HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-26, Page 7,4
Ilow to
'New St
nary. E
the wint
their he
often in
ways bad
home, CI
the stroll
thin and
ampurtii e
'with (lift
r ning
1when the
031±3 0± •
'gative ne
is a seri
loure yom
'gallops s.
that 41, p
the one
blood bu.
-Pills. Ti
'spring w
'against t
that folio
,Veus deb
tism, and
1 Mrs. F
N. S. , wri
,41eep or
slier vous
led me.
lime' P
brought •
band wile
severe at
If you
cannot a
to °writ:"
as Dr.
by all m
at Do op
$2.50 fro
' Experi
activity 3
greatest •
forty, and
MUSie am
by men -Li ltary.
Sir Ernes
by a ma-
By thirty
thirty an
1, "I do )
'nest, "th
sisal end
taking it
,ancl onvi
have Eseet
such. as
.three wh
'Gioia) au
• ins,;:le the
Polo in
climb ed
'Ant isreti
Sir Er
years of
-life iie w
viewed -at
Mrs. Hav
talk of he
"I was a
felt weal
for any
What 1 d
greatly fo
'ache and
Upon in
1. used Di
"1 felt .
nt ivonittn,
It is for
_Prge slut
•T live iron
• Pills."
' Dr,lIai
tn the Tie
lood of
An gib
ood for
Or. flami
Get New Health and
rengpa at 'flits SeasOn
ailments,. are• not inaagi-
veil tthe 1110ab DOI)IIS tild
a• months ' mos.t frying to
Eth. Confinement indoors,
overheated and nearly' al-
,. , . .
1y. ventilated roainss-in the
e office, the shop and the
axes the vitality of e.ven
gest, The blood becomes
wisteasr and is -clogged with
p-eople. have
s and a feeling of langour.
i'e• lowespirited •and inere
ill others - are treubled
tguring piniples..and • Skin
, while some get .up in the
feeling jUst as tired as
V 1"416 bo bed. The a'a's
; symptoms that the bkod
or.de,r and that a medicine
Many ,pc.ople' take. pur-
dicines inthe spring. This
nts mistake.. You cannot
self with a medicine that
arough your System a.nd
a weaker ,still.„ ',Phis is all
irgative does. , :What 'you
. ,give ' you health and
in, 'the ,spring. ia . a. tonic
' •
that Will enrich the bleed
e the .j,angled nerves, .And
thvays .,,,eliti,,,bie tonic .ttald
lder is Dr. Williams' Pink
le,s:e Pills not only banish
saknesi, .1sist 'guard.. you
ae mor,e seriotis ailmenta
w, such as anaemia., nee':
lity, indigestion, riteuma.
other diseases sine to bad
TeMari. Leslie,'Greenwich,
te,s: "We have found..Dr.
Pink Pills• the very best
ledicine there is. T. was
y run-dOwn and .could not
do My -work. I was s>...ery
aid the least sound s.tart-
1 heisttai using, Dr., •ikii.
ink Pills ancl they so.611
ie ba.elc to the best of good
Phey also cured my hus-
n• be was suffering from a'
tack of rheumatism." '
:ere ailing this spring .yon
!ossi, in your own interest,
)k so.-Valnablso. a medicine
Biwa& .,.Pink: Pills_ Sold
diei'ne dealers °I.' 'hY mail
['s a .box or ix boxes for
a The Dr.• Willitims'..Medi-
Brockville,. Ont., L. '.•
,„ , ,;,„
4 -,
''"' ' - ' "
, zs,
_ :.
, ,,,t,t,,,, 1..,;':'
' '' .'
Spent Fie.r Moue' y,
For No Benefit.
. .. .
filiff)N KISS ,1. 111.• GOD1N '' D
.0.),,s Ki,,,,,,,,,, ri.,,,,,s.
And )11:er • liidliey , Disease. and, Fe.,
mWeakness Disappeared—She'
Is Now il Strellgjlealthrillain' alsle
, . , N. 11,, •
. Minsonette, rOlottee.sterCo
'Makeli ,i42'. ---;.• (Special), .s.s. "1', have
been ssffering trems the iii;c13.1.0,3-re
ever einee 1 WILi: A"Cthild'" '41'5e'c'S'N.41g
J • .*:.• 0.0 din of this' 'lake°. •
, ,• .
I'',gre'vf to• Woinn;nholad I "wae 'WM, I
was . suffering from female weak-
inneeederie,irsloa:Itm.etedeit,geseav,er:oliodkininzda 741,
dellare 'for nothing; - - ,
' "Lcot.WID:t.elk I became so weak I
• A ' . e. . ..
WaS 011 tee point ot giving up my
Cold Damp Winds . 1
14,$(1/Trla AAT EDENBUil(
' '
Full ,of Catarrh, .
liAl,'F 11-1E VIOTIM$ ("' CATARBSI,
. .,
' .IRRITATt4 , Qo4TRAcT,, -
THE. A',1iseAsE,', .T1-114 -
IVIDN'Tle, •
- only one Preven,tive iKeewn;,
. ,
____. „
The germs of these disea,seS 'that
Eutiapletn4anoic,euin:alaritneeda induritilg • nrecenit
a: ..11„3'- tr..:Ren' Up ill the strotQug?in(13er andtle
SPI -ea a broadcast throughout the bled.
, It is impossible to .tiv,..trld the 4uVata,'
tion of these germs, and WOO.' head°
athi.re IiPielsrsscang1eS111./iineseitherelineotthalalaielir lams ig01,F;
tenA84•116 .() A 1°144 I '
fteis and .Wefil ,thletartited..
' • W' ir" "de"' elljef el"14'
tact Of tli•e •Goverrinient .0frtee of
,,, 4'1, ' i ' ' ,•.4 1
'vs -grits- an Edinbargh, ' Iscotiand.
Who,. twO: PAZ'S '.1kge, • 41seeVered.,ale
. , . . .
the; 'rear of Rolyroed,,..Palase the
foundation of one of - the earliest
• .
Christian ehurehes 'haft anaonnoed
that be . has. dissovered remains in
.Ediuburgli. eas0,e' ' ss she . tansient
fortress- known: 'as., :Kino.' ..pasitys
Tower. "Lei has als0' fount'd the 4'3.11
whiehrsupplied."-thaioastle and garri- .
4 , •
SOD with water,
'„f:sse.a..s.sti..u.s,,ss. rttrose.ased much : of
'1:Ittegin'sgvtiotlplasin,);icie,tlig:111ttit' ;oellferettritm`-hstiii,e113k1,, 5fitttfailthfr:lies6t-'
.: '
'11. jas,,K114esmtsgssray(iseybi7paSnr.6fet?lotaWkhiule,
retaining,,their .full
.. , ..
.ravoredwitlt delicions,sauces,
.nrhoy. iks..ye no'ssisoHlS
. - • - .
' ' x
destroying these disease germs after
„.. 9. ,
' , -
1 'not
nithaavl:tieolinteorted0 flthaerrahlorzporia3sages—
. ... •
above tue.original rock surface. On
one side the 'stru.cture had, evidently
-------- ., t ,.
W. riAwsoN, Nine y Colborne Striate
et .. - ' - ••
. ,
Twent 40,nr.se.a./...old ,thuirg.
p hter of
SclasYt Wilsytontwip "snarl:3,
osa',.°11',1'. ., sere-
""am 4°41'4°, aged 6 ,
boxy of Ali& Uni.tecl State,s Treaeury.
Wilson Is theniost viva,ciousof
ti,hiess pre,sidenvs. daughters, The
, •
eroone.to-be is a ,grandfather, bat
young an 4, and e.' sinoe
''' - "'”5 ''' Thfan"r*a (' 'am) "al ' '
work. cenicl eleeptiat rt.:0,h
and could hardly get up the ts arts
without having palp-itatien of the
lie,a.n•tfling qtuito ex:f_n,gted.
Te :rug .0 ,sym,p ome 0, Kidney
Diseits,e in Dodcl's Almanae, I,eobn
found out MY .ease was similar •eo• I
',sent at one; 100 four b,0..se's tot
Dodds Kidney -Pills, I began to
feel is o.hange at the VerY beginning)
'tor I the Arst ril•ght•
aloe° of an tusle thou-
sand and one remedies call be carried
Suffered and thie
supposition has been proved .by th,e
tor"w°:;,er.oYf fnirTny.bli.aeionktes1:11.,rieVid.tnli
Is roll' WANT eie. nIT7'. gil.. $501...4 4
.171.cojireorruril; Sttc:eTici.4TIV076nir ,1411'4'th' at !IV
it the germs, heals all, the
irritated. SilrfaceS and effects a Per-
„ , ,, „ .1.-„„ ,, gi
eann°T.1.1•414m* ''''ne clisaPP'eara-nce .13'
st W. nswsts,..... As
' ...::'...,....orns at., Toronto. '
aliment,. lasting' (Aire. '' '
the tower is, explained by the feet
c,..1,“rniv,rhnetshttrtitiseawyP-1;leeesd° satealifIfeecida \drilit.3.11.,
At might I coeld scarcely sleep because
of the awful droppings. froni iny n
e'. -t. d f • , e'- 350 • , • , ,
esis, e 01 neaa 3' 3 eals, col overs
lfbr'olmi7I'lellelbgi.rreoluYll'ci, SsottZernxiteriainT,go
A,. . G. 0.8aNssT, le.sly1'(").:11.te s'\,V1Eibeir'sg'1. ellsni siXI:SY..-ells4
..Ssisr, ',rile •Cana.dtt .Mrea.ther ' Insuranejk
• ' ' ' '.,--.;--=:—' ...,'
. ..
The Insresunsies ef. halt Wear Ifas
Efiected a .Citange. in China.
Ma* 'Chinese . women are adopt-
ing.Caucaeitin clothing, inecliiied to
stat Chin.esgs taste: ...!`This change,
though limited to a comparatively
small number, is •having .a, =eke d
effect, upon ,trade,e_ ,wribea oemiai„
General George E . Andersen of
'slept W..eill very
Those four boxes did me more .gbod
than all the meclioine 1 had talcenpay
before. and I. have Tensains.s .streug
ever'L.Fi'inoess :t am 1101", as vs,.11 "as
ea* ue• .. . ,, „ . s
All Women ho eliffer shoudei 'took
.i. 4.1 Ti..4.A .-
,so s.n.".r.s.ssneYas IllsaY 'are. tkeTa.10..-
•spring 0.. f heealth,- 'keep the es -lances
strong by using Dodd' I-ida-eY Fills
and the/. rill take. care of the l'°sit'
ef the DodY•
eat! stomach
Catasrhoscsse curd me—strengthened
urge all sufferers to use Cattirrhozene."
---,1: p, Andre (Salesman) Hamilton
tending . ,
seihsn feet AiX.' inches- long, and the
size of the stalactites from, the roofs
show that the Vaults of the tower
ha , t been l• 6 ,) ea t . . '. ,
's° TIC) (as da a - 01 a s el3
long tiT4e. . '
you $120.60.
to di " •-'.1-
strIbute religions liter' attire ln You;
communise. Sixty days' Work.. Experiene4
last secildsed.' mos <ar "'"'"men• °P11"1-'
t4IlitY f(4. Pr°D-1-°ti°n...'SP4". tithae.'" b.
moodraternst4on41,01.e.:, 13.e03 CP11411°31*
112 14P4Aina: Toronto, .. , . , . 1,
is, a' g.ua.i' 'a,nteed mi.-/--,
This- sliscovery . led .1e the, fino'irig
. , . . .. . ,
ifEwssasEns ..soa• SALE;
tor every form, of throat trouble, DA:'011.
Ohills, Asthma, Catarrh. It has eured
ethers, why not you? Two Osst110'
tteatraent price Ssm
.00. All IfealerS,
or the Catarrhozone Oo , Buffalo, N.Y.
-d . ')
of the ancient well which Mr. Old-
1 . . .
rieve regards as ,orie. of the...most in-
teresting in Britain. Water was
f•d • ' 't t 1 th f • -. feet.
owl in a 0 a c ep o. ststy
',Ile well .was pumped dry, cleaned
srsi oon.sysitssr,..Y IN LIVE TOWN IN
‘x xork County. StationerY and Book'
BUstrie5g .511 connection, ,Price ti,tily,
Terms ,liberal, Nylls.otj Publish:
Ing Company, ; a Welt A.ctem,,de Street4
Tql."1°' ,
Hongkong. "Hongkong .shop win-
(lows—the more fashionable shops
that 'cater to ' Chinese trade—are
full of modifications of foreign dress
for the use of Chinese woarien, and
nsassAiiini, displaying St Yles are 0t a•
distinctly foreign cast. Formerly'
1 •
warint.h in whiter in China ..was ob-
• •
taaned bY a ..serses of garments a
. ,
YarlOUS qualities and .weights—the
number of undergarinc.Mte, e4.11 sim-
ilar to the outer garment, being
Proportioned to, the temper.ature.
The introduction of knit wear. how-
ever„ has rude these seVeral laTerS
'of clothing unnecessary, and the
change has resulted in a difference
in the cut of outer garments.' • The
"at' f6rmerlY re'ehing just he.low.
.. .
the hips,' has'been lengthened Snto
what is practically a kart, almost
cove' Tin' g the tr•sm.isers: in the clit' of
these Iskirts, or long coati -3 fashion.
able. Chinese7•Women.nOw.generallY
• affect foreign styles." . ' '
DRUGS W .. . A .
. , — ,
Modern Science ItecallS. Language
- of Shakespeare.
by modo.rn
me811;:innte, 11.110.1nedireesadllein.ed, a proscrip_
on, eau to Ian the, , e 0 ,vcrito ,
ti. 'dtim fh
, ,.„ ,,,_ ,,... ,... ,,_
iii‘riazie.5•4 'Tat:: nlYia:Gel:1111‘.. • • feltalr•es
nge "qui a with which,
in, y worked scen.es Of horror .arnfon
s., '
the• people,
Only reoently 41; pharmacist, Wit.8
, ( o omn tun ,a, p.m-;'gerep..
re ill"' t • - 15.45 - d
14°1' in 4ehiell Otte: arti.cle was dried..
na,°1e..b.. To prepar thisneeded .sirib-
stanoe..the anlin,, als.a.rsyylaced An 'a
roasted over a fire ,,•
9.antetarT.ewrIldrdel- e,d, the .aen.,.. Ale
- • - . •• -
. .,., „. . ,. „, . I. • '4.
1113..aecteua14era:nae,P‘seerilman.1111° raeer(ifane'(13;:,. man.
aerie a, reseriletton of this year's
date, whiPehrealis for two otniees Of.
Inman' fat, oies' outes Of natural
tnunamy, Separtieles of, nef.skin and,
Kin ston 0
an g , nt'.
out, and tbor-oughly surveyed,
Dailieroas Throat Trouble'
...-- Varieties. ,Free -CatalOalt ''•)44031131ell
In Algeria Have Facility of
-.. Adaptability to Sul 's
• ..
Provoatoti by Norviliho
. ,
Toundln g .
' The interesting discovery has been
made, according rt,r) a, eptiguitti., re_
rrt froin, Algeria, a the aslapta-
---,-- .
det ANGER. TIMOR% ' . 1,4011,gd.
.-/ Internal end, external, cured with.
ozt pain by our' home treatnient. Writ41
before too late. Dr, BeJltnan Medici)
Co.. Limited, Collinimood. ont.
ilitY OJ.'Lu oyster to in its
Sureaundings. , The inspector of Ash-
. . „
tries in the Argew 'district 'Mates
aiLat he found thatsas -the result of
th° slew eloging of the rafiutb. of the
river La-Maca. by a sand bar tl-te
estible oyster ila.d. almost completery
assaPted itself to an existence in
frets.h Water. OYsters. were found
thriving in. parte, of the river en -
tifely devoid et salt. It would seam
tr, nthi dcls Cs ' t th.-...t
., °all ' ss, a ° laaslaee °K, : la
eset 0
-1,.ie .41.aal3t, a'bil.,itY e.f, the ,..ey +2 t
°.nallge9 an its salLrla-unsongs aaa .
'ridect this takes Place ska'w1Y-si'S
terysgreat, a fact thataugtirsweu
Don't wait till night.
Get atter your ,cold- now,—this vexy
minute, before it, grows dangerous you
should assily. stid.time ."Nerriline."
your hche'st.. and - throat, reb
linettnwillobreong ly v.tritli Nerviline. , Re.
. NeSSinne -will 'give you. from. lying
awake to -night, coughing, choking and
suffering from tongestiOn in the chest
and acute pain. in tbe . throat. '
n Nurenrygnainee.awinlIn be1:1,7e awk Up .lhat dun
' 4. '1 I h d h ill kill the cold
and 04111..at Its very beginning—will
— . f
.fte you rom , p
perha .s 'a ratriot743 111-
T t ' ' '
To take away hoarsens, to break
up A, grippy eribi -to eUre a s -throat
' Had a Start,
lady, "." "`$) Yer '1114)Pen to IIII've
pair o' _shoes dat would go wid des*
strings Y
• , -----
minard's 'Llnime.nt cures Burns, Etc.
---, . ,
M.ust Make Good.
Freddie --Are yon the trained.
nurse mamma, said - was coining 1
Niirse—Yes, dear, I'm the trained
nurse. Fredthe---Let s nee tsome a
Your tricks then
.: • .... •
............„1, :
at Th4.tY' 116t;ween T"'iT4
forty at His Best. S
nee has shown that mental
n man ,has reached its
ieights between. the' 'age of
fifty. Some Of the Ivories'
nastevpie.ces in literature,
3. radii have, been &thieved
ityrthising on the half-cen-
Ily. however, according to
t Shackleton "under thir-
I,' no matter 11E14 keen and
.,„,ctill a man in the making.
he has matured. Between
:1 forty he is at his be.st.
ot, say," continues Sir Er-
at' a. man 61 twentY,Six 10.T.
. . . . . .
ven mAy . not htive the phy-
arsauee of cedere-re; hot,
all 'round- Iethink thirty
,r,de is the beit. age. 'There
54;eif rrtari' of oiel '''''.a' i,.
- '---s---- -- -- -' • - 'et-, '.---6-'
'easy, who Was, aho.;..1.161..fifayit,
Dal he did , his laste ,.?ep
1 Professor ,,.Davicl; , who
. j.ourney 'to the Magnetio
.1 1.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,cvfion ,a,n,r/
eV. 'a's's ss -ss' - ' ---
Apunt Erebtfs--two. of the.,
ble journeys- in the
).ossi , , . _ ..
region.s.." . •
scot himself is thirtysome
but ,,,,,ith iiii,s, tiode of
age, •
Ili probably remai:re physi-
rty-nane, f,ar inany years to
..,—.., ,
Baby's Own Tabletrare an exses.
lent remedy for little ones. They
a,re a gentle laxative which sweet-
en the stomach regulate the bow-
, ,
els, banish constipation, Worth's,
seise. ;and ,senpl fevers, a,nd make
1 ,s ,
the child happy, healthy ars.. surong.
Concer:ning thesn Mrs,. Pierre Tou-
signant, Ste. Sophie de "Levrard )
Que., writes 'r "I have found Baby'e
Own Tablets an excellent remedy
for my little 'ones and would not be
without. them.'.'s The Tablets are
Bold slyssi,edieine dealersor h?,. mail
. .. ,,. . .
One ,"04 01 stases, fait ,
Indeed, •-some 40401.11,:so' jertoo &as
t° mind the 1Veii'd ' language (:4
Slokespeare, When he utenti•ons
dragon's • .
blood, wiSol of bat, and
mtnillnY's skdn' If re416 ''''''' 6 liSt
of the drugs usesissby the,ohentist of
to -day naafis' would Zealie':tolse sick.
Tint while drag n's blood is onesof
'- . . ' --'9 . '
the PeelanarlY rutted drugs, it does
not -come from .any dragon. Other
• ,ss . -
name's, ,..a''' are arterely trade
names for beneficaiil sre-medies.. . If
'lig hair
We read sdine Cringi , , , g
'xi a preacri. tion handed to
name 1 - P
as by our doctor, aet us not worry.
Preseriptions a.re couohed in won -
drous and tarifa in Ian us, e
• - - s g . g ' g '
_ ..
far sae mess of oyster tanning,
•S, '
or tad -cold -in the chest, .yairean'Itse
nothing so speedY and et;'.er:tiVe aS
. ,....,
• Tb *lve.'a C°14 in One Uar •
A Linguist. .
She —Did s-ou have any trouble
Stbil• --oiDtr
,NEervillee. For ferty years it has been
the most largely used faroily remedy
in the Dominion. Time has proy.ed its
ICasibisiettsc: cure. lc. W. OfEnd0+145'1SieYsigifnal-t
ture is on each box. ,25c.
.. ,. . . ,
IV Y-French when yau were iti
Flai''.ii1 ..1.1s--1. didn't, but the „Pit -
raela115 did
' •
merit, , so can you by lieeping handy
on the shelf the large 50c. family size
bottle; small ,trial siz,esold by
any any dealer anywhere.
'Plague of Wild Horses.
The. horses abandoned dui:lugs-Pits'
'gold rush to the Yukon in 1897 iltili
Is Your Wife Bad Tempered .
. Chances are the has corns that ache
like fury.- Buy her a bottle of Put-
nam's . Cern Extractor. It aets pain-
lcssly • gives instant relief, and cures
, ,
every kind oi. corn. ' Insist on getting
only Putnam's Extractor, 26e. • at all
.s. ,
The hotel iatron had, wasted fun
- 1 , Y'
an hour for A very glow waiter to
soive .two eenreta,. sNew., mv raan.,,,
he said to -the waiter, "can you
bung - ,
, me . sense'. Si-tornato ' salad 7"
11‘Yes, Sir," Said she waiter.
"And," coeltin•uedt the. cuato,mer,
"while you're away ykiii might send
me a Positeard every now
1898 have 'bred. a race of wild de..... -
d • t h• .
seela all' 8 W 10/1 are nlaking Sll'eh
depredations in the Pease, River
country in 'western .Alberta, and in
eastern British Coltimbia that the
.. , .
Gov.ertiment Isas been •aske,d to take)
tome meaSures to check them. The
horse.s have been making .raids on
the ranches, killing many. clornestic
• .3s.
' and 'then- ' ' . ,
horses and leading away valuable
had been imported
at 25 centa vebeii. from The Di. ,Wil-
. .
-jms' Medicine Co. ' Breckyille,
, . . ,
(tat . • .-- .,. . . „ .•
- % - ,I. .
• .*any, a:sPoiled'ia0Y Ilas develop-
ed into aefTesh man.
-, • - ,
1 °niter l't esident of *Vassar College
Advocatesfor Girls.
nsares vshich . at
considerable expense by the sete
• . t••
____„___ , ...-e —_
POWER - FROM. SUNLIGHT. ,. :ebony's -And was any present a
' ' - e' •,..-- • • - ' - surprise to, yblir sister? Willie-
' • -7, , • " " 'e?" y • ,- ' 1 s• - • '' • h h.
5ansPosren2.s.,,Isfsii,iiit.... n stSaceess, ,80..ys. y.•..'„?.1'in,dbegst:a•ti. d.l.Shses;d.sbahtebinber.srot cobtletpt.
., . an eeper •.
' ''
, „ - _ , ,• ,c s,,w , _.
ti.011g6,,cones....to.on mai e omen
anore marriageable
q. % . .' ,7, raa...1-Cee th'7
wed- 'nicker and remain more SlIC-
eessfulb„ marne,d. .
"The be
Marion Bridge, 02 Mav 30, '02.
' I have hanelled.."..MII4ARD'E
.1..11:1y.., -Tr during the past year. It. is, ai-
tnlicieu. bi ei iym e tabseksetil
'And That's. Flat.
Knie ker—What is a • fiat 7- Booker
_....a: fla't .,eonsists .of a ississes, .es,
tirely .surrounded by cubby-holes.
The result cif the oper.ation of the
women of to-Ino.rrowl will
the 'better educated sex; they are
advancing in education while ine:a
a•re rettegrading.
"Wemen are becoming snore par-
feet physically than men beeaus.e
they- love to be well, and through
exercise and .athletics, are ,attaining
efiertsi ot nLa the sfeoirielricroet,
..and u
titiltltriathiee. different kinds of Liniment 1
iiAm c
. ,
mE ..
. .,
„ s , . .
sunspowes •Adan -b-, -installed near
Cairo Egypt .,Seent Very elloou'ra -
mg f;oni aii)ee..e. pert Point of view!,
and the hope is expressed that this
pione.er undertaking may meet with
4,1 - ,, - ,
..ae tun measure et success that it
deserves, • '
The eaall
Healthy Boys-
• and Girls
Always Hungry
their perfeet
The foregoing is a stiatexpent from
I)r• James IT. .Ta3,10T, for ne.arly
thirty. years president of Vassar
C,ollege. - Re 'has. resigned his poi-
tion and is now en route to Ilona-
. Our Lan gu age'
If that mining stock goes up I
shall make a lot of money."
"But if the mine goes 'up' you
won't. ,,
With Dandruff and itching. Scalp,
Scal Covered with -Small Pim-
p, ,
• ples, Used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment, Now No Trouble At All,
a.verage amount of st
, hour ..,
g.eneissect an 'throughout the
trials was 1,169 pounds. The maxi-
mum aniciunt of steam generated
during any one hour was obtained
between 1 ".1.0 and 2:10 p.m. on Aug-
22, ' and 'maoulated to 1,442 pounds,.
while the minimum generated in
any one hour was obtained between
3 .15 and 4 '15 p.m ',on Aug. 9,i.5• and
• • • . , •
amounted to 886 pounds. ,
The t•otal ,aree, of sunshine collect-
ed by that plant was 30,296 square
'feet. The average amount of stetut
prodticed tliroughout a ' four-hour
trial', on. Aug. le Was 693 pounds per
hems ' ' The mean , steam „ pressure
(luring sho'four hours was 1.2 pou.Ti(1
.. . .
per square jisch below Uoso,spheris
, . ..
. g',.
. .
And for a .quick, easflY
prepared lunch, a generous
' •
dish of
• •
' -405
5 1
Toa tees
and Cream
Can!t Be Beat !
. The nutritious part of
white Indian Corn skilfully
Sc5tia ease ,of
,,. ,
tileSt to Ail iit offiell
---- '
ends Out a IViespage of Help
. .
t� Many People.
, --- .
RIS,, Dec. 15.—When Inters
her limns at 191 Argyle 'St,„
erstoek waiScpilte willing -to
[• pecUliarly Unfortunate case:
lwaYs lallie' and. dePresSe,d,
langind and ...UtterlY linfit
cork, MY .stemach was so
,. .. tite
1 that I had' no 'appe .
id .eat disagreed.. 1 suffered
om dizziness and- sick head,
feared: a, nervous tireakclowit,
' drlIggiSt'S reComniellda4on
'Atter. at mice. • livery day 1.
in els week8':i was,,,0 stets
ured completely •after ,differ,
piens luid felles1 ,to help Ine,,
this .reasonSthat I, stronglY,
'rots' With stoinach 'et digoia'
isles to uge Dr. llamilton's
• •
niltoa's Pilla Strengthen the
improve digestiors strength-
irveg,.and. restol`e debnitate(1
0 health. 13y cleansing the
loug-standing impurities, by
the syStans to 'a high' point
they effeetually 'eliase away
. ' dePreBSion 1,rid disease,
' young or pld, for. men, tot
at • eh:Mire's,. . Annealere.selt
Lton'S Pills of Mandrake and
luau to. visit his•son.
Men Cured in 6 to 14 Days
593 Sane 51., 'Toronto, Ont.—"1 was
iShe?l3 a* Wi.Se 'VVICICIW who never
shows how wise she is. ,
- .
Druggists refund ' money PAZO
gives 'relief. 60c. .
falrnsdt latrteernbcLendj.erutiatitaunidYitheahiirnggesteatlin: blirlvtos
afraid to comb mir, hair as it came ont by
Try Murine Eye Iterrikedy
If you have Rea Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Bykids, Doesn't Smart
—Soothes -Bye Fain. Druggists Sell
Marine Eye Remedy, Lignid, 25c, 50c.
Merine Eye Salve.. in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 'Mc. • Bye Books Free by Mail,
A. Eye tonic Oood tor All EyeA thAV4,4ed Caro
, _
, .
Father---Upo.n . my word. you
1.0..re are getting to. 0 dainty for
c1en • n
a,nything. Whv, when I was your
age 1:. was glad to get enongh dry
bread to. ,eat. Ilobert—You have a
muels better time. living with us,
don't you, father /'
' '
handnes and the itching was 1
„, so severe 1 vas 'miserable. 1
s- . The trciuble ke t me from
-.,zrlri,„. P
4,-•„-A., r,..0 sleeping. My scalp was
--,W covered with 'small Manilas '
-=- Which seemed. 104 un into one
b,e/ another and form a scab, • The
, ;Iry dandruff was so had I was
1 i \ . 1 afraid to torah nay hair 'es it
it 'show 'so It
Muritie Eye 0..emedy Co., Chicago
— '
, , .. .., . .
Manard tir'"74.!:.4- ."..* 2a" cut'erhe'e
Made illaioi3r.
1ooked very 'badly, I was thinking of hay- .
Mothers -Now, Willy, y•on told rrie
haafpastilesenl„siotood. rpbboteyobuoy.' Bknozlo 1:11
falseheosis.1 .Willy (sheepishly)—
No ma'am Mother --,Why, a big
, .. . ,..,_ , . ,,., ,
black man wien only one eye, in t.ne
cultre 01 his: fsoTehead. eome.8 .-,0x1g
and...tiles with him up to Ille moon
and nIaltes Mtn lek Atoka for the
- ' .. . • .11 - :. . -, -
balariee of Ins life.. Now, you will
never 'tell a falsehood again, ill
you 7 It is. a7fuen.3, wicked! .
.1; .
. . '. •• . . .
. —
. ,
lle a Meat. Vnfortunate One to CO11'
t$. et Fspee'ally In Varly I '''e -
-`a P 4 1 • . 4 • . -ill ^ '
, .
' Mo.st unhappy people. haSe b e.c 011ie
. •.
I). so y graxi AlaH Y: fo rndarg a' habit 0f
linimPPiness, ecoriPlaaning alsout the
, 41 , .1: a.. / It ....,,, tho. ,,.,,,,,,.
, wes lei, in ing au u )
- - , - . --
Vit_th 0.0wded trains, and dig-
it,„.tos,abie ebovatii.ow or work, A
Mg my head, shaved. '
sr ] .• t. • ......_-____.• ,..—,
or a ong tune. ale , . ,
,,otititardesinjorAalftootrlier remedies hut they clid not
some Months i pissed:us a
aper with the altieura' SeaP atla ointruss-t
LdVaitisbriciOnt; 'arid 'sent right aWay for a
mpeo u
.,• , litctlra6t1.113,u,(1°I.Lit4.1,"' .,91t
' Using lust the sample my Li. otibi 0 %as bossy.
slued Nis es eight boxes of the cutlets* Ointment also 'the cassava Seas end My
. .- . . ,
!call) heale0. the itehhif! stelVed Awl 111-
nair came In calito thiCk antl, DOW 1 liavd so
trouble at all ,(StsnOd) Mrs. R. Muter;
, ,, , ‘, •
It (1048 nailing to learn how pm's,' Sweet,
. Not .For 311ire.
-..A,82.nala b,o,v who waa.sitting next
,,,,.. , .., .,,, .• 1 , ,.,_, ,,, ., , . i
to a' very IlattgatY.' 1,441y 111 a. clews -
ed ;car, kept on snibling in a, most
annoying manner.. . At last.the lady
V51.11(1,0o.lbAget stand it, and .turned
to ssheslaas ...(11.ey, liyesySii got, 4,.
hattakerothief v, elee'elemeeded. They
. . -, .. . „ , ..!
small boy looked at her. for a fess
a 4 A 4,h, , 8,,.. .e.,. )..„1,14„.,
secen fe. ine „,...exi, in ,e .1.3,.: ca..s....,
fied tone, oalpe 'the' answer ; ,"Yea,'I
'have; bat I d'on't. 1.epd. it, t strah'?.,
„ers!),,. . - . .. ,.
' •
eooked,, rolled thin, and #
.toasted to a rich golden
. •
Ready. to eat right froxn
the iaackame—erisio' nour -
• - - ' - '
' iShing 'and. delicions.
, Children ean't seem to •
get •enough - of • Post Toast-
ies.,r and ...th,ty can eat all
th.ey want beeause .1;111g
food is as wholesome as it
minanr6:1-InIntent RelieVos 14euraigia
.habit „of , orcipia,larrils of
of fti,ttl,t,-fincling (5' r g)rumblin' rt. .,,6 ve;.' ,*, RoelAve and.,entisfyInE C.lutiourra 5,0W;) and
,. , - Ointment are in tho treatmeil t of poor nom-
, . i .
01d, Lady (leading her evening
n±a'P'e'')'—' "ja'Panse'seTm,:,.'n Assgns°3-,
'4". ' , S'ee'enn L'ata ' ssistaY--- vv sac,
'wonderful things tliose 'Javan -ate
•13.,crol*ta eat do l ,', • .-
. trifles., A ilabIt of looking for 'sha,-. .p.lexi-o.hs, req. 001401 haska$,,, wiling- scalps;
clo\va, is a most tbniortit,mte hoc„it ,dttnexotr, dry, tbirt and tioung,Iztr., beta,,. ils,o,
to 031±3t b011 eapecially in early liftt you 11000 not buy vista until yoil try them,
ter afi,,„1, ,,1, 'while the v.iotirri 1.).„,,voips Liberal Semple or t4,011 mailed free, wl th 32-p.
' - ,:s ' • - ' - ., 'hook 'sold Do4t,..,04111.10 rettor 1104 Slis
a slate. All of the impnises be.conis s ', . . ' , . 1. , b.
. , ' st.' . , , . . (Suss, Corp.,. poll,s, 1), lasoll, ,.. S.,A, , 4,
11411:11 It tenacnsy to p.n.
, .- •i• .4••• , ,LT • ,d.a ' - • •
. ' '.' u , i g e ----;,0 y i. .,:vpu, One. to en-
'ter the Presnises`V l'?.risoties--sWellt,,,
"Topr iforiol) • it. Wa,8','2 , in the 'inern.,,
..ing., ' kitelsen, winds:4 .W•isle. 'Opens 0
sops .ahous—blesved it r•.en,..sso.uldis'S.
, . ,
a-olialbed , in ..yourselL,', ,
. .
is'appetizang. .
PP ,
Snld by' Grocers.
, . ,,
cltlfill ,A Potato. Cereal ..Co.. .W41
wit -swot, ()ataxia, ,
• .
Ctinard'S Linlinent dUrott ndruff,
. ,
,nliniBM) 61' ''03"11141Slii) is ellr ..'i'li'6'• 1.l. 4,