HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-19, Page 8�,^y•Lr�� E XETER Rry` ',CJMARKETS. '_
o4A. Amu )4AaEr WDINESDA(7�
Wtt•-X ...,. 98 98
Bari, ...,,,+ 40 54,
Buck +irwrab,,.,..,; 48 48
80 8(3
Peas . , ... 80 80
'I4 00
Hay, .,,-hon .., 1400 14 00
Flour. 1, r, owt.,family 2 80
Flour, IX' v gradeper ow . 1 50 150
Butter, . ...... .„... 23 24
$ 90
2d 00
24 00
Qat. ..,,.,ti.
Pots c • •-1, per bag .... •
rave heal per cwt,........
41aorts len. ton. .,.. ,
Bran:per ton.,....,,.,
MISS, J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight
Specialist will be at The Central Ho-
tel, ea 'Saturday, March 41st. One
clay only.
OFFERINGS.—Large stock choice
vvariety potatoes for seed and table;
Barred Rock Eggs for incubation; al-
so bit, .Hackney -bred driver, rising 5
attractive goer, gentle and reliable.—
S. J. Hogarth, Exeter, Lot 13, Con. 3
An apprentice wanted. Cutting
patterns to individual measure a spec-
ialty Miss Mary A. Tom.
Anyone wishing to sow onions on
contract please call on T, G, Sanders,
Exeter, for terms and conditions.
11 t are now ready to contract with.
f..rxnars to grow peas clad corn for the
factor) for the season of 1J14. :all
at ti,e factory and arrange for acreage
S. M. SANDERS, Managei
SALE.—The undersigned has a quan-
tity each of first-class seed Oats—
Lincoln White—and barley—O. A. C.
21—for sale. Guaranteed clean.. John
Hirtzel Crediton, Ont.
N. t ::e is hereby given to issuers of
ivari:aze licenses that I forbid the
,-sal • g of a license for the marriage
of Lille Mack, ai she is not oflegal
age, a.., any person doing such will
be ii secured according to law.
(2.i la MACK, Starbuck, Mn.i.
A one -storey Frame House and
Kitchen; also stable, two lots, 108.
and 109, situated on _Andrew street.
Exeter Will be sold reasonable. For
further particulars apply by mail to
Ed. Gill Sr., Grand; Bend.
DRIVER FOR SALE.—Good, quiet
farmer's driver, coming six years old.
Apply to A. S. Deavitt, Exeter.
ialf Pr +•e. Sale of a big assortment
of New Framed Pictures, all worked
in plain figures and for sale at Half
We to cal
Price Gt. e anwrite you1 and
have a loos at those pictures. Some
one of them will no doubt appeal to
yo:t' and ;ou can buy the same at
jus* half the price marked.
The undersigned has a limited quan-
tity of choice White Oats, first im-
po- e3 from Scandinavia and ireasonable.
anteed clean, Price a
Crediton P. O.
House and Lot on Carling Street
and vacant lot on Simcoe Street. 1%
storey brick house an Carling Street
containing 8 rooms, parlor, dining
room, kitchen and pantry, 3 bed-
rooms up -stairs, 1 below; hard and
soft water; frame barn; a number of
frui', trees, a very desirable property
being nicely situated; very suitable
for a retired farmer. For terms . ap-
ply to J. W. Taylor, or B. S. Phillips
auctioneer, Exeter, Ont.
HORSES.—We are always open to
buy good horses at current prices.
Parties having horsesto sell please
call Phone 41, Exeter. DOYLE
BROS Exeter.
FOR SALE—In Clandeboye—Brick
house, orchard, stables, and 15 acres
land. A ely W. A. Jones, 206 Percy
St. Ottawa,
the Advocate Office. No witness re-
quired and strictly confidental
I have several choice .residential
properties in Exeter for sale. Des-
cription and terms on application,
HOUSE TO RENT.—One and a half
story brick cottage, in good condi-
tion with furnace. Conveniently sit-
uated. Good garden and a number of
fruit trees. Apply at this office.
Gooc brick house, half' acre land;
Fault trees, hen house on the prem-
ises A' good comfortable place. For
particulars apply to Mrs, E. Demp-
sey. • Centralia,
A choice farm of 100 acres for
sale, being Lot 23, Con, 10, Stephen.
There is ort the premises a new brick
house. two storey; new bank barn
44x64; hen house and pig pert, young
young orchard; 10 acres of bush; 40
plowed; 10 acres seeded to alsike and
five acres fall wheat; good hard and
soft water and windmill. Water works
in stables. Apply on pretises or write
to Serrate! Beaver, Dash.wvbod P. 0.
mop, 'P"Vr'11'Nrivi-NrArvriprik
He who knows what is good and
choose:' .it, and who knows what is.
e1=i: arta avoids it, is. both learned and
Thi home merchants, even chose
who think they cannot afford to ad-
vertise, ahould be patronized %az pref.,
erence to the big nail order depart-
mental stores.
The Grand Trunk Railway has is-
sued a strong "safety first" bulletin to
its employes, which says, in, paa-t, "It
you have been guilty of unsafe prac-
tices better stop now".
"Everybody tact our family is some
kind of an animal!' said Bobby to the
amazed lady visitor. "'What nonsense'
she exclaimed. -"'Well," replied the
boy "mother's a dear, my baby sis-
ter is mother's little lamb, I'm thekid
an, l dad's the goat, ,
Every 'person should know that a
sura, mail box is as sacred as a boa
th,e, post office. We haveheard of
mai • getting .in the wrong, box by mis-
take .and it having been kept for some
time Now we do not blame the mail
carriers as we are all liable to mis-
takes occasionlly but those who keep
mai' tbat does snot belong to them are
certainly guilty of a serious offence,
ILn_teresting, and instructive address-
es were delivered on Thursday last
at the Sabbath School and League In-
stitute, held in the Methodist church-,
es by clergymen of the district. Mr.
L Clark of Toronto spoke on
"The Boy .Problem. He urged par-
ents teachers and churches to do
their duty in teaching boysthings
thee ought to know rather than let -
tine, them find out in a wrong way
ano often when it is too late.
The almost total eclipse of themooer,.
on, Wednesday night of last week was
one of great interest and witnessed
by hundreds of our people. The first
perceptible shadow made its appear-
ance about 9,4a, and from that time
to 11.13 the shadow had continued to
cover up the illuminating Dowers of
the old satellite 'until ninety -two -one -
hundredths of ' it was hidden. The
night was perfect, not a cloud appear-
ing in the sky,and the sight to all
who witnessed it was of rare beauty
Here's a su.ggestiore from the Brus-
sels Post,. .I.3ow would it be to make,
Easter Sunday. April 12th Huron
County's day for "Everybody VI
church?" There's over three weeks'
to plan and carry out such a campaign
and the. Sabbath named would be an
opportune occasion to introduce the
goo • work. > Weather conditions are
likely to be favorable .at that period
and by a hearty co-operation of,past
ors and .congregations the many edifi.
cea ea this grand ol'd county might
easily ,be packed to -the doors. Wil)
you help such a much to -be -desired
It is . strictly again t the rules- of the
Pos'- office ,Department to -distribute
bills or any kind of mail matter in
ruga; mail boxes unless full postage
is paid thereon, and couriers are in.
strutted to collect all such deposits
and deliver them at the post office
where they , will be treated as dead
matter, This is a point in connection
with the rural mail delivery system
thee its not generally known,- and we
give it as a piece of information. Anv
person, however can deposit a fully
prepaid letter or parcel in a rural mail
boa for any other rural mail patron
alone -the same route and it will be
delivered by the courier as if mailed
at the post office, It is necessary
how ever, that the courier obliterate or
deface the stamp before placing it in
the ___
box hch't saddressed.
wm i i
now almost certain that the Farmers
Bank depositoxs will be repaid in full
This is good eaeww's for our Dashwood
a,nd Brucefield friends.
HOCKEY.—The Exeter team mei
their Waterloo on the home ice on
Thursday night. •It took a combina-
tion of Zurich, I ensail, Seaforth and
Toronto to do :it but:;they did , ii'
well—all under the name of Zurich.
A big ;crowd witnessed the game
whirl' was an interesting . one, with a
-bit ot,a scrap or two mixed in to give
it a':fiavt1r, Zurich's Toronto -man
was a•; peach and it was a treat to see
him make his individual rushes. It
was a make-ready blench that came.
dowel to trim Exeter and they carried
home a few dollars that our enthus-
iasts had to spare in, betting that Ex-
eter's winning streak would not be
broken. The final score was 12-5.
FolIewing is given as the line up--
p—Zurich Exeter
Belt- . goal Penhale
B,roww r ,
Thompson, centre Southcott
Hoffman • 1 ,sting Pickard
Hess r wing Pickard.
Tai- of St. Paul,; Minn,, son of David
Tait formerly of Exeter, is the chain
pi.or• .high diving sensation of the Pac-
clic Const. Frons the St. Paul Pio-
nee: Press we take the following.-
"He has swept his way through all
the recent high diving contests held
re Oregon and Washington, and his
C ub will send him to compete in the
Panama Pacific exposition swimming
r-eet at San Francisco next year. Prof
Jaci Cody one of the most famous
instructors in the States .;says Tait is
one of the mostwonderful divers he
ha:, ever seen, and vrtin win at the' big
fair Clair Tai± was bowl • in Detroit a
and went to St. Paul at three years
o: age. He has won. many prizes for
swtiitimiag and • diving. He is 19 years a
of age and is a sturdy six-footer
weinghing 200 pounds in his lathing
suit '' Inn
MISS J' .J. ALLAI' , Eye Sight L
'Specialists will be at 'the Central Ho-'
tel on Saturday, March. 21st, One n
day rimyr
eel L, L X IV' E R Y OPENING,— Miss g
Matlock announces her Millinery Op-
enitif; Saturdays March 21. All ladies p
cotdally Invited. a:1
r defence Atkinson
I. defence Rivers
Rover Snell
A dance wvas held.:io; •iYJ'cl)onell's
Hall on Tuesday evening.
Mr S, Martin is tearing, down • the
burr, at the rear of his store,
Tie.Epivorth League of Main. Street
Cliurel). .gave .an Irish evening on St,
Patrick's night the 17th.
Ner Henry Reynolds has purchased
the dwelling, of the late Ma's. Morlock
on 'Huron Street facing the park. '
V It is now fully. expected that the
oiun,teees will ,Oxlip at Goderich this
year. ,and likely •in .August, :not June
A load of young people spent a
pleasant time Friday evening at the
home of Mr, Minor Dobbs, Saintsbttry
Ale the good Irish, sand some who
weren't Irish,. were swearing o the
green" on Tuesday last, St, Patrick's
If by spending a :dollar a year fox
ycut home paper, your good` wife saves
$50 in, bargain sales. Don't you think
it advisable to get on our list.
Mr. C. B. knell has torn down the
old brick building in front of the
rink and will use e tate material lathe
erection of a house on Andrew street
This Wednesday afternoon as we go
to press a radial meeting is being
held in the Town Hall, with repre-
sentatives from various municipalities
la attendance,
Rev Nichol of Simcoe occupied
Ca- ea pulpit on Sunday in the ab-
sence of Rev. Sharp, who with Mrs.
Sharp was in Ottawa. Rev. Nichol is
Mrs. Sharp's father.
The .weather has been very mild for
a few days quite springlike in fact,
anc1 nearly all seem well pleased. Mon-
day was so fine . a day that it made
one glad that he had survived the
During, the past two years 17 Sen-
ators have died, 13 of ,them being Lib
eras and four Conservatives, - There
are still 33 members of the tipper
house over 70 years of age, 21 being
Liberals and 12 Conservatives.
Now that the snow is disappearing
the dirty, 'back yards and the dirty
frcnt sidewalks are showinng up. Clean
them up, A dirty back yard s bad
but a dirty cement sidewalk in front
of you- premises is fen times worse,
That the Independent Order of For-
esters was justified in its re -adjust -
meat of rates at the last session of
the Supreme Court is the finding of
a Judge of St. Clair County. This is
the first Iegal decision given on the
;point and it is of widespread . interest
"n members of the • order.
M'MIrs Stumpf of Mildmay ie suing W
H. Pullyblank, contractor, of St.Marys
for 82.0,000 damages. The suit arises
oiit of the accideaifal death of ner
husband. , which occurred while • he
was working on the construction . of
the new Catholic Church at Mildmay
bast year.
For frost-bitten feet plunge them in-
to cold 'watercontaining salt. or .a little
ammonia. Dry thoroughly. Dust with
talcum powder. Apply, two coats io-
dine allowing the first to dry thorough
ly before the other is "applied. Do .nol
wear woolen stockings. Keep away
from heat.
Miss Leavitt, nurse, is this week
conducting u t
g examination
all the scholars in the Exeter School.
This system is now in vogue in a.
great many of the schools of the
Province the of,
being that "an
ounce of prevention is better than a
pou,nrl of cure."
Ir, Ontario. when a husband dies
withoutmaking a will. and leaves no
children, nor .decendan:s of deceased
children, the wife receives $1000 out
of she
estate, the balance going to
the .natural heirs of the deceased. In
case the estate, after paying expanses
doe,; not exceed $1000, the widow,
takes all
Smile. and the world smiles with
you "Knock," and there's no one at
home The pian with a grin and a -
Plan to begin, goes where. the "knock-
er's" not known. Smile, and the world,
smiles ,with you, Growl; and the way.
looks dark. There's many a man who
can, and he can, without "cranking"
so much if he'd spark.
A teacher had been at great trouble
to explain to her class the meaning
o:..the word "notwithstanding," and.
on asking for a sentence in which the
worc occurred, was somewhat non•
plussed to receive the following ef-
fort from- a blushing' maiden of eight
"Please teacher, my little brother has
a hole in the seat of his trousers, and
notaithstaa ding."
The public takes the Advocate be-
cause we tell them weekly about the
events and movements of people in
whom they are interested. We pub
iisi the births marrages, deaths and
personal social and other community
happenings. We tell about the im
provements, property sales, building.
operations, give the factory, shop;
e.nwrca ,school, and fraternal s cieties
news -everything that goes to make
up the sum total of the iife of this
town and sperounding districts.
The regular. storm period central on
the 22n,d, protnised a prolonged and
general storminess, with violent wind,
and rain followed by sleet, and clan'
gerous tornadoes are liable to appear,
The time of greatest violence and dan-
ger will be on, ,arid touching the 23rd
24th and 25th. Bleak, wintry weather
may be expected in the. north.
CARNIVAL--Under the
auspices of the Exeter Curlers a Mas
auesacle Carnival and Burlesque Hock-
ey' match will be held in the rink this
Thursday evening, Prizes will be a-
warded for best comic historical and
national costume, graceful skating and.
ni91c race. Brooms acid a football
wilt be used in the hockey match.
Banc! in attendance.: Admission 1.5
d ct 10 cents,
matter of granting.
ew licenses for hotels- in Huron,ancl
Peel counties was brought upin the
egislatture on' Monday when Mr.
Hanna said that new licenses would
of be •issued, but with the concur
once of the local license commission
hree months' extension would be
ranted under the present .kepses to
ertoblc the hotel proprietors ' to tlis�
cat. of their stock. Thal is _what was
r nc• ,a year ago,
You Can't Afford
To Have Gray flair
woman is. as qld, as she looks"—
attcl notating will make her look. old so
surely or so quickly as grey hair.
It is possible for any woman` to
prevet t her hair tu,rnme .gray or to
restore her grey Bair to all its former.
Hay's Hair 1-lealth will do it, It is
not a dye; It accomplishes its' res-
ults quickly easily and at the. same
time stimulates and invigorates the
scalp .and hair roots, Its removes` dan
We are sure enough of its•results
to sa) that we will refund your money
if it fails after a fair trial.
$1:00 50c., 25c,. Get it at our store,
Miss Hettie Sweet is home from
Mr Hanna was in Detroit on busi-
ness Iasi week,
• Me. H. J. Sanders of Toronto was
Boyle over Sunday.
Mr Frank' Sweet of Sarnia visited.
hi tows. this week.
Mr, Herman Elliott was home from
Ducar over Sunday.
Miss Stell. Southcott has returned
from .a visit in Osehewa,
ll7iss Lila Johns returned from a vis-
it is Aurora and Toronto. ' -
Mrs. (Dr.i Browning has returned
from a visit in:in:New Hamburg.
Mr. John Spackman :left last week
to visit at Talbottville and St. Thom-
Mr Ern Harvey and Mr. Cliff.
Spackman of Guelph were. home over
Mr John D, Atkinson of Clinton
visited with friends here the latter
part of last week,
Mrs J. R. Inksater and daughter of
Paris were here over' Sunday, the
guests of Mrs, W. . J. Bissett.
Mrs Mara after a visit with het
daughter, Mrs. Cole, returned to her
home in. Lwcan the latter part of last
Mrs. C. N. Logan and daughter Miss
Jarrett, who have been spending the
winter in and around Exeter, left on
Friday for their home is Moosejaw.
Mx.a.returneds Clarke returned to his
homc neat London Saturday, after a
couple weeks' visit with old friends
Usborne, where he resided for many
A Gold Watch Almost Free will. be
sent to the person sending in the cor-
rect answer" to the'following nuzzle,
Place the letters,o e d ,i v o .g s i
into words which will make. a well
kaowr, Bible phrase.
To the one sendingg
in the :fret
correct answer we will send a gold
:watch. either lady's or gents':
'Wiih your answer write your name
and address plainly and send 25c. for
cost of mailing watch. Get busy ;nd
answer to -day. Address all answers
plainly `to Box 25, Dashwood.
The prize winners' name an,d date
answer was received will be published
at close of contest.
Cedar Posts ifor
We have this year the finest 'stock
of POSTS we have ever had, having
nothing less than 6 inch' at the small
end. G. E. HICKS, •
Exeter North
O. IN CONNECTION) I wish to say
that 1 carry a fine stock of FRESH
Groceries and
Dry Goods
Ant'' EVERYTHING that can be
had in a GENERAL STORE; Also
3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat,
Sausage, Etc., Etc.
Give me a call for your ,next order
H. Bierling
Tea & Coffee.
For the choicest
oceries fruits, spices,
eats, coffee and
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trfal
as to quality will convin-
Produce taken in exchange
(Opposite Elect riclight Plent'
Change of Busifless
Having purchased the Jewelry *Business of Mr.
Marchand A. h nd we would ask ' a- continuance of
Vat ona�e
accorded our predecess
or and if Pavoxed
with same; our wants will have our best attention
It will be our endeavor to keep our stock up to
where itill
w appeal to all classes of customers and
our aim will be to giveperfect satisfaction in all
A` Call Solicited
Special attention paid to re.p • airily of all kinds
Lawson Sc. Trick
Successors to A. Marchand
Telephone Office
All., persons having a000unts with
me prior to 1914 wil please call and
settle at once as they are past due.
Undertaker and License
Embalmer. -
Choice Corn
Car of Choice Corn
raceived for feed.
►N1 :
Exeter, -
� e Ontario
Phone 20a T. B CARLING
Life, Fire, Accldttrt and Plate Glass
EXETER insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ducting ONTARIO
ducting auction sales. — Exeter, Ont.
Tic Advocate to 11I1r.'1-5, $1
PHONE N0. 32
Millinery Display
Sat., March 21, '14
and followingdays we will'place lace
p on exhib-
ition the finest display of Spring Millinery we have
ever shown,. All the Paris, New York & London,Mod_
els will be shown here in everthirig that is new. Vis-
it -our show room:
Nobby Spring
Suits and Ladies'
They are the best we have . ever
shown For Style, Fit, and Fabrics
theyare right up-to-date and no
two alike,
We want you to see our Display,
New Spring Dress
This will be the season for Novel-
ty Dress Goods, We have a bigvar-
iety to shown you in the best goods
and newest colors,
....,Silk Brocade ,,Crepe Plain. Silks
Fancy Brocade Crepe Fancy Silks
Plain & Fancy Crepe Plain Bedfords
Brocade Bedfords Plain Poplins,.
Brocade Racine Plain Serges
Plain Ratine Silk & Wool Mixtures
and dozens of other popular Dress
ONES & m
Headquarters for the celebrated . E .
q � . Sal7foucl: Clothing