HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-12, Page 8EXETER MA'RKEXSI LNG D oAOa 'w$o'NESDAX {PR' Btic b wheat a. 02 r , A Qa,t" ... .. o .. �y Rot,,,, oea, per bag ll stns. per out,,, family Flour. tow grade per ow Ieuttersaeasn ono" eggs,,... ...... I,r eho per OWL . .♦ A. g:P o Sttor tS. per ton *WA per tort ... , .. , . 98 45 54 48 48 80 80 89 80 90 14 00 •14 00 2 80 1 50 150 23 2428 20 9 00 24 00 23 00 TyI1SS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist will be at The Central Ho- tel, on Saturday, March 21st,' One tray only I'VIHOLM FARM SPRING SALE OFFERINGS.—Large stock choice vvariety potatoes for ,seed and table; Barred Rock, Eggs for incubation;; al- so bis; Hackney -bred driver, rising 5 attractive goer, gentle and reliable.— S. J. Hogarth, Exeter, Lot 13, Con. Stephen. ONION CONTRACTS Anyone wishing to sow onions an contract please call eon T. G. Sanders, Exeter, for terms aaid conditions. ger...:\I;t;C. FAC'T'ORY saCREAGE 'Ws. axe ,now ready to contract with &ewers to grow peas and corn for the factory for the season, of 1914. :,ill at the factory and arrange for acreage S. M. SANDERS, Manages NOTICE N tice is hereby given to issuers of marriage licenses that I forbid the i ss e • st of a license for the marriage of heir Mack, as she. is not of legal age, are:, any person doing such will b<: eiascculed according to ia,v, CtiAS MACE, Starbuck, Mast. HOUSE FOR SALE. A one -storey Frame House and Kitchen; also stable, two lots, 108. and 109, situated on Andrew street. Exeter Will be sold reasonable. For further , particulars apply by mail to Ed. Gil Sr., Grand Bend, DRIVER FOR SALE.—Good, quiet farmer's driver, coming six years old Apply to A. S. Deavitt, Exeter. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES B Y HANGING NEW PICTURES 'Ralf Price Sale of a big •assortment of New Framed Pictures, all worked in. plain figures and for sale at Half Price. We invite you to call and have a look at those ' pictures. Some one of them will no doubt appeal to you and you can buy the same at just half the price marked. J. SENIOR SEED OATS FOR SALE The undersigned has a limited .quan- tity of choice White Oats, first im- ported from Scandinavia and guar- anteed clean. Price reasonable. JOHN G. WEIN, Crediton P. O. A SNAP The undersigned offers his property in the thriving Village of Exeter, con- sisting of Parts Lots 33 and 34 South east corner of Carling and Huron Sts. Oa the premises is a seven room 113 storey frame dwelling and frame stable, with a number of fruit trees, and a good well of water. The pro- perty is directly opposite Victoria Park and three blocks from the Post Office Terms Cash. No reasonable offer refused for a quick sale. Clear. title deed will be given purchaser. For further particulars apply by Ietter or J. T. WESTCOTT, phone 5743, J 56 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ont. --o-- - HORSES.—We are always open to buy good horses at current prices. Parties having horses to sell please call Phone 41, Exeter. DOYLE BROS Exeter. FOR SALE—In ,Clandeboye—Brick house, orchard, stables, and 15 acres land. Apply W. A. Jones, 206 Percy St. Ottawa. Get your TUNGSTEN LAMPS at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STORE, MARRIAGE LICENSES issued at the Advocate Office. No witness re- quired and strictly confidental LOST.—A young collie dog, black with white string around neck, white breass one front leg white, the other brown white tip on tail, left home Feb 16th; will answer to the name of "Rex" Anyone found harboring him will be prosecuted.—James Kemp PROPERTIES FOR SALE I have several choice residential properties in Exeter for sale. Des- cription and terms on application, A. HASTINGS, Exeter HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey frame house in good state of repair. One-quarter acre of land. Situate on Huron Street. Good water etc. Apply to Miss ADDIE xORLOCX', or T, B, CARLING. FOR SALE OR RENT Good brick house, half acre land; Fruit trees, hen house on the prem- ises A good comfortable place. For particulars apply to Mrs; E. Demp- sey-, Centralia. FARM FOR SALE A choice farm of 100 acres for sale, being Lot 23,. Con, 10, Stephen, There is on the premises a new brick house, two 'storey; new bank barn 44x64; hen house and pig pen, young young orchard; 10 acres of bush; 40 plowed; 10 acres seeded to alsike and t good hard a fall wheat; 1 ar t eta five acres g soft water and windmill, Water works in stables, Apply on prethises or write ' to Senate! Beaver, Dashwood P, C.J. AXE; F E R ]I' OflAT �, LOOA DOINGS, , Mr. Ernest Flynn has rented the Staf£a hotel and takes possession in. The .man who will need. an , Petra horse in the spring would save his money by buying early, Mr J. H, 'Scott gave a talkto the Youaag Men's Class of James Street Chureh oa Sunday afternoon, B repairing implements and mach, inery now the farther is preparing for the .season which is approaching, Rev. D. W. Collins will deliver an address to the Middleton, A.Y,P,A, on Wednesday evening, Marcia 1801. ' M. Kellett of Usborne Iost a horse at the. Metropolitan Hotel on' Thus - day the beast having : in some way hanged 5.tse1£. Rev. Powell preached n Luean on Sunday. Mr. Tufts occupied :o Main Street pulpit in the morning and ..Mr Southcott in the evening. Mr J. A, Irwin of Clinton preach ed very acceptable sermons in James Street church Sunday, the pastor con, ducting dedication services at Ethel The unprincipled wretch who has been playing havoc among the clogs in tow; by administering ;,poison, was busy again last week, and as a result three more canines were poisoned,— those of Messrs, Jos. Senior, Emerson Cornish and Frank Durdle. The two former succumbed and the latter was only saved by the skillful efforts of Dr. Sweet. The stock sale of Mr. Phillip ;deans of Ushorne on Wednesday of last week was one of the' most successful held en, this community, the total amount of money realized being over $3400. Mr. •Hein had a very fine class of stock and the prices for the cows ranged from $100 to $152 each One year-old heifer brought the hand- some sum of $107, March winds with often very sudden changes of temperature have much to do ;;n causing certain kinds of illness as grippe ., tonsilitis, bronchitis, diph- theria iph- t e 'apneumonia asometimesscar- let ,ndacr ler ,fever. We believe that mortuary statistics will ,show that more old and elderly people die with bronchitis and pneumonia during- the month of March than any other month of the heat' A gentleman remembering that thirty years ago when. in Exeter he had contracted .a small account for 80c, the other day called on a relative of the deceased creditor and paid the amount• with interest, in all $3.00,. The amount was small, the payment -a little tardy, but the gentleman recog- nized the debt, remembered it and paid it—and that is something worth while. MRS JACOBI DEAD.—Word' was received here this week of the death of Mrs. William. Jacobi, of near Park- hill, formerly of Exeter North; who died oa Monday after -a lingering ill - of consumption. She is survived by her husband° and a young family. The funeral took place yesterday at - that place HOCKEY—Exeter and Crediton had. another battle' royal on the rink on Thursday ,night last when the hockey teams met in, a great exhibition game. It was anybody's game ell the way through_ but the locals won out by a one score' margin, the half time score being 2-1, and the full time 3-2. The two teams have been having some fine games this season, and more are be- ing looked forward to. The line-up— Crediton Exeter Motz Goal P.enhale Falmer Point Atkinson Brown Cover Rivers Holtzmann • Rover Snell Fahner Centre Southcott Geiser left Pickard S'weitzer right • Pickard BOWLERS ANNUAL MEETING:- -The .annual meeting of the Exeter Lawn Bowling Association was held ::the Town Hall on Thursday even- ing last, when.a satisfactory finan- cial statement was read, a number of accounts paid, the fee for 1914 fixed at $5,0(' for mein and $2.00 for ladies, and the following officers and cpin- titiiftee'• elected,—Hon. Presidents, J. J. Winer M.P., H. Eilber, M.P.P.; Pres., G Stanbury; Vice., J. A .Stewart; 'Sec. , R N. Creech; Treas., N. D. Hurdon; Hon. Chaplains, Rev. D. W. Cellins, Rev. S. F. Sharp; Hon. Mem- bers, Rev. W. M. Martin, S. G. Bow- den. J W. Bawden; Auditors, W. W. 'Tarnan G. L. Waugh; Grounds' Com, J G Stanbury, R. G. Seldon, F. W Gladman, J. A Stewart; Membership Cam.. J G. Stanbury, W. D. Clarke. Dr Amos., N. J Dore, C. Li,ndenfeld; Match Com„ W. D. Clarke, W ` W. Taman. W. J, Heansan, J. G. Stanbury, J' `A Stewart, R. N. Creech; Tourn- ament Com., L. H. Dickson, W. W. Taman, W. D. Clarke, Dr. Amos, R. N. Creech, M. M. Doyle, W. J. Nea- man, J A. Stewart, 3. G. Stanbury, j. H. Grieve, F. W. Gladmanu, MISS .J J. ALLAN, Eye : Sight .Specialist, will be at The Central Ho tel, on Saturday, March 21st. One day only HOUSE TO RENT.—One and a half story brick cottage, in good condi-t tion with furnace. Conveniently sit- uated. Good' garden, and a number of fruit trees, Apply at this office. DRESSMAKING An apprentice ' wanted.: Cutting Patterns to individual measure a spec- ,lty Miss Mary A. 'Tom, NOTICE un Mrs. W. D. Yeo's ad- vertisement in,another column, 100 Premiums Free -1 with every $5,00 or- der of Dry Goods, for ohne month, be - ginning Friday, 13th March to 13th April. HICKS' MARCH FORECASTS.— A'reactionary storm period is due on the 16th , 17th and 18th. Aftet low • barometer, cloudiness and rain, .A the eriod will culminate in snow, : rising firometer and sharp cold for " the seasc>ra, A long `spelt of threatenMg ff "riot stormy weather will appear at thin time, THURSDAY SAY Gozierich has organized a Penny Bank Saving Syst n° in their schools, Ur Richard Terry is preparing to erecta fine hoose gn, tate corner of. Victoria and Carling streets, Mr, Geo. Thontas disposed of has household effects by public auctionon Saturday last, The house <.was not sold, The sale of cattle by Messrs. Snell and Clark was largely attended on Saturday and some excellent prices wee realized. Rev, Avery ,of 'Gratr,toti," of Sotitln Huron Mesopic District, will ply his official visit to Lebanon Fore est Lodge on March 30th, Mr Frank ,: Handcock had the mis- fortune to slip on the, ice,one even- ing last week and fractured' two ribs, As a result he has been :.onfined to the house since. Several of the family .of Mr. Steel, who resided': in Exeter North for a short time are very ill with scarlet fever at their Home north 'of. Dash- wood One child died last week. Mr Thos, Jones, who recently sold his farm in Hay Township, has pur- chased Mr, John Shell's residence on Sanders Street, now occupied ' by Mr.. res. Wambold, who will shove to the residence of Mr. A. Cottle, now oc- cupied by Mr, E. M. Dignan, who will move to 11frs. Howard's residence, on Main Street. HOCKEY MATCHES-•, Thursday Zurich and. Exeter play here. This will be a good game as Zurichhas. strengthened since their last appear- ance here. On Tuesday night, March 17th. Ailsa 'Craig- plays our boys here Craig is coming to -break our winning streak. Coine and see them do it. Ex- eter has won five and lost none this season Games at 8 o'clock. Admiss- ion 10c. and 15c. PRESENTATION.—The members of thc Quarterly and Trustee Boards of the James Street Church, with their wives. to the number of about sixty, met ou Wednesday evening last at the home oi Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Harvey, where a pleasant evening. was •pent during the course of which the pastor read a nicely worded address of ap- preciation of the services of Mr. Geo. Thome: as a member of the. Boards far 40 years, and regret at his sever- ance from _the Boards, owing to his early removal to London, where ' he will in future reside with' his sister. Mrs Pearson. Besides the address Mr Thomas was presented with a handscme Morris chair. Mr. Thomas in a fitting reply 'thanked the donors for the kind words and the present anct expressed the hope that the church would continue to prosper. Mr Thomas is one. of those . inen whose word is always as good es his bond. Honest, unassuming :rid. faith- ful, ano although not always receiving the best of treatment from others, he a1way:: gave others the best that was in hine and is respected andesteemed by eseryone. The best of good wish- es will go with Mr. Thomas to his new home. During the evening sev- eral gramaphone selections were giv- en, anon members of. the Boards gave short addresses. Follotving is the address :— George Thomas. Dear Brother,—We; the members of the Trustee and Quarterly Boards of James Steet Methodist Church, Exeter have gathered this evening on the eve o f your departure from our -nidst to become a citizen of London, Ont,, to endeavor to express to you, though feebly it will be, the sense of our JOS; on account thereof. It affords us more pleasure than we cat tell to remember our feIlot==ship in. the Gospel of the grace of bur Lore' Jesus. We have learned' much of brotherly love, kindly affection, and forgiving one another, from our assoc- iation with. you. Decades have gone since you first came to Exeter, and found your home in James St: Throughout these years you have been an example and encour agement to us all. We have seen your fidelity in every trust, whether sacred or secular. You are not of those who refuse to accept responsibility. In the temporalities of the church you have alnays been interested and responsive In thc means of grace your prayers and testimonies have helped and cheered us . along, the way of "Faith. Wet have marked your punctuality and never failing presence in the con- gregation, on the Lord's day. Your seat in the Sanctuary was never va- cant unless you were lawfully detain- ed. Indifference and neglect have been far from you, You have always rejoiced with those who rejoices, and wept with those who wept. Yon too have had your joys and sorrows, the common. lot of man. Recently you have been bereft of your life compan- ion; whose tenderness.and beautiful character we have marked and most highly esteemed. • We desire to express our sincerest sympathy in your great loss, We pray the God of all comfort, "Who comfortet"h as one whom his mother comforts,! that He may comfort you ars your loss and sorrow., Alto* us to express the hope that you may be spared still many years of health and strength to pursue your life of Christian integrity, faith, hope and charity, and that you may enjoy that 'truest happiness which comes to those whose lives are devoted to real usefulness - as yours has . constantly been r. Will you be good enough to accept as a slight momento of this occasion and what we would feign express of our brotherly . regard for you persoi- ally, this chair. In choosing it we had thc thought that it, might lend itself in your evening tides at the golden sunset .to cause you to live over aga;n.,,your pleasant associations with us at James Street, whether as mem- ber, class leader, trustee, memberof the quarterly board, or as a. worship- per when together we ''entered into His gates- with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise." We shall Look forward with pleasant attticipations to frequent. visits from yoti en the years to come, a,nd assure :ybuof a royal welcome, Signed on behalf of the combined boards W.G' McAlister, Pastor. ' Peter Frayrie, Seo'y Quarterly Board. $ Msetin, Secy Trustee Board. E114 If Grey Hair and Baldness threaten, you can't afford to be without Balt It restore* rlatnirai col- or to grey and faded hair. It eradicates dandruff, prevents baldness,andprogrote, a thick, healthy growth of hair. It is nota dye, Use it. $1,05 860.115e, 0t drsggtata Libarru0t ,trial size bottle on re5elpt 5 250and your chnggist's nam,. rMlo Hay special il , Toronto at SOLD AND RECOMMENDED. W, S. HOWEY, ,DRUGGIST EXETER, ONTARIO BY Mr. Truens:n Elliott was in Lucan over Sunday. Miss Hazel Young returned to Lu can on Friday. Mr, Wsn, Burke came up, from In- gersoll on Monday. Mr. Herrington spent a few days at his home out Chatham. Miss Ila 1 ernick of Toronto is iting Mrs. Frank Boyle. Mr -G, J. Dow ie home from a trip to Winnipeg with, horses. Mis , Bessie Hall of Parkhill is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Hockey. M,r. Fred Shaddock of London spent Sunday with Mr. Leon Treble. - Mr- Henry Bierling and Mr. Moses Amy spent Monday in London. Miss M. A. Tom has retur led ironi. a visit in. Guelph and , Toronto. Mr Thos. Hawkins left last week los Windsor to remain some time. Mr. Phil Rowcliffe of London spent the week end with friends in town. Messrs . Chas. Dew and Chester Parsons have gone west for the sum mer. Mrs Becker of New Hamburg was visiting her 'parents, Dr. and Mrs. Browning. Mr, and Mrs. Amos Darling of Lieu- ry visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hunkin over Sunday. Miss Violet Shroecler of Dashwood is spending a couple weeks with Miss Linda Weiper, Miss Levine Willard left for New- bury Monday morning to resume her duties. as milliner. - Mr Jerry Knott and family moved las: week to Collingwood where Mr. Knott has secured work. ' Miss Lizzie Darling and Mr. Will Smith of Springhurst Farm spent Sun- day with friends in Brinsley. • Mr. Wm. Northcott of. Exeter North left Tuesday for Frobisher, Seek., where he tviIl • visit for a time.. Misses May and Ethel Armstrong, who have been visiting at .heirhome here returned to Lucknow Monday. ',Ars Mulligan of Wardsville, visit- ed with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Col- lins for a few days during the week. Mr. Tilley left Tuesday night for Chatham and from there will visit at Windsor prior to leaving for Ashville, North Carolina. Cedar Posts for Sale We have this year the finest stock of POSTS we have ever had, having nothing less than 6 inch at the small end. G. E. HICKS, Centralia Exeter North Store HAVING PURCHASED THE EXETER NORTH STORE (HAY P. O. IN CONNECTION) I wish to say that I carry a fine stock of FRESH Groceries and Dry Goods Anc' EVERYTHING that can be had in a GENERAL STORE; Also 3 kinds of FLOUR and Cured Meat, Sausage, Etc., Etc. ' Give me a call for your next order H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY , P.O. Tea & Coffee Store e r For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in' echalige .la .Gould s oppodte Electric light Pinot Change of Business Having purchased the Jewelry Business of Mr. A. Marchand.we would ask a continuance of the patronage accorded our predecessorand if favored with same your wants will have our best attention, It will be our endeavor to keep up our stock to 'where it will appeal to all classes of customers: and our aim will be to give; perfect satisfaction in all lines. A Call Solicited REPAIRING Special attention paid to repairing of all kinds Lawson & Trick _Successors to A. Marchand Telephone Office NOTICE All persons having acoounts with me prior to 1914 wil please call and settle at once as they are past due. • • ROCUE Undertaker and License Embalmer Phone 20a EXETER ONTARIO Choice Corn Car of Choice Corn received for feed. B. G. SELDON Exeter, — . Ontario T. B CARLING Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate Masa Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales. — Elieter, Ont. The Avocate to M-ar1'lS, $1 JONES -- & MAY PHONE NO. 32 - Nobby Spring Suits and Ladies' Coats They are the best we have ever shown For Style, Fit, and Fabrics they are right up-to-date and no two alike. We want you to see, our Display. New Spring Dress Fabrics This will ' be the season for Novel- ty Dress Goods, We have abig var- iety to show you in the best goods and newest colors. Silk Brocade Crepe Plain. Silks Fancy Brocade Crepe Fancy Silks Plain & Fancy Crepe Plain Bedfords Brocade Bedfords Plain Poplins Brocade Rating Plain Serges Plait, Rating ' Silk & Wool Mixtures and dozens of other popular Dress Goods. Men's & Boys' Spring Suits We .have ,just opened up our New. Sprung Suits for Boys, Youths' . and Men: They are a nifty lot, tailored in the latest spring fashion and the very newest patterns in cloth Big ` Clearing of Odd Shoes We have a lot of Men's Women's, Boys, Girls, and Children's Odd Shoes, Just one or two pair of each lune. They will all go .' on .sale at nearly half price to cleat then out. Every pair ; ,gal good and new. If we have your size a bargain, is waiting for you JONES .headquarters for the celebrated W, E. Sanfoaxl Clothing <.