HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-19, Page 5DENTAL Dr. G, F. RO'C1I,S'TON, L.i).S., DENTIST Member of tile R.C,'D,S, of .Ontario and chine' Graduate of. Toronto University. Mee—Oyer Dickson & Oarling's law offite. Closed Wednesday afternoons, P. A, R, KINSMAN, L,D.S,., D.D.S , I3onejr,'Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad effects. Offlee over Gladman & 8tanbuay's Office, ` Mads. "street, Exeter. DI4.r:ICSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Soifeitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Come missioners. Solicitors for 'the Holton Bank. etc. money to Loan at lowest sates of interest Offices—Main-St., E eter [. R. Carling, B.A. L,. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount ort private funds to loan on fame and village prop- erties at low rates or interest.',• GLADNIAN & STANBURY Barristers, Soldcitors, Exeter. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also l+lire Insurance ih lead- ing Canadian 'and British Companies.,, Main -St„ 'Exeter. College At Nome Thousands of ambitious young pec• pre are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities You m ty finish at college if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Eater college any day. Individual instruction. Expert tea- cher& Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers In Canada. Seven colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer. School at famous Spptton Business College, Lon- don. . GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Prificipel SYNOPSIS OF •.CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the sole head of a family 9r any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba Sas katohew2n or Alberta. The ap- plicant must appear in parson at the Domiuion Lands Agency or Sub- ageecy for the district. Entry by pro- xy made be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, mother , son, daughter, brother or sister of in- tending. homesteader Duties.—Six menthe' residence; upon and cultivation or the' Land in •each of three yss.rs, A homesteader may live within nine nalas of his homestead on a farm, of at least 80 acres sollely owned and occupied by him or by hie tether, smother, eon daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader ere ,good standing niay pre-empt a quart ereeection along side leis homestead, Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside upon the home stead or pre-emvption six months in ea0F of .six years from date of home- -stead entry - itnciuding the t; ne re- quired to earn licanes'tead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted' Sips tlomeatead right and cannot obtain a ;pre-remption may easter Tor a pur- chased hom,e&ead tri certain distrtetis Price ;;3.00 per acre. Duties— Must reside •six montlhsin, each of these 'years, cultivate !iety acres and erect to hewse worth $300. W. W. COItY, Deputy of, the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unawtiharized publication of th.ls atrvertisement will not be paid for. CENTRAL TRA TFOPL. ONT. Canada's best practical training school. Three departments, COM- MERCIAL and TELEGRAPHY. The courses are thorough and practical. individual instruction is given by a strong. experienced staff. Our grad- uates succeed. Students may enter at any time; Get our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. Ii A. McLACIiLAN, Principes BUSINESS MEN DO NOT WANT 'improperly prepared" yotung. ' amen rand women in their offices. Attend ELLIOTT Gini Toronto, Ont., -a school that has a ;great reputation for superior work and for placing many in choice positions. Write for catalogue. EVERY WOMAN issnterested and should knew about the wonderful MaYe�WhlrlingS ray Do Icbe Ask your druggist for it,• If he Gannet supply the MARXRL, accept do other, but send stamp for I11us- trated hoot 'sealed. It gives full Varticulers and dlreetionsinvatuabie •toladtes. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO, Windsdr,t7n' General assets £or Canada. KEPUALDOL CURES PAIN BUT DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Important events Which Have Occurred During theWeek First of all it ;may be, well to men - NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK do t that "'Kephaldol" is the. prescrip- tion of one of the world's greatest nerve specialists -the famous Herr Doctor ,Stohr of Vienna,, Austria. He has used uKephaldol" in his priva,tc practice and hospital clinics, thousands. of cases. of Headaches, Neuralgia Rheumatism, Sciatica! Neu- ritis IaGrippe and other forms of Nerve Exhaustion. The mere fact that Dr. Stohr ori- ginated "Kephaldol" is the only rec- ommendation needed by most physic- ians and surgeons to commend the formula to their attention, "Kephaldol" is the only pain reliev- ing 'remedy used by Dr. Stohr, be- bause it as the only One that does noaffect the heart or other organs and may be taken with perfect safety unti a complete cure results. "Kephaldol" Tablets may be obtain- ed at most drug stores in, 50c tubes or they will be seat on receipt of price bv' Kephaldol Limited, 31 La- tour St. Montreal. ZURICH John. Decker, sr., has been all for some time. -Mrs, Geo. Campbell is spending a month with her daughter Mrs Kampmann in Berlin. -Mrs. J.J Merrier is visiting relatives in Windsor for, a few weeks. -John Galster lost twc fine Jersey cows in; one week.— Mrs. 'Con. Schilbe has returned from Brodhagen .where she attended the funeral of a relative. -Chester Smith is seriously ill with appendicitis. —J Deichert has returned after a visit in Detroit.—P. Lamont left last week for Seattle to visit his brother whc as ill.—IV1,rs. B: Howard is making pre- parations to build a dwelling house. the°coming summer.—Rev. Peter Roop and wife of Michigan visited relatives in this vicinity.—Miss Rachel Yehr of. New York State is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Schwartzentruiber, jr., of Bronson Line. Protect the Heart From Rheumatism RHEUMA PURIFIES THE BLOOD AND THROWS OFF COMPLI- CATING DISEASES Weakening of the blood tissues by continued attacks of Rheumatism af- fects the heart. and produces- compli- cations which result fatally. RHEUMA puts the blood in condition to ward off other diseases and eradicates the Rheumatic conditions from the whole system Recommended for all forms of .Rheumatism. 50 cents at W S. Cole's, This letter will convince Lou of its great value,— "For nine weeks I was unable to work owing to my feet being badly swollen from Rheumatism. I also suf- fered severe pains in the back. After using two bottles of RHEUMA the Rheumatism Lias entirely left me."— F H. Morris, Fort Erie, Ont.. met Dosing )Your Children with strong Cathartics— Chamberlain's Tablets are most effective in regula- ting stomach troubles and con- stipation for the little folk --one tablet going to bed means' a sunny face in the morning. Pleasant to take, they never fail. 25c, a bottle.- Druggists and dealers or by mail. • ) Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 4 114, BEST DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLSb;eeit gulating Pill for women. $5 a box or threefor $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any addressonrceoiptof price, Tris: $costs r. Davo, Co.,St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHOPNOL FOR MEN. vm aria Vitality;for Nerve and Drain: increases "grey matter" ; a Tonic—wilibuil d yon up. s3 a box, or two. for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. THE SCoser.a EL* Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. RAND TRUNK IYs ,Homaseekers Excursions Round Tickets to points in Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chic- ago, St. Paul or Duluth, on. sale each Tuesday until October 27, inclusive, at low gates, Through Pullman Tour- ist Sleepers to Winnipeg on above. dates leaving Toronto 11 p, m. No change of cars. RETURN LIMIT TWO MONTHS SETTLERS' FARES (One way Second Class) Fro .1 stations in Ontario, 'Kingston Renfrew and . West to points in Al- berts and . Saskatchewan, each rues - clay durin a March, . and April; LOW COLONIST FARES .(One-way Second-class) From sta.tions„, in Ontario to certain points in Alberta, British Columbia, CaliforniA,Oregon, Washington, etc. ON SALE MARCH 15 TO APRIL 1:5 , inclusive full particulars at Grand Truk ria - feet Offices, or write C. E. Horning, 1),P,A., 'Toronto, Ont, N f, »Oi.E, Exeter, The Busy World's Happenings Oare- fuliy Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of • Our Paper --A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. Awed by the display of soldiery and Checked by several cavalry charges, the workmen of Rome have called off their •strike. S. S. Deforest, sheriff of St, ,john, and one of the best* known men in the Province of New Brunswick, died yesterday after a brief illness. Ex -Police Chief Carpenter of Ed- monton has been appointed• assistant inspector of Dominion Police tor Western Canada, with headquarters at Banff. Mary Monkman, an. ,ged woman who was found unconscious to her humble home, after suffering from privation and cold, died in the los pital at Galt yesterday. John Place, Socialist member of the B. C. Provincial Legislature, was found guilty yesterday of unlawful assembly at . Nanaimo during the strike troubles last fall. Beaten and badly disorganized; its leaders in jail, and provided with scanty food and shelter, the "unem- ployed army,” driven from Sacramen- to, is now 'encamped in Yolo County, Cal. Dr. Thomas Morgan Rotch, pro lessor of pediatrics at Harvard, died at his home in Boston, aged 65 years. As an authority on children's d's- eases he had a international repute- tion. 7'1'CRenee% John Haley's], of Ridgeway, has just caught a sturgeon which weigh. ed 231/2 pounds. Fire Tuesday afternoon at Norte. Timiskareing, Que.. destroyed two stores and three residences, entailing a loss of $8,000. The Glencoe; Ont.; Council has petitioned the Carnegie trust fund' of New York for a Carnegie library. The amount asked for is $6,000. The British cruiser Berwick yester-. day left St. Lucia, West Indies, hur- riedly, presumably for Brazil, in or- der if necessary to protest British interests. Oxford University convocation yes- terday conferred the honorary master of arts degree upon Robert Ramsay Wright, late vice-president of Toronto University. At yesterday's session of the Su- preme Circle of the Order of Cana- dian Home Circles in 'Hamilton, Rev. 'Dr. T. Stannage Boyle was chosen supreme leader. At one of the most successfuesales 'ever held in Woodstock yesterday fif- teen pure bred Durban cattle belong- ing to Walter Pillin of Sweaborg, Were sold for $2,500. The home of John Walker, in East Zorra, was ransacked thoroughly some time yesterday afternoon while the family was absent and several articles of jewelry taken. John Belton, a life-long resident of St. Catharines, was struck by a westbound freight train near the Twelve -mile Creek trestle, Tuesday night, and his body cut in two. He was 51 years old. FRIDAY. Cochrane Is to have a new weekly newspaper, The Cochrane Free Press. Mr. T. 0. Schultz is the editor. The first litter of 1914 foxes is reported from Charlottetown, P.E.I. They were born on the 5th of March. This, is the earliest fox birth on re- cord. William Hamsworth, Deputy Min- ister of Inland Revenue, has been ranted six months' leave of absence at the end• of which he will retire on superannuation. Commander E. R. G. R. Evans, 'Royal navy, the last man who saw Captain Scott, the Antarctic explorer, ;in. life, reached New `York yesterday 'on the steamship, Oceanic. George Creeford Brown, of Brown- leigh-on-Hudson, South Nyack, N.Y., .has intimated that he will eadow Mc- Gill University with $10,000 to found a scholarship for architects. Seven bod'ss were recovered yes- 'terday from the ruins of the Missouri Athletic Club, St. Louis, destroyed by fire, bringing the total recovered to 17. The bodies of 13 are still 'sing. Goderich put forward a strong plea for improved harbor facilities yester- day. A delegation at Ottawa asked that the plan of improvements of the port be imelemented with as little de - ,lay as possible. Application will be ma,.e to the On- 'tario Legislature by the English- speaking trustees if he Ottawa sep- arate school board for legislation dividing the board into +we bodies— English, and Freud... SATURDAY. The local Board of Education is go- ing to make every possible effort this year to have a technical school estab- lished'and erected in Port Arthur. Severe fighting, in .rilieh the 'W- itte troops killed 263 Arabs, took Place on Wednesday in the neighbor- hood of the oasis of Seuetina, Tripoli, Ab application for pardon for the men convicted in the dynamite con- spiracy triAls in Indianapolis will be presented in a few days to President Wilson. There is a report current at Orangeville that mane of the hogs in Pilkington Township are clying from a disease which the farmers . call rheumatism. Magistrate Jelfs, yesterday Morn- ing opened a letter' gent to hien by post," le which the writer, signing himself as J. °A. X., threatened, to murder Min -within 24 hours, President Greenfield, of the Alber- ta Aseeelatiiori of Rural Municipalf- ties, says ,he will ask the Legislature to subsidize' country physicians, so thee their charges hay be reduced. ilrot't vi11a people feel n'orvotts ow- ing to therrepoat, that the G. T. ' It. has purchased a large tract of land' in. ,Prescott for the purpose of eon- etruetieg a roundhouse and car shop. There seems little probability of legislation this session at Ottawa granting the demands of the interpro- vincial conference last tall for an in - creast in the Federal subsidies to the provinces. MONDAY Seeding has started on the expert mental farm at Lethbridge, Alta. Over forty per Cent, of the men employed in the but:ding. trades �^ Halifax are, out of work. In future the St. Catharines license commissioners will no's issue a licensee to a hotel proprietor or a bartender who is not a British subject. Five armed robbers broke into the mall order branch of the Hartman, Furniture Co., Chicago, yesterday, blew open the office :safe and got $15,000 in cast . Jacob Chambers, of North past- ime, Ont., was drowned Saturday. While assisting Lis son to do the chores at the barn, he fell into a cis- tern from which he was drawing water, Smallpox con mit. es in South Tex- as, due to the inaux of thousands of Mexicans who have crossed the bor- der to escape the revolution, it is declared, have assumed serious pro- portions. Daniel McLaughlin, of Brock ave- nue, Toronto, a teamster, was buried alive in a cave-in at the gravel pit at the head of. Jane street, West To- ronto, on Saturday afternoon, and perished. Th •e is a 'well -grounder' belief in Halifax that the Murray Government will dissolve the House and go to the country at the end of the present session of the Legislature, probably about June. 'Private detectives are scouring the Island of Montr-al and the adjacent counties in search of 'a gang of expert forgers who have recently accom- plished a $3,500 fraud by means of forged cheeks. Clarence and Perry Crouse aged 15 and 18 years, of Lunenburg, N.S., were drowned Saturday: They left the shore in a dory to attempt the raising of a sunken boat, and, over- turning the dory, they quickly sank. 'IT Melee King Christian of Denmark has conferred the Grand Cross of •. the Dannebrog Order on Andrew Car- negie. George Juen was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary yester- day at St. Catharines•, for uttering a forged check. Capt. Charles A. Kerr has been gaz- etted general staff officer of the se- cond grade at the Royal Military Col- lege, Kingston. The Fort William School Board plans to form a technical training class to teach the rudiments of the elevator and grain business. John Oates, reeve of Ramsay, has been appointed governor of the Lan 'ark county jail, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Governor Wm. H. Grant. "Mother" Mary Jones, noted wo- man strike leader, who has been a prisoner in San Rafael Hospital since Jan. 12, was sent out of the Colorado coal strike district Sunday. The Victoria, B.C., Board of Trade has decided that a committee should be appointed to consider and report_ upon the wholesale and retail prices of provincial food products. John Howard, aged 19, is in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, suffering from a broken jaw and other serious in- juries, the result of an attack made_ on him by a gang of roughs. Hanouille, a French aviator, was, drowned at San Sebastian, Spain, when he fell into the seas with his aeroplane. The accident was caused by the fracture of the rudder. Donald William Ross, one of the oldest graduates of Toronto Univer- sity, passed away at his residence, 16 Russell street, Toronto, yesterday. He was county crown attorney- of Bruce for many years. PRIEST SUES ARCHBISHOP. Father Gnam Wants Damages of $50,000 From Rt. Rev. 'reit McNeill, SARNIA, Ont., March 17. - — Suit for $50,000 damages for alleged breach of agreement was entered yes- terday morning for trial at the spring assizes against Archbishop McNeill of Toronto, on behalf of Rev. Father P. J. Guam of Petrolea. This action, which was entered against Bishop Fallon last year, was arranged at the time, the brief states, by his grace the archbishop agreeing to assume the costs of the court ac- tion to support Father Gnam during the interim and to restore him to his parish, which included Wyoming, Pe- trolea and 011 Springs. The plaintiff, who stilloccupies the rectory at Wyoming, alleges that the agreement has not been kept by the archbishop. He claims that he has not been restored to his parish, ' as he claims was .,remised. The Suit will come up for trial at the :assizes, which open in Sarnia on March 24. Laying Keel e f Big W..rship. NEW YORK, march, 17.—The lay- ing of tile keel of battleship No. 39, which may eventually be named eith- er the North Carolina or the Arizona, at the navy ; rd in Brooklyn yester- day, marks the beginning of the greatest fighting machine in the Unit- ed States navy. ' With a displaceme.t of .31,500 )ns, She will be slightly larger than her older este..' ' the Pennsylvania, and will be the tenth vessel of the super -Dreadnought class to be added to the fleet.' Burned 1iy St'dtragettes. LONDON; March 17, -=- The reign of terror instituted by;: militant .sufa; fragettes following the arrest of Mrs.' Erirmeiine Pankhurst recently, was directed toward railways yesterday. The suffragettes swooped down upon the railway yards at Ding's Norton, near Ilirminghant and burned six past senger cars standing on a siding. Three others were badly damaged. Are Your Hands Tied? by a"chronic discuss; common to woman.' kind? You feel dull--headaehey? Back - :ache, pains here and there—dizziness or ,perhaps hot flashes? There's nothing you, can accomplish—nothingou can en'oyi There's no good reason for it—because you can end permanent relief in DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription .b Mrs. Fannie R. Brent, of Bryant, Nelson Co., Ve., writes: "I believe I had every pain andeche a woman could have, my back was weak, and I suffered with nervousnesa and could not sleep= at night. Suffered with soreness in my right hip, and every month would have peens and have to stay in bed. I have taken eight bottlers of your 'Favorite Prescription' and one vial of your "Pleasant ferrets', Can now do my work for six in family, and feel like a new woman. it think it i.J the best medicine in the world for women. I recommend it to all my friends and many of them have been greatly benefited by it, Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS Relieve Liver Ills! Wednesday ,night. Exeter people saw a lunar eclipse. It was worth noting as it wsa.s the only eclipse that will be seen this year according to, those who make a study of the heavens There will be a short eclipse on Sept ember 4, early in the morning, but if wilt he visible only on the western coast of the continent. Wednesday nights eclipse was not complete, The surface of the moon was not wholly in shadow but about 11 o'clock teethe of of thhe orb was covered. SISTER READ MY FREE OFFER. I am a woman. I know a woman's trials. I know her need of sympathy and help, If you, my sister, are unhappy b:cause of health, and and feel unfit for household duties, social pleasures, or dailyemployment, write a : 1 tell' me dust how' you suffr, and ask for my fr a ten days' trial of a home treatment suited to you- needs ; with references to Canadian ladies w * ' :.ly telt how they have regained health st and. happiness by its use. I want to telly .:1 : bout a thismethod successful. method of homt •:eu e r , for, yourself, my reader, for your daughter, - yu•;r ,ter, or your mother. ?want to tell you ho i care yourselves at home at trifling cost, and ,:!bout aid from anyone. Men cannot understand women's sufferings ; what we women know from exper- fence, we know better than any doctor ; - and thousands have proved there is hope even for the hopeless in my method of home treatment. If you suffer £roan pain in the head, back, orb Weis, feeling of weight and dragging down sensations: falling or displacement of internal organs, bladder irritation with frequent urination, obstinate constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly er irrekufarfy, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia. extreme nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to happen, creepbsg feeling Up the spine; palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion. with dark circles under the eyes, pain' in the left breast or a general feelingthat life is not worth living, I invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and postpaid', to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your own home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation. Women everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method of home treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shalt only ask you to pass the good- word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for all, -young or old. To mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them to plumpness and health. Tell me if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you nothing to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you wish to continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work. is health worth asking for? Then accept my generous offer, write for the free treatment suited to your needs, and I will send itinplain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut out this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the free treatment to -day, as you maynot see this offer again. Address r. MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box- 840 , - WINDSOR, ONTARIO. TOASTED CORI(LAKES oiSA, d Ladies benefit by this oven test -- It allows You to use less flour. For only flour that makes more bread and better bread in our oven teat. is offered you. 'From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten pound sample. T. sample is ground into flour in a tiny mill, The flour is 'baked into bread. If this bread is high hi quality and large in quantity we use the rent from which it came, !Miler. wise, we sell it Sb yourbenefit from mai bearing '• this name IS sure. %s •More '1read and Better Bread and "Better Pastry Too" 6:10 eold'brtit C . $aldoni Exeter. TY