HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-26, Page 8EXE "E'R 1 BV `CICATE, '1I ITTIt$11AY MARCH '26 1 14, EXETER MARKETS. eNGED 14.'.0 WEDNESDAY. IN seta ,.,.,,,:, .,,, 1 00 1.0 :is!•1 w.v„, ,,. ,. , . „ 45 5 Duels wheat 48 48 7 87 gages...,, es �y•, , • 90 00 Patel oes, Per bag .., . , :T 75 90 gag , +.ertone ,,r,...R,,,, 14 00 14 00 F,laur. per cwt„ famtily 2.55 F ._.lours low grade per ow• 1 50 1 .sneer„ • .... , , • p2S 24 .. ti..11,10r• . #41,41111, .• , •• ,. •. 10 21 Per rt . 25 00 see, hogs, pep ewt . , . , , , S 00 oirta a as Bran• penton „ .. , .. , .. ,. 24 00 PROPERTY FOR SALE Tore storey brick house on ';fain Street Exeter;. in, good state of re- pair Two lots of land. Good staole Number of fruit trees. Choice prop- erty Apply to Mrs. Wm. Ceelmore an the premises. FOR SALE. T H McCallum offers for sale his. 'house end three lots, A nice home at a reasonable price: For informa tier•, apply to Mrs, G. Brooks; next door or Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer FOR SALE 40 hens, .2 years. old; 4.0 Pullets, Barred Rock, Model Farm Strain; also Baby Chicks in quantities to mit purchaser is a few weeks time. The prices are reasonable. Write me your wants:—W A. SAMBROOK, Crediton,, ONION CONTRACTS Anyone wishing to sow onions on contract please call on. T. G. Sanders, Exeter, for terms and., conditions. CANNING FACTORY ACREAGE, V1 r. are ,now ready to ::ontract with f.rmers.to grow peas and corn tor: the •fac tory for the season, of 1914. ::all at the factory and arrange for acreage S. M. SANDERS, .Manager •SEED OATS .& BARLEY FOR SALE.—The undersigned has a quan- tity each of first-class seed Oats- L incolr. White -and barley --O. A, • • C. 21—for sale. Guaranteed clean. John Hirtzel Crediton, Ont. .NOTICE N tice is hereby given to Issuers of 'fr'are age licenses that I forbid the i ss ; of a license 'far the marriage of See le hack, as she es not of legal age, ;,_:;, any person doing such will be eic,sc..uled accords to law, ' t._AS• ..MAC, Starbuck, Mee., HOUSE FOR SALE. °A one -storey Frame House. and Kitchen;. also stable, two lots, 108. and 109, . situated . an Andrew street. ,Exeter Will be sold reasonable. For farther particulars apply by mail to Ed. GUI Sr., Grand Bend. . DRIVER FOR SALE.—Good, quiet farmer's driver, corning six years old Apply to A. S. Deavitt, Exeter.. BEAUTIFY. YOUR. HOMES Be HANGING GING NEW PICTURES calf Price. Sale of a bigassortment of New Framed Pictures, all worked in plain figures and for sale at Half ?rice . We invite you to call and have a loose at those pictures. Some one c.f them will no doubt appeal to yogis and you can buy the same at sus: half the price marked. J. SENIOR SEED OATS FOR SALE The undersigned has a limited quan- tity of choice White Oats, first im- ported from Scandinavia and guar- anteed clean. Price reasonable. JOHN G, WEIN, Crediton P. O. FOR, SALE. House and Lot on Carling Street and vacant lot on Simc;oe Street. 13 storey brick house on. Carling Street containing 8 rooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen and pantry, 3 bed- rooms up -stairs, 1 below; hard and soft water; frame barn.; a number' of fruittrees, a very desirable property being nicely situated; very suitable far a retired fanner. For terms ap- ply to J. W. Taylor, or B. S. Phillips auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. HORSES.—We are always open to buy good horses at current prices. Parties having horses to sell please call Phone 41, Exeter. DOYLE BROS Exeter. F0 a SALE—In Clandeboye—Brick haws. orchard, stables, and 15 acres lannd.:enply W. A. Jones,. 206 Percy St. Ottawa. Get your TUNGSTEN LAMPS at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. PROPERTIES FOR SALE I have several choice residential properties in Exeter for sale. Des- crip'.ian and terms on application, A. HASTINGS, Exeter HOUSE TO RENT.—One acrd •a half sto: y brick cottage, in good condi- tion with furnace, Conveniently sit- uate.l, Good garden and a number of. feu trees. Apply at this office. FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick house, half acre land; Fruit trees, heti house on the prem- ises A good comfortable place. For particulars apply to Mrs. E. Demp- sey. Centralia,. FARM FOR SALE A choice farm of 100 acres for sale, being Lot 23, Coin. 10, Stephen. There IS on the premises a new brick house. two storey ; new batik barn 44x64, hen house andpig pen., young voung orchard ; 10 acres of bush; 40 plowed; 10 acres seeded to alsikeand five acres fall wheat, good hard and soft weter and wi.tidmill, Waterworks to Samgabluel Beever, Daon ehwood;1,rdrite. 'LOCAL DOINGS. 4 The first of the ,spring weather is here, etaad the robins are back ir, aumbefs. • loan. Harry 13etrll�ag has disposed ofhis' fine driver and later purchased R Mr, Frank Mailed, $r., has moved to Hatter's, Sanders Street. Perty County Temperance people Mt': a.. Martin is moving to his house leave decided to eater a Scott ,ect on Elizabeth Street. Campaign with the object of submits deg i; to a vote this fall. Albs Brickwood Tuts taken a sittta,- tiota le W'. W, Taman's• taller .shop, Mrs Alex. Dow entertajped a puna- ber :oi friends on the evening of the aeveateenth March.. The little daughter of Mr, and Mrs Joha Huakin is recovering; from, her reeett severe illness. efr Richard Welsh shipped a ear - load of horses to Winnipeg Tuesday, He accompanied theist. A Canadian Club was formed at Goderich last week with Rev, J. B. Fotheringham as president, The farm of 'the, late Thomas M, Case was not sold on Satuirday, the reserve bid not being reached. i1Lr and Mrs, Ghe.s; Daynian... of the 3rcl concession of Usborne entertained a number of friends on Monday even- ing, Dr. Strang, who is the guest of rel- atives in this neighborhood, gave a talk in Cavell Church Sunday morn- ing on his missionary work in the west. Mr and Mrs, F. E. Willis returned Friday from a visit. in London, St. Thomas and Aylmer,. While in Lon- don they. attended •the Workmen's Banquet. • Mr Emerson Cornish has moved to a house belonging to Mx, Cottle on Aima. Street, and 14 Lr. White' has mo- ved to the larger house ac ross the sam S street. The Blatchford farm, corner Thames Read` and London Road, which was sold under mortgage on Thursday last was purchased by Mr. Robt. Sil- lery..ot Usbor.ne for $6500. DENOUNCE. CHARITY SEEKERS A dispatch recently published said that beggars in Turkey had establish- ed a'trade unio n. with about bout 1 0,000 m em hers. arid that oftis• `iion had evidently made their way to America. Simultaneously with this publication the Charity. Organization Society of New York, issuedabulletin warning the :public against a band of solicitors who had established head- quarters in . Rector street. The . bul- letisi said,— "They are frauds and confidence' men who make contribu- tors to charity their prey. By national it they 'are Syrians, Americans or Chaldean. They will show .aprospect- ive'victim photographs of a -church or orphan asylum; or other institution strpposedly conducted by them in Tuckey. Usually these collectors .pock- et -the money they receive. BIG• TIME. -The Masquerade Car - . and Burlesque Hockey Match out on by the Curling Club on -Thins- day evening last in the local -rink was. the' occasion, of a big time to every- body who attended the affair. The crowd` was very large and the curlers were delighted with the' patronagenc- cokdad them. The hockey snatch, refereed by, Teddy Bawdem and Tom Boyle was a most amusing affair; and resulted in a tie score. The players were members of the curling, club and were attired in. every conceivable kind of costume, shod in shoes, and rubbers and armed with brooms, while, . the puck was a fottbal%, The game was funny to both spectators and play- ers: but the latter had all the after effects in the shape of tired, stiff, and sore limbs for the next few days The prizes were awarded in the carn- ival events to the following,— Gent's Comic Costume,_ e"Jeff” Will Davis; "Tramp;', ,Gordon Bedford; Ladies' Coneic "Carrie Nation", W. ,J. Stath- am; "Gid About Towuv" Geo. Ander- sone .Historical, "Pocohantas Miss Ludo Martin; 'Pauline' Johnston" Miss B. Quance; National, "Brittannia" Miss. Lillian Boyle; "Turkish Boy", Will, Manson; Graceful Skating,.Lady and Gentleman, R. Southcott and Birdie Boyle elaurice. Senior.astd Mary Ach- eson; Open Race, Will Snell, Bert. Rivers; Special, "Girl" Beverley A.ch- eson; The prizes were'very handsome and were donated by the merchants of town, who have the thanks of the curlers for their generosity. ,41r. A. Walters as "General Villa" and Mr. N: D. Hurdon as "Chief Bissett" took a prominent part in creatingand in abating trouble during the game. The judges were W. W. Taman, J. A. Stewart and R. N. Creech. The line-up in the Hockey Match was; -"Sunflowers" -Captain., Thomas Newell. G. Anderson, F, Trucker, W. Gillespie J. Chittick, R. Seliery, B. Piper; against the "Wallflowers"— Captain _AI Wallflowers"—Captain_AI M. Doyle, D. Dew, E. S esti, D Russell, G, Huedon, J.Waiper A Stewart. HODGSON—COBBLEDICK A. very pretty wedding was solemn- ized March 19th, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. David :.Cobbledick, when her daughter Annie was united in snar- ria.ge to Frederick Hodgson, of Van- tourer. B. C. The bride was given away by her uncle, Walter ICeddy. T.be wedding march was played by Miss S Keddy. The bride looked, pret- ty in a princess dress, trimmed with silk aplique, The happy couple were unattended. After a wedding supper the party Ieft for New York. After their wedding trip they wilI'return to Exeter for a few months, then move 1111. Hodgson's ho'ne:,ixn British Colum- bia HICKS MARCH FORECAST'S,.-- A reactionary storm period will '.ohne close on the heels of the preceding disturbances, causing the prolonged unsettled conditions to break into stoeinr. of rain, turningto snow torth- ward on the next to the 27th, 2.86 and 29th Clearing, colder weather as March goes out, .A marked seismic period le central on the 11, inwoly- olvia- the 8th to the lath. Days 01 greatest earthquake probability are the lith 12th and 13th, Watch for reports The last seismic period for March is central on the 26th, -saver- ring the 23rd to 29th.. The 25th, 26th and 27th are the central critical :lays of the period. Mr. S. A. Poplestane, art old Exeter boy has been :elected to the Blyth Public School board, owing to the g `es}' � na t' n t eon of Dr. Charlesworth,the election h eines by acclamation, Mrs Robt. Gillies received a Ines sage yesterday announcing the . death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas 'Taylor, at Battle Creek, Mich.; Mrs. Gillies left last evening for that !dace to attend the funeral. . A. juvenile hockey team weat to I ensall on. Saturday morning ,and won oat in a good game, 3-0. Th'e Exeter players were, H. Rivers, goal; H,Boyle and G Wells, defence; B. Davis, ro- v 'er; ancl R. Fletcher, W. Manson, C, Mallett forwards. H, Axt refereed The I oai, Wm, Patterson, ex -Minis- ter of Customs of Canada, died, at the home of his daughter in. Picton on March 18; He was 75 years of age and had spent 39 years. in public life Canada. He was buried in Brant- ford, where he lived mostof his life. At the Agricultural Society Meet- ing on Saturday the president, Mr. E. Christie gave an address on the.,, do- ings of the meeting at Toronto last month, and 6t was decided" to have a standing grain competition its Fall Wheat, White Oats,,, and Silo Corn. Tuesday April 7th has .been, :elect- ed for the spa tial Temperance Con - vendor. for Hurpn County, when it is likely,a "Field Secretary" will be ap- pointed. The meeting will be aeld in Clinto'' at 10 a.m. Delegates • are ex- pected from every church- and enu,ai- cipality Mr, Caleb Heywood has purchased the dwelling and two lots. on Andrew street owned by Mr. Ed, Gill of Grand Benci and occupied by 'Me George Anderson ]\Ir. Hector Heywood will occupy- the house • after the 1st. rf April, while the purchaser contem- plates: ' erecting a new house on 'he vacant lot. . Ma: Thos. Russell, :who reeeacly moved to .St. Marys, was -married in Stratford by Rev. ,Colin Fletcher of Thames Road on Friday last to Vise Maggie Taylor of St. Marys.'. the evens being of a quiet nature and taking place at the home . of _ the sis- ter of the • bride, Mrs. Skinner—Only immediate relatives were present. During the -last -three_ or ,tour weeks the. curlers.. have been, playing loca, 'tournament games. Eight sinks 'W -ere" en the ;game, skipped by -T. H: Newell G. Anderson, W. W. Taman, Rev Collins, W. J, Heiman, R. G. Seldon R. W. Dinney, 'Jas. Taylor. They got down, to-.th.e•'finals on `Tues- day night when R. G. Seldon defeat- ed G. E. Anderson on very • luslry ice :14-8. The following clipped from the Sea - forth Expositor has reference to;: a former well-kno wn resident of Exeter "Enquiries were ere receistIYmade by ad- vertisement - vertisement in. the Toronto .dobe farthe whereabouts of one Tames Gillespie Alai:tin, as he is one ofthe beneficiaries to an estate in Perth- shire Scotland. This is the •cameof_ ow- wortbic°.tizeln, seer. James G. 'far - tin ' who .recently sold his farm in Tuckersmith and came to Seaforth' to. lied We hope 'he is the lucky man, as :t looks that way." GIRL WANTED,—:Apply at 'the Commercial House, Exeter, --b_— BROKE A RIB:—Mrs. Piper had • the misfortune of slipping on the ice, Saturday lastand falling against the, fence near her home• fractured one of her ,ribs,.and, as a.'resuilt..,is :now,con- fined to her bed, CARD OF THANKS,—Mrs. Solom- on. Jaques and family wish to express their sincere thanks for. the many kind nesses extended to them during the illness, and subsequent death of the late b?irsband and father. Mrs N. J. Dore is visiting in Walk- erton Mr. M. M Doyle was in London Monday on business. Mr. J ,G. Martin of Seaforth visited friends in town yesterday. Mrs, Bence left Tuesday to viisirt vis Brantford prior to joinin.g er husband in Buffalo. Misses Annie and Velma Easter- brooke returned Monday from a vis- it with relatives at Seaforth. Reeve Taylor and Councillor Bea-, vers left Wednesday evening •with 'he, Pig radial deputation for Ottawa. CANADIAN , -.. ,4ci►:°C a FIC HOMESEE.KER'l.tC✓S�'t. E X R S `O l v,7iJ To MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Titesd'ayt March 3 to October 27, inclusive. Winnipeg and Tretorn - $35.00 Edmonton arid Return - 43.00. Froni•Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Llitift two moeths, • REDUCED sE'1' PLEBS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL Settlers traveling with sive stock and effects should take sarraI:RS' SPACIAL TRAIN which leaves West 'Toronto each. Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL after Arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train from Toronto Union Station, eetticrsand littlest without five god' should use RI:GCILAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 A.m. DAXLY. Through ' Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Through trains Toronto to 'i•Vinniiteg and West. COLONIST •CARS °NALL TRAINS. No charge ter testes. Particular from a adiae Pacific t C u, a rents or write M. 0, Murphy, D,P,A., Toron o, T B;'CARLING, Agett, -Exeter Steal A March on Father Time DON'T LET ,GRAY HAIR MAKE YOLOOK. PREMATUPELX OLD Nothing will so quickly and surely rob a eraman of her charm as gray and faded hair, and nothing is so easi- ly preventable. � p e eatable, A. few applications of Hay's hair Health svill restore gray hair to its net nisi colour .and luxuriance,' It is not a dye, It. es a tonic that.stimulates and invigoxatesthe scalp and, hair roots to the proper performance of their functions thereby bringing back the original color of " the hair. It ewes dandruff. Your money will be refunded if it fails to do this, $1.00; 50c., 25c. Get et at our ;,tore. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED: BY W. S. HOWEY, DRUGGIST EXETER, ONTARIO Ernest Harvey has returned from Guelph, • Miss Susie Wambold visited in Stratford last ,week. Mrs. John Evans of •London is vis- iting relatives in, Exeter. 'Miss Olive Treble is visiting her. sister Mrs. A, Evans,.. in .London, Amy Wexler leas returned from Galt: where he has" been for, severa] weeks,• Mr, -J` H. Saunders of Toronto s is- ited for e. few days at the home of Mrs, Sheere. Mrs, Fred Bayley and 'daughter, Mr garet of London are guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Snell, Mrs, James Swin,ertoin of ' Kings- ville is. visiting with Mr. and, Mrs. S, J. Hogarth. • in Stephen: Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Mace of Wiemie' peg visited at the homeeof Mr. I. R: Carling for a.few days, Messrs, Frank Handcock and TVni. Arkansan, left, this week for the :west; after spendiutg' the winter in Exeter. Mrs ,D. John,s returned Friday from.. a visit of several weeks with her daughter. Mrs. W. T. Goodison, Sarnia • Me. and Mrs: T. J. Lewis of Tor- onto visited last week with their un- cle and aunt, Ma-. and Mrs. Silas Handford. Mr and Mts. Fred J. Sanders of Toronto are visiting with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ;en- ders Halon Street. " ' Miss Stella a,ad Melville Southcott were ins London over :Sunday, attend- ing the .,funeral of the , late rack.. Graham, who was burned to death. in the Woodbine fire at Toronto. • NOTICE A Gold Watch Almost Free will be sent to the person sending in the cor- rect answer to the following puzzle. Place the letters, o_ e' d 1 v o: g s i into woxdswbnclr will make, a well known Bible.. phrase. one the one semdvnbg in the Cirst correct answer we will send a gold', watch eiither lady's or gents':° With your answer write your name and address ,plainly and send 25c.: for cost of mailing watch. Get busy and answer to -day, Address all answers plainly. to Box 25, Dashwood, The prize winners' name and date answer was received will be published at close of contest. Cedar Posts 'for. Sale , gem— e We' have this .year the, finest ,tock of POSTS we have ever had, having nothing less than .ft inch at the small. end. G.. E, HICICS, Centralia Exeter North Store HAVING PURCHASED THE EXETER NORTH STORE (HAY P. 0, IN CONNECTION) I wish to say that I carry a fine stock of FRESH Groceries and Dry Goods y Anc' EVERYTHING that can ` be had in a GENERAL STORE; Also 3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat, Sausage, Etc., Etc. ' Give me .a call for • your next . order H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. Tea & Coffee Store re For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and; every- thing in the grocery. line, Call and see use A trial as to quality will convin- Ce' Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Eloetr^ie ugh Plant Change o. • aving purchased the Jewelry Business of M. A,'. Marchand we would ask a continuance of" thee. patronage accorded our p re E.tSS ora and if favored with same your wantswill have our best attention, It will be our endeavor to keepup our stock to where it will appeal to all classes of customers' and our aim will be to °ive erfect satisf ctio� �' p a n in all lines, • . A Call 'Solicited REPAIRING Special attention paid to repairing of all kinds • Lawson &` Trick ck Successors to A. Marchand Telephone Office NOTICE • All persons having acoounts with me prior to 1914 wil please call and settle at once as they are past due., R. 0. ROWE Undertaker and License . • Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER ='ONTARIO 1001 ,leir\s/mIsesemeetemereemiteoVii Choice Seed Peas Only limited quant- ity R. G. SELDON Exeter, --- Ontario • V T. B CABLING Lite, Bare, _4ccidbut and Plate Glass [neuranee, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales.- Teter; Ont. lie.A4vnca1e to .1111r, 15, JONES& MAY ,PHONE NO. 32 Millinery Display all this � week and following days we will place on exhib— ition the finest display of Spring "Millinery we have ever shown, • All .the Paris, New York & London Mod- els will be shown here in evertliing that is new. 'Vis- it Vis -it our show room. Nobby Spring Suits and Ladies' Coats They are, the best we have 'ever'' shown For Style, Fit, and Fabrics they are right up-to-date and no two alike. We want you to see, our Display, New Spring Dress Fabrics Tide will be the season for Novel ty Dress Goods. We have abig var- iety toshow-you in, the. best goods: anC newest colors, - ..Sillf Brocade Crepe Plain Silks Fancy Brocade Crepe Fancy Silks Plain & Fancy Crepe Plain Bedford's Brocade Beclfords Plain Poplins Brocade Retitle PIain Serges. Plain .Retina Silk & Wool Mixtures and dozens of other popular Dress Goods, 'TONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W, E, Sanfoud Clothing