HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-26, Page 4r
Learn To Play'
San ler. & Creech, Proprietors Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin
advance $1,00 per year in Certada
$1.5C in United States. If not pelt] Gtiltar, Banjo, Cornet
in advance 50cextra per year may
be charged.
TIRTIeeMAV. 1111-ilt. 26, '14,
Mackeazie King still hugs the delii-
eloa that. he is at the head of the De -
nutmeat of Labour. It pleases hint
,ated dosen't hare ttnYbOdY,
judglag by the length of the eooze
bill paid by the people of Canada in
coan,eetion with the 'Drape Canal, the
term waterway would seem to be a
The Borden Government has bor-
-rowed money to eray the debts •'f the
'Laurier administration, and yet the
public debt of Canada is lower than
when the Liberals left it.
The report of the Trene Canal in-
auirY reveals a tine program of high
.jin.ks at the .expense of the public
'treasury, The "Bessie Butler" is ea-
tt1eci to ran] wale the "Nemie ee,,e, Qomplete information, booklet and re- Mx. and Mrs. Joshua Snider of Stanley
'"ference all FREE. Tell us iehit in_ was united in, marriage on. Wednesday
It has been. given out as decided strument you would like to
-eeats in PlaY• A4 afternoori to Mr. Mathew Woods, a
that m the redistribution of
:Huron. for the Dominion House, o
elri- 1?°st card will do. It two members, nrosperous farmer of Saskatchewan,-
eriea Town will go into the North °a11:aottlite-dsiaffneireenfatmilinstruments, please
desire information, me, Jacob Kennel and wife who have
Riding, and Goderich Township into been. xesiding at New Hamburg eince
the South Riding, This would• make 1 ,
International Institute- of Music ' make their ,home at Blake. -Mn Chas.
l Creirnare formerly a business :Ilan of
enstituteB1dg.-Dept.43-FtWayne,Ind. Zurich passed away at Concrete,
There is e. strong possibility that , . North Dakota, on March 7th, at the
this seesionlegislation will be intro -1, . age 87 years. Mrn Creertian' lett for
duced in the Ontario . Legislature to lthoroughly apprec` t d - All went the West la 1875 first gqing to Min-
a e • ,
give the municipalities of the- Proe
.ion highly pleased. , . nesota and later to Manitoba. In
vsnce the option of holding electionsnelq Elgin Tom LP.S., made his of- ,1879 he took up land in Dakota and
on New Year's Day instead of two ''fial inspection last Wednesday •af-, 1. remain,ed until his death.
,- or three days later, as -is the custom leenoan. He Was accoMPanied by MisflOW s
" tan. McDougall of Lumley _School.
It/tr, Tbrif left a beautiful picture of STANLEY-In. the death of Mr.
I .
_An. official notice has been issued. e King and Queen and family.-J.M, Edward Robinson, of the Goshen :eine
by the post office depaa•tment that Robertson spent the week end at hie , on. Friday last Stanley Township los-
an future the tram:mission of coin or ,Iionie near Clandeboye.-Rev. Dr. Pe- ' en ane of its most valuable citizens
bank notes in unregistered letters is 'ter 'Strang, superintendent of Missions 'lir. Robinson had reanhed the age of
is expe.essly forbidden. No person is kl, seeleatchewart paid a shoet visit 75 years 7 months, and leaves besides
given, but it is presumed that the leiter on Saturday of last week. I wido's several sons and daughters.
'idea is to protect again.et the twiner- .
oils losses which occur in the. sending* .
of money in ordinary letters.
I• ie understood that Hon. W, J
Hanna contemplates making a number
'or. vita changes in the Liquor Lic-
ense Act during the present session
of ti e Legislature. One is said lo be
the closing of bars on Saturday e'ater-
noons Another move equally im-
-portate. is the establishment of a
Central Ontario commission to deal
-with al' licenses and have the issuing
of licenses removed frorn political in-
fluences as far as possible. Mr. Han-
na ha been urged to put the !atter
police in. force for some time, elle
there has been strong oppoeition on
the part of a large number o: hip-
steenorters in the House.
New Method, Wonderfully ' :Simple,
Easy and Rapid
- Let us tell you ot a Woridertul, New
anel Simple Method by which young laid up with pneumonia ,for a sew
arid old may learn to play by note the weeks ,is slondy recovering.
peso°, organ, violin, guitar, mandolin, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Wurm end"..VIr.
1*nio cello, cornet or other lustre.- Norman Rupp and daughter of Det -
pent No knowledge of music is re- roit spent a few days with their par-
e-it:red. Those who have found old eats last week.
methods difficult or impossible, leeral Mr. Chester Smith underwent an,
nieckly and easily by this wonderful , operation for appendicitis and is do-
rtemethod, A few minutes of your las veep
spare time evenings, will soon make i leIr P. Farwell of Dunne! C2. qrri‘ecl
yeu capable of entertaining your, on Monday and will shortly take pos-
frteads teaching others or playing in sem) i. of the farm he, recently eur-
public Valuable alike, to the begin -1 chased from Mr. Merano Baechier,
nen and to advanced papas who wish. 'Mr • Wm . Bassett of Port Huron was
to improve, vThousands of pleased pupils through lel.r. Wan. Thiel secured the mail con siting with Mr. Dennis Bedard,
out the United States and Canada tract from Zurich to Sarepta and eouth
prase this marvellous, yet extremely The tender was for $390.00 There
simple and easy system. Send your arc about 60 pa.trons on his route,
name and address to us to -day for MIes Ethel Snider, daughter of Mr,
Mr Alic Spark returned West oi
Friday with: another car of horses.
Mr. Mielvin Talbot left for Edmon-
ton, Alta,
Mr and Mts. Maurice Rau, Detroit
are visiting at the formers Parents,
Mr, and Mrs, J. P. Rau, .
Mrs Robert Muiller of the 14th
coa has moved to town and is oc-
cupying rooms with Mrs. Rau, sr.
ivfr Harry Hayter, who has been
'eReceeveci too late for lest week.)
The farmers in this vicinity are gef-
tine.; in shape for spring, the weather
of the past week being very warm. -
Ma Jerre- Barry is preparing I or a
heavy ma of sap this season. Watch
the boys Jerry I -Mr, John Sullivan
of Mooresville spent Sunday under the
parental roof. -Messrs. Hamacher &
Wiliert hald their annual wood bee
last week 'meting a large supply of
wood cut. -While hauling wood from
hie bush last week Mr. Angus 'ere -
:Donald had the misfortune to have
one of his horses hurt. The animal
in some manner became frightened and
getting away from Mr. McDonald it
became entangled in the wire fence
cutting itself very badly. -Mr. Tack
Walker has been busy the past two
'weeks cutting wood. Jack says it
'take & a lot of wood to keep the pop
warm. -Rat z Bros. are still busy haul-
ing logs. They have a large stock
in ths season. -Mr. Ezra Witzel made
his usual trip to Shipica an Sunday. -
Mr. Theo. Dietrich has started 'en his,
egn route agaire Keep yourPrices.,
high Theo., there's more at the :rarne.1
-Tiros Glavin sold a valuable horse..
to Angus McDonald, for which he
received a handsome figure. -Mr. Dan
elcEachae of Detroit as eisiting :riends
in this neighborhood. -Mr. Sinveu Hof -1
furans is busy organizing a basket-balfe
team for the courlag summen-When*
we ger the electric :ailroad watch
Khiva boom. -Mr. B. McCann -pent
Sunday on the 14th. What's Aoing,1
Ben Z -A number from were took iri
the banquet in Crediton, St. Patrick's
night and report an 11 tune.
LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts
can legally order • from this brewery whatever they
require for persoual or family use. Write to
,•• v4 -4,•,04-4W•3
Sae Money! Buy Your New Fence
(Freight ll're-paid)
The School entertainment, Thurs-
day evening of last week, March 19th,
was a Ted -letter evening in the his-,
tore of S S. No, 1, Usberne. Mr:
Arthur Dick, agent for the Aladdin'
'lamp had the school brilliantly light-
ed Although the evening was cold
the school room was packed to cap-
acity. The gallery was filled, Mr.'',
Henry Strang was elected to the chair
promptly at 8 eight o'clock. An, in4.
teresting program, consisting of le.ad-'
tags recitations songs, dialogues;
drills and music lasting' fully three
hours was given without a hitch. •The
program cannot be given in detail.
Splendid recitations were rendered by
Elgin Rowcliffe, Glad y Dew, Maggie.
Strang and Edgar Cudmore, The"le-
ish Schoolmaster" by Mr, Frank Ce-ee
and John Dougall took well. Miss Ole.
ive Cann sang a beautiful solo. The,
two dialogues, the "Antidote" and
"New Justice of .Peace'' were acted
in realistic style. The former. by,
Olive Cenri Mary Selves, Ethel Bell,'
Earl Bell and Edward Oke, The ;atter
,by Andrew Boa,Nellie and Archy
Rowcliffe and ilfred Dougall. The
three drills pleased ever!ybody. The
"Fancy Flag Drill" acted by eleven
.youaeeladies ,was lerilliant, The '11/1ay
.pole Dance Drell" by eight girls was
:acted to perfection and was admixed
'by all. A '1)urnb-bell Drill" by twel-
ve boye looked swell, Excellent vio-
lin music was fuenished,bY, John»c11
and Rowcliffe Bros., moutlf-onginenteei
ic by Cecil Farris, Earl Iledden, Chge
ford Mots and Maggie Strang. 4ie .,
Keddv wag aecompanest on the organ.
Williarr Woods' phonograph added to
the enjoyment. Chas, Reddy arid An-
drew Dougall took in a mug sum at
the door. The efforts of the pupils
and teacher, I. IV, Roberteon Wer
1:4 No. 9 Page Wire Throughout in 20
30 and. 40 Rod Rolls, Freight Paid
Spacing of Horizontals in Inches
c 0
30 22 10, 10, 10,...... ...... .. 0.1 6
7 22 8, 9, 10, 10 .18
40 22 6+, 7, 8+, 9, .21
40 22 5, 5+, 7, 7, 7+, ....... . . .23
48 22 5, 6, 7+, 9, 10, 10... .... .23
42 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, .26
42 16+ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 .28
47 22 4, 5, Sr, 7, 8, 9, 9.26
47 161 4, 5, 5- 7, 8, 9, 9- . .. -29
481 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, .29
48 161, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6... .. .3 1
51 22 4, 4, 5, 5i, 7, 8+, 9, 9:29
51 1.6i 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8i, 9, 9.3 1
48 22 3, 3, 3, 4, a, 7, 7, 7*, 8.31
48 16- 3, 3, 3, 4, 5+, 7, 7, 7+,8.33
51 16i1 3, 3, 3, 4, 5i, 7,9, 9,.33
51 22 I '3, 3, 3, 4, 5i, 7, 8+,, 9, 9.31
55 16i1 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, a, 7, 8+, 9, 9 .36
Na. 9 Top and Bottom. Intermediates
No. 13. :Uprights 84nebee apart,
18 48 8 Close bars... . .. ..... .42
20 60 8 Close bars .. . . .47
48 10 -ft. op'ng -
48 12 -ft. op'ng
48 13 -ft. op'ng
48 14 -ft. opvng
WALK GATE, 48 in. high, 3 ft. opening,.
STAPLES, 25-1b. box, .. . ..
BRACE WIRE, 25 -lb. roils
STRETCHING TOOLS, doinpleie outWt..,
0.11•1•11•1.•11M4=1•1•11111/1111.10611. ea.
1"ALiY"rt Page Wire Fence Co. Ltd.
I co.,
OttDERlii 01012 j04,.pAGE
BRANCH iNr6ntroal 12A0 St West Walkerville 'FREE chT/4.1.00
wo otter One flundred Dellareneward for any nem
di Catarrh that cannot bemired by TialPe Catarrh
F. J. l3PliNEY ik Co, Toledo. 0.
We the undersigned have now F J Cheney for
the last ikyears, and believe him pestectly Izonorabit
sarry auk any obligations mans byles arm CAPITAL $15,000,000 REST, $13,500,000
in ail business transactions and U4.1418113, sble to
WAkeitea, irlansukktsavia,
Wholesale DrisswistS, Toledo, 0
Catarrh Cure is taken fatorsally, aakkng di
reedy on the blood and mucous surraeets of the
system. Testimonials sent tree. Price /59, per bet.
tle. Soldby all Druggists
Take Hairs Family Pills for constipation.
Toronto March 24. -In, the Legisz
lature this afternoon, a London Bill
was brought in to provide for the in-
corporatioa of the London, Stratford
and Grand Bend Railway an electric
line subscribing to the Power Com-
missiori Act and with rights to run
through the townships of London,
Lobo East and West Williams and
eleGillivray, Provisions are also tnade
for the cars of this, liae to run, ever
the tracks of the London Street Rail -
wee, and the London and Port Stan-
ley line
Mrs F. J. Neil and little daughters
of near Brinsley spent the week at
the home oe her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Geo. Sherritt, also calling on ether
relatives and. friends in this vicinity.
-Weare very sorry, to report that
Mrs, Stone still continues very weak.
-Mrs. Morris of Michigan paid a
flyiae visit in this vicinity last week.
-Mr Lloyd Taylor iud- sister, Miss
Edith spent Sunday at Me. Will San-
derson's of the 7th -Con. of McGil-
livray, Miss Jessie Sanderson return-
ing with them for a short visit. -Mas-
ter Simpson Ireland entertained his
friend, Robert Love one night last
week. --Miss M. Mosseau of Zurich is
visiting relatives on the A B Line
also at Mrs. Humphrey Webb's.-Mrs.
N. H. Hayter spent a few days last
week with Mrs. Jas. Hickey of Park-
hill. -A number in this neighborhood
attended the Radial Railway meetings
at Exeter and Parkhill. -Mr. John
Sherritt returned home after spend-
ing some' time with hes daughter, Mrs
3. L Amos of near Brinsley.-Mr.
Davie Eagleson and family have
changed their place of residence and
have moved into the house lately oc-
cupied by Mrs. James Hickey.
Auction Sale'
Oa MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1914 at
1 o'clock pinthe followiag-
Horses-1 mare,.6-yr-old,, draft; 1
mere, 5 -yr -old, draft; I mere,e4-yr-old
Percheroe; 1 horse, '4 -yr -old. Percher
en : 1, mare 3 -yr -old, draft, in foal,
1 mare. 3 -yr -old, draft; 1 colt. 2 --yr.
Jd Percheron; 1 driving horse, 7 -yr
cildquiet and reliable.
• Cattle -1 caw,. with calf at foot ; 1
cow due time of sale; 1 cow, due Oct
1st 3e steers rising 3 years, if not
sold befoire sale; 4 steers rising 2 -yr;
2 heifers rising 2 -yrs; 1 steer rising'
year All cattle except cows can
stay pie same feed until lst of May
Hogs Etc. -9 store hogs, 1 brood
sow to farrow in. April; a number of
Implements -7 ft. McCormick binder
nearly new; McCormick mower; Mc-
Cormick Hay Rake; cultivator, nearly
new land roller; 2 diamond herrosys
plough double plow, drill. harrow wa-
gon. hay rack and gravel box, sleigh
fanning malI 2 set double haxness
mane other articles; also some house-
hold effeets. •
Terms -$5 and under cash; over that
amount 7 months' ..credit will be giv-
en. on furnishing approved joint notes
4 per cent per annum allowed for
Cash on credit amounts.
Auctioneer Proprietor.
-Auction Sale
There will be sold by public auc-
tion on Lot 5, Con. 3. Hay, on
FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1914
A. 1 o'clock sharp, the following, -
Stock. -1 Agricultural horse, Tising
6; 1 Agri. horse rising 3 well broken;
General purpose horse rising 5. Cow
with calf at foot; cow due- to calf
April 5th; cow due to calf April 15;
renewed cow; farrow cow; fat eteer;
2 two-year-old steers; 2 two-year-old
heifers; 2 spring calves; calf two mon
the old. 4 store hogs; 2 choice breed
ing sows; sow due to litter May ]st.
A number of young hens,
Implements. -6 -foot Deering kinder
with sheaf carrier and truck; 5-foet
Deering mower; Deering sulky lake;
Deering 11 -hoe drill; Frost & Wood
cultivator; Cockshutt 2 -le .ver disk;
Cockshutt steel roller; Cockshutt
Maple Leaf plow; set diamond har-
rows; No, 13 glow; open buggy, 'um-
ber wagon pair bobsleighs, single cut-
ter Chatham fanningmill, with bagger
attachment scuffler, set double har-
ness stoneboat, grindstone, Cockshutt
root pulper new; hay 'rack gravel
box, Svagon, box and stock rack com-
plete. a number of cedar end posts;
No cedar posts; sugar kettle; 'et of
platform scales, about 5 ton bay-em-
olerneats are all in good ,shape, nearly
new -forks, spades, ;hovels, chains
whiffletrees, neckyokes, etc., etc,
Household Effects. -Parlor organ,
steadmattress, cupboard, drop leaf
table step ladder, cook stove, apple
dryer; cream separator nearly :love
parlor table, number of pails and >th
ee usefu• articles,
Terms -$5 and under cash '• 'vet
that amount 9 months credit on
approved joint notes. A discount of
4 per neat .per annum well be allowed
for cash an credit amounts,
Preprietor Atictioncer
AllUCtiOn Sale
• ,
8 Cprt2, Stephen, on TUESDAY
MARCH31St, at 12.30 o'clock, --
Horses -1 matched team, general
purpose ,rising 5 years and 8 years
mare rising 11, in -foal; 1 filly tie-
ing 3 1 colt rising 1 year old.
Cattle -I, registered Holstein, (;ow,
dtte ia April; 1 registered Holstein
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce, are a safe, convenient
and inexpensive method of reraitting small sums of money. These
Orders, payable without cha,rge at any bank in Canada (except in
the 'Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States ,
are issued at the following rates :
Over $55anddnuontdeerxce?cling $3i00 oes 1063 cents
" 30 " 50 . 15 "
should be made by meauiof our SPCIA1‘ FOREIGN DRAFTS and MONEY
ORDER S. Issued without delay at reasonable rates. 528
Branch also at Oredtton
EIXETE'R L, WAIIGE1. M.anaser,
.The ons. Barilt
Incorporated 1855
Capital & Reserve $8,700,000
leNd/Alr, likNklerel •BUSIINEISS TliAN:SWOTED..
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.. • -
Agents at Exeter forthe Dominion Government.
Duncsox& CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON Manager,
cow ristng 7 years, calved Jan. 10th;
1 heifer 1 year old; 1 steer 10 mos.
old. 1 steer 6 months old; 1 bull
call 2 moaths old; About 40 hens.
Implements -1 wagon nearly new;
1 truck wagon, 1 family carriage, 1
new top buggy; nutter; pair She-
boggaa sleighs, with box complete; 1
Dearing: binder, 6 foot emit; McCor-
mick mower, 6 foot cut; new disc
harrow- 1 harrow 4 sections; 1 set of
double farm harness; 1 double eet of
brass mounted harness; set of double
harness, set single harness;
Mann seed drill McCormick cultiva-
tor: several robes and rugs; Deering
steel rake: McCormick steel roller;
scuffler, root pulper, Peterboro
fanning mill; stack scale, 2000 Lben
Bell cutting box, new; extension lad-
der, stone boat, stock rack, hay fork
Daisy churn, 1VIallot cream separator
new; grindstone, forks, shovels, hoes
chains, scythes, whiffletrees, neck-,
yokes; etc. •
Household Furniture -Coal, oil stove'
go (felt steel range, kitchen cabinet,
Williams sewing maChinc, sideboard, 2
tables bedsteads, springs and dress-
ers pails dishes, gems, rocking chairs
ancnumerous other articles.
Terms -e$5.00 and under cash; over
that amount credit will be given until.
Nov 1st, on furnishing approved joint
notes 5 per centper annum' ofi tor
cash on credit amounts.
Auctioneer Proprietor
;.* •
0 . .
• post Fence
.. ------
. z. PEW . _..,--
Alm.: _Arritivalmato
Hall( VLSI' ,
..._ .
They al], see it now -what
Henry Ford saw years ago -
that the light, strong, quality
car, sold at a low price, best
meets the demands of all the
people. Now they're all fol-
lowing.where Henry .Ford led.
Six hundred dollars is the price of the' Ford
ruriabont; the touring car is six fifty the town
car nine hundred-fo. h. Ford, Ont, complete
with equipnient. Get catalog and particulars
from Wes. Snell, agent, Exeter, Ont.
01 01. 0111111t ! , ,:
;.* •
0 . .
• post Fence
.. ------
. z. PEW . _..,--
Alm.: _Arritivalmato
Hall( VLSI' ,
..._ .
01 01. 0111111t ! , ,:
- ,.., -
.-Okiiramomomok . -1*014,116-014,iiiimil
"- 1 -- ;"itiOut..
., 1,,„,,...„,04yei.,.',” i,p1,4”,44 ,f,),,,,. - ...,,P.,h, en?, V.Plendb,0 .hn hor hi, 41,,/,t.0"/''''''''..• 'I' '.
The fence that din be '
. depended updii. . Looks as Neat When.Stretched
" ..,y; ' '
. - the:POsts as it Does in the Picture
' . ' •
You are Protected
When you buy "FROST FENCE" because it backs you Up with an en-
viable reputation. You never sec poor FROST FENCES" because theretre
acne. Every rod wins your approval. '
The Frost Wire Fence CorePany are the Only firm operating their own
drawing and ,galvanizing mills. That's why right material only goes into
Frost Fences, ' •
Let 'inc quote you on these fences that have running wires of even. lfenge
, . •
th, stays Sterta aight aevenly spaced, wire all full size and heavily galvaa-
:zed. The "FROST" lock is absolutely the surest tyovea lock on any
fence It does tot slip and does tot 'Iveaken. the lateral wire with a kink.
All styles, also GATES acd IANC'5,7 FENCES. 'The' Frost Spacial wo
vett wire Lawn Fence ie their "newest' lineGet a wires
. ,
S. ANDREW, Agent, Centralia
Agency for Gene's Fertilizere-nce,e better on the tnarkot,