HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-19, Page 4that place. -Miss Rossie Broadfoot is spending a. few days with her cousin, Mrs. R. J. Paterson of the London Road. ---Miss Myrtle Ryckman very pleasantly entertained .a few of her friends one night last week, All re- port a good tinge, -Mrs, Wm. N. Glenn is in London visiting her parents this week, -Mr. Mathew Miller had the hare: luck to lose one of his horses this week. -Miss Maude Glenn is in Pee' visiting her uncles Messrs. Jas, anal Robert Stewart, -Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson spent Sunday with their uncle, James Broadfoot here. Auction= Sale Of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Having, sold my farm I offer :or sale by public :auction on, Lot 24, Con. 3, Hay Tp, 1 mile west of Hensall and one mile north, on WEDNESDAY MARCH 25 .at one o'clock, the rol- lowing.- Horses -1 matched grey team ris- ing 7 -vg old,. weight 3200 lbs; 1 ag- ricultural bay mare rising 7 -yr in foal; 1 gen purpose bay mare rising 7 -yr, Cattle -40 head of cattle consisting of cowls due at time of sale and in April-, balance young cattle, Implements -Frost' & Wood binder 7 -ft with trucks and sheaf carrier; Frost an Wood Mower 6 -ft.; Frost & Wood spring toothedcultivator; Massey Harris bean cultivator x nd har vester; Massey Harris 13 -hoe end drill, manure sprtiader, iron land roller Frost atv4 Wood hay rake. for team or one horse. • The above are all near- ly new ; 2 heavy lumber wagons; one nearly new; 2 sets bobsleighs 'vith bunks • 2 hay racks, gravel box, 'argc ash box. Frost and Wood nand scuff - ler • Frost and Wood walking : ; low, nearly new; heavy set of diamond barrows light set of diamond harrows top buggy pneumatic tired buggy; 2 se' of heavy double harness, one .et nearly, -new; 2 set of single harness set o1 .plow harness, set of heavy sin- gle harness gasoline engine 31i,p in rood 'working order, chains, hoes,grain bags and all other articles ..found on a Carm. ' . Terms -A11 sums of $10 and ander cash ; over that amount 7 months' , re- dit win be given on furnishing satis- factory joint notes. A discount of 3 per cent off for cash. • GEO. JOYNT A. P. JOYNT. Proprietor Auctioneer -0_ P 'S. -I am the owner of "1vIac 'Wilkes", sire "'Oro Wilkes"." greatest trotter produced in Canada. This stal- lion is seal brown, 16 hands,: 1100 lbs best of feet and legs, gentle and quiet best of action, and will be good pro- ducer Will -stand at his own stable Hensall. $10 to insure. -G. •Toynt. Auction Sale Of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Oa LOT 14, N. B. McGILLIVRAY On MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1914 at 1 o'clock p.m. the followiag- Horses-1 mare, 6 -yr -old, draft; 1 mare, 5 -yr -old, draft; 1 mare; 4 -yr -old Percheron; 1 horse, 4 -yr -old. Percher on : 1 mare 3 -yr -old, draft, in foal': 1 mare. 3 -yr -old, draft; 1 colt. 2 -yr - old, Percheron; 1 driving horse, 7 -yr old. quiet and reliable. i .0111 44, 4b,xt-ter a uclut.ey Learn To Playl Sander,: & Creech,Proprietors Ira advance $L00 per year in Canada $1.5( in United States, if not paid in advance SOc, extra per year may be charged T l w<T RSD % V. M AR. 19, '14 "Th Department of Physics . of the Oatarac Agricultural College is again. ;offering to Assist farmers in Draining Iheii land by supplying a man to give expert advice. Do farmers always re •rnervbei the value of drainage.? It dee: four things. First it removes the surplus water and makes it possible :to cultivate and seed about three weeks earlier in the spring than on same land when amdrained, ,'aec- rndly it maks the land from ten to, fictee.t degrees warmer than if not drained and this warmth germinates :the seed properly and gives a good •. Mand of grain. Thirdly, it lets plenty. 'of air down to the roots of the plants which is necessary for satisfactory :grcwth Fourthly, if makes the soil' mere porous and this id turn :Ruses :ihr sal to store up more water for the use of the crops is time of a drrutl Drainage pays from 33 to1.00 ;pet cent. an the money invested. WHALEN. An old fashioned wood bee in the bush of Harvey Squire provided a big• time for the young people on Wednes: day of last week, and: also resulted in•, a fine lot of wood being cut. There` were 16 young men on, the job with.; several fine new saws and a keen can test was run,: and it would be :lard.: to say who should hold the •pedal► A jolly 'evening was spent, by the boys and girls afterwards, in games and a-, musements.-Evelyn Ogden and nils brother Hilton. left Thursday with a car of settlers effects for the corm- er's home in Saskatchewan, where het has beennow for 5 years. Success. -r'- Almer Morley who has been home for the winter was the guest of 'loner.' at a party given by his .mother to g17;: the young people last week before he left on Saturday to resume Ms duties as engineer at Scott, Sask.-The W. M. S held an interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Nathaniel Ogden. A large ,number were present. -The trus- tees of this church presented our or- ganist who is retiring, with a purse .of. twenty-six dollars and a nicely word -2 ed address last week, and on 'Monday evening the organized class of which Miss H•erra has been a faithful worker' since its commencement, gathered-tat- the athereda'at-the home of Miss Edna Gunning and' presented her with a granite kitchen shower. -Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning were host and hostess to about iO of their relatives and friends Friday evening A'splendid supper was ser- ved accompanied by delicious ice cream and an enjoyable time was spent by all. -Mrs. Russell Peart of taock- avood is here attending the wedding of her sister Ida Herat to Na. Samuel Stevenson on Wednesday the 1.8th, Misr. Hera has been a great favorite, :la this community and the best wishes of 'ali go with her to her new nome near Devizes, Nissouri, Tp, WINCHELSEA. Death. -The death took place on Friday. March 13, at the home of Mr. Thos. Brock, of Mr. Henry Brook, at the age of 36 years, 1 month. De- ceased, although not well far some I. months, had been i11 only since the Monday previous, when he was taken ill wit,- pneumonia, and almost immed- iately his •case became serious and the end came rapidly. Deceased was born in Blanshard and after a few year's;= moved to Usborne with his parents the late Mr. and Mrs, John Brook,`.' Hc was not married. For the nasf thirteen years he had resided with",° Mr and Mrs. Thos. Brock, where he'l; hada been treated as a soli, and to3 then. and the neighbors and friends- the surviving relatives are very gate-::' Eul for their many kindnesses. This is the first break in a 'family of twelve` children. The survivors are, Mrs.Avg ery of Mitchell, Mrs. Ensinger and Miss Mary of 'Woodham, John of tlib beat Thos. of McGillivray, Joseph of''. Calgary Chas. of Prince Albert, Rola( tri Dings P.O., William, James and Al- fred of Usborne. The funeral took"; place from Mr. Brock's home, Lot A' Cott 9. Usborne, on Monday to Ziati cemetery. LUMLI Y:: Attu Rae £Iorton spent the week Piano Organ ' Violin Mandolin end with her uncle Tian here,- Miss I , Elle:. Horton and Mrs. Hugh Mc- its rn Cornet Dougall spent ,a few days in 'London r Ea l , last week with their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Kenyon -Mr Geo, Hob - New Method, Wonderfully Simple, L,rrk is In Michigan attending, the I second son of Robert Hobkirk of Easy and Rapid fune n of his nephew, James Hebkir•k, COMPLETE INFORMATION FREE Let us tell you of a Wonderful, New I i,n Simple Method by which young and old may learn to play by note the nano organ, violin, guitar, mandolin, aanjo cello, cornet or other instru- tneat. NO. knowledge of music is re - mired. Those who have found old nethods difficult or impossible, learn' quickly and; easily by this wonderful aew method: A few minutes of your spare time evenings, will soon make , ou capable of entertaining your "riends teaching others or playing in public Valuable alike, .to the begin- -lea and to advanced pupils who wish o improve. Thousands of pleased pupils through nut the United States and Canada praise this marvellous, yet extremely p :.tapas and easy system. Send your z � :tame and address to:us to -day . for =omplete information, booklet and re- ference all. FREE. Tell us what in- strument you would like to play. A post card will do, If two members Df the same family desire information.' about different instruments, please .explain clearly, Address International Institute of Music Institute Bkig.-De,pt.43-Ft.Wayne,Ind. How's This? We oder One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case °[ Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh pure, F. 7, CHENEY & Co„ Toledo, O. i We the undersigned have known A J. Cheney toe the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorabl» in all business transactions and financially able to -carry out any obligataons.made by his firm WMLDING, K1NNA11 & MARvin, Wholesale Dru:mists, Toledo, 0 Haile Oatarrh Cure ie taken internally, acting di redly on, the blood and mucous -surfaces of the system: Testimonials sent free,. Price 75e. per hot. trie. Sold by all Druggists . TNce Ball Family Pills forconeti ation. HURONDALE Mr Arthur Dick will give an ex- hibition with the Aladdin Lamp in S. S. No 1 Usborne, on Thursday even- ing- next. It outshines electricity. - The annual Public School entertain- mentwill be Held this Thursday ev- ening in Hurondale Public School. A program of choruses, drills, dialogues recitations and music will form a de- lightful evening. G -BEEN W AY Mr Wm. Humble of Ailsa Craig visite:1 friends here over. Sunday. -Rev L. W. Reid of Thedford ° preac.hed. very acceptably itt : the Methodist church here on Sunday. -The members o the Methodist choir spent Friday evening with Mrrs. Fred. Steeper at Corbett and presented her with an address and mantle clock and cream pitcher All report a good time. -Mr. and, iblrs D. Foster and family spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Foster. -Mr Fred McLiinchey and Mr. Joe Bullock have tapped their trees and are loolniag forward to a good sea- son. -Mr. Rich. England and Miss Leona are looking well 'after their stay at Oklahoma. -The S. S. Institute was st'el, attended and all enjoyed the subjects taken by Revds. Urea and 'Brow- and Mr. Clark. HENSALL Jolir, McEwen has returned from Minneapolis. -The council has pur- chased 75 pails to be used in. fightg. lag fires" In the meantime we are to 'gal fire'- wa.trn. , to test the chemical ex ttnguisher which has not yet arrived.., -The .anniversary services of Carnielt church were very successful. Dr, Shearer is a particularly fine preacher. and his sermons were thoroughly en- jayect. Mr, Allen of Exeter presa.d' ' eel at the new organ,- with credit, On Monday evening Chas. Wheeler of. London gave a delightful organ re- cital, 13LYTH.-Failing to get a reply frorr the house of Mrs. Fenwick on the "mural phone line here, "`central" called a neighbor and informed them; Of the fact, and the neighbor forcer); an entrance in time to save Mrs. Fen Mrs. Fells and a."‘ -child from death by at phyxiation, The •house was filled With gas ' from a leaky stove. `IINTON -"Jke.=