HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1914-3-12, Page 7A GRIPPE'S VICTIMS. - 'Tog. CAI1 Only Recover From its After E'ftects by Enric1i- Ii1g the Blood Few diseases so .shatier the health leis la grippe, or influenza,. its :time all tell the same OM. They :are left despendent, tired, weak land wretched in every ,way, They /iaste no apPetite' aiosbition or 'strength; eannot sleep, and suffer 'from headaches, backaches 41.n1 Isere Ivoneness. In this weakened condi- 'tion Nestle real clanger. The body falls an easy prey to brouehitis, pneuinonia, and even to coesump- don, Neerly every feran of nervous trouble as been known to follow an attack of la grippe. Dr. Wil - limns' Pink Pills give the quickest and most thorough relief from the after effects of this trouble. They build up and purify the blood, drive the poisons out of the eysteen and give strength and tone to the whole body. The following is an exampleoftheir power in cases of this kind. Mrs. R. A. McLean, Wentworth Station, N.B., says; "Two years 'ago Herbert E.Free- man, a young boy living' with us, was attaoke4 with la grippe. At the time he did not have a strong eonseitution, and we feared the trouble was settling on his lungs. He was not able to walk fifty yards without being out of breath, and his general vitality was 'very low. .e.e For snouths he continued in this !position, notwithstanding all we did for him, and it was at thie orisis that We got Dr. 1Villiani.s' Pink Pills for him. By the time ha- had used three boxes there was a noticeable improvement, and this was followed )sy his being able to do light work, ned later he had all the strength eif a growing bay. His cure was looked upon as remarkable by all 'who knew him, and I am giving the Irezult in the hope thot it may be of benefit to someone Dr. Williaens' Pink Pill are sold 'by all medieine dealere or sent by 'mail at 50 centS 8. box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' "Mediciee 0o,, Brockville, Ont. BEES AS WAR MESSENGERS. :They E,cIffireless Telegraph ana Carrier Pigeons. La Gaeette de Hollazide, whieh is 'published. at The Ifagne, has dis- Covered a secret -the use of bees as messengere. No longer will the aide-de-camp • spur his staggering horse through shot and shell to carry the meseage to the front. Instead he will don his gloves and ma.sk, and, going to nethe portable bee-hivo back of head- • quarters:, seize one of the fait:eta ineeds and send the well- traiel t‘hrough the `Whoever possesses a, receiving ()tient can read the searets of the wireiese," says Le Gazette de Hol - one ewe cut the wires of the ordinary telegraph; the pigeon does nob always eseape the bifflet, Therefore other means have been searched for. In .A.meric,a the gen- eral staff dreams of „using, as a dis- patch bearer, the be. "'Ilhe bee, like the:carrier pigeon, xaided by his marvellous instinct, return to the hive from wherever he may be liberated. Tiny dispatches, which can be deciphered with the guagnifying glass, eau be attached to its breast. "Bub something better jsbI1 has Pseen found, By an ingenious, pro- cess the wings of theeiny iesect are sensitized, and by Meana of micro- eoopic ;photography the message is For Fickle Appetites Post Toasties and Cream ‘1-1.it the Spot! Toothsome, crisp bits, that. have the , natural sweetness of white Indian Corn. 'Thoroughly cooked - rolled thin as paper -then toasted to a delicate brown. Easily the most delicious flavor cif any flakTuroln mown. - • ToaSties are convenient -readY to serve direct from package - an easy solution of the "what to eat" probleM, by Grocers. (at nedlan Pastern Cereal On., Ltd. %Vitiator, Daterie. Imprinted on the wing, doing away" with aai ,oart,r...$ weight,' "And 'there you are," says Gazette, d,e 1-fol1ande, "tiny aero- planes of War." The Secret is out, but all is not lost. La Gazette de Rolla:fele has net diecelvered the wonderful pro- em by which to dispose of the fire- flies that an up-to-date eeeney would send :to ruin the Hen sitized wings of the trained bees'. The details, of course, cannot be divulged. Suffice le to ray that es 'soon as an enemy's firefly reaches the dark hive where the "bees are waiting to have their wing* photo- graphed ite presence is made known by the action of the metal selenium, whieli ja sensitive to light; and the alarm ie given to a corps' of trained dragon -flies, • who epeedily make away with the intruder. LORD p S BUIL. Aecording to ard Derby, Home Rule must have as many lives as the proverbial eat, for in a speech he litmOttatii The Earl of Derby. made not ior1g *ago he perpetrated this amusing 'bull." "At the next election," he raid, "we havagot to give the third; and I hope the last, death blow to Home Rule." • 'le, - A GRAND MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES • Mrs. D. L, 'McIntyre McIntyre's Mountain, N.S., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are a grand medicine for little ones and I am well satisfi.ed with the results obtained from theun" Mrs. McIntyre's testimeny is the same aa that of thousands of other mothers. Once a mother has used the Tablets she will use noth- ing else, for the re.sults are sure • and the Tablets are guaranteed by a government analyst te be perfect- ly safe. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at e5 eents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.. Consultation. "Did the doctor pronounce you sound as a, dollar?" - "Yes; and sent me bill for five." Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money it PAZO OINTMENT fail n to cure Itching-, Blind,. or Protruding Piles. • Pleat application gives relief. apt,. • The men who thinks he is marry- ing an angel in disguise occasional - 4.y discovers later that the alleged disguiee was permanent. Minartas Liniment Cures Dandruff. Too often the hero worshipper is his own hero, • - Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etta • Learn ,To Say No. Sohn was very crestfallet indeed; and had promised his wife that never MODE3 would he be tempted to waste his 'substance in riotous liv- ing, "Yes, I know," sighed the good lady; "but I'm getting to doubt your promises. The great trouble with you John, is that you do not seem to be able to- say `No.' Learn to say No,' and you will find much less difficulty in life. Will you promise me that you will never leave off trying till you have learn- ed to say 'No?' " Yes," said the contrite John, • "That's all eight! And now can you let ine have a lite ble money this morning "No," said John, with apparent ease. Atiet Huldalh elaimed that she was well pest the eentuey mark, though the date of her birth was ehrouded in myelery. Whether she was as bld as she elaimed or not, there could be no doubt that elle bad lived bo s good old age, and one day a bright youug newspaperman • coneeived the ides of interviewing her on the gabjeeb ot long life., It Is Of Interest • To Every Woman ,110W DODD'S AIDN4Y plus • cuitED ums. LANCE. Pombreke ,Woraan Suffered for Elf - teen Years Bei'ore She Found :Quick Rend, and it Complete • Core, Pembroke, Gut., 114ferch 9.---(Spe- cia4---Of peculiar interest to wo- men :is t/,le -story of the cure of Mrs. Morile Lance, well known and:high- ly respeoted here, Let Mr. Lance tell that story in her own words. "For aboutsfifteen years I .was very sick woman," she sere "My sleep was broken and unrefreshing and I had a bitter :taste in my mouth in the morning. I was often dizzy and flashes of light floated be- fore my oyes. My limbe were heavy and I had a, driggiug aeross the, "At last rheumatism wee added to uoy treubles, and I else suffered from lumbago; dropsy and gravel. Iefelt that my kidneys were • the canse of all my treebies, and4ecid- ed to ery Dodd' e Kidney From almost the first they did me good, and after taking twelve bexes I am again a Wall woman:" • Women who suffer 'should learn that the cause of their troubles is bad kidneys. Having learned that, the rest iseasy. Thousands of Can- adians will bell you out of their own experience that Dodds Kidney Pills :always cure bad kidneys. Right Oombinatiou. "I see this medicine is good for man and beast." • "Yes," mid the druggist. "Gimme a bottle. I believe that's the right combination tp help my husband." Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Tim Chieago as North Western By, alaach 16t3i to A-pra 15th from points' in (la nada to $alt Lake City, Ogden, LOP Angelee, San Praneaseo; Posaland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria., Vanecniver, Kaotenay 1)istrieb and Canadian Notethweet points. Thaough Teuriet sleepers and face ae. c,lining chair care fram Chicago, Variable routes, Liberal stopovere. Par full • in- formation as to -rates, aoutes and Altera - tura, write or call an B. IL Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. TACT AND ,FANCY. True lovers"are few --but not far between. Owners of barking dogs are fined in Japan. It is 'cagy to be generous to a fault when the fault, is our own. The orsteeat of the phonograph in- dustry is over $15,000,000 a, year. At twenty we know, at thirty w -e think we -know, and at forty we give it -op. The coldest place in the world is Yakutsk, in Russia, where the mer- cury drops to 73 degrees below zero. It ie. pleasant to -think that when two fools merey they are made one. A tingle oyeter in one season will produee 1,000,000 young ones. Look before' you leap -and you'll never leap. A German sstatiStielan says that 3,000 years hence there will be hone man to every 220 women. The hunefiest :horse cad never eat a bihte. •T' oldest bank notes are the "flying money" -first issued in China, in 2697 B.O. - Cupid rules some marriages, and others are ruled by cupidity. Brute! iShe—Here's the story of a man out west who bartered his wife for &horse. You wouldn't swap me for a, horse would you, darling'? Ife---af course not.. But I'd hate to have anyone tempt me with a good motor car. 5YEARS' THROAT TROUBLE AND INFLUENZA CURED EMINENT DOCTORS FAILED TO CURE -HAD GIVEN UP HOPE, This Case Doeis Prove .That When Catarrhozone le Breathed Every Trace of Catarrh Disappears. Milford Ilaven, Da., Mar. 9. -Every- one in this neighborhood knows of the long Wafering from .3.111111011Za and catarrh endured by Mrs. D. Gurney. To -day she is well, Her recovery is due entirely to Catarrhozoue. This Is her own. statement: "1 was a great sufferer from eatarrh Itt the head, throat and ricree, and endured the manifold- tortures of inallienza for five years. My life WaS deapaired of. Ca lavish Was undermining my strength very fast 1 used treatments from eminent do:store, bunill failed to cure me. I had given up hope of ever be- ing well. Then 1,, read' of a wonder- ful mire Made by Cata.rrhozehe. "Silo eniffed Aunt Ellidaha mediately 1 sent for 0 Atari:310 Z oee, and "A„uYbody kin. groW to be old: :Dey. before had a Bed one bottle I was trae:',t no Erlok, in dat.'' 'Teat how ?'' greatly Tali eveiL Today I am cured. queried 6be-eeporeee.... "All yest gob We would not be without Catarrh°, to do is wittob. eut aid leb ,torie in OW. home -It's so sure in automobile run over yolo colds, coughs, broechial arid threat teoUble, I feel It is iny duty to pub- lloly retoramend Catarrhoxione." The of the elan of McIntoshI("le let the rge dollar size ot Catarrh - Once .1/11d'ataeljsreeee . with a cabby ozone: it contains beatitiful hard ever ;the are, "Do You know walo .ruhher Inhaler, and medicine' ebat am 71, ,f,he iniggdoggni, asked ag,., lasts two mouths.- Smelter izes, erie. „.„ end: 60e. each, ,pevy,.ar,o of Jinitetions grtlYe A am 1,41 '0-0-0111°Sa.i, ,....aateept only .(IttlarrhoZehey' SOid by dOn.'t cate if Yon are an inebrella„" fl1to11ab1e dealers' or ,by man from yetorted the ea.bbye, '`1'11 have mY!Pito Oatarrhozone company, Kitigstobi rights,"• • Ont,, and Buffalo, N.V. gigheat grade beaus kept whole and inealy by perfect halting, retaining their full strength. Olavored with delicious saeces. They have no equal. 11,14 WATER CURE FOR ROSES. lust Cover the, Stems But :Not the • Flowers. "Roiling water will revive flow- ers that are so wilted that ahnost anyone would threw them away as woithless," says a 'woman. She was ecraping down the limp stems of some full.blown reses that droop- ed dejeetedly. ani doing this lightly,' you see," she- continued, 50 that the hob water will soak all through the stems," . After she had fieiehacl the scrap- ing; she put -the flower's luta a deep pitcher, want to the Stove, and took from it the. steaming hot-water kat - tie. -Thexi she poured the hot water into the pitcher until it just covered the steins, and left the roses above the stirface, . "There 1 Ie. a. few minutes I shall have fresh flowers for the :dinner table," she said. And her visitor saw just what she had prophesied - a, mass of roses that looked as if they had never thought of wilting. "I always try the boiling -water cure on roses before 1 throw them away," she conoluded. "Very few people knew about it, You mustn't lay the flowers themselves in the hot water, Jug 1ebit eover the stems." Thirty Deaths From Razor A physician in Obieago states thirty tleatlie hove resulted from paring. cairns -with. a aaaor. Avoid blood poisoning by applying Putnanaa Cern and Wart Ex- tractor. Purely -vegetable. Petra:as. and WM) le Putuanias Extractor, 25e. ea all dealers. In the Usual Way - "When I married you," said Mrs. Nagers, "I thought to reform you." ' "Yes,", answered the husband, "and like a number 'of reformers you *eefiied the first opportunity to become a Try Murine Eye Remedy If yoU belie Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart -Soothes Bye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c 50c. Marine Bye Salve in Aseptic 'Icbes, 25e, 50c. Bye Books Free by Mail, An Aye Toole Sued for All lestoo that Nord Caro Murine Lye Remedy Co.. Chicago The more dollars a. man has be- hind an argument the more cote vincieg it is. --- Peinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Nap iu a Nutshell. Marks-Are+you reading this new history of the Napoleonic tragedy that's bean. g printed? Parka -No. TO me the tragedy of Napoleon may be summed up in two lines. The divorce of Josephine was the prelude; Elba the interlude, and his last battle the Waterlooed. Sometimes :single blessedne.ss is a greater failure then marriage. Mr. I. tM Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace and station master at Welling- ton, on the P.D. I. Ry., says: "Four years ago I fell on a freight truck, SUS - tattling a bad cut on t13,e front of my leg. I :thought thin woull heal, but instead it develOped into A bad ulcer, and later Intl) a form of eczema which epres.d very rapidly and ale° started on the 4other ' leg. Both legs became so swollen-anl sore that I could only go about my work by having them bandaged. I consulted two doctor, and tried. all the solves, 'liniments and lotions I. beard of, but instead. of getting better 11 got wOrse. " flee was my condition: when I got ray Ant box of Zena-Tinit. Greatly to my de. light that first bet gave lee relief. I eon. tinted to apply it to the spree, and day by day they got better. 1eould see thet last / had got hold of aotnething whielt would °ere me, and In the mut it dia. It is now °leer a yeer seem ZeneBelt Worked A euro in my mem, and theca hew boon ho retern of the eczema'," Purely herhel in oomposition, ZemBult Is a sure mare for All .in (1140,apris, cod llorea, chapped heed'', uleers, bh>oa.poi.06. thg,,mr)como aoree, pilte, r i ag*or en, inflamed vetehes, outs, beteg and breists, All dreggiefes and stores sell at 60e. box, at pest free from Oefedluk Go. Tovoute, oi &riots ro NuO. plitaao s. Every woman is a good house- keeper -or, at least, it is wisdom to tell her so, You will find many of hea-Yen's suburbs on earth if you are to look fir them. The Belt -made man credits him- self with 'the boosts thet have been given him by others, If we are going anywhere and have anything to• do after we get there, let us make a etertl Don't 'talk se mech. People do net pay any attention to 99 out of every 100 words you utter; The more things a 'mae learns from 'experienee the more things ho would like to forget, but can't. hid Knee Joint Stiff Three Years • • CURED BY—NERVILINE. Anyone would marvel at my recov. ery, writes Mr. Leonard Latham, a Yoling luau well known about Chat- ham. I had inherited a thews:Atte ten- dency through my mother's family, and in my early days suffered fright. fully. _About tbree years ago the pain and stiffnese settled in my left knee joint. I was lame -arid walked with a very • distinct HMI). Nervinue was brought to my notice and I rubbed it into the stiff joint four or five times a day, It dispelled every vestige of Pain, reduced the swelling, took oet the stiffness and gave me the full use of my limb again, I don't believe there is a pain -relieving remedy, not a sin- gle liniment that can compare with Nerviline, I hope every person with pains, with sore back, with lameness, with lumbago, 'with neuraigia-I do hope they will try out Nerviline which I am convinced will quickly and per- mauently cure them," H. FY, DAWSON., Ninety Colbarne street. If Nerviline wasn't a wonderful Toronto. RASH CQVEREO. CHEST AND OAK: Itching and Burning PimplesSpread. Clothing Irritated. Used Cnticum Soap and Cutioura Ointment, Well in Three Weeks. Migh River. Alta. eara' laly baby was a a-ufferor from ea icelzing and. 0.'hurrang Oa cbest and back. The trouble began with flee small rash laud gob quite a Si/A>. Tne Pimples spread, until las wboleehost and beak were COVEOCI: ionite, of theeti festered and eti sonmtlie top looked clear. 4e, was fretful atal cross and. was always abbing. Bis clothing Ir- ritated lam. The trouble caused itehing; burning and losa of sleep. Ills chest and back grew worse and worse: they -Were a mass of itclaine pimples. The trouble heel Seated two or three weeks and lao tried remedies but Vulaa.filled. Caticaaa Soala and Ointment efroreed reliiiiIu about, ten days. I washed tile, ortiPtion with boa -Water and Criticara Soap four times i. day; then used tho Cutieura Ointment and three weeks he was 'well agate. Be owea It to Cutieura Soap and Ointment...1. , (Signed) lairs. Alice Wolford, Nov, 1, 1012. Por red, rough,' obappea and bit:et:bug hands, itching, burning palms, and Painful, finger -ends -with shapeless nails, a one-night Cutieure, treatment works wanders. Soak, bands, ou retiring, In bot water and Cuticura, Seals. Pry, anoint with Catticura,,Canttnent and wear soft bandages or old, loose glove during the night. (iutteura Soap and faint - meat are said by druggists and dealers every, whore. Por a liberal free sample of eacb, with 32-p. boolt, send post -card to Potter Drug ar. Chem. Corp,, Dept. 1), Bos'ten, D. 5, A. FARMS roe seas. painless remedy, if Nerviline didn't quickly relieve, if Nerviline wasul s`tvotk7CtTr2in,IltrorY D°R.a.kra.BEFItr4 known to be a grand cure for ail thew write H. W. Dawean, Brampton. m. 24 matic conditions, it Wouldn't have C'elborne St„ Toronto, been so largely Used as 0, family rem- n W. DAINSON, Colborne St., Termite. edY for the past forty years. No bet- ter, stronger, or more seething lini- ment made. Get the large 60c. fam- ily size bottle; small trial SUS 25ca Sold by any dealer, anywhere. weerree. 0 A BRATCH.EWAN IMPROVED a7) fully equipnerl ,with or without stock. Write owper, 635 Wilton. Toronto. 4. AG A. Brea mint, Ar, GoBn..tit.:61,. WY3 WANT YOU. WRITS Domieion Shade Adjuster Co,. Wind. Mistress="Ta so hat was very nice , letter of Patrick's offering you mer- We will pay you $120,00 _ riage, Bridget.. Whet ,shaill I say in to dietribrue Teligi ue literature la youg' . reply for you?" Maid --"Tell him, coesseunity. seite clays' work. Tapartertee ine wages raised next month, mem, weld. Trearuetaarel Bible Prises Compaaa, f:tti*Jcliror gerng:n. c'iriaNIT nle ntPsr brt; mum, if you plaze, that whin Oi git Ci'll begin to save for the weddieg 182 8wId5".• T`Y"'""t°- things." _ To Cure a Cold in' One -isay Take LAXATITE ,EROMO D'•ININE Tablets. Druggists reffind money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S algae, ture is on each box. 25c. , -... • Traiaed. Freddie -Are you , the trained nurse pia,ransa, said was coming? Nurse -Yes, dear, I'm the trained nurse. Frecklie—Lot's eee some of yoni tricks, -ellen! Mineral's Liniment Go., Limited. Cie n tharten,--,Theodore Dorate, a CUs - tomer of miue. wee completely curet' of rheumatism ,after five yearn of suffe.ring, by the judieloue use' of MIlsTeRD's LXI- MNT. The above tunecan' be verified by writ - Ing to Mtn, to the Pariah Priest or any of his neighbore. A. COTE, Merchant, St. Isidore, Que.. 12 may, sfi„ e. The amateur poet is -going sonee when he ta•rns enough' money with his pen to pay for the ink., Mlnard's I -Militant for sale everywhere. ' GOLD PAYED • STREETS. Remarkable Instance of tile Ride' nos of the Gold Coast. Travellers declare- that at Axian, on the Gold Coast of Africa, gold may actually be picked up an the streets,. When one visitor, an Eng- lishman, took the StatereentiL as a. mere figure of speech, his host im- mediately bade a•Woman servant go out into the main street, gaeher a bucketful of road eorapinge, and wovk it for gold deist. In ten. minutes the servant re- turned -with two galvanized iron. buckets'one filled with road scra,p- ings, and the other with water. She also hi:might three Or four wooden platters, varying in size from a large plate to a saucer. Removing sove.ral ha.ndfuhs of the road eerapinge and placing them ie the large platter, the woman pieked out .and threw aside the large atones, pebbles, and bits of ,ettek, And then Moistened the remainder with water from the other bucket. This her to remove snuffler ie The vesidnuetashe put into the next •emaller platter, and she re- peated the process Until there•Wes quantity of ea:na. Red geavel rOade for treateaent. 'This she sprinkled freely with water, oxid 1-4 a, deft 'tile culler inovernent of the platter, brought the small gravel .to the :out- side, where ib could be thrasiFevier the edge. When she had -repeated this opotation thtee 'et 'four times, she treated the mate vial, ,which 11OW looked,more 1ik mud than anything. °lee, ,in a, :still smaller pletter. At laet in the einellest platter ef all, she lad the baoketful of sweep- NEWSPAPE-Rs FOR SALE. COD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN 43 ork County. Stationery and Lioo1v.. lausineea in conneetiona Price onla' 54,000. Terms liberal., :Wilson PUblisla. Inge Cremaany, T3 aa'est Jadela,ide Street, TOrontn, tiORSERY STOCK. QTRAWBERRIES. RA8PBERRIES, , PIETY a., Varieties. Free Catalog. lieConnell & Son, Gravesend. Ontario. einstreet.eettona ANCER. TU11.0118. LUAUS, Been , internal and external. cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Writ/ ni tefora too late. lir. Denman Medical Oa., Limited. Collir.-aroent. Ont. Canadian 14 i r Restorer Before and- After Using. /2estores Grey Hair to original color. Two migini use from same bottle, hair of one becomes biaCkt the other blond or Other color as they were In youth. Stops Palling flair, Dandruff, Iti.thinge Cures all Scalp Diseases, Produeee New Growth, Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. ' Price 75 cents or two for One Dollar (postage pall' Not sold in stores, address Canadian Hair ftesterer Cg., WINDSOR. ONT. ings reduced to a handful or twa,of black sand. This elie cavefully washed and sifted; at la,et, with a dexterous twist, she brought the sand into a, ereseent, the outer edge of which showed a thin rhn ef yel- low. It was, unmistakably gold dust, The whole operation had taken half an hour, and it, had produced about ehilling's worth of gold. „ .14 • The man who poses as a, lion in society- is usually e bear at home.. The average woman hater. can give no satisfactory reason. "NA -D1111 -GO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS ,Provati of great Value to There' is ouly one explanatiou for members of entliesiastm letters that we reeeive praising le'aeDrii-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, and that is that these tablets certaiely do cure any kind of stoniacle trouble. ' /[ere is a typical letter from Miss?, Ziza. Arthsworthy, Canso, "It is with pleasure 1 write to informi you that your Ida-Dre-Co Dyspepsia Ilablets have proved of great value to me. I tried rented.y after toilet -1y but Without any luting good. lIaviug heard of your tablets criteig such cases at mine I decided to give them a fair trie1.1 Tlicy proved satisfactory in my The remarkable soccess of 1\144)re-eon Dyspepsia Tablete is such a success se eau ouly come to an limiest remedy, comexenided eecordiog to an exception- aliy 'good formula, from pure ingre- dients, by expert elaeunasta. If you are tretibled with your stowed-1.311st ask yortr Druggist about Na,Dru.co Dyspepsia Tablets, etnripeutitied by the Net:cited Dreg mut Chemical tb. of :taneda, Life if ea, aed soli throughout the Dominion at eoe. ejor. 142 IA). 4. 1,1.-