HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-26, Page 3Grain, Cattle and Cheese
Prices of These Products in the Leading
Markets are Here Recorded
Breadstnife. .
Toronto, March 24.-P1our-Ontario
wheat noure, 90 per cent., aro tinoted at
e3,90, seaboard, and ;3.95 to $4i TcirOn-
to. Alanitobas-First patents, in jute
bags, $5,60; do„ seconds, 96,20; -,s,l'Ong
bakers", in Jute bags,*
Manitoba wheat -Bay ports -No, 1
-Northern, 99.8e; and No, 2, 978e; t,loder-
ten, ie more. No, 1 Northern, North
Bay, 51.048 to ;1,06; anti No, 2, ;1.03.
Ontario wheat-111ar1et is firm, No,
2 quoted at 980 to $1, outaide, aecorcling
to freight; and $1, en track, Toronto,
Oats -No. 2 Ontario oats quoted at
37A to 88c, outside, and at 40 to 408e, on
track, Toronto. Western a;anada oats
quoted at'419e for No. 2, aW.1 at 40c for
No. 3, Bay Ports,
Peae--None offering with prices norn-
inal at 98e to 91, outside.-
Earley -Good malting barley qnoted
at 53 to 60c, outside, according to
quail Lr.
Corn -The market is -'131gber. New
No. 3 ...arnerican is quoted at 701n, all
rail, Toronto. Canadian quoted at 6611
to 07c., ,
Bye -No. 2 is quoted at 62 tq 63e,
Buoltwheat--Prices purely nominal,
absenoe of offerings. ,
, Bran-79idanit0ba. bran is firm at $23
to 921 a. ton, in bags, Toronto freight.
Shorts, $25 to 926,
Country Produee.
Butter -The market is ateady with
goOd demand for choice.qualities.',Cholgo
,41airy, 22 to 28c; infarier, 12 to 100;
farmers' separator prints, 2/ to 25c;
.oreamery print, fresh, 8,2c; do.,storage
prints, 28e; Belida, atorage, 28 to' -'2680.
E'8 -The market .bontinues' easy,
casetote of new -laid sellfng 'at' 28 to
30o per dozen. '•
Vheese-,Now cheese quoted at 151 to
153; for large, and 16 to 108c'for twins.
Beans -Hand-picked quoted at $2.15
to $2.20 per bushel; primes, 92.10 to
*I -Toney -Extracted, in tins, quoted at
14 to 12c per lb. for No; 1; combs. ;3 to
93 95 per dozen for Nonl, and 92.40 to
82.50 for No. 2.
. Poultry -Fowl, 13 l_to 15c per lb.;
chickens, 18 to 19c; ducks, 15 to 17e;
gef3se, 15 to 166; turkeys()
Potatoesn-The market is firm, with
offerings lirrlited. Onte.rios are quoted
at 90e per bag, on track, and Delawares
ht 95c to 91, on track, car lots.
Cured meats are quoted as follows: ---
Bacon, long clear, 15 te 16c per lb, in
case lots. Pork --Short cut, $28.50 do.,
MeSs, 924.60. Hams -Medium, 18 to
181o; do., heavy. 17 to 18o;;rolls, 15 to
166c; breakfast bacon, 18 te.19et, backs,
22 to 24o.
r,arcl--Tlerces, 148c; tubs:148c; pails,
Ealed Hay- and StrawflZled :
Hay—The offerings are tali'
'Mitt pries steady. No. j, is quoted at
911 to 914.50 a ton, on tracks, here; No.
2 quoted at 813 to 9-12,50, and. mixed at
eta to 812.60.
Baled straw -Car iota, 88.60 to 92,70
on track, Toronto.
Montreal raarkets.
Montreal, Mar, 24.-Corn--Aanerican
2 y,ellow, 726 to Itle. 0..i --Canadian
Western, No. 2, 44 to 441c; do,, No. '3,
438 to 438e, feed, 41)
to ill)c; znaltin51, 92 to 70e. Flour ---
Manitoba Spring Wheat Patente, iirete,
55.60; 110,, seeonds, 56.10; strong bait-
erte, 54,90; 'Winter patents, choice, 96.25
to 55,50; straight rollers, 94.70 to 94.90;
to„ in bags, 92.20 to 92,80. Rolled oats
-Barrels, 94,35 to 94,45, bag of 90 lbs.,
$2.06 to 92.10. 528;
silorts, 926; middlings, .528; mouillie,
8 to 982,. 114Y -No. 2, per ton, car
lott, 813 to 944. Cheese -Finest west-
ern% '148 to 1480; do,, .easterns, 133 to
14e. Butter --Choicest creaanery, 298 to
30e; seconds, 271 to 28o, Eggs --Fresh,
30c. Potatoes -Per .bag, car lots, 86 to
900, Dressed hogs--Aloat toir-killecl,
513.50 to 913,75. Pork -Heavy Canada
sho:rt Mess, barrels, 36 to 46 pleees, 52y;
Canada short cut back, barrels; 45 to
pieces, •528,60.. Lard---Compouncl, tierce
375 lbs., 108e; do, wood pane, 2e lbs
net, 103c; pure, tierces, 375 lbs., 148e
do, wood pails, lbs, net, 148c,
United stator; Market.
Minneapolis, iNiareit 24.--C1ose:-
Wheat—May, 91,e bid; July, 921c asked
No. 3. hard, 948 to 96c: No, 1 Northern
928 to 933c; No. 2 Northern, 908 to 919e
Corn -No. 8 Yellow, 50 to 61e, Oats -
No. I white, 363' to 37c, Flout. and bran
uncnanged. '
Duluth, March 24.-Linseed-L-Caeh
$1.589; May, $1.693; july, 91.613. Whea
-No. 1 bard, 93/0; No. 1 Northern
938e; No. 2 Northern, 00.Ic;; :Kay, 924c;
July, „One. • •
Xdve Stock Markets,'
Toronto, Ara,rch 24.----Cattle—Cho1oe
butchers, $7.80 to 98.25; gooa, $7 to
17.20; medium, 96.69 to ;7,60; common,
5145 to 95.75; choice' (lows, 96,70 to
$6.75; good, 95.75 to 56.50; common,
0.75 to $6.20; cutters and canners,
$3.15 te $3.60; choice bulls, 96.76 to
97.004 good,. 95.80 to 96.60; common,
94.15 to 96.40.
....stockers and feeders -Steers, chole,
97 to $8.30; good, 9,545 to 96.40; light,
93.50 to, 95; springers, to 582; milkers,
to ;86.
Calves-Oood veal, 98.65 to 911.50;
medium, 97 to 99. • •
Sheep and lambs -Light ewes. 95.50
to 97; heavy, 93 to 93,50; Spring lambs,
99 to 99.50.
Hogs -58.75 to 98.90 to.b.;" 99.15 to
99.26 fed and watered; 99.50. off ears.
Montreal, 1Vis.reh 24.--Cholee steers
sold at 98.26 to 58.40, good at $7.76 to
;8, fair at .96,75 to ;7.26, and common
at 96 to ;6per cwt. The demand for
butchers' cows was good .at'prlees rang-
ing from $5 to 97, and bulls eold at $6
to 97:26 per cwt. 'Choice milkers, $90
to 9100, anti lower grades 960 to 980
The tone of the marke t for hogs was
firm, with an advance in price of 60c
per cwt. The demand was good, and
as the offerings were emaller than gen-
erally expected hiy the trade. an early
clearanee was made of Ontario eleated
stook at 99.80, and Manitobas at $9.60
per ewt., weighed of ears. The trade in
sheep aria lambs was quiet at ;5.60 to
$g.50 for tire "former, and;at '98.50 to 99
f r the latter per ewt. The demand for
was good at prices ranging 'from
93 to 95 each, and insome eases as
'high as 926 was r0.alized for some extra
choice stock.
L2t1,t 111, Two of Them Have Italian Torpedo Boat Crtiehes Into
Since Pied Froja 'Meets. a Pleasure Launch.
'A despatch from Revelatoke B. A ,'ciets. 4r.o-rn Venice says
Ilothwell has just returned to. town
6'63'8! l'r°111netal Ci°11S+:"le Fifty of the sixty-ftve pa.ssengers
with the bodies of tieo victims of a on a steal.° 141Pri°11, 11.1°St of virlin'in
tragedy which oceueeed aemaeajewa, w eee women and children, were
near here. It appears :that on Fri- drowned when a torpedo boat cra,sh-
flaY night liquor was Purehase4 ed inte a pleasure Yes,se.1 near Lido
Revelstoke by a Malaker.a ;man for on peiday.
eerisuniption tat a dance at Malakwa The people on ,the lauzieh were
ofl.Ssiturde-Y- coining to Venice from Lido, Where
As a result of partaking of this a, large,number of eeecersionistelad
liquor, ten guests at the dance 'were spent the holiday, St. Jueeph's
taken ill during Sunday and Mon- Day.
day, and two a, niarried nun named The latinch had hardly staeted
Lalyeau, of 14,alakwee atncl Olaf Ten - when the torpedo boa,t,was sighted,
een, a leborer, died. ,on M'6ndP137'in0011-iing high speed *toward the
terrible agony. , Others, in:Chiding ha4.1)0r. The captain Of, the launch
Pat La,beau, brother of 'one of ;the aPpareietle-,miscalculate,d the speed
elet,'eased, wero. ver,Y jerielislY -ill, add clietancee and <lid net alter his
lint are ii°w'rec°17'eiing-a.b1E coitree„ With the result tpat, the tor
Rottman holds the bottle containing peal() boat, Struelelti,s vessel, with te,r_
a small quantityof the :liquor; rine eeree,
yid:eh will' be .produced at the in- The launch sank immediately12),
deep . Water. .t,alririA• disjwit e)all tites,e
Looking* bown. Info the Ruins of the Woodbine. Hotel.
Suits Laiinehed A.gainst SeVeral
Cafertiers in 13.8. Courts.
A despatch from New York says
A suit to break the Lehigh Valley
Railroad's alleged anthracite coal
moeopoly was begun by the Gov-
ernment in the United States Dis,
trict Court, in this eity on Thurs-
day, in a petition filed. by Freder-
ick R. Coudert, Special Assietant
Attorney -General, the Lehigh, its
directors and subsidiary companies
are accused of violating the Inter-
state Commerce and the Sherman
law. An injunction to prevent
them "from further restraining,
monopolizing or attempting to
monopolize trade and commerce in
anthraeite coal" is sought., and the
Government also asks that the rail-
road company be enjoined from car-
rying coal in which it has an in-
teresb. It is a dissolution whioh, if
won by the Government, will com-
pel. the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company to disassociate itself from
coal companies, which, aecording to
the petition, it controls.
Similar suits against the La,cica-
wanna and Reading Railroads are
well under way, and it is expeeted
that other coal carriers. will be sued
in consequence of a general decree
of the Supreme 0ourt that each
gronp against which monopoly is
charged should be proceeded
against separately,
ppointed Liberal loader in the $enate, in
successihe on to tlate Sir George 'W.
Hose. ;
A 'despatch froin Ottawa says : A
eleven.niontlis' trade of well ove
billion clollars is shown in a, sta
merit issued by Hon. J. D. Bei
Minister of Customs. The stet
ment indicates a eteaxly expa,nsio
The Toll of Death in the Disastrous
Blaze, of Last Week.
A deepateli from, 'Toronto say?:
With the finding of two =Ore bodies
in the. ruins of the Woodbine IloteI
the toll of death has been brought
to five. The, discovery made also
shows ihat some of the identifica-
tions made earlier in the week were
in:correct, and as aeresult the body
of a man supposed to be Max Cohen
was sent to New York, while, as a
matter of fact,. the reel Max Cohen
was only found Friday afternoon.
Five bodies have eo far been found,
four of which home been positively
identified as those of Frederiek Le
inon, Max Cohen both of New
'York, Charles Wilmot, of Belle-
ville, Deirl John A. Graham, of Lon-
don, Ont. Who the fifth man is
cannot be found out, but, ro.ay be
Charles Thurston, of Buffalo.
It was• after gang of men had
been working for hone% that, the
two bodies were found. They were
lying side by side, one man having
his arm locked around the leg of
the other, These two were Cohen
and Levinson, wh
ho ad been rm
ing -together at the hotel, and who,
aceorcling to the istory Gt,,orge
Lee, who was with them in their
room on the night of the fire, were
left behind when he made, his es-
cape. A few feet from the bodies of
the men. tmse
he rei.ns of Ocapn's pet
dog were found and it is thought
that, the men lost their lives in an
attempt to save the
COMM' C E 0 I14. ----THE D 0 MINION
FOr 11 Mouths of 1'c'1 Year Trade
Was Ovey a Billion Dolars:
of the commerce of the DoTainio
notwithstandiiag a long period
money stringency. For the eleve
nionths of the fiscal year, that is t
tho end ,of last month, the tot
trade of Canada amoiinted t
81,019,685,000, as against. $962,511,
000 for the corresponding period o
the previous fiscal year. The 4X
ports of domestic products amount
ed' in value to 1404,887,000, the im
ports amounting to 8565,227,000
Exports of domestic products in th
eOrPeep011iding period of the pre
vious fiscal year were $320,879,000
showing an increase 4`n the presen
;ear of $84908,000,
iae-k of Funds. Prevent:is Last nionth's exports totalled
sown From securing .1.1. $20,554 000 including: manufactiir-
London, maxah 1
18. Measrs, ;ct1,0(tgoucoeel,s, 84,6'74,000; agricultural
$5,058,990; animals and
otheby announced this evening their produoe, 108,427,000. The ex.-
hat they were authorczed to state ports under these heads in the same
eat -the Duke of Devonshire, "in period .13., year ago were : manufac-
bured goods, 83,950,0003 agricultur-
al produce, 87,545,000; animaAls .anel
their produce, $2,861,000. It will
be seen that substantial increases
took place. in the exports of mann
textured g,execls and of animals and
their produce, while the exports of
agricultural produce deereased.
12 , the eabin; who ''WeiV droxvned,
'The other fifteen passengers, who t
— Were on deek we1re del:eel LP r(
lUid Been in Messenger's Pocket ' '‘'n
Slue() it Was Stolen in an;)-- boats from warships,in the
A despatch from. Ilaya,ny,,,
a, 04,•: harbor, incinclingene from the C. -ler -
Tho secret 1119lice fotrod 41, sto;oco rnan, truiser,-.Goeben, go S and
bill sewn. in -eho ceee„,e 44,tole other craft, rushed to the point
-Ayala,the bankaness.eiliv9; Nejil; ,witere the had gone down,
was ddlivictOd of otealing a ellogte46i.., .but could not rescue. any of those in
*ed /atter, which reached sato. x441011_ the cabin, as not one of th.ent 00.1120
Bank of NeeW yivk .94,6it 'to the surface,
sugar report instead„uf the $200,000
sent by the IV -at -tonal Bank of Cuba,. BE 13 El I" C TO ItY IN MEN,I('0.
/This evlis in October, 1912. This ne.
counts .for ebe Qhe twenty 010,- 166 'retie; als. `Reported Killed 110.
9Q0 bills were 11-6010/1 iPP1A f.h het Loss Eight.
.(gter at 5hat443jaa, b.,6$ „
rotierk searotog bor. tio moir, ,oar et despatch front' 1)u:range, .Mex--
,4„oo, axe .1.,,f)„,b they ico, says rebel net about Toe -
:1;71./ so,,,) knli the, ;Ai, t o n and it:), Was drawn close 7'
if anct General Herrera fought- the
Moat iinportant engiiigen)e-nt of 'the
411 P M PT o SA VP rolitiM.kt'
rautee ricar Hoteda Santaciars,
Iteaeli. not f.th r.flerreen. In ,tife.
• eamagemen • 10 !e eras were .t
' I, 6 l' d 1 1,11
ea thp 4.11a0040!1 rimg, aoe.e.pding the report. The
• ,
; A deaPateIl .front -01,1441-Pgs' J0,44 .i34s..repatteki as
gays : Six men sen bv Qopsular- three killed .and ,soven wounded.
/Spat Gould, boarded tire aban- Tim fight took, piece over
dott'ed unieed stakes 4..,0 tug fkob- sion o a Spot 02) the b41.21ks,
fixe aftqr 45! oi Or.,,louldted big Tiellualtlo irrigation ditele
es ewer land AO Atie where :Herrera. Wished iu ilirow a
; Pfl1iot4,:a WA4 foupil ily4101.es,00,b bridge and tile co Y1 ,r4 t td0 )1 Of
roript, Dbbe) at the of 0.4i, which he began immediately ';on re-
iltralito of DeUe rozon tol tikeinemt ut ale ene'rey;, wheee num-
, the icO, ,Itev lyell 194.0140.01y an‘ bars he.evAintai;,ed at 400.
peefeet eondition,, and ,*th.ere 'was A othet tike red era1 (.1 -
ry water 2)1 the 431- littilee guards rq,treated preeivita(e.-
okkierparty) wh pn.14.0-41 444,40,- iy, burning and wrecking ail .144
3101 )2, IS 04 wp,y itigetbe. 32d *erie, At No, the Small railroati
an 01'94 .Wijl 11 44) )4* up fiheps m'cro btirned,
tite 400 <104 get her tp sate
61. S11.6 b.4§ 4houCt.Welire, tone' Johe SWanWiek., 41 1401144/1) f•aaan -
#.1401 and a ten of provi;eierui on star, had his baek broken when a
U4414. ,steol door toppled over ow. hill),•
order fo meet the heavy burden im-
posed by the death dittleei has sold
a onall portion of leis library, con-
sisting of the Caxtons and the Kent
e eollection of p1113 1
-There has been long. 'and eager
competitiott among Itnglislimen,
Amerkane and Germans to possess
the library, Each new offer Was
pr'onilptly eelipsed until Henry if.
Huntington made:,a,`bid whieh ended
the contest., The British Mibseum
officials.made :great efforts to obtain
the library tor the musieuni, - but
were compelled to retire f rosp the
Eight early, owing -to '141e1 of mone3.
lt is said that the Germans stayed
in the fight longer than any British
,..•1.11 M E(RATi,oN....1.33.TEI*.lt
Belli' 'of Ittensii...1,s
-• .
A deepateli from Ottawa says :
The total immigration to Canada
during,the 11 months., April to 'Feb-
ruary, of the eurrent year. Wd3
30,038, made up of 136,899 :British,
97,409 AineriCan: end 1,28,972e from
all other countries, ,
During the eorresponding 11
menthe of last fteeal year. fthe total
ninxibPr was' 357,;131, Co:typosod of
12;33,721 B ri ish , 19,4,998 A mp lla I ,
and 99;2.22 from other eo•antl
The iecrease per eehl,
Fire destroyed tbe 00,0()� 1111 litI
elevatoe of the Pioneer Grain Co,
at ,Magrath Harbor,
Was Pushed Into, the River While
A despatch front "Toronto says :
while playing on the bank of the
Humber, near Howland's grist mill,
with several of his eompanions,
Harold Mathers'the nine-year-old
son of Mr. Fred Mathers, plasterer,
Danibton Milis, was accidentally
pushed into the river and'drowned.
There is a strong current at 4this
point, and it is, feared that; his little
bOdy may have been Carried down
the 'river below- the ice jam at Bloor
'Elie Loss .11Itts Deep Very lieavy (21
,a e - :)11281 k0 itegiSteretb
,A <i 21101) Croni. Ottawa says;
The Po; ,t.:xilive Department has je-
st:ea an i.tire;:. 11 it..et ice. that hereafter
the traii5milettlerei ;00in or bank
nel 81332 e9i...te82e4 letters is
preP•sty prohibited.. It is Understood
.that Ti.ltier is issued in view of
the s:es that 1. 0121 through
phl,cang of ca.tn,q• pattalai ly in. ht. -
Items of News by Wire
Notes of Interest as to What Is Going
on AH Over the World
CY Warman, the Canadian author'
and, poet, is seriously iJj an Ohieago.
Gonad:toque has declined to aceept
0. D°arliA6.81:191
4.Miberia.,raYr:en, Reeve of vii-
lage 4 Point Edward, is clea,d, aged
06 years..
mIon WIlI sn Patereoe, former
Minister of Customs; died at Pic
ton, in his 75th year,
Major Stephens, mayoralty candi-
date in Montreal, faVerS Sunday
VOting, ao they have in Switzerland.
H. Desautelleso± 1W -entre -al, who
lia,c1 his back broken in an auto
"joyride" accident on March 8, is
dectcplp. lication has been made to the
()elute to reetrain Edmonton City
Council from publishing a municipal
A sheriff haa taken posseesion of
the residence of J. N. Gow, of Ham-
ilton, for failure to pay alimony to
his -wife. ,
A. Z. Trudel, unseated, as Mayor
of Cobalt because lie held a mining
contra,eb, we re...elected by votes
over Dr. E. F, Armstrong.
Great Britain.
Hon, A. 1.'3ai1knir was article in
the face by a atone thrown by a buy
at 'Nice,
tailed States.
A report to Waehington states
that W. 8. Benton WU'S stabbed to'
death in Gen, Villa's <dike at Rion.-
ez, and th.e h;Only mutilated and inj -
I:erred in Juarez,
W. B7 Gomez has been elected
president of Brazil,
The South African Senate passed
the Strike Indemnity Dill, i5 9
A great conflagration at Varna,
Bulgaria, resulted from a fire in a,
spirits faetory.
It is asserted that W. EL Benton
-was stabbed to death in a quarreli
with General Villa,
Queen Eleanor of 13ulgaria and
suite wila visit the United States
sencl pro b ably Canada during May.
A convention bee opened in the
capital of China to amend .the Re-
publican e onsti.tutio
The Swedish steamer Toilhild has
foundered 'off 'the Spanish coast with
a loss of ten lives, The Torthild was
built in 1871.
Funeral Held on Saturday After.
noon at Drantterd.
A despite/ from Brantford says.:
The funeral of Hon. Wm. Paterson,
former Minister of 0-e8tate9, we's
held SaturAle,y afternoon from the
residence of his ,son. • Rev. George
Kippax, of the Farringdon Church,
conducted the seryiees:‘, while the
padt-bca.rers, were Mae C. B. Heyd,
judge Hardy, Mr. John Muir, 'ell-.
The Late Hon. William Patterson.
E. L. Clocad, 1.)r. Charles Leeming,
and Mr. T. 11, Preston. ,
Mr. W. F. Gockshutt, M.P., re-
presented the Premier and the Gov-
ernment, Hon, W. S. Fielding the
Liberal P,arty of Canada, and Hon,
\8,r L Mackeezie-King the Liberal
Panty of Ontario. A wealth of floral
tributes had been received, „includ-
ing wreathe from, the local Reform
Aesociations, Sir. Wilfrid Laurier,
and the Cabinet, and the Customs
Department at Ottawa, and in this
city, Large delegations attended
from the local Relerin Associations
and the Clity Council.
'Murderer Of 1'9 -Tonto Milliner Es-
capes Death Penalty.
A despatch from New York says:
While Harry Schaeffer's mother on
her knees prayed for his life outside
of the Climinal Bra,nch 4 tho Su-
preme Court, the jury ireturned
verdict of murder in the secOnd dO
gree against the 19-ye532-o1d boy,
who helped another man kill W.
Grieve Martin, a Toronto milliner',
in a West 57th Street fiat last Au -
gest. The young man's fathe-r, who
had been -praying in the &turf; room,
ran out te, 2311e1111 his wife that their
-son %Would not have 'to pay the.dp..a,th
``Thank :04x1, my son's life is
spared,'' exclaimed Mrs. Schaeffer.
She Ihad been ordered from file
cour12 room when the jury was an-
nounced es retUrnang after two
hourS' deliberation, Both parents
had been praying- in :the -court 'room
during the wait, and tmon going
outside, Mrs. Sehaeffer Isank to her
kneee in the ,000rider a'qd remained
ero until sho heard`the verdict.
justice Davis remanded Schaeffer
in thei Tontbs for ientende 011 March
5. The ;furore admitted that ,C0I1-
ktsret ion of the parents' altiLude
n this MEL: had infhtenced the vor-
iet.. Mrs. Schaeffer, evlio liver;
trot/KIM, wait the final witness for
ho defence.
*Dramatic Scene at Murder Trial in
New York.
A despatch from New York sa,,ys
A. dramatic scene occurred at'the
trial of Harry Schaeffer, 19 years
old, charged with murdering Wl
ham G. Martin, a'Toronto milliner,
on August 11, 1913. JUstiee
in the criminal branch of the Crimi-I,
nal Court, wildlieted the trial.?
Crushed by the char -go against their
son, his mother ,and father sat -,be-
side. the youth and tearfully begged/
him to plead guilty to murder in,
the .seeoncl degree, that his life at
least might be spared.
Schaeffer broke down and wept,
but he obstinately refu:sed to aceeele
to the importunities of his parents.
•-"I would rather go to-theelectric
chair than spend twenty 3 -ears in
prison, wase,the,.youthful prieonek.
er'e. answer 'to ail argumente.
Dropped 80 Peet Front Pop 01)103011
Military College. ••
A despatch from Kingster,
says: F4ling a distance of eigh4.,11
feet while on the Royal
College waiter tower to take a, pito-
tograph, Cadet Gilbert 8. Fry, of
Montreal, 19 years of age, met ie.-
stant death. The young man, ao-
companiecl by ,a comrade'started to
climb to the top of the tower. Fry
had gained the top, a,nd the other,
cadet Was half -way up, henWthe
former missed his footing and eame
tumbling down, ahnost carrying,the"
other cadet with him.
The deceased entered the Royal
Military College in 1911, and would
ha,ve graduated in Tune. He was a
eery clever young fellow and highlett
esteemed both by his .profeesors, and
clasamatesIle was a 'member of
the senior Rugby teafin and
nent, in sports generally. Arrange.'
ments for thefuneral have not y.e.i4
been coinpleted.
Iee-Cold Dip Caused Death of '
taava Man.
A despatch. from Prescott sas
Charles I.. Jones of Ottawa 'Wee
found dead in his room:in the Ale',-.
andra Hotel here. Ho was eati
ployed as engineer by a firmof con-
tractors who are making alterations
to the Government steamer Bay.
field., in winter quarters here, While,
at work he fell into the ice-cold
water. Coming to the hotel,
changed his wet clothes and retired
to hi S DO -0111, where' he ,was found
dead. He was a nephew of Mr.!
Allan ;Tones of Prescott, and be.:
longed to a very prominent family:
He leaves a wife and t Wo, small ehif.
drop. The body was.torwarded
Ottawa for interm,ont. '
-.Roy 1_h 18 (inn and the Bullet
Siraek Sister.
A deepateb .from Guelph says
shooting accident -ix:carted j t 1.11(
home ef AVM, Anderson. near Camo-
bellville, when Annie, „Ael1e2ee..0;
girl nine yeare 'of ago, had a,
row esenpe from death , John An-
tierson, her brother_ Nras eugagod.
a, P1110when hie o 14'
ca,mc from eelteel. Tin) yolinn
men :was not aware that the „peen
1.1'),, 'leaded, and eal 21)1)1(1 the i
ger, ATI explogon 1014011e4.1, t916
hulit,t,:gtriking the girl in the nealc,.
just' below .the baee ,or ore ekull,'
ie.19 in a 11111ca1 ounaillo,t 1,1)d
partially paralyzed,