Exeter Advocate, 1914-3-19, Page 7;RHUU !tAuin• »URINt MARCH Victims Can Cure Themselves With Dr. 'Williams' Pipk o e- a 4 cl • t t.. n t e s 0 0 s 0 During the month of March pe;j pie who are allied with rhea=tism begin to have unpleasant r, minders of their trouble,.• Thewe' the is changeable- - balmy, an springlike one day, cold, raw en piercing the 'next. It is :such' sud den changes of Nteather that star the pangs and tortures of rheunia tisii, lumbago and sciatica going But it must.be borne in mind-thab although . weather, conditions star the pains , the trouble is rooted i the blood, and can only be cured theough the blood. All the lint meats and lotions.in the world eau' cure rheumatism." Rubbing ma seem to ease the pain while on RD Tubbing, but there its value ends Only by treating the diseas 'through the blood, can you eul: rheumatism. That is why Dr a Willi' ms Pink Pills have cured so many thousands --of oases of thi trouble. The new, rich bleed thes pills `actually male drives out th poisonous acid ;and rheumatism ;lumbago and kindred troubles are ,banished. Among the 'many suffer ere from rheumatism cured by thi ilnedicine is Mr. R. J. Sinclair, o G•osen, N,S., who says: "About tw years ago I was laid up with rhea. (matisna. For two mantles I could knotwalk and had to 'stay in an in- • t,valid's chair. My feet "were badly swollen and my arms seemed to be paralyzed. I had . been 'using doo- lor's medicine for a, long time, but it did not seem. to help me, and the doctor finally told me that the only •thii}g that would cure me would be 'a change of o]imate, At this time I klecaded to 'give Dr. Williams' Pink Tills .a trial, and got a. supply. A£ ter I had taken them for a' while I found they were helping me, and I. ;got 'a further supply, and they com- ip].etely cured me, and I have not tbeeiz sick one day ,since... I strongly Dr. ,Williams' Pink yPil Pills this tr�u s o lo. Ireeommend b If you suff3r from rheumatism, or teny other disease of the blood or pnerves, begin to cure yourself to- •1day with Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills, jwhieh under a fair trial will do for you what they have done for thou- sancls of others. Sold by all medi- cin , dealers or by 'nail ,at 50 cents la, box or six boxes for` $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . 34. TIL MIl'i I) TIIAT RULED. )Discharged .Efntlo5e Sought Reason for Clock's Failure to Ring. From a Western paper oom•es the i ,tt,ry of a'youth whose tendency to )sle•ep late of a morning oast him his 'job. The man in question, a Swede, c ;was workingfor a farmer, who 'de- lina.nded punctuality above every- thing else. The fanner told him he Zriaist be at work every morning at four 'o'clock sharp. The "hand" failed to get up in time, and the farmer "threatened to discharge him. Then the "hand" bought an alarm clock, and for some .time everything 'went 'along sm:eothiY. But on% maiming elle got to the field fifteen minutes 'late. The farmer immediately dis- charged him, in spite .elf his prates- )t.ations that his alarm clock was to ;blame. ' Sadly returning to his room, the 'discharged employee determined to Bind out the cause, of his :downfall. ;$e took the alarm chock to pieces, and discovered a dead cockroach 'among the works. "Weld, he soliloquized, "e..37 ;tank it bane no wonder the clock 'wouldn't run the engineer bane (laid." Does Your Head Ache ‘With Catarrh? \HAV,; YOU SORE NOSTRILS, WA- TERY EYES, MUCOUS DROP- ' PINGS IN THE :STOMACH. CATARRHOZONE WILL CURE YOU. For the first time in the history of 'medicine, a treatment for the cure of 'catarrh, endorsed by the medical pro-. fession has been given to tiie•public. Hun dreds of ,patent med ivines "have ave been advertised, but mover- before has ` the ]egitiniate Physician in good stand- ing g theres f use of a Ca- tarrhal remedy. • l. The merit of Catarrhozone is so un- questioned, its cures : so numerou's,as lto entitle It torank as the one remedy „,by, which Catarral disease in the ''lead, nose and throat Can'be."readied and cured. The cures of Catarrhozone are permanent. Even those blinding. aeadaehes, that stuffed -up feeling in the nose andforehead, are reileved in• pee minutes. ' Chest pains and, die - charge of nauseating matter is stop. lied. And just think of thio---� ou stop- I ;ll.avvkiiag--you no longer snuffle or gag S'*cause Catarrhozone , heals and: oothes away irritation Y all and 'con- gestion, .. • ' Why delay?- Ry usLWg Catarrhozone. today yeti start on tlio way to health, ,Catarrhozone will Make and keep you {free from every trace' of cold, throat,, ichest,:lor catarrhal trouble; 'has dove t for•;thousands. Why not for you? Large size lasts two month, costs $1.00; small s a l size,r 1 �� ii(>., All dealers. Or 'lay mail front the Catarrhozone Co.,' 'Buffalo, N.3.r, and Kingston, Ont. • SIR LIONEL CARDEN, The British Ambassador to Mexico is here shown eosin; for newspaper Photographers on 'his arrival at Washington where he conferred' with .President Wilson concerning the Mexican situation, Sir Lionel de- clared that in his opinion the Huerta Government was just as strong as aver. While travelling on a steamboat a notorious card -sharper, who wish- ed -to get into the good graces of a clergyman' who was on board, said to the reverend . gentleman: "I should very much ilike 'to hear one of your se'rmo'ns, sir." "Well," re- plied the clergyman; "you could have. 'heard me last ,Sunday if you had been, where you should have been;" "Where was that then ?" "In the county jail," was the an- swer. BABY'S 'O OWN TABLETS BANISH CASTOR: OIL Once a,'. mother uses Baby's Own Tablets; 'she will never again use Castor oil, that barbarous purga- tive which all children loath The Tablets are a gentle laxative; plea- sant to take and are absolutely the best medicine a mother can give her little onee. Concerning them Mrs, Hector Blanchette, Rouville, Que., writes : "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in, place of eastor oil and am well satisfied with them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail a25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .14 PLANTS CAN • SEE AND REAIt. So M n'o ice til •ds, of man, ow tan loo he ow ske was her iYI lel hear are an suggests system, heir the Q do di br The owe an each nd on e en nil rio "This and r ,a {,I Declares Famous 'Tench flora- eulturist. M. Jean Viaud-Bruant, who - o of the most famous French hor- ticulturists, has just published 'a little boort on flowers, in which` he advances the theory that flowers both see and hear..As a young he says, he ' began to study flowers, for which he has always, had a passion,' and .he sought to "under - s d the intimate life" .. of the blooms which be cultivated. When h saw the, growing plant reach out-. t and the necessary support he a d himself whether the action the result of volition, and whe- t the ]ant had p eyes. Viand-Bruant. is now appar- ently y convinced that flowers both and see. There are some that sensitive to anaesthetic sub- s{ ces, ether in particular, which sl ests the existence of a nervous s ern, "like that of .a nervous wo- ,, m And he would u eveni credit t with something analogous to power of speech. 'One knows," :4e, writes, "that theperfume of 'lowers is a manifes•-' to n of vegetable life, 'a living radiation. ation.. Perfume is as much a vibration OA an olfactory sensation. T 'perfume is; the voice`"' of the flower; a bouquet is a wordless ro- mance. Each perfume, or rather, e odorous sensation, corres- po s with a certain note of vibra- tion; there is an analogy between th perceptions of sound, light and scent. SCh strong scent comes... ponds with the deep notes, while the do ate odors correspond with, the 8 {.itclteii- Sound Translated. •zero weather is great for h tiling one," remarked the wa- ter s it began to congeal... t may harden ;vou," .snapped erre watcrpipe, "blit it breaks, ino all tip."' Quick -Cure For His Rheumatism ROBllliNT J. PYLE FOUND :1T Il'i FORD'S KIDNEY PiLLS, Ile Suffered for a Year, but Isis Return to Health was *quick and His Cure Complete. Bourg Louis, Que., March 13. -- (Special). — slow quickly Dodcl's Kidney Pills' will cure rheunnitisin and other forms. -'of Kidney Disease when taken in the early stages is shown in the oaso of ,rMr. Robe. 3. Pyle, •a well-known farmer living near here. In an interview Mr. Pyle says: "Working in cold, web weather was the cause of my tremble, and for about a year I had occasional cramps in the muscles and stiffness in the joints. I was often dizzy and felt depressed and low spirited. I was nervous and my skin itched and burned at night. "When Rheumatism was finally added to my ills I decided, to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. One box' cured r. ed me, �CU.rl rete and have I lase had no return my trouble," Dodcl's Kidney Pills cured Mr. Pyles R,hennaa,tisiii because it• was caused by sick Kidneys, Dodd'e Kidney :[sills always cure sick Kid- neys. If. you have any two of Mr. Pyle's symptoms, you have sick Kidneys and you need Docld's Kid- ney P1118. Cheek. Old Riohieigi —"So you want" to' marry my daughter. What are your prospects, may I ask " Suitor—"Excellent, sir, if I get her, I know you'll do the handsome thing for u.s.'' • Piles Cured in a to 9.4 Dayo Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind,: or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief, 60c. "That girl has pretty hair," re- marked the- young man, "Yes," said the damsel he was with, "and she has some at 'home that is even prettier." ' Minard's Liniment for: sale everywhere, Wanted—An Oceitpation. There are two' reasons why some people don't mind their own busi- ness. One is that they haven't any mind, the other that they, haven't any business., Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or,: Granulated Eyelids..Doesn't, Smart—Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e. Murine Eye .Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, 50e.. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonle Good tor Alt [ryas that Need ,Caro Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago Supplied. Maid -There's a man 'called with a, bill, ma'am. ... Mistress—Tell him wehave some already. hiinard',e Liniment Co„ Limited, Rave used MINARD'S LX.IsTTA1ENT for Croup; found nothing equal ,to it; aure cure. (111AS. E. SHARP. Fa ksliasv, N B Sept, 1st, 1905. • Hints to Debtox'o. "Has Owens ever paid back that $10 you loaned hint a year ago ?" "Oh, yes; he borrowed $25 more off me last week, and only 'took $15," Low Colonist hates to Pacific Coast Via Chicago & North Western BY., March 15th to April 15bii from points in Canada to Salt Lake Cityty b en Losy Angeles, San.Fsaneisco, Portland,, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria, .''traneouver, Kootenay District and Canadian Northwest pointe. Through yeurist 'sleepers( and free re- clining chair cars from Chicago. Variable router Liberal stopovers. For fell in- formation as to rates, routes and lttera- ture, wr,ito� or call on B. H. Bennett, General • Agent, 46 Tonge Street, Toronto. `Plenty of Distinction. "I represent 'the dignity .of la_ boa." said the man in his shirt- sleeves. "Yes,'' replied Mr. Dustin,,.Sttax, "and 'you 'coni work in your shire - sleeves hiire-sleeves'and speak your mind, and quit w>ork when your:. regular hours are through, I've got' to ,ureal+ a high hat and guard every word I. speak, and keep busy 18 hours a day.I represent the, labor of dig- naty, DoH THa E RHEUMATISM V CCE'1' CIN PILLS NOW, and be free ' of pain all winter, Mr. 'Rebel% Wilson of itardlield, iV,B., eAys; "l't m.forcle ere great pleasure to convey ,net only tosou but alio to «11 sufferers froth Backache and ltheum,atient, the great relief x;havoabtained frban the use of Gill :Pills, I feel ,th i kful to you, I reeavanteud, d1:N'. 'PILLS to .anyanb suffer'' lies ai T toil," 60c. ale**, 6 for $2.60. SfeMp'le free' if Yea write N'attiOnhrl Drag !6 Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. A11reidy baked to a nicety; whole, mealy and full flavored.. Beating wily is necessary. SH CRLETON' IIA Tlil FENDS Sir "Ernest Refuses to Discuss Aus- trian Explorer's Priority Claim. A ,cable from London says Sir Ernest Shackleton bas now secured $250,000 which w^a:"s needed to carry out his exploring trip across the Antarctic continent in the south. He wi><nts $50,000 more • to have a margin for the supporting parties. The .gavernmen•t has given $50;000, while `anonymous persons •have of- fered : $100,000 ,as a free . gift; an; otherperson offered $175,000 for the cinematograpli rights, but the ex- plorer said this, reinains to be de- cided. Sir Ernest Shackleton is working fifteexi hours aday, at the p epaza' tions, and he is obliged ta.p'ostp�ne, his intended trips to America and Norway owing teethe demand, made upon him. Ha declines to; discuss 'any 'fine ther the Austrian explo,ret Koenig's claim to priority of aIle idea in, fixe ing W,eddel Sea' as a base, insisting that he mentioned this - intention soon after his last return front the Antarotic, whereas Koenig claims to hays published his plan .only last May. Whether the .Austrians go there or not, Sir Ernest Shackleton nays, is a matter of indifference to him, His Flesh Horribly Burnt His druggist sold hien a cheap acid Dorn cure; what he should have bought was Putnam's Corn Extractor it'e purely vegetable and acts in 24 hoursa':'rnelet on only "Putriant's Extractor," 250. at all dealers. .I. An Irish laborer once vent to Glasgow. As he was walking up the city after landing; with his pack on his bad and a blaekthorn stiek through it, a Scotsman same up to him, saying, "Well; Pat, bow did the potatoes grow in Ireland this year 1" Pat looked at him, took the pack off his back, drew the black- thorn from it, gave shim a'blow on the head, knocking him to the ground, saying, "That is one_ of the stalks:for you, and you can judge f'or yourself the size of the potatoes." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. 1'6ARSIIIPS 10 WELCOME TANG French" 111cilitary and . IcaTal Demon- stration elnon-stration Awaits Ilis Majesty. A squadron of French warships will acct as an escort to the British royal yacht which brings King George and -Queen Mary across the channel next month, .and there will be an imposing,anilitary and naval demonstration in their honor, when they reach' French soil. Every pre- iii;•tFf�l; ii it 3Ft.•, egaeaaltenaeie lea , ,• leee l:ii One thorough application of Zarrz• Bak at ' night will bring ease by morns ] ing. Zam-Bak'stops the smarting, heals the cracks and remakes the hands smooth; Mrs. A. F. Phillips, of Ayer's'OIiif, Que., says •`�' suffered terribly front chapped hands. Sometimes 1 almost cried with the pain and smarting. Zam-Burt was recommended and it gave ice ease atlniolat as soon as applied. Now my - hands are quite smooth.' AIM use ZamBuk for all skin ereptions, liber., piles, eut/i burns and ell skin iii jurii,. foo, boa all dreggiata find Monti., . . caution will be taken to see that the visit of their :11ta,j'esties is unmarred by a angle unpleasant incident. Wile there is nothing "te indieate any activity on the. part of the, an- archists, every known nieenber a the .Beds will be kept under close survoilialloe until the royal visitors have returned home, The militant suffragette colony in Paris is regarded as more a source of danger than the agar- chiste, Word hue reached the po- lice that the Pankhurstites are planning a cleanoostra;tion ,but they; will have a small chance of accom- plishing anything. The French po- lice are not so tender in dealing with such matters as the English. Oa the principal that an ounce of prevention is worth a polled of cure, they do nob 'wait for an overt act before they take a: hand. Magical Effect on Neuralgia Throbbing Pain Goes Quickly; A YEAR'S SUFFERER CURED BY "NERVILiNE." No person reading tli.is need ever again suffer long from Neuralgia. Nerviline l ne wiI 1 quickly care the worst Neuralgia, and Mrs. G. Evans, in her strong letter written from Rus- sel poet office, says :—"One long year, the longest of my life, was almost en- tirely given up to treating dreadful attacks of Neuralgia. The agony I experienced during some of the bad attacks was simply unmentionable. To "use remedies by the score without permanent relief' was mighty discour- aging. At last I put nly faith in Ner- viline; I read of the wonderful pain-' subduing power it possessed and made up my mind to prove it valuable or useless. Nerviline at once eased the pain and cured the headache. Con- tinuous treatment with this magic - working remedy, cured me entirely, and I leave ever since stayed well." Mrs. Evan's case is but one of hun- dreds that might be quoted. Nervi- line is a specific for all nerve, muscu- lar or joint pain. It quickly cures neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, lame back, neuritis and rheumatism. Forty years in use, and to -day the most widely used liniment in the Domin- ion. Don't take anything but "Ner viline," which any dealer anywhere can supply in large 50c. family size bottles, or In a small 25c. trial size. But He Didn't Go,, Even Then. "I wish I could read your thoughts," he said. "So do I,"•she replied, with. a half` sitifled yawn-. "It'•s so un- pleasant sometimes;, to have to say what one thinks. 44 Only One "BISOMO QUiNnenil" LAYA.TI To. get theVE genuineBoMo, cull forQUININE, full name, . -Look for signature of B. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold: to One Day. 2sc. SHAT -KISSED FOODS. Claims Set Forth for-Vegei:ables Grown Above Ground. Some people say that to be happy oneshould eat only sun -kissed foods.. By sun -kissed they mean all fruits and vegetables that grow above ground. The more these things are dependent upon the rays of the sun for perfection the better effect they will have upon the victual who oonsumea them. Every man and woman in daily life is sure to need the brightness of the sun in the stomach as well as the heart and home, declare the ad- vocate -3 of the sun -kissed fare, and there is no better way of getting, it. than. through. nourishing food., In the sun -kissed diet there is very little 'neat, though poultry is used frequently and eggs are favor.- edt poultry because it is at its best when the fowls have been reared in the sunshine and open air. Beef ,and lamb are considered more or less depressing. Potatoes are carefully shuaaned despite their great food value. They are grown in the dark earth and never se•e the sun. They are apt to make one dull. Instead of potatoes ries is used freely, boiled, in cro- quettes or in puddings. Rice is full of nourishment --witness the japan- ese nation. Itsg resat merit is attri- buted to th efact that it is grown in a sunny climate and depends entire- ly upon the kisses of the sun, Beets, onions, carrots, turnips and paarionips are entirely elimi- nated frodn the diet, as they are grown underground. Instead tome - toes —luscious red ones— ear p , bean`s, egg plant, cauliflower and cabbage are recommended, as they possessor the warmth and radiant qualities of the 'sun. The further from the ground a vegetable grows the ,greater the good obtained from eating it, , Fruits are used far all meals, as much as one can got, particularly oranges, for all through they are of the brilianee of a noonday sun. Olives are in tremendous favor, as there is nothing more ardently kissed. Olive oil is used : for all cooking instead of ruttier and lard, thereby imparting to meat as well. as other foods the neceseary sun qualities, It is easy to be a 'sun food fad- dist, but it is .,raiz' to he well worth while. It Sam•etiine's 'happens that a girl who has narrowly escaped ,uia,tri- mony is to be congratulated, lain'ard's Liniment believes Neuralgia, yep rout SoflandWhit� utidllra,.odp MdOintmet Treatment: ,On retiring, soak the bands in hot water and Cuticura Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticura. Ointment, and wear soft bandages or old loose gloves during the night. Cuttonra. Soap andOintment are sold throughout the World. A liberal sample of each, with 32 -page booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and Rcall% sent post-free. Addreoe 5.'otter Drug de Chem... Ccgp•, Dept.131 ,13ost0n, U. S..A.' • FARMS FOR *MOI: 4;&6U . IsIPIiOT'SD FARM , 645 ACRES, L under erne, fulls,' equipped. Write owner, Perey Love, R•etlaw, Alberta. H, w, DAY,ISON, Ninety Colborne. Street. Toronto. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Olt 'BELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain. or Dairy Farm. write H. W. ilaweon, Brampton. or 91 Colborne Bt.. Toronto. N. W. DAWSON, '0otborn. St., Toronto. W.A N TE D. A GENTS WE WANT YOU. WRITE Dominion Shade ,Adjuster Co., Wind sor, Ontario. We will pay you $120.00 to distribute religious literature in your community. Sixty days' work. Experience not required. Alen. or women, OPPor. tunny for promotion. Snare time may be need; International Bible Press Company, 192 Sn9(lino, Tcxronth. NEWSPAPERS FOR 'SALE. CODWER11LY IN LIVE TOWN IN X G'York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection.. Price only $4;000, Terms Iiberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. TEIAWBE]1RIE4, RASPBERRIES, FIFTY. Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell & Son, Grovesend.'Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. inANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC.,, 'rio internal and e>eternal, cured with. oat pain by our borne treatment. Write as before too late. Dr. Belima° Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. Dna ta,i.n toy runny chances warn sFnrin,l. apllnt, enrb, roar ono, bony gro,clha, sn•elfngm Ind of lameness,. tire' the olatreliabicrernedyr It has been userlby horsemen, veteri. nations and farm. ers for 35 years and it has proved its nortl, in hundreds , of thousands of cases. Bickerdike, Alla„ Jan. 29, 1913. "I have bete using iiendall's Spavin Cure for a good many years with good results. in fact, I ani never without it." IT. Nannoaz. SI a bottle- 1i for35, :at druggists—or write for copy or our book "Treatise on the Horse" free. Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY` Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 79 INEMESEEMEMEWHIEEM Correct. Sunday School Teacher—"Benny, can you tell me what a prophet is?" Benny—"Buying something for a dime and selling it for a quarter."' Nllnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Danger of Contagion. When Bobby's mother returned from her shopping, she found hex small son in a fine rage, and the pretty nursemaid in tears. "What is the matter now 1" ask- ed the mother. ``Sure, nla'ian1, he's roarin' be- cause I wouldn't leave him go to play with the Burton children," said Nora. "And it wasn't that I wanted to denyrhim, but Mrs. Buz - ton called across they • was having charades, and I didn't know, ma'am, whether, Bobby had ever had 'them or not 1" Regularity of the; bowels is an absolute tleces• y for good, .. g d health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causingbiliousness, indi- gestion and sick headaches, Salts and other harsh mineral purgatives Irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse's Jndian moot Pills—entirely vegetable --regulate tlae bowels effectively without Weak ening. sickening or griping. Use Dr. Morse's sa Indian Root Pills E3). y4. ] SS r:0F1