HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-26, Page 5D1!1
Dr. ,Ci, V, ROUT -ASTON,
lfeatbel' of the R.039,S. of Ontario and
Honer praduato of Toronto University.
Offlc$1-tOver Dickson & Oarling'e law
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons,
Honor ,Graduate s>f Toronto University
Teeth, extracted withowt pain, or: ane
bad effects) OWee over Madman &
atan'bury's Office, Main Street,: Exeter.
Solioliora, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coin-
rolaalleaees. Solic,itera For the Molaone
Bal�1C, etc.
tfoney to Loan at lowest mates or interest
Offices -Main -St., Exeter
L R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dtcksoil
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on famm and prop-
erties at low rates of interest.
Barretera, Solicitors, is/rater.-
Agent Confederation Lite Assurance,
Company, also Fire insurance In lea2(-+
ing Canadian and Britletm Compaailes. •
Malin -St., Exeter.
At I
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own 'homes to
occupy lu:rative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in
fee; every sphere of Business Activities
You m .y finish at college if you so wish
Positions guaranteed. Enter college any
day. Individual instruction. Expert tea-
chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seven colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at famous
Spotton B,rsiness College, Lon-
President Principal
ANY person who is the sole head of
e family or any male over 1'8 years old,
may homestead a quarter •section of
available Dominion land Ali Manitoba
Saseratehewen or Alberta. The ap-
plicant muse appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or -Sub-
agency for the district. Entry by' pro
ay , made be made at any age,,ncy, on
certain conditions by father, mother,
still'', daughter, brother or sister of in-
tending homesteader
Duties—Six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the Land in each
of three years, A homesteader may live
within nine n.`iee of his homestead on
a farm of at least 80 acmes sorely
owned and occupied by him or by his
farther, mother, son daughter, brother
or sister..
1r_ certain districts a homesteader ,in
good standing may pre-empt. a quart
er-(section along side his homestead.
Price $3.00 per. acre.
Duties—Must reside upon thehorne
stead ' or pre-emption six months in
e•&etl of six years from date of home-
stead entry (including the tame re
"quired to earn hetnestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acre extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted ale
homestead right and cannot obtain .ft
pre-+emption may enter for a pun.-
, chased hem•es+eed Ln certain distri:etis
Price $,3.00 per acre.. Duties— Must
reside six nmonbhe in each of these
years, cultivate flay acres " and erect
a, house worth $300.
Deputy of. the Minister of the Interior
N.B —Unauthorized.. publication of
tli3q adeert ee nent will not; be pat.d for.
• -,.., rr-r
Become 'a specialist in, Business. It
offers more opportunities than any
other calling. •To reap the •full meas-
ure of success you must have the
bes possible training. This is ,Ont-
ario's'test Business School, We ;give
individual "attention, "You" may ;Meer
oar classes at any, time, Three 'De-
pa1tmeate, Commerdiai, °'S'liorthaticl arid'
Telegraphy. White at once ' for our
free cataI0 •uei'
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
"irnproperly pifepared" ' yotvrig '`-nzdn
ailss., women in, their offices. ,Attend
Tarooto, Ont,; —a, ech.00d that has a
;great=reputatiOu for superior .work and
for Placing many* in choice positions.
Write " for "' catalogue.
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
malty ea Whirling Spray
R� Douche
Ask your druggist for
it. If,he.cannot Supply
the MAI1VSL, ecohpt to
other, btrtsend.stanmi3 for illus-
trated book --sealed. It gives full
parEticulers and directions invaluable
to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLYCO.,Winds
Oeserrd Agents for Canada.
r, <5pt
1NGr Thomas Cooper, Ludley, Susses
England was almost frantic with Neu
ralgia, whea he first took a KEPi-1-
ALDOL 'Tablet.
"I an, nearly 74 yelrs of age sed
have suffered with, Neuralgia nearly
all my life A friend told me ,Lbout
I(Ei'i3ALDOL and I had my* ;reP-
pie gel me a 2s. package, I took two
tabletsas soon as 1 got them .tad
quickly received relief. It was joy!'
So great became the fame of
ALDOL Tablets abroad that their
reputation spread to this country. The
demand for KEPHALDOL greet ,so
rapidly that arrangements were trade
to establish a Canadian office ttnd
sappily' all the druggists, These won-
derful tablets, the prescription of Vi-
enna's' famous nerve specialist. Herr
Docto Stohr, have brought welcome
relief to hundreds suffering from Neu-
ralgia and Headaches the ravages of
Le Grippe, Rheumatism, Sciatica .1d
Lumbago, Palain the back, and :in
fact any pain.`
It you cannot get the 50c tubes at
your druggist's, write ICephialdol, Lim-
ited 31 Latour Street, Montreal.
Mr. Beaver of n,e ar Zurich, has
moved ,eato the residence he purchased
from R Ctvdmore.—Rev, Geo Jewitt
a former pastor will preach in the
t o
Me h dl,st church 5tunday..—David Gero
mette's little" child died on Sunday a-
fter a painful illness, The funeral
took place on Tuesday.—Henry Shaff
fer of Kippen, was fined $100 last.
week for violating the Local Optior:
bylaw.—Hensall horse and cattle fair
oi, the 31st promises to prove quite
a huge success. — Reeve Hud
soli and Councillor Alex Smith attend
ed the Hydro Radial meeting at Exeter
The death of Mrs. Wilson C. Wood
at Regina, Sask. last week is sincerely
regretted byber friendsiathis place,
and much .sympathy is left for. her
Leather Mrs. Shepherd, also her sister,
iLrs F Manns and her brothers Will.
and John
If you are troubled with weak, tired
feelings, headache, backache, bearing
Sown sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the
sides regularly or irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements, sense of
falling ormisplacementof internal organs,
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes,
or a loss of interest in life, I invite you
to write and ask for my simple method of
Lome treatment, with ten days' trial
entirely free and postpaid, also references
to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how
they have regained health, strength, and
happiness bythis method. Writeto-day.
Address: Mrs. M. Summers, Box.., 840
Windsor, Ont.
Us borne, Sr. IV.,..Thelma Ford 78 ;
.Maggie Moodie 72, Ferrol Higgins 72
Harold Moir 53, Jr. IV., Ethel Klei.n-
feldt 63 _Roy Perkins 5Z; Sr, III., L.
Hicks 61, Arnold Ford 57, May Ford
57 Oran IVloir 50, Gordon Perkins 48,
Charley Fisher 44, Amy Fisher 43, Sr,
II., Violet Ratcliffe 65, Russell Rat-
cliffe 64. Elmore K1einfeldt 52, Tom
Yellow - 45 ; jr, II., George Moir 44.—
Geo Mawson, teacher. es
Nevritis Follows
Crippled Nerves
Painful. Effects of Chrinic Rheumat-
ism Quickly Routed by Rheuma.
If your nerves • are all crippled froni,
attack., of Rheumatism, Neuritis can
easily get a strong hold on the nerves
This most painful disease is ane of
the hardest known to expel, but
RHEUMA can reach it if given a
chance This- testimony is positive
"Last March I was so crippled with
Neuritis in left limb I could walk
scarcely at all. Tried all remedies I
heard of and had two physicians. '.loth
ing did me any good until I ,ased
RHEUMA—$2.00 worth of your med-
icines surely cured me.—Mrs. C. E.
Hayes, Russell, Ky.
Sold by W. S.. Cole at 50 cts • a
gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three! or
$1e. "Sold at Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price. nes. $COBELI, DRUG
Co., St Catharines, Ontario.
Vitality:for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey
matter";a Tonic --will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price me scene:. Deem Co., St. Catharines.
Hom aseekers Excursion
Round Tickets to points in Manitoba
Alberta and Saskatchewan via . Chic-
ago. St. Paul or Duluth, onsale each
Ttiesda'y until October 27.,` inclusive,
at, to e rates, Through Pullman Tour -
let Sleepers to Winnipeg on above
dates - leaving Taronto 11 p. • m, Ne
change of cars.
(Onc-way Setoticl Class) :
Pro .1 stations in Ontario, Kingston,
.eafrew atntl West to points in'.',1-
beet't and -.Saskatehewali,;each
day ci,ueenter March. anal •.grid.
(One -sway Secdnd-class)
Event stations ,in Ontario to certain
jloititt in Alberta, British Coluanble,
Califoainiii Oregon, Washington, etc,
15 inclusive
Felt paettctltare. at Grand .Trunk.
ket Offices, or write C, E. 1-loraiilg,
b,1',A,. Toronto, Ont.
J._DORE, l:xeter.
important Events ` Whloh. Have
' Occurred During theWeek,
The Busy, World's Happenings Clare.
fhll ' Compiled and Put . Into
Handy and Attractive ;Shape for
the Headers of Our Paper—O.
Solid Hour's En,ioyment.
The latest. estimates of Toss of .life
in the ;tor-., over the Sea o.'t Azov
placesthe casualty list ; t 1,20Q,
The Duke of Connaught has no in.-
Mention of visiting the Yukon this
year. as reported in Er ;fish news-
E1izalieth Ruth, Countess of De-
von, died yesterday at Cheltenham.
The countess celebrated the century
of her birth on March 12,
A violent storm broke down tb
embankment along the River Scheldt
near Termonde, Be: glum, yesterd 'Y
and the greater part it thr city wo
The visit to Eneland of Sir Lion;
Carden, ail British 'Minister to i'ie"
ico, was not in any way i:ue to repre
septations on the part of any foreign
power, said Sir Edward Grey.
Advises from. Alaska report tirtt
Rev. Harry Fo the Anglican mis-
sionary, had been in touch with Ste
fansson s white Eskimos. There are
two Catholic priests also .he
Senator Townsend, of Michiga ;
yesterday addressed the U. S. Senate
advocating; a deep waterway from the
Great Lakes to the Atlantic la roriot,
the Welland Ca.,al and i.he St. Law-
rence rive-.
Two hundred s.nd fifty Wellesley.
Mass„ students and 100 ot.h ar per
sons, including melhbers of the acus-
ty and maids, led for their live.
when fire destroyed College Hail, 1 e
loss is $],500,000.
Yoshida, said o Rave been the i'
termediary t .tween of ials of t h
German electrical • firm of Siemens
and Schncr-ert Co. and Japanese nav-
al officials, committed suicide in To-
kio in prison 3 esterday
1 :)'x Y.
Miss Leis Harris died at Simcoe,
Ont., in her 98th year. She was iast
surviving member in her generation
of the well-known Harris famil'-.
Work will be started soon on the
erection of a convent and school
building in connection witb the Ro-
man Catholic Church in Dublin,
Ont., near Stratford.
The Maritime,Express train on the
new branch at Uhatham, N.B., struck'
a sleigh driven by Clement Allan of
Richibucto, Tuesday night. He died
of his injuries yesterday.
The town of Gananoque has tur-n•.:
ed down. the offer of Andrew Car-
negie to build a public library. The
corporation will provide ".quarters of
its own for sucb an institution
A midnight fire in Preston , estroy-
ed the Wong Laundry, owned by A.
Beazer, and for a time threatened
the destruction of the adjacent valu-
able property. The loss is $2,000.
One man was killed and three in-
jured, probably fatally, and several
are reported missing, as the result of
fee explosion of an ammonia tank
in the plant of the Cleveland Brew-
ing Co. yesterday.
The appearance of armed detach-
ments of Republican guards posted
at strategic points of Paris yesterday
added to the excitement aroused by
the assassinatio- of Gaston Calmette,
by Mme, Caillaux.
Stead M. Gamble, who is charged
with damaging a coil of rope at the
Canadian Pacific Railway camp at
Dixie, and thereby endangering the
lives of workmen, was remanded
from the spring assizes at Whitby to
the fall assizes.
The private bills committee of the
Dominion House passed the bill in-
corporating the Canadian Press Asso-
Pope Pius X. yesterday celebrated
the feast of St. Joseph, his patron
saint and, received messages from all
over the world.
Terence Murphy, of Perth, Ont., 70
years of age, choked 'io death yester-
day on a piece of meat. He died be-
fore the doctor arrived.
A New York man who saw
Schepps in South America five weeks
ago, says the gambler will never re-
turn to testify against Police Lieut.
The will of George. Westinghouse
has been filed for probate. The
estate is said to be about $35,000,-
000, and is mostly divided betwee
widow, son and brother.
Damage in the neighborhood of
$4,000 was done to the interior of
the First Congregational Church in
London yesterday by fire originating
from overheated furnace pipes.
Large delegations from two coun-
ties met at Kingsville yesterday and
a new organization was formed, to
be known as the Western Ontario
Tobacco Growers' Co-operative Asso-
ciation.. • • -
The Knight Bill, which aimed to
remedy the defects in the old oral
betting law, which resulted in the re-
opening of the race tracks, was killed
in the New York., State Assembly
yesterday. '
Essex is without pollee protection.
When Chief Doane, newly appointed,
was ordered by the councillors to add
to hie numerou : other duties the
cleaning of snow and ice from the
treets, he resigned,
,Tato donference .of the trans-A,tlan-
tic:shipping companies; broke ttp at
Berlin yesterday, to me'e't again- May
1, without reaching any settlement,
An, elaborate exposition was open-
ed with great ceremony in Tokio yes-
terda:- in commemoration .of the
opening of the reign of Ii7mlleror
Yosh Mitt),Cadet Gilbert Fry, Molatreal, ot't,b
Another officer of the Royal Flying
orps of the liritieh army was killed
t Salisbury yesterday, Lieut, 1i, P.
Treeby of the Duke of Wellington's
West hiding Regiment, was flying in
biplane when it side -slipped and
Royal Military College, leingSten,
fell off a 'water 'tower yesterday, 4
ditsauee of over a 190 feet. and was
.killed 'instantly,
Mrs. ,Toho D, Ross', of Nairn, Ont,,
whose husband died .only a week ago,
narrowly escaped death wbe4 she was
thrown from .a buggy down a thirty-
foot embankment.
Harry Schaeffer, aged 19, was
Eosins guilty 1" New York yesterday
in the second degree of the murder
of Win. Martin, of Toronto, Ile Will
be sentenced March 25..
The business section of Dunrea,
Man:; was wiped out by a fire which
started at fo o'clock yesterday
morning in the town hall, causing
property damage of nearly $30,000,
Gurdon May, bigamist, was given
six months in the Central Prison at
Brantford yesterday. Ho married
Ruby Lane at Oshawa and after de
Alerting her married Lena Anderson
at Uxbridge.
Mrs. Frank Doan, wife of Frank
Doan, secretary of the Cooper Avenue
Investment Co., New Westminster,
B.C,, was accidentally shot and;kill
ed by a shotgun In the hands of her
nine-year-old son.
One hundred end thirty bogs be-
longing to Jos. Trembley, of Beau-
port, near Quebec, have died within
a few days rf cholera, and :he rest
of his herd, more -than 300 in num-
ber, have been destroyed.
The organization meeting of the
new Canadian Bar Association will
ase hel d in Ottawa. on Tuesday, March
Three thousand boys from all parts
of Kingston military district will rt -
tend the cadet 'camp .at; Barriefield
in Judy:
Fire destroyed the Government
wireless station at Toronto Island.
late Saturday afternoon with a loss
of $10,000.
Mrs. Jame- Mitchell, aged 43, took
carbolic acid at ':er home at 2$ Ya-
na lley street, Toronto, in the pr' -s-
ence of her husband on Saturday.
Abdul Hamid, the deposed -Sultan
of Turkey, is said to be in a critical
condition, according to an Exchange
Telegraph Co.'s despatch from Con-
An engagement between the fed-
eral and rebel armies at Torreon be-
gan Saturday, according to a terse
massage received at the Mexican War
Office at noon.
r Claude Graham -White announced
at the first annual diener of the Lon-
don<Aerodrome,. at the Royal Auto-
mobile Club, Saturday night that he
1s ready for a trans-Atlantic flight.
George W, Laporte, a Corona, Cal.,
railway watchman, was killed early
Saturday by Samuel Morie, a bandit
found in a box car. Morie afterward
was riddled wits bullets by two
policemen. '•
A woman in the General Hospital
at. Vienna swallowed a tube contain-
ing radium worth $3,250, with which
she was being treated . for cancer of
,the ,throat. She watt operated on and
the tube recovered.
ri leelelf.
Stephen Deaves was accidentally
killed by falling on a circular saw at
Stewart's sawmill, Dungannon, yes-
Representatives of bituminous coal
operators and • 'ners of Ohio confer-
red yesterday at Chic -go on a new
Local buyers at Gananoque have
bought and shippe'i 576 live hogs
during the past season, which
brought about $10,000.
Mayor Clay of Windsor announces.
that he will take steps immediately
to bring about the building of a muni-
cipal street railway there.
Vice -Admiral Faravelli, who was
in command of the Italian warships
at the bombardment of Tripoli in Oc-
tober, 1911, died yesterday in Rome.
In order to overcome a difficulty
experienced for years by a sink -hole
on the, line near Kingston, the C.N.R.
will build a new road for a sho -t
Sterling is the name of a new town-
ship in the Port Arthur vicinity open-
ed yesterday for settlement. There
were many applicants at the crown
land agent's office.
At a well attended meeting of the
Board of Trade of Embro yesterday
stops were taken which --'111 result in.
a large milk condenser being located
in Embro before long.
Thirteen members of the Twin
City Ministerial Association appeared
before the Waterli. .,, Ont., park
board in reference to dances in. the
Victoria Park Pavilion this summer.
Was Woodbine Hotel Tragedy Caused.
by Men's Quarrel. "
TORONTO, March 24. -Although
the origin •of the Woodbine Hotel
fire is still a profound mystery to the
Toronto authorities, a story is . cir-
culating. in several towns in eastern
Ontario which may throw some light
on the, problem if thoroughly investi-
gated by the police. '
Accordi-.g to this story there were
present in the hotel at the time of the
fire two men who were deadly . ene-
mies, An encounter some months ago
was ,the basis' of this feud, the result
of which was that one' of them is
said to have declared he would "get"
the other.
When the two met finder the same
roof in the Woodbine Hotel it is said
that the day of revenge was taken by
the one to be at hand. A.t any rate,
there was a fire, and there are Ave
der.d, the name of one of whom is
connected with the. Paid and +ts
threatened • sequel,
Not Divided its Death.
BROOKVILLE, March 24.-Jazues
Dempsey and his wife, a couple aged
about 65 years, residing in the Town-
ship of' I1itley, where the former`
farmed successfully for many years,
stied within twenty-four hours of each
other of pneumonia after less than
one " week's illness, Mrs, Dempsey
passed away on Saturday and, was
followed early Sunday 'morning by
her husband,' who sank gradually af-
ter learning of the death Of .his wife.
Weak Heart •�
Many people stiller front weak hearts. y
may experience shortness of breath on exertion,
pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breatbeg
after meals or their eyes become blurred, the heart is not
sufficiently strong to`punlp blood to the extremities, and.
they have cold'hands and, feet, or -poor appetite because of weakened
blood dapper a the etgmach, A heart tome and alterative dhoukl be taken whichas
no bad after-effect.. ' Such id
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover!
which contain aso, dangerous naroo dos or alcohol.
It helps the human system in the constant manufacture of rich, red blood,t
helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food,there
helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart -burn and many uncomfortable symp-
toms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers; for theearl-
down, annsemio, thin -blooded people, the "Discovery" is refreshing and vitalir,:5g.
in liquid or tablet form' pt moat drug stores or send 50 one -cent
;tamps for trial box to Dr.Pierce'plrinaliEib:Rotel,, Buffalo, N. Y.
Read Chapter VII ors C.rreulatory Organs in the "Medical Adviser"—A French cloth-
bound book of 1008 pages sent on receipt of 31 oac-cent stamps, address as above,
Miss Calver, a fanner teacher
of S,
S. No 2 Biddulpli; is visiting this
section.—Mr. T. D, Hodgins was in
Londonon Saturday fo see, his broth-
er Isaac, , who is very iII.—We are
gladto- hear that Mr.. R. G.
is improving. --Mr, W. j, Carter of
Detroit, who was visiting around here
for two months, returned home last
week. Mr. W. J. Davis attended the,
meetine, of the Grand Orange Lodge.
in Guelph last week,—Mr. Levara Al-
eyaader of Exeter visited around here-
last week;.
For Headaches
' Here"s the Reason and the Cure
Most people at some time or another suffer feem
headaches—disordered stomach, liver or bowels is
the parse—any one can be cured—one woman s.:.
Chamberlain's Tablets did more for me than I e
dared hope for—cured headaches-biliousness—a.id
toned up my whole system—I feel like a new wo-
No case too hard for these little red health restorers. 25c. a
Druggists and Dealers, or by Mail.
Chamberlain Medicuie Company, Toronto 6
Burning The Midnight ht oil
H E thinker knows that a light,
easily digested es
ted and assimilated food
is conducive to hard mental work.
His knowledge of what is good
for him leads straight to ,
Be sure of the right signature. 10c per package
Flour trial .i `is essential but—
ut-it is not your work!
Flour varies from time to
time in baking quality. This
is because wheat continually
varies according to soil condi-
tions, etc.
Therefore, if baking re-
sults, are to be constantly high,
baking tests are essential. It
PURITiunreasonable to expect you
Ysto make these tests at your
So from each shipmentof
wheat delivered at our mills
we take a ten pound sample.
This is ,ground into flour.
%Bread is baked from the flour.
If this bread is high in quality
and large in quantity, we use
% the shipment.. Otherwise we
ell it.
By simply asking kin for frons .��.
bearing - this name you,,n
always be sure of inorkobread
anck better bread. 0
id.Bettt Lead and
Dire Brei a,
"B3r. ett Pastry 'T`oo;;f i;zs
‘, 0