, M
Moodie 529 F. Higgins 526, H. Mois
522 G. McFalls 477, Jr: IV.—A., Boa-
ter 372' E Kleinfeldt, 4338, R. Perkin
304. III. A. '.Ford 457, L. Hicks 444,
M„ Ford 411 C, Fisher 363, 0, Moii
363, G. Perkins 330, A. Fisher 253. Sr
II:. R Ratcliffe 401, Violet Ratcliffe
341 E.:Plei:nfeldt'287, T. Yellow 224.
jr II., G , Moir 256, G. Ford 164,—Geo.
TJlatwsoai. teacher.
Protect the Heart
From Rhaumatism
Weakening of the blood tissues by
continued at acks of Rheumatism af-
fects the heart ..and produces compli-
cations which result. fatally. RHEUMA
puts the blood in condition to ward
off other. diseases and eradicates the
Rheumatic conditions from the whole
system Recommended for all ,forms
of Rheumatism. 50 cents at W S.
Cole's. This letter will convince you
of its great value,—
"For nine weeks I was unable to
work owing to my feet being badly
swollen from Rheumatism: l:eiso suf-
fered severe pains in the back. After
using two bottles of RHEUMA the
Rheumatism has entirely` left ;ne."—
F , H. Morris, Fort Erie, Ont.
CAPITAL, $15t000,000 REST, $13,500,000
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Cotntnerce,, are a safe, convenient
and inexpensive method of rea:itting, Small sums of money. These•
Orders, payable without charge at any bank. in Canada (except in,
the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the Mailed $tates,.
are issued at the following rates
$5 and under .. 3 cents
Over 5 and not exceeding $10 3
4t 10 l/•' II 30
.{ 89 „ if 50 - .:. 15 `•
should be trade by means of our SPECIAL FOREIGN DRAFTS and MONEY
ORDERS. Issued without delay at reasonable rates. 528
•,DXk7TEIt .BRANCH -"G. L. WATJGki, ni,anaeer, Branch eIsa at Crediton
The' MoIsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve $8,700,000
TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ....,, , , ... Issued
BANK MONEY ORDERS ,,..., .,,.:.:,. ... , ..:
at al Braneb:es. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter fortiae:Dominion Government.
DIOSsoN & CARLING, Solioitors, N. D. HURDON' Manager,
You are . Protected
When you buy "FROST FENCE" because it backs you up with an en-
viable reputation, You never seepoor FROST FENCES" because thereare
none. Every rod wins your approval...
The Frost Wire Fence Company are the only firm operating their own "✓
drawing and galvanizing mills. That's why right materia onlygoes' into
Frost Fences,.
'Let me quote you on. these fences that have running wires of even leng-
th, stays straight and evenly spaced, wire all full size and heavily galvan-
ized, The "FROST" lock is absolutely the surest woven lock on any
fence - It does not sliip and does not weaken the lateral wire with a kink.
All styles, also GATES and FANCY • FENCES. The Frost Special wo-
ven wire Lawn Fence is their "newest' line. Get a catalogue.
S. ANDREW, Agent, Centralia
Agency for Gumn's Fertilizer -none better on the market.
SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint..s
�'repared, This
is the
bestglut for:. ou to use because
p� it is made of
pure materials—pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil,
andure coloringpigments ments
P g � which are thoroughly
mixed andrc
g and • in scientific proportions or+,ion,s , b
powerful machinery.
It is better than th.e old fashioned hand -
It is better xllu Qd p .int because
---- the materials are put together according to correct chemical
formulae which have been tested out in a practical way.
Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly °1'0 ore surface than
50 - m ,
hand -mixed paint.
It is more economic.l SWF. is an economical paint because it will
.,... �...._._ cover the greatest amount of surface, wear
longest, and look best.—Ask us for color cards.
rOst Fence
lin aa�lal�s`-�
k� i+ar�
114 lopitimultoM
o �;� � ick.i
- two �liid�
, i i iii
.ue II.•,.,Jf•••,L, rl.J:vl"?,
The fence that can be :
depended upon,
rkr�'•Y v.. .1 NG lJr4r.,ti:•., n�f M1lnl ::� fine;:..Veer, l..; (,..,,, ,.,• .,trJu
° Looks as Neat When Stretched
the Posts as It Does in the Picture
You are . Protected
When you buy "FROST FENCE" because it backs you up with an en-
viable reputation, You never seepoor FROST FENCES" because thereare
none. Every rod wins your approval...
The Frost Wire Fence Company are the only firm operating their own "✓
drawing and galvanizing mills. That's why right materia onlygoes' into
Frost Fences,.
'Let me quote you on. these fences that have running wires of even leng-
th, stays straight and evenly spaced, wire all full size and heavily galvan-
ized, The "FROST" lock is absolutely the surest woven lock on any
fence - It does not sliip and does not weaken the lateral wire with a kink.
All styles, also GATES and FANCY • FENCES. The Frost Special wo-
ven wire Lawn Fence is their "newest' line. Get a catalogue.
S. ANDREW, Agent, Centralia
Agency for Gumn's Fertilizer -none better on the market.
SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint..s
�'repared, This
is the
bestglut for:. ou to use because
p� it is made of
pure materials—pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil,
andure coloringpigments ments
P g � which are thoroughly
mixed andrc
g and • in scientific proportions or+,ion,s , b
powerful machinery.
It is better than th.e old fashioned hand -
It is better xllu Qd p .int because
---- the materials are put together according to correct chemical
formulae which have been tested out in a practical way.
Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly °1'0 ore surface than
50 - m ,
hand -mixed paint.
It is more economic.l SWF. is an economical paint because it will
.,... �...._._ cover the greatest amount of surface, wear
longest, and look best.—Ask us for color cards.